02x06 - Do-Si-Do

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Outer Range". Aired: April 15, 2022 - present.*
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Centers on Royal Abbott, a rancher fighting for his land and family.
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02x06 - Do-Si-Do

Post by bunniefuu »

just come out of the hole.

And if you hadn't had been there,
I don't know what would've happened.

The first question you should have
asked is, "What's beneath the land?"

[ROYAL] But I ain't asking that
'cause you ain't got answers.

But I have questions.

[JOY HAWK] I lived in
the 1880s for four years.

While I was there, I met a boy
named Royal who saved my life.

Now, Mrs. Thurbee, you know
everyone that comes to this town.

By chance, have you
seen this young lady?

[MRS. THURBEE] No, I can't say I have.

[JUDGE PETTIGREW] Where is Perry Abbott?

[TODD BARNEY] Amy Abbott
went missing three days ago.

He has chosen to try
to find his daughter.

Today is about the Abbott Ranch.

is in violation of his bail.

She needs $500,000 or
she's gonna lose her ranch.

- [PASTOR KEN] Cecilia, is that true?
- Mm-hmm.

If anything happens to my
granddaughter, may God forgive me.

[LEWIS] Will Amy forgive you

when she finds out what
you said to her mother?

[ROYAL] They say it took
six days to make the Earth.

How did they know it was six?

How can you even define a day
before you knew what a day was?

They use words to define how time moves,

how it bends, how it repeats itself.

But those are just words.

Nobody understands time
and what it really is.

If it's driven by Chronos
or moves of its own accord.

Nobody understands that
in the creation of man,

time had to be broken for man to exist.

And nobody knows if
God fixed that break,

or if He wanted to see
what we'd f*ckin' do

with that particular problem.

Would it define us...

or would it make us the ultimate joke

because we think so small?



Moment, moment...

The soaring...

They don't...

care to see.

I do.



I can tell them.

Lewis was with my mother at the rodeo.

And you...

And you, Grandpa, you,

you meant everything to me,
you meant everything to me.

And you were real, and
this is a beautiful thing.

It is everything to me, we share this.

You and I share this deeply.

Do you want...





- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

- How is she?
- Still sleepin'.

How did you know?

What, that she was Amy?

I just did.

How do you think she
tapped into all that?

Must've gotten her hands on the mineral.

Anything like that happen to you?

Visions like that?

two years ago, d*ed in my arms.



Little bits, nothin' like that.


Do you think she knows where Amy is?

If she does, she ain't gonna tell us.

You don't think you
can get it outta her?

She tried to k*ll me, Cecilia.

For some cosmic destiny bullshit.

It's been drivin' her since
she's been on our land.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

Just keep goin' till we find out.

Should we tell Rhett?


Hey, Dad.

[ROYAL] Hey, I need you to come over.


Come on, it's important, son.

Alright, I'll be there when I can.




You okay?

[MARIA OLIVARES] I feel like
God's having a good laugh

'cause I thought I was
gonna get out of Wabang.

It's just temporary.

We were on the right
path when we were running.

We were just...

Railroaded by a herd of bison.

When we head out to Whitefish,

there won't be any turning back.

I'm gonna go back to work until then.

I took sick days.

I never quit, actually.

I guess I was too scared to.

♪ ♪

[CECILIA ABBOTT] Where you been?

I'm not leaving this for anyone else.

Least of all Wayne.

Royal, I don't know how we're gonna
come up with that money by Monday.


Hey. How long was I out?

Quite a while. We
were worried about you.

- How are you?
- [AUTUMN] I'm okay.

[CECILIA] Yeah? You see
anything in your future?

Well, you did or you didn't?

If there's somethin' you
should tell us, tell us now.

I've always been an open book, Royal.

Being open's new for you.

You see Amy, where she might be?

I didn't.

Well, you said you don't remember
anything before you were nine.

Amy is not quite nine,

so maybe this part ain't
played itself out yet.

What do you want from me, Royal?

