03x05 - Perseverance - The Tortoise and the Hare

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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03x05 - Perseverance - The Tortoise and the Hare

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ begun. ♪

Hey, there, Zach.

Enjoying your new basketball hoop?

Aah, not as much as I thought I would.

I haven't made a single sh*t yet.

( chuckling ): I'm sure Michael Jordan started off the same way.

Are you sure about that?

Ah, remember, Zach, practice makes perfect.

( grunts )

I just can't make a basket!

Ah, if at first you don't succeed...

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Try, try again.

Hey, Zach, why don't you try aiming

for the basket next time?

Very funny.

So, what's up, Annie?

You want to go for a bike ride with me?

Sure. It beats sh**ting baskets.

Well, if that's what you call what I'm doing.

I think what you're doing is missing baskets.

Well, practice does make perfect.

Until then...

Let's get out of here.

Hey, Annie, I'll race you to the mailbox.

You're on!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Zach Nichols is coming up from behind!

I don't believe it. He's pulling ahead!

( grunting )

They're approaching the finish line.

Folks, it's a close race!

Too close to call!

But, holy cow!

Zach Nichols is going to win this one!

( panting ): Yes!

The winner, by a nose

is the talented Zach Nichols!

And the crowd goes crazy!

( panting ): Good race, Zach.

( panting ): Let's race again.

I'll give you a second chance to b*at me.

Uh, let's say, from here to, uh...

the fountain in Spring Valley Park.

Annie: Piece of cake.

On your mark!

Get set!


( both panting )

Come on, Annie!

You're not going to let me win again, are you?

( panting ): Wait to go, Zach!

Two in a row!

Well, when it comes to bike riding

nobody beats Zach Nichols!


Hey, Zach

I have an idea.

Another race?

Not necessarily.

Let's ride our bikes up to Stone Summit.

Zach: Stone Summit?!

You know how far that is, Annie?

It's, like, twice as far as Plato's Peak.

I know.

It'll be a fun ride.

It's all uphill.

Only on the way there.

And think how fun it'll be on the ride back down.

Well, I guess it could be a fun race.

It's a long way up there, Zach.

And we don't have to make it a race, Mr. Speed Demon.

Aw, but it's no fun if it's not a race.

Of course it is.

We take our time

concentrate on making it all the way

up to the top and back.

It'll be a blast!

Uh... You afraid to race?


Besides, it's not about being afraid.

Good! On your mark!

Get set! Go!

Slow down, Zach!

You're never going to make it all the way up there

if you ride that fast!

( panting and grunting )

( panting )

Maybe you shouldn't have used so much energy

on those bike tricks.

( gasping ): Uh...

I'm-I'm just letting you catch up...

uh, so I don't b*at you too bad.

( grunting )

Socrates, what's this?!

Why, it's the trumpet you gave me for my birthday.

You should remember that, Ari.

I do remember that, Soc.

I also remember that you begged me

for nearly two months to get this for you.

And look where it ended up.

In your hands!

Why, why didn't you tell me you wanted a trumpet?

Ah! I mean, it ended up with a pile of junk

in the closet!

In the same dusty closet as a book that I got you

for your birthday!

Book? W-what book?

The wildlife book.

The one you never even finished.

Oh, but, but it was so long.

Socrates, I thought you were taking lessons

to learn how to play the trumpet.

I tried, but the lessons were boring.

I got tired of them, so I quit.

Besides, who needs lessons

when you're a natural talent like me?

( playing off-key )

( screams )

Soc! Stop it!

I told you I never needed those lessons.

Maybe you should have stuck with the lessons

just a tad longer, Soc.

After all

there's always room for improvement.

( grunting )

Plato's Peak... halfway point.

( moaning ) Hold on!

I've got you, kid.

( grunts )

Is anybody... behind me?

Not as far as I can see.

Oh, good.

We were having a race up to Stone Summit

but there's no way I'm going to be able to make it that far.

Stone Summit?

Whoo! That's a long ride, Zach.

Oh, I know.

And I already b*at Annie

at a bunch of races in Spring Valley.

We'll have to race up to Stone Summit some other time.

But you've already begun the race today.

Uh, yeah, I'd began it, but...

I don't think I can finish it.

B-Besides, I don't want to wear Annie out.

You don't want to wear her out?!

Aurora: Well, Zach, here comes Annie now.

And I got tell you, she doesn't look worn out to me.

Hey, everybody.

Hi, Annie. Hey.

Taking a little rest break, Zach?

You bet.

Until next Saturday.

What are you talking about?

We're halfway there.

I'm too tired, Annie.

There's no way I can finish the race today.

Zach, it wasn't supposed to be a race

in the first place.

