19x04 - This Is Gonna Be a Fine Mess (Phuket, Thailand)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x04 - This Is Gonna Be a Fine Mess (Phuket, Thailand)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race," nine teams continued

Racing through indonesia.


Never a dull moment.

At the detour, cathi

Tumbled, while amani and marcus


I'm tired right now, but I

Know one thing we will not do.

not going to quit.

we're not going to quit.

At a puzzling roadblock,

Tommy and laurence paired up and

Figured out the complicated


The father and son edged out the


You are team number one.

However --

But an early mistake by


You've incurred a 15-minute


Fave andy and tommy their second

Win in a row.

That makes you team number one.

In a chaotic foot race to avoid

Elimination, twins liz and marie


you're team number eight.

And former vegas show girls

Kaylani and lisa fell short.

You've both been eliminated from

The race.

we could.

Eight teams remain.

Who'll be eliminated next?

Indonesia has 129 active

Volcanos, more than any other

Country in the world.

And this magnificent temple was

Covered in volcanic ash and

Hidden in dense jungle for

Hundreds of years.

Since its discovery, it has

Become an iconic place of

Worship once again, and is now

The start of the fourth leg as

Teams continue to race around

The world.

Andy and tommy won the last leg

Of the race a will depart

First at 8:17 a.M.

fly to thailand.

Teams will now fly north

To thailand's tropical

Playground, the island of


They'll touch down at the marina

To get their next clue.

maybe we can take one of

These horses.

we just want a real, clean,

Legit first place.

Because zac and laurence, they

Really helped us out.

we're going to thailand?


this is so good.

ok, let's go.

today, we are leaving in

Second place.

We don't want to make the same

Mistake we made yesterday again.

But this game is full of the


But if we make a mistake, make

Sure we're with the other team.

I have not been to thailand


I don't know.

Don't think so.

let's do this.

hello, we need to go to

Phuket, thailand.

what's the quickest way?

no direct flight.


you to go to jakarta first.


Yeah, that's ok.

all right, thank you.

when is your soonest flight

To jakarta?

there's no direct flights

From here.

I think once we get to

Jakarta, we can get a flight.


thank you.

we need two tickets to

Phuket, thailand.

hey, zac.

What time are you guys get out

Of here?

We got a 9:40 over there.

oh, no way.

go to this one.

you're flying to jakarta?

you have to fly to jakarta.

there's an afternoon flight

To phuket.


we want to go to jakarta.

all right.

we're flying back to jakarta

To hopefully get some tickets to

Phuket, thailand.

there's going to be like 10

Times more flights in jakarta.

we're optimistic that we've

Made the right decision.

Time will tell.


we're going to bucket.

I think what the race has

Done for our relationship is

Bring out a couple things we

Still need to work on.

come on.

no, we need to stay here.

no, we need to get in the


it's a slow process of

Learning how we both react in

These stressful situations.

I've always wanted to go to


It's going to be foreign to me,


Once again.

all right, let's go.

those are steps.

That would k*ll me.

fly to phuket, thailand.

let's do it.

all right.

we're trying to get to an


thank you.


marie and I are -- ernie and

I are pretty excited because we

Were just in phuket, thailand.

let's do it.

we have four kids, and one of

The things I feel like I can

Teach our kids on the race is


When you feel like you're at

Your dead end, you can keep


we want to make the children


we're excited about thailand.

we are.

I hear it's very pretty.

yahoo, let's go.


we're almost 30 years older

Than the oldest team.

But every morning, we wake up

And we are ready to go.

I think we'll be here for a


sometimes those muscles hurt

A little bit.

fly to phuket, thailand.

Our dad suddenly passed away of

A heart attack in December.

He would be thrilled we were

Doing this.

He told us we could do anything

We want in the world.

This would be like oh, god, go

For it.

we're all pretty bunched


The top two have probably an

Hour lead.

I think the majority of us will

Be on the same flight.

thank you.

we're here at the

International airport.


That's fast.

let's go.

let's follow them.


Do you fly to phuket, thailand?

we have a 12:45 to jakarta.


