03x03 - Friendship - Robin Hood & Little John

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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03x03 - Friendship - Robin Hood & Little John

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ begun. ♪

I hope Zach does well.

It's really important to him.

You can do it, Zach.

That's it, Zach!

Go, go, go!

( grunting )


( spitting )

That's the idea, Zach.

Keep pushing yourself.

You're getting there.

So just try to be patient.

That's why they call it practice, right?

Uh, sure thing, Coach.

That's the spirit, Zach!

You almost had it.

Go on, give it another try.

Zach: I've just got to stay focused.

This time I'll nail it.

( grunting )

Hi, Coach.

Hi there, Dillon.

Oh, there's Zach.

You guys haven't met, have you?

Zach's really been working on his form.

Ha-ha! Yes! Yes!

All right!

This time I really did nail it!


Way to go, Zach!

Great jump!

Coach: I knew you could do it, Zach.

You caught some great air on that jump.

( chuckles )

Thanks, Coach.

And, uh... yeah, thanks.

I really like your style.

Zach, meet Dillon Thomas.

( laughs )

Nah, no relation to the writer.

Track's my game.

He used to be on the team over at Crest View

but he recently transferred here.

He's working on his long jump.

Dillon: Ready or not, coming through!

Up, up...

and away!

( grunts )

Not bad, am I right?

Uh, where did you say you transferred from?

Crest View

and their track team's the worst.

That's why I'm glad I'm here.

Maybe you'll teach me

some of your tricks someday, huh?

Uh, yeah. Maybe someday.

Hey, just trying to be friendly, Zach.

See you guys later.

Socrates: All right, Ari, prepare yourself

for sheer and utter defeat.

Not now, Socrates.

You can be pinecones in this match.

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm extremely busy.

And, like, when are you not busy?

Plato's book is much more important right now.

What's the matter?

Afraid of my famous double-reverse triple jump?

As I recall, you've lost the last five games we've played

using that move.

Aw, come on!

We haven't played together for days.

( gasps )

Need more glue?

Oh, uh...

( laughs nervously )

Hi ya, Zach, Annie.

Hey, Soc.

Where's Plato?

( grunting )

Over... there with Aurora.

( Zach and Annie laughing )

Thanks. Thanks.

( grunting )

I'm afraid it's going to be

a very dry summer, Plato.

The thermals are much warmer than usual.

You should've seen it, Plato!

Zach finally beat his old record at the long jump.

Excellent, Zach.

You must be very proud.

Uh, it wasn't such a big deal.

By the sour look on your face, I guess it wasn't.

Well, the thing is

some new guy beat me by a mile

without even trying.

Oh, I take it he stole a bit of your thunder?

Uh, thunder?

It's just an expression, Zach.

It means that you feel less about your accomplishment

because your teammate was greater.

Uh, yeah... well, maybe.

A-And he had the worst style.

It was awful!

His name is Dillon

a new member of the track team.

Zach doesn't seem too happy to have a new teammate.

And if he keeps clowning around

he'll wreck the whole team's chances at the divisionals.

And get this--

He says he wants to be my friend

right after he made me look so bad.

Yes, I've heard that can happen.


You have?


There were these two best friends

who started out as enemies.

My book, please, Ari.

Oh, uh, sorry.

It's still in the repair shop, uh, gluing.

No matter.

Zach and I can take a little walk

while you work on the book.

We'll stay and help.

Socrates ( grunting ): But don't worry, Plato.


harden soon enough.

It's a story about the great adventures

and the even greater friendship

between Little John and Robin Hood.

Robin Hood and his band of merry men

fought against an evil sheriff

who terrorized the English people.

He and his men were forced to hide in Sherwood Forest.

( man whistles )

That's far enough, little man!

I'm coming across first.

Why, what do we have here?

Looks like some great haystack with two legs.

Stand aside, my scrawny friend

and allow a real man pass.

( laughing )

You're mistaken, my immense fellow.

I was here first and have right-of-away.

It is you who will have to stand aside.

Ha! We'll see about that.

All right.

Let us play your little game, big man.

I'll be gone for just a moment.

Hmm? What this little bantam lacks in brains

he makes up for in pluck.

Prepare yourself, giant!

My, my, how proud this little fellow doth crow.

Even as I am about to drop him in the stew

he thinks he can peck me.

Ah, the bear awakes.

Let's see how much louder you growl when you're wet.