If you'd just enjoy it as a ride

taking your time, you'd make it.

It's just as far either way, Annie.

If you take your time

it just takes longer to get there.

But at least you do get there.

Look, I want to finish the race

but it's too much work.

( sighs )

I quit.

Zachy, boy, you've got to keep going.

You can't give up

just because you're a little tired.

That's right.

And if I'd given up the trumpet after my first lesson...

Soc, you did give up the trumpet

after your first lesson.

Yeah, but I can still play this.

( playing off-key )


Agh! Soc!

Catchy tune, isn't it?

( sputters )

Oh!... Now that's some powerful music.

Maybe, Zach, you just need to reconsider

how you look at this bike ride to Stone Summit.

There's only one way to look at it, Plato:

It's uphill, I'm tired, and Annie is going to b*at me.

There's no way

I'm going to be able to make it to the top.

Why should I even try?

Because you can make it up to Stone Summit.

Both you and Annie can make it if you persevere.

Going as fast as you can

isn't always the best way to reach a goal.

But if I go slow, I'll just be tired for twice as long.

Not really.

Races, after all, are about not giving up.

They're about finishing the course.

First, last, or somewhere in between

you've got to persevere to the end.

What do you mean, "persevere"?

Persevere-- keep moving forward.

Whether this is a race or just a ride

sometimes it's best not to think about the finish line.

Not think about the finish line?

It's a long ride, which requires hard work and perseverance.

Keep moving forward as steadily as you can

until you reach the end.

That's no way to win a race.

Maybe it's time Zach heard the story

of "The Tortoise and the Hare."

Good idea.

And I think our little trumpeter should hear this story, too.

Oh, excellent!

I can provide the musical accompaniment.


For our sake.

Wait a minute.

"The Tortoise and the Hare?"

Are you saying I'm as slow as a turtle?

Let's just say that things aren't always

as they appear, Zach.

Once upon a time, in the countryside

not far from here

there lived two best friends, a tortoise and a hare...

Plato: And though the tortoise and the hare were best friends

they were complete opposites.

For instance, everything the hare did was fast.

How about that! A new record!

. seconds

and the choppers are clean as a whistle!

Ah! Nothing like a quick breakfast!

Whoa! Where does the day go?

I'm running late already.

Time to get moving!

What a beautiful day.

I've been wasting too much time down in that rabbit hole.

Good morning, Mr. Beaver!

Morning, Miss Groundhog.

Oh, morning, Mr. Hare, and how are you today?

Oh, don't you know it--

he's gone before he even arrives.

Good morning, Mother Hen.

Morning, Mr. Hare.

Good morning, Henny, Penny, Lenny, Benny and Jenny.

( clucks )

My heavens, that boy never slows down.

Tortoise! Good Morning, Tortoise!

It's your old friend, the Hare!

Up and at 'em!

Open the door!

Plato: As I said

the tortoise and the hare were complete opposites.

And while the hare did everything as fast as he could

the tortoise didn't move quickly at all.


Now, you behave there, little fella.

Maybe if I try it one more time.

Hare: Tortoise! You in there?!

Time's a wasting!

You coming!?

A-yup, I hear you, buddy.

I'm... a-coming.

Come on, come on! ( knocking )

He never gets any faster, this guy.

( chopping )

Still waiting out here, tortoise.

There we go.

All ready.

( hums slowly )

I'm a-coming, hare.

Ah! There you are, shell-man!

Been waiting half a day.

Let's get moving here--

so much to do, so much to see!

A-yup, time to get moving.

Moving right along.

Plato: Now, just because the tortoise did everything slowly

and the hare did everything quickly

doesn't mean the hare always came out as the winner.

Your move!

Plato: In fact, the tortoise usually b*at the hare

at whatever game they were playing.

( whistling )

Your move!

My move...

Thinking... about my move.

Oh, great, thinking about his move!

Hmm... looking for a move.

It's your move, Pal.

Please, just move a piece!

Move any piece!

I did not see that one coming.

You never do, pal.


Want to play again?

No, I do not want to play again!

Gosh, talk about your sore loser!

Every time, it never fails.

He thinks about it, and he thinks about it

and then he beats the pants off of me.

Oh, I got to b*at that guy at something. Owl: Whoo?

Ah, the tortoise.

I'm the fastest guy in the county.

I'm the one who's broken every record

from mountain-climbing to mowing the lawn.

See, I just said that sentence in record time

and still he beats me at everything!

Checkers, chess, jacks, hopscotch, Chinese checkers,

marbles, everything!


I told you, the tortoise!

The slow guy with the house on his back.

The only thing I could probably b*at him at

would be... a race.

