02x08 - Charity - The Emerald Lizard / Mr. Straw

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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02x08 - Charity - The Emerald Lizard / Mr. Straw

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ tell me a story ♪

♪ read me a poem ♪

♪ wrap it in melody ♪

♪ sing me the song ♪

♪ then let me hold it ♪

♪ deep in my heart ♪

♪ where it can speak to me ♪

♪ all the day long ♪

♪ the adventure of virtue ♪

♪ the adventure of truth ♪

♪ the thrill of knowing ♪

♪ that it's up to you ♪

♪ building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ this is my story ♪

♪ the adventure has ♪

♪ begun. ♪

( Sighs )


Hey! No fair sneaking up on me like that.

( Giggles )

( laughs )

I was just seeing if you were there.

You better get moving.


( Giggles )

where'd that come from?

My freezer.

I've been saving it since last year.

Be right down.

And annie... Dress warmly.

It's colder than it looks out here.

Hey, that's very considerate, zach. Thanks.

Wait, wait, annie.

Just one more thing--


Fresh snow beats freezer snow.

( Laughs )


( Chuckling )

uh, I don't think

this is going to cut it, zach.

( Both laughing )

there must be more snow

up on plato's peak.

Let's bike up there

and build a real snowman.

Okay. Let's do it.

( Laughs ) morning, jake!

( Barks )

you, too, goliath!

Zach: hey, mr. And mrs. Cleveland!

( Zach and annie laughing )

annie: oh, zach...

Look. Those people must not have any heat in their house.

Zach: they really look cold.

Oh... Let's go.

( In singsong ): oh, aristotle...

Where are you?

( Deeper voice ): oh, this is going to be good.

( Singsong voice ): I've got a special delivery for you.

Hey, who...?

( Muffled cries )

( giggling )

got to mail earlier than that, sock.

( Cackles )

( muffled ): very funny. Very funny.

Plato: aristotle, socrates...

I'm ready for the battle to begin.

( Chuckles )

what kept you two?

Plato: we're choosing up sides

for the season's first snowball fight.

( Sighing ): no, thanks, plato.

Zach: I don't feel like it.

( Cackles )

so, do you surrender?


( Chuckles )

uh... Sock?

Bombs away!

( Gulps )


Plato: never a dull moment

with those two around, eh, zach, annie?

Yeah. I guess.

What is it? You two are about as cheerful

as a pair of wet cats.

You mean cheerful as a wet prairie dog. Brr...!

On the way up here, we saw a family

who didn't have any winter clothing.

It was so sad.

Someone should do something.

Isn't there someone in town

who takes care of stuff like that?

Why, I'm sure there is

but then again, according to an old saying

"charity starts at home."

Well, what do you mean?

Well, to put it another way...

( Clears throat )

"as the purse is emptied...

The heart is filled."

( Clears throat )

victor hugo once said that.

What would I ever do without you, aurora?

You mean, we're the ones who can help?

If you haven't noticed

we're just kids.

( Grunts )

plato: yes, kids who underestimate themselves.

Just like those ripples you started

any kindness to a person touches many others.

Why, thank you, ari.

( Chuckling )

it seems someone else was trying to keep warm.

Which reminds me of a wonderful folk tale

from guatemala--


Plato: ...a story about a very special lizard.

Once there were two neighbors

who had two things in common:

they were poor, and they were giving up hope.

Guillermo, we are wasting our time

clawing at this worthless ground.

No, martin, we must work harder.

We will be rewarded.

Aah, tell that to your family.

They can't wait

for miracles to happen.

( Child crying )

and neither can mine.

But if we went to the village

and begged for food and money...

No, martin, I will not beg.

Boy: papa?

Please, I am so hungry, papa.

( Sniffles )

I have changed my mind.

Un momento, guillermo.

I will take my turn in a moment.

Por favor...

Something for my family?

( Bell ringing )

why do you turn away, my son?

I cannot beg

from you, brother pedro.

You are as poor as i.

( Chuckles )

no, no, I think

perhaps I am even poorer than you.

Not so.

Look, guillermo, look!

He carries a golden bell.

No, not gold.

It is cheap brass.

But you clutch it so tightly.

It must be worth something.

It is not the bell that has value

but the song that it sings.

