28x08 - Bag of Tricks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x08 - Bag of Tricks

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": this is a hidden

Immunity idol.

I'd like to give it to lj.

I'd like to cover tony's ass,


Jeff: after l.j. And tony

Sacrificed their idols for each


Who flipped?


Jeff: and kass flipped.

Kass, zero chance of winning

The game.

Jeff: the power shifted to

Eye new majority alliance led by

L.j. And tony.

As far as numbers, my

Alliance is in the power

Position right now.

Jeff: with the hierarchy of

Power intact, everyone's focus

Shifted to finding hidden

Immunity idols.

Is everyone looking at this



There's a hidden immunity

Idol, special powers, around


Jeff: fortunately, for

Spencer, he found one, though is

Wasn't the idol with different


It's just the plain, old idol

But I bought myself a lot of

Time potentially.

Jeff: and at the immunity

Challenge he outlasted all the


Spencer wins individual


Facing tribal council, mat jort

Alliance was worried about a

Possible hidden immunity idol.

Look at morgan, she does

Nothing but sleep.

They have an idol, they're not

Going to share it with her.

She does need to go.

Jeff: and at tribal

Council-- that's four votes

Tony, five votes morgan, one

Vote left.

They stuck with the safe vote.

Morgan, the tribe has spoken.

Nine are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Tell me how it's a compliment

That two times in a row you guys

Are trying to get me out.

Just humor me.

Because you're a big threat,


I appreciate it man know

Why we voted off morgan today?

Because she's not worthy of

Being here any more days.

That's why jeremiah and tash


Because she's not worthy of

Playing this game.

Two times in a row you want to

Get me out.

We want a fighting chance.

When jeff turned over that

Card and it said, tony I

Probably pooped on myself.

I wasn't expecting to see my


I'm a 40-year-old bald old man.

You have woo who is younger and

More athletic.

Why am I a threat?

Why is everybody trying to get

Me out?

You could have pitched that to

Us, too.

Said,un what guys we're willing

To vote her out.

If you would have asked us

To, I would have voted for


You could have approached you

Said us.

We have the numbers.

We don't need your votes.

You could have said spare me,

Software me, we work hard around


Let's get rid of this useless


Got it.

But I appreciate the


Here we are again, six again

Three, but it is never that easy

Because we have sitting ducks.

I'm not going to sit there and

Make a fool out of myself.

It's definitely not going to

Come for some of them.

You know, that they put his name


Yeah, he's pissed.

It's his way of dealing with it.

He was pissed.

He was.

I'm sure that made him really


Huthat anxiety, you know what

I mean?

He was laughing about it, but,

Y, it didn't feel good man, it

Didn't feel good.

Is he now going to be on

Scramble mode?

Right, right.

I think a lot of the trouble in

This game comes from people

Start getting parnoirkd people

Start getting impatient.

Tony definitely has some

Paranoia and o.c.d. Stuff.

He spins a lot.

His brain is going all the time.

This is a game of patience.

Hopefully he doesn't do anything


I couldn't sleep, man.

Your mind keep cranking?

Yeah, man.

My name is always coming up

This, man.

My name is always coming up on

The block, bro.

This is where people start to

Panic, people start saying lies,

People captain believe each


Looking at l.j. Is like looking

At myself in the mirror-- he's

Sharp, he's keeping himself two,

Three steps ahead.

I would like to see l.j. Gone,

But I don't want to be the bad

One getting rid of l.j. Because

She my alliance.

We're tight and he trust meas


I have to try to trick l.j. To

Make him break a promise he made

To one of our six.

Once he does that, that's our

Safe way out.

I am not only leading the horse

To the water.

I'm going to make the horse

Drink the water.

Here's the thing, I know you

Don't want to break promises,

But it might have to-- if he's

Holding it and he knows--

He's got it, man, he's got


Then he's going to play it

When he thinks he's gone.

And I'm hoping he doesn't get

One of us or somebody out now.

Up to the get rid of him now?

Oh, man.

No, no, I'm just--

If it settles your head.

