16x37 - Episode 37

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x37 - Episode 37

Post by bunniefuu »

The rewind button was pushed and the week was replayed, but despite that history did not repeat itself.

Welcome to a special eviction episode of Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother…

The houseguest pressed a mysterious button.


So stupid.


What is that?

And activated an ominous countdown clock.

From where I'm from, a clock is never a good thing.

It's usually for an Armageddon, a b*mb, not nothing good.

When Frankie went on a winning streak…

You're the new head of household.

I will now crown myself.

His plan was to remain loyal to his alliance and send Victoria packing.

I've decided not to use the power of veto.

But instead of an eviction, the clock hit zero.



Hit the button!

And the game was officially rewound a week.

The two of you are no longer on the block, so please take a seat on one of the couches.

Make yourselves comfortable.

The houseguest got a second chance at sowing the seeds of victory.


But this time it was Caleb who became the beast mode head of household.

You're the new head of household.

There you go, buddy.

Nice job.

Derek and Cody decided it was time to take a shot at Frankie.

We have to try to get him to book Frankie up.

We have to.

But Caleb was unsure if it was the best move for his game.

I want to use Derek because for one he's never been up.

I just think we put him up, and if one of us built one of the veto,

he'd pull Derek off and put Frankie up.

After Derek worked his magic…

If you don't put him up, he could win the veto.

I don't take Victoria off and say, now you have to send Cody or Derek home.

The cowboy pulled the trigger for the hitman.

I've nominated you, Victoria, and you, Frankie.

Even though Caleb tried to dupe Frankie into believing he was in no real danger…

Sometimes pawns mean a lot to people.

And to me, right now, you have to be my pawn.

Ariana's brother suspected he had a major problem.

I have to win this veto.

If I'm sitting up on that block,

I am sure those boys will take the shot.

Tonight, it's a must-win veto for Frankie.

Plus, it's a special eviction episode of Big Brother.

Someone will be leaving the house tonight.

And a new head of household will be crowned.

All this right now on Big Brother.


This is the end of the video.

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

We are almost a week away from naming a winner of Big Brother,

and the inevitable has happened.

The detonators have finally turned on one another.

Last week's target, Victoria, has now become the pawn.

And Frankie has taken her place with his allies set on sending him to the jury.

But this is Big Brother.

And with the veto still in play, anything can happen,

and anyone could be evicted tonight.

So, will the nominations change?

And if so, who will be heading out the front door?

We'll soon find out.

But first, the Big Brother rewind has changed everything.

With the press of a button, Frankie has gone from holding all the power to holding on for dear life.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

So, I've just nominated Frankie and Victoria.

As much as I love Frankie, this is a game.

And if I don't knock him out first, he may swing at me next week and knock me smooth out.

Thank you.

That's sweet.

It was a good speech.

I am completely shocked by nominations.

I feel totally blindsided.

I know that I'm a huge, glittery target, so being put up raises every red flag possible.

You do have a heart of gold.

Thanks, Caleb.

I'm nominated for the eighth time, but sorry, Frankie.

You're going to be walking out that door, and I'm going to make it to the final four.

So, nominations were according to plan.

I dodged a serious b*llet by not being put up there, and I got Caleb to put Frankie on the block.

Now we have to win the veto, and we can send Frankie packing.

You hate me?

I don't understand.

I looked at all the scenarios, and that, to me, was the best thing to do.

I had Cody up.

He's been up there all week.

He's been upon.

Derek didn't even get a chance to play in either one of them.

I felt that it was not fair to put him up there.

He's never been on the block.

You're telling me you didn't put Derek up because he didn't get a chance to play in the past two HOHs?

That doesn't make any sense.

I won the last HOH and kept you safe for an entire week.

Tori is not winning.


Go in, win the veto, pull yourself off, I'll put Derek up, and then she's going home.

You go in there and you do your thing.

This is the chance for $500,000.

This veto is huge.

We have to.

No, if we win it, we're in the final two.

I don't think we should open it up to Caleb too much and keep it between just us.

Oh, yeah.

Even the sending Frankie home.

So that he doesn't slip up.

Well, he clearly is on board for it.


Because he just put him up.


And he was stupid for him because they had a final two.

This is what we've been trying to do.

We did it.

