30x05 - Odd Woman Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x05 - Odd Woman Out

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor"... Drop your buffs.

We are switching things up.

After a surprise switch, kelly

Was the only blue-collar member

On an undermanned nagarote


I am definitely scared to


Jeff: while the rest of the

Blue-collar tribe enjoyed a 4-3

Advantage, but not all of them

Were happy.

I feel like my old tribe are

Crappy people, but I have three

New people.

It's a whole different


Jeff: back at camp, rodney

Grew close.

Rodney is like my friends

Back home.

I'm so grateful you guys are


Jeff: while sierra tried to

Distance herself from her former


I want to go where I'm

Wanted, and I don't think that's

With the blue collars.

Jeff: at the last immunity

Challenge... Escameca wins

Immunity, safe from tribal.

Max and shirin battle for title

Of most annoying tribe mate.

Is that plantar's?

Who is more annoying?

It's exactly like a horse race.

Is it shirin?

No, here comes max with his foot


Jeff: at tribal council,

Max won.

Fifth person voted out.

Leaving shirin all alone.

Max, the tribe has spoken.

13 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Max was a friend of mine and

My closest ally in this game,

And I was totally blind sided.

It's a heartbreaker.

Are you not going to work

With me from now on?

I don't know, shirin.

I don't know that I can trust


Every single day the only person

You ever talked to is max.

Max talked to me.

No, shirin, you were his

Little puppet.

We've been here for three days.

I've been trying to spend all

My time with him.



I felt we were buds.

We needed numbers.

Well, when I think loyalty, I

Think real loyalty, not fake


Is anyone left in this game

Willing the play with me?

I don't think so.

That's a sad realization.

Is that something about me and

About my personality?

What do I have to change?

I guess you were kind of

Shaken up by last night?


I really thought it was going to

Be will.

It was hard.

Max did annoying things that

Were getting under everyone's


And then like if you want me to

Be straight, they were saying

You did some annoying things,


It's really hard me because I

Find myself in this game in a

Position that's analogous to

Where I grew up.

I grew up in rich orange county

Suburb where the majority of my

Classmates were beautiful and

Skinny, and I stood out for not

Being any of those things.

And I constantly felt like I was

Fighting for people to like me,

Like I was fighting for people

To see the good qualities in me,

And I think this probably...

There's probably a lot of this

Scenario tapping into that.

I'm trying to do now which I was

Incapable of doing back then,

Which is deal with it, adapt,

Fix it.

It's fourth day, and I had to

Go down to the water.

And wave took my underwear.

No underwear.

Banana hammock underwear.

It was a banana hammock.

It was not a thong.

It did not go up my butt, okay.

I've been on these beach with

The same people telling the same

Garbage over and over and over


It's absolutely miserable.

I was hoping in the switch up I

Could get some new energy, maybe

Get matched up with some people

I know are like me.

Sick of being around the same

Damn people.

Same story over and over again.

That's why we got to stay

Together so we can keep

Ourselves sane here.

I was so happy joaq was one

Of those faces.

One guy is a bible bumper from

Texas, a hick from maine,

Another one is from utah.

I feel like I've been waiting

For some type of connection in

This game, you know what I mean?

I was looking for maybe a little

Bromance, maybe a homey to



I don't think I trust mike

Because he's a southern boy.

He goes church every sunday.

Do you go to church every


He goes to church every sunday.

We're having sunday fun day.

He doesn't have sex.

In way.

He's celibate.

He hasn't had sex in like eight


You're lying?

I swear to god.

What do we have in common.

You don't drink, you don't


Joaquin is a potential dude I

Can work with.

We're both about girls.

We're both about having fun,

Partying, not settling down.

We've developed a

Relationship, we're like apples

And oranges.

So obvious, you know what I


I know, I know.

And I can tell from like first

Time I saw you, you work hard.

We work hard.

We party harder.

It's simple.

If you make it to the end, you

Got my vote.

So you automatically.

I want the money to stay on

The east coast.


Miami, me and you.

Absolutely brother.

I'm going to be batman.

He can be robin.

We might have to screw some

People over eventually.

In the meantime, nobody knows

What I'm doing.

All these fools who think I'm

Dumb, he talks like an idiot,

Wait until you see what I got

Planned for this game.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Escameca getting your first look

At the new nagarote tribe.

Max voted out at the last tribal


All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: on my go, both tribes

Will race up a tower and through

A series of obstacles.

Once you're at the top, one at a

Time tribe members will launch

Sandbags attempting to hit

Targets out in the field.

