01x01 - A Call to Arms

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blood of Zeus". Aired: October 27, 2020 – present.*
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Set in mythical ancient Greece, the series revolves around Heron, the demigod son of Zeus, trying to save Olympus and Earth.
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01x01 - A Call to Arms

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music playing]

[ominous music playing]




[horse neighs]



[thunder rumbles]

[both grunt]


[thunder rumbles]


[distant thunder rumbles]

[ominous music plays]

[thunder rumbling]

[thunderous choral music plays]

[thunder rumbling]

[rocks crumbling]


[wind gusting]

[wolves howling]

[man 1]

Only barbarians drink unmixed wine.

Out of my way, bastard.

Self-control is of the essence.

[light music]

[laughing in distance]

How much for ore today?

Two drachmas for the lot of it.

Two drachmas? That's it?

Be grateful I do business with you at all.

[elegiac music playing]

How did it go?


What about the rest of it?

I was lucky to get that.

Don't worry.

We'll figure something out.

[people clamoring]

[all gasp]

[ominous music plays]

What's going on?

[horse neighs]

You need not fear me.

I am Grand Archon Alexia.

I'm in pursuit of a demon.

Have you seen anything pass?

-Demon? No.

-Then get inside.

These monsters know no mercy.

[Alexia] Hyah!

[horse neighs]

[rattles in distance]

[ominous music plays]


Old fool, what are you doing?

Breaking my leg. What's it look like?


You've drunk more

than you've bled, you old goat.


One of these days, you're gonna

get yourself k*lled, Elias.

[horn toots]

Go ahead without me.

You're old, not dead.


We have to clean this.


[ominous music plays]


[dramatic music plays]








[heroic music plays]




-[horse neighs]

-[grunts, groans]








Are you injured?

[ominous music playing]

-[Alexia whistles]

-[horse neighs]

[man] Get to safety.


[both grunt]


Arrest this man.

[indistinct chatter]


[horn blares]

The rumors are true.

An army from the east descends upon us.

But this enemy is unlike anything

we've ever seen before.

They're a cult of monsters

many dare not speak of.

-[man] Monsters?

-Did she say monsters?

[Alexia] Only after I saw them

did I finally believe.

And now, so will you.

[fire crackles]

Let this test of fire

reveal your true nature.


No! No. Please, please!

No, no!

[man grunting]



[indistinct chatter]

-What are you doing?

-May the gods have mercy.

[man screams]



[low growl]

[all groan]

You will convert or die.

By the gods…

You and your cult have forsaken man

and spilled innocent blood.

We've forsaken nothing.

We are the strong and you are the--

-[sword slash]

-[all groan]


[indistinct chatter]


[fire crackling softly]

How is this possible?

How can something like that

live inside someone?

To understand demons…

you must to back to the great w*r

against the giants.


When the world was new…

[thunder rumbling]

[Elias] …the gods, the masters of light,

defeated the titans,

the family of darkness.

But as the last titan fell,

[distant roar]

he swore a curse on the gods.

And when his blood struck the sea…

[foreboding choral music]

The giants were born.

These monsters were brought

into the world for a single purpose.

To destroy the realm of the gods.

The hellish w*r erupted,

for the great Gigantomachy had begun.

The gods swore to defeat the giants

and rid them from the earth.

Both gods and giants fell alike.


Still, neither side would relent,

and the two factions battled on endlessly,

incapable of conquering the other.

[lightning crackles]

[majestic orchestral music playing]


Until one day,

Zeus convinced two of the giants

to take up arms with the gods.

And with this, reason and compromise

were introduced to the world.

Soon, Zeus would lead one final attack.

[epic orchestral music plays]


[lightning crackles]


[lightning rumbles]

[thunderous choral music playing]

[Elias] Zeus ordered Hermes

to gather their souls…

while their remains

were cast into the ocean,

to be forever swallowed…

by the tides.

The smithing god Hephaestus

forged the grand automaton Talos

to stand guard over the cauldron,

forever sworn to keep it shut

so that this evil would never return.

What does this have to do with demons?

Patience, my young friend.

As the ages passed,

a terrible squall rustled the ocean floor,

casting a dead giant ashore.

And as the fates would have it,

one of these dark vessels

was discovered by a man.

And though he did not know it,

this evil began poisoning him.

For to even touch a giant

is to feel the abyss.

And as the moth is drawn to the flame,

so were others drawn to him.

These men ceased to pay tribute

to the gods.

Instead, they pledged

their allegiance to the giants.

And soon, they began to eat of the giant.

Through this black communion

a new family of darkness arose.

They became demons.

Evil and wicked creatures

hidden beneath a human veneer.

Why would the gods allow this?

Because adversity is what makes man great.

We'd be weak and useless

if the gods were always swooping in

and solving our problems.

Huh, I almost forgot.

Please, accept this

as a small token of my appreciation.

But it comes with one condition.

You make us your wonderful stew.


I don't know what we'd do without you.

[foreboding music plays]

[fire hissing]

[all gasp]

-Must be from Hades.


-God help us all.

-Gods help us all.

What's your name?

Ah, Heron.

You fought bravely last night.

And thanks to you, Heron, we found a map,

one that describes a nearby encampment.

One the demons will most certainly

use to stage their attack.

Join us. Help us take the fight to them.

It's the best way to protect this polis.

I'm sorry, my lady.


I'm sorry, Alexia, but these people

have forsaken my mother and I.

Why should I fight for them?

Because all our fates hang in the balance.

Their fate, perhaps. But not mine.

[gentle music soars]

If what she says is true, we should go.

You don't understand. We can't.


Heron, it'll be our death.

What are you talking about?

You're no bastard.

-Your father--

-[man 2] There's the whore! I see her.

-[man 3] That old slut.

-[man 4] Over there.

[foreboding music plays]

We're here to test your whore mother.

You touch her with that and I'll end you.

Ever since she's turned up,

a cloud has hung over us.

She's one of them.


You can't k*ll all of us.0

No. Just some.

Who's first?



[horse neighs]

[brooding music plays]


That's enough!




[dramatic music playing]

-Mom! Mom!

-[horse neighs]



[elegiac music plays]

[Elias grunting]


Rough day.

I would have helped,

but there were only ten of them.

I should have gone with them.

You won't be here forever.

[Elias] Alexia's right. w*r is upon us.

We must prepare.

[Heron] How?

Climb to the top of this mountain.

There, you will find a rose bush

that stands out from the others.

If you dig beneath it,

you will find

the adamantine ore we'll need

to make you a sword like no other.

[rain pattering]

[thunder rumbles]

[ominous music plays]


[ominous choral music plays]


How did you find me…


You betray your own bidding,

o king of kings.

[thunder rumbling]

I thought we were not to intervene.

Or does that not apply to you?

I simply said we cannot fight for them.

And that I have not done.

Oh, I see.

I'll make that distinction

clear to the others.

You'll do no such thing.

Then allow me to help you.


If man is meant to inherit the earth,

they must do so on their own accord.

Then why do you come to this one's aid?

[Ares] Do you really think

this bastard can lead them?

[thunder rumbling]

I do.

[thunder rumbles]

[thunderous choral music plays]
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