28x12 - Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x12 - Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on survivor.

There are two options

>>Black gets you the advantage

For 30 days spencer and

Tony have been on opposite


Both put your palms out.

Jeff: everything has gone

Right for tony.

He's been at the top of the

Majority alliance and has

Multiple idols.

You have been finding the

One with different powers.

I have two idols in my


For spencer.

Black is the advantage

Witness's been a different


His life in the game has

Been a constant struggle.

You have as many clues as

You want,.

He wasted his only idol.


And his allies have been

Picked off one by one.

See you.

But things started to

Turn around.

Spencer has it.

He won immunity.

The majority alliance was

Turning on each other.

You write my name down

And you're going home.

He even made a final

Three pact with kass and


And they targeted tony.

But at tribal council it

Fell apart once again.

Kass realized tony had


Tony put most of those

People over there but no one

Wants to see it, jeff.

Jeff: and she decided to

Keep him.

Spencer could only watch

As the majority alliance

Took out his only ally.

Tasha, the tribe has


Who will be voted out


Part two?

So what was the point of the

Whole whole shenanigan?

Just for fun or what?

We made a final three

Deal, so what was the point

Of that doing that if you

Didn't mean it.

That's what you guys are

Proposing but I already have

A final three.

At tribe at council kass

And woo voted for tasha so

It turns out the deal that

We had was a lie.

So I left tribal kind of


You could have just told

Me you were voting tasha out

And there's nothing I could

Have done about it.

Why bother with the whole


Why does anyone lie in

This game, it's part of the


At the end of the day I

Realized that tony has been

A jerk to pretty much

Everyone at some point if

The game.

Maybe I would rather go to

The end with tony who has

Burned so many bridges and

Just been so obnoxious that

Nobody wants him to win.

I guess the bottom line

Is, spineser, they were

Toying with you.

Right, they were toiing

With me, just for fun.

That's loilts, my friend.

They are loyal.

As long as they don't

s*ab me in the back I will

Never s*ab them in the back.

I am playing against tony

Who has played all these

People like a fiddle and

Three foolish players who

Don't think for themselves

And I'm almost definitely

Next to go.

But if I have any hope in

The game, it's the fact that

I'm playing with people who

Understand it so little.

So yeah this is it, man,

The final stretch, my


I'm going into the

Immunity challenge feeling

Superconfident I'm going to


Me too, man.

And I I'm going out there

And I'm going to try to win

Just so spencer doesn't win.


How do you feel about

Final three.

You know if kass went to the

End she ain't get nothing


She would be perfect for

Final 3.

Me, you and her she gets no


I did consider blindsiding

Tony but it's a move that I

Decided not to make because

Honestly I feel like sitting

Next to tony at the end of

The game, top three would be

A lovely thing since we

Started this game together

So I need him to see me as

Someone that wouldn't back

s*ab him, someone who would

Be loyal to him to the end.

So I decided to fill him in

With what went down with the


Since we were going to

Vote for you, that was his

Game plan, which kass was in


Wow, man.

She even told me hey, I

Think would be better if we

Win top three being me, kass

And spencer.

Tell me about it.

It was good that you came

To me because that just

Shows me integrity, your


He's been with me since the


He has proven his trust and

Loyalty to me throughout.

The kid is genuine and it

Tears me apart that I'm

Going to have to eventually

Blindside him.

You don't want to take

Someone likable to the end

Because he might have a shot

Of getting a few votes, he

Might get a lot of votes.

That's not good for


I'm thinking about my


My wife told me tony, when

You go out there, don't do

Anything stupid.

Try to win the game.

Taking him to the end is


I will listen my wife on

This one

Jeff: come on in, guys.

You guys ready to get to

Today's reward challenge?

For today's challenge you're

Going to dive into a pit of

Mud and cover your body with


You'll then race back and

Scrape the mud off into a


You cannot carry mud in any


The person with the most mud

In their bucket after ten

Minutes wins a reward.

Want to know what you're

Playing for?


After 34 days in these

Conditions not only do you

Miss comfort food from home

But you miss the convenience

Of having that comfort food

Delivered to your home.