First tribe to hit all six

Targets wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing


Oh, yeah, we do.

Jeff: this evening the

Winning tribe will witness a

Truly magical event.

You'll be taken to a turtle

Sanctuary where under the stars

You will watch turtles migrating

From the sea back to the beach

Where they were born to lay eggs

To continue their life cycle.

While you're witnessing and

Enjoying this natural wonder,

You will feast on beef stew, mac

And cheese.

Talk to me, jeff.


Jeff: hot chocolate.

I know it's worth playing for.

Escameca, you have one extra


Sitting somebody out.

Cannot sit out the same person

In back-to-back challenges.

Dan, take a spot on the bench.

Everybody else, give you a

Minute to strategize.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


First stage is getting up this

Massive tower and through the


There you go, guys.

All right.

Jeff: nagarote flying up.

Escameca flying up.

Go, go, go.

Jeff: got to watch your

Footing as you make your way

Across that rope bridge.

Escameca is flying through this.

You got it.

You got it.

Jeff: nagarote trying to

Keep up.

Nice, nice, nice.

Jeff: escameca is burning

Through this.

Once everybody's to the bell,

First person can go up.

Start launching sandbags.

It's going to be rodney for


Will pulling up the rear for


Once again a big early lead for


Rodney launches the first bag.

He's short.

Way short.

Come on, jenn.

Jeff: jenn going to the top

For nagarote.

It is rodney for escameca, jenn

For nagarote.

Rodney launches again.

Just short.

Here goes jenn for nagarote.

Jenn scores the first hit for


Kelly coming out now.

Nagarote has an early lead.

Rodney scores for escameca.

We're tied 1-1678 here comes

Joaquin now for escameca.

Here comes the wind that's going

The really send them flying.

Come on, kelly.

Jeff: kelly scores for


Nagarote leads 2-1.

Joaquin fires.

Just misses.

Hali now up for nagarote.

Good shot.

Jeff: joaquin scores for


We're tied 2-2.

Hali with a shot at that same


She's off.

Here comes sierra.

We're tied once again.


Six targets total.

Sierra launches.

Good job.

Jeff: and hits on her first


Escameca now in the lead 3-2.

Here comes mike.

Mike fires, going for the short


Just misses.

Hali just misses.

Hali coming down.

Going to send somebody else up.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Jeff: carolyn now firing

For nagarote.

Mike for escameca.

Oh, oh, oh.

Jeff: and he's got it.

Escameca scores their fourth.

Escameca leads 4-2.

Six targets total.

Carolyn, you got to get it


Carolyn, looks good, and it is.

Nagarote scores their third.

It is 4-3.

Nagarote closes the gap.

Here goes joe looking for number


You got it, joe.

You got it, joe.

Jeff: just misses.

Shirin now up for nagarote.

Sitting on her butt.

And she hits.


Jeff: we're tied, 4-4.

Two targets left for both


Here comes will.

Will scores for escameca.

Escameca now with one target


Escameca leads 5-4.

Good job, will.

You got this.

Jeff: will has got to keep


Will scores for nagarote.

We're tied again.

And it's 5-5.

This is it.

Come on, jenn!

Jeff: jenn back up for


Tyler for escameca.

This is it.

Just misses for escameca.

Come on, jenn.

You got this.

You can do it.

Jeff: there it is!

Nagarote wins reward.

I believe that we can win.

I believe that we can win!

I believe that we can win!

Jeff: that was an exciting

Challenge and nagarote did win.

I really think you're going to

Have a special night tonight.

Grab your stuff, head back to


Enjoy your evening.

Escameca, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

Winning the reward is huge

For me.

That gives me a chance to bond

With these people better.

At this point I kind of have to

Because my butt is on the line.

Is that a pillow?

Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.

Winning the reward was


It was like david and goliath,

Like all you need was to put a

Slingshot in our hand and we

Took down that giant.

I'm getting a bite of that.

And then as if that weren't

Enough, extra special macaroni

And cheese, tons of beef stew.

I felt like my first child was

Born, like that's how excited I

Was about this reward.

Look, there's utensil, guys.

Wow, this is like solid


You're going to freak out.

Being the underdogs that we

Are, we were down and out and

Then we picked ourselves up and

We won.

Do you want some hot


The team is definitely

Gelling, even shirin, we're

Tolerating her at this point.

They're eating rice, we're

Eating beef.

Yeah, baby.

Rodney is going to be like, I

Would have destroyed that thing.

What a tool.