Come on, he succeeded.

All right, go up there.

The time to send Frankie home is now, now, now.

This kid's got to go.

I have to win the veto.

My solids are striped.

Your solids.

I am?



I know exactly what you're doing.

I love you for it.

I'm being tested.

All on the block?

I'm not testing you.

I have no reason to test you.

So is there any other reason besides the one you said?

The only other reason that really came to mind

the thought of you possibly, if you were off the block

and won the veto, that for some odd reason

you would want to take a big s*ab and pull Victoria off.

Oh, my God.

And one of us go up, and then one of us having to go home.

Caleb, I was HOH last week.

I know.

I could have done it last week if I wanted to do it.

But that did get brought up.

How did it get brought up?

Just me, Derek, and Cody talking.

It got brought up.

Who do we think would make a big move like that?

And you were the one that we thought would do it.

Oh, God.

The fact that the three of you are still conspiring against me,

after all that I've done, all that I've proven, my God,

I was completely blindsided.

It was literally a spur of the moment.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

And now that he's out, he can know,

because I'm being straight honest with him.

I know.

I told him that if anyone would possibly want to make a huge move,

it would be him to win it and then pull Victoria off.

Now, did we say he would do that?


Oh, absolutely not.

Dude, shut your mouth.

This is big brother.

If you want to make a move, you don't go run and tell the person

right after you do it.

If Frankie manages to pull himself down and get out of this one,

he's going to be gunner for all of us now.

But I don't want you to think that we're plotting behind your back.

I understand.

No, but he just told me about the thing with Victoria.

This kid is k*lling me.

He cannot keep his mouth shut.

If Frankie goes out there and wins the veto,

now I'm going on the block.

So thanks, Caleb.

I hate that there's even an inkling of a doubt.

There's not a doubt, because if there was a doubt,

then you didn't win the veto, we could send you home.

Like, you know, last week, all I did was prove myself again.

And that's all I'm going to keep doing until the end of this game.

Everything has become crystal clear to me.

I am a huge threat to everyone in this house.

I can see it all over your face, Derek, Cody.

You all just scared of me.

I will be judged based on my actions in this house,

and they've all been nothing but loyal and honest.

And that's all I can say.

We have one of the most unique opportunities in Big Brother history.

Because of the rewind button,

we know exactly what this veto competition is going to be.

And we actually have the opportunity to prepare ourselves for it.

It's monstrous, though.

Even though Caleb didn't actually say the word,

he basically just revealed to me that I'm the target for this week.

Right now, my entire game comes down to this veto competition.

I blew them away in this competition last week,

and I'm going to do it again.

This is going to be like the fastest-faced morph in history.

Times are going to be like insanely low.

This is the most pivotal veto of the summer.

If we can make this big move happen and get Frankie out of the house,

I'm that much closer to the 500K.

I've been wanting Frankie out for weeks,

and now we have a chance to prep for this competition.

He smoked us the last time, and that's not going to happen again.

I'm going to be studying every single detail on that wall,

and I'm going to take him out Hitman style.

Coming up, the power of veto is up for grabs.

Can Frankie pull off another win and save himself?

We'll soon find out, but first,

all summer long you've been sending Team America on secret missions.

Well, Team America is over,

but Frankie and Derek have one last chance to take home some cash.

I'm going to do it again.

I'm going to do it again.

Team America is over,

and you are now playing for yourself and yourself alone.

But as an individual, you have one more chance to earn a prize.

In honor of your service to Team America,

win Big Brother and take home an extra $50,000.


I would love to win Big Brother and get this extra $50,000 cash.

That is huge.

This is unbelievable.


Welcome back to Big Brother.

Frankie and Victoria may be on the block,

but the power of veto could change that,

sending everyone scrambling to win this all-important POV.

Oh, here we go again.

Last week, I barely beat Victoria.

Totally embarrassing.

I need to win this competition because I want to keep the noms the same

and send Frankie packing.

Welcome back to the Big Brother Freak Show.

Warming up backstage are six new Freak Show Acts that will blow your mind.

Each act has three houseguests matched into one face,

except the sixth and final Freak Show Act

will have six houseguests matched into two faces.

The houseguest who correctly identifies the faces in all six Freak Show Acts

in the shortest amount of time will win the power of veto.

