28x05 - We Found Our Zombies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x05 - We Found Our Zombies

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


After a surprise switch, bronze,

Brain, and boudy were no more.

They were divided into two


I'm the only original aybary

Member on a tribe with three

Brain and three beauties.

Jeff: over at apari, the

Former beauty tribe began to

Turn on each other.

Originally jeremiah was with

Us and he flipped and flipped


L.j. And her cuddled


Are you friends with alexis.


Jeff: the former brain

Tribe used it to gain control.

The fact that they're this

Divided shows we can play them

Against each other.

Jeff: meanwhile, the former

Brawn tribe enjoyed a 5-2

Advantage over l.j. And jefra.

If we continue with the

People we have, we're in a great


Jeff: but it couldn't mend

Old fused.

Trish makes me stick.

Like, you're 50 years old.

Stop trying to get attention

From 20-year-old men.

Jeff: and at the last

Immunity challenge, solana lost.

How does that happen?

Jeff: facing tribal

Council, the former brawn tribe

Was focused on getting rid of


The four of us are going to

Vote for l.j.


Hell, yeah.

Jeff: but trish and tony

Saw a chance to take out an even

Bigger threat.

Cliff is a very influential

Person which makes him very


Jeff: and at tribal

Council, trish and tony got

Their wish, blindsiding cliff

And his allies.

Cliff, the tribe has spoken.

13 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Well, I just want to make a

Few things on my end clear just

Because I just think it's really


I mean, lindsey, I just--

Trish, get real.

I'm talking.

Get real, trish.

Excuse me, I'm talking fora a


We totally bamboozled cliff.

He was so clueless he was going

To go home tonight.

You guys just screwed up


And who do you think your

Alliances are?

I don't have any alliances


No, you don't.

The core alliance was lindsey

And cliff, period.

We got rid of cliff, and she's

On her own.

Let me just make this really

Clear to you.


Moving forward.

I will respect you because this

Is a team moving forward but I

Don't like you.

You know what?

You disgust me.

Everything about you is


Why you were laugh.

Your teeth.

Why you were face.

Everything about you, I cannot


So how about you just back off a

Little bit and shut up and not

Talk to me for a little while?

So-- so you're telling us

You're not on the team.

I'm telling you what, I'm not

On your team.

I will never be on your team.

I think that you're annoying.

I think you're terrible.

I think you might be the most

Horrific person I ever met in my


I have a question for you do

You think I'm annoying?

Yes, I do.

You know what, now ask me if

I care jai don't care if you



That's the beauty about it.

I can leave here and never think

Of you ever again.

All right, that's enough.

We're done.

We all know where we all stand


Let's just-- let's try to make

The best of it, man.

That's it.

Tricia started in on me, and

She is a bully.

She's got the mouth as big as a

( Bleep ) horse, and

Emotionally, I don't think I can

Really take it.

I can't even honestly be--

I'm sorry cliff is gone,

Because I know you're going to

Really miss him and I'm sorry

About that.

Oh, yeah.

I do not want to play this game

With tricia so I'm going to take

Whatever sanity I have left and

I'm going to have to figure out

What I'm going to do for the

Rest of the time because i-- I'm

Not going to do this.

I am not going to stick around

Tricia's mouth.

We have no idea where lindy

Is, man, and it's cold out and

It's night.

I hope she's all right, bro.

I'm sure she's just licking

Her wounds.

She's not used to being called

Out like that.

Hey, lindsey.


I got a call you wanted to


What's going on?

As soon as we got back to

Camp, trish just explodes on me

With her annoying mouth.

Jeff: what was she saying

To you?

I mean, just awful ridiculous

Things like-- I just can't even

Play anymore.

At this point, I can't have

Someone antagonizing me right


Jeff: what riconcerned

That's going to happen?

I'm going to flip out on her.

And that's why I separated

Myself from the situation.

I'd rather, you know, cost me a

Million dollars then for my

Daughter to see her mom act like


Jeff: so this is-- this is

Just between and you trish?

It's just a personality


But it's so extreme.

And I'm cold disprks I'm wet,

And I'm hungry.

And I know that, and I'm tired.

I get all those things, and I

Know I'm going to regret it.

I need a million dollars more

Than anybody here.

I can honestly say I can't take

It anymore.

Jeff: you're quitting?

I don't know what else to do.

Jeff: I gotta say, this is

A first.

No one has ever quit because

They were afraid they were going

To do something they regretted

And so they took a moment and

Said my best move is to just

Move on.