I'm telling l.j. I'm very

Nervous about woo having an idol

But it's not true.

L.j. Proposed to me let's

Blinded side woo.

I'm going to tell people you

Don't know what he's thinking.

He's quiet and sneaky and that's

More scary than a person like


I'm in your face.

L.j. On the other hand has been

Thinking about all you guys

Since day one behind your backs

And you don't even know about


That's what I have to do.

I have to pin everybody against


Tree mail!

Okay, dont sanded bag this


When a revitalizing sensation.

Bounce back into competing shape

With nourishment and


Spa da?

Spa day.

I was just thinking of how is

Nice that would feel.

Today we get tree mail and it

Says it's going to be a reward


When you go away fair reward and

Get pampered and people get

Sensitive and emotions come out,

They might form bonds.

There's possibilityes of talk


There's possibilityes of

Strategies being mentioned and

Scenarios and it's very scary

And that's why I want to win

This challenge.

If anyone is strategizing and

Coming up with plans, it's going

To be me.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?



Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you'll vied dwooid

Into three teams of three.

On my go you'll throw a rope

Through a ring, releasing sanded


You'll then throw the sandbags

As far as you can through a net


Once you work together to

Maneuver them all the way

Through, one tribe member will

Bounce the sandbags off a

Trampoline, attempting to land

Them into a series of


The first team to get one

Sandbag in each of the five

Baskets wins reward.

Want ton what you're playing




Jeff: for 23 days you've

Been sleeping on bam boorks

Putting your body through

Unusual physical demands, and

The only thing close to hygiene

Is rinsing off in the rain.

So today, the winning team will

Enjoy a "survivor" spa reward.

You'll take a shower, a real


Shower-- shampoo, soap.

You'll then have a massage, work

Out all those aches and pains.

You will then have a spa lurch--

Chicken wraps, spring rolls.

Fresh, cool, tropical cocktails,

Just what you need to rejiewf 98

Your mind and your body for

These last 16 days out here.

All right, we're going to draw

For teams.

We'll get started.

All right, we have our three


Jefra, trish, and l.j.

Kass, tasha and woo.

And spencer, tony, and jeremiah.

Big, rejuvenation reward on the


Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Jeremiah, tasha, and l.j.

Tossing the rope.

You're trying to loop it around

That hoop.

Once you do, that will release

The sandbags.

Jeremiah has it on his second


Early lead for gemay, spencer,

And tony.

Jeremiah is also going to be the

One throwing the sandbags.

You have to go get it.

Come on, l.j., You knot this,


Jeff: a little learning

Curve to this like most


You have to throw those sandbags

As far as you can through the


L.j. Has it through the hoop.

And releases the sandbags.

L.j., Jefra, and trish now

Moving on to the second phase.

It is woo, tasha, and kass

Bringing up the rear.

There woo has it.

There you go.

And he releases the sandbags.

Now you've got to get those bags

Through the tunnel.

You got it.

We're in it.

Is that it?

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Jeff: gemay has all the

Sabd bags through.

The ones you didn't get through,

You've now got to work through.

Woo now getting a hang of it.

L.j., I don't think he missed


Made up a lot of time for the

Owner team.

Here gu, last one.


Jeff: woo is still tossing

Them through.

There it is, go.

The next phase is working them

All the way through will the


This requires a lot of team


Green still with a pit of a


Orange right behind them.

Put your fingers through.

Got it.

Jeff: jeremiah, tony, and

Spencer have all 20 of their


Load them in the basket, now

Start bouncing them off the

Tramp leap.

Tony ising if to be doing the


Woo, tasha, and kass still work

The bags through.

Tony land his first one.


Jeff: tone land a second


Tony land a third one!

Three in a row for tony.

The owner team has all 20 of

Their sandbags.

Jefra now going to start


Retrieve, retrieve, retrieve.

Jeff: green team with a big

Lead right now.

Purple team now has all 20 of

Their bags.

Woo is now bouncing.

Everybody is now bouncing

Sandbags off the trampoline.

And tony with the fourth bag.

One more, one more.