In a twist to this week's B.


Freak Show,

the first player will set the time to beat.

The next player must beat this time or their game is over.

Are you ready for Act 2 of B.


Freak Show?

Oh, what is that thing?

Last week, Frankie smoked all of us in this competition.

So I know if I'm going to win it,

I need to be as close to perfection as possible.

I get the first buzz wrong,

so I look up at the eyes again.

Those look a lot like Joey's eyes.

So the first thing I see is Brittany's forehead.

You can see that thing from a mile away.

It's like a billboard.

I see Frankie's hair, so I know that's it.

It's disgusting looking,

but I immediately recognize the facial features.

I see this hamster,

and the first thing I want to do is find the highest tear

and jump on top of it.

Right off the bat, Derek's little pickle and nose

pops out right in my face.

This freak is the ultimate nightmare.

Double trouble, I have to pick out six features now instead of three.

Right there!

It's not going to be good enough.

Now all I can do is sit back up in the HOH room

and see how everybody else does.

I'm holding on to the veto right now,

but I don't think it can beat for much longer.

Let's do this!

Of course.

Two minutes and 21 seconds.


Frankie and I are the two biggest competitors left in this game.

I have got to get him before he gets me.

Those nominations have got to stay the same.

Get the switches off, dude!

Right now, I am totally confused.

I'm looking over at my board.

I got all my names figured out.

No, dude, you're k*lling yourself.

He left the lights on from the first round.

All he's got to do is turn them off.

Turn and look right!

Out of the corner of my peripheral vision,

I just happened to notice that I forgot to turn off the last freak's names.

What a goof.



Two minutes and 21 seconds.

Here we go.

There you go, girl.

What's up, girl?

I have no idea.

Papow, look at that nose, girl!


I did not finish.

I blew another chance to save myself.

This is the worst.


I'm a huge target.

I have to win this veto,

and two minutes and 21 seconds is what I have to do it in.


He's like, doing all.

That is…

That is…

Whose eyes are those?

God, it's Amber.

No, it's me.

No, it's Amber.

It's Amber.

He's all been…

Oh, he's frazzled.

I completely am panicking.

Of course, the clock is counting down,

but I have to move faster.

Ah, whose eyes are those?

Oh my God.

Oh my God.


I'm gonna cast a…

Devin, Devin, Devin.


He's done.

It's game over.

It's game over.


Two minutes and 21 seconds.

Give me some love, baby.

I went from HOH, winning both competitions,

to being on the block and potentially going home.

And of course, I'm wrecked.

Let's see this time.


I'm gonna assume Frankie had a good run then.

I see the time is 2.

Frankie struck again.

Let's see what we can do.

If Frankie wins this thing,

I could be going up on the block,

and I could be going home.

Not gonna lie, the 2.

He's doing good.

He's got two more.

The last one.

Come on, baby.

So I lose this thing by seconds,

and all I can think is, Frankie just beat me.


Now I could be going up on the block and going home.

It's gotta be Frankie's view.

Dude, honestly, you're free.

Huge move.

I just won the biggest cup of the summer so far.

We're keeping the noms the same,

and we're sending that boy out of the house.

Losing this veto is absolutely the worst case scenario.

All I can hope for is that Cody and Derek will stick to their word

and actually keep me in this house.

I feel like we just knocked out Goliath.

Frankie's butt is gonna sit on that block,

and Final Three is looking mighty good right now.

Up next, our special eviction episode continues

with the veto meeting, the eviction,

and the biggest H.



competition of the season.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Frankie may have lost the power of veto competition,

but his loyalty to the detonators could win him a chance to stay in the game.

Hey, guys.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Frankie and Victoria,

you have both been nominated for eviction,

but I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I want to give both nominees a chance

to tell me why you think I should use the veto on you.

Victoria, you can go first.


Just want to say congrats, Cody, on winning the veto.

I do enjoy playing this game with you guys.

At this point of the game, I don't expect you to use the veto,

but if you do use it, I'd love for you to use it on me.


Frankie, out's your turn.

If you use the veto on me, Derek will be the replacement nominee.

Basically, he's never been on the block,

so you should use the veto on me.

Thank you very much.

Cush it.

I've decided

not to use the power of veto.

