16x17 - Episode 17

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x17 - Episode 17

Post by bunniefuu »

Kaleb calls himself a hopeless romantic,

but this romance is just plain hopeless.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother.

Amber and Kaleb believe the b*mb squad was still intact.

We have to protect our alliance, so if we feel that they're going to come after anyone in our alliance,

we have to protect that.

But the detonators were secretly working without them.

Kaleb and Amber are too much drama to deal with.

After Amber told Christine she wanted the girls to work together.

I want to talk to you in Nicole.

And make sure that us and your good.

Christine ratted her out.

She wants to work with Nicole and I to get the boys out,

and that's their first target.

So the detonators set their sights on factoring Amber.

Amber has got to go.


After Hayden rode off with the veto,

he agreed to the backdoor plan.

She's the one walking out that door, fine by me.

The detonators knew they needed to get beast mode cowboy on board.

I had a long conversation with Kaleb, where I tell him the truth about Amber.

So when Amber shared her feelings on Kaleb…

Is he just blowing things out of her version?


She gave me everything I needed.

Zach threw out the bait.

That's what I'm telling you, she was…

He's completely blowing everything out of proportion.

Like, he's not having a big deal.

Blah, blah, blah.

And Kaleb took it, both line and sinker.

How about let's convince Hayden to pull Dukasta off,

put Amber up to make her think she's getting back door,

to make her think it.

Of course she's not going to.

I actually don't know who's more clueless as to what's going to happen this week.

Kaleb or Amber?

At the veto meeting, the detonator's plan came together.

I have to nominate you, Amber, as a replacement.


And Zach went off again.

Amber, you're sitting right where you belong,

and you're on your way out the door.

I couldn't be happier.

Tonight, who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

Dukasta or Amber?

And two new heads of household will be crowned.

Plus, Team America's next mission plays out live tonight.

All this right now on Big Brother.

Who wants a back rub?


Good evening, I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

It's day 42 inside the Big Brother house,

and the detonators continue to dominate this game.

All week, they've been playing the cowboy like a puppet,

but tonight, it's you who are pulling the strings.

Last night, you voted, and tonight, Team America will get their next secret mission.

So, what mission did you choose, and will Team America pull it off?

It all plays out live tonight.

But first, thinking he's running the game,

Kaleb put his love in harm's way,

but his ego may have just sealed her fate.

I'm just gonna plan that.

No, you'd all plan that.

I become the replacement nominee, and of course, Zach always has something to say,

but I'm sorry, Zach, but you don't get under my skin one bit,

and I'm not gonna cry over your words.

Welcome to the club of Zach yelling at you.

Welcome to the club of…

Being on the block.

I've been on the block before, but this is my first time being on the block,

going into eviction.

You guys are coming.


People are telling me you have my vote, but in the house, you never know.

The purpose of putting Amber up on the block was to just kind of scare a little bit

and say, hey, remember, you're not always safe in this game.

You know, I've put my neck on the line.

I've done so much for this one person,

and, you know, at the end of the day, Amber, we don't want you to go home,

but, you know, we're gonna see how you react.

Hi, beautiful.

Hey, Frankie.

What's up, baby girl?

I'm so sorry.

I'm just so mad at Zach.

You should be mad at Zach.

Well, why couldn't he go up?

Going in the shade, gentlemen.

Nothing about moving over there, too.

You guys are putting me up for personal reasons.

No, not.


I'm not putting you up for personal reasons.

I'm putting you up because of what Caleb said.

About what?

About you.

So, Amber's badgering me, and she wants to know what's going on,

but I still need to maintain that I'm not really 100% sure what's going on,

even though I am H-O-E.

I honestly do not get it.

I don't want to keep saying it, but you have to.

Yeah, I know, dad, but Frankie, you're the one that put me up.

I know, but you know how passionate Caleb can be.

Are you kidding me?

I know.

I know.

You have something to say, Caleb?

Do you?

What I'm getting is you had me go on the block.

What was your doing?

I did.

So, you want to give me your reasoning?

It's personal.



Well, that's good.

I'm going to read this because it's so perfect.