Thank you.

another team is here.

thank you.

we want the same deal as


Here to jakarta and jakarta to


what time do we arrive in


the six teams places three

Through eight are all standing

Here getting tickets to jakarta

And then on to phuket, and it

Looks like we're all going to be

On the same flight.

So we're good.

we are just boarded on to our

Flight to jakarta, where we'll

Lay over to our flight to


right on the flight is

Basically everybody but andy and

Om and zac and laurence.

I feel like we've been here


we need ticket counters.

we need to get tickets to


excuse me, we need to get a

Ticket very quickly to phuket.

it's fully booked.

where else can we find a

Flight to bangkok today?


Only this flight.

here it is right down here.

one step behind.

thank you very much indeed.

you're going to bangkok.

this lady will help you out.

She'll help you out.

see you guys there.

same deal.

what time does it arrive in


thank you very much.

all right, let's do it.

it's wild, because we don't

Know where any of the other

Teams are except for zac and


We'll see when we hit the ground

Who's there.

All teams are now making

Their way to phuket, thailand.

we've got to go.

this way?

come on.

let's go.

exit, exit, exit.


we need someone.

same place.

fast, fast.

the marina.

We have no idea where we're


We're hoping when we get there

We're going to bed.

all this indonesian money.

We did not exchange it for thai


With luck and prayer, we'll be


see my button?

they're chasing us.

we have to be first if we

Can, ok?

fast, fast, fast.

oh, who is this in front of


if you can pass that taxi,

Just go for it.

I fight for you.


thank you.

he's going to get us there in

Chop-chop good shape.

number one.

number one, yep.

good job, yes!

That was wonderful!


you're doing just great.

that's another one.

good job!

Smoking them now.

Who's in this one?

It's amani.

Another one!


Man, you are super.

Hot dog.

this is it.

Let's do it.

taxi meter.

here we go, guys.

we want two taxis.

This is where we're going to.

yes, I know.

you know?

four cars.

four cars have gone out.


how long ago?

maybe one hour.


oh, no.

we want two taxis.

This is where we're going to.

yes, I know.

you know?

four cars go out.

oh, no.

so we're the back half.

That's pretty wild.

ok, this one.

that's a bit disappointing.

We thought we were in the front.

more gas.

Book it.

Let's go.

we found it.

We're really the first people


That's hard to believe.

I know.

wouldn't the guys be here?

wait, here we go.

What's this?

We'll have to settle in up here.

this is it.

There's a big sign that said it.

thank you, so much.

thai people are the nicest

People in the world.

He just drove marie and I for


there's no clue or anything.

you guys were number two.

We even beat the boys.

how did that happen?

are the girls here?


what is this?

this is it.

until 8:00 a.M.

where are the guys?

they're not here.

all the teams from the second

Flight are here.

Zac, laurence, andy, and tommy

From the first flight are

Nowhere to be seen.

that's andy and tommy.

ok, guys.

everyone's here.

wow, I cannot believe the

Boys are here.

this game is so ridiculous.

It's so unpredictable.

we're feeling good this


We all know that our clues are

Out there.

I don't think we're actually

Sure how we're going to get down

There on the wobbly dock.

But we'll give it our best.

I'm going to puke on a

Speedboat, though, I know that.


Let's go, let's go.

come on, jennifer.

be careful.

oh, my god.

be careful.

keep going.

quick, quick.

Just go.

it's not good for your


I'm right here.

you guys, keep going.

come on, jennifer.

let's go, jennifer.


The 2004 tsunami that

Devastated phuket was the

Deadliest in recorded history.

Teams now have a chance to

Rebuild thailand's tourism

Dustry by choosing coral

Reconstruction or beach


Coral reconstruction requires

Teams to construct a coral

Nursery and load it on to a


Paddling out to a buoy, they

Must dive under water and

Strategically place their coral

Into the nursery.

When the marine biologist is

Satisfied with their work, he'll

Hand over their next clue.

Beach preparation requires teams

To collect can 20 chairs and 10

Umbrellas with the corresponding

Sticker found in their clue and

Set them up to the exact

Standards of this beach club.