Reward was really good for me.

I was super excited to bond over

A meal and maybe even all get

Sick together, which didn't




And getting to look for

Turtles on the beach.

Okay, guys.

We'll see some turtles.

Grab your flash light and let's


It gave me a chance to

Connect with them on a human

Level and that's like my best

Shot at staying in the game

Right now.

I think we all did that.

I think we all had a magical

Time together.

Oh, wow.

You have the turtle here.

They're so huge.

Oh, my gosh.

I think that's the biggest

Turtle I've ever seen.

Wow, that thing is big.

She comes from the water.

She starts digging the hole and

Then laying 120 eggs.

Only one will survive.


The turtle guide told us how

The sea turtles haul their giant

Selves up this beach, dig a

Hole, lay 100 some odd eggs and

Only one of those eggs maybe

Will make it to the ocean.

That's unbelievable.

She's covering it up now.

Yeah, she's covering the


That's really awesome.

It made me realize the turtle

Chances in life are way worse

Odds than me winning "survivor."

She's protecting the eggs.

I have a one in 14 chance at

Winning $1 million, compared to

A one in 100 chance at living,

So that's cool.

I wanted that mac and cheese

So bad.

So bad.

I'm about to bring up that

Crab trap.

I'm going to see if I can get

Some fish.

You and dan have an issue?

I have an issue with all of


The day that I knew we were

Going to switch was the best day

Of my life.

I'll give you the chance to

Give it right back to them.

I'm so excited.

These blue collars, they were in


Sierra was the odd woman out,

Which is perfect.

So it's basically like, here you

Go, joaquin.

You have all the amm*nit*on.

It's like an easy layup for me.

Obviously it's me and tyler, you

Know that.

Tyler's the most trustworthy,

Honest, genuine person in this


I get that.

The thing is joe is really


We don't want joe playing too

Far into the game.

And you and rodney are like...


Get out of here.

Not even rodney?


We need four.

You want me to suck up to


I think I can take care of

Rod nism right off the bat we

Hit it off.

I feel like the people from

My old tribe suck, and I don't

Trust them.

So my biggest connection at this

Point is with joaquin.

He makes me feel comfortable.

He looks me straight in the eye.

He's like one of my bros from


He's also tight with tyler, and

These two seem to be the most

Trust worthy people I've met to


However, joaquin's tight with

Rodney, who is just awful.

I just don't know if I can play

This game with him.

I know you probably don't

Want nothing to do with any of


I need somebody honest.

I'm literally reaching for

Straws at this point.

What's up, champ?

How do you feel about these


I like this right here.

Sierra is still mad at me.

I had a conversation with


You can't get mad at people

And hold grudges.

Sierra got mad at me because

I said some bad things about

Her, but guess what, this is a


Tables turn and time heals all.

In order to win this game, I

Have to put myself in the best

Position and get the numbers.

They can't know.

You got tyler.

This is going to be a walk.

A walk.

If it's me, joaquin, sierra

And tyler all on the same page

And when the time come, I can

Flip and take over this entire


We did have a little beef.

Prime time story.

Prime time story to tell for the

Rest of your life.

At this point I'm in a great


I have so many numbers it's not

Even fun eye.

I can see my hand being raised

Like rocky balboa winning this

Damn thing at the end.

Let me tell you something, me

And joaq are like this.

I have him like this, like a


You know what I'm saying?

This kid, he's going to listen

To anything I say.

We have to make sure these

Challenges get blown, joe's

Going first.

I'm telling you, put your trust

In me, I've been thinking about

This plan all day.

All day, all night long.

When joe goes, I develop trust

With joac.

This is my idea.

I present it to mike.

If we blow next immunity and get

It out of this game before we go

To the merge, who do we have to

Deal with?

We have this game on lock.

Before we get ahead of

Ourselves, we have to make sure

The challenge gets thrown or

This whole plan gets screwed.

Don't get me wrong, it

Wouldn't hurt my feeling if we


Rodney and his great vast

Plan of, oh, I'm such an amazing

Strategist and I'm so good at

This game thinks we should throw

A challenge so we can get rid of


Very rarely in the game of

"Survivor" does it work out in

Your favor to throw challenges.

But in this particular instance,

I think we have a very special


My real alliance is with kelly,

Who poor girl is on the other

Side all by herself, but I think

Kelly's a fighter, enough that

She'll find a way to make it to

The merge, especially if we can

Throw a couple challenges and

Keep her safe.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first thing first.



First things first.

Drop the curtain and recreate it

Once you have it memorized.