I ring it

to remind others to thank god for their blessings

and to share those gifts with others.

Thankful? Ha!

What could guillermo and I

possibly be thankful for?

The breath of life within you...

And those who love you.

But your shoulders

are still heavy with troubles, no?

My wife is sick and needs medicine.

My son is hungry.

My baby girl is hungrier.

My neighbor and I don't want to beg

but we have no money and can find no work.

Perhaps there is something I can do.

Aha! See? I knew he had something to give us.

Ah, como lo siento.

I am sorry, but today

I have given away everything I had.

Dear lord, how can I help this unfortunate man?


( Rustling )


Be thankful.

The lord has answered my prayers.

Not much of a meal

for two starving families.

I will have none of this foolishness.

( Whispering ): open your hands.

( Gasps )

it's a miracle!

An emerald lizard!

Take this offering and sell it.

With the money you can begin

to take care of your family.

And remember:

as you open your hands, open your heart.

Perhaps you will have enough left over to give

to others in need.

The kindness you have shown me

will also shine for others, brother pedro

but how can I thank you?

Just do as I ask, my son.


And the look on your face

is thanks enough.

Thank you.

Plato: guillermo did as brother pedro suggested.

He was able to sell the emerald lizard

for a little gold

and it was enough to buy seeds for a new start.

( Child giggling )

( grunting )

( grunting )

( sighing )

( groans )

why should such luck fall upon guillermo?

I am as humble as he is.

( Knocking )

martin! Did you not hear me calling you?

This seed should get you started

and I have hired workmen

to help you dig trenches for water.

Guillermo, why are you doing this?

Thank brother pedro.

He taught me about charity to others.

Oh, guillermo, I was so wrong...

My neighbor...

My friend.

And several years later, after a lot of hard work

both families prospered.

The two neighbors even shared the joy of being grandfathers.

Walk with me to the village, martin.

There is a little business there for the two of us.

I owe all of my good fortune to this little brooch.

And now, martin, I give it to you.

Oh, guillermo, this will help my family greatly.

( Bell ringing ) ¿como?

Guillermo: brother pedro!

Remember me?

You gave me an emerald lizard

and told me to sell it for gold.

Emerald lizard?

Oh, yes.

So many people have needed help through the years.

And... We have met, no?

When we did, I was very unkind.

Here. You've worked hard all your life.

This is for you.

No... I cannot, my son.

Sell it for gold, as guillermo did

and live your last days doing as you wish.

This is what I wish.

( Gasps ) ( gasps )

que dios los bendiga.

Vayan con dios.

Zach: yeah... Yeah! If brother pedro

hadn't started the ball rolling

by giving guillermo that emerald lizard

his life might never have changed

not to mention martin's life.

Zach, the guy turned a lizard into a brooch.

Too bad we can't do miracles.

You don't need to work miracles to be charitable, annie.

We can help those people.

I know we can

but I can't do it alone.

Well... We'll get some... Clothing for them.

If we go to everyone we know

we could outfit the entire family!

What are you waiting for, zach?

♪ You're never too young

♪ you're never too old ♪

♪ to give someone warmth from the cold ♪

♪ you're never too rich ♪

♪ you're never too poor ♪

♪ to give and then give some more... ♪

( Doorbell rings )

annie: coming!

( Grunting )

do you think this is overkill?

No way. In fact

I really had to stop myself

from emptying out my whole closet.

Thanks, kids. There's enough here

to help out a lot of families.

Wait! Your jacket got mixed in

with your load, annie.

That's okay.

But isn't this your favorite jacket?

Yeah, but... Well, it's no mistake.

I want to give it away.

Thanks again.

I'll be handing out this stuff later.

Annie, you coming?


Annie: uh... Right behind you, zach.

You know, plato, getting all those clothes together

was such a rush!

It is a good feeling, isn't it?

Plato: does annie feel the same?

Ask her yourself.

Annie, zach was just telling us

about how good he feels.

Yay for zach.

Are you feeling all right

after all this running around?

No, it's not that.

I've made a terrible mistake.

I gave away my favorite leather jacket, and now...

Now I want it back.

Is that terrible, plato?

Oh, no, you could never do anything terrible, annie.

What you've put into motion

could be wonderful.

You never know

where one small charitable act might lead...

Like in one of my favorite japanese stories.

