03x02 - Wrath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x02 - Wrath

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Subject 22512-M.

Hemolysis at the time of death.

Lawrence, you make a case for pink teeth, you're asking for trouble.

As my students say, "Bring it on."

Subject 22512-F.

Tissue breakdown consistent with exposure.

Scavengers aren't eating, though.

What do you expect?

The place is a smorgasbord.

Who put them on the trail?

These don't belong to us.

Call the police.

You're contaminating our experiments.

Hey, be careful.


Are you the SAC?

You from Special Victims?

Detective Stabler.

Special Agent in Charge, Rod Franklin.

This is Doctor Talbot.

He runs this facility.

It's a hell of a place you got here, Doc.

Decay research, Detective.

We study death to help law enforcement.

Rates of decomp, cadaver-insect symbiosis, geology, cadaverine and putrescine compounds...

Thank you.

How'd they get in here?

We got drag marks inside and out of the compound.

The unsub parked on the back country road.

Anyone work here at night?

Strictly a day job, except for occasional experiments in the lab.

There security cameras?

Only people trying to break in here are drunken frat boys and brave Halloween pranksters.

Have you been briefed on the victims?

The two adult IDs were intact.

The Hispanic female was one of our unit's r*pe victims.

Detective Benson was the primary.

The minor we're still checking on.

The white male was the father of a r*pe-m*rder victim.

Also my partner's case.

Since you're senior in your department, you'll act as liaison.

I'll also need you to coordinate your primary detectives of record for a briefing at 1700 hours.

Law & Order: SVU
3x02 Wrath

Original air date: 2001/10/05

Elliot, all three victims were my cases.

Why wasn't I called to the body farm?

Because I'm the Feds' VICAP partner and there just wasn't enough time.

Look, the bodies were dumped at a federal facility, but Huang thinks that they were k*lled in the city, so it's our case.

No. No, it's not our case.

This is my case.

I'm the lead detective on this one.


Let's get started.

These are our three victims.

Our first victim was Peter Cordell.

I met Peter in 1993 when his daughter, Tina Cordell, was r*ped and m*rder*d.

I kept him updated on the case, I drove him to court every day and I held his hand when our perp, Victor Klaussen, was acquitted.

What went wrong with the case?

A series of lab mix-ups contaminated the evidence.

Pioneer days of DNA. There was nothing you could do about it.

What's the background on the Hispanic female?

Victim Number 2 is Carmela Barrantes.

She was r*ped and beaten three years ago by a g*ng-banger who's now serving 8-to-12 in Sing Sing.

I guess we can cross him off our suspect list.

Why? This might be a revenge k*lling by the g*ng-banger's crew.

But there's no g*ng affiliation between the other two victims.

Are we sure about that?

What about the 10-year-old?

Gangs are recruiting younger and younger these days.

Victim Number 3 is Clayton Derricks, who was physically abused by his father, Bruce Derricks.

When Clayton was placed in a group home, he was sodomized by an older boy and then he was placed in foster care, and I cannot tell you what it took to get this boy to trust me.

A missing persons report was filed yesterday by the foster mother.

Do we know cause of death?

Preliminary tox reports just came in.

All three victims were pumped full of sedatives and potassium chloride.

ME says death was painless.

Like that makes a difference.

Interview the families.

Let's find a connection other than Benson.

Home of Adam Cordell 424 West 38th Street Tuesday, February 27

By any chance, did your father know a Carmela Barrantes or a young boy named Clayton Derricks?

Dad met a lot of people while he kept Klaussen in his sights, but he never mentioned them to me.

When Tina died, I didn't think it could get any worse.

Watching her k*ller in the courtroom, seeing him smile when they declared him not guilty.

Mr. Cordell, the lab made mistakes.

That bastard's walking free.

He k*lled my sister.

He probably k*lled my dad.

He's just gonna get away with that, too?

Have you seen Victor Klaussen in the area?

Has he threatened you?

You know what that murdering scum is doing right now?

He's laying carpet in Queens.

Yeah, his brother-in-law got him the job.

He's married now.

His wife is pregnant.

Have you been stalking him?

No, my father used to follow him.

Always wanted to know where he was so he could tell everybody what he was.

And that got him k*lled.

Hey, Victor. How you doing?