The winner of today's

Challenge will have piping

Hot pizza delivered to you

At camp.

All you have to do is sit

And eat.

Worth playing for?


Jeff: all right.

Draw up your spots.

We'll get started.

Jeff: here we go, for


Survivors ready.


I see people hopping,

Some sliding through,

Doesn't matter, just get in

That mud.

Big question is what

Strategy will you use to get

The mud back.

Whatever you can get to

Stick to your body works.

Tony coming back, trish

Coming back kass really

Taking her time the goal is

To get as much mud as you

Can in that bucket.

You have 10 minutes to do


Keep in mind you can't carry

Mud t that would be the easy

Thing to do.

Spencer back out.

Woo back out, trish coming

Back out.

That's how you do it the

Combination of getting as

Much on your body as you can

But then getting what is on

Your body into the buckets.

Tony with a lot of mud

Coming off those arms.

Woo is using his hair to

Transport mud and it's


Kass, face first, that is

How you do it after 34 days

On survivor.

Tony with a lot of mud.

Woo back with a lot of mud.

Spencer scraping it all off.

Everybody heading back out

For more mud.

Two minutes left.

Keep moving.

Woo flying through.

Kass with an amazing living

Art sculpture.

One minute left in this


One minute.

Right now it is tony, woo

And spencer, kass and trish

Falling behind.

Make your last run.

Load up.

You've got one more chance

To get in that pit and get

As much mud as you can.

You never give up in this


Tony with a lot of mud.

Woo coming back with mud.

Spencer coming back.

Trish and kass coming back,

This is it, going to be your

Last round, get as much as

You can off your body and

Into this bucket.

Everybody covered in mud.

Last five seconds, five,

Four, three, two, one.

Everybody step away.

Great effort.

Wow, nobody even came


Tony's bucket literally

Overflowing with mud.

So spencer s there any

Question about this


Do we need to weigh them.

We agree the buck set

Proof enough.

All right, tony, get over

Here so here's the deal.

Pizza delivered to you back

At camp, hot, cheese, all

The fixings.

But everybody knows pizza

Delivered to home for one,

Kind of pathetic.

Pizza for two that's a


Choose one of these four to

Join you this afternoon,

Which means two of you will

Enjoy pizza, three of you

Will not.

Anorexia, come on over.

Yeah, pizza!

I love you!

I love you!

I love you!

Thank you so much.

Jeff: you're picking

Trish based simply on need.

Of course, jeff.

Jeff: all right, here is

What will you happen.

Tony, trish go back to camp,

Pizza will be delivered to

You and you two only.

Woo, kass, spencer, got

Nothing for you, grab

Yourself, head back to camp

And enjoy the afternoon.

Get on out of here.

I feel like-- you looks

Like-- on top of your head,

I thought I was going to wet

My pants.

She still has it.

Oh my goodness.

Look at that thing.

I'm actually glad tony

Picked trish for the reward

Because it just solidifies

That those two are locked


Tony is the alpha male out

Here and she's the female.

They are like a couple of


Surprised she's not picking

Chicks off him right now.

They are attached at the hip

And everyone can see it.

And in my view no one in

This game should have that

Much power.

The pizza reward is kind of

Like a metaphor for what's

Going on in the game.

Tony is winning.

He's taking long trish, and

No one seems to be bothered

By that.

Everyone seems to be handy

Tony this game much like the

Pizza on a silver platter.

Oh pie goodness, would

You like a napkin.

Oh my god, tony, you're

Going to tloup, stop.

I know you're happy, but

It's not worth it to eat it

And have it all come back.

I've never seen anyone

Snort a pizza down like


It started coming out of his

Nose and ears, pineapple

Flying every where.

I was like whoa, dude, slow


You can have this one


Tony, you ate five.

He didn't have the

Special power.


You do, both.


I can't believe you have


-- Uh-huh.

Both the idols I have now,

Even the idol with the

Special powers have to be

Used when it's down to five

Survivors left.

My intentions are to lie

To them and act like the

Special power idol I'm

Allowed to use it whens

There's four survivors left.

