31x11 - Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x11 - Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": second chances are

Never easy.

I got so much riding on me.

My wife is pregnant.

I want to be there to see it


Jeff: some were struggling

With their emotions.

When my girlfriend starting

Saying like, "I love you," I

Didn't say it back.

I'm trying to have feelings.

Jeff: while others were

Fighting to stay alive.

If I don't win immunity, I'm


Jeff: at the it last

Immunity challenge, joe lost for

The first time.

Jeff: spencer wins

Individual immunity!

I don't have that necklace,

And I'm really nervous.

Jeff: back at camp, stephen

Thought he could get everyone on

Board to vote out joe.

I have been trying to take

Out joe since day one.

Jeff: but spencer had plans

Of his own.

Abi, if we don't vote for

Stephen, I think you and

Wentworth and I and keith are in

A lot of trouble.

Jeff: at tribal council,

Spencer got his way, 11th

Person voted out, and fifth

Member of our jury.

Wow, nice.

Jeff: shocking jeremy, tash

Aand kim.

The tribe has spoken.

Thank you.

Jeff: eight are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Captioning funded by cbs

And ford.

We go further, so you can.

It was a crazy one.

You didn't think that was

Going to, like, mess up numbers

And stuff?

Or you just feel like--

I do feel like it.

I mean, I feel like the game is

Once again, like, really open.


For the first time, I made a


I blindsided stephen, but I

Can't become the game bot who

Treats people like pawns.

So even if jeremy isn't someone

I want to go to the end with,

He's probably someone I need to

Keep a relationship with.

I just want to make sure

We're still good.

We're still good.

Like, I still trust you.

I didn't want stephen gone.

Now, I feel like I'm in trouble.

I don't feel comfortable with


We should just, like, figure

Out where things stand.

It's going to be like it has


It's going to be like picking up

The pieces,un.

That's true.

These voting blocks just keep

Moving and I don't like that


I like to be in the middle of

Everything and know what's going


This is what I'm thinking.


If joe doesn't win, he's

Definitely going.

Oh, yes.

Everybody's on board with



After tribal, I felt completely

Blindside and I had realized I

Need to be in control of my


So we get rid of joe.

That's four women.

And girls have an upper hand.

I would love to do that all


Because everybody wants to.


And then before they realize

What's happening, we already

Gotten them.

I'm so happy right now.

I love this.

Are you--

I'm in, yeah.

Out of the blue, kimmi

Approaches me with this plan of

An all-girls alliance.

If we vote out joe and the girls

Are willing to work together,

There's nothing that jeremy,

Keith, or spencer could do.

If one of the guys go, then

It's going to be four women that

Can rule.

So, it's got to be joe.

I agree.

Then we can get out spencer.


We can get out keith.


And jeremy.

I didn't come out here and

Leave my family just to be

Somebody's pawn.

I came out here to win.

So it's time for me to make my


Jeff: tash ahow does it

Feel to have lasted 30 day?

Jeff, to make it to 30 days,

I'm feeling fantastic.

Jeff: jeremy, how hard is

It to play a second time and

Leave your life behind knowing

I'm out here for my family?

I have no communication with


I don't know what they're doing.

I don't know how they're doing.


Jeff: wow, even talking

About it.

Well, as you guys know, a big

Part of "survivor" is the loved

One visit.

And most of the time, we do

Bring your loved ones to you.

Not always.

Sometimes we do something


Today, we are not doing anything


Today we brought your love to


Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

I'm ready!

I'm ready!

Jeff: jeremy, here's your

Wife, val.

Go get her!

I knew it!

So val said, "it's a boy."

I'm going to have a son.

That's wild.

But I don't want anybody to know

Right now.

They don't need to know.

Jeff: jeremy that was, I

Think, the fastest sprint to a

Loved one I've ever seen.

I mean, like, this whole

Game, all I do is think about


There is nothing more important

Than family.

Jeff: all right.

Val, take your spot over here.

Jeremy, head back.

Say your good-byes.

Tash ahere's your cousin,




Can you believe it!

Oh, what!

I know!

I know!

We are like more sisters than


It's just-- it's love.

It's love.

It's love!

Oh, my dpoive!

Jeff: all right, christina,

Take your spot next to val.

Oh, man, awesome!

Jeff: spencer, who would

You like to see?

My girlfriend.

Jeff: okay.