Jeff: tony need one more

And he disw it.

Tony, jeremiah and spencer win

Reward, spa day.

Nice job.

Good try.

Jeff: all right, spencer


Jeremiah, nice day in for you.

First you get clean with a nice


Then a nice massage, and then a.

Grab your stuff. Out.

Enjoy the afternoon.

Trish, jefra, l.j., Kass, woo,

Tasha, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff, head back to


Winning a reward sometimes

Can be very crucial to the game

I'm going to talk to spencer and

Jeremiah because I'm thinking of

Blinded siding l.j.

You might as well call me the


Because if I see an opportunity

I'm going to jump on it.

Coming back from the

Challange, I'm just picturing

Myself getting mani and pedi,

And a nice, cold one

Boom, I snapped back into

Reality, like, oh, man, I'm

Going to be probably spend hours

On the fire and, you know,

Eating a plate of white rice

But, you know.

On a lighter note, it's kind of

Nice to know that my boy tony

Is going to keep an eye on

Spencer and jeremiah and just

Make sure they don't jeopardize

Our game plan.

They earned it.

They kicked our butt.

They did, they really did.

Don't get me wrong.

I would have loved to have this


I think we all would have.


At this point, at least we're

Still here.

Everybody is down because we

Didn't win the reward but

Personally it doesn't bother me

As great as it would have been.

I'm still here in the game and I

Do believe in our core six and I

Think weul know it's best if we

Stick around-- together right


Tony's got major anxiety

Right now.

He's like what, do you think of

The idol?

I think woos that?

Should we get rid of woo soon?

Should we get rid of woo now?

Some I'm just trying to calm him



We have plenty of votes.

What's he worried about,


The fact that tony got a lot

Of votes at tribal council made

Him really feel like, "they want

To get rid of me.

They want to get rid of me."

But it doesn't matter.

I built a strong bond with tony

Because my loyalty is there.

I pulled the idol out for him

And I trust he'll do the right


These three people have to go

Before anything-- tash, spencer,

Ask jeremiah.

If any of those three go to

The end, they win.


In the bottom line, we need

To put out tony's fire.

I'll put out tony's fire.

Or else we're screwed.

Tony is panicking because he

Thinks woo might have found the


I know how to get to tony.

I can tell tony he need to


S down we have to stix with sick

With the stix.

I made a plan for future and

It relies on patience and slong

Go with the plan we coal


I think the six of us should

Stay strong because that's want

Best scenario for us three

Sitting here.


Just grab one?

Vodka and rum.

Thank you.

Thank you!

For me, reward challenges are

A chance to better my position

In the game.

Right now, I definitely have the

Odds stacked against me.

I'm not in a powerful position.

And I'm down but I'm not out.

And I've been down before.

And I got back up.

So there's no reason I can't get

It back.

This is quite awesome.

This is what we get.

I was happy to be paired up with

Jeremiah, who is kind of like my

Right-hand man at this point,

And tone, a guy I would like to

Hear from and see where his head

Is at.

Who knows?

Maybe it will give me new life

In the game.

Oh, I feel good.

What's up, spencer.

Do you want to talk strategy,

See where your head is at?


You guys think you're going

To get picked off one by one?

I don't know.

It's never that easy, man.

It depends where your head is


Are you comfortable where you

Are right now?

Never comfortable, my friend.

Something is going to happen.

You giens it.

Hang in there until the time

Comes, and when the time comes

I'll approach you guys.

You know that.

The question swill that time

Come when we're here?

I think so, I think so, man.

I think basically we're pawns

On the board but you can use us

If you want.

Talking to jeremiah and

Spencer is allowing me to have

Another big move that will get

Me to the top.

I just need the vote when it's

Time to take l.j. Out, and then

I'll go back to my alliance but

Right now they're desperate.

When people are desperate, you

Do the thinking for them.

Whatever I tell them, they go

With me.

If they go against me, they're

Sealing their own fate.

That feels good right there.

Oh, my gosh.

This is nice, man.

Oh, my gosh.

I never had anything like

This before.

Are you now, buddy.