Caleb made his nominations, and I'm going to respect him as the HOH

and keep him the same.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

I thought it was good.

I thought…

I really thought I had to do it.

Still on the block, not a surprise.

I'm not 100% confident that I'm staying this week.

All I can do is preach loyalty to these guys all week.

Are you going to choose greed, or are you going to choose honor?

The choice is yours.

You will be judged.

I'm going to be judged.

what are my stripes or solids?

Uh, your stripes.

You know, I'm trying real hard to keep my…

together with him.

Never will I make the mistake of keeping him safe again.

What he did to me this week, the way he did it, was not cool.

What up?

How's the king?

How's the king?

How long till Caleb comes to you and says that we should keep Victoria?

A day?

I don't think so, but…

Oh, come on.

The last time you wanted to back door me.

I'm definitely in trouble this week, no doubt about it.

But there are two people voting, and I'm going to try and work them over

so they understand that we've been working together this whole game,

and now moving forward, I have a clear target.

Caleb has wronged me, and if you keep me in this house,

I'm not coming for you, I'm coming for him.

If I were him, it would be the smart thing to do.

However, if I were you and Derek, it wouldn't be,

because you know who I'm coming for.


Up next, the game ends for either Victoria or Frankie.

One goes to the jury, the other makes it to the final four.

Stay with us.



Welcome back to Big Brother.

Victoria or Frankie, it's now time to find out

who will become the seventh member of the jury.

Let's head to the living room for tonight's vote and eviction.

Hello, houseguests.

Hi, Neely.

Victoria, Frankie, in just a few moments,

Cody and Derek will cast their votes to evict,

but before they do, you each have one last chance to plead your case.

Victoria, you're first.

Thank you, Julie.

First off, just want to say a quick thank you to all my family

and friends for all the love and support, houseguests.

It has been an honor playing this game with you.

I have fought very hard to get to this point.

I really want to stay to continue fighting.

I would really appreciate people for me to stay.

Either way, no hard feelings.

I love you guys, and wish you the best of luck.

Thank you, Julie.

Thank you, Victoria.

Frankie, it's your turn.

Mommy, Nona, Grandpa, Daddy, Karen, James, I love you so much.

I miss you.

Ariana, you're the greatest little sister a brother could ever ask for.

My everything is everything.

And if I've made you a fraction of as proud as you make me every single day,

then I feel like I've already won big brother.

Houseguests, I knew coming in here that if I were to play at my full potential,

I would be a huge target.

And I'm proud to say that I did shine bright like a Frankie since day one,

and I've made it all the way till day 88.

Having said that, before we pushed that infernal button,

I have kept you all safe as HOH, and I would really appreciate it

if you honored the final four agreement that we have,

and we go all the way to the end.

But if not, I always say, go grande or go home,

and tonight I might be doing both.

Thank you to all my fans and my supporters.

Without you, I am nothing.

Julie, take it away.

All right, well done.

You are a showman.

Thank you both.

Neither nominee is allowed to vote.

Caleb, as head of household, you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, Cody, then Derek, will enter the diary room

and cast their vote to evict.

Cody, you're up.

Please go to the diary room.

Cody has been gunning for Frankie for weeks,

so is it time for him to take his shot?

Hello, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict the showman, Frankie.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Derek has gotten this far without getting any blood on his hands.

Will he seal Frankie's fate or send the decision to Caleb?

Hi, Derek.

Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

It was a pleasure being a part of Team America with you.

I sadly vote to evict Frankie.

Thank you, Derek.

Thank you.

That was so shocking.

I was like, what was I saying?

Thank you.

It's official.

With two votes to evict Frankie, Frankie will leave the house tonight.

Let's break the news to the house guests.


House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal a vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye,

gather his or her belongings, and walk out the front door.

By a vote of two to zero, Frankie, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

All right.

All right, line up for speeches.

Caleb, I'm returning these to you because even though I'm a queen, I have been the king of this house for 88 days.

Victoria, please try to win something.

Derek, as the only remaining responsible adult, please don't k*ll my fish.

And Cody, I've had better.

I love you all!

Love you too, Frankie.

Get it, Frankie.

Thanks for being my queen.

I love you!

I love you!

Come on over.


Your picture is now black and white.

There it goes.

Oh, it took me a little bit of pink.



