16x35 - Episode 35

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x35 - Episode 35

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, a twist will be revealed.

A house guest will be saved and the game will be rewound.

So how will the actions of the past week alter the future?

Welcome to Big Brother.

We are…


Previously on Big Brother…

When a mysterious button appeared in the Big Brother house…

That could be pretty much it.

Don't touch it.

Don't touch it.

Speculation ran rampant.

That button could be a million things.

You just never know.

You might end up with a DAGGUM Hawaii trip.

You might end up with DAGGUM new big old diesel truck.

What's the worst that can happen?

One of us go home right now.

But curiosity eventually got the best of the house guests.


So stupid.

What is that?

Five days.

Five days.

For 19 hours, 11 minutes, two seconds.

With farmer Frankie growing another win…

Congratulations, Frankie.

You're the new head of household.

The plan was set for a b*mb squad Final Four.

I've nominated you, Cody, and you, Victoria.

Victoria is the target.

I want to take my boys to the Final Four.

We're gonna go to the end.

And after Victoria failed to save herself with a veto…

I win!

I will now crown myself.

The fashionista's fate looked all but sealed.

I've decided not to use the power of veto.

But tonight, when the countdown clock ends,

the Big Brother Rewind will completely change the game.

How will the Bombinators react

when they learn their Final Four is not set in stone?

And how have Zach, Donny, Nicole, and Christine's arrivals

shaken up the jury house?

Literally nobody's looking at me, and I'm like,

ugh, I messed up.

Plus, Big Brother winner Dan Geeseling is back.

All this live right now on Big Brother.





Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Having won three competitions in a row,

Frankie has proven himself a serious contender to win this game

and a serious threat to the others in the house.

And even though the game is about to be rewound,

it won't erase the target on Frankie's back,

as his allies seem to want him out more than ever.

But first, while the others succumb to the paranoia

of the secret button, Derek's focus remains solidly

on making it to the Final Two.

I'm about as comfortable as you can be sitting on the block,

but the thing about this week is there's only two votes.

So if Caleb flips and it becomes a split vote,

the decision now falls on Frankie,

and the worst-case scenario would be

Frankie decides to send me packing this week,

and that would be a disaster.

Do you think my heart is going to stop from all the mayonnaise I eat?


You're supposed to say no, Frankie.

I agree.

Don't be so down, kid.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Victoria remains my target because everyone's trying to think,

who can I beat in the finals?

She's too tempting to want to take,

because everyone knows they can beat her.

It's extremely dangerous for my game,

because if I find myself sitting next to her next week,

I know I'm going home.

I love you.

Don't be sad.

Nothing is said and said.

You're a fighter, man.

Don't do that.

It didn't hit me until, like, no.

Obviously, there's four guys in the house on the last girl standing,

knowing that their mind is already set,

their relationship that they build with each other from a long time ago.

Bros before blank.

There's .

Go change up, go get comfortable.

Give her hope, right?


She could be staying over all of us come Wednesday.


Victoria is the real target,

but with the golden button,

things could definitely change in this house really fast.

I feel so sick.


I don't know.

I just don't feel good.

Oh, this sucks.

Since when is Frankie Team Cody?

I don't think he's Team Cody.

I mean, he hasn't said nothing to me.

I already know.

I mean, if I'm guessing what I think he thinks,

Cody hasn't necessarily burned him.

I think Caleb is a big fan of Cody.

And Caleb and Frank are very close.

And I think if Frankie sent Cody home,

it would cause a rift between him and Caleb.

Do you feel it?

You get what I'm saying?

Victoria's talking to me,

and I want her to know that I am here for her this week.

I've been spending more time with her than Caleb and Frankie,

and that's intentional.

I want to make sure that no matter what happens this week with this twist,

she has my back if she does, in fact, go to the jury house.

It just sucks because there's like nothing I can even say.

Go campaign.

Nothing to campaign.

There's one guy you can campaign to.


This song.

This song for sure.

I wonder if you would have won the veto if this game would have been completely different.


Don't think you're leaving yet, because that button,

it's going to be something that's going to change the game.

You could go from being on the block to in power like that.

I hope it's something cool, man.

I really hope so, dude.

I'm just hoping it's something that doesn't affect the overall game.


Oh, my God, dude, I'm praying it's not like going to affect the overall game.

We're not going to be sitting here with, you know, one of us gone,

and Victoria's still here with Frankie.

You can play in the HOH next week.


