01x07 - Friendship - Waukewa's Eagle / Damon and Pythias / New Friends and Old Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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01x07 - Friendship - Waukewa's Eagle / Damon and Pythias / New Friends and Old Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ Begun. ♪

( Honking )

Hey, annie.

How's it going?

Um... Hi, sarah.

You don't look too happy to see me.

Well, sure I am.

It's just I didn't think you were talking to me.

Oh, you mean that deal at the library last week?

That was just a misunderstanding.

What are you doing this saturday?

Including that cute bobby draper.

Hey, your dad has a canoe, doesn't he?

Yeah. He's had it since...

That's what I thought.

We can be canoeing partners.


Yeah. It'll be so much fun.

( Bell ringing )

We'll sh**t the rapids together.

I'll be in the bow, and you'll be in the stern.

You're sure your dad will let us take his canoe?

Sure I'm sure.

Gee, it's kind of... Old.

Oh, it's a great canoe.

My dad's had it since he was a kid.

Yeah? Well, I guess it's okay.

See you saturday.

I can hardly wait.

Hi, mom.

Wasn't that sarah west you were talking to?

Mm-hmm. She's the new girl

Who just moved here from the city.

But, annie, wasn't sarah west the girl

Who left you stranded at the library last week?

Yeah, but everything is okay now.

We're good friends.

Well, I hope so.

I know so.

I think I'll go for a hike, okay?

Just be home for supper.

Sarah: annie!

Boy, am I glad I ran into you.

I've changed my mind about the canoe trip.

I'm going with ashley instead.


But I thought...

She just called me.

Her parents got her this really cool new canoe.

After all, I can't let bobby draper see me

In some funky old canoe.

Sorry, but I knew you'd understand.


I-i understand.

( Sighs )

Now who am I supposed to go with?

And the worst part is

I thought sarah wanted to be my friend.

Aw, not to worry, annie.

You still got us.

That's sweet, guys, but it's just not the same.

Sarah's so popular.

She's totally out for herself.

Sounds to me like a fair-weather friend, annie.

No. That's not the way it was at all.

Maybe not

But in friendship

Everyone must bring something to the party

And not something as superficial as a new canoe.

What do you mean?

He means it's not what you have that makes a friendship.

It's what you give, like loyalty and caring.

That's what a young, native american boy

Waukewa discovered.

Walk? Walk where?

Story time, socko.

Waukewa and his tribe were great hunters and fishermen.

( Drum beating and chanting )

One day, waukewa and his father

Were hunting near a mountainside.

Quietly, waukewa.


Watch and learn.

( Bird squawking )

Father, look.

He must have fallen from a nest on the cliffs.

It has broken its wing, waukewa.

Put it out of its misery.

It will be one less eagle to grow up and plunder

Our fish from the drying frames.

( Chirping )

Yes, father.

( Chirping )

You're so scared

So helpless.

I cannot do it.

Warm water to help your broken wing heal.

Do not be frightened.

I will not hurt you.

This is your new nest, little eagle.

Your father will not be pleased, waukewa

But I am.

You have a gentle spirit.

When I was a little girl

I also took injured forest creatures home

And cared for them.

What is this?

You have disobeyed me, waukewa.

I will get rid of this bird myself.

No, I will not let you.

Look at the brazen little warrior

I have raised, mother.

Very well.

Keep your feathered friend

Until he can fly.

But then, you must free him.

I will not keep this winged thief in my lodge.

Many moons passed

As waukewa fed and cared for his broken eagle.

And the friendship between boy and bird

Grew stronger and stronger

Until, at last, the eagle was well enough to fly.

( Chirps )

( Wolf howling )

This will be our last night together, my friend.

( Sighs )

Tomorrow, I must set you free.

Go, little eagle.

The sky is your home, not my lodge.

Now, go!

( Screeching )

Good-bye, little eagle.

Good-bye, my friend.

( Eagle screeching )

No! You must not follow me back to the village!

My father will sh**t you!


Plato: the eagle was gone

And then, so was the summer.

Winter came and went.

And then came the spring.

Come, waukewa, it is time

To hunt the salmon.

Yes, and the biggest

Are above the great falls.

No, waukewa, the current is too strong for a boy like you.

Do your fishing downstream.

Waukewa: I will go where

The giant salmon are-- above the rapids.

