24x08 - Donkeylicious

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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24x08 - Donkeylicious

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race AllStars"...

Seven teams race to Rome, Italy.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, Connor.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.


At the Detour,

a chariot-racing battle
gave Brendon and Rachel

an early lead.

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

Leo and Jamal
became gladiators...

Oh, yeah!

While a cryptic clue stumped
Jessica and John.

It doesn't look right.

At the roadblock,

Brendon summed up
the Spanish Steps...

- Yes!
- Brendon's a genius.

To give him and Rachel
a happy Roman holiday.

You are team number one!

The Afghanimals'
generous offer...

We'll help you guys as long
as you guys don't beat us.

Set up a thrilling footrace...

- My turn!
- John, come on!

- Jess!
- No.

...that ended in
heartbreak for Jessica and John.

I'm sorry to tell you
that you have been eliminated

from the race.

Six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?


This is the
eternal city of Rome,

the center of a powerful empire
in the ancient world.

And at the gateway
to this magnificent city,

Piazza del Popolo.

This spectacular square is now
the start of the eighth leg

in a race around the world.

Brendon and Rachel won
the last leg of the race...

and will depart first
at 7:48 a.m.

- Whoo!
- "...to drive yourselves to

Civita di Bagnoregio."

Teams must now drive
a Ford Focus 80 miles

to the remote city
of Civita di Bagnoregio,

where they'll find
their next clue.

- "Caution: U-turn ahead!" Aah!
- "Caution: U-turn ahead."

Let's go.

Let's go.
We need to get out of Rome.

We're the first team to leave,
so that's good.

And there's a U-turn ahead.

And there's a U-turn ahead,
so that's scary.

Leaving first is huge
because-- coming to that U-turn,

Rachel and I want to be
the first ones there.

We've already discussed that
we want to U-turn the cowboys

'cause it'll force them
to use their Express Pass.

We want to make sure that--
that they don't just

use their Express Pass
on the Detour

and get a first-place win.

Um, because we want
a first-place win.

- Here we go.
- Gotta get goin'!

"The Civita di Bagnoregio."


We're gonna ask for directions.

In the last leg, Dave and Connor

let us step on the mat first,
and that was so sweet.

We are kind of allies, in a way,
and we both trust each other.

Can you do directions to this?


Di-- yeah.

Can you print two, please?

The plan was to work with them.

We knew we were leaving
right after each other,

and we were gonna kind of just
follow each other there.

We're not the best
at directions, so...

Yeah, we're gonna
just kind of stick together.

The girls are
getting a, uh, map here.

We think the world
of those girls.

They're-- they're just
great quality people.

- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.

Okay, here you go.

- Thank you, guys-- perfect.
- Okay, let's go.

They do what they say
they're going to do.

They're honest, they're kind.

They're bright.

You want us to lead?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Okay, so just make sure
you stay with us.

I'm glad we're with Dave
and Connor-- that's nice.

Yeah. Caroline.

- Hey.
- We're on "The Amazing Race."


I know.

And we're two blondes
kicking ass.

Yeah, against the toughest
all-guy teams of all time.

- Yeah. We definitely can hang.
- Yeah.

The girls are still
right behind us,

and, uh, you know, we're
probably just gonna caravan

till we get to this location.

Hopefully they can follow us.

"Caution: Uturn ahead."

- Morning.
- Hello.

Do you know where this is?

It's the eighth leg,

so we have to use
the Express Pass on this leg.

Having that Express Pass is...
is huge.

It's a lifeline.

Thank you. Have a good one.

Have a good day.

How 'bout the black one?

Yeah, yeah. Looks good, huh?

Sweet Ford Focus.

Got to stay behind the boys.

Uh-oh, I can't see them.

Of course they pulled
in front of a truck.

They're trying
to ditch us, maybe.

Why are they trying to ditch us?

'Cause it's a race.

I'm supposed to go
to Viterbo, right?

Keep left at this fork.

- Yeah.
- Are the girls behind us?


I'll slow down,
see if they catch up.

Dave and Connor are gone.

It is a race.

We get that they're
trying to beat us,

but I just didn't think
they would ditch us so soon.

We've given it a few kilometers,

and we don't know
where the girls are.

I feel bad about this.

But we just hope they
are still on the right track.

"Caution: Uturn ahead."

Damn it.

Oh, my God.

We're dead last with Flight Time
and Big Easy.