When the attendant feels

Everything is perfect liss in

Place, he'll hand over the next




You were going like a bat out of

Hell, man.

which one?

coral reconstruction.

the coral reconstruction.

you want to go under water?

I do.


we're going to do beach



Thank you.

amazing right now.

Look at all these islands.

dude, look at all the boats

Out there.

we're in second place.

We have a lot of teams behind


There's only one boat in front

Of us.

Look at justin.

He thinks he's on the front of

The titanic.


we're the king of the world!

I was hoping you wouldn't say


Welcome to thailand!

a rough night sleeping there.

I slept all right.

we're happy to be on the


it's beautiful.

looks like ernie and cindy

Are right next to us right now.

we're in thailand!

look at what we're doing.

I'll never get to do this again.

this is what a race is all


those other boats are pretty


that's the twins.

we're racing them.

that boat is catching us.

this is so fun right now.


go, go, go!


We're gonna beat you!

this is the best day so far.

and we're in thailand!

oh, my gosh.

Look at where we're going, man.

this is amazing.

this is it, tommy.

Rock 'n' roll.

we've got to build this.

We grab a base over there.


t is next.

this is our detour.

we were ocean lifeguards for

Two summers.

this is what we do.

it's marcus and amani.

it's going down, baby!

It's going down!

beach preparation this way.

Yellow fish.

here's one.


come on, jennifer.

thank you.

keep throwing them on.

coral reconstruction.

let's go.

which way to the coral thing,


I don't know.

Over here?

there's the coral over there.

looks like everyone got here

About the same time.

It's really anyone's game at

This point.

I think this is the umbrella

Thing, dad.

Let's try it.

dude, reconstruct some reefs.


When in rome.

you work on that, babe.

I think we do two things that

Our kids are familiar with.

Recently we watched a program

With our kids of the tsunami

Coming through and the coral

Reefs being damaged.

we didn't know how hard it

Would be, but we thought it

Would be a good way to give


we've got this, babe, just

Stay positive.


I'm giving them to you.

I've got elbows ready for


bang them down.

I must be talking to myself.

you're not talking to


I'm sorting them.

Jennifer, it doesn't take much

To hammer.

I can help you.

it's hard to move on to the

Next thing.

Stop raising your voice at me

Because it's not ok.

well, you're acting like I'm

Not listening to you is not ok


come on.

Givee one of them.

do you see any more in that



it was just so hot in there.

There were so many chairs and

Umbrellas, we couldn't find any

Of our stickers.

it's a nightmare.

where are we looking?

the crab was our logo, so we

Were looking for any kind of


you want to start it up?

just move them.

I can't.

It's heavy.

coming through.

I could see the girls were

Really struggling.

If you didn't have some

Strength, there was no way we

Were getting the chairs and

Umbrellas out of there because a

Lot of them were stacked on each


we need more chairs.

I think we need 20 chairs.

we've got 16 chairs and five



Let's go.

I want you to look at the

Example and everything has to be

Exactly the same as the example.

all right.

I've got this.

you got it?

let's go on the kayak.

you got it?

I don't know how we're both

Going to paddle.

here comes a wave.

feels stable.

we've got to go get a kayak.

Just bring it down right here.

why is this one not long


I don't want to break this.

you've got to pay attention.

I'm paying attention.

maybe once it all comes

Together it will stay.

make sure it's hammered in.

I thought I did.

they all have to go straight


Push on that end.

make sure it doesn't fall


rock 'n' roll.

This is so freaking fun.

love it.

we're good.

don't rock too much.

Just nice and easy.

right here.

try not to flip this thing.

this goes overboard.

oh, my gosh.

This is pretty strong.

instantly, we just started

Drifting away from our buoy.

Being surfers, we know how

Current works.

We got the kayak tied off and

Two of us worked together to get

The nursery in place and put a

Rock over the bottom of the

Nursery to hold it.

all right.

which buoy, do you think?

hold on.

You ready?

I'm in here, I'm good.

you ready?


ok, be careful.

this is the most awkward --

Paddle like a canoe.

