01x08 - Tolerance Is Extinction Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The X-Men '97". Aired: Coming soon*
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Animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero team X-Men and the plot will continue where the original series left off.
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01x08 - Tolerance Is Extinction Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Scott] Previously on X-Men...

Right now, we have to be strong.

-For the team.

For every mutant still out there
who's watching these images.

Why would we possibly believe
a murdering maniac like you, Trask?

[Bolivar] He said nothing about Genosha.

He didn't say it'd be a mutant m*ssacre.

Who didn't?

[Bolivar] You call him Mister Sinister.

Help us get the real bad guys.

I have nothing.

Same, sugar.

Rogue, what have you done?

-[Bolivar screams]
-That maniac k*lled Remy and...

-[ominous voice] Terminate mutants.

What in the name of all heaven?

-[Prime Bolivar] Mutant neutralized.
-[all grunting]

Trask got it wrong.

Sinister's working for someone else.
Someone worse.

And if you X-Men don't stop him,

there won't be much of a future
worth living in.

[Bastion] The villains of old
have been failing

since '92 to squash these pests.

You were one of those villains once.

Yet, unlike the rest of you, I evolved.

[theme music playing]

Have you two had a chance to speak?

Apparently, his mutant power
includes vanishing from any room I enter.

He's stubborn.

Wonder where he got it.

Any word why Bishop's not with him?

He told Beast they were separated
in the time stream.


Cable, landed in the future alone.

I sent Nathan away
to give him the best possible future.

And it was so horrible,
he's come back to stop it.

Think of it another way.

Your son came back

because he needs his father.

I'm doing a bang-up job.

Never thought to ask the Professor
to show me how he did what he did so well.

Be a father.

[Jean] Some lessons are taught, Scott.

Others are learned.

[Cable] His name is Bastion.

In my timeline,
he used the fallout from Genosha

to get backing
for his Prime Sentinel program.

But that ain't the worst part.

The Prime Sentinels are created
using the same Techno-Organic Virus

Sinister infected me with as a baby,
rewriting their DNA.

[Hank] If true,

his Prime Sentinels would be
living weapons capable of reproducing,

literally giving birth
to a new apex species

designed to replace mutants
like humans did Neanderthals.

[Cable] Exactly.

Bastion's evolutionary w*r
lasted 300 years.

So another dystopia
where Logan's the last to die.

-[Logan scoffs]
-[Cable] No. A utopia.

Like old pieces of tech,

Bastion saved humanity by upgrading them.

Any mutant who survived was put to work.

Xavier's dream came true.

Mutants ushered in
a bright and peaceful future

as its backbone.

Why the heck didn't you stop Genosha?

Take a seat, Logan.

Aw, Daddy's home.

I've tried it all, over and over.

[automated voice] Each time we attempt
to stop the att*ck on Genosha,

we are temporally pulled away
from the event.


The mystics of Kamar-Taj
speak of absolute points.

Events that occur across all timelines.

Cable could travel
to the very moment Genosha fell,

but time would stop him.

It was you.

You're why Madelyne was happy when she...

She saw you.

How many times?

Enough to give up.

But a rebel in my future

got a lead on one of Bastion's facilities
in your time.

But at least now, here, today,
I can avenge her.

[Cyclops] There are
too many question marks here.

Like who exactly is Bastion?

Details are sketchy, but best guess,

he's some type of backup android
that Master Mold uploaded into

after you took him down.

We need to do reconnaissance.

Figure out exactly what we're facing.

I know all I need to know.

That machine k*lled my mother.

[Cyclops] We need to make sure
he doesn't do the same to anyone else.

A couple centuries late
on the overprotective dad bit, huh?

Both of you, stop it! Look.

[Lilandra] And our empire
shall welcome a new emperor.

Professor Charles Xavier.

To the might and glory of the Imperium.

[crowd cheers]

This shocking off-world transmission
was released by the UN,

who now fear
the X-Men faked their mentor's death

to garner support for mutants.

Even more alarming
are the reports that Xavier's assassin,

Henry Gyrich, was found m*rder*d
in Mexico City today.

[grunts] It's Bastion.

It's starting.

Bastion's been playing us from the get-go.

It's time to turn the tables
and end his twisted plans for the future.

[man] This lying Professor Xavier may
bring an alien army to Earth's doorstep.

And who's going to suffer?

All of us.

And it's a shame, because it gives all...

[Ford] Will 10 cases of wine be adequate
for tonight's charity gala, ma'am?

Make it 15.

Checks with sloppy signatures still cash.

I'm hosting a fundraiser here for Genosha.

Somebody needs to help those poor souls.

The X-Men certainly aren't.

We were trying to keep you people
from coming after the Professor again.

"You people"?

Well, thankfully,
my guests and I don't believe

that a few bad apples
spoil the whole bunch.

[Jubilee] You know what?