This is not a good situation,
especially knowing that

the U-turn board
is straight ahead.

How are you?
Hey, can you show me a map

and show me how
to get out of here?

You go outside on the right.

- So go this way?
- Yes.

We're number one team
in the back.

Maybe we need to start aiming
our goals a little bit higher

than just beating one team.

You need to go to the motorway.

- Outside is on the north.
- Okay.

This is about
not getting eliminated.

Don't get it wrong, we want
to win some first places.

But not losing
is more important.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

Hopefully go
from worst to first.

Well, it said
Civita straight, right?


It's a beautiful view.
It's pretty amazing, huh?

The countryside is beautiful.

There's these beautiful
mountains and hills.

Ooh, look at that castle.

"Search the Civita
for your next clue."

Oh, there's the clue box!



Donkeys were once a
vital means of transportation

to Civita di Bagnoregio.

This Detour gives teams
the opportunity

to take part in two
time-honored traditions,

working with this city's
favorite animal.

Donkey Run requires teams
to pick a pair of pack animals

and take part in the town's
famous donkey race.

If their speedy steeds can
make it around this course...

three laps before the band
finishes playing,

they'll be rewarded
with their next clue.

Donkey Build requires teams
to head into Gepetto's workshop

and properly assemble a donkey
using all the parts provided.

After it's loaded with wood,
they must deliver it

to Gepetto himself
to get their next clue.

We're gonna build a donkey.

- Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
- Okay, where do we go?

To the monk workshop in Civita.

- Man... this hill is steep.
- It is steep.


Come on!

We got this lead. Let's keep it.

Monk workshop.

Oh, this is the donkey path?

You want to race a donkey?

- Do you wanna just do that?
- Yeah.

We're gonna
choose donkeys instead.


We're looking for
where to get our helmets.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

- We gotta jog.
- Okay, babe!

Oh, look, it's
the castle up there, huh?

Oh, sure, that's unbelievable.

Wow, this is crazy.

What a place.

Pretty wild.

Gonna race donkeys.
Sounds kind of fun.

Let's go race some donkeys.

I know donkeys are stubborn.

And donkeys are slow.

He looks good.

It's okay, donkey.
Oh, wait, wait.

They always say something
about pooping.

Is it the ones that poop...
That are faster?


This guy just pooped.

These guys are fast.
We can tell.

We looked for the ones
that pooped.

- Come on.
- Good boy.

Come on.

Good boy.

Three laps, right?




Go, go, go!

Go, go, go!

Donkey, come on.

- Come on, buddy.
- Go, Donkey!

Giddap. Giddap.

Oh, my God, oh, my
God, oh, my God, oh, my God!

Aah! Uhh! Ooh...


I look back,
and I'm pretty sure

that Rachel's donkey's
dragging her.

- Dragging me.
- On the ground.

- Just keep going!
- Uhh!

Brendon, keep going!

I tried to get off
my donkey to help her,

and then I fall off, too.

So we are the ones that look
like a bunch of asses.


Come on. Go.

I hear music.

This is the donkey race.


- No?
- No.

We need to pick up
our helmets and donkeys.

Hey, Brendon, where did you
pick up the stuff?

They're out of their minds
if I'm gonna tell 'em

where the hats are.

We did ask where
we get the helmets,

and we didn't get anything
back from them.

A similar experience happened
on the Spanish Steps.

- Where's the clue box?
- I don't know.

She's screwing with us.

So we kind of learned

they were definitely
not out to help us.

Right here, Connor!

We're about to do
some donkey racing.

- Let's go!
- Go, donkey!

We've both ridden donkeys
quite a bit.

Mules, not donkeys.

We used to do a lot of pack
trips into the high mountains.

But donkeys are a little
different than a mule.

- A lot more stubborn.
- Come on.

Brendon, go faster!
One more lap!

Come on, donkey!


Brendon and I did three.

Three cheers for the donkey!

- Bravo. Okay.
- Thank you, thank you.

- Okay. Go.
- Thank you.

"Make your way on foot
to Hostaria del Ponte

and search for your next clue."

- Hostaria.
- Okay.

- Is it pretty tough, guys?
- Yeah.

- It's hard.
- Hostaria del Ponte.

- Oh! Oh, grazie, grazie.
- Okay, let's go. Grazie!

Come on! Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I had a unique way
of hanging on to the donkey:

Any way I possibly could.