If they do for me my bluff,

I'm guaranteed final three.

She is just reckless.

Normally I would get her

Out of here.

But I can't.

I want letter to the end.

The game is in my hands.

I have the power right now,

I'm in the driver seat, I

Want to stay strong with

Trish and kass because those

Are the two less likely to

Win over me.

I know I have trish but

Kass and I have to solidify

Some type of plan.

-- The helicopter

Delivering your pizza.

You won't.

Unless you win the

Million dollars.

How are you feeling today,

Kass if.

All right, man.

An important day for all

Of us.

Because if experience irwins

One of us go.

I know.

So I'm going give it my


I'm giving my all.

I want to go in with you

And in with trish.

Even though you went behind

My back they tlid tried to

Blindside me.

But I don't care about that

Right now.

I'm not taking it personal.

I want to go with you and I

Want to go with trish.

Tony decided to confront

Me and say I heard that you

Were conspiring against me

And I want you to know that

Woo told me all that and I'm

Okay with that but you

Shouldn't be doing that.

It was stupid of woo to tell

Him and to tell me.

I want to you feel

Comfortable and 100% and I'm

With you.

Because we will at the end.

You it's 50/50.

My baby and wife we're


Tony pledged on his wife

And baby that it's still

Going to take me to the end.

Soif's been forgiven by the

Mafia boss but if I'm going

To sit next to tony in the

Final 3 I need to show

Everyone that tony is a

Bully, just an extremely

Unlikeable person.

And he won't get any votes

From the jury.

So chaos kass is back.

Woo told me everything I

Told you.

He told me on the bode

Yesterday, you told me



Woo says he didn't tell

You anything on the boat


What are you doing?

Who are you investigating?

Why can't I investigate.

Yeah, me and you were

Talking and he told me

Everything he told me.

I told you something in

Secrecy and you come here

And blow it out.

You were interrogating


Interrogating you?

I told you a fact.

You say you went behind my

Back, I did make that up out

Of the blue or was that a


She's amazing.

I'm allowed to confront

People too.


He shook my hand and

Swore on his wife and baby

That we have a final 3.

If people tell secrets

And it's people like you

That go in and blow things


I told woo that tony

Swore on his baby and wife

Else that's taking me to the

Final 3 because at this

Point you want as much

Paranoias you can stir up

Especially among tight tight

People so he just screwed

Himself because now perhaps

Woo doesn't trust him.


Please don't talk to me.

Everybody is a lawed to

Talk to tony but nobody is

Allowed to talk to each


That is how intelligent

You are.

You have no idea.

Talking to people and revealing

Secrets is a totally

Different animal.

When I told you that, you

Were weren't supposed to

Tell him.

I'm sorry, I'm supposed to

Talk drama to you.

Do you understand that?


That was the last straw that

Broke the camel's back.

It's like are you kidding


Strategically kass is

Perfect to bring to the end

But she's such an insult to

This game.

This game.
So as far as I'm concerned,

We're done.

Tony I want you to now

That what I did was strategic.

I don't trust you tony.

I know that, that's your problem

You're own worst enemy.

Now one of your people

Doesn't know if he's one

Of your people.

What are you digging for now

Please that's enough.

Let me check to see if that tree
is ripe with coconut.

I'm kind of over the whole tony

But wu you needed to know that

He was going to take me to the
final three.

To me he was playing both sides
when he tells wu somethiing

And he tells me the same thing.

A typical strategy would be to
get rid of tony,

But he has at least one idol
that we are aware of,

Plus he's such a jerk I think I
can beat him in the end.

So I think the best option for
me at this point

Is to fill in wu and spencer

And scru up tony's game.

And he really did promise on his
wife and baby which I'm sure

He promised you on the boat the
other day.

Did he swear on his wife and
baby with you on the boat?

He didn't

Wu do you have any thoughts on

I do thank you!

No you have a good one.

That's exactly why he might not.

I think he really want to keep
me because

He doesn't think I can win.

That's why he's so mad.

I have been a close ally

With tony playing this game

With him since day one.