( laughing )

There's no fear of that.

( both grunting )

You handle a staff well, little rooster.

Well enough, you great bag of wind.

My nose tells me

that you are in some need of a bath.

Allow me to supply the water.

( both grunting )


( laughing )

Well fought, friend.

You know how to use a staff, I'll give you that.

( spitting )

Perhaps better I were wiser

for surely I would be drier.

Well, will you give me a hand

or are you just going to stand there grinning?

( laughing )

Well, you beat me fair and square.

And so I dub you "King of the Quarterstaff."

( chuckles )

And you have a mighty heart

for such a small man.

Prithee, I need your help, friend.

I am John Little

a fugitive from the evil Sheriff of Nottingham

and I've come to Sherwood in search of a renowned rebel

Robin Hood-- perhaps you've heard of him?

Yea. There's talk that he's an ugly, bloodthirsty rogue.

What business do you have with such a villain?

Ah! I don't give a fig for the Sheriff's lies.

The common people think him a hero.

I want to join his band of men

but I don't know where to find him.

He's closer than you think.

( laughing ): I'm right in front of you, you big ox.

Oh, you are ugly!

But you're uglier

so you can join me and my men.

Oh, after you.

No. You've more than earned the right.

You first.

But before arriving at camp

there's one last bit of business between us.

Pray tell, what might that be, Robin?

You must change your name.

What? Is this some kind of initiation?

No, no. "John Little" just doesn't

roll off one's tongue properly, now, does it?

So, one and all, welcome

our newest member, Little John!

( all cheering )

Plato: And on that day

Little John was welcomed into the band of merry men

and became Robin Hood's closest friend.

All because Robin wasn't jealous

of Little John's abilities.

You know, Zach, just think of all the times

we've competed with each other.

Sometimes you would win...

but sometimes I'd come out ahead.

( grunting )




Annie: A little competition never ruined our friendship...

at least, not for very long.

That's different-- we've been friends forever.

You know, Zach, if you hadn't given Annie a chance

to be your friend when you first met

you might not have such a good friend today.

Come on, Zach, it's worth a try, isn't it?

I guess I really didn't give Dillon much of a chance.

Maybe he really does want to be friends.

He probably just got lucky on his first jump.

I guess he wasn't trying to show me up after all.

Thanks, Plato.

You, too, Annie.

I hope Zach understands

that true friends needn't be jealous of one another.

I hope so, too.

It's not like Zach to be so suspicious

but this event means so much to him.

Well, I'm sure it will work out, Annie.

Building a new friendship can take a little time.

Hey, how about that game of checkers, Ari?

Uh, nope. Still too busy.

( grunting )


Dillon, I took off this morning

without giving you much of a welcome.

I should have been more friendly.

After all, we're going to be teammates.

Aw, that's okay.

Better late than never.

I was checking out your stride on the long jump...

Coach: Hustle up, guys.

I'm posting the team entry roster.

Dillon's strongest on the long jump

so he's lead-off for the event in the Divisionals.

Oh, but, Coach, that's my position.

I've been working for weeks on my approach.

Zach, to win as a team

we've got to play to our strengths.

That's why you're down for the pole vault.

What?! Coach, the long jump is my best event.

I don't have any lift at all on the pole vault.

But it's a longer approach

so your stride might be better suited for it.

Coach, there's no way

I'll be ready for the Divisionals.

I've never even really practiced the pole vault.

Come on.

For the team, all right, Zach?

Dillon, I want you to lean into your setup for the jump.

Anything you say, Coach.

Huh! Some friend he's turned out to be.

Is this a good time for checkers, little buddy?

Sock, I've got to pluck all these hairs

out of Plato's book.

You're just afraid I'll win.

That's it, isn't it?

I tried, Plato, but Dillon

is no Little John.

He was just friendly with me

until he could show off his stuff to the coach.

Aren't you judging him too quickly, Zach?

The friendship between Robin Hood and Little John

had its ups and downs as well.

A year after he joined Robin's band of merry men

Little John attended an archery contest

annually held by the Sheriff of Nottingham.

He and two other members of Robin's band--

Luke Fletcher and Adam Leech-- entered the contest

as the Barnsdale Brothers.

Both Luke and Adam were excellent archers

and the three of them were finalists.

But the contest came down to Little John's last arrow.

He had to strike

the center of a gold ring nine times out of .

( crowd cheering )

Most excellent!

Well done!

You there!