Yeah, I'm in it.

We could work something out,

Man, you know what I mean?

I need to keep you guys when I'm

Ready to make a big move on my


I'm sure somebody is thinking we

Have to get rid of tony sooner

Or later.

Tone's' threat.

They're look at me that way.

I need you guys to help me


The next tribal council I can't

Get rid of two two.

I like big move.

Tony is saying he's

Guaranteeing he has my back.

His wheels are turning and he's

Playing the game.

Right now I have to believe him

A little bit.

Still I have my doubts.

He might be playing us.

Hit just happened we got here

By chance.

We picked rocks purpose we were

On the same team and that's how

The game changed.

That's how the game changes all

The time.

It's as simple as all that.

Right now I'll be honest.

I don't trust tony that much.

Tone seplaying a lot of people

Right now.

He's juggling a lot of because,

And I'm just one of them.

He doesn't this, but I have an


If I feel uneasy, I won't

Hesitate to use it.

I'll tell tony I trust him 100%

Because if he can take me a

Little further down the road, I

Might find the detour that could

Take me all the way.

I ate a lot, bro.

It was like a picnic.

Just started pigging out.

No, it was nice.

It's day 25, and I'm in a

Three-person alliance up against

A six-person alliance.

It doesn't take a c.p.a., Like

Myself, to do that math.

So I need to convince someone to

Flip or make a big move.

And I think l.j. Is smart enough

To realize that tony is not

Going to take another strong guy

To the end.

Would you be willing to talk?

I mean, I'm always open to


I have a proposition for you.

It's really good, too.

Tasha wants to take me aside

And have a conversation.

I told her I was willing to

Listen, but tony is a flaming

Ball of anxiety right now, and

If I go take a walk somewhere

With tasha, that is just more

Fuel to the fire.

Either way, there's no situation

Where I feel like she can

Benefit me in my future game


Because I trust tone pep he's

The reason I'm still out here.

So as long as we stick to the

Plan we have intact, we'll be


I invited l.j. To rendezvous

With me to discuss some

Strategy, and he stood me up.

If l.j. Was man enough to make a

Big move, he can take jeff rarks

Spencer, jeremiah, and i, and

Blindedide tony.

But it's clear tone serun the

Show around here and everyone is

Under tony's thumb.

So unless something changes, I'm


Tree mail!

Yes, all right.

Feeling good al already!

Let's see here.

"Purple, blurk yellow, and red.

Like sunsets, the colors are


Black and blues could bruise

Your ego and being voted out

Could make you livid."


This challenge today is huge.

I'm thinking in my head, l.j.'S

A clever guy.

It's going to be a matter of who

Throws the first punch between

The both of us.

Timing is everything, and this

Could be my time to strike.

If l.j. Doesn't win immunity, he

Might be the next one going


Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first--

Spencey, take it back.

I'm let you hold on to it for

Me, jeff.

Jeff: okay.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

R 25 tas days out here, the toll

This game has taken on your

Bodies is evident.

Today we're going to see what

It's done to your minds.

Today's challenge will test your


I'm going to show you a series

Of calend colored tiles.

You're going to repeat them back

To me.

Get it right, you stay alive.

Get it wrong, you're out.

Last person left standing wins

E,guaranteed a one in eight shot

At winning this game.

Losers, tribal council, where

Somebody will be voted out.

We'll draw for spots and get


All right, here we go.

First round.





That's it.

All right, grab your first


Place it up top.

And drop it.

Everybody says yellow.

Everybody's correct.

Next color.

And everybody drop.

Everybody says blue except


Trish, that means are you either

About to win this challenge or

You are the first person out.

Do you think it is?

I'm the first person out.

Jeff: you're the first

Person out.


Jeff: blue was the correct


Trish got it wrong.

Have a spot on the bench.

Next color, and drop it.

Everybody says red except woo.

Green is not right.

The correct color was red.

Woo is out of the challenge.

Take a spot on the bench.

It's hard tong, man.

Jeff: all right, last


Everybody drop.

Everybody says green.

Everybody's right.

