31x07 - Living Fearlessly

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x07 - Living Fearlessly

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: previously on "the
amazing race" -- a big brother

Alliance was formed.

No u-turns.

Phil: for the first time in
"the amazing race" history

Teams traveled to uganda.
Hello, chicken.

Phil: at the roadblock teams
served it up.

So far, so good.
Wo, wo, wo!

Phil: at the detour they
stacked it up.

So tight it's like jianga.
Phil: and the return of the

Head to head.
Go, go!

Phil: tyler and korey beat
colin and christie to win the


Phil: meanwhile in the final

Head to head, "big brother"
allies faced off ending in

Elimination for janelle and

I've gotten to know britney

She's my "big brother" bestie.

She always will be.
Which way?

Phil: seven teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Szczurive, switzerland.

Phil: teams will leave jaugged
and fly 3,500 miles north to

Zurich, switzerland.

After touching down, teams will
catch a train to

Gletscherschlucht glacier gorge
to pick up their next clue.

We were the only race alumni
team that have yet to get a


Who wants to go to zurich?

Now every race team that's
left has finished first.

We're going to equity


Thank you.

But you end up making it to
the finale.

And that could be the final
first that matters.

Have a good one.
Are you ready for six hours

At the airport?
Oh, my god.

So this is a jaguar tooth.
It represents living

I'm wearing it today because

Most likely on this leg, I'll
be doing the roadblock.

Which sounds like maybe has
to do something with a giant

Gorge which will be awesome.

So this is a reminder for me
to lean in fearlessly.

Really cool.

What do they speak there?
They're swedes.

They're swiss.


I don't know.

They speak swiss.

Because they're from

We're here to pick up our
reservations to go to


Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.

Have a nice day, ladies.
That was easy.


We're going to the airport now.

Thank you very much.
Check out this pub for a

We won two legs up to this


So we're feeling like a pretty
solid team.

At the same time we're
definitely aware that we are

Competing against teams that
are really good at "the amazing


We have about six hours
before our flight.

We're looking for some fun
animals, the afghanimals.

If we want to win this game
we have to be strategic who we

Want to try and be in the final
three with.

It's going to be a long

I know you guys are -- want
-- ok, good.

Like --
all about game-changing.

So it's my 31st leg.

And I'm now tied for the
most legs ever on "the amazing

Race" with the cowboys and the
globetrotters which is a pretty

Big deal.

And I'm the only girl that
has made it this far ever.

You got to be some sort of
crazy to make it that far.

Well --
I think the reilly sisters

Intentionally had us on like
their list.

They said they think you
guys are a strong team.

We're not like -- colin and
christie are at another level.


Victor and cole consistently
like second or third.

Another leg!
Pull up some chairs.

We'll buy you a beer!

Peace offering.

Thank you.
No more u-turns?

No more u-turns.
We're good with that.

One team.

We're having a group

I'm all about the group
meeting with beer.

We're not fighting amongst

We know we're not the
threatening team.

Just be real here.

There's for sure going to be
a u-turn coming up.


The strongest team --
and victor and nicole.

We're supposed to be in an
alliance with nicole and

Why would we want to get rid of

A team that's going to work
with us?

The guys bret and chris --
like --

Victor and nicole, nicole
and christie.


Clearly when anyone is
talking about u-turning another

Team you just say yeah,
totally, of course.

We go to the airport,

I'm so having anxiety right
now I'm peeling off my nail

And these are gels.

I'm all for u-turning team fun.
They're a really strong team

And they want to u-turn their

We made friends with the
reilly sisters.

So therefore I've lost the
strong desire and urge to

U-turn them.

You never know who can get
to the u-turn first.

We're going to actually tell
them -- maybe nick and vick u

Team fun we don't have to do

It's a very good day.

Team fun, watch out.
We're coming for you.

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Rach, come on.

Go, go, go!

Where is the train station?

Oh, there it is.

About to get on the train.
It looks like all on the same

Train fist -- which is fine.

Will the other team tell
them we told them that?

Probably tell team fun.

So annoyed.

I know it.
Before landing in zurich

Rachel came to me on the plane
and she said team fun wants to

U-turn you.
Can we talk to you down


Rachel's advice was get
there first and u-turn team fun

And that's doing your dirty

Want you to know because we
said we had the "big brother"

Alliance and let you guys know

Are you guys into that or do
you think like -- have you

Already told -- that you knew
that somebody was planning on


I'm trying not to be like
paranoid by it.

