30x05 - Rock Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x05 - Rock Out

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[Jane] Here in Pine Ridge,

Lord Zedd's forces have built one
of their extremely creepy-looking prisons

for anyone who resists
their takeover of our planet.

[woman screaming]

[J-Borg] We've received reports
of prisons like this

being set up
in major cities around the world.

Rangers have tried to defend the planet,
but Lord Zedd's army is so overwhelming

that all the Rangers
are prisoners now too.

We just need to stay strong,
people of Pine Ridge.

[Zentinal] It's the media.

Arrest them.

-[screams] Scary!
-[tense music playing]

[static crackles]

Well, you weren't kidding when you said
things had gotten bad back on Earth.

Zedd's forces aren't messin' around.

Ordinary people behind bars,
other Power Rangers droppin' like flies.

And our team can't do a thing to help
from all the way out here.

You all made the right choice
by teleporting here

because we're still free.

Agreed. And when we're ready
with our counterattack,

Zedd won't even see us coming.

My girlfriend's superhero team
are Earth's only hope. Pretty cool.

Yeah, if we figure out how to beat
the anti-Zord force field.

[Solon] And if we finish turning the base
into a spaceship, which will take...

-[pots banging]
-[Solon] Uh...

We're all hearing that, right?

That better not be a scuttleworm.

[Javi] ♪ He's a madman, a megalomaniac ♪

OMG! This is hardcore!

♪ On a comeback, he's just a throwback ♪

It's definitely new.

What did those poor pots and pans
do to him?

♪ I H-A-T-E the Emperor of Evil

♪ X-Y, Lord Z should be illegal


-[tense music playing]

Hey, guys.

Uh, Javi. Are you okay?

That new song was... a lot.

[Solon] Hmm.

What's wrong?

Lord Zedd is the worst.
It feels great screaming about it.

Oh man, this is my favorite pancake pan.

I'll buy you a new one when we get home.
But it was worth it.

Something about metal music
just helps me de-stress, you know?

Maybe so, but this music
isn't exactly making us think about

cuddly puppies and unicorns.


It's just kinda hard to hear
your own thoughts over all the banging.

Well, I loved it.
I took drum classes till the tenth grade,

so I know not everyone can play like that.

It takes serious rhythm.

Thanks, Fern.

I think my arm
is finally starting to improve.

I think I'm getting the hang of this tech.

-[communicator beeps]
-[Solon] Oh, it's Mick.

He's just sent through
some sort of news story.

Good afternoon. I'm here on planet Akraal
with Bajillia Naire, CEO of Squid Ink Inc.

[Bajillia] The galaxy's
greatest mining corporation.

Uh, yes, that.

And she's ready to share with us
her squid-tastic new find.

[Bajillia] We've dug up
a mighty w*r w*apon.

A giant eye. [laughs]

[Bajillia] Attached to a giant Dragon Zord
buried right here.

[Scrozzle] Readings say it's dormant.

[Bajillia] Don't rain on my parade.
Just make it work! [clears throat]

When our evil Ranger pilots this Zord,
Lord Zedd's forces will be even stronger.

[host] There you have it, folks.

Up next, we have our interview

with the monster metal band,
The Jaw Snappers.

How did a Zord end up
on a random mining planet?

And not just any Zord.

I remember seeing 11 Zord carvings
on that altar back on Zordnia.

And one of 'em
looked exactly like that dragon.

It must have been separated
from the fleet like a zillion years ago.

Monsters activating a Zord
to use against us?

That's not cool.

We gotta stop them.

Something about this stinks.

Hate to say it, but I can think of someone
who'd bait us out of hiding to trap us.

[Solon] Ollie.

[Zayto] You might be right.

But if that Zord is real,
we can't let them have it.

If I could get to it undetected,

I think that the Morphin Masters Staff
might activate it.

Well, that's a big "might" there, dude.

That place has
to be teeming with Bajillia's crew.

Can't we try to get the base flying?

She has a point.

We just got you back, Zayto.
You'll be squid bait if you got caught.

You're both right. But an evil Ollie
and a Zord is not something we all want.

We have to do this. Agreed?

I guess the question is, how?


It's like when Dad sings
boy band stuff in the shower.

Super distracting.

-[energetic music playing]

Hey. Who wants to start a metal band?

[Solon] Are you okay, Javi?

Do I need to make you
a nice cup of marshmallows?

Wait, I get his drift.

That interviewer mentioned a monster band.

So they like music.
A band could distract Bajillia's crew.

-See? Fern gets it.
-[Fern chuckles]

That way, you can sneak onto the Zord

while the monsters
are jammin' out to our music.

Good idea.
But isn't Ollie going to recognize you?

Well, he might.