Everybody stays alive.

Moving on to the next round.

Release all your colors, we'll

Go again.

All right, here we go, next









All right.

Let's do it.

Everybody drop your first color.

Everybody says red.

We are off to a good start.

Everybody drop your next color.

Everybody says green.

Once again, everybody right.

Next color.

Everybody says purple.

Everybody right again.

Next color.

Everybody says black.

Everyone is right.

Next color.

Blue is right.

Everybody got it right.

Next color.

Something you would do in grade

School can be so difficult after

25 Days of deprivation.

Everybody drop.

L.j., Tasha, and tony said


Jefra, cas, and spencer said


Jeremiah said red.

Correct answer-- green.

Jefra's wrong, kass got it


Spencer got it wrong, jeremiah's


Take a spot on the bench.

We are down to three-- l.j.,

Tasha, and tony.

Big immunity on the line.

Last color.

Everybody drop.

We have three different recall


Lk has red.

Tasha has blue, tony has yellow.

Tony, you're shake your head.

Jeff: I think it was wrong.

It was not yellow.

It's not yours.

Take a spot on the bench.

That leaves us with two.

How confident are you l.j.?

Pretty confident.

Jeff: how about you tasha?

Same for me.

Jeff: one of you is right.

One of you is wrong.

Correct answer is... Blue.

L.j.'S wrong.

Tasha wins individual immunity.


( Applause )

Tasha, come on over.

Way to go, tasha.

Jeff: no better time than

Right now to have immunity for


I need it.

Jeff: tasha safe at the

Vote tonight.

As for the rest of you, somebody

Going home tonight.

Grab your stuff, head back to



When tasha won the

Immunity, immediately my mind

Started cranking.

All we need to do is split the

Vote 3-3, so if everyone sticks

To the plan one of them is going


Thank you, guys.


Good job.

That was tough, man.

I missed the blue, man.

By one I missed it.

I'm so excited.

This was a do-or-die challenge

For me today.

I knew I had a one-third chance

Of being voted out tonight, so

This pretty little thing around

My neck secures three more days

In this game for me.

So, in your face, l.j.

Here's my deal-- I think we

Split the vote.

Why-- why split?

Because of the idol?

Yes, if somebody flips--

Nobody is going to flip at

This same of the game.

All right.

I mean I hope not.

That's the best play.

I actually, for the first

Time in this game feel


We have a majority of six.

So spencer and jeremiah are easy


But tony's concerned that woo

Might have an idol, and maybe we

Should do something about it,

Which is so stupid.

I mean, we made a plan that we

All agreed to.

We all did our pinky swear, so

We just need to stick to the


Who is voting for who?

Boys vote for jeremiah.

We vote for spencer.

All right.

Here's the deal-- I'm not

Going to wait to get a punch

Thrown at me by l.j.

He said he was willing to

Blindside woo.

It's true I set him up but I'm

Going to try to pin all the

Trouble at camp on l.j., I have

To strike now before he gets the

Idea of doing it to me.

But first I have a lot of work

To do.

He-- he might blindside

You, and I dont like that.

If he's willing to break his

Promise for you, he'll be

Willing to break his promise for


That is ridiculous, though,


I was 100% down with the six.

But, apparently, l.j., Mr. Con

Man, for some reason wants to

Blindside me.

If he's coming to tony, my

Closest ally, and saying woo is

Going to go, we might have to

Make a big move before he does.

He's willing to burn you.

So if you want to-- you want to

Have another shock face?

Yeah, I mean, I'm down with


I trust tony that he's got my


So it's great to have him on my


And if all goes well, man, it's

Going to be another huge night

At tribal council.

Here's what's going to


Trust me, please, spencer.

Tony initially wanted to save

Me and jeremiah for a later


But, apparently, l.j. Is

Plotting to get out woo.

So tony's ready to make a big

Move now.

I'm definitely stoked.

It's kind of like christmas

Morning eye woke up expecting to

See nothing but ashes and coal

Under the tree, and there's this

Present of "let's vote out l.j."