But for team fun to throw our
name around, that seems kind of


Wouldn't they want to u-turn

We don't know who it
definitely was.

We just --

A bunch of teams there and
our backs were turned.

There were other teams


I thought it was just them.

Uh-uh, no.
She said specifically team


That seems fishy.

Team fun --
what did we say exactly?

I say I heard.
It shouldn't be a big deal.

If it was just overheard.
If we were the only other

Team that was there other than

You said there were several
other teams there.

You know -- you're a "big
brother" player.

Hear it and then --

Just act on it without


We didn't tell you to u-turn

Dude --
this --

Rachel, you have to take
people at face value.

If they're lying to us that's
on them.

But you have to -- whatever,
that's what you're telling us,

We have to believe it.

Nicole, your brand is

We're going back to the

Other car.

Nice talk, guys.

Basically they're snakes.

They are going to make us look
bad and throw us under the bus

And then they're going to play

Rach, why do you have to
throw cheap sh*ts?

Everyone is doing this to us
but poor nicole and victor

We're the victim.
So hear about the reillies?

We made amends.


And I told you throw that
right out the window.

I thought rachel was a
friend of mine.

I'm really disappointed.

We thought we could trust

Now they'll backstab us.
My heart was broken.

It was all in their best

She won "big brother" and
she's great at this stuff.

She knows how to manipulate.
The reillys are make both

Sides of the fence.
Maybe three sides of the


That behavior is offensive.

I was just going to say

She was so mean and elissa
kept saying rachel, quit

Talking because you're saying

Oh, my gosh.

I have a suggestion.
I think we should all hold

Hands and literally just feel
the love of the universe and

Like you'll feel it coming to
this group.

Are we having a life coach

We are.

Christie and colin are
teaching us.

Breathing with love.
And chris dying to hold my

Hand anyway.

Rachel --
rachel, come on.



Let's breathe in.

The bigger picture of life.

The bigger picture of life.



We got a long run.
Don't sprint out and waste all

Your energy.

Leading the pack.

It's a marathon.

A beautiful day for a jog!

Look at this place.

I definitely want to come
back here.

It's a beautiful view.
Take it all in.


I have to catch my breath.

Give me your bag.

You sure?


Have to get your breath.

I'll catch up.

Rach, come on.

We knew we had a three
kilometer run and we didn't

Know if there was a u-turn.
So we had to run for our lives.

Rach, hurry.
"The amazing race" 31.

This is what it is.
Pushing yourself to the limit

And carrying your backpac.

This is how we trained with
weight on our backs.

This is just a morning jog for
us and we're hoping to see a

Clue box any moment.

At the top of the building.

A robot.
What's it say?

Who wants to take the scenic

Phil: switzerland is europe's
most mountainous country.

The perfect place to take a
terrifying swing.

This roadblock requires teams
to jump into this imposing

Glacialal gorge.

A 70 mile an hour freefall 400
feet above this raging river.

Once they're back on safe
ground, they'll need to look

For their next clue.

Somewhere in this gorge.

I see it, kor.
That sounds dangerous.


Come on.

Help me.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I can't believe you.
I'm going to take the scenic


Freefalling glacier


Who wants to take the scenic

She does.

High five.

Who wants to take the scenic

I hope I don't have to run.
Come on.

Rach, come on.
I'm going inside.

Push, bret.

I can't do it.
I could cry right now.

We get to swing over the

Glacier gorge.

That's so freaking cool.

Make it tight.

I don't want to fall.
Who wants to take a scenic


I will.

Come here.
It was a really long, hard


You were having trouble with
it, too, yeah.

I was carrying your bag.

That's a good play.

Who wants to take the scenic

That would be me.
Boston police department

Will k*ll you.

They'll put a picture of
chris carrying my bag all over

The station.

It's going to be classic.

Freefall for 400 feet from
the glacier on a rope swing.

Receive your next clue.
I'm doing it.

Oh, this is smachinge.

I'm glad korey is doing this

400 Feet.

Just a little drop.
This way.

How did I get myself into

If I jump -- if -- my jump

My name is alex.
Christie, nice to meet you.