Because we hit the button because it's what you got to do.

You got to be on the block.

You got to hit the button.

Yeah, come on.

I'm glad he stuck to his g*ns and did what he said he was going to do,

but he's definitely really paranoid.

Yeah, he can't play in one of the biggest HOHs.

Button or no button.

I'm trying to let the guys know that we have to stick together

and we have to keep our focus on getting Frankie out of this house.

If we do that, we should be okay no matter what comes our way.

That's it.

If you don't, he's going to the final three.

And more than likely we'll win two out of three of those comps.

I think if he wins the final comps outright, no one's going to beat him.

You got to win, though.

Oh, my God.

Damn it!

I see you!


Oh, boy.

Hey, you got neutered.

Done, Roger.

Do you talk to Cody about who he's nervous about?

If you want me to be candid with you…

I do.

I think it's an unwritten thing between the three of you.

Me, Cody, and Caleb.


I think all three of you like each other,

but I think you all see each other as a threat to winning the money.

Yeah, of course.

The intent of this conversation is simple.

I have to put doubt in Frankie's mind that if he took Caleb or Cody to the final two,

it'd be tough for him to beat them.

And I'm not even going to mention my name at all.

I'm just going to let Frankie ponder,

and hopefully it's able to grow into something bigger than I can even say.

I think Caleb is the guy to beat this year.

Because he has five wins in conjunction with the fact that he's never really told somebody one thing and done another…


could be the difference with a five to four vote.

And he's won competitions and everyone's always thought he was one of the smartest guys in the house.

Them two are tough.

Derek is making me feel like me, Cody, and Caleb all have an equal shot of winning this game.

I understand that this is strategy to get him to the end of the game,

but I'm not counting Derek out of winning the $500,000 at all.

He hasn't convinced me.

Well, you know where my head's at.


You going crazy?

It just sucks, because I don't want to go out like this.

Sucks for sure.

Make a buzz on them.

If you leave, you're a jury vote.

Victoria and I are close, and with her possibly leaving this week,

everyone remaining in the house knows that's one assured vote that I have in the jury house.

If people think I even have one 100% jury vote,

they're not going to want to take me to the final two.

They think that I have your vote, and so they're probably thinking,

if Derek's not in the final two, Victoria would have to vote for one of us.


Unless they thought that you wouldn't vote for me.

Do you know what we could do?

You could take some skill on your part, though.


I could tell them, like, I told Victoria, I'm not going to vote for her.

You could legit be pissed at me.

He'd be like, Derek told me that he's working with all you guys,

and I can't believe he did that to me.

There's no way I'm voting for him.

There may be people in this house that think Victoria is useless,

but before she leaves this house, she's going to be extremely beneficial to my game.

Do you think you could pull it off, though?

I could fake her.


Do it up.

Do it up.

If I am evicted, I won't be able to win the half a million dollars,

but if it's not me, it has to be Derek.

I need to help him get to the final two, and I will do whatever I can in my power.

Oh, my God.

I got the least vote.

What's up?

Derek just told me that he's not voting to keep me,

and that he's been loyal to the guys.


It just sucks, Frankie.

It does suck.

It's terrible.

I don't ever want to look at him, talk to him.

I don't respect him as a person.

I do not like him.


I'm just so hurt.

I love you so much.

It really does suck.

I just feel super betrayed.

There's nothing that he can say to me that can meant things

because I don't even want to talk to him.

This is going better than expected.

It takes a player to play a player, and guess what, Frankie?

The joke's on you.

She's not happy.

And she's just happy.

She feels more hurt than me, but anyone else.

All right, man.

Here's what it is.

I feel I still feel good about it.

I still feel okay about it.

I don't feel like it is permanent damage.

Right now, I'm just coming back, but it is what it is.

This was a tough one to accomplish because I had to rely on another person,

but it went better than expected.

He totally bought it.


That's good.

That's awesome.

Me and Victoria, we're a pretty good team.

I am going to miss her.

All right, quick.

I finally get out of here.

Love you.

Love you too.



You guys, the next live show begins in 48 hours!

I was right at you.

I was right at you.

Oh, my God.

I want to go to the game room.

Oh, my God.

Go, go, go!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

I was right at you.

I was right at you.

Oh, my God.

Here it is.

So that's an eviction.


Very possibly.

The Big Brother fan inside of me is losing my mind, okay?

The fact that the live eviction is now coming a day early,

I think is just accelerating my game.