It's kind of too good to be


This could be a big lie so that

I don't play my immunity idol


Still, I'm going to take

Anything I can get right now

Because if I can just get a

Little bit further down the

Road, have a few votes go my

Way, it's a whole new game for


So things are happening right


Tony's probably targeting l.j.

I mean, if you're solid--

I'm solid with you.

And we'll be solwid them.

I came into this tribe with


So we just gotta be careful

Because he's a smart guy.

He's very dangerous.

You know that.

He's very dangerous.

Right now we can just let

Them k*ll each other and we're


Let's do it.

L.j. Was concerned that you

Were really worried about woo.

I wasn't concerned.

He was concerned.

He wanted to vote him out, and

My face turned colors because it

Was like we had an agreement.

He told me you wanted to vote

Him out.

I know you like l.j., But I

Think he's sneaky, trish, man.

He told me that you thought

Woo was a threat and that you

Were panicking and that you

Wanted to throw woo out but that

He didn't think that was a good


Moarks man, he's lying to


What do you think l.j. Wants, to

Come in fourth place?

It's me, it's you and it's woo.

It's us three against jefra and


You don't think he's thinking

About that?

He's already planning ahead,


What are you proposing?

I'm not proposing anything

Right now.

Tony is get really, really


He told me today at the well

That l.j. Is trying to break the

Six but l.j. Told me a totally

Different story.

He said, "oh, my god, tony is

Totally freak out.

He wants woo gone."

So I don't know what to believe


Say me, you, woo, throw

L.j.'S name down, right, and

Then we tell tash, spencer, and

Jeremiah to throw l.j.'S name


I'm still thinking we should

All keep our promise to the

Final six.

Don't you think that?

I would think so, but now I

Don't trust l.j.

I just-- why do you think he

Told me yesterday that you

Wanted woo off, and it was him


I don't know.

He's going to try something

Sneaky, man.

I don't think so.

Oh, man, trish, you don't see

It, man.

It's definitely possible l.j.

Is up to something.

I think l.j. Is up to a lot

Because he wants to win but tony

Has also played me and I am

Gullible but I'm not stupid so

There's no way I'm breaking up

The six.

Everyone's good, right?

You're sure?

I think so when tony had his

Name written down four times--

He was pissed.

He was pissed.

And I said, "just take a chill



Nobody needs to meas this up

Right now.

I love a good blindside, but

It's too soon.

No one wants to make a big move

Right now.

You'd be stupid, and I think

Tony knows that.

All six of us are in a great

Position as long as we stick

With our alliance.

Do you think he's going to go

Through with it?

I don't know.

I'm 50-50 on him.

Right now, I have a huge plan

In play but trish is telling me

Let's keep the six strong so if

I get rid of l.j. There are

Going to be a lot of hard


Trish has been with me since day


She is my closest ally but if I

Do this she could turn her back

On me and that the whole thing

Would blow up in my face.

If that's the case, I have to

Stick with my alliance.

In life, as in "survivor" you

Need to know when to kiss ass or

Kiss ass, and right now I might

Have to kiss ass, and get rid of

Spencer or jeremiah.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Sarah, and morgan, voted out at

The last tribal council.

So, jeremiah, unless something

Drastic has changed, it would

Seem that you, tasha, and sperns

Would all still be in trouble

With the other six still tight.

Yeah, that's a strongs six

Right there.

You know, me and spencer is kind

Of looking at each other like,

Oh, man, this ain't good.

Jeff: kass, you're a big

Reason we now have this


Is there any empathy from you

Towards these three that you

Used to be a part of?

I feel like it's the game,

Jeff, and from hereon out people

Might start making moves like

What I made.

You can't play this game and not

Get a little dirt. Tony, kass

Says you can't play this game

Without getting a little dirty.

Yeah, that's true, jeff.

It's just a bunch of confusion

Out here but don't know who is

Saying what, who is telling the


When we come to this game we're

Accepting fact that we're going

To be deceived, that we're going

To get stabbed in the back, and

That's why I brought my bag of

Tricks with me today.