And I'm afraid of heights.

Do we have to jump?
Oh, god.

That's just like jumping.
Oh, my god.

Are you kidding?

As soon as I got out there, and
I did not want to look down at

All because I don't love

Oh, my god.

That's korey.

Three, two, one, jump!
Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my god!


Oh, my god!


Lord, have mercy!

That is nuts.

That is nuts.
That is nuts.


I'm glad korey did that.

Holy cow.

That was terrifying.

You have the clue?
I got to get the clue out of

The gorge.

Good job, korey.
Now we're out of here.

Good job.

Fly by helicopter to
grundwald path.

When you land search for your
next clue.

That was terrifying.
To jump on into this gorge

And it's going to be insane.

Oh, my god, there she is.
Three, two, one, jump!

Oh, my god, there she is.
Three, two, one, jump!

Oh, my god.

I love this one!

-- This life!
Colin is going to be so


Oh, my god.

That first fall is --
that was scary.

I peed myself just watching her
do it.

I'm so scared and don't know
if I want to jump or step off

The platform.
I'm really nervous about this.

Victor should have did this

A little bit of a lead.



Here we go.

What an incredible day.


Oh, my god.


The last time we rode a
helicopter was during our

Finale on season 28.

And at that time, we knew we
were in last place, so we were

Kind of just in a bad mood.
This time, we were leading in

First place.

Switzerland is stunning.

To see all the mountains, to
see all the landscapes, it was

A stark contrast to where we've
been so far in the race.

Looking for a clue.


Three, two, one, jump!
Oh, my god.

What the hell!

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

I thought I was going to die.

Good job, buddy.

I'm so afraid of heights and
that looks so scary.


Good job, buddy.
Fly by helicopter to grinsel

When you land search for your

Next clue.

Good job, buddy.
Good job, man.

What does it say?

Three, two, one --
yeah, baby!

Facing your fears.

I'm so proud of her.

I'm so excited.

I'm so scared.
I don't know if I can do it.

Who's next?


Does this terrify her?
Oh, yeah.

She's scared of heights.

I feel for her then.

I'm chris.

It's fine.

So what's going to happen now,
thrs the countdown.

Three, two, one, jump.

And then you have to jump.

You good?
Come on, nicole.

Come on, come on!

I need out.

You need to go to the back
of the line.

Come on, come on!

I can't -- I need out.
You need to go back in line.

Ready to go?
I need to do do it.

Wouldn't do this if it

Wasn't for $1 million.

Three, two, one -- jump!
She did it.


Yeah, nicole.

She freaked out.
She did it.

Yeah, baby!

There you go!

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

That was the scariest thing --
I'm so afraid -- I'm still


I was proud.
I can't believe I did it.

I didn't even scream or
anything because I think I like

Died and came back to life.

It's a detour.
Water power or water down

Phil: 60% of switzerland's
power comes from hydroelectric

Dams like this.
This detour requires teams to

Ride the world's steepest
funicular and five water basins

And how much do they hold?

When they get to the top they
must figure out where those

Names and numbers are on this
technical map relying only on

Their memory.
They'll need to keep riding up

And down until they get it

If you love jumping, sliding,
zip lining and rappeling,

Chances are you love to go

And it doesn't get much better
than this.

A wild ride through grimsel

After descending 150 feet down
into this glacial river, teams

Will grab a clue from the end
of this rope before continuing

Water down.

That's like a -- a*t*matic.
Thank god.

Let's get out of here.
We're ahead of everyone

Except for tyler and korey.
Choose any available canyon


You want to be our guide?


I'm sebastian by the way.

We rounded the corner, and all
I saw was 6'4" sebastian

Standing there above all the
other river guides.

He was a tall drink of
water, bearded.

We knew we had to have him.

Water power --
we're going water down.

Water down.

The u-turn was like.
Is there any wrong way to

Head first.

Three, two, one, jump!

It's like the coolest thing

I love it.

That's going to be scary.

I guarantee it's going to be a
scary ride.

Thanks to me we got our work
cut out for us.

All the teams are gone.
I'm very concerned.

One, three, jump!


At a boy, buddy!

You owe me on that one.

Nice job, man.
That was crazy.

Water poush.
Water power it is.

It's everything.
Water down.

It's just a scary thing.