Hopefully, this doesn't mean anything terrible for me.

Live show 48 hours means probably a live eviction.

I'm excited to see what happens Wednesday night.

This looks like it's going to be the last big twist of the season,

and so far, I've done pretty good with them.

If I can be on my A-game and survive this one,

my chances of winning $500,000 just became that much more of a reality.

Wednesday eviction, HOH Thursday, veto eviction.

We're going into the finals.

I think Big Brother's done on Sunday.

If this button throws a twist our way,

I could be the one sitting outside of the house on Wednesday after a live show,

so obviously being on the block makes this whole thing a lot more nerve-wracking.

We just crammed the rest of the season into one week.

Less than a week.

Obviously, I'm freaking out

because I might be walking out of the Big Brother house on Wednesday night.

Hey, very well could be celebrities that we've all wanted to see

they paid and brought on the show.

The wildest speculation that came to my mind was four of our favorite celebrities

is going to come in and compete in a luxury competition

against the final four that are still in the house.

Hopefully, my celebrity would be old Mila Kuniz coming up in here,

and me winning in the luxury is me getting to marry that woman on national television.

I just can't wait to see Julie a day early.

Like, what?

It's like a dream come true.

Coming up, Nicole and Christine join the jury.

Then the house guests come face-to-face with the next big twist of the summer.

The Big Brother rewind will soon be revealed.

Plus, people are comparing Derek's game to that of former Big Brother winner Dan Giesling.

I sit down with Dan to get his take on the comparison.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Let's go to the living room and talk with the house guests.

Hello, house guests.

Hi, Julie.

Caleb, you all united and pushed the mysterious button that was in the former Have Not room.

Let me ask you, what do you hope it means?

I ain't even going to lie to you, Julie.

I hope a big old dadgum diesel truck just drives through the front door

with a whole bed full of money, and I get to share it with everybody.

Don't hold your breath.

Derek, you seemed apprehensive about pushing that button.

Now that it has been pushed, any regrets?

No, listen, as a fan of the show, I know it had to be pushed.

I would have liked to wait longer than 30 seconds to push it,

but everyone saw a shiny button and that was it.

It was over.

We know our house guests.

Yeah, we actually do.

Frankie, you all had some visitors this week.

What was it like being a part of Jeff and Jordan's engagement?

I mean, it was such a magical experience.

Obviously, I'm such a huge fan of the show, and I feel like I know those two,

so I almost felt like I got to go attend a family event.

Like, it just brought so much joy into my heart, and I was privileged to be a part of it.

We saw that.

It came through.

It came through.

Now, the house had another visitor this week.

Let's take a look.

It was huge.

Shut the f…

Shut the f…

Oh, my God, in front of the city!

I'm gonna dump you.

And also…

We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna…



Open the other one!

I'm gonna fog out now.

Cody, what is going on with your extreme fear of rats?

What are you offering me?

That thing's about to go off.

Hey, they bite.

I know they do.

And I don't want rabies, right?

I mean…

Okay, all right.

I think…

I'm sorry, absolutely.

All right, thank you for helping me out on that one.

You're welcome.

Now, this week, Jeff pointed out that this house is officially one of the messiest houses

in the history of Big Brother.

So, Victoria, let me ask you,

who would you say is the biggest slob left in the house?

The biggest slob would have to be a tie between Caleb and Frankie.

Sorry, guys.

You guys leave everything everywhere.

So, Nails.

Oh, sorry.

Enough, enough.

Too much information.

Thank you.

I'll be back in just a few minutes to begin tonight's live vote and eviction.

One by one, the jury house continues to fill up, but not everyone is welcome.

What are you even doing?

Staring at each other waiting for you.

Talking, waiting, because we're tired.

I'm beat.


Where's your sleep?

Holla, Fruit Loop Dingus.

Oh, yeah!

Oh, yeah!

That was too good.

That was…



That was Daddy!

It was?


Oh, my God, that's so cool, Derek.

Oh, my God, that was so fun.



What old Zach?

Yo, Zach Attack.

Come on down here for a sec.

All right, I'm coming.

Happy birthday!

Thank you.

You guys really didn't have to do that.

Are you going to open it?





Oh, perfect.

That's perfect.

I feel normal again.

Thank you, guys.

You like that.

Hey, Victoria, sorry I'm not sorry.

You shredded your own hat, and I got a brand new one.

Everything's great.

The next person in here better be good at ping pong,

because I am tired of crushing you.