Spencer has a girlfriend!


There you go, spence!

Saying "I love you," is a big

Deal to me.

And it's something I've

Struggled with since childhood.

And it's like I fought through

Feeling that way with so many

People that I've loved.

And the fact that I did say "I

Love you" it shows me that this

Change is real.

It's not made up.

It's happened.

Because I colove marcella.

Jeff: abi, your mom came

The last time you were on the


Your mom is here again.

Vera figeroa, come on out!

She's my angel.

She is my angel.

Understand me?

Jeff: uh-huh.

All right, join the the others.

I love you.

I love you.



Jeff: all right, keith, who

Do you want to see?

Keith's wife, dana, come onut

Big "d"!

Big "d," everybody!

It's her!

Oh, man.

This will get me over the hump




Jeff: how did you guys


He went to college in

Arkansas, where I'm from.

Jeff: l.a., Lower arkansas.

This is a boost for every one of


Jeff: all right, one last


All right, baby.

Be good.

I love you, too.

Jeff: wentworth.


Jeff: here's your dad now!

Hey, dad!

Oh, hi, dad!

Jeff: dale, what's it like

To be back here?

Because you did play this game.

I have a whole new respect

For the loved ones who stay


I really do.

Jeff: wow.

It hurts really bad.

Especially where we know what

The game does to you.

But you come out better.

Jeff: all right, give him

One last hug.

All right, dad.

Jeff: joe, the first time

You played, you shared a story

As a kid getting on "survivor,"

And part of your visualization

Included your dad walking

Through a scene just like this.

But it didn't happen.

It's happening now.

Here's your dad, pat.

( Cheers and applause )

Come on, pat!

You did it.

You did it.

Jeff: so, joe, you guys

Clearly have a very strong

Family bond.



Family's the most important

Thing in my life.

And I just want to thank you for

Giving me this moment.

For real.

Jeff: all right, give him a


I love you.

Jeff: or a kiss.

Much better.

Thanks, guys.

Jeff: kimmi, you've waited

Longer than anyone else to have

A loved one visit you on



Jeff: here's your dad.

Oh, my daddy!

My daddy!

Oh, my god, my daddy!

Oh, canada!

Thank you!

Thank you.


This is the best gift!

That I could give my dad is to

Let him be a part of my dream.

Jeff: all right, one last

Good-bye hug.

Okay, b.b., Love you.

Thank you, canada.

Jeff: all right, we have a

Reward challenge to get to.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to race to dig up bags in

The sand.

You will then spin around a post

To retrieve another bag.

This will make you dizzy.

You will then have to make your

Way across a balance beam where

You'll collect your last bag.

You'll then use the pieces

Inside the bag to solve a word


First person to get it right

Wins reward.

Want to know what it is?



Jeff: good, old-fashioned,

American barbecue.


Jeff: the winner will go

Back to camp with their loved


It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime


We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go.

For a reward of barbecue and


Survivors ready?


Looking for a rope.

Once you have it, pull it up.

Kimmi has hers.

Joe has his.

When you see your first bag,

Untie it.

Keith has his.

Kimmi has hers.

Keith has his second bag.

Open it up, keith, untie it.

Joe has his second bag.

Sorry, keith.

Come on, come on, come on!

Jeff: jeremy has his first


Jeremy's got his second bag.

Kimmi in the lead.

Keith right behind.

Come on, kim!

Come on, kimmi!

Jeff: kim already spinning

Around that post.

You're going to get dizzy very


Keith has his three bags.

Tasha has her third bag.

Joe has his third bag.

The faster you spin the faster

Finish and the more dizzy will

You get.

Go, tasha!

Expwhr you're looking for five

Bags total.

Jeremy now spinning.

Everybody getting dizzy.

Keith has his fourth bag.

Kimmi has her fourth bag.

Almost, tasha, almost!

Jeff: kimmi cannot cannot

Move she's so dizzy.

Keith is going to give it a go.

Can he make it?

No, keith has to go back.

Now you are dizzy with four bags

And you have to untie a fifth on

A beam kimmi has to try it


Tasha has all four bags.

You're still in it, kelly!

Jeff: kelly has hers.

Spencer has his!

You got it, baby!

Jeff: keith has his "p" go,

Start working on the puzzle.

Take your time.

Jeff: it is keith now with

The lead.

