03x09 - Moderation - The Cat and the Parrot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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03x09 - Moderation - The Cat and the Parrot

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ begun. ♪

There's got to be something good on TV.



Stay tuned for our afternoon feature, The Black Stallion

right here on The Kids' Movie Channel

all movies all the time.


I see you found the new movie station, sweetie.

The cable company sent us a promo about it.

They claim it shows only family films

with positive values

and they offered us a month's free trial, so we took it.

Whoa! They've got everything from Star Wars

to The Wizard of Oz.

There's no limit to the great stuff I can watch.

Oh, yes, there is.

Remember the deal we made?

You can watch television only

Both: if you get your chores and homework done

and don't overdo the TV watching.

Don't worry. I won't.

Okay. Glad to hear it.

Wow, these look awesome.

I want to see that one and that one

and that one and that one...

( garbled ): Could I be excused?

Already, buddy? You're sure in a hurry tonight.

Got a lot of homework?

Math quiz tomorrow.

Okay, go ahead.


Zach's really jazzed

about that new movie channel.

I think he's trying to show us

it won't be a distraction.

( ominous music playing )

( music builds )

( ringing )

Our movie will continue after these messages.

Father: Zach, telephone!

Yeah, got it, Dad!

Hello. Oh, hi, Annie.

Meet you at Plato's Peak tomorrow?

Uh, hang on.

Sorry, got to pass.

How come?

My folks got this new kids' movie channel

and there's a great film on after school.

Why don't you tape it and watch it later?

'Cause later there's something else I want to see.

Why don't you come watch movies with me

and we'll go to Plato's Peak another day?

( loud crunching )

I can't.

I told Plato I'd help talk Ari

into doing some spring cleaning.

"Spring cleaning"?

Annie, can't it wait?

Afraid not.

That prairie dog's become a real pack rat.

He's gone way overboard collecting stuff.

He's going to run out of space in no time.

Oh, these commercials will be over in no time, too

and I haven't even studied for my math yet.

Bye, Annie.

Uh-oh, the movie's back on.

I can't study now.

Oh, C-... bummer.

Oh, well, there's always next quiz.

Teacher: Zach?


Can I see you for a moment?

I'm guessing it's about my math grade.

I'm very concerned.

It's not like you to do so poorly.

Is something wrong?

Are things okay at home?

Hey, don't worry.

I'll do better next time.

I promise.

I'm fine. Really.

Can I go now?

All right.

Maybe he thinks he's fine, but I'm not so sure.

Ari thinks he's fine

but I'm not so sure.

He just doesn't know when more is too much.

His tunnels are so crammed with stuff

there's barely room to breathe.

It's a miracle he gets in or out

without starting an earthquake.


See what I mean?

Plato: Not at the moment.

( both laugh )

Oh, my.

I guess my tunnels are a little overcrowded after all.

That why you need to clean them out.

You can have a garage sale.

But I don't have a garage.

It's just an expression.

When people get too much stuff

they clean out their houses

or garages or tunnels and get rid

of all the junk they don't need anymore.

Well, my stuff is not junk

and besides, today's junk is tomorrow's treasure.

And you can never have too much treasure.

Plato: That's not true, Ari.

You can have too much of anything.

Haven't you heard of moderation?


Ari, you don't need to save

everything you've ever owned.

Yes, I do.

I'll just build more tunnels.

Annie: This sure was a waste of time.

And to think I could have been watching movies with Zach.

Zach, I'm home.

( phone rings )


Yes, this is Zach's mom.

Oh, Mrs. Jenkins.

What about his math quiz?

A C-?

I can't understand it.

He went off to study right after dinner.

Yes, he studied all night.

At least, I thought he was studying.

I have a feeling I know what the problem is.

I'm so glad you called.

Thanks again. Bye.

Hmm, the grades are down...

that big bag of chips I bought is gone

and Zach hasn't emptied the trash.

Or cleaned his room.


I need to speak with you.

Aw, but I'm right in the middle of a movie.

That's what I want to talk to you about.

Mrs. Jenkins called.


You didn't study for your math test, did you, Zach?

You watched movies all night.

Well, actually, I did both.

At the same time?

Not exactly.

I studied at the commercials

but I guess I didn't get enough done.

You also didn't get the trash dumped

or your room picked up

or the garden weeded or the patio swept.