I'm working.

Well, you need to account for your movements for the last couple of days.

I don't have to talk to you.

A jury found me not guilty, remember?

Okay. We'll talk to his wife.

I'm sure she'll tell us what we need to know.

Why can't you just leave me alone?

Like you left Tina Cordell alone?

You r*ped her, then you strangled her.

You know, you can't harass me.

Not you and not her old man.

Her old man is dead, Victor.


I can get on with my life now.

Why don't you?

Oh, we'd like to, except he was m*rder*d.

That makes you prime suspect number one.

You know, you can't pin that on me, all right?

The guy was unhinged.

I even had to get a restraining order, but you cops, you never enforced it.

Well, that's 'cause we figured a murdering r*pist like you can handle yourself.

You know, Tina had a smart mouth, too.

It got her in a lot of trouble.

That sounded like a threat.

Yeah, it did.

Maybe we should arrest him.

Ruin his day.

Arrest me for what?

How about an obstruction, resisting?

It's a long way to the station house.

I'll think of a thousand reasons by the time we get there.

We'll let you stew in the can for a few days, maybe even leak that you're a pedophile.

I bet after your arraignment, you'll tell us anything we want to know.

Okay. Two nights ago, I was home.

Last night my wife and I were at Lamaze class.

She has the number.

We're done.

Now we're done.

Mrs. Harding's Foster Home 450 East 106th Street Tuesday, February 27

At any given time, I've got six kids living here.

It's temporary until they can be placed in a home.

Clayton was with me three months, but he never warmed to me.

I guess he didn't want to get attached.

He run away a lot?

It's not unusual.

Clayton was pretty stable considering.

The younger kids looked up to him.

Did he run home to his father?

No. He hasn't seen his dad in a while.

Visits were always supervised.

Usually by Detective Benson.

When he did run, we could always find Clayton in the Bronx.

That was his old stomping ground?

That's where the group home is.

He has a close friend who still lives there.

I contacted them before I called the police, but the boy said he hadn't seen him.

What's his name?

Michael Washington.

Michael and Clayton first bonded over abusive fathers.

Then Michael tried to fight Clayton's attacker and got his arm broken for his troubles.

After that they were inseparable.

What happened to the r*pist?

He's now housed in the city's finest juvenile facility, where I'm sure he's honing his criminal skills.

Some reason why you didn't keep Clayton here with his friend?

His counselor thought it was best to move him to foster care and I disagreed, but I don't have a Ph.D.

Clayton's foster mother said she called here after his disappearance.

Yeah. I questioned the boy.

He assured me he hadn't seen Clayton in a while.

You believe him?


He probably thought his friend was in trouble, so he covered for him.

Michael, how you doing?

These detectives need to talk to you about Clayton and they would appreciate your honesty.

You need me to stay?


All right.

I'll be right outside.


What do you want to know?

Did you see Clayton yesterday?


Where'd you meet him?

Down the block.

He was all excited.

Got some letter saying he won a computer.

Knew it was a scam.

Nobody gets something for nothing.

You know where he went to pick it up?

No. You had to bring the letter with you.

Begged me for cab money.

Said if he got on the subway, he'd get jacked.

How much money did you give him?

All I had. $22.15.

Where'd Clayton catch the cab?

We called one from the McDonald's parking lot.

You remember the name of the cab company?

Got it from the book.

Starling Car Service.


Barrantes Residence 800 Amsterdam Avenue Tuesday, February 27

She didn't go out alone after the r*pe.

She lost touch with her friends.

Any boyfriends?

The last one was abusive.

Carmela finally got rid of him after going to a counselor.

She was getting stronger, going back to school.

She even won a computer.

Won a computer, like through a contest or a raffle?

No. I saw the letter.

It looked like one of those sales deals.

Is it important?

Well, it might be.

Do you still have that letter?

She took it with her.

I'm sorry I can't help you more.

It's okay.

We're gonna find out who did this.

I want to thank you for helping my daughter, Detective Benson.

I will always be grateful for that.

Hey, Cap, so far it doesn't look like the victims knew each other.

Well, what about the boy's father?

Have we located him yet?

Moved from his last known address.

We're still looking.

We checked with the Cordells.

Turns out the father got a letter saying he won a desktop computer, just like the kid.