This party sounds super lame anyway.

Come on, Roberto.

You have a trust fund,
and I have good taste.

I think we both
could use some retail therapy.

You can help her, Miss Grey?

[Jean] Yes.

And please, call me Jean,


[Nightcrawler] Hmm. Madelyne preferred
her first name, too.

It was hard for her,

a telepath who could not trust
her own memories,

who fears the past as much as the future.

I should've reached out to her.

With the psychic connection
we shared, it's as if

Madelyne's memories are my own.

It's odd. I see her son

and I remember him kicking inside me.

And Scott listening,

and those cravings
for oranges with cottage cheese.

Just like I remember
telling my friend Storm

that I wanted him to be born human.

And then, I remember holding him
for the first time.

Knowing, human or mutant,

he's perfect.

But it's all a lie.

Memories are merely dim images
echoing with emotion.

Does it matter
if you heard his first cries,

if you remember how it felt to hear them?

But he's Madelyne's blood.

I was abandoned
by my mother, Mystique, as an infant.

Despite our shared blood,

I was too blue for her.

Then I met Rogue years later.

We could've been enemies or strangers.

Instead, unlike our mother,

we chose not to abandon each other.

To let go of the past

and simply be family.

Blood is blood.

Family is a choice.

[Hank] Cable's lead points
to a town called Harmony,

outside Pittsburgh.

I'm uploading the coordinates for you now.

That's where you'll find Bastion.

Make it fast, McCoy.

The villagers got their hands
on pitchforks and torches.

[Dr. Cooper] Huh.
Bastion's very own Dr. Mengele.

[Mister Sinister chuckles]

What's so funny?

I knew Mengele.

He could've been so much more.

But he settled on being a n*zi pup.

I'm using Bastion.

Pig pens brimming
with mutant test subjects.

That's my dream.

[reporter on TV] Officials are
discussing how to take action...

Henry Gyrich's m*rder in a secure location
at the time of his death.

[reporter 2] And, while no government
has claimed responsibility,

some speculate
the att*ck on Genosha to be...

Bastion says you haven't spoken a word
since Genosha.

[reporter 2] Nations refusing
to allow mutants

displaced by the brutal att*ck on Genosha

to return to their home country...

I didn't know, I swear.

[reporter 2] This, as rumors swirl
that everything...

I'm sorry,

[sighs] for everything.

Forgive me, curse me.

Just please, talk to me.

You must have something to say.

Too late for cocoa

and apologies?

Didn't recognize you without your camera
and microphone, Miss Tilby.

No more yellow journalism for me.

Though the X-Men locking up
the lead suspect behind Genosha

in their basement
is a pretty big headline.

Good doctor's been hoisted
by his own petard.

Now a cyborg variant
of the very machines he invented.

How many like him are out there?

[Hank] We shall know momentarily.

[Cable] This address doesn't look like
any Sentinel facility I've seen.

[Cyclops] Jean?

This is no Sentinel facility.

This is Bastion's childhood home.

He grew up here.

I sense another mind.

Oh. My son said
you'd come get me tomorrow.

You there, the big one.

Help an old woman up.


Please, make yourselves at home
while I pack.

Well, guess we play along.

[Jean] He drew these.

Just who is this guy?

-Neanderthals were brutish creatures...
-[Jean] I see a child

who could hear things.

Not thoughts. Machines.

[young Bastion] Stop. No.

[Master Mold] You shall be
the most powerful mutant alive.


[Jean] And the boy's father,
a school janitor,

being infected
by something from the future.

Sentinel technology.


Creating something new,

parts, past, present and future.


Mom, will I ever be normal?

You are normal.

You're my son.

He's descended of every Sentinel,
from Master Mold to Nimrod.

Mutated, evolved, born.

You should've warned us about Genosha.

Well, I did.

But I also said,

"Bully an underdog too long,
and people start feeling sorry for them."

Like when our village idiot, Gyrich,
made a martyr of Xavier and...


but really, guilt.

So I hand humanity Genosha.

Overload their bandwidth,

too much to compute.

Because when your skin's not in the game,

apathy is your answer.

[Dr. Doom] Do not mistake Doom's collusion
as indifference to flagrant w*r crimes.

Next time, I'll send memos.

But right now,
we press on with the rollout.

[Zemo] Your Sentinel program can't go wide

so long as leaders like President Kelly
see the X-Men as allies.


And already handled.

We also request Dr. Cooper stay with you

to ensure those memos go out.

Nifty. I'll even throw in a tour.

Alliterative allure aside,

Genosha's not genocide.

It's time management.

In a hundred years,
mutants outnumber humans ten-to-one.

And generations later, human extinction.

It's like the scary ozone stuff
in the news.

"Act today to save tomorrow."

Enter Operation Zero Tolerance.

Trask Sentinels.

Well, they're too blunt.