It makes me really, really


This has been a big struggle for


Jeff: what was the lowest


I think when I walk away from

This beach is going to be my

Lowest point.

Jeff: all right, so how

Should we tell the tribe?

Well, I want to be the bigger

Person and say why I'm leaving

But maybe it would be best if I

Just did a little curtsy here

And left.

Jeff: all right.

Jeff: hey, guys.


Oh, it's jeff.

Jeff: another so, I just

Want to give you guys a little


Lindz disappeared for a while

And I was thinking we should go

Check on her.

She left in her bra and


Even though I don't like her, I

Didn't want her to injure


Jeff: I'm here to

Officially inform you, after

Losing cliff in what appeared to

Be a big blindside, lindsey is

Pulling herself from the game.

I do feel bad because I kind

Of came down on her but she got

Nasty and mean.

And she walked away and I'm not

The least bit surprised she quit

Because she can't live without


Just what we expected.

You turn the head, the body


She was the body, cliff was the

Head, she followed right behind

Him the exit door.

It was a beautiful thing, two

For the price of one.

That, obviously, was a huge,

Volatile zit waiting to pop, and

Once it did, I mean, I think

That now we're at the core.

It's almost like, all right,

Now we can start fresh, here we


Prior to tribal council, I

Was aligned with cliff and

Lindsey, so for cliff and lindy

To be gone, now it puts me in a

Really tough position.

If we were to go to tribal

Council, I could definitely

Project myself going.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Aparri getting your first look

At the new solana tribe.



Jeff: cliff voted out at

Last night's tribal council,

Hours later, lindsey quit.


Jeff: pulled herself from

The game for personal reasons.

Soara, you can't contain


Oh, my gosh!

This is-- insane!

Jeff: alexis, I'm surprised

At the emotion.

What is it?

I'm happy to see our beauties

Still standing, you know?

I'm happy, of course.

Jeff: spencer, you're

Nodding your head, this is good,

Good news, I like it.

Two people are out of the

Game and I didn't have have to

Do anything.

It bothers me that someone quit.

I really don't like that.

But I'm going to take it.

My odds just got a lot better

And I didn't have to do a thing.

Jeff: just like that the

Solana tribe is down to nine

Members, aparri is seven, and

The game has changed again.

Are you ready to get to today's

Award challenge?

For today's challenge, you'll

Square off one on one.

You'll eaching holding an idol.

Your job, knock their idol off

Before they knock off yours.

Every time you do, you score a

Point for your tribes.

First to four wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: two members of the

Winning tribe will follow the

Losing tribe back to their beach

And perform a camp raid.

This is your opportunity to

Better your life and inflict a

Lot of pain on the other tribe.

Aparri, you have two extra


You cannot sit out the same

People in back-to-back


Who are you going to sit out?

Alexis and kass.

Here we go, one man versus one


Spencer heading out versus woo.

Come on, woo.

Jeff: it's very simple--

You knock their idol off before

They knock off yours you earn a



Woo and spencer.

Woo smiling, taunting spencer.

You got this, woo.

Use your focus.


Jeff: this is a showdown.

Who will make the big move


Patience, woo.

Jeff: spencer getting

Closer, taunting woo now.

Spencer goes for it and


Aparri scores and leads 1-zip.

Good job, spencer!

Jeff: next round, it is

Trish for solana taking on tash

For attarra.


Survivors ready?


Tony taking on morgan.

Morgan goes after him.

But morgan's drops first.

Solana scores and

We're back to the top.

A rematch from our first round.

Come on.

Jeff: this could be it.

Spencer and woo.

Come on, woo.

Jeff: woo could win it for


Got the reach.

Jeff: spencer has to win in

Order to keep aparri in this.

Spencer won the first time.

Come on, woo!

We could revisit our old tribe.

Feed the family, kid.

Come on, spence, think of

What we can't lose.

Jeff: here we go.

Survivors ready?


Come on, spencer.

You got it.

Jeff: woo walks straight at


Patience, spence.

Jeff: spence wer a long


Woo not budging.

He's coming close.

There you go, woo, there you

Go, get him off balance.


There you go!

Jeff: big move by woo, but

Spencer hangs tight.

You got it, spence.

Jeff: spencer not backing


Another show-down between these


Go ahead, woo.

Go ahead, woo.

Jeff: solana winses reward!

Solana congratulations, you're

Going to select two people who

Will leave and go back to aparri

To their camp.

Who is it going to be?

Woo and tony.

This is a note.

Keep it sealed until you get to

Their beach.