Jeremy has his fifth.

Take your time, jeremy.

Go, kelliy, let's go.

Kelly has her fifth bag.

Jeff: abi falls she has to

Go back.

Spencer working on his fifth


He has come from behind before

In the last immunity challenge

And pulled it out.

Can he do it again?

Spencer has his fifth bag.

Now spencer's in it.

I don't know what it is.

Jeff: it is one word you're

Looking for.

I don't know what it is.

Jeff: it is joe, keith,

Spencer, wentworth, abi, and


Your loved ones are here in


Tasha has her fifth.

She can start working on it.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: kimmi falls off


The great thing about this is

You can get it in an instant and

Win it out of nowhere.

Stay with it, kelly.

Jeff: abi thinks she has


She's going to give it a go.

Is she right?

Wentworth thinks she has


She's going to try something


Abi is spelling a word.

Wentworth is spelling a word.

Now everybody is starting to


What is it?

Wentworth places another block

And another one.

Spencer looking next door.

No idea what it is.

Nourishment is the word!

Wentworth wins reward!


Jeff: love with her dad and

A barbecue back at camp!

I was going for redemption.

Good job, kelly.

Jeff: all right, so you

Guys are going to go back to

Camp where we have a beautiful

Barbecue set up for you.

You just need to pick three

Tribe members and their loved

Ones to join you.

Oh, my god, jeff, this is so



Come on, big "d"!



Thank you so much, kelly!

Kimmi's been talking about

Her loved one visit for a really

Long time, so this is really

Hard for me, but I know she

Really wants to see her dad.

I'm sorry, you guys.

Jeff: all right, four

People left.

Choose one more.


I know how much the family

Reward meant to joe, so, joe.

All right, joe.



Jeff: all right, that means

Christina, val, marcella, got to

Say good-bye to you guys.

I love you!

Love you!

I love you!

Jeff: all right, 10 of you

Go back and have a

Once-in-a-lifetime experience

Thanks to wentworth.

Thank you.

Jeff: tasha, spencer,

Jeremy, got nothing for you.

Everybody grab your stuff, head

Back to camp, enjoy.

Dad at my side and the other

Loved ones it was a beautiful


It was so cool.

And I could tell everyone was so

Excited to be here.

Nice to meet you!

Thank you!

To see a family member,

Especially your wife, I don't

Know, I needed to see somebody.

I wouldn't have cared if you

Brought my fifth cousin from my

Daddy, just some kind of

Relative, but big "d" was the

Ultimate prize.

You painted that whole thing?

Yeah, it took me a while.

You know,iment you to know

That I thought of something.

I have to tell you because... As

You get older, I never had a

Friend like you.



When I was growing up, I never

Wanted to let anybody in.

That's why I've been a loner my

Whole life.

But you're such a good son, joe.

You're my hero.

Respect my friend.

Growing up as a kid, me and

My dad, we were close, but he

Wasn't very affectionate.

He was a little bit tough, and

He never really said, "I love


So for him to be able to share

That with me was something so

Special and, like, ah!

I'll remember it for the rest of

My life.

I love you unconditionally.



What do you think of all

Their picks?

What do you think about our


I don't know.

It's kind of what I expected.


It still sucks.

Kelley choosing who to come with

Her on reward was, like, these

Tiny little shanks to the heart

One by one by one.

I've never felt heartache like


I just had to take a moment and

Let me heart catch up with my


There's no option at this point

But for me to get my head back

In the game and do everything in

My power to win.

I know you probably still feel

Weird about stephen, but it was

The thing against stephen.

It was not a thing against you.

But how do you, like, proceed


Well, how do you guys feel

About us in the final three.

I'm down with that.

For all three.

I'm in.

I'm in.


This is perfect.

I have one option to go with

Spencer and jeremy to the final


And then on the other side, the

Girls were talking about an

All-girl alliance.

So I think I have two viable


So what's the next move?

How do you guys feel about

Joe in the game now?

I think joe is setting

Himself up nicely.

He can say, "I not only played a

Physical game.

I played a social game.

I am clearly the biggest threat,

And I'm still here."

So we have to do something.

At this point, I don't know

How many chances there are going

To be to get joe out.

I let one opportunity go because

I had a big move to make, and I

Needed joe's help for it.

But joe is a guy who you give

Him an inch, he will take a


He gets momentum, and I'm done.