- Whoa, whoa. Come on!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh! Keep going!
Stay on! Stay on!

Ah, we would have had it.

My old man fell off the horse.

All right.

So do you think
the cowboys are here?

I don't know.
We should U-turn them.

Or do you want
to U-turn Dave and Connor?

Don't talk about it, just run!

Okay, let's run.

I thought we had
a way bigger lead on everybody.

It's a pretty--
pretty neat drive.

You see a lot of beautiful
rolling hills and vineyards.

Really pretty country.

With the U-turn ahead,
I say we just go ahead

and use the Express Pass
and jump ahead of the other team

so we know we don't have
to do the other side.

So right now,
we're going to Viterbo.

- Hopefully.
- I think we're going back

the same direction
we've just been coming.

I don't know.

We never saw Dave and Connor.

So do you think we went
the wrong way?

We hate the Uturn board.

That's the thing that's
scaring Leo and I.

We survived two U-turns
our last season.

First team ever to do it
in a single season,

and now,
we're automatically assuming

that we are gonna be
U-turned by some team.

Up? Gotta go up.

But that's the wrong way.

I'm about ready to ask somebody.

Yeah. Okay, that's cool,
then ask somebody.

Excuse me, we're trying to get
to the A90.

The highway.

Anybody speak English?


The A90?

It's been a long day.

We really don't know
where we're headed.

We're just trying to get
to the A90.

Right now,
we're in No Man's Land.

- Hostaria del Ponte.
- Oh, yeah.

Hustle, hustle, hustle.

- No big U-turn yet.
- Obviously.

This is a double Uturn,

where two teams have
the opportunity

to slow down two other teams,

forcing them to perform
both sides of the Detour.

- Who do you wanna U-turn?
- Dave and Connor.

- Cowboys?
- I say Dave and Connor.

Dave and Connor will be
right behind us.

Dave and Connor. We have to.

All right. We need a clue.

They're right here.

Teams must now drive themselves

to La Badia di Orvieto
to get their next clue.

Let's go.
Babe, can we redo that?

Should we re-- U-turn cowboys?
Stop, no!

Stop, Rach. Use your head. Okay.

I want to get first
in this, honey.

- Okay, fine.
- Do you want another prize?

- Yes!
- Okay.

Dave and Connor are right
on our butts, babe.

What-- What do you
not understand about that?

If they got to the U-turn, babe,

and we were right behind them,

who do you think
they would have U-turned?

- Us, probably.
- Huh?

- Us.
- Say it again?

- They would have U-turned us.
- Exactly.

If we had been out of there
quicker, I would have U-turned

the cowboys,
but you fell off that donkey.

We had the cowboys right there.

There's a marked car that just
went the other way there, Jet.

Ah, that's Civita
right there in front of us.

- Wow.
- That is sweet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Whoa...

- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Whoa.


This is a pain in the ass.

All right, let's rip.

- Whoa.
- Hyah!

- All right.
- Hyah! Hyah!


We're-- We're finally
getting U-turned.

We thought we'd use
the Express Pass

before we can get U-turned.

We're gonna get this one,
and the wood to win with.

There's a guy that likes toys.

Yeah, we like your toy.

We're gonna use this...

- Sweet.
- Thank you.

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! That's it!

We got it! We got it now!

- Grazie!
- Thank you, thank you!

Thank you!

We gotta hurry, Cord.

- What's up, boys?
- Yeah, are you done?

Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, our donkey ran fast.

- Let's go, we gotta go!
- All right, we gotta roll.

- Who else is here?
- I thought--

I thought the country girls
were here, too.


Oh, God, the girls still
aren't here.

Oh, boy, we missed the exit.

Jet, what are we looking for?

Hostaria del Ponte.

See that castle up there?
I think that might be it.

Oh, probably.

Game time, game time!

There's the team with the money.

Oh, yeah.

We gotta get past
that U-turn board.

There you go.

Hostaria del Ponte?

- Straight?
- You are here.

- Oh, we're here! This!
- This is it?

Oh, that's the
Uturn box right there.

Y'all want to be
U-turners, right?

Who did? Oh!


Come on, they'd U-turn
a 60-year-old man?

We've got to U-turn somebody.


- We need to U-turn somebody.
- We do.

Once we saw we were on
the U-turn board,

we really didn't have
any other choice

but to U-turn another team.

Oh, my God.

We saw that Dave and
Connor had been Uturned,

and we were right behind 'em.