Okay, Caleb, I don't want to give this a little…

I think part of the problem is you have been doing nothing

about hanging out with Nicole, Victoria,

and all the other people instead of us.

So, it's like, where's she at?

Caleb, you act like I'm aligned with someone else besides you guys,

or I'm working with someone else.

It seems that way.

All of this that I'm hearing right now is just one big slap in the face.

Thanks a lot, Caleb.

Can I talk with you, please?

I got my girl, Amber, a girl that I have put all my trust in.

And, she's up on the block.

You know, I kind of feel that I made a mistake.

Whoa, it's good to…

get out of me, dude.

Because the last thing I want is to see her packing her bags

and walking out of that door.

Can we talk with that you're walking on?


Well, I will sit here as a man and tell you to your face…

why you look at me.

And I completely apologize 100%.

The one person that I wanted to make a promise to and keep it was you in his house.

Well, you just broke it, so…

Yeah, I did.

I brought it up, but they all said it was a good idea.

For one, it…

Oh, meaning who?

As in the whole Alliance.

They all knew.

All of them.

Everybody knew.

I do feel betrayed to find out everyone in the Alliance wanted me on the block.

If this is true, like, I'm being lied to,

I think I just did everything wrong by helping others and not helping myself.

Everyone just backstops me.

I would never put you on the block there, Caleb.

I'm doing my morning exercise.

Yeah, new.

What's up?

It sucks because Amber does not deserve to be where she is.


And I feel like such a sleazeball.

We made a stupid decision.

This game is really…

I mean, it makes you so paranoid and crazy.

I mean, I thought it was such a good idea when you came to me with it.

Caleb still believes that he is responsible for putting Amber on the block,

so I'm going to allow him to take all the blame for this.


Oh, God.

If she goes home, I will feel like the biggest…

She doesn't deserve to be where she's at.

We honestly just both know that she doesn't deserve to be there.

No, exactly.

I completely agree.

And I wish that I said no.

That's what I'm saying.

I just wanted to do what's good for you,

and I saw that you were wounded and hurt.

You're my brother.

You're my…

These mode cowboy, and I don't like to see you hurt.

I haven't seen a cowboy cry this much since Brokeback Mountain.

But, you know, he has a special place in my heart,

so I am legitimately trying to comfort him.

The more that I talk to her, it just makes sense.

She hasn't done nothing wrong.

I know.

It's like sending a guy to jail for m*rder when he had nothing to do with it.

If they don't pull her off, I'm not part of anybody.

I'll just play by myself.


Do you like Caleb?


You okay?

You all right?

What's wrong?

I'll be back in a little bit.

Amber, come back, though, okay?


I'm just…

I'm so tired.

Is that…


I feel so pressured because I don't like Caleb like this.

It irks me.

Like, it bothers me.

He's hurting my game so bad.

He is.

Who does that?

Like, who's he's like…

Oh, my God.

It's like…

It's driving me crazy.

It's like he wants to be some kind of hero or something.

That's exactly what it is.

And right now, Christine, between me and you,

after Caleb being a part of this, he's really frustrating me.

And if I'm here, I have every right to put him up if I want to.

I have been wanting to convince the boys to keep Amber,

but it's been too dangerous.

So now she lands a perfect prison in my lap.

She wants Caleb gone.

Now I can finally talk to the guys and be like,

look, she's not coming after you.

We should keep her and let her take Caleb out.

I'm done.

Amber told me.

Zach is no longer my target.

Caleb is 100% my target.

What do you think, honestly?

Because you…

Honestly, for my game, Amber is not the best person to go home.

The unpredictability factor is so great.

When Christine comes and tells me that Caleb is now Amber's target,

I am elated because that is the piece of information that I can use

to put the nail in Amber's coffin.

If Caleb hears that, he will go ballistic

and come back to the fold, be one of the guys,

and we can keep sending people home.

This week, we can't say no.

What's happening?


We need to all come to an agreement.

I think we should keep her.

Frankly, I think we all know why we should.

And, you know, at the end of the day, we just got to all vote the same.

I think, honestly, I have both of your backs equally.