So it makes all the sense in the

World for me, the second I get

The chance, to get this guy out

Of here.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,


I must take it pack.

I know you don't want to give it


It feels so good.

It will feel good again.

Jeff: I like it!

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to balance a wooden statue

On a pole.

At regular intervals, we'lled --

Another section of pole, making

It more difficult.

Your statue drops, you're out.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, guaranteed a

One-in-seven shot at winning

This game.

Losers, tribal council, where

Somebody will be the sixth

Person of our jury.

And today, it is the first man

And the first woman.



Jeff: two people will have


Everybody's odds just knot a

Whole lot better.

We'll draw for sports and get



Jeff: let's do it.

One in four.

Come on.

All right, here we go.

Everybody take your first


Place your wooden statue on it.

Hands at the bottom of the pole.

Everybody put your hands at the


Here we go.

We are on.

All right, everybody add another

Section of pole.

This will be your first test.

You have to make the transition

While keeping your statue in


And get your hands back down to

The bottom, which means you have

To raise that pole higher.

Everybody made the transition


We will keep adding a section of

Pole every five minutes.

♪ ♪ ♪

Jeff: you're now at 10 feet

Of pole with a wooden statue

Over your head.

Be mind will of that when it


Get out of the way.

Kimmi loses balance.

Kimmi drops.

Kimmi's the first one out of the


Kimmi, take a spot on the bench.

No shot at immunity for kimmi.

Abi cannot get it back.

Abi is out.

And we are down to two women,

Wentworth and tasha.

One man, and one woman will want

It more than the others.

Who can hang in there the the


All right, we're anything to add

Another section of pole.

No quick moves because we're

Still alive.

I'll give you plenty of time.

Here we go.

Everybody make your move.

Tasha cannot messenger the


Tasha is out of the challenge.

Kelley wentworth wins individual


Safe tonight at tribal council.

And right behind that, spencer

Drops out.

Jeremy cannot survive the


Jeremy drops.

A whole lot happening at once.

We're down to two, keith and


Trying to make this transition.

Let's go, guys.

Five, four, three, two, one.

And we are back on with keith

And joe for immunity.

We are now at about 14 feet of


Wentworth already has immunity.

Who will join her tonight with

Security a tribal council?

Will it be keith or will it be


All right, it's time to add

Another section.

Here we go.

Reach for your last section of


But if you drop during this

Transition, it's over.

I'm going to count you in.

Here we go, five, four, three,

Two, ones.

Hold it, keith!

Hold it, keith!

This is it.

We play it out from here.

16 Feet of pole balancing a

Small wooden statue to move one

Step closer, to winning this


A million dollars.

Joe with a lot of movement now,

Huge bend in that pole.

Joe a nice recovery.

That took everything.

That pole was on its way over.

Keith with a lot of bend in that

Pole again.

Can he get it back?

And he does.

Just when you think it's over,

Both guys battle back.

Your neck is hurting.

Your body's fatigued.

You're mentally exhausted, but

You cannot give up.

This is too tense, man.

We're now one hour, 20 minutes

Into this challenge.

That is a long time.

You're looking straight up.

Balancing a statue.

A long section of poles.

Jeff: keith wins individual


Is he okay!

Jeff: medical!



Is he okay!


Is he all right!


Is he all right.

Guys, clear a little spot for


Oh, my god.

He, like, passed out.

Bud, we're right here with

You, you're in great happens.

Oh, my god!


Can you hear me, joe?

( Beeping ).

He literally, like, passed


That's not what h we wanted.

That's scary.

Jeff: joe, you've got our

Medical team here.

They're taking care of you,



Take it easy, man.

Jeff: dr. Joe, just so we

Can catch up, what's raepg right


To the point where he's not able

To support himself.

He just collapsed.

My legs went numb.

Don't worry, joe.

Just take it easy, man.

Jeff: yeah.

Can we bring in an umbrella?


Joe, are you starting to come

Back enough to realize what



I just blacked out, and then

That's the last I remember.

I just wanted it so bad.

I love this game, man.

I want to play it, like, as hard

As I can.

Jeff: I think this effort

Just showed you are.

Your legs just collapsed.

Jeff: so, joe, the good

News is what dr. Joe is saying

Is that even though you clearly

Feel miserable, you're not in

Any danger of being pulled from

The game.