Then you two read it together

Away from them.

It will tell you what to do.

All right?

Fair enough.

Yes, sir.

Jeff: tony, woo, join this


We'll see you soon.

Jeff: so, tony, you have an

Idea, a very good idea of what

Aparri has.

I know aparri inside out,

Jeff, that's why I'm going.

Jeff: trish, jefra, l.j.,

Head back to camp and await the

Return of your tribemates with

Their take.

All right, guys, grab your


Head out.

Should make for an interesting


There's so much more energy

In the camp now that cliff is

Gone and now that lindsey's


We went there and we made a


We're less in numbers but we're

High in moral and we showed it

To them and we won the


And the reward today is a tribe


So when tony and woo came, like,

Our hearts dropped.

Hey, welcome home.

Thank you, thank you, thank

You, thank you.

We have a note from jeff that we

Have to go down and read and

We'll be right back, all right?

I came from luzon, and we

Were living in pretty bad

Conditions so when we get over

To aparri we were, like, this is

The lap of luxury, and who knew

It would be so short-lived.

Or the tarp and rope, or the

Fishing kit.

What do you want to do?

Number one and number three.

You can hurt them with the tarp?



So after winning today's reward

Challenge jeff gave us

Instructions on what we could do

To the tribe and there was a

Part two.

And it was the hidden immunity


Take a stroll along the rocks,

Much easier when the tide is


Spend some time on the reef


That's for us, right?

That's for us.

Woo and myself read it and it

Didn't per tain to the solana


It pertained to the solana where

We have a wall of rocks.

I think it will be great to

Try to oust one of these people,

Stir up the pot, and the

Strongest person on the aparri

Team right now is jeremiah.

Here's the deal.

We are not going to take your


We are going to take the fishing


And we have the clue to a hidden

Immunity idol and we get to

Elect this whichone of you guys

To give it to.

Woo and I both decided we will

Give it to jeremiah.

I'll take you to the side over


Comfort and the fishing stuff.

Toney and woo decide to give

Jeremiah a clue too a hidden

Immunity idol.

So, honestly, I think they're

Sending a signal to jeremiah

That we want to work with you.

This is the idol clue.

You read it by yourself.

You do whatever you want with

It, okay.

And the fishing net.

We just want the fishing net.

So I gave him the clue.

Meanwhile I'm sure it was going

Through everybody's mind at the

Tribe, why is jeremiah getting

The clue?

What is going on?

So their wheels are spinning

Like he's going to go find the

Idol, blah, blah, blah.

Take a stroll along the rocks

Much easier when the tide is



Time on the reef today.

I opened up the clue and

Interested, and it's the exact

Same clue we had at the beaut


The chosen one.

The chosen one.

For some odd reason.

I was, like, you gotta be


You know, tony and woo, they

Don't know me from adam, they

Just said, "we've got a hidden

Immunity idol clue and we choose


We're going to give it to him."

See you, guys.

I've got six people watching


They're going to be watching

Every move I make.

You know what I mean?

I gotta take back the clue.

Hey, guys.


Do I see a bag of rice?

We were given a note telling

Us what we could take.

You couldn't take their rice?


Salt and pepper?


And the fry pan?

Flied rice!

Tony and woo brought back

Tons of comfort items.

We have a mosquito net, pillows,

Blankets, spices, salt, pepper,

Things l.j. And I haven't got to

Enjoy from the very beginning.

This is the best part.

This is a clue to an idol.




First we read it, and we

Thought it pertained to that

Tribe but it doesn't.

This is a wall of rocks and

That's a wall of rocks.

I told them this letter told us

We get to elect one person from

Their tribe to give them a clue

To an idol.

We called jeremiah out there so

We put a big, illuminating

Target on his back.

Tony is playing this game

Full out.

You know, hard core, balls to

The walls.

Every way possible.

He's lying, stealing and

Cheating and I'm just glad he's

On my side.

I'm going to tell you guys

Another thing, too.

I am a police officer.

I was only kidding around


I knew it!

That's clever.

Are you kidding me?

I'm not kidding you.

I bonded with

By any means,

And I realize by him exposing

All that stuff, that I do need

To be on my toes every single

Point in the game.

We are sticking together, the


You are-- I love you more now

Than I did an hour ago.

I know you guys are going to

Say this guy is a liar.

When can we believe him?

This is when you can believe me

To the end?

I have to admit something to

You guys that I haven't


I'm really a man.

Oh, I knew it!