Yo, I really hope it's Cody or Bear.

Literally, anyone but Nicole.

I would hate for Nicole to walk into the jury house a second time.

I mean, obviously, I love having her around,

but I would rather see her in the house fighting for the $500,000.

It's definitely her dream.

I'm back!

You look hot!

I went through a lot of crap in the big brother house

the past couple weeks, and I missed my friends here.

Definitely missed Hayden.

What happened?

I couldn't win a competition.

The whole house was against me, but it was a double eviction,

so someone's coming in soon, but I have no idea.


I wonder who it's going to be.

Hopefully, Christine!

Hopefully, Christine!

I want to see some wipeout.

And I'm done.

Oh, I can't wait to see her fall.

I can't.

Victoria, the beast as a competitor,

I'm just really surprised she hasn't won a competition.

That's a joke.

Okay, you'll have to win each of each competition.

Nicole, I think this was a no-brainer.

You have honestly had three chances to save yourself

in this game since you've been back,

and you have failed to do so.

They were rude, all of me.

I knew if I didn't win the veto, I was going to go home.

Oh, you weren't even ready for it.

Christine, you have won the Golden Power of Vito!

Oh, God.

I hate her.

Turn it off.

The person that I'm putting up today,

I want them to know that they're safe.

Nicole is literally the main target this week.

You looked terrified, but really hot.

I was so mad because everyone's being a baby.

They obviously have a final four.

The four boys.

Derek's good.

He's good at being the nice guy.

Yeah, I think that's a good thing.

When he secretly is doing all the work.

I actually do like Derek a lot.

He's playing a great game.

He has everyone by the balls,

and he's going to keep running with that till the end.

It seems to me like Derek and Frankie make all the moves.

All right, who do you think is coming in the door?

I would like for it to be Christine.

Me too.

I would love to see Christine coming to the jury house

because I don't want her to win.

She had targeted me early on,

and I don't like the way she played this game.

So you think it's Christine?

I think it's Christine.

It's not Christine.


We can't hear.

Do it, Donnie.

How's the last one?


So Christine walks in.


Oh my gosh!

She nailed it.


Pretty predictable.


This is the most awkward I have ever been in my whole entire life.

Literally nobody's looking at me,

and I'm like, ugh, I messed up.

You guys got to check out the DVD

because I can't even remember what happened.

The answer is false.

Congratulations to Derek, you,

the new head of counsel.

I don't know.

What was the question?

Yeah, that was embarrassing.

One question.

Do you have a thing for dinosaurs now?


Do you have an attorney?


By a vote of three to zero, Christine,

you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

You're getting, getting package stuff.

That was good.

Christine got what was coming towards her

because she did it to me, she did it to Hayden,

she did it to Donnie, so it was nice

to let her feel what it feels like.

I got the loudest boo I have ever heard in the history of it.

Are you serious?

her little shindig with Cody.

People don't boo people for game-related instances.

So who do you think the head of the snake is?

Derek is the main reason why all of us are here.

Derek is a big reason.

He's a very big reason that we're all here.

So he's good.

Derek had an alliance with everyone.

Derek is a crazy lying son of a g*n

and I am thoroughly impressed.

Like as a super fan, as a player of this game,

holy crap Derek got me.

He's a stinker butt.


Frankie, Derek and Cody, they're good.


Frankie has won 50% of his competition

and is a very social person.

That is pretty impressive.

It's Frankie versus Derek and who can bring Victoria?

That's how it plays out.

and the house is about to be blindsided

by this summer's next big twist.

Plus, what does former Big Brother winner Dan Giesling

think about who's left in the game

and who's his pick to win it all?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time for the live voting to begin,

but the rewind clock is just moments away from striking zero.

Let's return to the living room and rejoin the house guests.

Hello again, house guests.

It's now time for the live voting to begin.

Cody, Victoria, in just moments,

your housemates will cast their votes to evict live,

but before they do,

you each have a final chance to sway their votes.

Cody, you're first.

I just want to say hi to my family.

I love you guys.

See you soon.

Big congratulations again, Jeff and Jordan.

Julie, I know I don't have to say it,

but you look amazing.

Guys, we started something really, really early in this game

and we kind of have gotten to the point that we have now

through the loyalty and having each other's back.

I'm hoping that we do the same thing carrying through this vote

and I really hope you guys keep me

to go through to the final four.

I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Thank you, Cody.