Mrs. Barrantes said that Carmela got the same letter.

Three for three, but no letters were found at the scene or on the bodies.

Got a hit from Starling Car Service.

Dispatch states that a kid matching Clayton's description was dropped off at this address in Chelsea.

We're gonna need a search warrant.

I'll take care of it.

Get moving.

I never met the guy.

We did everything over the phone.

What was the name on the lease?

Vilia Sonoben.

From out of town.

He was looking for space to set up shop here.

He had a local bank account.

He paid six months in advance.

And how'd he get the key?

He phoned ahead, told me to leave the key above the door.

The place was empty.

There was nothing to steal.

Your tenant give you any idea what he did for a living?

He designs promotional literature.

You know, those little brochures you get in the mail.

You got a phone number in case of emergency?

After you phoned, I tried to reach him, but the number's disconnected.

What's this guy done?

"Congratulations, you are the lucky winner of a new Sonic Vox desktop computer."

Well, they all had to bring the letters and sit down with our suspect.

Have a drink, it's laced with, I don't know, Valium and then it's lights out.

We've got our crime scene.

Crime scene? In my building?

I am not responsible for what my tenants do in their offices.

I mean, how do I know what kind of people I'm renting space to?


Three victims, different race, different gender, different age.

This is about revenge.

The real target is Detective Benson.

It's personal.

You've enraged someone so much they want you twisting.

Why the body farm?

Why transport three victims 90 miles outside the city?

He wanted them found and studied.

He dumped them at a research facility that's federally funded.

Guaranteeing national attention.

But how did the suspect find them?

How did he get into my files?

How did he even know that they're my case?

Tina Cordell case had a lot of national press coverage, right?

High-school kid r*ped, strangled with her purse strap by her boyfriend, Victor Klaussen.

Latching onto a news story doesn't explain the other two victims though.

The foster mother said that you supervised meetings between Clayton and his father.


Because the man is a drunk.

I thought if I stuck around that he'd get some help.

I know what it's like to live through that.

You maintained a personal relationship with Carmela Barrantes.

Well, she needed help.

My day doesn't end when we catch a perp or get a conviction.

No one's blaming you, Detective.

Well, you think that I led him to these people, that I have a stalker?

If that's how he chose them, he wasn't stalking you.

There was no sexual fixation.

It was reconnaissance.

Well, let's look into my files and see who has a grudge.

Potassium chloride is an ingredient in a death-row cocktail.

Sounds to me like ex-con contempt.

Using police restraints to pose the bodies is a significant indicator.

Check the computer for recent prison releases.

We're looking for an ex-con who has a serious hatred for Olivia.

Let's start with the ones who were vocal about it.

First, you two, follow the money.

Here it is. The account was opened four months ago.

Hasn't been any activity in 30 days.

We'd like you to put a freeze on the account.

I'm going to need something with a judge's signature.

That's en route, but in the meantime we'd like you to pull all the canceled checks so we can test for fingerprints.

All we have are photocopies.

We return the originals to the account holder.

You got a balance here?

$1,300 and change.

All right.

If there's any activity, I want you to hold the check.

Call the FBI task force and they'll process everything, okay?

I'll add an addendum to the file that the check shouldn't be handled.

Thank you.


Those checks should go to our lab.

I don't want the Feds processing our evidence, doling out information whenever they feel like it.

Well, their lab is better equipped, it's faster.

If there are any problems then it's on them.

Wasn't your name stenciled on that door, so whose ass are you really covering?

Okay. The way I see it, the only us and them is cops and criminals.

We are on the same team.


We are till the press shows up.


We're on our way.

Got Clayton's father.

He's in the Tombs on a drunk and disorderly.

Clayton is dead, Mr. Derricks.

No, he can't be.

Well, someone k*lled your son and dumped his body outside of Poughkeepsie.

What's my boy doing way out there?

When was the last time you had contact with Clayton?

They wouldn't let me talk to him.

Said I couldn't see him.

It was your fault.

You said I wasn't a good father.

Has anybody tried to talk to you about your son?

Anyone at all?

Strangers, social workers?

He told you I didn't hit him.

He told you that he fell off his bike.

Clayton didn't have a bike, Mr. Derricks.

He barely had enough to eat.

Oh, I remember.