First to get it right scores a


First tribe to score three wins

Immunity, safe from the vote,

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be the sixth

Person voted out of this game.

Escameca, you have one extra


It is somebody out.

Who is it going to be?

All right.

Joaquin, take spot on the

Sit-out bench.

Everybody else take a minute to


We'll get started.

All right.

First pair come on up.

It is rodney taking on carolyn.

Immunity on the line.

First round.

Here we go.

Carolyn drops on rodney.

Rodney looks confused.

Now it's a race to get the items

Up there and get on your mat.

Six items.

That's a lot to remember.

Carolyn she's first on her mat.

Carolyn had it first.

She has jug, human skull, animal

Skull, can that bra, message in

A bottle.

You are right.



Jeff: nagarote leads 1-0.

Next pair is sierra taking on


You got this, hali.

Jeff: here we go.

They both drop at the same time.

Sierra heading back.

Hali coming back.

Who is going to finish first,

And will they be right?

Sierra quickly with two items.

You got this, sierra.

You got it, hali.

Trust your gut.

Jeff: hali thinks she has


She steps on the mat.

Hali was first.

She has lantern, large candle,

Message in the bottle,

Candlestick holder, candle law

Bra and brown jug.

Hali is right.

Nagarote leads 2-0.

Next pair come on over.

Next two.

It is joe taking on will.

Could be the final matchup of

This challenge.

Will can win it for his tribe

Right here.

Here we go.

Joe races back.

Will right on his tail.

Joe needs to get it right to

Keep his tribe alive.

Joe thinks he has it.

Steps on his matt.

Will on his matt.

Joe has big candle, candlestick

Holder, candelabra, lantern, big


Joe is right.

Nagarote leads 2-1.

Playing to three.

Next two.

It is shirin taking on dan.

Nagarote could win it right


Let's go, shirin.

Jeff: dan pulls it.

Racing back.

Could be the final matchup of

This challenge.

Come on, shirin.

Jeff: dan is making some


Dan thinks he has it.

He's on his mat.

Shirin steps on her matt.

Dan has brown jug, lantern,

Message in a bottle, animal

Skull, large candle,


Dan is right.

We're tied 2-2.


I feel bad.

Jeff: this is it.

Next two.

Bring it home, baby.

Bring it home.

Jeff: it is a showdown for

The win and immunity.

Mike versus kelly.

Two blue collars now on opposite


You got this.

Come on.

Deep breaths.

Come on, kel.

Jeff: six items.

It is 2-2.

Here we go.

Kelly pulls.

Mike still looking at a curtain.

The curtain was closed.

I have no idea.

Bianca: mike thinks he has


Kelly thinks she has it.

Mike is wrong.

Kelly, think you're right or



Jeff: yeah.

Kelly is wrong.

Both wrong.

Reset and go again.

Come on, kelly.

Come on, kelly.

You got it.

You got this, babe.

You got this.

We are tied.

Listen to me.

I'm giving it to you.

Just listen to what I say.

I'm giving it to you.

Jeff: it is the same six


Here's your second shot at it.

One and five are the skulls.

Two bottles in the middle and

Two things to light.

Jeff: kelly pulls.

Both racing back.

Only six items proving very

Difficult for two blue collars.

Kelly trying again to memorize

Six simple items.

You don't get hit the round, I'm

Going the move it back the five


Got it.

Jeff: mike's back first.

Kelly is back.

Mike is wrong again.

Kelly, you're shaking your head.


I'm wrong.

Jeff: you are wrong.

We're going the lose one item

And make it five items.

Come on back.

Come on, kelly.

You got it.

Jeff: six items proved too


We'll go back to five items.

>>Ly call out the order, but I'm

Going to switch the bottles.

Jeff: here we go.

You have the two bottles and

The candelabra.


Mike draws five items this


Someone is going to get it


Look at mine and switch the


Jeff: it's almost like

They're waiting for the other to

Step on the matt and end the


Mike got to his mat a step

Before kelly.

That is not right.

Kelly has human skull, brown

Jug, message in a bottle,

Candelabra and animal skull.

If kelly's right, nagarote wins

Immunity, safe from tribal


You guys are certain, and you

Are right.

Nagarote wins immunity sending

Escameca to tribal council where

Somebody will be the sixth

Person voted out of this game.

Nagarote, congratulationings.

Big win, no tribal council


Yeah, baby.

Jeff: escameca, tribal

Council tonight where somebody

Will be the sixth person voted

Out of this game.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

When I knew mike was throwing

The challenge and helping me

Out, I think that's first time I

Total ever trusted somebody.