I mean, they had to U-turn

Oh, geez.

Oh, my gosh.

Seeing my picture
on the board, we-

We were in line.
- We weren't shocked.

We were really ticked off.

But, you know, that's how they--

they play the game, you know.

They-- They smile when
they need to,

and they s*ab you in
the back when they need to.

- We need to U-turn somebody.
- We do. Who?

Leo and Jamal,
because we need to stay in it.

How did we slide by that?

I don't know, good job.

Let's go.

I could k*ll the "Brenchels."

Screw Brendon and Rachel.

Hey, guys. I'm just--

I'm warning you,
we had to U-turn you

'cause we just got U-turned.

- No way.
- Yeah, I'm-- I'm serious.

- Who is gonna start?
- Who is gonna do this?

- Brendon and Rachel.
- Brendon and Rachel.

Can you believe that?

I can't believe Brendon
and Rachel would U-turn

Dave and Connor.
That makes zero sense to me.

Leg eight, and it looks like

people are starting
to play dirty.

Sorry, guys.

We might as well knock out
the wooden toy thing together.

Leo and I understand that
a U-turn is part of the game.

You know, we weren't gonna
complain and pout...

- Yeah, cry, or nothing.
- "Well, why'd you guys U-turn?"

It's done. Instead of having

this hatred towards
Dave and Connor,

both teams decided
just to work together.

There's no examples.

We've got two hind legs.

This looks like the middle.

We got this, Leo.

Hold the front,
I'll do the back.

I got it.

- Okay?
- Got it.

Now, what in the heck does
this head thing do?

And what is all this crap?

I don't know what that is.

And this has got
to go somewhere.

- What is that?
- I have no idea.

Rachel and I used
the Uturn on Dave and Connor

to help us win the leg.

To do well in this game
and win, babe,

you've got to play with--
without emotion.

La Badia.

So, keep your eye out
for that chapel.

Let's go this way, I think.

- Here it is.
- Roadblock.

"Who's got the write stuff?"

Before the invention of
the printing press,

books like the Bible were
painstakingly copied by hand.

This Roadblock requires teams

to copy a page from
an ancient manuscript

just like the monks did
for centuries.

Once they have made

a perfect match
of this ornate writing,

a monk will hand them
their next clue.

Writing. It's about writing.

- I can do it.
- Okay. Okay.

Take your time, right?
And you're in a place of God.

Yay, ancient manuscripts.

I walk into this beautiful room

that's filled with artwork
and writing desks,

and I see that it's calligraphy,
and I get really excited

because I did calligraphy
when I was younger,

and I'm an artist.

It's not easy.
You kind of have to just

do it slow and steady.

I believe in you.

You, me, and God
are unstoppable.

- This is beautiful.
- Yeah.

That's just stunning.

- Okay, good, so we did it.
- Dave and Connor are here.

Gosh, I'm mad at Dave
and Connor.

Can you see
the hole on that?

- No, that's not it.
- Further in.

This stinks. Uh...

- It's in.
- No, it's not.

Come on!

We've got to get this, Leo.


- Girls!
- We lost y'all.

- Girls!
- Uh-huh.

We waited at that roundabout.

- We-- I swear we did.
- Uh-huh.

- Let's get through this.
- We'll show you how to do this.

Let's get you through this,
because we got U-turned.

- How do you know?
- How do you know?

Oh, we've already been there.

We've been to the U-turn board.

- Who else was U-turned?
- Uh, he was.

So, get a box
and let's get rolling.

We'll help you once
we get this done.

- Oh, okay, thank you!
- Thanks, guys.

We're all working
together just to get it done.

Oh, like that.

Okay, we're finished.

So, yours isn't right?
He said no.

That's not right?

Oh, they did it wrong.

Hello. We're trying to go
towards Forenza.

Just keep going? Keep going?

Yeah, he said keep going.
Keep going? All right.

Much better to do that
and find out.

Yeah, yeah.

I think I'm happy
I chose this Roadblock

instead of Brendon.

This is a task
that's very well suited

to my talents.
I don't know if it was God

telling me to U-turn
Dave and Connor.

It was just probably
a manly decision,

but I don't think
Dave and Connor

have been going out
this leg, so we will have to

face them eventually.
But, hey, if it's here

in the place of worship,
they can't get mad at me.

Okay, done!

Still no dice. Who knows what
we're doing wrong here.