But it's come out that he

Promised cass on his wife an

Baby girl that he would take

Her to the final 3.

Which means that I know for

Almost for a fact that tony

Was going to blindside me so

My trust in tony has gone

Down tremendously.

I mean woo if I go out,

Right, tony and trish are

Deciding which one of you

Goes to the end with them

And which one of them goes


The question is what to

Do about it.

Well, if you want to

Insurance you make the final


Get trish.



This morning I overheard

Kass saying I was a go and

That maybe they should vote

Me out.

Which really infuriated me

Because I have been sitting

Here trying to be nice to

Kass this whole time which

Is really exhausting for me.

But I will tell you this,

She will be sorry she did


You and I really have t

To-- report, one and two.

Going into today my game

Was basically win immunity.

Now there's some cracks I

Can work with which appears

To be good news but at the

Same time I'm not stupid.

I know that I am still

Target number one.

So even with everything

Going on at camp, I need


And I'm going to fight my

Ass off for it.

Come on, guys!

Guys ready to get to

Today's you mine-- immunity


First thing first spencer,

Take back the necklation.

Thank you.

Once again immune sit back

Up for grabs.

For today's challenge you're

Going to race to untangle a

Braided rope releasing a


You'll then unlock ladder

Rungs and use them to build

A ladder.

You will then use planks to

Build a staircase.

When you reach the top, you

Must-- the survivor puzzle.

First person to finish wince

Immunity, guaranteed a one

In four shot at winning this


Losers tribal council, after

36 Days somebody will be

Voted out.

Get your spots.

We'll get started.

Here we go for immunity, a

Guaranteed spot in the final


Survivors ready, go.

First stage very simple.

Unbraid the rope, the key

Will drop.

Got to be fully unbraided.

Tony doing a nice job off to

A quick start.

Got to separate all the


Trish doing a nice job.

Kass making a lot of


Woo and spencer struggling.

Tony's good.

Tony has his key, he cun

Lock the ladder rung.

Big early lead for tony.

Tony has his rung free, he's

Starting to work on his


Trish, you're good, trish.

Kass has hers, go, kass.

Spencer has it.

Go spencer.

Trish starting to work on

Her ladder.

Woo is the last to finish.

Kass, spencer in it, woo now

In on it.

This is a long challenge.

Don't panic, focus.

You can only put one rung up

At a time and you have to go

From the bottom to the top.

Everybody working on their


Tony with a couple of


Spencer has his second


Trish has her first piece.

If you try to force it and

It doesn't fit, it probably

Doesn't belong there.

Tony with his third piece.

Tony with his fourth piece.

Tony has been leading this

Challenge from the beginning.

Tony with his fifth piece.

Spencer still looking for

That third piece.

Tony with another piece.

Kass still working on her

First piece.

Woo looking for that second.

Tony has one piece left on

The ladder.

He is flying through this


And he has got it completed.

Tony now moving on to the


Experience we are his third


Tony already working on the


He's got his first.

Spencer with another piece.

Trish, woo and kass falling

Out of it.

Spencer down to two pieces


Tony with another plank.

Experience we are another

Rung, he's got one left.

Spencer has his ladder


Start working on the plank,

This is now tony and


Tony with a big lead.

Tony with another plank.

He's got one left.

Tony now working his way to

The top.

Can start working on that

Slide puzzle, the last phase

Of this challenge, the only

Thing standing between him

And immunity, tony has yet

To win an individual


Kass, woo and trish having a

Tough time building that

First ladder.

Spencer's almost halfway


Tony slides the pieces


Tony with a huge time


The question is does he know

How to do slide puzzles.

Woo has his ladder finished.

Kass has her ladder


Absolute disaster for trish.

Tony working on the slide


Sliding pieces all over the



Does he know what he's doing

Or is he just lost his mind

After 36 days.

Spencer with another plank,

Two left.

Else's got to move, tony has

Had a lot of time to work on

This slide puzzle.

Sfenser with his next to

Last plank.

Spencer has one plank left.

An he's got it.

Spencer, start working on

Your slide puzzle.