What do you remember?

Clayton was r*ped in that group home.

You took him from me.

Said he'd be better off.


I'm fine.

I'm not.

Some low-life's out to get you.

If he wanted to take me out, he would've tried it already.

So now you can read minds and you got eyes in the back of your head.



How many?

That's not a problem.

We'll just split it up.


Got it.

Three ex-cons you sent up were loud about getting even.

Cragen thinks all three might have the resources to pull this off.

West 125th Street & Broadway Wednesday, February 28

Oh, I remember Detective Benson.

How are you?

I'm curious about some of your activities, Junior.

Sorry. Gave up my life of crime long ago.

What's your beef?

Well, you were pretty vocal about getting even when I collared you for car-jacking and r*pe.

I was hopped up on crack.

I don't blame you for anything, Detective.

At least, not anymore.

You used to run these streets.

Your crew still run dr*gs up to Canada?

All my friends are either dead or in jail, so why the trip down memory lane?

Because we're out of time.

We need some answers, Junior.

Someone's got my partner in their sights.

They must not be very good since she's still breathing.

You were never very subtle, were you?

Saved the finesse for business, not petty beefs.

And like I said, I'm over that.

So you just sit in that chair and watch the world go by. That it?

I spend my days on these streets with the kids.

Hope they'll see this chair and wake up.

That's what my life's about.

Give us some names and we're done.

Uniforms will vouch for my work with gangs.

Reverend Johnson at Faithful Central will give you a list of my caretakers.

Hope you find your man.

I didn't do it.

Do what?

I've just been sitting here making a living, all right?

I wasn't there.

I didn't do it.

You remember Detective Benson?

Bitch was at my parole hearing.

Is she dead?

I let them take away my manhood so I can get out and she shows up and throws a monkey wrench.

That wasn't right.

Wasn't right raping your six-year-old niece.

Getting out early, definitely wasn't right.

I take the sh*ts.

You know, they make me fat and sick.

Look at me.

I got my own rack now.

You think I like looking like this?

Ponytails and barrettes still get you hot, fat boy?

No. Sir.

Haven't been anywhere near a kid.

That's a stupid lie!

They can come here to you!

I got no more sex drive.

Look, I'm clean. I swear.

What's it gonna take for you guys to believe me?

A special kind of surgery.

Heaven Scent Flowers 490 Broome Street Wednesday, February 28

What the hell do you want?

We'd like to talk to your husband.

We're divorced.

You keep in contact?

You've got to be kidding me.

Mrs. Plummer, somebody's k*lling people.

Somebody with a grudge against me.

Now, under the circumstances, your ex-husband qualifies.

You put an innocent man in prison.

He served seven years for attempted m*rder and r*pe.

Crimes he didn't commit.

Leave Eric alone.

Eyewitness testimony put him in prison.

Now we know DNA evidence cleared him.

It just wasn't available at the time.

And that makes everything all right?
Do you know where he is?

Mrs. Plummer, we can charge you with obstruction and we don't want to do that.

I don't know where he is.

But if I did, I still wouldn't tell you.

We'll dump her phones.

She might give her ex a heads-up that we're looking.

Tomorrow? I'm tired.

Feel like some dinner?

When was the last time your kids saw your ugly mug?

Oh, we'll set an extra place.

Come on.

No. No thanks.

I'll see you later, okay?

Who is it?

Who's down there?

You've got the wrong apartment.

Hotshot like the others?

Bastard dumped him at my feet, like some gift.

Clayton Derricks' father.

The canvass of your neighbors is drawing a blank.

Did you notice any strangers in the area, Detective Benson?

Anyone who stood out?

Is there some reason that you think that if I had that I would withhold the information?

Sorry, but as much training as we get in being observant, when it comes to our personal safety and well-being, we're not as diligent.

My partner knows how to do her job.

Look, I'm sure Detective Benson is capable, but she's going to have to stand down.


This man was alive until you went to the Tombs and questioned him.

A little early to be pointing fingers, isn't it?

I'm not trying to blame her, but she can't work this case anymore.

Look, you're wasting your breath.

First of all, I don't work for you.

Second of all, these victims are my cases.

The perp is stalking you, which is why you need a protective detail.

No, forget about it.

I'm not a victim.