This is temporary.

Jeff: yeah.

Let's very gently, in stages,

Get you upright.

Sit up, sit up, sit up.

I go into immunity today

Thinking I'm going to win, and

Now I'm on my back going what


And I'm vulnerable again to

Getting votedly out at tribal.

Good job, joe!

All right, joe!

There's just no safety in

"Survivor," you know?

It's a tough, tough situation

For me.

Jeff: game continues.


Good job, kelley.

Good job, kelley.

Jeff: great effort not to

Be lost in the drama of all


You are safe at tribal council


Not going anywhere.



Jeff: well earned.

You are safe.

Not going anywhere.

I gotta say that the group of

You, when we had this idea for

"Survivor: second chance," this

Is what we hoped for.

A group of people willing to

Push themselves further than

They would ever dare push

Themselves back home in their

Normal lives.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

♪ ♪ ♪

Good job, guys.

That was pretty crazy.

That was a good one, wasn't


That was scary, man.

Sit down and rest.

It just took a lot out of me.

I bet, yeah "p."

The last thing I remember is,

I see stars.

And then it was just, like, I'm

Going down.

The immunity challenge was,

Like, watching a crazy soccer

Match, you know, brazil against


And to see joe the amazing lose

To a 52-year-old man, it was


And now, it's time for him to


Oh, she does!


Oh, my god!


The tides have turned.

Oh, my god.

So we get rid of joe and then

We decide what's best for us.

The fact that joe pushed himself

Until he passed out, that is


Because, like, I can't compete

With that.

So he's got to go.

Once we get him out of here, the

Girls are in control of this


You want to talk?


Can you get up?


Right now, it suction because

I don't have immunity, and I'm


But I went in to the last tribal

Without the necklace, and I'm

Still here.

So I'm pretty confident that I

Can do it again.

At this point in the the game,

Like, I'm thinking who's the

Most dangerous person to just

Get to the end.

Hands down, abi.

Just think about it.

In everyone's mind, they want to

Sit next to abi.

And with every vote that she's

Not voted out, she becomes more

And more dangerous to make it to

The end.

Yeah, that's true.

Sitting next to abi would be

Easy money.


I want players to go to the end.


I hear you.

Wrierks what it comes down to is

I need abi out of this game and

Jeremy's a smart guy, so I think

It's going to stick, and I think

It did stick.

What do you want to do?

Because, I mean, it's easy to be

Like, "let's get joe out."


Here's the thing.

The girls want to do an all-girl


But you guys have to trust it

Will not be all girls.

I've been locked in since day


And that's it.

I was planning on voting out

Joe, and then tasha tells me

This talk about an all girls'


Oh, my god.

Are you guys seriously

Nervous about this all-girl



I'm not nervous about the all


It's just so quiet right now.

It is a little calm.

It's never this easy.

So I told jeremy and spencer

About the all-girl alliance

Because I didn't want to risk

Having them find out about it

From someone else.

Because that would create


However, all I did was make them

Suspicious, which could mean


I'm concerned either way.

If we keep joe, I'm terrified.

If we get rid of joe, I'm



Oh, my god.

The problem is I'm not 100%

Convinced that tasha's idea of

Final three with myself and


Tasha might have the thought in

Her head, I can beat an abi.

I can beat a kimmi.

I can beat wentworth.

So we have to squash these girls

Before they get anything


If we can get keith, and if

We still have joe.

But who's the fifth?

We need tasha.

We've got to lock her in,


If those girls take over the

Ame, h me and spencer, we're all


Our games are over.

So having tasha on my side is

Crucial right now.

Okay, so, you vote out abi.

And that leaves joe in the game,

And then he wins out.

You think you're going to win


You couldn't beat him today.

Spencer couldn't beat him today.

Joe escaped one tribal council,

And I don't want him to escape

Another one.

But at this point, it's a


What is that powwow about?

Are people still writing joe?

I know tasha is 100%.

I don't want to go to tribal

Council not knowing what's going

To happen.

So we need to come to an


We're anything to be making a

Million-dollar decision, and I'm

Nervous as hell about that.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.





And fish back, voted out at the

Last tribal council.

Joe, one of the most dramatic

Moments in "survivor" history

Today when you dropped.

How are you feel?

I'm okay.

I'm not great by any means.

I mean, I've pushed myself.

You know in sports, but nothing

Like this.