It is tony and spencer

Working on the puzzle, tony

Has lead this challenge from

The beginning, spencer has

Won immunity twice, he knows

He wants it again tonight.

Tony has had a big lead

Throwing pieces around like

A madman, experience

Certificate studying the


Two very different


Tony continues to work at a

Feverish pace.

Spencer very methodical in

How he is moving pieces


But it's working.

Puzzle is coming together.

Tony huge lead, slipping way,

Spencer has found his way

Back and this would be a

Huge comeback.

Spencer thinks he has it.

An incredible come back.

Yes, yes lam.

Jeff: spencer wins

Immunity, guaranteed a spot

In the final four.

Massive comeback.

Spencer, come on over you

Solved that so fast I barely

Saw it happen.

I needed it.

Spencer safe tonight at

Tribal council, guaranteed a

Spot in the final 4 cannot

Be voted out.

As for the rest of you after

36 Days out here, somebody

Going home tonight.

See you tonight at tribal.


Spencer has one immunity,

Once again, so now we have

To speed up the process of

Elimination from our own


Which is going to be very,

Very hard

Good job, everyone.

I couldn't get the three


I never day puzz nell my


I don't know puzzles.

You got up there quick.

You were leading, yeah,

You were way ahead.

I knew I wasn't going to

Dot puzzle.

I could have been up there

For an hour, I wouldn't have

Got it.

Winning immunity didn't

Just feel good t was


I mean this was a win of

Epic proportions.

My back was against the wall

I had to win and I did.

And now that I have immunity

These four are going have to

Turn on each other and

Cannibalize each other and

I'm just going to sit back

And enjoy the show.

It's been great, I think

You're a great guy, I just

Very a quick question for

Kass, do you think I'm


Why would I think I'm


Or do you think I'm dpef.

I knew you were listening

To that trish.

Why were you sitting

There talking about me five

Feet away about how you were

Gunning to get me off.

You're to the going to

Deny what you said.

I don't have that against


It's to the because I

Don't like you or anything.

I understand that.

But I'm just letting you

Know what kind of a game

Kass plays, she plays both

Sides and all of a sudden

She's the victim.

Go find someone who will

Listen your victim woes

Today, because I'm not.

I'm not a pass of a

Gressive person.

If I have a problem I go

Right to the source and kass

Is an agitates ter, she

Loves to get people angry at

Each other.

And there is only some of

You can take of somebody

Like that.

You don't want to argue

With me.

I will rip you apart in 30


Stop it, guys.

You are a victim, poor me,

Everyone is picking on me

But you play two sides to


Then you turn on that big

You can lee grin on your

Face and act like you're

Going win everything.

And I got news for you,

Sister, you're not.

Trish went completely off

The hook with me.

She looked like fricken skel

Tore with her big blue eyes

And skeleton finger waving

In my face.

You have a vicious and cruel

Human being.

And everyone sees it the way

I do, except for you.

Everyone here sees you for

Who you are, september for


And it's really quite


Trish, tack a walk.

Trish is pissed off

Because oy threw her under

The bus, which is part of

The game so get over it.

But things got a little out

Of hand today.

I mean it was going to cost

Me my game, it could.

What was that all about.

In is why it's important

To get woo because woo's go

Going to be the decision

Maker here.

Woo knows tony's plan.

Yeah but right now what

They are doing is


They're saying let's vote

For kass, I know that.

If those three who just

Walked off are together

There's nothing we can do.

We just need to talk to


We really need --


All right.

This is just before we go

Any further, woo, do you

Have any questions for me.

Are you questioning my

Integrity or honesty?

All I want to know is did

You promise her on your wife

And child.

I did that, I'm to the

Going to lie to you, but I

Knew she already tried to

Back s*ab me that is the

Only reason I did that.

You never swore to me

About taking me top three

So-- s this's why I was


I promised you but I

Didn't swear, but now I'm

Swearing to you, she's gone.

Today I was doing a lot

Of scrambling a lot more

Lying all because kass went

Blabbing her mouth to woo

Telling him I was taken her

To the final three.

I didn't make any promise to

Go to the final three and

Now he is suspicious of me.