You've gone way overboard on television

so, for now, it stays off.

Oh, but, Mom, that new channel's got some great movies

on this weekend

and I was going to invite Annie over.

Come on, Mom.

If I do really well on Friday's math quiz

and I get all my chores done? Come on!

If and only if.

Now, this is more like it, Zach

and so is this.

And so is this. Ta-da!

A B+ on your math quiz?

Good job, Zach.

Okay, for now, the TV ban is lifted.

But from now on it's up to you to moderate

how much TV you watch.


So, we're on for movies tomorrow

but we'll need lots of food.

Okay, Mom's got chips, dip, popcorn, soda and cookies

so why don't you bring the candy?

The more the better.

It is going to be a long day.

And I even brought ice cream.

Should we put it in the fridge?

What for? We might as well just have it for breakfast.

Got to get our dairy.

Heads up.

Welcome to the Kids' Movie Channel's Weekend Movie Marathon

all movies all weekend without any commercials.

Aw, nuts.

What's wrong?

I thought we had some microwave popcorn.

And we're out of soda, too.

That's impossible.

I stocked up on both of those yesterday...

and cookies

but they're gone.

You don't think gremlins took them?

As a matter of fact, I do

and their names are Zach and Annie.

Ah! Nice ending.

So, what's up next?

Father: A big time-out!


Think you've eaten enough junk food?

Well, hey, movies make you hungry.

Well, you must have watched a lot.

Five so far.

We've got four more to go.

And a full day tomorrow.

Sorry, the movie gallery's closed

and so is the cupboard.

How come?

I mean, I've done my homework

and I've done all my chores.

It's the weekend, when kids get to have fun

and if fun means movies and junk food all day

well, then what's the problem?

The problem is you haven't learned

the meaning of moderation.

Kids need a balanced diet and a balanced life.

Go get some fresh air.

Take a bike ride.

And take out your trash.

It's not fair!

I don't get it. We didn't overdo it.

Well, it sounds to me

like you ate everything in sight.

Well, you've collected everything in sight

so how come that's not too much?

'Cause I've expanded my tunnels, see?


( gasping )

( spluttering )

Guess Ari's going to part with his stuff

whether he likes it or not.

Oh, hang on a second, I'll get this.

No, look!

He's going with it!


My nap is ruined!

All cause you have got too much junk.

Aw, big deal.

Anyway, you sleep too much.

I need my beauty rest.

It's good for my coat.

You can't get too much of a good thing.

Right, big guy?


You can get too much of anything.

Even stories?

Yes, even stories.

If I told you too many at once

you'd get sick of them.

But if I tell them in moderation

the stories will stay with you

and you might learn

what the virtue of moderation

really means.

Like the folktale from India

about the cat and the parrot?

Plato: Right, Aurora.

You see, there was once

a cat and a parrot who both loved to eat.

And so they decided

to take turns cooking for each other.

The cat was to have the parrot over first.

Now, the cat liked feeding himself

far more than he liked feeding others

so the cat served only a very meager meal

and the parrot was quite disappointed.

But since he was polite, he pretended to be stuffed

and even left some over

which the cat promptly gobbled

along with all the rest of what he cooked.

But when it was

the parrot's turn...

I'll soon show my fine, furry friend how to entertain.

( doorbell ) Ah!

Do sit down, dear cat.

I hope you've brought a big appetite

because I've cooked a big feast.

That meat smells delicious.

Would you prefer an end cut, or a center slice

rare or well done?

Oh, I like everything.


This roast is good to the last bite.

It's so well done it's whetted my appetite.

What else have you got?

Some nice fresh fruit.

Would you like a plum or a peach

or perhaps a pear?

A fruit by any name is delicious.

I'd like them all.


( gobbling noisily )

Boy, that cat's appetite knows no limits.

But this next course should fill him up.

Excuse me a moment while I get dessert.

Two for me and the rest for you.

These cakes are

an old family recipe.

They're quite rich

but you can eat some and take some home.

They go quite well with this tea.


This tastes like more.

Perhaps one more.

Maybe just a few more?

But you've eaten cakes.

I left only two for myself.

But if you're still hungry...

Oh, yum.

Good food always makes me hungry for more.

Bring on the main course.

I could eat an elephant.

Why, shame on you, cat.