Olivia, might not be a bad idea.

We're wasting time here.

Does anybody know how Derricks got bailed out of the Tombs?

According to the release form, it was you.

Lonnie's Bail Bonds 50 East 116th Street Thursday, March 1

Excuse me. We need to see the paperwork on Bruce Derricks.



Who put up the paperwork on Bruce Derricks?

What for? He's not a skip.

The prisoner's dead.

Says here a Mr. Oliver Benson laid down a G.

Sent it over to the clerk, like I always do.

Where's the ID?

The guy paid cash.

I don't need ID unless real property is used for collateral.

Can you give us a description?

Do you know how many people come through here looking to bail out some low-life?

We want the guy on federal and capital crimes, so I suggest that you try to remember.

I'd hate to see all the dots connect back to you.

Sweetheart, I can't help you.


Everybody. Out. Now.


Wait. What are you doing?


You can't do that!

What are you doing? Wait a minute!

You're supposed to get a copy of the ID.

You're supposed to know who's posting bail.

You're supposed to keep complete records, so the courts know where the money's coming from.

It wasn't drug money.

Most people can raise a grand.



Okay, okay.

The guy was white. Average.

I don't know, late 20s, early 30s.

What can I tell you?

Shirl, do you remember hair or eye color?

I'm sorry. I got nothing.

Is this an official visit or is it off the record?


You need to put Detective Benson on a desk.


She's a liability.

She's one of my best detectives.

I don't doubt it.

The bodies were dumped at a facility funded by federal dollars.

If I take the case from you, I have to put it in writing.

My complaints end up a black mark on your file.

I don't want to do that, Captain.

We all have choices to make.

I've already made mine.

Any hits to suggest Mrs. Plummer called her ex-husband?

Still looking.


Seems like a big waste of money for something that dies in a few days.

No wonder you're divorced.

I send them all the time.

Only 'cause you have to.

I got something.

It was a 45-minute call right after we left to a Baseline Labs in Midtown.

If Plummer works at the lab, that means he'd have access to potassium chloride.

And Pavulon.

ME's report came in.

Unlike the other three, Bruce Derricks suffered.

Paralyzes the muscles so they can intubate for general anesthesia.

Derricks suffocated, awake and aware.

Took about two minutes to die.

He saw him as a perp and he ex*cuted him like one.

Check the employees.

If Mr. Plummer works there, make sure you give him a lot of room.

I don't want to jam him up.

I just want to know where he's been and what he's been doing.

Just take it easy.

You're wound a little tight.

You worried about something?

Your safety.

No protective detail.

Trust me, I'm not trying to be a hero.

Just that a protective detail is exactly what this guy expects.

And what happens if this hump comes after you next?

He wants me twisting, not dead.

He wants me thinking about him.

Obsessing as much as he is.

You can't be sure of that.

Yes, I can, 'cause it's working.

Baseline Labs 98 West 54th Street Thursday, March 1

No, I don't have an Eric Plummer working for us.

How about this guy?

He look familiar to you?

Well, this looks like Norman.

Your guy's thinner, though.

Norman what?

Webber. He works for insurance services.

He calls on our clients at their homes.

He gets blood and urine samples for physicals.

This can't be the guy.

We're gonna need his personnel file.

We have a rigorous screening process, extensive background checks.

Norman passed with flying colors.

And where is he now?

He's got the Upper West Side today.

You know, if anything happens and we're liable for hiring an ex-con, we could lose our contracts with the insurance companies.

We could lose our bond.

Mr. Platt, Norman Webber is not an ex-con, he's not a suspect.

But this photo's of...

Have him call us as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Yes. Yes.

Hey, I was just trying to get in our man's head.

He hates me so he kills people that I tried to help.

How does that make you feel?

How would you feel?

Relax, I'm not trying to shrink you.

Yes, you are.

Every statement's interpretive.

Trying to make something out of nothing.

It's my job.

I used to interview some of the most dangerous psychopaths.

It's all I did.

Profiling serial K*llers, it sounds like a lot of fun.

It's why I joined the FBI.

They had access to all the disorders that I wanted to study.

Until I got complacent.

Were you att*cked?

I was interviewing a psychopath and I missed him calculate how much time there was to k*ll me before the guards hit the door.

It was a...

It was a close call.