You jump in the water and get
your clue.

Let's see if we can pass a

You did it.

Good job.
Didn't scream or anything.

Because --
nicole is a lot nicer than I

She can pretend to play nice.

I'm not going to work with
rachel, going to mind my p's

And q's and walk the other way.
We for sure thought there

Was going to be a u-turn but
you never know what's going to

Let's break down.

All right.
Let's go do it.

First part here is the

Oh, my god.

Want to go first?


This is the best day of the
race so far.

This is just the best day in
the whole wide world.

See you at the bottom.
All right.

Sebastian, just be safe.

Oh, sebastian!

He's done it before.
Korey, it's so cool!

Oh, my god.

Good job, ty!

All right, dude.

Nice work.

That was so cool.



You got it, kor.
Holy smokes.

Look at that booty.

You guys together?

We're straight.
Can't you tell?

All right, brother.

Come on down.
This is the canyon now.

You guys follow me.
This is awesome.

Now, with this jump, it's
super shallow.

So lean back, feet up.

All right.
You guys ready?


Three, two, one.
Good job, kor.

It's a little chilly.

Taking this all in.

And just have fun with

We're going down into the

All right.
I am a rock climbing

So just a wonderful thing to

Feel like I can feel
comfortable with the challenge

At hand and just be able to
enjoy the day.

This is so cool.
I'm coming, becca.

Oh, my god.


Water power.
Which is that way, right?

Let's hop in our car.
All right, leo.

This is I think the better
decision, this could make us at


Oh, the suspension bridge.
Look at it.

Where we are.
This is amazing.

Best day of my life.

I love switzerland!
Leo, look how high that is.

We have to go that high.

That's crazy.

I'll have a sore neck
looking up here.

Let's go.

We got to match the eight
names of the water basins to

The amount of water they hold.

And I got the first four.
And you get last four.

Right there.

I got it.

I'm trusting you, bro'.

You see that one?

Come on.
I can't see.

Like obroinson.
When I was 25 second best

Friend was matt.

Oh, my god, this is amazing.
Look at those people.

Mountain climbing.

Oh, my.

The swiss people know how to

Oh, yeah.

She's got it.
Lean back.


She's done this many times.

All right.
Rock 'n' roll.

Got this, colin!
You can just feel the energy

Coming out of these mountains.

It is just glacier waterfalls
left and right.

And just breathtaking.

You have to run across the
dam to find the engineer and

Then remember the water basin

How are you?

Right here.

Wasn't just the eight that
we memorized.

Multiple names.

A good 20 to 25 names to
throw you off as well and pay

Attention because we don't want
to go back down again.

One more, man.
And see nothing else with t.

Check, sir.

That's correct.


Thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, my god.
Good job, buddy.

One time.

Phil: two thirds of switzerland
's population are creations and

Worship at biel churches like
this, like mikhail's kayay and

Last team to get here may be

Water down.

So we'll see how this works.

All right.
Water down is this way.

You think, rach?
It's going to be freezing.

Come on.
Hustle, hustle.


Get the girls.

They're out there.

Those girls suck.

That's why we --
to beat the o'reilly


They caused that whole

Water down.

Let's water down.

Going to grab the clue.

And then you land on your butt.
I'll try it.

Get down to the ledge there.
Oh, my god.

That's kind of far.
Last time we ran the race, I

Had to take a running jump and
catch a clue.

It took me a couple more tries
than the people who ended up

Winning the whole race.
You good?


Three, two, one.
Grab the clue, dude.

It's swimming away!
I wanted to redeem myself.

Almost -- he landed on his
face a little bit.

But ok.
You ok, buddy?

I went for the clue, and
missed it.

And bellyflopped.
And hit my face.

Belly smacked my eyes.
I got a bloody nose.

We were true men of the

Coming up to the highlight
of the trip.

It's one where you fall off.
When you are let go you must

Let go.

Let go!
The detour that we picked

Did take a little bit of time.

And I was thinking if the other
detour were quicker, who knows

Who could be in front of us?


Let's get out of here.

We did really well.

But now we have to wait to come
back and that ride took about

It was only one, up and down.

Unfortunately the world
doesn't wait for the

Afghanimals and the funiculal
had to bring some people down

And other people up which took
about 15 or 20 minutes.

It's not coming, man.