You've already eaten all I have.

You need to learn a little moderation.

( yawn )

If you keep gobbling everything in sight

you'll get as big as a house.

You'll be so huge you'll block traffic

get stuck between buildings

not to mention getting indigestion

and nightmares.

( snoring ): Big as a house...

( gasp )

You are the biggest cat I've ever seen.

How did you get as big as a house?

I ate everything in sight.

Well, you should be ashamed of yourself.

That is much too much.

You need to learn some moderation.

Shame, shame, shame.

You're scolding much too much.

If you don't stop

I'll swallow you whole.


You cannot scare me.

Shame, shame!


( gulping )

Woman: Let me out!

Shame, shame, shame!

Oh, shame, shame, shame.

It certainly is a shame.

I cooked that cat a huge dinner.

He didn't even leave me a lick of food.

Shame, shame, shame.

( belch )

I don't think he ever stops eating

even in his dreams.


Excuse me.

Please step aside.

My master's in a hurry.

Why don't you step aside?

Oh, but my load is too heavy.

My master filled both my saddlebags to bursting

and insisted on riding as well.

He doesn't know when more is too much.

I can barely move.

Well, I can barely move either.

I've eaten everything in sight

and if you don't move, I'll gobble you up, too

and your master.

Quick, donkey, do what he says.

Move, move!

Go, donkey, go!

( gulping )

Donkey: Oh, well, the quarters are a little close

but it certainly beats walking.

Now the cat can carry my load

and my master and me also.

( trumpeting )

Don't you think those elephants

are trumpeting a little too much, my dear?

Of course not.

They're telling everyone

to make way for the king and his bride.

You can't do that too much.


And why aren't you making way?

I am the king and I command it!

You must obey!

I can't!

I've eaten everything in sight

and I'm stuck fast.

And you'd better back up

or I'll have to eat you, too.

Perhaps there are times

when even a king can command too much.

Let us do as he says.

A king can never command too much

nor does the king back up or back down.

Forward, elephants.

Make way, cat!

Make way, make... ahhh!

( gulping )

Oh, I wish I had not scolded too much.

If I had practiced moderation

I would not be in this fix.

I wish I had not overloaded my donkey.

I wish I'd known when to stop commanding

and start backing up.

I should have listened to you, my dear.

( gulping )

Oh, no!

I'm afraid this cat's stomach

is a one-way street.

Don't worry, we'll soon have you out.

That cat has stuffed himself so much

he's bound to fall asleep soon.

And when he starts snoring

we'll start snipping.

( snoring )

Let's get going.

( snipping ) ( snoring )

Oh, it is so good to be free.

But what of the cat?

With all of us out, he won't be stuck anymore.

And we left him a needle and a thread.

He'll sew up his coat in no time.

He'll be fine.

In fact, he'll feel much better.

Much better...

Much better...


not better.

What's not better?

Oh, my tummy.

Well, if you're that hungry

I've baked more cakes.

Oh, no really.

I can't eat any more.

I'll get as big as a house

and I've just gotten back to normal size

though my stomach still feels oddly heavy

even without the elephants.

Thanks anyway. I've got to be going.


Hmm, sounds like that cat's big dinner

gave him an awfully big nightmare

not to mention a big case of indigestion.

But at least he's learned his lesson.

I've learned my lesson, too.

My tunnels really were overstuffed.

But they feel much better

now that all that stuff washed over the falls.

I don't think I'll even miss it.

Well, I'm glad I didn't miss this story.

Oh, but you would have

if you'd been sleeping.

Hmm, I guess you can sleep too much, after all.

Well, I wish I could fall asleep

and have some of that junk food

walk out of my tummy.

Yeah, me, too.

Guess we really did overdo it.

Well, there's one thing you can't overdo.

What's that?

Thanking parents for

helping you learn things

like moderation.

Zach: So, I guess we did overdo it

on the junk food and movies after all.

Thanks for making us stop.

You were right.

Too much of a good thing can be bad.

I'll say.

Well, thanks for saying so.

And I want to practice what I preach

which means being moderate in my discipline, too.

These chocolate chip cookies

are fresh from the oven

and I'll let you have

one each.

Uh, no, thanks.

Maybe later.

Or maybe not.

I don't feel so good.

Me neither.

Excuse me.

( chuckling )
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