Paddle on that side.

it was cool, the coral

Platter basically floated.

Tommy started on one end, I

Started on the other.

We just started plugging away.

The guy gave us the thumbs up

And we got the next clue.

all right, right here, right


I'm just going to stabilize the



so that goes first?


I might need some coral in a



keep us straight.

you've got to put the blue

Thing in the water and then the



hold on to the coral.

is it down there?

Take your time.

I swim, but I'm not a

Competitive swimmer.

It was just so tough.

it's still loose.

I don't like it.

You sure you want to try this?


you guys are fast.

go, babe.

everyone else is beating us.

back out.

Push out.

that's our clue?

Using this compass, teams

Will now head north for 13

Minutes to locate the island

Pictured on their medallion.

It is here that they'll find

Their next clue.

yeah, brother.

people are going to struggle

With the current.

It's tough.

All right.

I am just aligning them so

They're in a straight line.

So there's no discrepancy.

I've just got to find one

More umbrella.

And then if you're good, we're


one last umbrella, dad.


What wrung are they positioned


they're all on the third


I can't even unfold the damn


this sucks.

I know how to open a beach

Chair, but I can't get it.

ok, ok.

bring more coral.

I'm trying.

I just think we're folding out.

I don't know what you don't

Understand about grab the boat.

I understand.

I can't keep swimming back

And forth from the boat.


I'll just jump out of the boat.

luckily, our coral cradle got

Caught on a rock, so we just

Needed to put all the coral down

And we were very efficient and

Quick with it because we were

The second team to dart out of

There really quickly.

go get it, justin.

are you serious?

yes, I was serious, actually.

Thank you.

Now what?

drop it.

it's broken.


we picked the wrong one.

stop complaining.

then you get off then.

I'm going to get out.

I can't do this.

it was pretty rocky.

I was just taking gulps of


I did not feel safe.

the current was so strong, I

Could barely keep the thing


let's go.

what are we doing?

I can't swim.

do you have it placed?

the current blows it over.

It all falls apart.

come on.

Let's go try the chairs.

you all right, baby?

we're out too far.

We've got to get over there by

The buoy.

I can't pick it up.

It all fell apart.

our stand came apart.

I was having a hard time


It was just a disaster for us.

I know you're tired, baby.

Making waves like we're going to


Oh, lord!

You've got to be joking.

Ok, it's done.

are we going to start over or

Go over there?

I don't know.

we're going to be in shape.

why are we so slow at this?

we'll try chairs.

don't get mad.

Let's go to the other one.

we're switching.

the hardest part was getting

In because you were fighting

Against the wind, the current.

And I was really just exhausted.

I've never been so tired and

Whipped ever.

I know it was hard.

I always pride myself that I

Can do anything.

But that, that's been one of the

Hardest things I ever tried to


that's all right, baby.

It's not over.

So we're going to go try the

Beach one.

ok, we've got to find the


there's the storage shed.

this is going to be a fine


how many do we need?

sandy, come here -- now.

please don't talk to me like


jeremy is encouraging me to

Keep up with him.

He is a little bit negative.

I was shocked by that.

we have to set all that up?


oh, my god.

do you want to pull it over

To me and we'll start setting it


I don't really want to, but

You said you wanted to change to


oh, my gosh!

oh, my gosh, this wind is out

Of control.

The umbrellas are really

Challenging to get up in here

And to stand up on its own, so

We're just trying to do whatever

We can to make it stand.

just have to put them in a

Little bit further.

Spin against the wind.

you ready?


one, two, three.

that was pretty good.

good job, marie.

There we go.

Push it up.


let's do this one.


This is so annoying!

are you ok?

stupid umbrella.

why is this so hard for us?

they match up!



yeah, buddy.

What's up?

there's our clue right there


give me that clue bag, baby.


who wants to be the king of

The hill?

The stunning limestone

Cliffs of thailand's exotic

Islands off climbers an endless

Number of new challenges.

Now teams will see if they can

Conquer the sheer rock wall.