Tony and woo told us that

They had a clue to our hidden

Immunity idol, and they got to

Elect one person to share it


They picked jeremiah, which got

So many minds thinking, and

Really stirred stuff up over


So I need to clean it up and I

Need to make things a little bit

More clear cut because the one

Person right now that I think is

The most untrustworthy is


Jeremiah is so unpredictable.

I just think he's so dumb that

He doesn't know how to lie or


Alexis came up to me and it

Almost seemed like she had

Planned what she wanted to say

Which suggests to me she could

Be playing us a little bit and I

Think alexis is a little smarter

Than she thrieks let on.

What I'm worried about is I

Count seven and I'm not in it.


It's the five of them over

There, jeremiah and sarah.

I like girls who own how

Smart they are and what they can


You know, alexis is pretty phony

To me.

So I think that hurts her.

She's not to be trusted of as

Far as making moves.


We lost.

Why would we get a clue?

This is what happened.

They won--

So you're thinking it's not a


It's not a clue.

What was it?

It's the same clue we had at

The other camp, the exact same


What do you mean?

That doesn't make any sense.

The exact same clue.

I read it.

The clue they got from tony is

The same clue that we had at the

Other tribe.

He said he had to take it back

With him so I handed it to him,

And he took off.

Tony's made a mess for me.

Now I gotta work my way through


You're telling me they came

Over here with their clue--

They called me out in front

Of all of y'all--

I think you're paranoid or




They're wanting you all to

Vote against me to get me out of


I'm not paranoid at all.

Jeremiah's story is tough to


What I think is jeremiah got a

New clue.

It was wrapped.

It was a real clue.

And it looked a clue to an idol

That's actually here.

He's not fooling anyone.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Jeff: you guys ready to get

To today's immunity challenge?

Yes, sir.

Jeff: first things first,

Tasha, I will take it back.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you will

Use wooden poles to build a


You'll race through a bamboo


Then down a slide.

One publish upon maneuver a key

Through a rope obstacle.

They'll use the key to unlock

The machete.

You'll use want machete to

Release puzzle pieces.

Two tribe members will then use

Those pieces to solve a puzzle,

Which will reveal three numbers

To a combination lock.

First tribe to solve their

Combination lock and raise their

Flag wins immunity, safe from

The vote.

Losers,un the drill.

Tribal council, somebody will be

Voted out of this game.

Aparri, you have two extra


Who are you going to sit out?

Cannot sit out the same people

In back-to-back challenges.

I'll sit out.

Jeff: take a spot on the

Sitout bench, give you a empty

To strategize, we'll get


All right.

Here we go.

For immunity, survivors ready?


First stage is building a


Shortest pieces will be in the


Tallest will be at the back.

Once it's built, climb up it and

Start through the bamboo maze.


Jeff: l.j. Goes down in the

Deep mud.

It's been raining and this

Course is rough.

Going to have to really be

Mindful of where you walk.

Solana all over the place.

They've got tall pieces shorter,

Then taller pieces.

Take this one out.

Take this one out.

Take this one out?

Tairks it out!

Jeff: aparri has theirs


Aparri heading up.

Solana still trying to get it


Terrible start for solana.

Inous of now ynow you can go.

Make your way through that maze.

Just follow it.

If it's blocked, you can't go


Find the opening.

Come oaparri!

Jeff: solana working

Together well.

Aparri working together well.

Sarah working on the knot for


Woo on the knot.

Woo is down.

Sarah has the knot undone.

Go, go!

Come on.

Slide, slide, slide!

Jeff: we are neck and neck

Right now.

Three down for aparri.

Everybody down for both tribes.

One person now start working

With that key.

It's tony for solana.

Jeremiah for aparri.

Come on, jeremiah.

Come on, jeremiah!

There you go, jeremiah!

Stay with it, buddy!

Jeff: once you're through,

You'll release that key.

You can unlock the machete.

Jeremiah has released his key.

Unlock that machete.

Tony right behind him.

Jeremiah's released the machete.

Tony now has released his key.

Jeremiah has the pieces free.

Everybody through now.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Jeff: tony still working on

That lock.

Two people now gather the puzzle

Pieces, only two.

Tony costing his tribe a lot of


Tony's got the machete.

And he's released the pieces.

Everybody got to get through


Now go.

Come on, come on!

Jeff: aparri's already

Gathered all their pieces.

You're building a puzzle from

The bottom to the top in order.

You're looking for three


Those three numbers will solve

The combination.

Big immunity on the line.

Here, try that.

Jeff: aparri now starting

To make some progress.