Do you believe everything she tells you?

In my heart.

Do I trust her just as much as I trust y'all?

Yes, I do.

Okay, Caleb, I have to tell you something.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Here we go.

Oh, God.

She's going around telling everyone that you are her target

because you're ruining her game.

How am I ruining her game?

I've done nothing but help her game.

She's blind.

That's what it is.

Amber, you're blind.

What do you not see?

The most loyal, biggest competitor in this game

has your back over anyone's.

And what are you doing with it?

I'm on it.

That's great.

Caleb, Caleb, stay here before I say Caleb.

No, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, we want to talk to you, bro.

Caleb, we want to talk to you.

Caleb, please.

Dude, Caleb.

Get him, get him.

Tell him to come in here, Frankie.

It's blown up, dude.

I'm hoping I keep it together because it's going to be rough, you know,

to stand next to a girl and know that she said this about me

and basically I feel like I got one of the biggest knives in my back

and a dagger in my heart.

It is very clear to my eyes now that I have been blinded since day one.

Coming up, Team America gets their next secret mission.

What did you choose and can they pull it off before the night is through?

Then it's the live vote and eviction who will be the next house guest

to leave the game.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Let's go to the living room and talk with a house guest.

Hello, house guest.

of one of Zack's outbursts.

You were both laughing and crying at the same time.

What exactly was going through your mind?

I don't know.

I was so shocked, like, that he said that, but I actually take it as a compliment

because I like Fruit Loops and a dink it.

You're welcome.

You're welcome, Nicole.

You have a good attitude, Nicole.

Caleb, this question comes from one of our viewers.

Bunny slippers, scarves on your head.

Is this the way you dress when you're at home?


You know, they're amber slippers and they fit good on my feet.

I've been a have not for two solid weeks and it's cold,

so that's where the scarves come out.

You know, every once in a while I like to be Metro.

You know, I'm a cowboy, but, you know, I throw some Metro in every once in a while

and I think Frankie's rubbing off on me.

I'm not sure.

So with that being said, hey, all the time.

All right.

Well, house guests, I'll be back in just a few minutes

to start the live vote and eviction.

Just hours ago, you voted for Team America's next secret mission,

so what mission did you choose?

It's time for you and Team America to find out.


Another mission, baby, Team America.

Here we go.

Team America, America wants you to vote against the majority of the house

in this week's eviction and then publicly accuse two other house guests

of being the ones responsible during the eviction fallout.

Damn it!

You must inform your fellow Team America members of this mission.

The rest is up to you.

Good luck and God bless America.

This is going to be the toughest mission yet

and it could put our long-term games in jeopardy.

What the…

Sorry to wake you up, buddy.

Team America mission, they do what kind of ball at us.

America has chosen that they would like us to vote against the house

and the majority vote…

in addition to voting against the house at the live eviction,

immediately after the votes are revealed and the person leaves,

we have to publicly accuse two people of voting against the house.

Are you serious?


Frank, you couldn't see you, Keelan.

Did you flip?

And I could see that Zach.

Zach, you're trying to stir up trouble

and then you could go, yeah, Zach is trying to stir the pot.

Calling someone out like this mission is requiring

is a character I don't have inside of the house

and I definitely don't have outside of the house.

These little young, smart people would know.

I think it would blow my game.

Holy moly.

I say we decline it because these people ain't done it.

No, they're not.

They're going to wonder who done it.

But I think that they would 100% believe that Zach did it

and 100% believe that Caleb could not go through with it.

I agree with that too, but I see here where he's saying,

you're not worried about the vote.

If it was just voting, we would vote to keep everyone.

If it was a vote, it would be no big deal.

I mean, I could say, heck, you would do it.

But for me to speak up and say that would be so out of character.

I mean, it's a risky one.

This is not going to be a tough mission to pull off.

It's going to be a tough mission to survive.

I chose to come play this game, Donny Thompson.

I didn't come across the country to have my game messed up.

They're not making this easy, are they?

Coming up, will Donny and Derek vote against the house?

