27x12 - Rustle Feathers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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27x12 - Rustle Feathers

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


Laura, the tribe has spoken.

After laura m. Was voted out, no

Couples were left and the game

Was on.

The four of us.

Jeff: caleb and hayden saw

A chance to blind side their

Biggest threat.

Tyson's got a hell of a

Resume to preach to the jury

When we get there.

Jeff: after ciera revealed

Their plan --

He said "we want tyson gone."

Jeff: tyson was ready to

Fight fire with fire.

I need caleb and hayden out.

Jeff: nicing tribal

Council, caleb and hayden feared

Their plan was falling apart.

Ciera said you guys wanted me


Because we thought you were

Trying to get us.

Jeff: so they through ciera

Under the bus.

It's got to be ciera.

On the same page.

Jeff: at tribal council,

Tyson insured his safety by

Playing his idol.

Any votes cast for tyson will

Not count.

In the end he didn't need it

When caleb was sent to

Redemption island.

Caleb, the tribe has spoken.

Six are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Well, that was fun.

We're all here for day 30.

Pit of snakes.

I'm so excited.

Good move.

Nobody saw it coming.

Sorry, dude.

That's a great move, man.

Tribal council blew up in our

Face but we were expecting to

Blind side ciera but gosh!

It was just -- I mean, good move

To them.

Kat would say touche and I'm

Thinking these sons of -- g*ns.


I hope everybody here likes

Second place.

Second place.

Because if tyson goes to the end

He's winning because he is

Playing a hell of a game.

Pure poetry.

You are playing the best game.

Nobody can touch you so far.

Hey, hey, hey!

Oh, no!

Tyson can't do nothing if it

Wasn't for me!

Tyson wouldn't be where he's at!

Come on, let this guy talk!

He's not playing this game!

I'm playing his game.

I got my hand on his back.

He's pulling the trigger.

He's on my lap!

Gervase, if you're sitting next

To him in tend he'll beat you

All day.

Same with everybody here.

Hayden, why are you throwing

Me under the bus, dude?

I've got to do something.

It's the flat out truth.

You deserve to win the game.

I didn't like how hayden

Threw me under the bus when he

Said "I'm vote tighe son, if

Takes it makes it to the end I'm

Going to vote."

I wish I would haven't played

The idol then I would have it

For next time.

Although I trust my alliance

Enough that that shouldn't be of

Much concern.

Let's decide who we're voting

For right now next time.

Didn't we already say?



Jeff: okay, hayden it is.

If he wins the challenge it's


We can remind each other about


He's coming back.

We're good.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Competitors for today's duel:

Tina, laura, and caleb voted out

At the last tribal council.

Caleb, I don't think you even

Looked up at this tribe of

People that voted you out at the

Last tribal.

You'd be correct.

Jeff: nothing to say to


Um, there's two faces I'd

Have some good words for.

But just afraid to look the

Wrong place.

Jeff: who are the two?

Katie and hayden.

Jeff: everybody else is --

A man's word is a man's word

And in the south it means

Something and in the game of

"Survivor" and utah and philly

It doesn't mean as much.

Jeff: tyson and gervase, I

Think he's pointing you two out.

Utah and philly.

Any thought's on that?

A man's word is a man's word

Except in philly, gervase?

It's true.

I'm old school, your word is

Your bond and we made a bond

With caleb and hayden and from

What I heard they tried to do us

Dirty first so we got smart and

Did it to them before they got

Us and I think that's sore loser

Status right there.

Jeff: let's get to today's


For today's duel we'll have 150

Wooden tiles.

Use them to build a house of


The first two to build a house

Of cards eight feed tall or the

Two with the highest stack of

Cards after 30 minutes live to

See another shot to get back in

This game.

The loser is out of this game

For good.

In addition, the winner of this

Dual decides who gets the clue

To the location of the hidden

Immunity idol.

Take your spots, we'll get


Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Something you did when you were

A kid.

House of cards.

Just not with a million dollars

Attached to it.

The first two to reach the top

Of the post which is eight feed

Or if we go 30 minutes, the two

Of w the highest stack will

Survive out here.

There's definitely a learning

Curve to this.

So if you drop, don't panic,

Just start again.

You can't let it be demoralizin


Just pick up and continue on.

Good job, mama.

Jeff: laura making a lot of


A gigantic lead over caleb and


And this is where it gets very


Jeff: take your time, mom.