I'm just like concerned

Just because she came up to


I know that.

You me anthony vote for kass,

She is goes home.

I have two immunity


If nobody flip approximates

From this three it is

Impossible for them to do


Kass might be a beautiful

Person on the outside world,

But as far as survivor is

Concerned, she is absolutely


Why would she go and tell

Him that I said all this

Stuff unless she was looking

To blindside me.

Therefore, she's going home,


Well now we're right here

And I will swear my wife and

My kid it's me, you and


I swear my mother, on my

Dead dad, I swear on his

Grave, me, you and trish are

Going to the end, all right,

That's telephone.

So we're voting kass off


She's gone.

Tony has been making all

These promises pretty much

To everyone.

So at this point I just

Don't feel as though I can

Trust him.

That's it, final 3.

The problem s I'm pretty

Sure that at the end of the

Game, tony is going to se

See-- save trish over me so,

I'm thinking maybe it's time

To make that big move.

What's up woo.

>You need help.

Yeah, sure all right.

I just had.

You understand how it

Feels trust me, abundantly

Clear woo came over and said

Want to get rid of trish

Which would you awesome,

Unfortunately I'm skeptical

Because he has the before

Said he was going to do

Something and decided not


So I don't know how serious

Woo is about this.

All right.

I'm looking long term for

Myself and for him to come

Up to kass and make the

Initiative of blindsiding me,

Potentially trish and tony

Are inseparable.

And if you or I want a shot

At winning we have to have a

Shot at voting tony out at

The final four.

And we can't do that if fish

Is here.

That's what im 's saying.

I'm pretty much set on

Voting trish, if I vote out

Trish can we make a pact

That we will go final 3.

Yes no matter what.


I'm the swing vote at

This point.

I can either get rid of

Trish or take out kass.

I haven't made up my mind at

This point.

I'm still trying to figure

Out what option is going to

Be the best for me so I got

To make a huge decision and

Time time is ticking.

I just saw woo talking to

Experience and kass and I'm

Thinking to myself what the

Hell just happened.

I thought we were a strong


You know is an injustice to

Bring that girl to the top,


You know is.

I swear to you on my dad's

Grave because I knew I

Wasn't going break it with


I need you.

I have to make sure that me

And woo are on the same


If not, I might have to

Break my promise and change

The plan.

I don't want to do that.

We'll see what happens


Jeff: now bring in the

Members of our jury sar a

Morgan, lj, jeremiah, jeffra

And tasha voted out at the

Last tribal council.

All right so, interesting

Situation tonight, tony.

Spencer wince immunity, we

Finally get to the good


One of the four of you are

Going home tonight.

Well, that's exactly what

It's going to be, jeff,

Challenge beast won immunity

Once again, his back was up

Against the wall and gave it

His best and he prevailed.

Jeff: kass, what was the

Vibe at camp after the


The minute we got back

Trish railed into me like a

Fricking wild skeleton blue

Eyed ban chi.

Jeff: what was that


I done even know what I

Said but I'm sure it was


She was yelling at me,

Telling me I was against her

And just showing her

Capacity for hatred and she

Was holding this in until

She knew spencer won because

We weren't able to vote out


Trish, one phrase in

There, your capacity for



Kass unfortunately is always

The victim.

And she likes to be a

Troublemaker but then she

Doesn't like conflict.

If gruing to be an agitator

And plot woo against tony

And tony against woo, don't

Sit back and say but I

Didn't do everything.

Now everybody is being so

Mean to me.

She has a fight with almost

Everybody every single day.

I haven't fought with

Anybody on the jury.

I haven't even had a

Confrontation with anyone

Outside of kass today.

Instead you just rail

Into somebody.

I see, I see.

Jeff: spencer.


Jeff: this is great for

You because any time someone

Else is crumbling it's an

Opportunity for someone


I mean things were pretty

Crazy today.

And the fact that I won

Immunity sped up this

Process of the four having

To turn on each other.