And if so, who will be sent packing?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother, Amber or Jocasta,

who will stay in the game and continue her hunt for the half million dollars.

Let's return to the living room and begin the live vote.

House guests, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

Amber, Jocasta, in just moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict.

But before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes with one brief statement.

Amber, you're first.


You guys know how I am about this.

First, I want to say, goodness, I want to send love to my beautiful family, my fabulous friends.

Jocasta, you're an amazing woman and it is very unfortunate that I'm sitting next to you.

Being in this house, I never thought I'd love all of you as much as I do.

I mean, I thought coming here would be absolutely insane and crazy.

But I do, I love you guys.

I think I've played a very, very honest and loyal game.

And because of that, I am a very honest and loyal player.

And I think it would also benefit your game if I stayed in the house.

Once again, I'm very blessed and I enjoy every moment in this house.

So I would hope that you would vote for me to stay.

Thank you.

Thank you, Amber.

Jocasta, it's your turn.

All right.

I did all taste and see that the Lord is good and worthy to be praised.

God knows I have to acknowledge him before everything.

Thank you so much, God.

Chris, I love you, baby.

Ooh, Connor Dillon, you're the best.

Mom, Jessica, thank you.

And the rest of my family who are helping with the kids, I really appreciate it.

Houseguests, I'm so trustworthy, loyal to you guys.

I would love to stay here and just fight it out.

I pray for each and every one of you every night.

Whether I stay or go, I'll continue to pray for you.

I love you.

God bless.

God bless you too, Julie.

Thank you.

Thank you, ladies.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

Frankie, as head of household, you are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Hayden, you're up first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

By using the veto, Hayden secured Amber a seat on the block.

Will he use his vote to send her home?

Hi, Hayden.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I finally vote to evict Amber.

Thank you.

Victoria assured Jocasta she was safe.

Will she keep her word tonight?

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict the fakest of them all, Amber.

Thank you.


Donnie has been hesitant to accept Team America's mission.

Let's see what he decided to do.

Hi, Donnie.

Hey there.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Amber.

Thank you.

Sorry, America, about the mission.

Too risky.

So Team America will not take on their mission.

Let's see what Derek has to say.

Hi, Derek.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

Donnie's made it very clear that he's not on board with this mission,

or Team America if it affects its own game.

I'm sorry, everyone.

We tried.

I vote to evict Amber.

All right, then.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The vote is four votes to evict Amber and zero votes to evict Jocasta.

The final house guest cast their votes live when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

The house guests are voting live to evict either Amber or Jocasta.

So far, it's four votes to evict Amber and zero votes to evict Jocasta.

Let's continue with the live vote.

Zach has made it his mission this week to backdoor Amber,

but he's proven to be unpredictable.

Hi, Zach.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I gladly vote to evict Amber.

Thank you.

It's official.

With five votes to evict Amber,

Amber will leave the house tonight, but let's see how the other votes fall.

Hi, Caleb.

What's going on, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly, sadly vote to evict my beautiful girl, Amber.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Christine thinks keeping Amber is her best move,

but the detonators think otherwise.

What will she do?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Amber.

Thank you.

Thank you.

As a member of the detonators alliance, Cody will likely stick to their plan.

Hi, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Amber.

Thank you.

Thank you, Julie.

Nicole hasn't made any big moves in the game,

but will she make waves with her vote?

Hi, Nicole.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Amber.

Thank you.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments

to say goodbye, gather her belongings, and walk out the front door.

With nine votes to evict, Amber, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Love you, babe.

I love you guys.

I played a very loyal game.

I think you see that up to this point, and I'm still not going to say anything about

any of your games, so just keep the Q-tip jar going.

Countdown the days.

Love you guys.


Come on in.

She does look good in black and white.

See you now, Amber.

Am I allowed to be or no?

There's someone in the room.

You're with me.

Say no, then.

That was my birthday.

She was shocked.


That's what happens when you buy the hand and feed.


Amber, nine to zero vote.


Who do you feel betrayed by the most?

Um, goodness, I don't even know.

Because I've played like a very, very honest and loyal game.

I would definitely say probably Caleb, you know?