For you to understand how
painful it is that she's gone.

I would never wanna hurt you, Cecilia.

Going for a walk.


You notice her scars are gone?

I did.


How you doin'?

Pretty good.

The hole's back. I wanna show it to you.

I'll meet you in the barn.

It doesn't scare you at all?

Terrifies me.

But just 'cause I'm scared
doesn't mean it's going away.

So, gotta accept it.


Hey, Rhett, I owe Maria an apology.

I'll get it to her
when she comes around.

Appreciate that.


So Autumn's Amy?


What does that mean for Amy?

I got no idea.

But I need to find her and Rebecca

to make sure they keep as far
away from this place as possible.

How can I help?

Your mother and I are gonna find them.

I need you to keep an eye
on Autumn till we get back.

You say that like you think
she's gonna do something bad.

She has.

And from what I know, she'll keep going.

♪ Comin' back again ♪

♪ Like a rollin' thunder ♪

♪ Chasin' the wind ♪


♪ Forces comin' from the
center of the earth again ♪

♪ I can feel it ♪

♪ Oh, that feelin' ♪

♪ Comin' back again ♪

♪ Like a rollin' thunder ♪

♪ Chasin' the wind ♪

♪ Forces comin' from the
center of the earth again ♪

♪ I can feel it ♪


♪ I can feel it ♪




I'm hungry.


Okay, I'll fix you something.

How are you feeling?

I had a bad dream.

- No, no. [GASPS]
- [REBECCA] It's okay. It's okay.

- [AMY] No, no!

No, no, no!



Yeah. You did.

But it went away, right?

Good girl.

Go brush your teeth.

[MARTHA HAWK] It's too
soon for you to go back.

I was there four years
when they took this.

We need to stop talking around it, Joy.

Tell me what happened.

You remember the realty company
we bought this house from?

Mm-hmm. Shelton Cape Realty?

That was the fourth Shelton Cape.

Shelton Cape I met...

tried to r*pe a Shoshone girl,

and then hunted me down
to try to k*ll me too.


Just, please...

Just be patient with me.



when will the judge be in?

Alright. Tell him I'm stopping by.

Still around, I see.

Billy's getting better.

You hear him singing this morning?


Asked him if he wanted breakfast.

He just looked at me and nodded.

Could be he's still having some feelings

about you deserting him like that.

That about the Abbott Ranch?

I wanna move on the sale quick-like.

Dad, did you know what
was in that West Pasture

when you told us to
offer a million for it?


I did.

How come you didn't tell us about it?

Because the three of you were
not ready to digest any of this.

You play this wrong, Dad...

I'm very aware of
everything that's going on.

I remember everything.

I came outta that coma.

Billy's voice is coming back,

all because of what's
in that West Pasture.

I'm no fool regarding
what I'm about to attain.

Well then, you should
let me help you with it.

Ooh, don't smother me.

And when it's time, I'll let you know.

Feed your brother.

Healing up, I guess.

Getting there.

And Jesus doing his work.

Did you take something outta my room?

[SNIFFS] Don't think so.

Didn't take nothin' belonged to you.

Do I need to be worried about you?

You need to be worried about eatin'.

I'm not f*ckin' hungry.

Well, Dad says you need to eat.



Mm! Oh, that's good.



Are you willing to die for her?


I liked it better
when you couldn't talk.

You don't understand what you're doin'.

Oh, I understand.

A lot better than you think.

Luke, whatever you
think you have with her,

it's not gonna end well.

It's not supposed to
be you. She needs me.

Not anymore.

[BILLY TILLERSON] What do you mean?

You gave it to her.



Eat your food.

I love you.


[AUTUMN] My response will
lead to waking 'em up,

but people don't wanna be woken up,

because they've built these constructs.

They've built these realms
where they live their lives,

and it's very difficult
for them to be derailed,

'cause it's very destructive.

It's my responsibility to wake
them up, but people don't like that

because I have no credibility,
because I'm an outsider.