He got into your head.

The way this perp is in yours.

Instead of attacking you directly, he's hurting the people around you.

It's psychological warfare.

He's been planning this for a while.

He posed the bodies comforting each other.

Potassium chloride is a painless death.

He's freeing them.

From what?

From the miserable existence that you left them in.

He felt like they were suffering and so he euthanized them.

He identifies with them.

He sees himself as your victim, too.

Mr. Plummer, thank you for coming in.

Right this way.

My client's been railroaded by the police before.

He's here under duress.

Is he a suspect?

That's premature.

This is an ongoing investigation.

As soon as we can clear him, Mr. Plummer can put this behind him.

Well, you'll understand if we insist on Detective Benson's absence.

The request is unnecessary.

I'm taking off.

Let's get out of here.

Chauncey's. Fin's treat.

My client was wrongfully convicted of r*pe and attempted m*rder.

He spent seven years upstate.

What makes you think he wants more trouble than he's already had?

Well, maybe he had plenty of time in his cell to plan his revenge.

Well, charge him and he'll answer, otherwise leave the man alone.

Why not cooperate with us?

Well, the last time he did, he went to prison.

Sent there by an overzealous detective.

Your client did receive a fair trial.

He was convicted by a jury.

He wasn't personally singled out for persecution by Detective Benson.

You ever spent time in prison?

Have you even been arrested?

Cuffed, printed, photographed?

I was beaten, r*ped and tortured.

I finally learned to stop screaming, that only made it worse.

Please don't dismiss what I went through by telling me I got a fair trial.

Why'd you change your name?

I wanted a fresh start.

I finally felt safe again and the cops show up at my job.

How long do I have to pay for a crime that I didn't commit?

What dr*gs do you have access to?

None. I work at a lab, not a hospital.

Potassium chloride's easy to get.

You could probably make it, if you were so inclined.

Even if I knew what that was, I probably couldn't.

I'm not a chemist.

Will you show it to them?

This is my client's work records for the last two weeks.

He lives alone so he has no alibi for his evenings.

Only this time, don't even think about getting a conviction based solely on circumstantial evidence.

He's absolutely right.

We're gonna have to put the syringe in his hand if we want to send him up again.

I like him for this.

So do I.

See what they have on Plummer at Sing Sing.

Seven years, he had to make a friend.

I read the file.

It was a good bust, Olivia.

The r*pe victim ID'd Plummer in a line-up.

Eyewitnesses are always accurate, right, Munch?

DNA wasn't used then.

The guy wasn't working, didn't have an alibi, couldn't remember where he was Where were you Thursday night two weeks ago, say, 8:45?

I don't know, home.


This guy was an innocent man and I helped put him away.

I made the People's case against him with weak evidence.

That jury believed me.

How many innocent men have been cleared lately with DNA?

A few.

And even one wrongfully imprisoned man is too many.

You sound like a legal aid lawyer.

They'd lose their lunch if they had to stomach what we deal with every day.

The guy paid a debt he didn't owe, but what about the r*pe victim?

She's not getting any justice, either.

The real perp got off.

Statute of limitations is up.

The system's already got its pound of flesh from Eric Plummer.

He's a victim.

If he's your guy, he's a predator, not a victim.

We blame all kinds of people for creating monsters.

Why not ourselves?


Up against the car now!

Take it easy.

Just stay calm. I'm FBI.

Let's see some ID.

Move! Out of my way!

Out of my way!

Put your w*apon away, ma'am.

We're FBI.

Why the hell are you tailing me?

Protective detail.

I told Franklin I didn't want one.

Wasn't the FBI, ma'am.

Detective Stabler ordered the detail.

All right. All right.

I didn't tell you about the detail because I knew you'd refuse.

Only the rat squad puts cops on other cops, Elliott, without telling them.

I deserve better than that, especially from you.

You've been under a lot of stress lately.

I've always backed your play.

And I did what I had to do.

Guy's m*rder*d four people.

What's to stop him from coming after you, Olivia?

If you can't trust your partner, Elliott, it's time to get a new one.

We have gotten warrants before based on less.

Why are you stonewalling?

This is different and you know it.

Once a judge hears the suspect's history, he's going to bend over backwards for the guy.

I saw him, Alex.