This goes like this.

You tried yours
both directions, right?

The ears? Yeah.

Oh, my gosh.
We're out of "The Amazing Race"

because of our donkey.

What about the wheels?

Anything about--
with the wheels?

Oh, man, we're wasting time.

Flight Time and Big Easy
could be anywhere.

That's the only team
that we have that's crushing.

Should we go do the other thing?

And then they can
figure it out and tell us?

If we go do the other one,
would you guys

- tell us what it is?
- Yeah.

- If we can figure it out.
- Donkeys?

Yeah, we're gonna
go do the donkeys.

All right.

- Thanks, guys.
- Thanks, guys.

We gotta run.

You think they're gonna tell us?

Who knows?

We're-- We're missing
something obvious.

Well, it can't be that obvious.

- There's the box right there.
- Yep.

- "Who's got the write stuff?"
- Oh, man.

You do that one. Okay.

How do I keep getting
the arts and crafts here?

I get sewing, I get calligraphy.

I think you sewed great.

Here goes nothing.

God, I have terrible

which kind of makes me nervous.

"You must use all your parts."

We've used every single part.

"When your toymaker approves,
he will load it with firewood."

He doesn't approve.

I know, but I'm just
trying to think,

is there something
that has to be done

to be able to load it
with firewood.

Something with this.
You put the firewood in this?


- Oh, huh.
- You found it?

Figured it out?

I don't know if that's right
or not, Connor.

Oh, that's it, girls!
Oh, thank you!

It's the box! Okay, oh, my gosh.

You guys, way to go.
Way to be geniuses!

Okay, do y'all know where
we take this to?

- Yep.
- You're following us.

Here, if you want,
we'll come back and help you!

- Okay!
- Oh, that's okay!

Let's go.
You got it, Leo?

- Got it?
- Hyah!

Go, go, go!

- Wrong way!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop, stop, stop. Hey, hey, hey.

Wrong way, come on.

Come on, come on!
Go, go, go, go!

Hey, Jamal, they got it!

- Dave!
- Hey, hey! Hey, hey!

Okay, put it down and drag it.

- Thank you, Gepetto.
- Thank you.

- Now, let's go help the girls.
- Yep.

That's the way! Go!

Hello, help me! Go!

Wham! Come on!

Dave, what was it? It's the box!

You've got to put on
the thing with the--

- The box!
- Oh, on top!

Go, go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go.

Even though they U-turned us,
my hat off to Dave and Connor.

Dave was extremely...

- Honest and nice.
- Classy-- Classy man.

You know, raised Connor
like a gentleman.

Like, they-- they helped us
tremendously this leg.

We won't even call it a U-turn.

We'll call it a gift
from Dave and Connor.

We'll call it a blessed turn.

- Thank you, Dave and Connor.
- Thank you for that Detour.

Truly you guys
are classy gentlemen.


Hey, hey.

- Nope.
- No? Damn!

Come on!

Should I go get another one?


I got one
that was very stubborn.

It's really crucial
for Leo and I

to get this done and get moving,

because Flight Time and Big Easy
should be here any minute.

- Pinocchio!
- Pinocchio!

Grab that clue and let's roll

so we can get out of here
before the Afghanimals.

Thank you!

- Let's go, let's go!
- Okay.

- We know where it is.
- Okay, thanks, guys!

- We gotta hustle.
- Brendon.


We're gonna k*ll them.

That snotty woman.

You aren't fans of the Brenchel?

I said this morning to Connor,
"She's scary looking."

Oh! Gosh.

Aah! I hate the Brenchel!

Kick it, Jamal!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Oh, my God!

Wow, look at this.

I see teams running down.

So we done caught somebody.

There they are. Grab the gloves.

We gotta hustle, huh?

No way, Jamal!

That's three. That's three.

- I did three.
- That's three, that's three!


Thank you. Grazie, grazie.

Grazie, grazie, grazie, yay!

Grazie, grazie!

- I love Italy!
- Bellissimo!

Italy! Viva Italia!

That's a good job, brother.

This is really cool.

I've goldleafed before,
but never a book or anything.

This really beautiful

is such an amazing
form of artwork.

And as an artiste,
I feel like I appreciate it.

I got some monk friends
here in town.

I mean, we hang out,
and they wear hats.

I think they really want
to be cowboys.

Everybody wants to be a cowboy.

I'm not kidding.
The monk was wearing my hat.