Plato: so it was that waukewa

Found himself fishing alone above the falls

Catching so many salmon he did not notice

His canoe was caught in the current.

By then, it was too late.


( Grunting )

I am powerless against the river.

I must face death

Like a brave warrior, singing a song to the great spirit.

( Singing native american song )

( Eagle screeching )

Little eagle!


( Breathing heavily )

( Screeches )

Yes, little eagle.

Now we are even.

Ah. What a story.

Wow. I wish I had a friend like that.

Hey, who got your tail out of the equator?

Waukewa and his eagle had a friendship that took off.

Because it was based on caring.

All sarah cared about was what kind of canoe she'd be in.

Sometimes friendships don't get off the ground

For good reasons-- like when a friend isn't trustworthy.

Like sarah.

I'll never trust someone from a big city.

Hold on. That's not the point I'm trying to make.

What do you mean?

If you stick with that attitude

You may miss some great friendships.

Ari's going to tell you an african folk tale.

You betcha!

It's about this young frog who was curious

About everything.

( Tiny croaks )

One sunny afternoon, something extraordinary happened.


Whoops. Sorry.

Gee, I've never seen

A creature like you before.

That goes double for me.

What are you, anyway?



My name is frog child.

What's yours?

I'm snake child.

What you doing lying there on the ground?

I'm warming myself.

Doesn't sound like much fun.

Want to play with me?


Great! Let's hop.

That's always fun.

But I don't know how.

You don't know how to hop?


The problem is

You don't have all the necessary equipment.


Don't worry.

I'll teach you


Isn't this fun?

( Grunting )

Yeah... Sort of!

Ribbit. Ribbit.


Wow! How do you do it?

I bet you're wrinkling.

Whoa, this is great!

Yeah! As much fun as hopping

Only different.

Adult frog: ribbbb-it!

Oh, hey! That's my dad.

I got to go.

( Hissing )

Yeah, that's my ma.

Must be dinner time.

See you tomorrow!


Hey, dad!

Look at me.

Good grief! Where in the world did you learn to do that?

My new friend snake child taught me.

Snake child?!

You must never play with snakes.

They're mean and bad and full of poison.

But dad!

No buts about it.

And for heaven's sakes

Stop crawling on your belly like a...

A... Reptile!


Where did you learn how to do that?

From frog child.


We don't play with frogs.

We don't?

What do we do with them?

We eat them, of course.

I couldn't eat my new friend!

Just don't play with your food anymore, okay?

And stop that hopping!

You're a reptile, not an amphibian.

Ari: but, the next day

Frog and snake found themselves together again.

Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

Uh, um... I'm not scared.

I just... I-i-i don't feel like playing today.

Ari: snake child remembered

What his mother said about gobbling up the frog.

Yeah. Well, I don't much feel like hopping today, anyhow.

The two friends never played again

But often thought of the good time they had together.

They wanted to be friends

But they were kept apart.

Where someone's from or what they look like

Doesn't tell you what kind of friend they'll make.


And I guess friendships aren't like instant cocoa.

They take time to make.

And effort to keep.

But... How do you know

If a friend is really going to be a true friend?

Good question, annie.

In true friendship

There is almost no stronger bond--

Like in the tale of damon and pythias.

Way back in the fourth century, b.c.

In the ancient greek colony of syracuse, in sicily

There lived two young boys.

( Rumbling )

Move, boy, move!

( Groaning )

Phew! That was close.

Thanks. I'm damon.

My name's pythias.

Could you

Teach me to throw

One of these?

You have taught me well, damon.

Too well, pythias!

Plato: and so, over time, the two

Became good friends and taught each other much.

Just release the discus

Like this.

You mean, like this?

That was quite a throw, my friend.

Our ruler, dionysius--

Does not allow

Game-playing within the city walls!

We were outside, but the discus went over!

It was an accident.

Give it back. Please.

Get it if you can, you puny sparrow.

( Mean laughter )

Give it back. Let go!

( Groaning )

Leave my friend alone!

( Groaning )

That will teach you runts

To challenge a soldier of syracuse!

( Both sigh )

We took care of him, didn't we?

I just hope we don't have

To take care of him too often.

( Grunting )

Ah! Once, I would have vanquished you easily, damon.

You have grown stronger, my friend.