I believe I've seen you before.

Be ready, Adam.

Sheriff: I am most impressed with your handling of the bow

and wish that you come to work for me

as my Captain of the Bodyguard.

( both laughing )

I am greatly honored.

It would be the high point of my life, my liege.

I most humbly accept.

( both gasping )

Farewell, friends.

Give my fondest regards to our leader

but tell him I pledge allegiance to another.

Zach: It's too incredible to believe--

Little John left to join the Sheriff of Nottingham.

What a creep.

You call that being a true friend?

I can't believe Little John would do that.

Dillon did the same thing to me.

Zach, please listen to the rest of the story.

Little John served

as the Sheriff's Captain of the Bodyguard

for an entire year.

Tonight I return to Sherwood Forest.

Then please take me with you.

I, too, wish to fight against the Sheriff's tyranny.

Are you sure you want to exchange

this cozy kitchen and your warm bed

for a life in the forest?

( chuckling )

I'm sure Robin would approve

and so I dub you "King of the Cookery."

( laughing )

He'll be very excited with this news.

I daresay Friar Tuck's cooking

hasn't improved since I've been away.

And as my contribution to the cause

I'll bring some of the Sheriff's finest tableware.

Then I must make a sizable donation as well.


I am just returning to the castle.

What brings you to these parts?

Uh, dinner.

Uh, yes-- hunting, my liege.

Uh... hunting the, uh, legendary Green Stag of Sherwood, sire.

I have never heard of such an animal.

Oh, it's a quaint local legend.

A mythical creature

who has roamed these woods for years.

Seen by many; caught by none.

Then I shall join you.

Lead on, Captain.

What do we do now, Little John?

In under an hour

the boastful hunter will become the hunted.

Are we close, Captain?

No, I'd say we've arrived, sire.


( men yelling )

( grunting )

Well, what a pleasant surprise, Sheriff.

Nice of you to drop in on us.

Robin Hood!

Seize him, Captain!

As you wish, sire.

( chuckling )

Welcome back, Little John.

You didn't desert me after all.

( grumbling )

Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you

the legendary Green Stag of Sherwood. Hyah!

You'll regret this

Robin Hood, as will you, Little John!

( all laughing )

So, is there more?

Of course.

It is a story of how the friendship

of Robin Hood and Little John flourished

and how over their lifetimes, it grew even richer.

Yeah. So what happened next?

I thought this part would interest you.

As time passed, the Sheriff's hatred for Robin Hood

grew stronger.

That's it!

I can have Robin Hood step right into a trap.

I will stage a completely new archery contest

and will award a silver arrow to the winner.

Surely that kind of prize will prove too tempting

to the miserable likes of Robin Hood!

John Pyke of Needham, you have defeated all comers

and so to the victor, goes...

Man: Wait!

He hasn't beaten me yet.

I am Tom Werkin of Wold

and that silver arrow belongs to me.

Should I signal for the guards, sire?

Not until I am positive this is the thieving Robin Hood.

So be it.

John Pyke will compete against this newcomer.

Do your best, old man.

( derisive laughter )

Steady, Captain, steady.

( cheering )

My prize, then, sire.

And you shall have it...

Robin Hood!

Seize him!

Little John: Robin!

Thank you for joining the party, Little John.

Wouldn't have missed it

for the world.

( grunts )

Do something!

Get them!

Little John, where are you?

We can't forget this.

Little John, I'm proud to have you by my side.

Plato: The two escaped into the woods

and their friendship has been forever remembered.

And you really think Dillon could be

that same kind of friend?

How will you ever know if you don't give him a chance?

( grunting )

Say, uh, Socrates...

Yeah, Ari?

I'm not going to work any longer on Plato's book.

How about we play that game of checkers right now?

Prepare... to meet thy doom.

Come on, Zach, give Dillon another try.

( crowd cheering )

Dillon takes first place in the long jump!

( crowd groaning )

Here you go, Zach.

You won't get very far off the ground without this.

And don't hold your hands like that.

Rotate them around so they're offset, not parallel.

That's a trick my dad taught me.

You can do it, Zach.


Hey, it worked, Dillon!

I cleared it!

Coach: All right!

Zach takes second place in the pole vault!

I know now that you've been trying to help me

and, well, I appreciate it.

Put 'er there, friend.

Wow. It looks like those two

are going to get along after all, Plato.

Yes, Ari.

They've crossed the stream... together.
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