And one of 'em
was wearing my hat.

- Oh, you gave him your hat too?
- Yeah, they...

What do you tell a monk?
I don't know.

There's a new sheriff in town.


- Where are we taking it?
- Pageto.

- Oh, yeah.
- Spaghetti-O.

Kick his side.

I'm doing it. I'm doing it.

Keep kicking his stomach, Nate.

Go, go.

Let's switch.

He's never gonna
go out three times.

So are we gonna switch now and
go to the wooden tacks, or what?

Let's try it one more time.
Let's try it with this--

Is that what you want to do?
Come on.

You try mine, okay?
We're gonna switch horses.


This horse ain't doing nothing.

This horse ain't doing nothing.

Oh, my goodness.

Keep going! Keep going!

Oh, my goodness, this is crazy.

You want to switch?
You want to switch?

- Keep going. Keep going.
- He's not going no more.

To a Detour.

Let's switch.
We're wasting time.

We're wasting time.

Wasting time. Let's go, yeah?

We're switching, man.
No, we're going to the Detour.

Yay, Pinocchio.

One donkey for you.

Very nice.


Grazie, grazie, Pinocchio.

Hi, how you doing?
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

- Ciao.
- We got to go back there.

- All right.
- Great job. We're still in it, man.

Gave up on the riding
because it was impossible.

The donkeys were lazy.

They didn't want to cooperate,

We couldn't waste time there.

Man, I wish we had time
to enjoy this.

Hey, one second to take this in.

- Wow.
- Wow.


Amazing. Let's go.
All right, that's enough.

This is what "The Amazing Race"
is all about.

Look at this.

You'll never see this at home.

Having a great time.
I feel much better.

We got a U-turn done.

- Let's go.
- That's "Amazing Race" history.

There's probably no team
that survived three U-turns.

Well, let's hope
we just survive.

Trying to get
this piece in here.

There we go.

All right, we got to roll.

So what could we have roll?

What you think?

- I have no idea, bro.
- Me either.

And we got to get
all the parts, right?


I think that my calligraphy
is okay,

and I'm hoping my gold leaf
is gonna be okay.

I think it looks really good.

I'm having a terrible time.

I didn't keep it
between the lines,

so we start over.

I got to write smaller
to fit it all in.

Too thin.

Too fat.

Start over.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Babe, listen to what he says.

It's really good.

Rachel, have faith.

Stay positive.

You're in a place of God.


Yes, sir.

Please? For us?

I'm outside playing for you.

You like looking at us,
don't you?

We look good?

I don't know, dawg.

Fix the ears.
Flip the ears out of the way.

I'm gonna smile with it.

Yeah, me too. Ain't no sense
to be mad about it.

I don't know where to be, dawg.

What you think?

You want to switch something?

You want to switch
something around?

What are we gonna switch around?

I don't know.

What is wrong with you?

This is it.

They're still here.

- Brendon and Rachel?
- Yep.

Follow this way, guys.

Here's the box, Dad.

Thanks, guys.

Thank you. We appreciate that.

- I'm sorry, Dave.
- You're not sorry at all.

You're not sorry.


The 60-year-old man?

Who's got the right stuff.

No, you got this.
You're gonna do it.

- You got this.
- No, you're gonna do this.

You're gonna do it.

- No, I'm not.
- You got it.

- Do you want me to do it?
- Yeah, you got it.

I do not have artistic skills.

I don't either.

Dad, just do this.
No, I'm not going to.

- Wow, really?
- You're gonna do this.


I believe you've got it.

We really are sorry, Dave.

It's not personal.
It's not, uh...

Thank you.

Dave patted me on the back
and said,

"Thanks a lot,"
and I was like, "Oh, okay."

Brendon and I are playing
the exact same game

that Dave and Connor
are playing.

We're just playing it better.

There you go.

I don't know, dawg.

I got nothing for you.

Me neither.

I ain't got nothing for me.

This don't make
no sense right here.

We used all the pieces.

This is the night
the lights go out in Georgia.

Look pretty donkeylicious to me.

I don't see it, dawg.

Maybe they got a faster
donkey this time.

Want to go try it?

We're gonna go back
to the other Detour.

We can't build donkeys,
can't ride 'em.

I hope that he passes me.

Yay! Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Go, go, go! Go, go, go!

Teams will now drive to Orvieto

and ride the funicular
to the town center.