If they can make it all the way

To this bird's nest, they'll be

Rewarded with their next clue.

andy's going to be the king

Of the hill.


all right!

right there.

See the two things?

They match the thing.

we're coming for you!

there's a little boat right


they're on there!

Let's open it.

Who wants to be the king of the


I guess I can climb.


it looks good, actually.

I had to get the water in

There to make it dense.

But cloth does not hold water

Very well.

That works way better.

let's go crazy.

he picks up some little catch

Phrases and he enjoys them.

I let him have at it.

So we'll be going crazy for the

Rest of the day, I guess.

do you have it?

no, I'm just going crazy.

I'm going crazy.

need two more chairs.


careful, marie.

It's really windy.

I don't know how to work this.

I can't get it down now.

you would think that we would

Know how to put those up because

We were beach lifeguards, but

There was an umbrella and

Chairperson that did that.

we have respect for them.

do you guys know what the vet



leave them unhooked.

we did, but this fell.

oh, undo them.

and now build around it?


ok, thank you, sandy.

do you need help?

I don't know what else to do.

these were too close


You didn't measure the lengths.

I didn't.

I just put them in.

Scoot it down a little bit.

it was frustrating trying to

Do that all myself.

We can move our relationship

Forward by leaps and bounds if

We learn from the experiences

That we're going through right


please stay positive.

Don't get mad at me.

oh, my god.

thailand, love it.

look at this.

so beautiful here.

there it is.

That thing is massive.

my gosh.

this is the real deal right


go go ahead 'em, tiger.


Come on, andy.

You got this.

thanks, brother.

I don't know how much

Experience andy has with rock

Climbing, but he can do


Look at him go.

He's like a little monkey.

Yeah, andy!

Come on, andy, you got this.

This is just too cool.

got the clue.

nice, andy.

The eagle has left the nest.

that was fun.

we might be out of here

Before we see another team.

that was pretty cool.

that was cool.

driving to the next pit stop.

Teams must now make their

Way to koh panyi.

This village built more than 200

Years ago was established to

Provide easy access for fishing,

And floating at the edge of the

Village is this soccer field,

The pit stop for this leg of the


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

we're going to --

koh panyi.

jennifer, remember, just take

It slow and steady.

thank you!

I'm a little nervous about


It's a little high.

I see them.

That's the nest.

I see the clue.

I think we've got a

Comfortable enough separation

From the other groups.

So jennifer will be fine.

good job, jennifer!

thanks, justin.

keep it up.


there you go.

Use your legs.

You're almost ere.

I got it!


Good job, jennifer!

yeah, I got it.

I'm proud of jennifer.

She did a good job.


Warning, the last team to check

In may be eliminated.

so we're going right here is

Where we are, to here.

oh, ok.

good job.

thank you.

where's the judge?


thank you.

oh boy.

What is this?

Head north for approximately 13


Which way is north?

that way.

let's go ask.

Let's go see if this is good.

Can you check our chairs,



head north for approximately

We can do this.

Let's go!

north is directly in front of


the wrungs don't matter?


The wrungs don't matter.

judge, please.

make sure they're lined up.

go get a judge.


No good.

These just have to be lined up.

All at the top.

it's ok!

it's ok?

lord have mercy on my soul.

ours are so much further back

Than theirs and they just got

Theirs ok'd.

So let's pull them down a little


us trying to put this in the

Ground and make it stay is so


It's almost impossible.

come on, girls.

Stay in there.

Tighten them up a little bit.

You got to spin them down in the


You got to twist them.


Thank you.

ok, ok.


thank you.

we need to go.

sandy and jeremy just got it.

we're just going to keep

Doing it until we get them all.

look at the clue again.

Where is it?

in your hand, honey.



Be positive.

the main pier.

Is this it?

great job.

rock 'n' roll.

right there, man.

Let's do this, tommy.



To the right.


Here he is, there he is.

welcome to phuket.

thank you.

Andy and tommy?

yes, phil.

Youe done it again.

You are team number one.


As the winners of this leg

Of the race, you have won $5,000


the wives are coming on the

Trips with us!