One jittery hand, one misstep,

That whole stack comes down and

You have to start over and

Suddenly caleb and tina are now

In it.

Tina a little over three feet.

Caleb right around two.

Laura getting closer she's at

Seven and a half feet.

That's okay.

That's okay.

Jeff: she loses the top

Part but manages to save

Everything else.

Laura loses another card.

This is why you never give up.

Being kroes is not being


Take your time, mom.

Jeff: laura recovers.

Seems to be okay for the moment.

Still has a good to go.

At nearly eight feet she has to

Be very careful she does not

Disrupt that stack.

Laura very, very close.

One card away.

This will do it.

Three, two, one.

Laura wins this duel, stays

Alive on redemption island.

Another great performance and

We're looking for one more now.

Caleb or tina.

Great job, girl.

You got a good lead on him,

Tina, so relax.

Jeff: there are three

Minutes left in this duel.

Good job, mom.

You got it.

Jeff: three minutes to

Reach the eight-foot point or

Three minutes to be higher than

The other person.

Whose ever stack is the highest

Will move on.

That's okay, tina.

That's okay.

Jeff: tina loses part of

Her stack.

Tina and caleb now are about

Dead even.

Caleb is making a bit of a run.

He's getting a bit of a lead.

Jeff: caleb sensing that


Tina needs to get it back.

We're down to two minutes left

In this duel.

Tina, you've got to pick it

Up, tina.

Jeff: tina struggling with

The same stack.

Mom, maybe climb up.

Jeff: caleb pulling away


Caleb with about two and a half

Feet left.

Tina with three feet left.

This is going to come down to

The wire.

One minute left.



Jeff: tina loses part of

The back half of her structure.

Caleb is getting higher but his

Stack is definitely crooked.

A million dollars on the line.

We're down to 30 seconds.

Caleb's entire stack --

Just stay there.

Just stay there.

Jeff: -- fell to the


Tina has a new strategy.

Tina is going to sit there.

She knows caleb can't catch her.

We're down to ten seconds left.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six


Jeff: counting it down.

Count it.

Five, four, three, two, one!

Jeff: tina survivors.

Will live to see another day on

Redemption island.

Good try, caleb.

Jeff: joins laura in

Continuing their quest to get

Back in this game.

I'm sorry, caleb.

That's fine.

Oh, my gosh, good job, honey.

Jeff: laura,


Another win at redemption island


Tina, congratulations.

Thank you.

Jeff: you both stay alive.

Caleb, 30 days in this game, I'm

Guessing you impressed a lot of

People with your work ethic and

The way you handle colton.


Jeff: your relationship

Which is still a mystery to me.

The relationship will stay a

Mist troy a lot of people and,

You know, opposites attract.

Even though we're similar,

Opposites attract.


Jeff: in what ways are you


We're both guys.

His estrogen level is probably

Higher than mine but that's

Probably about it.

Jeff: all right, caleb.

After 30 days you are out of

This game.

You can toss your buff in the



Love you, caleb.

Jeff: all right, laura,

Once again you get to determine

Who gets the clue to the

Location of the idol.

Who are you going to give it to?

My girl ciera.

Jeff: ciera once again gets

The clue.

I'm going to keep it.

Jeff: this time ciera is

Going to keep the clue.


Jeff: go find that.

Dig, girl.

Find that idol.

Jeff: laura, tina,


You live to see another day.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Redemption island.

Await your next competitor and

Your next duel.

All right, guys, grab your


Head back to camp.

Working it.

This is the first redemption

Island I've gone to where I've

Been like, mom, you better pull

This one out.

We knew tyson played an idol

Which meant there was going to

Be a new one probably in play.

We need water.

We're out of water?

I'll get some water.

Jeff: the big question has

Been if my mom wins do I take

The clue?

And I kind of felt like I needed

To because if katie gets it or

If hayden gets it, that's bad

News for souse we're going to

Open it as a group, we'll find

It and decide what to do with



Let's see what this bad boy


"Not too far from your water,

Not too close to the ground

Hides incredible power but only

If it's found."

"Not too far from your water.

Not too close to the ground."

In a tree.

Ciera opens up the clue and

Reads it aloud and I was like,


Should we start looking?


I say we spy on them.

Yeah, we can do that.

So now everybody scatters and

Looking and looking and all of a

Sudden hayden walks up.

What are you guys looking



I cruise towards the well and

Tyson, gervase, ciera and monica

Are all down there peeking

Around looking in trees like

Hunting, searching and it's


The idol is down there


You're going to stick back

Here and look?