But not if we're disguised.

[Solon] Maybe my abandoned craft projects
will be useful after all.

Wait, this might actually work.

Hold on. Hold on.

Ollie might be evil,
but I'm pretty sure he can still count.

If he realizes it's us,
he'll figure out someone's missing

and go after the Zord right away.

Still got it. Consider that my audition.

[laughs] Yes! You're hired.
Problem solved.

Whoa, whoa. You want my girlfriend
to pretend to be in a band

on a planet of dangerous monsters?

-Problem not solved.
-Babe, your team is in a corner.

Javi and I are the ones
who can really play an instrument.

This is the way. I'll be careful.
And you'll all keep me safe. Right?

[Solon] Mm.

Fine. You're right. As usual.

But let it be known, I am not stoked.

[Fern laughs]

So... it's fake it till we make it
for the rest of you.

Which instrument do you want?

[tense music playing]

[Zentinals grunting]

[Aiyon] Once we're inside,
monster voices only.

[Izzy] And, Fern, don't speak
unless you absolutely have to.

[Fern] Yeah, yeah.

[Amelia] Here we go. Guard ahead.

[Javi] Whoa, wait, wait.
What's our band name?

-[Izzy] Oh.
-[Javi] Um...

[robot 1] Stop. Identify yourself. Ow.

[Javi, disguising voice] Uh, we're a band.
Called, uh, Meat... Chrome. Yeah.

[Amelia] Oh. Yeah.

-[Javi] Mrs. Naire called us to play.
-[Amelia] Yeah.

-[Javi] Her workers found her a Zord.
-[Amelia] Yeah.

[robot 1] A concert? Wow.
Bajillia's never given us a treat before.

[robot 2] Nothing like monster metal
to get your motor runnin'!

-[group] Yeah!
-[Amelia] Meat Chrome!

-[Aiyon] Meat Chrome!
-[Amelia] Meat Chrome!

-[Javi] Meat Chrome!
-[Amelia] Yeah!

[Javi] Meat Chrome! Meat Chrome!

[overseer] You there!
Back to work! Dig more so I don't have to.

[workers grunting]

[Izzy] We're all set up.

-[Javi] Good to go?
-[Izzy] Mm-hmm.

[Javi] Testing.

Hello, miners. Come on over.

'Cause today is your lucky day.

We are Meat Chrome,
and this song is for you.

[bass guitar playing]

[Izzy screams]

-♪ S-A-D, sadistic
-[crowd cheering]

B-A-D, ballistic

M-A-D, narcissistic

[worker] Whoa!

[Izzy] ♪ He's a madman

[Amelia] ♪ A genius mastermind

[band] ♪ On a comeback
Revenge on humankind ♪

♪ Shout, shout ♪

[robot 2] Let's do it!

[band] ♪ Shout, shout, shout, shout ♪

[Izzy] ♪ I L-O-V-E ♪

♪ The Emperor of Evil ♪

[crowd cheering]

[robot 2] I can't believe we met them
and didn't get their autograph.

[band] ♪ Shout, shout, shout ♪

[workers grunting]

[Scrozzle] The Zord's still dormant,
but look at this.

It might be the remains
of some kind of laser blasting system.

It was found buried near the Zord.

This old thing must have been
in the wars eons ago,

most likely lost a battle,
and ended up right here for us to find.

-She's so annoying.
-[Scrozzle] Who?


She just had to brag about her find
on intergalactic TV.

Now she's sippin' on drinks
in her Squidrill.

Meanwhile, Rangers are bound to turn up
at any minute and steal this Zord.

It's whatever, though.

If they do show up,
I'll give them a nasty surprise.

[Scrozzle] Well, it'd be easy enough

if that there racket
wasn't so distracting.

[robot 3] Hey! Can I take a break
and go to Bajillia's free concert?

Ooh. It's so nice of her.


That doesn't sound like CEO behavior.

Something's not right. Stay here.

[robot 3] But I can go, right?

[Izzy] ♪ I L-O-V-E the Emperor of Evil ♪

-♪ X-Y, Lord Z, the Emperor of Evil ♪
-[goon grunting]

-[band] ♪ Shout, shout, shout ♪
-[Ollie grunts]

[Ollie] One, two, three, four, five.

That's gotta be them.

[band] ♪ Shout, shout, shout ♪

-[song stops]
-[chuckles] Oh, hey, bud.

She's a Ranger! They're all Rangers!


[tense music playing]

Link to Morphin Grid!

Scrozzle does have his uses. Such as...

Looks like somebody's jealous
of our new weapons.

-Poor wittle Ollie twying to catch up.