I can't wait to get back with my

Blue collar tribe, where I


I wish you would have went

Instead of me.

Listen, I could have done

Exactly like you guys.

I could have done worse.

It's life.

It goes on.

Sorry, y'all.

By throwing the challenge

Today, a little something inside

Of me died in this game.

I'm not going to lie to you.

But here's the deal, I'm

Starting to not trust rodney.

I got this girl giving me this

Little person of rice.

Joaquin is just drafting

Rodney in every second, more and

More, and in this game, whenever

You start showing you're too

Close to somebody, youk with a

Power couple, and the power

Couples have to be split up

Before they can start making

Power moves.

Hey, here's what we need to

Talk about.

We need to talk about tribal



Listen, joe is going first, bro.

Joe is going.

We got everybody on board.

-- He has no idea.

It's over.


We already know what it is,


We know what's up.

Today at the challenge, we

Came to do one thing and one

Thing only, and that was to blow


Mission accomplished.

Mike looked like an absolute

Idiot, which was hilarious, but

It worked out perfectly.

Now we'll get joe out of here.

He's a threat, so he's going

Home now.

Bro, we can't lose sierra.

Sierra is key.

This game is about me and


I know.

I don't care about anybody

Else, bro.

We're taking... I'm telling

You, this is going to be a walk

In the park.

Who else wound you want the

Share this moment with?

I'm talking red sox-yankees.

I have so much love for you.

Bro, this is so perfect.

I'm so excited.

Honestly, I thought it was me

And tyler against the world, but

Now rodney is my right-hand guy.

And sierra owes me one.

I took her out of this situation

Where she was like the one to


So, you know, joe's definitely

Going home.

And it should be a walk in the

Park from now on.

Joe, where's your head at?

Man, I'm down to do anything

And everything.

Every time I traw to talk to

Joaquin to see where his head's

At, he's got a puppy dog

Following him.

I think those two

White-collar boys are playing us

For a fiddle.

They've reeled rodney right in,

And I'm afraid they're going to

Be reeling sierra in and us

Three are going to be on the


To be perfectly honest,

Rodney came to me and was like,

We got to get joe out first.

I was hoping to reach out to

Tyler and joaquin, but they

Don't talk to me at all.

I thought the three of us could

Work together, but it seems that

They're gunning for me, so I'm

Kind of screwed.

When we first got here it was

Like sierra, sierra, sierra, we

Thought she was on the outs.

She was.

She's still really mad at


Underlying issue, she's really

Not happy.

And I've done nothing but

Grovel, but I think as long as

It's not her name again, she'll

Go along with anything.

At this point, my options are

Limited, so you have to make the

Best of the worst scenario.

And hope it works out.

Sierra would be the swing.


If we had sierra, we'll send

Joaquin home.

At this point, joe is with


Unfortunately sierra and I

Definitely hit a rough patch.

I blew it.

Hands down.

No excuses.

No getting around it.

I screwed up.

And now we need to bring her

Back into the fold.

Looking at rodney with

Joaquin, we have to separate

Those two.

Listen, I screwed up.

I want to earn your trust back,

But we were worried about you.

We got rid of her best friend

Because she was getting too

Close, and we have to do the

Same thing.


At this point I have two

Separate alliances saying, come

With us, we'll take care of you,

And it's nice, it's refreshing

To have people want me.

However, to have my old tribe

Hurt me so bad and now say they

Need me, it makes me sick to my


Joe would vote for joaquin,

As long as it isn't him, he'll

Be happy.

Rodney on first vote leaves the

Three of us, plus joe.

We still have the numbers, but

As soon as we hit joaquin,

Rodney is going to explode.

Just close your mouth, open your

Ears and just watch what


I hate dan.

And at this point, I'm just very


The blue collars, they don't

Care about me.

They're not going to keep me


They're just using me for the


Everybody's writing joe's



I'm with you, man.

I'm just the type of person,

I play with my heart and my

Head, and, of course new york

This game, it's going to get me

In trouble.

At this pilot I'm playing both


I don't know, not only who to

Trust, but who is going to be

Better in the long run.

You can choose one path and it

Might take me to the final


You never know, and I still at

This point do not know which

Route I'm going to take.

But either way, it could change

The whole game.

Jeff: all right.

So after the switch we end up

With four blue collars, two

White collars and one no collar.

Joe, when you got back to camp,

Did it appear the four blue

Collars were very happy that

They had stayed together in this

Random redraw?