This is the thing.
Have to hope that other

Teams get lost.
Don't even look down.

Just look at your target.
There's the prize.

Eyes on the prize.

You got it, floyd.
Three, two, one, jump!

That was like most amazing
thing I've seen you do.

What's funicular?

A cable car or something.

Look at this.

Holy crap.
I'm so scared.

Talk about getting over your
height, nick.

Water down.

We're good.


Let's start walking.

Careful, kor.

Thank you, sebastian.

Drive yourselves to the next
pit stop and teams checking in

May be eliminated.


Let's go.


Let's go!


Second point.
There they are.

They're fast.

We're catching them.

That's the end of the

Oh, my god.
Thank you, brother.

Drive to your next pit stop.
Last team to check in may be

This way.

Thank you, thank you, thank

Thank you so much.
Let's go, let's go!

Right there.

Let's get out of here.

There's colin and christie.

Look at -- nice ass!
It's stunning but don't

Keep your eyes on the road.

Oh, my god.

I got to go way up there.
Nicole, look.

This is literally the
scariest day of my life.

And I can barely keep my eyes

Any coal --
oh, jeez louise.

You remember --
I can't do this.

Nicole, relax.
I have to have a strong

You see that right there?

Three tater tots.

Just keep saying them.

If you keep saying them I'll
confuse them.

I got them.
Trust me.

I don't see one on there.

I see one team there.
Nicole and victor.

Oh, yeah.

This isn't safe.
Yeah, it's safe.

Oh, hey, guys.

So we have to get out here?
I thought we stay in and do a

The test is out there.

You're lying.

I swear!

I'm just trying to go as
fast as possible.

If the girls, if the
o'reilly sisters slip up we can

Pass them right here.
I like how she acts like I'm

Not trying to go fast on this

I'm coming.


You're in a race.
You got it!

Go fast!


Thank you, good job, rach.

We have to go fast.

I'm afraid of heights so
that's good.

Yeah, baby.

Let's go.
This is not in my wheel


But I'm going to do it.
I got to do it.

At a boy, bret.

Bret is afraid of heights.
Lean back a little bit more.

Oh, god, it's a little fast.
I'm going to lean back.

I'm going to lean back.
I'm leaning back!

Oh, my god.

Should have went with him.
I told him, man.

Oh, oh.

Slow down, slow down, slow

Who do you think I am,

I just got to do this.
If I don't do it the guys at

Work are going to be -- it's
going to be nonstop.

I'm not looking down.

You need --
I'm here.

You're there, bret.

Oh, it was terrifying.
After all that conversation

About ufflet-turns and
roadblocks and speculation and

Paranoia on the train for three
hours, it all ended up being

Nothing except just wonderful
day in canyons.

Probably the next leg.
What are you seeing, rach?

I think that's an engineer
over there.

Are you sure?

It has to be him, babe.

Let's not run for no reason.
This way.


God, just listen to me.

I am.

Let's do this.

Oh, crap.
You know that one?

That one.
Is there any that are close


Let's just put them --

I think that's it.


Thank you so much!
Last team to arrive may be

We really have to run.

That's the church.

Looking for --
parking right here.

Are you ready?

You want to ask --
it's right here somewhere.

There it is, there it is.
Welcome to switzerland.


Big smiles for third place.

And I have some great news for
you, you have won a

Rejuvenating spa day, so you
can destress and refocus for

The next leg of the race.

Thank you.
You don't ask this dude

Right here?

What's the point in getting
direction fs we get to the town

And we see cars parked?
Just --

Just too early for us to get

We know that the reilly
sisters, second to last or

I just really hope bret and

Chris --
pull through.

Pull through.

Are you ready?
Big jump out.

Three, two, one --
I got it.


Can we pick up speed and go

A little bit faster?

Two, one --
at a boy.

See those girls in front?

Come on.

Let go!

Right on our tail.
Rach, you got this.

Let go!

Doing well, lads.

I can do that.
You just hold on.


Driving us there now.

Yeah, bret.

We have to go fast.

Oh, my god.

They're right behind us.

We're going to have to
literally book it.

Drive to stop and --

Last team may be eliminated.

Let's go.

Let's just get in the car.

We can't let them out of our

Come on.

I don't know where we're

Do they know where they're

Should we go right or left?