You guys absolutely smoked

This course.

we're just so stoked on this

Clean first, and that's what we

Wanted to do today.

We're just going to continue to

Play smart, be aware.

praise to god.

Feel just really blessed to be


I like your beard, dude.

Good beard.

welcome to koh panyi.

That's it right there.


We have to find the stadium.

thank you!

Make a left.


Here's phil.

Hey, phil!

How you doing?

Justin and jennifer, you

Are team number two.

all right!


it's been a rough day.

My measure of how rough it

Is is whether you use your look.

Let me see your look.

When I do it, I kind of --

it takes practice, you'll get


the horizon matches up with

This symbol.

There doesn't seem to be much

Out there.

What's that out there?

yellow canisters.

let's go with this one.


Who wants to be king of the


All right, here we go.

I can't tell whether the

Girls are finished.

Things are crashing over there.

there goes our umbrella.


so we'll see.

sir, check?


Thank you.

thank you.

head north.

Keep at it, girls.

I'm so annoyed.

They keep falling.

See --

see if you can get a shell or

Something to help you dig.

it's the beach.

It's fun.

I don't know if it's the salt

Or the sun, but I am roasting


are we sure we're going the

Right way?

the matter of catching a good

Glimpse of something that looks

Like a flag.

there's clues hanging.

over here.

Who wants to be king of the


oh lord.

I do?

I want to be king of the hill?


that looks like a bit of a


I'm glad you're doing that.

I don't really like heights that


I get a bit of vertigo every now

And then.

That's on flat ground.

Looking good, zac.

I don't know.

we were going the right way.

we were a little bit off from


It could be anywhere in this

General area.

Let's make a loop there.

there's only three left.

got it.

who wants to be king of the




you're going so slow.

shut up!

well, you're going so slow.

you do it, you do it.

what's that over there?

head towards that boat.

yes, there's flags on that.

are those race flags?


damn it.

now we're like in the middle

Of nowhere.

This is not good.

there it is.

There's two rocks that look like

It right in front of us.

oh, my god.

Are you serious?

I thought this indication

Marker was leading me to my

Destination, but it was actually

Down here.

So now we're heading north.

But we are actually heading

South before.

oh, the chairs have to be

Right here.

ok, start moving them back


ok, just shut up!

well, come on.

We've been out here for like

Three hours.

ok, shut up!

What are you doing to do, yell

About it?

well, don't be so nonchalant

About it.

I'm not.

But we -- this up.

good job, zac.

direct your speedboat driver

To the next pit stop.

Ok, where are we?

we are here.

Is that it?

Yeah, that's it right there.

zac's navigated around the


We've done enough of this.

That's basic navigation.

we'll go northeast.


snatch one of these things


Who wants to be king of the


I'll do it.

that should be our motto.

Pay attention to detail.

Screwed us over every single


We're going to see what happens.

Are we good?


I don't even know what to


Are you going to cry?

no, I'm not going to cry.

you already cried.

I don't want to do that anymore.

This way.

it appears we've got to do a

Little rock climbing.

come on, baby.

You can do it.

Just keep your fingers crossed.

She's going to make it happen

For sure.

another team just got here.

it looks scary.

is there anybody else here?

I think it's just us.

are you doing it?


I see it.


you got this!

I have never done this



I am very confident in

Jeremy's ability to climb this


you got this, jer!

atta girl.

Keep going, babe.

almost there.

I got it.


good job.

thank you.

jeremy's doing awesome.

He's going fast.

the last team to check in may

Be eliminated.

Show him the map.

Koh panyi.

Do you know how to get there?

got it.

good job, babe!

I'm proud of him.

that's ernie.

ernie, fly, baby, fly.

You got it.

cindy, what happened?

we went the wrong way on the


there's still two teams

Behind us.

You're good.

good job, baby.

And haul.

you will find phil at the

Floating stadium.

Warning, last team to check in

May be eliminated.

we practiced rock climbing

Before we got here, so I know

He's got it.

You got it, babe!

there's the clue.

honey, hold on to me.

thank you!

who wants to be king of the



you've got it, baby cakes.

we're losing a lot of time.

eerlt -- either the map is

Off or the compass is off.