[Ollie] My Tricera Blaster is more use
than any of your toys. [grunts]

-[Izzy yelps]
-[Amelia grunts]

-[Ollie shouts]
-[Javi grunts]

[Ollie] See?

Fern, stay down. Come on.

[Javi and Aiyon grunt]

[robot 1] They're all humans.
No one makes us look like fools.

[robot 2] Except us.

It's Morphin' Time!

[energetic music playing]

-[all] Cosmic Orb!
-[creatures screech]

[all] Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]

[all] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Amelia] What? No applause?

[Ollie] Zentinals! Annihilate them.

[Rangers grunt, shout]

[Amelia] Hammer time!


[Aiyon grunting]

-[Zentinals groan]

[Aiyon] Oh yeah.

[Javi] Hyah! Ha!

And stay down.


Let's shred. [shouts]

[both grunting]

[Fern] Wow.

[Izzy] Catch!

Almost. A million years
more target practice.

and you'll be as good as me.

[Ollie] Shut your mouth!


Ha ha! Whoo-hoo!

-[Ollie groans]
-[Izzy] Okay.

-Maybe it'll take you two million.
-[Ollie] Huh?

-[Fern] Oh.
-[Ollie] Who is that?

[Izzy] Nothing. I mean, no one.

[Ollie] Let me guess. Zayto?

[Izzy] Hey. Uh, um...
is playtime over already? [grunts]

[both grunting]

[Izzy groans]

[Ollie grunts] What's the matter, big guy?
Still weak from hiding in a tree?


[Ollie] You? What are you doing here?

-[Ollie grunts]

Where is he?

Of course.

-[Ollie grunts]
-[Fern screams]

[Izzy] Fern!

I'm okay!

[Scrozzle grunting]

[Ollie] Get away from that Zord.

-[Scrozzle grunts]
-[Zayto] You're too late, Ollie.

Yep, definitely one of ours.

Now, let's see what this puppy...
uh, dragon can do.

-[Scrozzle grunting]
-[Bajillia] Really, Ollie?

If Scrozzle's that annoying,
talk to me before you tie him up.

[Ollie grunts] It wasn't me.
Surprise, surprise. The Rangers are here.

Do I get to say I told you so now?
'Cause I've been waiting all morning.


[Ollie] Not so fast. [grunts]


[Bajillia] Go, go, go!

[Scrozzle groaning]

[group groans]

[Zord roars]

[Bajillia groans] No!
That Zord will have to pass by the moon.

Copyguards, intercept it there
and destroy it before it leaves orbit.

I'll take care of the rest
in my Squidrill.

Because, apparently,
I have to do everything around here.

And somebody dig up Scrozzle!

[Zord roars]

[Zayto] Huh.

Wanna give me a warm welcome, huh?
Fine. Let's see how they like the heat.

Cosmic Dragon Fire!

[Zord roars]

[Zayto] Team,
if you can swing by the moon,

I've got two Copyguards
that'd love to meet ya.

[Amelia] Be with you
when we've cleared the decks.

[Aiyon] Mosa Splash!

[Zentinals grunt]

[robot 1] I hate this band.

-[robot 2] You thinking what I'm thinking?
-[robot 1] Yeah, we don't get paid enough.

[Izzy] Well, that part was easy. Fern!

Babe. Are you all right? Were you hit?

I'm definitely gonna need stitches.

[Izzy] Oh no. Anyone got a first aid kit?

I meant for the hole. [chuckles]

[Izzy] Uh, Fern. That is not funny.

-[Javi] It was.
-[Izzy] Not now.

[Amelia] Hey, cool it.
We gotta help Zayto, remember?

Does that mean I get to ride
in the Zord again?

[Izzy] Yeah, you're coming with me.
I'm not letting you out of my sight.

[Amelia] Zord Power! Now!

[energetic music playing]

[Zord caws]


[Zayto] Go, crush 'em.

[both groaning]

[Zayto] Nice one.


[Zayto] Cosmic Dragon Charge!

[cries out]

[Zayto] Wait, is that...

[Bajillia] The fight isn't over yet.
That's my Zord.

[Zayto] A boss fight too?

[Amelia] Hey. We were in the neighborhood
and thought we'd drop in.

[Zayto] Great. The Copyguards are toast,
but it's not over yet.

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord, ready!

[Amelia] Let's take this Squidrill down
before Bajillia gets too blasty.

Fern? You sure you're ready for this?

I can't believe I'm about to be
in a Megazord fight. What can I do?

[Izzy] Don't touch anything.
Every button is basically expl*sive.

-[button beeps]
-Oops. What did that do?

[Izzy] Fern! You remote-summoned
the Cosmic Wolf Zord.


[gasps] It's kicking butt. Yes!

[Amelia] If you liked the appetizer,
you're gonna love the main course.