Plummer is stalking me.

How did he know where you were when he was in the interview room being questioned?

He must have overheard.

Okay. How many businesses are in the area near Chauncey's?

I don't know, several.


Where are you going with this?

Any decent defense attorney is going to say that Mr. Plummer was in the area running errands, that it was just a coincidence.

He has k*lled four people and we're doing nothing.

How many drinks did you have?

Olivia, the system made a mistake before, now everything we do is under a microscope.

I wasn't drunk.

Now, under the circumstances, I'm willing to cut you some slack, but we don't try for search warrants until I say so.

I had to do something.

I saw Plummer.

I don't doubt you, Olivia.


Captain, I have some vacation time coming.

Why would you want to do that?

Because I want it too much and I think I need some distance.

Nobody's questioning your abilities.

I am.

All right. If you need the time, take it. As of now.

Thank you.

We checked into the suspect's history at Sing Sing?

Warden says Plummer started a lot of fights.

That's good survival strategy.

Nobody can get you in the hole.

Only visitor he had was his ex-wife, even after the divorce.

They corresponded almost daily.

Well, who was Plummer's cellmate?

m*rder*r by the name of Russell Williams.

He got paroled in 2000.

He's currently at Rikers lsland awaiting trial on another m*rder beef.

He's going to want a deal, but if the D.A. has a strong case against him, he'll show us the door.

Office of Executive Assistant District Attorney Friday, March 2

Absolutely not.

Russell Williams k*lled a drug dealer.

A life is a life.

Who are we to decide whose has more value?

Do you really want me to show the D.A. photos of a dead 10-year-old boy dumped among rotting corpses?

I've got Williams dead to rights.

This time we could put him away for good.

But if he's got something we can use, why can't we offer him 12.5-to-25?

Now, what did Eric do to get you all heated up and willing to grab your ankles?

We're wasting our time.

This interview is over!

Eric had a thing for some female cop.

That's all he talked about.

Do you have proof?

Think I got it on videotape?

You word isn't good enough.

How about hand delivered letters?

Delivered by whom?

From my hand to my old lady to Eric's wife.

The old prison express.

Avoids the warden's censors.

If he talked to me, what do you think he spilled to his old lady?

Home of Eric Plummer 274 West 87th Street Friday, March 2

You find letters at the ex-wife's apartment?

Couple dozen.

There's enough to charge Mrs. Plummer with accessory.

News clippings, photos of Olivia with the victims, the obsessive ramblings of a man on a mission.

It's Benson's collar.

Shouldn't she be here?

Yeah, I left a message on her machine. She knows.


Let's pick up Plummer.

This is harassment.

I need to know where Webber is working today.

Norman told me the whole story, how you put him in prison.

He was exonerated.

First your partner, now you.

Why don't you leave the man in peace?

What about my partner?

She was here earlier threatening me with obstruction.

I gave her the address so she'd leave.

Where is he?

This is Detective Olivia Benson, from the 16, badge number 44015.

sh*ts fired at 653 Avenue D, Apartment 2.

He says you have to come in.

I can't.

He's going to k*ll me!

He's not going to hurt you.

He knew you were coming.

He says...

He says to tell you they didn't suffer.

He says I won't be so lucky.

Oh, God!

I'm coming in!

This is between us, Mr. Plummer.

Why don't you let her go, and then it's just you and me?

How does it feel, Detective Benson, to have your credibility shattered and your life in ruins?

It sucks.

I was innocent.

Yes, you were.

But then you k*lled four innocent people.

Three innocent people, one child abuser.

I thought cops cared about the facts.

Why did you choose them?

They were suffering and they needed their misery to end.

Who was going to help them?


I'm sorry for what happened to you.

I really am.

I can't turn back the clock, but I can testify for you on your behalf and I can admit in open court that I am responsible for you.

There's not going to be a trial.

Not this time.

Let her go and let's just talk about it.

There's nothing to discuss.

Please, Mr. Plummer, don't think I won't.

Yeah, I'm counting on it, Detective Benson.

Don't do it!

Drop the w*apon!

Drop your w*apon!

There aren't any b*ll*ts in my g*n.

Olivia, it's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

It wasn't loaded.

Okay, let's go.

I gotta give my statement.

I'll take you.

You leave me alone.
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