Victoria, it's your turn.

First off, just want to say thank you to all my family and friends

for all the love and support.

Mom, Dad, Lauren, Joey, I love you

and I couldn't have done this without you.

Yeah, I cannot wait to see you.

House guests, it's been a pleasure

playing this game with you all summer

and I thank you for treating me like the princess.

I know I am.

However, in this game,

all you have is trust and loyalty.

Derek, you have betrayed me

and I will never be able to forgive you for that.

For the rest of you guys, love you.

Good luck.

Kick some butt and wish you the best of luck.


Thank you, Victoria.

Thank you both.

All right, everyone.

It is time for the live voting to begin.

Frankie, as current head of household,

you are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room

and cast your vote to evict.

Derek, you're up first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.



Here we go.

It's a button.


It's a button.

It's a button.

No eviction.

All right, everyone.

As you all know,

the button you all discovered has been pushed.

What does that mean?


I'll be your next guest.

but what I can tell you is that it will affect everyone's game

and perhaps your life in the Big Brother house.


Told you, boys.

And girls.


That's a reset mean, though.

Hey, can I get my suitcase, please?

Wow, that was crazy.

It worked.

And that was exactly at the time.

Hey, we knew it.

We knew it, though.

Can I get my suitcase?

Up next, I'll reveal the Big Brother rewind to the house guest.

Then I sit down with former Big Brother winner Dan Giesling.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Just moments ago, the Big Brother rewind clock expired

and the live vote and eviction came to a halt.

Let's head back to the living room

and explain this time-altering twist to the house guests.

Hello again, house guests.

Yes, I am sure you are all wondering what on earth is going on.

Well, here's what's happening.

The button that you all as a group decided to push

set in motion the next big twist of the summer.

It's called the Big Brother rewind.

And because you pushed it,

you're all about to do a little time traveling.


Here you go.



Come here.

You don't want it.

Hey, help.

He's here, he's here.

Oh, oh my God.

We're doing it again.

Guess what, house guests?

You all just went back in time.

The game has a very, very important role to play.

You've officially been rewound one week

to the last HOH competition,

and you will replay the entire week.


So, Cody, Victoria, the two of you are no longer on the block,

so please take a seat on one of the couches.

Thank you, dude.

Make yourselves comfortable.


And Frankie, I'm sorry,

but your reign as HOH has been erased.

Take it.

In just moments, Frankie, Victoria, Cody, and Caleb

will get a second shot at the Seed Saw HOH competition.

Now, Derek, since you were HOH at the time,

you obviously are not eligible once again to compete.

And Cody, sorry, buddy,

after the HOH competition, Cody,

it's back into the dinosaur costume for you.



For now, house guests, feel free to move about the house,

and I'll see you all in the backyard shortly.

Thanks, Julie.


All right, Cody.

Oh, I was in the final office.

It is k*lling me.

Wow, that is neat, though.

You gotta change, Frankie.

Yeah, of course I have to change.

No, I've gotta wear the same thing that I did last time.

I mean, I've gotta like…

Darn, look at that hair.

That hair, maybe I should wear a hat this time, huh?

Let's go.

Yeah, okay, let's do this.

Come on.

There are only two weeks left of the game,

which means the pressure is mounting in the house

like never before.

Perhaps nobody knows that feeling better

than former Big Brother winner Dan Giesely.

Welcome back.

Here's what happened here.

All right, let's talk about this season.

What is your take on how this game has been played this summer?

I think what we've seen this season is an alliance.

It's been very strong, and they've steamrolled through the whole game.

The thing that's been surprising to me

is that these guys haven't turned on each other yet.

There's been multiple opportunities to,

and none of them have made that move yet.

You said yet.

Yes, yeah.

So it's gonna happen.

Yeah, it's at the point now where, say, Victoria goes home,

they're gonna have to take a shot at one another,

and it's gonna be interesting to see who takes that first shot.

Who do you think that person's going to be?

You know, I think Frankie's dangerous.

I think he's the only one that understands how dangerous Derek is,

and Derek's playing a phenomenal game,

and it's gonna be fun to watch.

The rewind button is something new.

How do you think it's going to affect the game?

I think the only person that's really gonna affect is Frankie.

If he freaks out, and this could disrupt his whole last week,

if not, you know, it gives someone else, say,

Victoria wins or Cody wins,

it gives them an opportunity to take a big shot

that they may have been thinking about the last week,

and now they have the opportunity to do so.