Mutants spot 'em a mile away.

We need something deadly, but discreet.

Before today,
this fellow was your average Joe.

With all this mutant-loving,

people like Joe turned
to dial-up chat rooms to speak freely,

to connect.

Builders lay off a dozen workers

and hire one mutant
with the strength of 10 men.

What's a taxi driver supposed to do

when a teleporter
gets you there in a blink?

The human community is scared.

Of course they are.

They've been told over and over

that the future is leaving them behind.

But I invite them to be relevant again.

Do these people even know
what you're doing to them?

[Bastion] I omit
the more technical details,

but they know they're joining something
far greater than themselves.

After this, they wake up
in their daily lives,

with no memory of ever being here.

Then, who knows?

Maybe a mutant flirts with one of them
at a local dive bar and...

[Dr. Cooper] You said you were building
a new Sentinel,

not weaponizing civilians.

You sound like a dinosaur

fretting the fate of an asteroid
before impact.

[Dr. Cooper] I'm more concerned
you're the asteroid, Bastion.

Do you have children?

He was a hard pregnancy, Sebastion.

Nearly lost him.

It's important to cherish
every second with your child.

They grow up so fast.

Here, let me show you his best one.

Painted it when he was 16.

The Final Dream, he called it.

-Like all good art...
-[digital beeping]


...it imitates life.

Jubes, we gotta give my mom time.

This is all new to her.

[Jubilee] While you give her time,

you're giving me this new outfit.


Actually, save 'em. Love it.

Yo, Ford. A little privacy.

Surrender, mutants.

[Hank] I've recalibrated Cerebro to scan
for cyborg brain frequencies like Trask's.

Would they know they're Sentinels?

Trask didn't. Not at first.

[alarm beeping]

Oh, my stars and garters.

We must warn the team.

[Prime Trish] Don't.


You'll spoil his surprise.

He's artistic, my creator.

But you see it, too.

It takes a mutation to b*at one.

Heartbreaking, realizing
you're no longer Mother Nature's favorite.

All those years telling us
to face the future, your future.

But now...

Surrender, mutants.

I gotta talk to Hank
about his taste in women.

[Cyclops] Cable, any of those
nifty grenades of yours?

Yeah, I might need a few more.

[Jean] He's turned
his entire hometown into...

[Cyclops] Nathan, Jean, run!

Did your butler just turn
into a Sentinel zombie?

I am totally done with malls.

Meet outside.

[growls] Fancy a trip
to the junkyard, Tin Woman?

-Filthy Neanderthal.

Why resist the inevitable?

Lady, I got six reasons why.

[Nightcrawler] No, mein Freund.


[Nightcrawler] We must get them away
from Rogue.


[both panting]

Oh, man! Everyone can fly but me.


Ugh. You, too?

I know.

I've been practicing in the Danger Room.

I wanted to surprise you.

Still figuring out steering!

Come on, use a seat belt.

[sighs] Screw it.
I'm not doing this again.

[Jean] Nathan, get in the back.

[Cable] Quit bossing me around.

Hank's gonna k*ll you.

This is the third Blackbird
in as many months.

You have a Porsche?

Watch out!

They're boxing us in.

Time's taught me anything,
when you can't go back,

plow forward.

Okay, let's show these toasters
why you don't screw with the Summers.

[people chattering indistinctly]

-[people exclaiming]
-[woman] What?


these k*ller robots are trying to k*ll me.

We do not k*ll mutants.

We save them.

Stand down.

[man gasps] Oh, my God,
her son's a mutant.

Meu filho, do what the men say.

[Daria] You did it.

You saved the world.

[digital beeping]

That human wretch let Magneto out.

She's lost her mind!

[Bastion grunts] Of course she did.

Still, too little, too late.

[Bastion] You just had to let the dog out.

Do you understand the futility
of your bleeding heart,

of fighting the future?

You're a monster.

I was born this way.

[groans and struggles]

[Dr. Cooper] You know,

in Genosha, I felt a lot of things.

Pain, grief,

admiration for those who fought,
despite the odds.

But you know what the oddest thing was?

No one seemed shocked or surprised.

Not even me.

Yes, I was scared,

but really, I just had
the most profound sense of déjà vu.

As if past, present and future
didn't matter and never had.

Because we always end up
in the same ugly place.

Thing is,

Magneto knows us better
than Charles ever did.

Knows we know better.

That most of us experience
tragedies like Genosha

as a bit of déjà vu
before getting on with our day.

But the scariest thing about Genosha
wasn't the death or the chaos.

It was a thought.

The only sane thought you can have

when being chased by giant robots
that were built to crush you.

Magneto was right.


Magneto actually did it.

What? Saved our hides?

No. Declared w*r.

Where's the Professor when you need him?

[engine whooshing]

[Professor X]
I hope that I'm not too late.

To me, my X-Men.
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