Will you stop kicking that g*dd*mn rock?

Would you stop going on and
on about your dumb plans?

Oh, I'm sorry, I'll be quiet while
you tell me why you have to hurt me.

[TEEN AUTUMN] This is the toll, Amy.

The price of being a
miracle. Stop whining.

Why would I wanna hurt you, Amy?

We have to do what's necessary!

Will both of you just, just shut up?

Shut up!


[YOUNG CECILIA] Ben, get out here, now.

- Is this really necessary...
- Hey, watch it.

Ben, you wanna stay here, you need
to know how things are done here.

A way to act, a way to live.

Yes, ma'am, I understand.

Then apologize.


Wayne, I apologize that I interrupted

you lip-locking with
that buckle bunny...

Ceci, this son of a bitch is lying.

Cecilia, I'm sorry that
Wayne is such a d*ck.

- Wayne, stop it.

Is that really the best you got?

I think you two need to get to work.


Come on, Wayne.

[YOUNG ROYAL] You know, not
many people tell her the truth.

Yeah, well she needed to hear it.

And drinks are on me tonight.

Celebrate Wayne's broken nose.

Good job.


- [CECILIA] Pastor, hello.

[PASTOR KEN] I was wondering
if I could get a moment

with you and Royal.

[CECILIA] Of course, of course.

- Uh, come on in.
- [PASTOR KEN] Yeah, thank you.

Royal, pastor's here.

- Hey, pastor. How you doin'?
- Hey, Royal.

Hey, I'm good, Royal. Thank you.

I hope you don't mind me
showing up unannounced.

- [ROYAL] No, of course not.
- Of course not, please, take a seat.

Take a seat. Can I get
you something to drink?

Just some water would
be great, thank you.


Beautiful day out there.

[ROYAL] Yeah, sure is pretty, isn't it?

- So what brings you all the way out here?
- [CECILIA] Alright.

- Thank you.
- [CECILIA] Mm-hmm.

Well, I'll just get right to it. Um...

You know, when you and Autumn
came to see me yesterday...

- I'm gonna apologize for that.
- [PASTOR KEN] No, no, no, no.

I should apologize.

But after Autumn left, I
thought about what she said,

and, uh, she was right.

She made me realize I wasn't
doing everything I could

for one of our most important members.

Such as?

Well, she made me see the truth.

You know, sometimes we
forget that old moneyed Wabang

sits silently on their ranches,

you know, watching the world turn.

So I talked to one of them, Ty Riggins.


And I told him what Autumn said to me,

"Instead of putting it all on God,

show him you can handle
things on your own."

And I told him to remember
Cecilia's father and mother

and all that they did for Wabang,

all that you two have done.

And this morning he told
me he spoke to the judge.


They've paid the bail.

And they'll work out with you the
details of how to pay that loan back.


- [CECILIA] Thank you.

Mm-hmm. Amen.

[ROYAL] I mean, we're
very appreciative, pastor,

but our ranch never should have
been put up in the first place.

[PASTOR KEN] Oh, that's true.

This doesn't change matters with Perry,

but at least you don't
have that extra burden.


- Thank you.
- I'll, I'll see myself out.

- Thank you.
- I do hope everything works out.

- [CECILIA] Yeah.
- [ROYAL] Mm-hmm.



Well, we still need to
pay a visit to Lewis.


- Mm-hmm.
- [CECILIA] Mm-hmm.



- Can I get a coffee?
- [WAITRESS] Comin' up.


[RHETT] Thanks.

♪ They did the two-step
and the do-si-do ♪

♪ There on the Fourth of July ♪

You're Rhett Abbott, correct?

Who are you?

[NIA] Hmm.

Dr. Nia Bintu.

Director of Geological Science.

I want to talk to you
about your family's land.

You should talk to my dad.

I've tried. He's a stubborn man.

- Then you should leave well enough alone.

[NIA] That would be very stupid of me.