Be honest.

Would you have pressed that button?

Of course, in a heartbeat.

I wouldn't have waited as long as they did.

There you go.

You gotta play the game.

Now, Derek has been working very hard to get to the finals with everyone,

but do you think he's done almost too good of a job,

and maybe that's catching up with him now?

Well, that's the thing.

He's played the game so well.

The thing I like about Derek is he's working 24 hours a day,

seven days a week, and the problem that Derek may run into is,

if he gets to the end, he has two or three minutes

to explain to an entire jury all the inner workings of his game,

and that's not an easy thing to do.

Do you think he can pull it off?

I think he can.

He's such a good player and such a huge fan of the show.

It's been a lot of fun watching him play this game.

A lot of people have called him the Dan Giesling of this summer.

What do you make of that comparison?

I think what we share in common is a love for the game,

to see how he works the strategy and the scheming.

As a fan, I'm cheering for him to win this game.

With that being said, he's still gotta win,

and I hope he does, because if he doesn't win this game,

I'm gonna be a little disappointed,

about the same time Freaky's been playing well,

but Derek, I'm at home rooting for him,

week in and week out.

We'll see what happens.

Dan Giesling.

Thanks for having me.

Thanks for coming back.

When we return, it's a do-over,

a second chance to grab all the power

and secure the box in the final four next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time to pound a new head of household.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

House guests, it's Groundhog Day in the Big Brother House,

and the power is back up for grabs.

The game has been rewound to the last HOH competition.

The big brother is back up for grabs.

so again, you are not eligible to compete tonight.

Whoever wins must nominate two house guests for eviction,

and you will then replay the last veto competition.

Keep in mind, the games may be the same,

but the outcomes have yet to be determined.

This competition, if you recall, is called Seed Saw,

and to refresh your memory, here's how it works.

On my go, you must crawl under your fence,

grab a seed from the wire basket,

walk across your giant shovel handle,

and one at a time, place your seeds on the shovel head.

Remember, if you or any of your seeds hit the dirt,

you must reset all of your seeds in your wire basket

and start all over again.

The first house guest to place all of their seeds

on their shovel head, go under their fence,

and buzz in will be the new head of household.

Everyone understand?


All right, then house guests, get on your mark.

Get set.


Caleb lost your seed, and so has Cody.

Victoria and Frankie both have one seed in their shovel head.

All right, everyone has one seed.

Frankie is placing his second seed.

Caleb and Cody, and everybody has two seeds in their shovel head.

Four-way tie so far.

Frankie carefully placing his third seed.

Caleb, Cody, and Frankie all have three seeds in their shovel head.

Up next, we'll rejoin this all-important HOH competition.

Plus, we've supersized the coming week.

Find out how next.

And Thursday night football kicks off tomorrow night

with the Pittsburgh Steelers at the Baltimore Ravens

on CBS and NFL Network.

Football starts here.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

We'll rejoin the head of household competition in just a moment,

but first, here's how the coming week will work.

Tune in Sunday as the rewind twist continues to shake up the game

and the jurors make a surprise return to the house.

Then on Tuesday, join us for a special eviction episode

where the power of Vito will play out

and another house guest will be sent packing,

leaving the final four in place.

And one week from tonight on Wednesday,

it's the second eviction of the week.

Who will be the next house guest to join the jury

and who will make it to the final three?

It all happens next Wednesday.

Plus, next Friday, it's a special episode you don't want to miss.

And tune in for The Talk tomorrow right here on CBS.

All week, my co-hosts and I have been facing our fears

and tomorrow it's my turn.

My dare is to stick my head in a glass box

while tarantulas crawl all over my face.

But I have a choice.

I can do the dare with just one giant tarantula

or several smaller ones.

And that's where you come in.

Tweet me at Julie Chen with the hashtags, The Talk,

and either Big Spider or More Spiders.

And tune in tomorrow to see what I choose.

For now, let's rejoin the head of household competition

already in progress.

Hello again, house guests.


Lots of C's for all of you.

Looking good, everyone.

Thanks, Julie.

But I think there's something missing

since the last time you all played this competition.


Don't do it.

Don't do it.

All right.

All right, it's fine.

There you go.

Thanks, Julie.

You're welcome.

Good night, Julie.

Good night.

Coming back in there.

Let's go.

Coming down.

Let's go.

Thank you.


Oh, yeah, baby.

Wow, this is colder.

Come on, come on.

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