Hey! That's it!

We'll have a race!


Me and the tortoise, of course!

A race across the whole county.

Oh, there's no way he could b*at me at that!



Plato: And so it was that the big race was set up--

a cross-country marathon

between the tortoise and the hare.

Finally, the day came for the big race.

The tortoise and the hare

in their own ways were prepared.

Up... down... touch your toes.

No crowding, please.

One at a time, plenty of me to go around, folks.

( clucks )

Ladies and gentlemen

the moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived.

Listen carefully, please

as I outline the great race's course.

Once across the great field to the old tree trunk

over the creek, past the big rock

and down into the woods

under the bridge, behind the elm tree and through

the open prairie and down the country lane

to the finish line.

You boys get all that?

You bet you, sister.

Let's see... once across the great field...

...and then what?

All: Oh!

Don't worry, pal.

Just follow my dust trail.

We all ready, then?

A... yup!

You bet you!

Everybody, on your mark!

Everybody, get set!


( clucks )



Lost my balance there.

On second thought, I might need these.


( bleating )

( hums slowly )

Zach: Wait! Hold on a second!

Where's the suspense in the story?

Oh, yeah, like we don't know what's going to happen?

What do you mean, Zach?

I don't know what's going to happen.

Oh, come on!

The ending is so obvious.

There's no way the hare is going to lose the race.

Zach, you only think the hare is going to win

because you're just like him.

And what's wrong with that?

He's fast. There's nothing wrong with being fast.

You're right, Zach

but you've got to have perseverance

to finish the job you've set out to do.

And you don't think the hare's got enough

perseverance to finish the race?

Well, there's only one way to find out.

The tortoise, you see, was determined to finish the race.

And he knew that if he wanted to finish

he'd have to pace himself and just keep on walking

one step at a time, slow and steady.

The hare, on the other hand

was so sure that he'd already won the race

that he decided to stop and have some fun.

Hello, there.

Looks like you need some help with that.

Oh, you bet you, I do.

Well, I'm in a race

but I got plenty of free time this afternoon

so, sit back, relax and watch an artiste at work.


Yeah, you bet you.

Say, a hard day's work

can make a guy pretty hungry.

You wouldn't happen

to have any good food in there, would you?

Oh, yeah, don't you know

I was just about to make me a bite to eat.

Hope you can join me.

Well, if you insist.

( hums slowly )

Oh! Good afternoon, Mr. Snail.


Nothing like a good, heavy meal

in the middle of the day.

That hits the spot!

( slurps )

Mmm, you bet you!

Now, I suppose you should get back to your race, hmm?


And skip dessert?

Ooh, dessert!

Looks like somebody had quite a feast, lucky fella.

Well, lookie... there.

I'm almost done.

Hey, everybody!

Somebody's coming!


Why, it's... it's...

( gasps )

It's the tortoise!

( all cheering and shouting )

Oh, ah, hmm... who's yelling?

W-W-What's all that racket?


How could that be?!

How long did I sleep?!


Tortoise, wait!

Oh, no, you don't!

You're not b*ating me this time!

Hold up, fella... listen to me!

I was right up the road.

I just fell asleep for a few minutes.


Give me a break!

( sighs )

( all shouting and cheering )

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

The tortoise!

I should have won.

I'm the fastest guy in the county.



You heard me, pal.

I'm still the fastest guy in the county.

( all shouting and cheering )

And that, my friends, is how the slow and steady can win the race.

Okay, okay, I get it.

Perseverance means that you just keep going

against all the odds, to get to your goal.

And that's what the tortoise did.

And winning the race was his reward.

So, if Annie and I take our time and keep pedaling

we'll make it all the way to Stone Summit.

You're absolutely right, Zach.

Ari, maybe I did give up on my trumpet lessons

a little too soon.

I'll make you a deal, Sock.

You go back to trumpet lessons

and I'll finish that book you gave me for my birthday.


So, Zach, are you ready

for the second half of the ride?

Stone Summit, here we come!

We'll make it to the top, slow and steady.

Let's go!

Good luck, kids!

And have a safe ride!

Come on, Annie. We're almost there!

Annie: We made it!

I don't believe it!

Congratulations, kids!

You did it!

And if it was a race, we ended in a tie.

Want to race back down?

It's all downhill from here!

Zach: See you at my house!

That was great!

Next week, let's see if we can make it

to Pine Mountain.

It's even higher!

If we could make it up to Stone Summit

I bet we could make it up to Pine Mountain.

I better get home.

Great job, today!

See you tomorrow, Annie!

Bye, Zach!

Man, am I starved!

Hmm... if at first, you don't succeed...

Practice makes...

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