But, you know, I think it was honestly personal.

I'm sorry I was not interested in him, and I'm not going to pretend to be to win some money.

Were you surprised you didn't get any votes to say?

No, because like it's a game, and people are going to backstab, you know, do it.

Like, I've enjoyed every game.

Why you?

Why do you think they targeted you?

I don't know.

They think I'm a flip-flopper back and forth in the house.

I wasn't with any other alliance.

I didn't have any other alliance, of course.

But got any further.

Sorry, it was definitely going to be, you know, all the girls hopefully, you know, kicking all the guys out finally.

Well, let's talk about that because you started to get a sense that there was a big alliance of a lot of guys.

And you talked to Christine.

But the women did not rally and band together.

Why not?

Yeah, it was weird.

They're saving their butts, definitely.

So I don't know.

I honestly don't know.

I can't.

I can't.

I don't even have an answer for that.

You chose not to blow up anyone's game.

And you said that.


Did you consider it for a second?

No, because I wanted to walk out.

They were questioning my game and questioning my, you know, loyalty.

And if I was trustworthy or not.

And by walking out not blowing up anyone's game, I think that just shows, you know, how I really did play my game.

Oh my goodness, yeah.

Did that affect your game in the house?

It did.

I think he had a huge, like that was, I'm not here for a show, my answer, you know, no relationship.

I think it really did affect my game.

And him doing all that, like, I don't even know.

He has my bunny slippers still.

Can I at least get those back?

I at least want my bunny slippers.

I don't think you're getting them back.

I could be wrong.

And then we saw a little bit of flirting between you and Cody.

Cody is like, no, he's like a brother to me.

Like, he is like someone I consider my closest and like my best friend in the house.

I think that would probably be the one person actually that I feel has betrayed me most, honestly.

Would you do anything differently?

No, I wouldn't.

I wouldn't change a thing.

Well, Amber, in the event that you were the one voted out tonight, your housemates taped some goodbye messages.

Let's look over here and listen.

Amber, I'm extremely happy that you're gone.

I know you are coming after me and this was better for my game.

I don't regret anything I said at the veto meeting.

I just wish I had more time to ether you even more.

Amber, I loved being in the b*mb squad with you, but that was yesterday's news.

I've been working with the detonators, Derek, Cody, Zach, Frankie, and me.

So we had to send you packing.

And honestly, Caleb's next.

Amber, you're someone I relate to more than anybody else in the house.

If you're a little taste of home, the way you talk, the way you carry yourself,

you remind me so much of being back home in North Carolina.

I hate to see you go and you will be greatly missed.

I know you're an amazing person.

I'm glad I met you.

Our conversations were always great.

But at the end of the day, Amber Bamber, I'm still the king of this house.

And the slipper just don't fit no more, my queen.

Have a safe trip home.

What is your reaction to what Christine just revealed to you?

I am happy.

I'm glad that they're working together.

Even like, you know, Zach and this whole thing, like, I mean, it's a game

and they're playing it very well.

So I am not mad at, you know, I'm not mad at all.

I'm glad that they're playing that way.

Who's running that house?

Zach, definitely.

No, Donnie.

Donnie's definitely running that house.

And I think Zach is just, he's the villain of it.

But, oh, I never saw that thing.

I never saw that coming.

Before you go home, final thoughts?

No, I'm just ready to see my family, my beautiful family.

I've missed them so much.

So ready to see my family and enjoy the rest of my summer.

And to be clear, you are not going to be Caleb's date to the finale.

No, I'm going to.

Okay, just checking.

Just checking.

I have seen Coleso.

You're going to get a lot of phone calls.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Up next, we crown two new heads of household.

And the detonators continue to dominate this game.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Recently, the house guests viewed videos of themselves from earlier in the summer.

Clues that will be essential to winning tonight's HOH competition.

Oh, shit.


What does that mean?


We're going to be going around in circles.

Hey, y'all, come here for a second.

Look at the screen.

Oh, no!

Oh, my God!

That was dirty!

What the hell?

The memory wall is gone, and there's loops of different competitions, different situations, and it was awesome.