Especially with what's
on your West Pasture.

Do you know anything about
what's going on there?

Like I said, you should talk to my dad.

[NIA] Hmm.

You do know.

Are you a betting man, Rhett?


What's going on at your
ranch is unprecedented,

but it's in the hands
of a man stuck in time.

People like that never
do the right thing.

Your father is going to be pushed aside

by people who will inevitably come.

Unless he turns to someone like me.

I'm not going against my father.

[NIA] Oh, I don't want that.

I just want you to be
the good son you are.

Here's the bet I was talking
about to sweeten the pie.

I'll give you all the money you need

if you can get this spoon

in and out of there
without getting it wet.



If you think you can come in
here and get what you want,

'cause you swirled a f*ckin' spoon,

you're not as smart
as you think you are.

Time will tell.


- [LEWIS] Help you?
- Yeah, watch your feet.

The f*ck you say?


You were with Rebecca
the night she took Amy?

- f*ck you. [GROANS]

I'd tell her where Amy is, if I was you.

[CHOKING] I already told you the truth.

Amy told us you were with Rebecca, okay?

[LEWIS] Hold on, hold on.

She came to me and asked
me for help, I told her no.

- You...


Alright, he's too
used to getting beaten.

Let me take care of him.


She went to a women's shelter.

Her cousin works there.

Told her that she can stay there

until she figures somethin' out.

- [g*n COCKS]
- I swear, I swear.

- Where?
- Fourwing.

It's called Echoes.

Okay, if you're lying to us...

I don't wanna see
your white asses again.

- Alright, give me your phone.
- [CECILIA] Do it.

[ROYAL] I'm not gonna let you
call Rebecca. Give me your phone.

- These things are expensive, man.
- [CECILIA] Give it!

I need that for work.



[WAYNE] Make this make sense.

land remains the Abbotts'.

Their bail was paid for.

[WAYNE] I'm shocked.

After we had an
exceptional conversation...

almost transcendent.

Your exact words to me were...

"Wayne, this will all be taken care of."

I had no idea this would
work out the way it did.


Taken care of.

Taken care of...

- Wayne, please.
- Taken... care... of!

We're alright, give us a minute.

Wayne, I've done all I can.

Have you?



- I can help you.
- Hey.

Wanna find out how much
money's in my account.


Print and sign.

I'll be right back.


Didn't bring a g*n this time?

What's your name again?

You know my name.

God, it's so crazy how
all of this connects.

[SCOFFS] What the hell
are you talking about?

You know Rhett's gonna leave you, right?

What did you say?

Well, I've seen things, so I
know how the future's gonna turn.

Are you trying to start some sh*t
with me 'cause I called you crazy?

Don't let love make
you out to be a fool.

Leave before you are left.

Here you go.

Uh, no.

- I'm sorry?
- No.

What's wrong?

No! No! No! No!

No! No! No!




Never be afraid of death.

It's part of the full cycle of life.

[AUTUMN] Give me your hand.






I don't know what world
I ever thought I'd see

Wayne Tillerson drift
through that door again.

Nostalgia has got me in its vice.

Make me drunk.

Will do.


♪ For love may come and
tap you on the shoulder ♪

♪ Some starless night ♪

♪ And just in case you
feel you wanna hold her ♪

♪ You'll have a pocketful of starlight ♪

♪ Pocketful of starlight ♪

Royal, you there?






- Sheriff?

I'm starting to get worried.


Yeah, I'm here.

[DISPATCH] Oh, thank God.

We've been trying you
for the last half hour.

- Last half...
- [DISPATCH] Yeah.

Your missus was calling

to see if you wanted her
to bring you a lunch.

Yeah, tell her I-I'm good, thanks.

[DISPATCH] Will do.

- Heading back?

Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

You want anything else?


Some fries. I want some fries.

- Some fries?
- Mm-hmm.

[PERRY ABBOTT] You gonna
dip it in the ice cream?

- [AMY] No, yuck.
- [PERRY] Yuck?