Jeff: what's in the bag of


We'll probably find out

Tonight but it's something to

Make me feel more comfort here


Jeff: tasha, that's what

You want to hear.

If there's a tight six, why

Would tony say I brought my bag

Of tricks and we'll probably

Find out tonight?

That's why I'm glade have

This lovely necklace around my


Alliances appear really tight,

But the longer you can stay in

It, the more you might see

Fractures in tight alliances.

Jeff: l.j., Tasha just used

Air quotes to describe your


I think that she's just

Getting a reality check and is

Hopeful that there is some

Sort of crack in our alliance.

Jeff: were you approached

Today by spencer or tawsh or

Jeremiah to look for that crack

Jiefs vaguely approached.

But I took a step back and

Realized there's no treen cause

Anxiety moongz the group.

I mean, we're pretty water


Jeff: in your line of work,

L.j., How big is loyalty?

It's huge.

Put it's a very difficult thing

To find.


Jeff: so do you feel like

You're a good gauge of it?

Yeah, I mean, I think I have

A very sharp eye.

I'm very honed in to things that

Can be disloyal and so I think I

Have a pretty good gauge.

Jeff: tony, line of work,

What do you do?


Jeff: loyalty play a part

In the construction business?

Yes, you'll see it over and

Over, jeff.

You turn your eye, one of your

Tools is missing.

Trust is a very, very difficult

Thing, jeff, especially in


Jeff: kass, loyalty, come

Into play for you?

At home, yes.

But I tried to check my life at

The door when I came on here.

You have to be 100% selfish if

You're going to get fire in this


It's "survivor, not life but

It's hard to reconcile that.

That's the beauty of the game,

You're constantly fighting with

Whether you're a player or

Person and can you be both of


Jeff: woo, if loyalty is

Very important, when do you get

To the point where you say I

Have some threat to my aexpliens

I I need to get rid of them?

At this point, jeff, everyone

Is going to be prone and

Susceptible, a little paranoia.

Our six is still strong so might

As well go with the flow, start

Taking out the bottom three, but

We're going to come to that time

Where we're gog have to naik


Jeff: spencer, do you look

That six and think I

I know who is on the bottom? I

Don't know who is on the bottom.

I don't.

But I do know one is on the

Bottom but if you're one being

Told we're a tight six, there

Are no divisions in the six,

Maybe you're on the bottom.

And it is time people start

Thinking about how can I put

Myself in a position to win?

Jeff: trish, is there any

Part of you thinking, some

Somebody's on the bottom, this

Is the time to make a move?

Well think of, I think this

"Brady bunch" is going to become

Very disfunctional very quickly.

I think I got very comfortable

Thinking we're six and they're

Three and then you start

Thinking it doesn't end at this.

It really begins at this because

Something has to break and

That's what I anticipate is

Going to happen.

Jeff: it will happen.

The question is when?

It could happen tonight.

If it did, that would be

Something I would be completely

Unaware of.

But every time I come to tribal

Council, this place goes crazy.

But that's what makes it so fun

And that's what makes your

Stomach sick at the same time.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Woo, you're up.

Fingers crossed.

Here's to another blindside.


Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, l.j.



That's three votes l.j.




Three votes jeremiah, three

Votes l.j.


One vote spencer.


That's four votes l.j.

Three votes jeremiah.

One vote spencer, one vote left.

Ninth person voted out and the

Third member of our jury, l.j.

You need to bring me your torch.

Well played.

Is there l.j., The tribe has


Time to go.

Good luck, guys.

Did you flip?


Jeff: well, tonight's vote

And reactions to it is proof

Once again, "survivor" is an

Individual game.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on


Today I'm on a mission.

Jeff: tony will stop at

Nothing to stay ahead of the


I'm going to try to get up


Jeff: while woo's mission

For food goes horribly wrong.


Come on down, brother!

So I was clearly blindsided.

It's very hard to find the

Balance between patience and

Being assertive, because if

You move too soon, you can bite

Yourself in the butt.

But if you wait too long, you

Can see yourself looking into a

Lens saying where did I go

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