There shouldn't have been an

Issue at all.

ernie is moving pretty

Quickly up that rock face.

So this was a pretty good task

For him to do.

I've got it.

good job.

He k*lled that.

Good job, babe.

warning, last team to check

In may be eliminated.

rock 'n' roll.

doesn't even look real.

it's amazing.

I've got it.

who wants to be king of the


I do.

let's roll.

good luck.

all right.

bill and I have decided we

Don't know how long we're going

To be in the race, so when it

Makes sense for him to take the

Roadblock at this point to gain

Speed, that is what we're going

To do.

Like the view I have!

you old lady.


Oh, my gosh, he's got it


This is super.

The twins aren't even here yet,

So as long as we can get away

From here before they get

Started, I think we might be


I'm going to take up rock

Climbing, that was fun.

you got any ideas?

we need to get some kind of


I don't know where we are.

there's another boat going

Over there.

follow them.

that's ridiculous, isn't it?

What a bunch of useless sailors

We are.

we've got to get off at the

Main pier.

I've played in a lot of

Stadiums, but I've never seen a

Floating stadium.

This will be the first for me.

this is awesome.

the main pier?

yeah, it's over there.

marcus is right in front of


eyes open, babe, because

You're really observant.

go, go, go.

floating stadium?

I don't see one.

There's a school here, so maybe.

floating stadium.

way to floating stadium.

this way.

Come on.

come on.

Floating stadium?

That must be it over there.

This way?

let's go to the end of it

Real quick.

come on.

why are you going that way?

because I'm following the


it's this way.

nothing's down there, huh?

We've got to be close.

hurry, sprint!

baby, I'm coming.

the floating stadium, this


come on!

Jeremy and sandy, you are

Team number three.

we still have a lot to work


We need to continually be


every relationship is going

To have its miscommunications,

And you just have to work

Through those and cut each other

A little bit of slack sometimes.

And look behind you,

Another team coming in.

no way!

Laurence and zac, you are

Team number four,


those boats are right there.

park it right there.

thank you.

rock 'n' roll.

down here, babe.

Dang it.

cindy, way to floating

Stadium, right.

this is the way we came, huh?

Ernie and cindy, you're

Team number five.

floating stadium.

Right here, baby.

We're here.

Amani and marcus, you are

Team number six.

oh, my god.

great job.

she did a really good job.

She did it really fast.

we are zooming.

We're going to get eliminated

Right now.

But look at the scenery.

People dream of seeing stuff

Like this.

really disappointed with what

Happened today, because we wish

We could continue on and

Everything, but we did the best

That we could.

it's like riding to our


there's phil.

With a person.


Hello, phil.

Bill and cathi, you are

Team number seven.



Is that a lucky number for


it must be, but it better

Change tomorrow.

just a floating village.

It's incredible.

all right, marie.

welcome to phuket.

thank you.

Liz and marie, you're the

Last team to arrive.

we figured that.

We haven't seen anyone.

for like hours.

Are you glad you came on

This race?

of course.

It's incredible.

never seen anything like this


It's one of the best experiences

Of our lives.

I just can't believe this.

It's really sad.

Well, today is your lucky


Because this is a nonelimination

Leg of the race.


Oh, my god, are you serious?

Oh, my god, I'm so happy.

Of course, it does mean

That sometime in the next leg of

The race, you will be facing a

Speed bump and you'll need to

Complete that before you can

Continue on the race.

the best thing that could

Happen to us right now.

It's not over until it's over.

It's not over for us yet.

We still have the next leg of

The race to make up time and

Prove that we deserve to be


it's not as easy as it looks.

captioning made possible by cbs

Productions, cbs, inc. And ford.

Stay tuned for scenes from

our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" --

come on then.

Teams race by local


we don't know where we are,


Jeremy and sandy bumble

Through bangkok.

we could be dead-last.

We have no idea.

we don't have any money.

Will you drive us?

And liz and marie

Scramentable to catch up.

we have to get on that bus.
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