[LUKE] Hey.

Guess you saw us meetin' here too.

[AUTUMN] I saw many things.

What stood out?

All of it.

I saw us.

I saw my past.

But most importantly, I saw Amy Abbott,

and how she's a part of all of this.

Amy? Why Amy?


She and I are the same person.

I don't understand.

We're the same person.

Isn't she with her mother?

[AUTUMN] Yeah, she is.

But she's inside me too.

Give me your hand.

I need to get Amy back here.

It's the only way that
all of this is gonna work.

Did you see Billy in your vision?


I know that he saw me in his.


Does that worry you?

If Billy served his purpose
in helping me find my way...

then I'll always be grateful to him.

But my destiny is in front
of me, it's not behind.

I saw you as my protector.

Did you see that too?


It's cool.

I've gotta make a run.

And after I do, we'll go find Amy.

Yeah, I'll be here.


Where's Royal?

Out there, under the moonlight.


[SISSY ABBOTT] Aren't you gonna
take your hat off to kiss me?

I see you did your
hair the way I like it.


Chet, you going to town?

- Nothing else to do.
- I'm comin' with you.


f*ck you!



♪ I'm not the kind of guy ♪

♪ To get down on my knees ♪


♪ Yeah, but all my foolish pride ♪

♪ Ain't worth the hurting inside ♪

♪ So, darling ♪

♪ I beg you, please ♪

♪ Just open your arms ♪

♪ You'll have no regret ♪

♪ Let's make up again ♪

♪ Kiss me and then ♪

♪ Forgive and forget ♪


♪ Sister Christian,
oh, the time has come ♪

♪ And you know that you're
the only one to say ♪

♪ "Okay" ♪

♪ Where you going?
What you looking for? ♪

♪ You know those boys don't
wanna play no more with you ♪

♪ It's true ♪



♪ You're motoring ♪

Well, g*dd*mn.

Ain't you the prize
on the silver platter?

This is the son of a bitch
I was telling you about.

Hey, why don't you
and I finish our talk?

f*ck you, Tillerson.

How you gonna explain this
to Ceci with a wired jaw?


- Come on!




You don't f*ck with
what I have with Cecilia!

Nobody fucks with me.

♪ Motoring ♪

♪ What's your price for flight ♪

Perry Abbott.

- Perry...
- f*ckin' Abbott.

Get off, back off!


Perry f*ckin' Abbott is travelin' time.



Man, get up. Get up now.

You good? Get in the
truck. Get in the truck.

You sh*t a man, Royal.

You and Ben will both be
off Abbott land by sunrise.

I leave that land...

you leave this Earth.

Easy, now.



[ROYAL] Listen, do you want
me to take you to the hospital?

No, I don't wanna go to the hospital.

So why you keep holding
your head like that?


My ear's ringin'.

My ear's been ringin' all day.

- I think the hole is back.
- What?

When I was a kid...

I heard the same ringing in my
ear right before the hole closed.

Take me to it.

Why the hell would you wanna do that?

I have my reasons, just
take me to the hole.


She left me.

Didn't tell me why.

Left our daughter.

And I keep looking for her.

Maybe she doesn't wanna be found.


You wanna go back?


My daughter... had a lisp.


When she was little.

Daddy came out fine, but...

you were always "Gwampa."

Yeah, we used to eat ice cream together.

I don't know what...

what's the right thing to do.

[LUKE] Holy sh*t.

I see you're up.

Well, you can't just lay around forever.

Did you see her?

[LUKE] You know I did.

How is she?

[LUKE] Beautiful as ever.

And what did she see?

[LUKE] Not you.

[BILLY] I think you're
trying to hurt my feelings.


I'm not trying to hurt nothin'.
It's just a fact, Billy.

It's not a fact, it's a vision.

Hmm, whatever.


I came here to tell
you she's with me now.

You remember Sam Killen?

Big kid tried to fight me
when I was in sixth grade?