And it's-- it's humbling.

I have my breaking point, too.

Jeff: kimmi, what was it

Like when you saw that?

I mean, it was an epic battle

Between them.

I mean, just watching it, it was

Jaw dropping.

And to see somebody go down, I

Mean, it was frightening for us.

Jeff: so, wentworth, once

You realized he's going to be

Okay, how quickly does your

Brain go, all right, I gotta be


I am in a game.

Yeah, I mean, it definitely

Crosses your mind.

I mean, he stood there until he

Passed out.

Like, he could cothat in any

Challenge and beat all of us to

The end.

I mean, it had to have crossed

Everyone's mind like, holy crap.

These guys will literally pass

Out to win a challenge.

Jeff: jeremy, are you able,

Also, to say, back to game mode?

Dude does not have immunity?

Yeah, I mean, as soon as you

Find out that he's all right,

You start thinking, all right,

Joe, doesn't have immunity.

Do we take him out?

But you have a game plan, and

It's not just going to change

Just because joe doesn't have


You can't have blinders on.

Because these next few votes

Are-- are crucial.




Jeff: and, jeremy, this is

Where the invoice of voting

Blocks versus alliances starts

To get very expensive, because

The thing about an alliance is

Theoretically you can count on

It to a certain point.

The thing.

A voting block as you guys have

Been explaining it's new every


At some point, especially

Right now when you're getting

Down to the nitty-gritty, you

Gotta start picking an alliance,

Because you don't want to end up

On the bottom of the voting

Block at the last part of the


You know what I mean?

Jeff: what does that mean

In terms of us getting ready to


I feel like people know who

Is on the chopping block right


Jeff: do you think everyone

Knows who is on the chopping


I always feel like I am, so

I'm going to throw my hand up

Saying I am.

Jeff: abi, for what reason?

Every tribal I feel that I'm

On the bottom because of the

Connection I have with wentworth

And ciera.

I think that's going to keep on

Haunting us.

Well, I think you're a threat

In the game because everyone

Would want to take you to the


She's in the perfect spot to

Make it past a vote, another

Vote, another vote.

And yet she's still here.

But I'm not confident they

Won't be going home tonight.

I do feel there is a


And, yet, look, she's sitting

Up straight, happy as a clam.

Jeff: spencer, joe brings

Up this conversation about who

You might crag to the end

Because they can't win.

They're still taking up a spot

In the final three.

And it might be your spot.


When this person that you'd love

To sit next to doesn't actually

Help your chances of getting to

The final three, that's when it

Becomes a problem.

Jeff: abi what, do you

Think is going to happen


Is this all a bunch of nothing

Because we already know what's


There is a mold going on and

It's affecting the other


And I think we have to get rid

Of the bad apple.

Jeff: and, joe what, do you

Think is going to happen


I hope that the people that I

Said today that I was going to

Do what I said I was going to do

Stick to that plan and we

Continue moving forward.

Because if not, it's going to go

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

The big threats in the game

Right down the line.

It only takes four after this


And if you don't have four that

You can absolutely trust, you're

Going to be 8, 7, 6.

Jeff: other, it is time to


Wentworth, you're up.

You're moldy.

You gotta go, and, please, get a

Haired cut.

You look like a clown.

I have the terrifying feeling

That this is either a winning or

A losing vote.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, joe.



One vote joe, one vote abi, one

Vote tasha.


Two votes joe.


That's three votes joe, one vote

Abi, one vote tasha.

12Th person voted out and

The sixth member of our jury,


You need to bring me your torch.

Jeff: joe, the tribe has


Good luck, y'all.

Boys, best of luck.

Jeff: time for you to go.

Well, the question of tonight's

Tribal seems to be was an

Alliance formed tonight, or was

This just the perfect

Opportunity to take out a big


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff:next time on

"Survivor": after a huge

Mindside, jeremy and spencer are


I'm deeply concerned.

I think we're in trouble.

I feel my game slipping away.

Expwhr but backstabbing isn't

The only danger in "survivor."


You okay?

I need help!

I have no regrets.

I don't leave anything back

Behind me and say I could have

Done this better or that better.

I tried to play the best game

They knew how, and had so much

Fun and I was able to reach so

Many goals and just getting my

Dad out here, that alone for me

Was a million-dollar experience,

And I have the fans to thank
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