It's about a poor man called mr. Straw--

a man who didn't know how lucky a name he had.

How much longer, mari?

My feet are hot!

Patience, hiroshi.

He'll be here any minute.

Every day he comes at this time.

Mari: konnichiwa

mr. Straw.

So nice to see you today.

( Laughing )


And i, you, little one.

Ma! Mari, you were right.

He is the skinniest man in japan.

Hai, he has no home or family.

In fact, he has been so poor for so long

he has had little to eat.

That's why he's so thin.

Good luck, mr. Straw! Good luck!

I hope the goddess of fortune smiles on you today.

Good morning.

It is me again

asking for just the barest improvement

to my life, please.

Oh, today would be a fine day

to have my luck change.

Woman: yes, a fine day, mr. Straw.

The first thing what? Hmm?

Your hand touches when you leave the temple

will bring you great luck.

( Gasping ): oh.

( Laughing )

oh, thank you, goddess.

Thank you.

At last, my...

Lucky, lucky...

( Grunting )


( Chuckles )


( Chuckling )

a piece of straw might be worthless

but if the goddess of fortune meant for me to pick it up

I had better not throw it away.

Where is my fortune?


Go away!



Oh, well, all right.

If you want to travel with me so badly

come along.

We will seek my fortune together.

( Child crying )

please, toshi.

I must get these flowers

to market before they bake in the sun.

( Sniffling )

oh, mother...

Mother, look!

Can I get one of those little dragonfly kites, please?

Oh, I'm sorry

but the goddess of fortune told me...

( Crying )

...that this straw

would bring me good luck and...

B-but then again

it looks like you need it more than I do.

Oh, thank you.

( Laughing )

thank you, kind sir.

Please, let me give you something in return--

this rose.


Thank you.

( Man crying )

why are you weeping on this beautiful day?

I want to ask my girlfriend

to marry me.

Ah, love.

Well, all the more reason not to weep, young man.

You are very fortunate.

Very fortunate...

And very poor.

I have no gift to bring her.

You do now.

Take my rose.


Oh, thank you, sir.

Please, take these in return for your rose.


( Laughing )

( man panting )

man: sir, I have pulled

this wagon all morning and afternoon

and now I am so thirsty, I am going to faint.


I'm afraid there are no wells nearby.

Aha. Here, take my oranges and drink their juice.

Oh, thank you.

For such kindness, please take this silk.


Where can I get silk like that?

It's exactly what I've been

looking for.

You see, today, my father, the king

celebrates his birthday

and I want to make him a new royal robe.

Ah, your highness

if it's the king's birthday, you are welcome to my silk.

Oh, you are most kind.

Please, take this.

( Gasps )


I started out with a worthless piece of straw

and the next thing you know, I have a jewel.


Plato: and with that jewel

mr. Straw bought a great rice field.

And after a lot of hard work, mr. Straw became a rich man.

And even though he became very wealthy

mr. Straw never changed.

He not only shared his rice with the hungry

he built a brand-new school

for the children of the town.

Everyone thought that mr. Straw's good luck

came from a lucky piece of straw

but he knew it really came

from his kindness and charity to others.

...and charity to others.

Sure, all that happiness from a little piece of straw.

Do you see, annie?

Hearing a story's one thing.

Really doing something

and then regretting it is something else, right?

You've got stories

about people changing their minds?

Yes, but I don't think

that's what you want to hear right now, is it?

Yeah. I've got to go.

Wait up, annie!

( Shivering )

I don't think she's convinced, plato.

Annie has a good heart.

Plato: give her time.

Annie, I can't believe

you're really going to do this.

It was an honest mistake.

I want my jacket back.

Good. She hasn't put it on yet.

Zach: if you're going to get it

you'd better do it now.

Look at that little girl's face.

Zach: did you hear me, annie?

She's so happy.

Annie: is this it, zach?


That feeling you told plato about?

She really loves her new jacket.

Come on, zach.

I'm going to beat you at a snowball fight.

♪ You're never too young ♪

♪ you're never too old ♪

♪ to give someone warmth from the cold ♪

♪ you're never too rich ♪

♪ you're never too poor ♪

♪ to give and then give some more ♪

♪ you may not have much but a great big heart ♪

♪ and a smile that's a gift for free... ♪
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