What's that got to do with Autumn?

[BILLY] Remember what you said to him?

I do.

You said, "You wanna get to Billy...

you have to come through me."

And I loved you for that.

But Sam didn't hesitate.

He, he caught you off
guard, knocked you down.

He was kickin' the sh*t outta you.

And I was just standing
there watching, just frozen.

And then outta nowhere...

there's Trevor.

Trevor just about k*lled that kid.

The f*ck are you ever on about?

I've always looked up to you, Luke.

But you have lost yourself.

You're not good for her.


Well, you're just mad 'cause
you're second place, I get it.

No, you don't.

How about I put it to you another way?

I'll be you.

You be Sam Killen.

- The f*ck outta here.
- You got a choice to make, Luke.

You either let this go...

or you force my hand.

'Cause I will do anything
to protect her from you.


I love you Billy, I really do.

But there ain't no
world where you keep me

from the best thing that's
ever happened in my life.

Now get the f*ck out of my...

Are you f*ckin' serious?

Hey, hey, hey, you're
gonna thank me for this.

- What the... What the f*ck?

Get the f*ck off me, Billy.

- g*dd*mn it!

I'm not f*ckin' around!


Get the f*ck...


You can't win this.

You can't win this!



[LUKE] You f*ckin' piece of sh*t!






You will...

[LUKE] Billy?










Get the f*ck up!



[JOY] [ON PHONE] Lost an hour
standing there, felt like a minute.

Yeah, same thing happened to me.

What's happening to me, Royal?

Honestly, I couldn't tell you, Joy.

[JOY] You think maybe you and I
could... sit down and talk tomorrow?

It might really help me.

[ROYAL] Have you talked to your wife?

No, she, uh...

she understands a lot, but...

Well, Ceci and I are going outta town.

Can we talk when I get back?


Thanks, Royal.



[CECILIA] She okay?

No, she's far from it.

It's nine o'clock.

- Alright.
- Mm-hmm.


That's, uh, Rhett and Maria.


- [ROYAL] Hey.
- Hey, where's Autumn?

She's not here.

That woman came into the bank
and told me I should leave Rhett.

She talked about seeing the future.

She's crazy, she's nuts, okay?

Wh-Why is she in your house?
Why is she living with you?

I... Royal and I, we will
talk to her when she gets back.

Have her explain herself.

Just tell her to stay away from us.

I can do that, too.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. You know what?

I was rude to you the other night.

I'm sorry about that. There's
no excuse for it, okay?

I'm sorry. Can I get you some water?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Thank you.

[CECILIA] Rhett, just take a seat.

[AMY] What you're planning
isn't right, Autumn.

Yeah, yeah, well, your journey
has to begin for mine to continue.


You talking to yourself again?

Yeah. Something like that.


Where are we headed? [SNIFFLES]


- [CECILIA] Love you, Rhett.
- [RHETT] You too, Mom.


It's gonna be weird seeing
Rebecca after all this time.







♪ I'm a drunken hearted man ♪

♪ My life seems so misery ♪

♪ I'm the poor drunken hearted man ♪

♪ My life seems so misery ♪

♪ And if I could only
change my way of livin' ♪

♪ It would mean so much to me ♪

♪ I've been dogged
and I've been driven ♪

♪ Ever since I left my mother's home ♪

♪ I've been dogged
and I've been driven ♪

♪ Ever since I left my mother's home ♪

♪ And I can't see the reason why ♪

♪ That I can't leave these
no-goods womens alone ♪

♪ My poor father d*ed and left me ♪

♪ And my mother done the
best that she could ♪

♪ My poor father d*ed and left me ♪

♪ And my mother done the
best that she could ♪

♪ Every man love that
game you call love ♪

♪ But it don't mean no man no good ♪

♪ I'm the poor drunken hearted man ♪

♪ And sin was the cause of it all ♪

♪ But the day you get
weak for no-good women ♪

♪ That's the day that you surely fall ♪
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