Let them go first.
What is the name of the

They're following us.

We'll see what happens.
We're in freaking last


I don't know but I don't
know that we're going the right


I don't know, rach.

If you had run a little bit
faster we would have at least

Gotten fifth.
Are they behind us?


But we don't know where we're

I understand that.
As long as they're apprehend us

We're not last.
-- Behind us we're not last.

Maybe we should turn around.
A chance to come in last

Place and be eliminated?

I don't have a map.

I have no idea where we're

We can't stop and ask
somebody and literally have to

Follow them.

What's it say?
I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

Rach, like wish lirt real
screw -- like we're literally


Pull in there.
You want to ask them?

They don't know where
they're going.

They have to ask, too.
Do you know where m.

Kel -- mikel is --
back down.


Got to go.
I am.

Oh, my god.

They play dirty, man.

They play dirty.

Turn around then.

Don't turn around.
What is turning around going to

Let's think for a minute.

If we're going -- I'll flag
somebody down.

What's the place?

We need some directions.
This way.

Follow the road.
Follow the road?

Oh, gosh.

I hope that didn't cost us the


Follow them.

They're -- park being right

-- Parking right here.

Look at this place.

Col on, come -- colin, come

Phil: a great finish, you guys.
Colin and christie, you're team

Number two.
Team fun.

Team number three.

A close race.
Look who's arriving.

The afghanimals.

Yes, sir.


We're american now.

Drive slow, though.

I know.

Don't miss it.
The hotel for sure would

We don't have time to go

Into a hotel.
Rachel --

We don't have time to go
into a hotel.

That's --
that looks like the choach

Right there.

It's got to be the church.
Just park right here.

Hurry up.
There they are running.

Hurry, hurry.

Phil: look behind you.

Another team coming in.
Rachel and elissa, you are team

Number five.

Phil: chris and bret, that

Would make you team number six.

Phil: so this race you never

We thought it was a race for

We thought it was a race --
for last place.

Phil: rachel, I'm pleased to
tell you that you have tide an

"The amazing race" record for
the most number of legs run by

An snaving racer.

You are now going into the
eighth leg of this race, if you

Complete it, you will have the
official record for the most

Number of legs of any amazing

Final team right here coming

We got lost.
Hey, guys.

We finally made it.

All right.
Probably last.

Phil: I wish it was under
better circumstances, but what

I know.

I guess we were under the
impression that we would get

U-turned at some point.
100% Wanted to warn you guys

Or you wouldn't get u-turned.
You let us down.

They never would put you
guys under to try to get ahead.

That's not --
you did.

We asked --
why -- we all -- what we --

If I warn you about another
team possibly doing something

To you, would you not want to
maybe verify that solution?

Absolutely not.

We would never throw you under
the bus.

We thank you so much for
saving us.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.
This is not even --

And we're not playing "big

So what we did --
guys, look, look.

I had a rough day.
At the end.

Day, it's fine.
It's over.

I don't want to be yelled

We're --
or anybody --

We didn't want to be in this

You never should have told us
anything and we should have

Just played the game.
We didn't do anything.

Rachel, you talk about
playing the victim.

Just stop it.

That's it.

Null and void.

She's had a hard day.


Everything is done.

If we're out, we're out.

I know you didn't, babe.

It's fine.

Phil: nicole and victor I'm so
sorry to tell you that you are

The last team to arrive.

However, this is a
nonelimination leg.

It's ok.

We bounced back.

We bounced back.

We bounced back, babe.

Phil: which means you are still

It does mean that sometime
during the next leg.

Race, there's going to be a
speed bump you're going to have

To complete that speed bump as
fast as you can and try to

Catch up with the other teams.

So they all have an advantage
over you on the next leg.

We got so lucky today that
it was --

Not only --

I can't believe it.
And thank you, god.

They're going to work really
hard to make it difficult for


Bottom line, I don't want to
have anything to do with nicole

And victor.
We don't really have any teams

We're working with so we need
to get to the u-turn first.

We will be nice to them and
going to be nice to them.

Can you --
phil: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Phil: next time on "the amazing
race" -- switzerland habs the

Oldest democracy in the world.

An "the amazing race" first.

So it's only fitting we have a
u-turn vote.

Puts teams in a panic.

To avoid elimination.
That was $1 million, guys.
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