I'm going to look for a


It's my last hope.

I have to look and find the

Hidden immunity idol.

This is stupid.

I used the idol at the last

Tribal council and a new one

Came back into play and I have

To find it otherwise I don't

Know who's going to have it.

So so the safest thing for me to

Do is to find the idol.

I'm threat number one and

Everyone knows that and I know


I'm just trying to play the game

And trying to get to the end and

I told myself when rachel left

That if I was going to stay I

Had to get to the end.

So that -- it's the only way

That it would be worth it for me

To stay here and not go in when

I could have saved her.

So I've just been fighting and

Clawing and I'm so close.

And I still feel like it's going

To get pulled out from under me.

And I hate that feeling because

I've worked too hard to get



I don't have pockets on any of

My clothes so I've got to put it

Right in my crash where nobody

Will suspect a bulge.

Now the trick is, do I share it

With everybody or keep it to

Myself again?

I think I'll keep it to myself.

Okay, that's it.

I can rest easy.

I have the hidden immunity idol.

It's up to me to just stay

Focused and don't let hayden win

The challenge.

That's the number one thing,

Hayden can't win.

That was the diciest moment of

The game for me so far was

Having that idol on the loose so

-- Now I can probably take a nap


I was not going to be able to

Take a nap unless I found that



Did it again.

Nap time.

Where's your head at, bro?

Where's your head at?

In the game, as always.

Last night when you told me

You were okay with second place,

I know that's not true.

I'm glad you do.

I struck a nerve with gervase

So I think gervase is open to

Working with me.

Blind siding tyson.

We just have to figure out how

To do it.

From my perspective, I don't

See a move.

Tell me a move to make.

If I have katie-- which I

Do-- and I get ciera, you're on?

You have to get ciera.

It's got to be -- you have to

Look at my face and tell me

Gerj, it's 100%.

I think tyson is playing the

Game well but I'm not putting my

Trust and faith in hayden at


I have my trust and faith in

Tyson and it's got me this first

But I want those options out

There and hayden's a good option

To have.

I won't do anything to blow

Up your game.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: for the third time,

I'll take back the necklace from


Thank you.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge you're

Going to race through a series

Of obstacles while balancing a

Ball on top of a pole.

At the end of each obstacle,

You'll add another section of

Pole making it more difficult to


The ball drops, you go back.

Once you reach the end you'll

Release a key, unlock a box and

Use the sandbags inside the to

Knock over nine bamboo targets.

First person to finish wins

Immunity, safe from the vote.

Losers, tribal council where

Somebody will be voted out of

This game and sent to redemption


In addition, the winner is

Playing for reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: the winner of this

Challenge will enjoy an

Afternoon of ice cream.

You'll have a "survivor" ice

Cream cart delivered to your


Ice cream bars, ice cream

Sandwiches, ice cream cones.

So while everybody else is

Worried about the vote, you will

Have the certainty of immunity

And a bellyful of ice cream.

Big stakes.

Everything matters at this


Take your spots.

We'll get started.

Here we go, for immunity and

Reward, survivors ready?


First section is easy, just one

Bit of poll.

Tyson drops quickly, has to go


Everybody else doing a nice job.

You want to take your time.

Hayden has to go back.

That first pole you have to go

Under, the ball has to go over.

Ciera's got to come back!

Kay den's got to come back.

Monica is through.

Monica once again off to a fast

Start in an individual immunity


Gervase is through.

Tyson is through.

Monica, tyson, gervase working

On their poles, hayden is now


Ciera and katie bringing up the


Monica starting on her second


Tyson already dropping.

Katie's good.

Ciera's good.

Monica out to an early lead.

Gervase right behind.

Here comes hayden and tyson.

Hayden's got to go back.

This requires patience, balance,

Hayden trying to get in this.

Katie can't even get on the


Monica's through the second


Gervase is through the second


Tyson is through the second


Monica already has her third

Section of pole.

This is as tough as this

Challenge will get right here.

Hayden's through the second


It is hayden, tyson, gervase and


Oh, katie just took it on the


She's got to go back.

Katie falling out of this.

Ciera very slow falling out of


Tyson drops.

He's got to come back.

It is monica still in the lead.

She's won three individual


Gervase right behind her.

Both have been perfect in this


Monica is through.

Gervase is through.

It is monica and gervase.