Cody, I've had better.


I think you're going to be a little bit more than a little bit.

I think this is the happiest eviction, evictee I've ever seen.

Now, you gave last minute speeches.

You said to Cody, I've had better.

What do you feel about Cody right now?

You know, Julie, I mean, I really do love everyone in that house.

Cody and I have had a bumpy road, and I do feel like I'm going to find out some things about him when I watch back the show.

That's all I wanted to say.

Just him?

No, about everyone.


But I don't know.

But especially him is what you said.

Yeah, I feel like he's been playing me for a while.

Well, we'll see.

We'll see.

Let's talk about last week, because you not only were the HOH, you also won the power veto.

You said so yourself by winning both would be putting a huge target on your back.

Huge target.

So why did you play so hard for the POV?

Were you trying to prove something?

Why did you win it?


Did I win it last week?

Last week.

I can't not win things.

Like, I can't go into something and not give 100% of myself.

It's just not in me.

I tried to do the same strategy with the HOH last week, slow and steady, but, you know,

Caleb just beast-moted it.

I have to say it.

I'll give it to him.

He did do it.

Now, when you did have all the power last week, you could have turned on one of the

guys, but you did it.

I did not.

You regret that now that you're with me?

Honestly, no.

Why not?

I do not, because it's not who I am as a person, and ultimately, you all know I'm playing

this game for charity, and I would like to have won this game knowing that I didn't

compromise my values as a person.

So no, I do not regret that decision.

You seem to trust Derek the most in this game.


Obviously, he voted you out tonight.


What do you think of Derek now as we sit here?

You know, I still love him.

I respect him probably the most because he is playing for his family, and he is willing

to do whatever it takes to take the money home to his family.

He showed it to me with Donnie, because as you all saw, I did not want that man to go,

but Derek was like, nope, he's got to go.

And at that point, I knew that he would probably do it to me soon.

You came into this house with a huge secret that your sister is the Ariana Grande, and

no information on the outside world, not yet.

Let me just say this.

Is her album doing well?

No information on the outside world.

We know you love and care for her.

She has a bright future.

Let's put it that way.

Ariana Grande.


Do you think coming clean with this information actually got you farther in the game?

I do, actually.

I believe that I was in a very sticky situation that week, day 49.

I'll never forget it.

And you know, it was, at that point, I was at my all-time low as a person.

I forgot who I was, and I felt like coming out about myself, about my family, would help

me get through the game.

And for me, it did.

It made me fight harder as Frankie, as Frankie J.


Also, I feel like, honestly, it shook the house up.

It certainly did.

We forgot about everything that you just lied about.

Now we're on to the next thing.

So I think it kind of worked.

You kind of sprinkled this magic dust around.

Don't look over there.

Look over here.



Now, Frankie, in the event you were the one evicted tonight, your housemates taped some

goodbye messages.

It's a legal land.

Let's watch it.


Frankie, man.

My pie's on from the beginning.

To be honest, you would blow anyone away in this game because you played the exact same

social game as me with double the amount of competition wins.

So to be honest, dude, that was the reason why I had to target you because I didn't want

to sit next to you at the end.

Frankie, I am sorry that you have to leave at this point of the game.

The house saw an opportunity to either send you packing or hand you the $500,000.

They chose to send you packing.

I wish you the best of luck and I will see you very soon.

Love you.

Frankie, you're by far one of the best players in this game and I had total intentions on

honoring our commitment to the end as part of Team America.

But at the end of the day, we're both here for the same reason and now I have to do what's

good for my game.

Take care and I'll see you soon.

You're one of my best friends in this house.

Thank you for the times that you kept me safe and you're welcome for you sitting next to


You're a beast in this game.

You're the man, Frankie J.

All right.

All right.

Not bad.

Not bad.

Not bad.

Not bad, right?


Oh, okay.




Details on that later.

The reason why.

You will help decide who wins Big Brother.

Thank you, Julie.

Thank you, Frankie.

It has been such an honor.

Thank you.

Thank you for joining us.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Up next, it's the Head of Household Competition.

The winner is guaranteed a seat in the final three.

The others could be grabbing a seat on the jury.

Stay with us.





Welcome back to Big Brother.

For nearly three months, they have battled and schemed with one goal in mind.