My favorite video loop is when Christine looks over at her like, yep, you just dropped another one.

Time to get loopy.

Now we know what they meant.

I could watch Nicole's movie all day.



I know loops have to do with the HOH competition.

You've got to study the backgrounds of the pictures, look at who's in them.

I'm much smarter than every single person in the house.

I should blow everyone out of the water when it comes to this kind of competition.

It's now time to crown two new heads of household.

Each must nominate two house guests for eviction.

Who will become the two most powerful players in the game?

Let's head to the backyard and find out.

House guests, the power is up for grabs.

Frankie, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete.

This game is called Getting Loopy, and here's how it works.

Earlier, you all had the chance to watch videos of events that have taken place in the house this summer.

I will now read you a series of statements based on the videos you saw.

For each question, you'll answer either true or false.

If you get the answer right, you stay in the game.

If you get it wrong, you are eliminated.

This will continue until we have crowned two new heads of household.

Does everyone understand?



Then let's get started.

Question one.

True or false?

In the pouring 20s video, Paula was wearing a blue outfit.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is true.

She was wearing a blue outfit.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone reset as we move on.

To question two.

True or false?

In the night moves video, feathers landed in Frankie's hand.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is true.

Feathers did land in Frankie's hand.

I'm sorry, Jocasta.

Reset and step down.

Everyone reset as we move on to question three.

True or false?

In the country hits video, a large horse was visible behind Amber.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

There was a neon cactus visible behind Amber.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone reset.

Question four.

True or false?

In the penalty kick video, Brittany was seen kicking her ball in the background.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

Brittany was holding it in her hand.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone reset.

Question five.

True or false?

In the Miami Lice video, the word beware was visible on the wall.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

The word was mourning.

That was on the wall.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone stays in the game.


Question six.

True or false?

In the we did what video, there was a duck floating in the pool.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is true.

There was a duck floating in the pool.

Victoria, Christine, and Derek.

The three of you have been eliminated.


Before you step down, everyone reset as we move on to question seven.

True or false?

In the Abra Kebabra video, the magic wand was in Brittany's right hand.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is true.

It was in her right hand.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone reset as we move on to question eight.

True or false?

In the wave video, Amber was wearing sunglasses.

Answers, please.

Correct answer is false.

Amber was not wearing sunglasses.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone reset as we move on.

As Cody, Zach, Nicole, Caleb, Donnie, and Hayden are all battling out to become the next two HOHs.

Question nine.

True or false?

In the Tumblin' Dice video, Devin was wearing a purple shirt.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

Devin was wearing a yellow shirt.

Everyone got it right.

Everyone stays in the game.

Please reset houseguests as we move on to question ten.

True or false?

In the B.


Rager video, there was a sign that read Frisbee Zone on the wall.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

There wasn't a Frisbee sign on the wall.

There were only Frisbees on the ground.

You guys are good.

You all have gotten it right.

You all need to reset as we move on.

True or false?

In the Take the Cake video, a bouquet of flowers was behind Zach.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

There were no flowers behind Zach.

I'm sorry, Cody.

You've been eliminated.

Reset first, please, Cody.

Cody, thank you.

Everybody reset as we move on with Zach, Nicole,

Caleb, Donnie, and Hayden still in the game to become HOH.

Question twelve.

True or false?

In the Deviled Eggs video, the dropped eggs were

seen hitting the ground.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is false.

The egg hit the ground out of view of the camera.

We are tied.

It is a five-way tie between Zach, Nicole,

Caleb, Donnie, and Hayden, and we are also out of time for this live broadcast.

So, houseguests, hang on tight.

I will be back with everyone in just a few moments.

Who will become the most powerful players in the game?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

What an HOH competition tonight.

You'll have to tune in Sunday to find out who will become the new heads of household

and whom they will nominate for eviction.

And on Wednesday, the power of veto is back up for grabs.

So far, the POV has been used each and every week.

Will it be used again?

Then, one week from tonight, it's double eviction time.

That's right.

It's a whole week's worth of Big Brother in one night.

You don't want to miss it.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.

Thanks for watching.

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