But so have the injustices

Of dionysius and his soldiers.

Something must be done!

We cannot fight our king's soldiers.

Maybe not with swords

But there are other ways.

A good ruler rules democratically

In the best interest of his people

But a tyrant persecutes his people

Burdening them with careless edicts.

( Cheering )

Our people are repressed.

Dionysius should no longer rule.

We must take action!

Who is this traitor?

His name is pythias

And he has long been a troublemaker.

No one speaks of my friend

That way!

I am not afraid of dionysius.

I want to tell him what I think of him


That could be arranged.

If you take him, you'll have to take me.

( Laughing ): very well.

Tomorrow you shall both

Face the wrath of dionysius.

Pythias: in short, you are cruel, arbitrary and unjust

And not fit to rule our country.

For months, I have heard

Of the caustic words you use to turn my people against me.

Now you dare to criticize your monarch

To his face?

I dare to speak the truth.

You speak treason!

Take back your lies.

If I had spoken lies, I would take them back.

You won't take them back

So I shall take your life.

Please! That's not fair.


Shall I bring this one, too, majesty?

No, the boy is right.

I have not been fair.

A fair ruler would grant this rebel

One last request before he dies.

What is your final wish, pythias?

I wish to see my family one more time

To kiss my wife and child good-bye

And to arrange for their future.

You must think me a fool, as well as a tyrant.

If I let you go, you will flee the country.

I give you my word: I shall return.

Why should I believe you?

Guards, take him!

If you let him go

I shall stand in his place.


Yes, me.

If pythias does not return, you may k*ll me instead.

I cannot let you do this.

I want to do this, my friend.

I think you are both fools

But this will, indeed, be good sport.

You have a deal.

You may call me "fool," but pythias calls me "friend."

I know he would not see me die in his place.

He shall return.

You may go, pythias.

But my patience is not endless.

Be back three days from now, or else.

That golden-tongued pythias--

Give him credit.

Yeah. He's all the way to carthage by now.

Trust me.

We'll never set eyes on him again.

This way, we get rid of both of them.

( Soldiers laughing )

My friend will not abandon me.

Two days have gone by, damon

Yet your friend does not reappear.

You did not really believe

Pythias would come back to lay down his life for you.

I did, and I know he will.

He must have been delayed.

You are a fool, damon.

One day, you will be a dead fool.

All in the name of friendship.

( Laughing )

Time has run out

And your friend has not kept his word.

But I must keep mine.

Have you anything to say

Before the broadsword ends your life?

Pythias will return.

I do not see him anywhere.


( Horse whinnying )

Damon! Damon!

I'm sorry I took so long, my friend.

A storm wrecked my ship.

Bandits att*cked me.

I almost gave up hope, but...

I knew you'd come back.

I am now ready to accept my sentence of death.

Farewell, my friend.

Stop the execution!

Never have I witnessed

Such trust and loyalty between friends.

Your reward is your freedom.

On one condition.


You must teach me

To be worthy of such a friendship.

We shall do, your highness, yes.

Free him.

( Crowd cheering )

( Sobbing )

( Blowing nose )

Now that was a friendship.

I don't know if I could have been that brave.

Damon put his life on the line

For his buddy.

They didn't think of it as bravery.

They were friends.

They were devoted and true to each other.

Yeah, those things really count.

Like loyalty, honesty and courage, too.

Being willing to give to a friend

Not just get something out of it.

All those things we call virtues--

They're an important part of being a good friend.

Maybe, one day

I'll have a friend like damon or pythias.

Well, um, I don't have a greek name, annie

But would you consider going canoeing with me?

You sure you don't mind a leaky old canoe?

I'm good at bailing out.

Yeah, so is sarah.

Looks like annie already has a good friend.

Aw! I just love happy endings.

Make new friends, but keep the old.

Those are silver; these are gold.

Aurora: friendship never knows decay

For amid old friends, tried and true...

Plato: once more, we our youth renew, but old friends, alas, may die.

New friends must their place supply.

Aurora: cherish friendships in your breast

New is good

But old is best.

♪ And fearless friends ♪

♪ Fight side by side ♪

♪ Walk extra miles ♪

♪ Do it double time ♪

♪ Set their shining sails ♪

♪ To the raging sea ♪

♪ That's fearless friends ♪

♪ Like you and me. ♪
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