You're looking for 41, you're

Look for 41, 41.

Turn it over.

This one?


Put it in there, man.

Put it in there.

Jeff: l.j. And woo arguing

Over which piece goes where.

L.j. Is certain he's right.

These numbers better make sense

Or they're not right.

Top of the 9.

Jeff: you might have a

Piece in there that looks right.

& Isn't.

You need to make sure you're


Or a 67.

Jeff: both tribes trying to

Figure out that second number.

What number is that?


That's not a number.

Flip it.

Jeff: l.j. And woo now

Trying another new combination.

They're going way back and

Starting over.

L.j. Thinks he may have figured

Something out.

That's it!

That's not it.

You guys, yes, it is.

Jeff: aparri still debating

That second number.

Come on, come on!

Jeff: l.j. With another

Piece and toorg.

We got this!

We got this!

Solana with another piece.

Jeff: solana with two more


Aparri starting to panic.

67, Come on.

Take your time.

Jeff: they think they've

Got it.

L.j. Takes a hard fall.


Jeff: if they're right this

Will open the combination lock

And immunity for solana.


Jeff: solana wins immunity.




Jeff: solana,


Big immunity.

No tribal council for solana.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

Enjoy the night off.

Aparri, somebody from this group

Is going home.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

I'll see you at tribal council


Tony yelling out, "top five!

We've made the final five!"

I counted five people over there

And I wasn't standing over there

So I think that's a pretty tel

Telltale sign I'm not included

In their plans so I guess I'll

Move on and I'll make a new


Lost a challenge, and it sucks

Abuse now we have to go to

Tribal, and I hate tribal


It's, like, the worst place in

The world.

Tony made the dumbest mistake

On earth by yelling out, "top



That was ridiculous.

Yeah, that was stupid.

We're seven right now, and

We'll be six tomorrow.

After the challenge, the new

Solana tribe were celebrating

And tony blatantly shouted, "top


Top five!"

"Top five, baby!"

Something like that.

How you say that in jerz gee

Yeah, baby.

We're top five.

Look at my muscles?

They're still here.

Their confidence really

Revealed a lot today.

I don't get that.

How do you think you're top 5

When you have less numbers?


They gotta think one of the

New aparri is with them


And the only other person that

Anybody from that tribe has

Talked to is jeremiah, so I

Think that they believe they

Have jeremiah as their sixth



I'm worried about jeremiah

Flipping because they were

Ranting about their top 5, and

They wouldn't do that unless

They thought they had the



And the only person they

Talked to was jeremiah.

Morgan and myself both know

He will give you his word and be

Not honest about it.

He'll lie about it.

Alexis tries tide to convince

Us we need to blindside


Alexis is trying to make us

Think jeremiah will flip.

I think we're good on it.

I really think it's the

Safest way to go.

So for sure, you guys,


And you give us your word for


You have my word on

Everything everyone can look, no

Fingers crossed, no nothing.

I will not flip.

We believe you.


The brain tribe can really go

Either way right now.

In a merge situation, jeremiah

Is a liability.

It's a question of who's the

Bigger liability, jeremiah or


Both have connections on the

Other side.

Both could potentially make

Deals against us.

We'll say yes to alexis' plan.

We'll tell her that jeremiah

Being blindside makes sense for

Us and then we'll make the

Decision of what actually makes

Sense for us.

I'm just thinking what

Measures do we need to take to

Plan for the merge?

For tonight, it does seem

That the brains are kind of in


I mean, everyone knows we're

Three tight people and we're

Going to vote as a bloc.

We could go with alexis and get

Rid of jeremiah or we could vote

Out alexis.

Everyone is going to follow our

Lead so I think the brains are

In a great position and we just

Needed people to boss around.

The brain need a body.

We found our zombies.

Now, we're in.

Jeff: sarah, there's a

Torch waiting for you.

Grab it, dip it in the flame,

And get fire.

This is part of the ritual of

Tribal council because in this

Game, fire represents your life.

When your fire's gone, so are


So kass, just looking from the

Outside, you could make the

Assumption that the three former

Brain tribe are together, the

Three former beauty tribe are

Together and sarah would be in

The middle.

That's a pretty correct

Assumption, jeff.

Jeff: motherap, beauty

Tribe, tight?

I mean, I think jeremiah and

I sort of had bumps in the road.

Jeff: jeremiah?

You know, yeah, I told a lie

To morgan.

I decided to vote out brice, and

It put a big void in between me

And morgan so I backed off from

Her, just gave her some space.