Woo, does this break your

Heart a little bit to see

People arguing or is this

Strategy wise fantastic for


Well, it's evident that

There has been hidden

Vendetta and animosity and

When these confrontation

Goes on, our foursome breaks


Now I look at it as three

Brawn versus two brain.

Jeff: you're putting kass

Back with spencer.

It's pretty clear.

And that puts kass in a very

Vulnerable position.

Jeff: kass, does that

Shock you, because you have

Been clear about saying I am

Not with them, I am with you


I didn't predict that

Psycho bitch would come out

At me today but tony was

Cause trying to tell me I'm

Final three an woo is final


In young lady is


This is what had.

Woo approaches me and says

Kass is talking to spencer,

They want to blindside.

I go up to kass and say

Let's be cool, we can make

It to the end.

But it is between us, blah,

Blah, blah, she goes back to

Camp, woo, is it true you

Told tony this and that.

I said kass you just sealed

Your fate why would you tell

Him what I told you if we

Are working together.

The woo exchange worked

Out as I thought was.

Jeff: she planned this

All along.

Tony said kass the deal

Is off, I'm done with you,

It's over, in front of woo

Who he had a deal with.

What does that tell woo.

So tony in being so

Angry-- .

I'm emotional.

I express my feelings and my

Expressional-- expressions.

She sits with the same grin,

Mad, happy, smiling, crying,

Same look there it is.

Well, you're making an

Ass of myself.

And she calls me an

Animal so I have to talk to

Her like I'm an animal so

She can understand me it is

Just a joke w we are here to

Play a game.

Let's have fun with it.

Jeff: wow.

Isn't this awesome?

Spencer, you seem sort of

Disgusted by it.

I would think you would be


I do find it funny, I

Just feel like I'm in one

Flew over the cuckoo's nest.

And it's medication time.

It's just nuts.

Jeff: woo what is your


I feel like I'm stuck in

The worst family possible

With tony being dad and

Trish being the mom, kass

Beinged sister and spencer

Being the son and I'm just

Like that foreign exchange

Student who is shocked every

Single time it goes down.

You want to come out and

Tell these guys just to shut

Up and consensus-- concentrate

More so on the game.

Jeff: I don't remember a

Tribal council this late in

The game where there were

This many people laughing

Even though somebody's dream

Is going to fall three days

Short in just a few few


Jech, tonight's vote is

To the going to be emotional,

It is game play that is all


I'm definitely not going

Home tonight.

Jeff: why dow say you're

Definitely to the going


Well, jeff-- my bag of

Tricks is getting too heavy

For me so tonight it is

Going to be out with the old,

Which I'm going get rid of

Tonight and in with the new,


New special one right here.

Jeff: wow, big reaction.

Five people left, I have to

Use it and in my special I

Have another surprise with

Them when I use this idol,

Jeff, and I won't disclose

That either as of now.

Jeff: spencer what is

Your take on it.

Normally I would point

Out the biggest threat right

Now to win the game, tony,

And casting my vote that


Can't touch me though.

But this complicates


Jeff: all right, it is

Time to vote.

Kass, you're up.

>I suggest a book on


It will be henful for you in

The future.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


Anybody have a hidden

Immunity idol and you want

To play it, now would be the

Time to do so.

I don't need to play it

But I have no use for this


It stays on the island.

Jeff: this is a hidden

Immunity idol.

Any votes cast against tony

Will not count.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, trish.


Trish, two votes trish, one

Vote kass.

13Th person voted out, the

7Th member of our jury,

Trish, 3 is enough.

You need to bring me your


Jeff: trish, its tribe

Has spoken.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Jeff: well, you have made

It to the final four, given

The history of events thus

Far t is anybody's game to


Grab your torches, head back

To camp.

Good night.

Next time on its two hour

Season finale of survivor.

You want me to come out

And be your mama or come out

And win.

The road to the end is

Never easy.

If it comes down to me

Burning the whl place down

Join us for the finale.

You know I may be too

Nice to play this game but

From kass perspective

Maybe-- it is stressful,

Feel like you have to back


I'm grateful for what I have

And looking forward to

Getting back to it.

Peanut m & ms, anyone.

I'm so fricking hungry.
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