Then they'll make their way
on foot

to the Piazza del Duomo,

located in the shadow
of this landmark cathedral,

a masterpiece
of marble and mosaic.

The last team
to check in here...

may be eliminated.

Whoo, let's get first!

Believe Dave's really mad?

Yeah, yeah, I don't care.
Let's go.

- Okay.
- Course they're mad.

Why would you U-turn
if you're in first place?

They just know
that you're so young,

you got so much spring
in your step.

That's why they're after you.
Spring chicken.

Yeah. That's a big thing, yeah.

- That's a big compliment.
- Yeah, I guess it should be.

They think you're a threat.

This is tough.

This is a super hard Roadblock,
that's for sure.

My calligraphy isn't great,

but I'm just doing
the best I can.

Looking good, huh?

I am respecting the lines now.

Hopefully... we get down
to this one.

Come on, Jamal. Come on, Jamal.

- I'll do it.
- Okay.

- It's hard?
- This looks hard.

I think everybody's here,
so I'm gonna have to hustle.

I've never used
one of these before.

We're back!

We're gonna ride 'em 'til they
go around in two minutes

'cause we're gonna be
over there all night.

You like that?
You like that, huh?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ooh, hoo, hoo, hoo!

Ooh, hoo!

It ain't over yet.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

We have to find this funicolare.

- Right there, Brendon.
- Come on. Come on. Come on.

Let's hustle. Let's hustle.

'Cause we don't want anybody
to jump on this with us.


Oh, my God, Brendon,
this is amazing!

There's no excuses, babe.

I'm not gonna have wasted
that U-turn in vain

if we don't get first.

Come on, babe. Hustle.

- Piazza del Duomo.
- Piazza del Duomo.

Come on, Rach.
We're almost there!

Babe, I know. I'm running.


Hey, come on, Nate!

Oh, my goodness.

Go, go, go! Go, go!

- Three?
- Yeah, that's three.

Thank you.


- Yo, you see me fall?
- Seen you fall.

Hey, hey, hey!

Give me some. Give me some.
Give me some.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey.

Man, I hope this works.

I really don't want to
have to do another one.

Very good.

Thank you.

Good job, Jet.

Duomo this way.

Come on, Brendon.

Welcome to Orvieto, Italy.

- Grazie.
- Grazie.

Brendon and Rachel...

We're team number one!



You are team number one, and I
have some great news for you.

As the winners of this leg
of the race,

you have won $7,500 each...

in cash, which you can
enjoy after the race.

That's amazing!

Oh, my God! This is so exciting!

Why did you guys do so well

We had to U-turn Dave and
Connor 'cause we wanted to win.

This is "Amazing Race." We're
racing for a million dollars.

We had to play our U-turn card
to get it,

but we were not about
to let someone pass us up.

It was a stressful situation.

My handwriting is nothing
special to begin with,

so to do calligraphy
was on a whole new level.

It was taking a long time,

so I was worried that we're
running out of time.

I feel really good.

I'm feeling really good.

My mom used to make me copy
random books when I was a kid.

My mom's helped me a lot
on this race.

Thanks, Mom.


Yay. Yay!

Thank you! Thank you!

Great job, Caroline.
Oh, my gosh!

- I love arts and crafts.
- Great job.

We just got to get up here
and get to this Roadblock,

and hopefully it was
something difficult

and we'll be able to catch up.

I've seen plenty of teams
run from the back.

The Beekmans ran from the back
and won this thing.

The Beekmans dragged
their roller bags

through "The Amazing Race."

They had roller bags.

So anything is possible.

I think I got this.

Just make sure all the gold
is filled up enough.

I'm 99% sure
it's not good enough.

I'll never get this.

I won't get this.

I'm gonna take a penalty.

We're sunk.

This is hard.
I'm starting on the gold part.

I'm not sure if my calligraphy
will pass or not.

But I think that's as good
as it's gonna get, honestly.

So we'll see. Hopefully it'll
pass once I get this gold on.

I'm just making sure
everywhere has gold.

That's gonna be the key.

It looks pretty good.


Good. So good to me.

Yes! Grazie. Grazie. Grazie.

Grazie. Grazie.


- We got it?
- Yes!

Good job, Picasso.

Hey, thanks a lot, man.
I appreciate it.

It didn't go unnoticed

of how helpful Dave and Connor
were to us,

so we weren't just gonna, you
know, leave them in the dust.