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Megazord!

[Zayto] Cosmic Dragon Megazord!

[Bajillia groans] This is one meal
I'm afraid I'll have to pass on.

Good luck.

[Zentinal 1] Wait!
I hate it when she does that.

[Zentinal 2] Same.

[Rangers] Cosmic Mega Bolt!

[Zayto] Cosmic Blast!

[blast echoes]

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Victory!

That was the coolest thing I've ever done.

You won 'cause of
the Cosmic Wolf Zord, right?

[Izzy] Yeah. Sure.

[Amelia] Great job, Zayto.
The Cosmic Dragon Zord was on fire.

[Zayto] Yeah. Love it.

Ollie wasn't thrilled, though.

[Javi] And he didn't even compliment
my Lord Zedd song.

-I figured it'd be his jam.
-[Aiyon] The original's better.

'Cause I H-A-T-E

[all] ♪ The Emperor of Evil

X-Y, Lord Z should be illegal

We even had
the monsters singing along with us.

-Yeah, the plan went perfectly.
-[Izzy] Perfectly?

I mean, I know we got the Zord,
but Ollie's blast almost got you.

But it didn't. And me being there
distracted Ollie enough to help.

So it was worth it.
You guys missed out on an adventure.

Sounds like it.
But we've been really busy here too.

Cockpit's finished
and we installed new thrusters.

The Cosmic Cruiser's
ready for its final engine test.

[Solon] If the results are good,

we'll be able
to leave Erridus and head back home.

-Whoa. You two have been busy.
-[Fern and Javi chuckle]

[Solon] Well, that's not all.
A message came in from Earth.

It took a while to decrypt.
I think you'll want to see this.

[tense music playing]

[sighs] Rangers.


I hope you're receiving this message,
wherever you are.

First, I have some news.

Amelia, your mom's almost ready to pop.

I'm sure you're gonna meet
your little sister soon.

However, many civilians
have been captured.

Izzy and Javi, that includes your parents.

Word is, they're not in immediate danger,
but... who knows what Zedd has planned.

Ever since he started imprisoning people,

we've had to find ways
to protect ourselves.

The Rafkonians and I
have formed a resistance.

All sorts of people are ready to fight
to take down the invaders.

We've got a spy in the inside

who heard the Dino Fury Rangers escaped
when Zedd invaded.

Our bet is you haven't come back
'cause of the anti-Zord force field.

You're smart kids.

But guess what?

Our spy learned that every Squidrill
on Earth projects part of the force field.

That means if one goes down,
the whole thing fails.

A weakness we can use.

I like the sound of that.

[Tarrick] The resistance has
a plan of attack, but we need your team.

Contact us on this line if you can.

And whatever you do,
look after each other.

Mom and Dad are in jail?

We have missed a lot.

At least we're in a position to help.

Let's get off this planet
and give Tarrick a call.

[Solon] And first up, we need
to test the engines.

Who wants to be our pilots?

[tense music playing]

[Zedd] I can't trust any of you
to get a job done.

[Scrozzle] How is this my fault?
I was tied up and buried for three hours.

[Zedd] And why are you here, Squillia?

I sent you to help Omwhyzo
with the occupation of Earth!

[Squillia] I was helping, but then I heard
about the Zord Mom found.

My superhot new crush said I'd look
so cute if I snapped some selfies with it.

[Bajillia] Excuse me,
Squillia Shar Livia Naire!

You have a crush,
and you didn't tell Mother?

[Squillia] He's so dreamy!
Look at those goggles!

[Zedd] Stop going googly over goggles
and go find me those Rangers!

Actually, I've already found them.

[goon] And I can't wait
to hunt them! [laughs]

[Bajillia] Hold on. Who's your new friend?

[Zedd] Explain yourself, boy.

I put a tracker on the Cosmic Dragon Zord.

And the Rangers took it
to a planet called Erridus.

So I found Jozotic here.

He knows everything
there is about Erridus.

[Jozotic] Home of scuttleworms,

creatures ready to rip apart
anyone they meet.

[Scrozzle] Creepy-crawlies?
I didn't sign up for this.

[Squillia] Yeah, it's boring.

I miss my crush. Bye.

[Zedd] How do you know
so much about Erridus?

[Jozotic] The beasts there gobbled up
my hunting bots.

Now I seek revenge.

[Bajillia] You're not the only one.
I'll take you to Erridus.

After all, it's my Zord the Rangers stole.

When the Rangers have been obliterated,
we'll steal their entire fleet of Zords.

[Zedd] Go! All of you.
Eradicate the teenagers.

-[Bajillia] Come along.
-[Jozotic] Let the hunt begin.

-[Zedd cackles]
-[tense music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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