Hayden drops.

He's got to go back.

Tyson would love to catch up but

He's got to hustle.

Monica's at her key station.

Gervase now at his key station.

Jervas and monica both release

Their keys.

Monica has her sandbags and

She's starting to throw.

She has been on a tear in this


Gervase knocks down three right


Monica knocks down her second.

Tyson is through.

Oh, god.

Jeff:er have skwras knocks

Down three more.

Egervase quickly down to two


He's plowing through this.

Gervase down to one left.

Very close!

Monica down to five left.

Make it four.

Gervase has won!

Monica knocks down another!

Tyson in it now.

He knocks down two.

Gervase still missing that last


Monica's down to three.

Monica has two left!

Tyson trying to catch up.

Eskwrer gervase has one left.

It's monica and gervase!

Gervase wins individual immunity

And reward!

Gervase, come on over.


Gervase, safe from the vote

Tonight, you are not going home

On day 32.

In addition, you have a nice

Reward coming to camp.

A "survivor" ice cream cart.

What could be better on a a 115

Degree day?

Nothing but ice cream,

Caramel sauce and more ice


Jeff: ice cream alone is

Fine but with somebody else it's

More fun.

Choose one person who will join

You at camp to feast on the ice


I'll take monica.

Jeff: monica, come on over,

Join gervase.

Thanks, jerv, means a lot.

Jeff: is this payback for

The day she gave up that burgers

And hot dogs?

Now the burden is off my


Jeff: two is fun, three's a


One more person.

Oh, you're k*lling me!

Jeff: people have made

Million dollar mistakes at this

Point in the game.

Who do you choose and who do you

Leave behind?

I've got to go with my left

Hand man tyson.

Jeff: tyson, come on over.

How's that feel, tyson?


I'm left handed so I'm assuming

That's why he said left hand



Jeff: all right.

Somebody will be voted out

Tonight, sent to redemption


You will have to fight to get

Back in this game.

Everybody grab your stuff, head

Back to camp.

See you tonight at tribal.



With the big arm.

Thanks, everyone.

So finally, 32 days into the

Game I win immunity.


Did you take gymnastics when

You were a kid, dude?

I kind of did.

You rocked that balance beam.

I'm in a great position no

Matter which way I playthings.

I'm in a secure alliance.

Me, tyson, monica, the three,


We have ciera which makes four.

We pretty much control the game.

Do you hear that?

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Root beer float, yeah, I want


Me, too.

Is that a beer?

Root beer.

Do they have to do it right

In front of camp?

Gervase decided to choose

Monica and tyson to eat ice

Cream with them and that leaves

The door open for me to talk to

Ciera and pitch her the idea,

Hey, ciera, let's make a move


So say katie goes home

Tonight or I go home tonight.


Jeff: who do you honestly

Think is going to go home next


Do you think katie goes home

Next week?

Do you think I go home?

I think it would be you.

I think it's you.

Jeff: well, I mean, I would

Like -- I would hope it would be

One of you two.

Part of my strategy has been

Making hayden and katie feel

Like they have, like, a glimmer

Of hope.

But I have no intention of doing

Anything with hayden and katie.

Jeff: you really think

That's what will happen?


And that's my honest opinion.

What are you wanting to have


I mean, I'm in a tough spot

Because it's going to be me most



I get that.


But if we had the majority

Would you make a big move?

Depends on who your majority


Gervase is on board if you're

On board.

So what are you wanting to do

At this point right now?

Here's the thing.

Tyson may or may not have an


You can either make a stink at

Tribal like we're going to vote

Out tyson and make him flush his

Idol and vote out monica or we

Can try and be sly.

You have to have a resume to win

And you have to have said you

Made a big move and this could

Be that for you.

And all I'm telling you is --

I mean, when you look at the

Votes right now, for me to vote

With you guys twaoub 3-3 vote

And I'm not doing that.

Jeff: gervase and ciera

Right now can make a huge move

And get out tyson.

If they make this move they

Probably deserve to win this


All right, guys, I want to

Talk to you both.

You don't want second place.

You don't want second place.

If we all vote together we have


The three of us, katie, tyson

Will never see it coming.

Tyson goes home.

Next week katie goes home.

It's a huge move.

If you want to get him out, it's

This tribal right now.

He's not expecting it.

He has the numbers.

He has the numbers but he

Knows that nobody -- he knows

Everybody thinks that they're

Going to lose him-to-him in the

End-- which they are.