We'll go together.
You're a good guy.

Dave said, "Wow, you guys
are great guys."

We're like, "You know what,
we learned from the best, Dave."

You helped us a lot. We're gonna
help you right back."

Do you need help or anything?

We'll see. We'll be able to see.

Hopefully I can get out of here.

Let me see. Yeah, you're good.

It's good.
Oh, thank you, thank you.

Thank you so much.

Way to go, my boy.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Let's go.

We have to go ride
on a funicolare. Yoo-hoo!

- Hee-haw!
- Howdy, howdy!

Jet and Cord,
you are team number two.

- Good work.
- Sweet.

Nice job.

Jen, this is the way to go
to Orvieto, right?

Which way do you think it is?
Let's go down...

I don't think
it's this way, Jen.


I'm actually thinking
I'm pretty good at this.

I'm getting my
Leonardo DiCaprio on.

I mean da Vinci.
I mean Michelangelo.

- DiCaprio's the actor, right?
- One of them Leonardos.

You gonna sink on the
"Titanic," you get DiCaprio on.

So there's two ways to Orvieto.

- Well, I say we go left.
- I think we go left, too.

All right, look at these signs
right here.

Funicular this way. Go right.
Right, right, right, right!

We've been k*lling
the directions today.

- Are the Afghanimals behind us?
- No.

Could that have been a sign
down at the bottom

that we missed
where the Afghanimals turned?

I don't know.

I don't speak English.

- I'm sorry.
- Okay.

- Over there. Over there.
- That way.

- Here we go.
- Okay, okay, thank you.

- Which way, girls?
- Girls, where is it?

- This way and then right.
- Okay, we got to go down.

Before we screw it up.

- Right here.
- Yes!

Oh, my God!

I wouldn't get too excited.

Yes, get excited, dude.

And we were U-turned.

Wow, this is amazing.
I love Italy.

Wow! Bellissimo!

I'm feeling good about it.

Anything is possible.

Always stand positive, kids.

Whenever you're faced
with adversity,

just stay positive.

Whatever it is in life,
don't give up.


Yes, you are in fact
team number three.

That's what they said.
That's their Italian.

Yeah, well, it's...

- No?
- Perfect.

Piazza del Duomo?
Okay, Jen, come on.

Come on, Dad! Come on! Come on!

Come on, girlfriend.

So, Dave and Connor,
you are team number four.

- We'll take it.
- We'll take it.

Caroline and Jennifer,
you're team number five.

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

- Oh, my God!
- Wow!

Dave, you haven't had
a good day today.

We got a U-turn that just
really shocked me, frankly,

that Brendon and Rachel
would U-turn us.

We don't get it.

Well, we're upset
'cause we love them.

We don't know why
they'd U-turn our boys.

We're playing hardball
from now on and, uh...

we're coming for 'em.

You got it done, Picasso?

We faced a little bit
of adversity,

but at the end of the day,
we stayed positive,

we motivated each other,
and we completed the challenge.

- And this is for you.
- Thanks a lot.

Thank you. Thank you.

We want to continue racing,
keep our head up.

No matter what happens,
if we do go out,

we want to go out
as the racers that we are.

It's been a long day.
It's been a long day.

- Hoo-pah!
- Team number three!

Welcome to Orvieto, Italy.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, Marco.

Flight Time and Big Easy,
I am really sorry to tell you

that you are the last team
to arrive,

and unfortunately, you have been
eliminated from the race.

It just wasn't our day,
wasn't our time,

but we had a good time.

I think I had as much fun
this time

that I did the previous time
when we made it farther.

What are you gonna remember
about this particular race?

I mean, it's hard to think
about everything right now.

I mean, overall, it's been

and, you know,
nothing but great memories,

and we must be doing something
right if we got a chance

to come back
and do it three times.

Guys, we're gonna miss you.

Thank you for giving it

We appreciate it as always, man.

- All right, thank you.
- Marco.

Give me a high one there.
Give me a high, high...

Go for that one, Marco. Come on.

Get up there. Get up there.

Just got to keep on moving.

We look forward to seeing
all our fans in arenas.

Don't bring any donkeys.
Don't bring any deejay tables.

We don't want to see no
sewing machines, none of that.

Just come with your smile,
come ready to have a good time,

and we can talk about it.
I don't want to talk about it.

You just come and tell me
"Good job."

And bring some cookies.
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