Jeff: kass, looking at the

Issues between morgan and

Jeremiah, does that give you a

Little comfort?


You think the pretty people were

Living a beautiful life, and you

Learn it wasn't so beautiful

Over there.

So the brains get a little

Breath of fresh air.

Despite what we've been through,

It brought us together.

Whereas what they've gone

Through seems to have drichen

Them apart.

Jeff: spencer, does this

Benefit the three of you from

The brain tribe?

Yeah, I think it benefits us.

But I think what we

Focus on is fixing the fractures

And going forward way unified


Jeff: sasha, spencer brings

Up a good point.

If you're looking to get to the

End, and you anticipate a merge,

It needs to be a tight group

Because you don't know what's

Happening on the other tribe.

You can't count on old


I think today I figured out I

Was standing alone.

When we're at the challenge and

Tony shouts out, "top 5, find


Well, I counted five people over

There, and I don't see sarah in


They've clearly moved on without


So, you know, it's time for me

To cut ties with them.

Jeff: is that a welcome

Addition, alexis, having sarah

Say, "I'm done with the other


Yeah, it sounds good in

Theory, but there's also room

For someone to still reconnect

On the other side.

That's what we have to think

About, especially in tonight's


Jeff: so who's in trouble

Tonight, tasha, what are you


Well, jeff, the beauties are

In trouble if they're fractured,

As they appear to be.

Jeff: alexis, tell me about

The camp raid.

Well, I'll just say that the

Most interesting part was when

They decide to pull jeremiah

Aside, and we don't know what


We don't know if it was just

Their way of getting him a clue

To the hidden immunity idol, of

On our beach or if it was

Getting him to talk.

We have no idea.

So it definitely stirred stuff


Jeff: jeremiah, what's your

Version of the story?

They gave me a hidden

Immunity clue and that put a

Major target on my back because

It caused everything to go, wow,

They just gave jeremiah a clue,

Pulled him to the side and went

And talked to him but I saw

Right through that.

I hope they believe me.

Jeff: alexis, while

Jeremiah is talking you appear

To be thinking I do trust him?

This is about trust, isn't it?

It's 100% about trust.

That's what tonight's vote is

On, and I don't know if he

Understands what happened.

He thinks it was their way of

Targeting him, but that's not

What their goal was.

But, jeff, I think the

Possibility that when we merge

Jeremiah or alexis could flip

Over to the other side.

Jeff: tasha, you are

Leaning in like you can't get

Enough of it.

It's very telling, jeff.

Both jeremiah and alexis could

Flip and just when you think one

Is a more viable option, here

Comes a second one that makes

You second guess.

Jeff: sara, you're in the

Middle, what do you make of


Anything that's going to take

It off of me right now, I'm good


I'm solid with this tribe.

But there is one person here

That will go to the other side.

Jeff: alexis, now this time

You're nodding affirmatively

Like I agree.

I agree, I do.

The way I see it, is the three

Of us are the only ones that

Have connections on the other

Side but only two of our words

Mean something because we never

Went back on it once.

Jeff: meaning you and



Jeff: spencer, how big a

Vote is it tonight?

If we are making the wrong

Move we are 11th, tenth,

Ninth, eighth and seventh place.

It is probably the most

Important decision we've made so


Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Kass, you're up.

It only takes one lie to lose

My trust and you've lied, like,

100 Times.

You're the one that's going

To flip.

There's no doubt in my mind

That you're going to flip so you

Have to go.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has the hidden

Immunity idol and you want to

Play it, now would be the time

To do so.

All right, once the votes are

Read, the decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, jeremiah.



Two votes alexis, one vote



That's three votes alexis, one

Vote jeremiah.

Sixth person voted out of

"Survivor: cagayan," that's

Four, that's enough.

Alexis, you need to bring me

Your torch.

( Crying )

Jeff: a couple of things

Clear from tonight's vote.

It was a big vote, and you were

Unified in your decision to vote

Out alexis.

The lingering question as you

Head back to camp, how deep does

That unity run?

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: next time on


I think something's brewing.

A merge has two alliances

Fighting for power.

When those five get here,

It's us against them.

Jeff: but it's one tribe

Member who holds all the cards.

There's a solid five, a solid

Five, and me.

I will decide the fate of this


I came out here wanting to go

All the way to the end.

I'm one of the biggest fans, and

So it really breaks my heart

That I can't even make it to the


I can't even get that far.

I really thought I'd do better

Than this.

I'm really disappointed.
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