I think I have a chance to

Beat tyson because tyson has

Done the same crimes.

He has, but he's played the


Tonight is simple: hayden's

Got to go and then thank

Goodness it can be katie next.

I don't know how she's still


I agree with gerv.

Katie has just a big a shot of

Me at the end and you, do, too.

You want to win first place.

You don't want to go to the end

And get second or third?

Second place is the first loser.

What I was hoping was ciera

And gervase were going to roll

With me to blind side tyson and

They're not doing it.

I don't like to lose.

I'm the worst -- the worst



Tyson, I'm sitting here trying

To convince everyone to blind

Side you.

It's not -- it hasn't worked.


You know I love you, but I'm

Just trying to play the game.

I know.

I know you are.


That's the way it goes.

Tonight, I'm going to go into

Tribal g*ns blazing.

I'm going to go it n and blow it


Let things fly.

Go down swinging.

Maybe it won't be me.

We'll see.

We will see.

The chapter is not closed yet.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Aras, vytas, and caleb.

Okay, so at the last tribal

Council there was a very clear

Division of gervase, monica,

Tyson, and ciera and then it was

Hayden, katie and caleb who was

Voted out.

So, hayden, is it safe to assume

It's still that division only

Now it's 4-2?

That's exactly right.

The four of them are being

Controlled by tyson.

The two of us are on our own.

Jeff: boy, those are big

Words, ciera.

He just said you were being

Controlled by tyson.


Let him think what he wants to


I'm comfortable in my position

With my alliance.

Jeff: although you weren't

Chosen today by gervase as part

Of the reward.

I think his decision was

Based on the fact that I have

Been able to be a part of a lot

Of the food rewards so I didn't

Take any offense to it.

It's obvious the two people

Are chose are original tkpwa

Lang members.

I put my blood sweat and tears

In this game.

Jeff: ciera, that speech

Right there is great if you're

Tyson and monica.

Not so good if you're ciera.

I agree 100%.

Jeff: hayden, this is the

Opportunity you need because you

And katie have nothing to lose.

If you can sway ciera to go 3-3,

Now we have a new game.

Jeff, that's it.

And, again, tyson's controlling

These people.

Caleb and I took a backseat

While tyson pointed fingers and

Said okay, it's aras.

Or it's vytas.

Or, hey, it's laura.

Was I the one that voted your

Mom snout.


And actually hayden and caleb

Werwere the ones who said they

Wanted to vote my mom out.

Jeff: katie, where do you

Fit in in all this?

Well, during this whole

Political what have you --

Jeff: hold on.

Hold on.

When you say during that whole

Political whatever, that is


This is where the game is won or


Do you get that?

Well, I've been at the bottom

So I haven't been able to be a

Part of these conversations.

Jeff: monica, why would it

Make sense for ciera to say that

Tyson monica gervase trio are

Tight, maybe I need go with

Hayden and katie and have a shot

To the end?

That's a bad move.

Because four is better than six.

You don't know what type of

Promises have been made to

People because people at this

Point start to think about who

Can I beat?

Can I say something, jeff?

Monica just said to ciera 4 is

Better than 6 which immediately

Means ciera, you're number four.

If you came on this side, there

Is no four five or six.

There's one, two and three.

Or one, two, and three.

However you frame it.

That's incorrect.

What do you mean that's


What she has on that side is

A back stabber, a back stabber,

A liar, a liar.

What she has on this side is

Honest words, people who keep

Their word and keep it together.



Why is the jury laughing?

Because they tried to s*ab us

In the back and got played


That's why they're laughing.

Nobody's entertaining any ideas

Of jumping ship in this


It's one two three and four.

And hayden, guess that?

You're going on a jury!

Believe that!

You're going to be on the jury.

I'm sure.

Jeff: okay.

But gervase, once again, ciera

Was number four when you counted

It out.

Just how I'm counting.

Ciera knows one thing for

Certain: she's not going home

Tonight so she can run with that

To the bank.

But if she wants to go home, the

Time to make a move is now.

Jeff: tyson, that's not

Necessarily true.

You can divide this 3-3, split

It up and force people to draw


I don't think ciera's four.

Yeah, right.

Well, then that would mean

Monica would be four.


There's no perhaps about it.

If ciera's not four you are


You're assuming me and

Gervase are one and two?

Yes, I am.

Ciera, I'm telling you right

Now, I've never betrayed you.