Do whatever it takes to win the half million dollars.

And the winner of tonight's Head of Household Competition will have it all within their


Let's head to the backyard and get things going.

House guests, get ready for one of the most important Head of Household Competitions of

the summer.

The winner is not only guaranteed a spot in the final three, but is also eligible to play

in the final HOH competition of the season.

Caleb, as outgoing Head of Household, you are not eligible to compete tonight.

This competition is called Foggy Memory.

And here's how it works.

I'll ask you a series of questions about events that took place in the House this past summer.

Your goal is to answer whether this event happened before or after a second event I'll

give you.

If you think the answer is before, step forward.

If you think the answer is after, step backward.

You will receive one point for every correct answer.

The House guests with the most points after seven questions will be the new HOH.

Everyone understand?


Then let's begin.

Question one.

Did Nicole wear a frog costume before or after she wore the germ-a-tard?

Answers, please.

I'm sorry.

The correct answer is before.

Everyone got it right?

Everyone gets a point.

Return to the middle, please.

At his nomination speech, did Zach call Nicole a Fruit Loop dingus and compare Christine

to Jen City before or after Amber won her second Battle of the Block?

Answers, please.

I need an answer, Derek.

Lock in your answers, House guests.

The correct answer is after.

Everyone got it right?

Everyone gets another point.

Three-way tie.

Moving on.

Step back to the middle.

Did Christine win her first veto before or after two women won the same HOH competition?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is before.

Victoria and Cody got it right.

The two of you take the lead for the tie for the lead.

Step back to the center.

Question four.

Did zombies make an appearance at the Big Brother house before or after Kathy Griffin made an appearance?

Answers, please.

I need an answer now, Derek.

The correct answer is before.

Everyone got it right?

Everyone gets a point.

Step back to the middle.

Question five.

Did Zach win his only Power of Vito before or after Donnie won his third Power of Vito?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is after.

Cody and Derek each get a point.

We have Cody in the lead with five, Derek with four, and Victoria with four.

Step to the middle.

Question six.

Did Jocasta choose not to play in a competition because she was sick before or after Devin went on the block as a replacement nominee?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is before.

Cody and Derek each get a point.

Step back to the middle.

Last question, everyone.

In his final eviction plea on the night he was evicted, does Zach say the words, you all suck, before or after he said the words, I strongly dislike all of you?

Answers, please.

I need an answer.

Cody, I need an answer.

The correct answer is after.

The only one to get it right is Derek, which means we have a tie between Cody and Derek with six points apiece.

We are going to a tiebreaker question.

Gentlemen, grab your boards.

The answer will be a number.

Good luck, Pison.

The person who comes closest to the correct number without going over will be the new HOH.

If you both go over, the person closest to the correct number will win.

Here we go.

Again, how many seconds long was the luxury competition involving the jurors from the official start until the moment Hayden eliminated Nicole?

I need an answer right away.

Answers, please.

Keep flipping faster, Cody, because I need an answer right now.

The correct answer is 462 seconds, which means congratulations to you, Derek.

You are the new HOH.

Kaitlyn, man over the key to the HOH bedroom.

Derek has won a coveted spot in the final three, and the final battle for the half-million dollars is ramping up.

I'll have all the details when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Next week, the winner of Big Brother will be crowned, but this game is far from over.

Tune in tomorrow night at 8, 7 central for another live eviction.

Who will Derek nominate?

Who will win the final veto?

And whose dream of winning it all will come to an end?

Then Friday, join us for a very special episode as the battle for the final head of household begins.

And then a week from Wednesday on September 24th, it is reality TV's biggest night.

Tune in for the season premiere of Survivor, followed by the season finale of Big Brother,

where the final head of household will be crowned, all of the house guests reunite,

and one house guest claims the half-million dollar grand prize, and it all lays out live.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.

You're a great man.

You're a great player.

Yes, right here?


Oh, yeah, it's sick.

I knew it.

I knew before we came out, it was going to be before and after.

You, then they're going to just give, throw that a toss-up.


You're going to earn that final HOH.

University of Big Brother.

Oh, my God.

You want to see that mini-air defeat up on the desk?

Nah, I was just chilling on it.

I was just chilling, Mr.


All right.



Oh, yeah.

Thank you.
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