On the surface, they seemed

Like one big happy family.

But every family is imperfect,

You know, there are feuds and

Cracks and me, joaquin and tyler

Were definitely trying to find

Those and exploit them a little


Jeff: dan, did you sense

That, that these three were

Trying the look for some way in?


There might have been some

Opportunities to exploit.

To say there were cracks in the

Armour, there's no two ways

About it.

There's dysfunction here.

So I'm definitely concerned.

Jeff: so tyler, what do you

Look for?

What are you trying to pick up


Honestly, jeff.

I didn't have to do anything.

What we found was bad blood and

Animosity and a lot of it seemed

To revolve around sierra.

Jeff: sierra, is that true?


After the last tribal, I was


I was told how I suck at

Challenges, how I don't help

Around camp, just everything you

Could put on me, they did.

Not all of us picked on you.

When it was going down, mike

Stood in and said, you guys, you

Have to stop.

I'll give him that, but I felt

More appreciated in 24 hours

With these people than I felt 11

Days with these three behind me.

Jeff: wow.

Mike, this is not good news.

You're now in a situation where

If sierra wants to move to the

Other side, the game flips and

You, dan and rodney are in


Well, I mean, the four of us

Have been together now for 16


But I don't feel that we are a

Foursome of impenetrableness.

And if these three were able to

See some type of crack and woo

One of us in, I'm definitely

Afraid tonight, 100%.

But, jeff, that's the beauty

About when you drop your buffs.

Opportunities open.

There was definitely some

Problems with all of us, but I

Got three new people over here,

I got three people I've been

Dealing with, you know, for 16

Days driving me nuts.

I mean, what's going to be the

Best opportunity for me?

Jeff: joaquin, would you

Have ever imagined that you'd be

Sitting at tribal council

Thinking, I'm not as concerned

As I thought I would have been a

Few days ago.

I didn't think it was going

To go this way, jeff, but when

People come up to you and

Basically explain their

Reasoning for hating each other,

It couldn't have been any easier

For me.

Jeff: joe, is there any

Part of you that's wondering how

Much of what they're saying is

True and how much of what

They're saying is what they

Think you want to hear?

Yeah, these four could sit

There and say, let's knock 'em

Out one by one, but

Strategy-wise, I'm on the very

Bottom, at least joaquin has


I got nobody.

Jeff: sierra, one of the

Hallmarks of what you have said

As blue collars is that we do

Ultimately take care of each


Jeff, it wasn't that my name

Was written down.

It was when we got back to camp

And I got att*cked personally.

I can't trust people who do


Jeff: but no matter how

Much you don't like somebody,

You've got four right there.

Why not sit together for a

Couple more votes.


New york I mean, I'm not stupid,

I get that.

There are some genuine

Friendships that I've gained

With these people, so I have to

Look at it as a whole and be

Like, who do I trust at this


Jeff: mike, it's kind of

Like you were dating and then

Somebody did something wrong,

But you still love, you want to

Come back, but you got to work

It because there's another guy

Over there and he's wooing her,

And in this case it's sierra.


Smiles aside, what do you do?

You can't just sit there and

Say, sierra, if you got to go,

You got to go.

At the end of the day you

Hopefully can believe in the

Trust that you have made early

On or the trust that you have

Made with new friends, but you

Never know who you can trust

Until you leave tribal council.

And that's a very, very, very

Scary predicament, jeff.

Jeff: it sounds like the

Decision of who to send home

Tonight could be a very big one

For this group.

It is time to vote.

Dan, you're up.

Sorry, rodney.

Joaquin, looks like it's me

Or you tonight.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, joe.




Two votes joe, two votes


That's three votes joe.


Three votes joe, three votes


One vote left.

Sixth person voted out, joaquin.

Please bring me your torch.

Joaquin, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Well, tonight's conversation

Centered around cracks.

Your success in this game

Depends on your ability to

Repair or exploit those cracks

Day by day.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on


Teaming up behind my back?

Jeff: rodney feels betrayed

By his blue-collar family.

People who did me wrong today

Are going to pay.

Jeff: but in "survivor"

There's always time for revenge.

I felt extremely disrespected

By these blue, so your numbers

Are dunso.

I totally got blindsided by

The four.

I have a good guess.

I'm sure mike was obsessed with


I was getting too close with

Sierra and rodney.

They were feeling like I was

Pulling their tribe away there


Get this guy out of here.

But this is my faith.

I'm going the take with it a
previous episode
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