These guys have both written

Your name down and I've

Protected you and kept you with

Us and I'm planning on staying

With that.


Jeff: ciera, bucknumer be

Four all day long.

You can come with us, we can

Draw rocks.

Ciera --

And that's a big move.

Oh, my gosh.

Jeff: ciera, what did he

Say when he came back to camp

After caleb went home?

Who's getting his vote, tyson?

But that was to ruffle your

Feathers gervase?

Do you want somebody

Wishy-washy or people who have

Been 100 with you?

We've been 100.

Air is it was to rile



Ruffle feathers.

You said rustle feathers.

Rustle, ruffle, whatever.

Rustle is a first name.


Rustling leaves.

Jeff: that's the craziest

Conversation I've ever heard

Before a potentially million

Dollar vote.

Ciera, 1-4 over there and you

Know you're number four.

You make a big move and it works

Out you're a millionaire at the

End of the game.

And if it doesn't work out

You can be going home tonight by

Drawing a rock.

Jeff: wow.

It's been a crazy tribal


Let's see where it all comes


It is time to vote.

Katie, you're up.

Don't hate the players,

Homey, hate the game!

This isn't pwroez, it's


We do things different here.

You're about to get a lesson in

How to play the game.

Never tell an insane person

They're going home next.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it now

Would be the time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read

The decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to li the tribal council

Area immediately.

I'll read the first.

First vote, hayden.




That's two votes monica; two

Votes hayden.


That's three votes hayden, two

Votes monica, one vote left.


We're tied.

What are you doing?

Jeff: here's what's going

To happen.

We'll revote.

Kphaopb won't vote.

Hayden will not vote.

You can only vote for hayden or


Katie, you'll come get this.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


I'll read the votes.




That's two votes monica, one

Vote hayden, one vote left.

We are deadlocked.

Per the rules of "survivor,"

Katie, ciera, tyson, and

Gervase, if the four of you can

Unanimously come up with one

Name-- either hayden or monica

To kick out of this game--

They're out.

Otherwise hayden becomes safe,

Monica becomes safe, gervase is

Safe because he has immunity,

Katie, ciera, and tyson will

Draw rocks.

Okay, you guys, this is where

I'm at right here.

I'm number four so let's not

Bull (bleep) me.

I am number four.

How can you say that?

Then cool.

Then we'll draw a rock.

Fine, let's draw rocks.

Draw rocks?

I'll draw rocks unless

Somebody's voting my way I'm

Drawing rocks.

I'll draw rocks, too.

Okay, we're drawing rocks.

Jeff: here's what's going

To happen.

Katie, ciera, tyson will draw


There are two black rocks in


There is one white rock.

Black means you are safe, white

Is the same as being voted out.

You'll leave this tribe and head

To redemption island.

Are we clear?

All right.

Take one, please don't look at


All right.

White means you are going home,

Black means you are safe.

Everybody put out your palm.

And reveal.

Katie has drawn the white rock.

You're the 13th person out

Of this game.

Grab your torch, head over.

Good luck.

It was worth a try.

Stay with us.

Katie, want a hug?

Dangerous move?

Balancey, didn't think you had

The balance to do that.

That's your chair over there,

One of those.

Katie, I'm sorry.

>>'S okay.

Get them.

Don't glare at me.

I'm not glaring at you.

Okay, good.

Jeff: katie, you made a big

Move, didn't work out.

The tribe has spoken.

You will have a chance to get

Back in this game.

Grab your torch, head to

Redemption island.

Bye, katie.

Bye, katie.

Good luck.

Jeff: there are no words

That can top what just happened.

It's only the second time in 27

Seasons we've drawn rocks.

This game is definitely on and

It's clear it is going to be a

Battle until the very end.

Grab your torches, head back to


Good night.

The line's in the sand.

Hey, hayden --

I need that don't any.

If you want it.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

And ford.

Drive one.

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor" --

I would not be opposed to

Letting you win.

Jeff: tina faces her

Biggest challenge yet.

Are you capable of giving 100%?

That's a hard one.

Jeff: while monica gets

News that could change


Tyson was talking mad crap

About you.

If I am their puppy dog it's

Now become a me game.

How are you doing?

We had to draw rocks tonight.



And you drew the rock?



It was just between three of

Us, though.

Who drew first?

I drew first and I was the

White rock.

Tonight was my shot to knock

Tyson off his throne but I had

The white rock so I was rocked

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