09x04 - Savant

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x04 - Savant

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Me and the old lady, we had some real blowouts.

Nothing physical, but I just wish she'd die.

I know the feeling.

Divorce is not an option.

I mean, I don't have anything.

But half of nothing still leaves me in a hole.

Can you please shut up?

I'm really tired.

Well, I'm tired too. I'm tried of circling around your damn block.

Why don't you just get out?

Why don't you just keep driving and I'll tell you when to stop.



Damn kid!


Get the hell of the street, you moron!


Honey... are you okay, sweetie?

This is 911 operator...

Are you hurt?

Where's your mother?

Where's your mother?

Are you okay?

Somebody help me!

Crank calls are against the law, sir.


My daughter is covered in blood.

Does that sound like a prank to you?

Don't hang up.

Help's on the way.

Okay, sweetie, stay here.

Just... just stay right there.

It's okay, it's all right.

Stay there.

Stay there.



It's okay.


Detective, glad you could join us.

I heard the victim got her head bashed in.

Force entry?

Doesn't look like it. Don't know yet if anything's missing.

Could be a home invasion.

Why call me?

Cause it escalated to r*pe and attempted m*rder.

Light, please.

Seminal fluid.

Any questions?

What's the status on Karin Nicholson?

She's still in surgery, it's gonna be a while.

Okay, why don't we bag her clothes and start a r*pe kit?

What's a r*pe kit, dad?

Hi! My name's Katie.

What's yours?

I'm Elliot.

Hi, Elliot.


You look upset and need a hug.

Can I?

Uh... Katie... Katie...

Come here, sweetie.

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Law & Order: SVU
9x04. Savant

Original air date: 2007/10/16

Some people think I'm an Elf.

I'm not, see?

I only have one pointy ear.

I'm Katie.

Sergeant Munch.


That's funny.

Can I have a hug, Munch?

No, you may not.

I'm a stranger.

You shouldn't even be talking to me.

Okay, bye.

Something I could do for you?

Are you mad at me?

Didn't Sergeant Munch just tell you not to talk to strangers?

What's wrong with her?

She has a rare form of mental retardation called Williams Syndrome.

She has developmental problems and a learning disability.

Can she tell you what happened?

Don't know... She's anxious one minute.

Overly friendly the next.

She seems to have a limited attention span.

What's her father say?

To be patient with her.

She's special.

Then help dad question her.

See if that puts her at ease.

Loosens her tongue.

Do you feel like talking about last night, sweetie?

Do I have to?

It was scary.

Katie, you were very, very, brave, and you did all the right things.

You called 911, you went outside to look for help.

Katie, tell us what happened.

It's okay, you can do it.

They were yelling.

It was too loud!

So I covered my ears!

I hid under my bed.

Then it was quiet.

I heard footsteps.

I went to find mom.

She was bleeding, so...

I took the phone, even though I'm not allowed to, because it was an emergency.

Then dad came home.

He was gone a long time.

The end.

Where were you, Mr. Nicholson?

I'm a project manager for a biochem company.

I wish I didn't have to, but I travel a lot.

I was gone the last couple days.

We always drive dad to the airport.

It's my turn to talk now, sweetie.

You wanna go explore?

So why did you pay the cab driver so much money to drive around the block?

I was buying time.

Dreading the... inevitable fight.

About what?

My long absences.

Her feeling like a single parent.

Anything...to stick the knife in.

Can you think of anyone who would have a grudge against your wife?

Would wanna harm her?

No, not at all.

Katie had major cardiac surgery six months ago.

So we socialized mostly with parents like us.

Actually, there has been some tension with some of the parents in our group therapy lately.

About what?

My wife and I filed a wrongful birth suit against a Dr. Gerald Morgan.

He's a real popular high-risk obstetrician.

And if we win, he will lose his insurance, and he's gonna have to close his practice.

They didn't like that.

You like the husband?

No forced entry.

Circled the block like he knew what was waiting for him.

And he admits there was trouble in the marriage.

Couples fight, and Nicholson was out of town.

I'll have Munch double check when his plane landed.

I say we check with the group therapy couples.

What makes you think they'll talk?

Nicholson said there was tension.

If they were unpopular, someone's gonna wanna vent.

Busken Group Counseling Center 452 East 75th Street Wednesday, October 3

I know I lean on you a lot, but I need you to get Andrew from the music camp.

Come right back here.

Don't make any stops.

And don't pick up your friends.

Mom, I heard you the first 1,000 times.

And Andrew likes my friends.


Hi, I'm Tina Parven.

You must be new to our group.

Uh, not exactly.

Paul and Ursula Way.

Our son has Down Syndrome.

I heard the Nicholsons made waves for suing your OB.

They're litigious.

And I told them so.

Paul's a surgeon.

He took it personally.

Can you tell me about their relationship?


Just like our kids.

Yeah, my son Andrew is more than just Williams disease.

But, uh, it takes its toll on our marriage. On his brother.

Joel and I separated twice.

Ben and Karin just got back together, and now this.

Can she have visitors?

Uh, you'll have to speak with her husband about that.

How long were they apart?

A couple of months.

My husband couldn't face it.

Our daughter was Canavan disease.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Weiss, I'm not familiar.

Please, call me Jordanna.

Canavan causes progressive brain damage.

Marissa wasn't supposed to survive long.

She's ten now.

Were you upset by the Nicholsons' wrongful birth suit?

Don't get me wrong.

I love my daughter.

I asked to be tested for everything.

But I lost my own suit because canavan wasn't just standard test in the Ashkenazi panel.

It is now.

Just doesn't make sense.

The Nicholsons just reconciled, yet he won't go inside to avoid a fight?

How's Kathy?

Over 40 and having a baby.

Just can't stop thinking about all the bad things that can happen.

So why don't you see a doctor?

We're Catholic.

Maybe it's better not to know.

Office of Doctor Gerald Morgan 75 East 88th Street Wednesday, October 3

Has the doctor told you if it's a boy or a girl?

Excuse me?

It's so hard for gay couples to adopt.

A surrogate's really your only option.

I don't get why they think it's better to leave kids in the system than send them to a gay home.

You seem like a nice couple to me.

Detectives, you can go in now.

I'm not sure I should be talking about the Nicholsons' case without my attorney.

We're not here about your lawsuit, Dr. Morgan.

Someone r*ped and att*cked Karin Nicholson last night.

And you think that someone was me?

Where were you last night?

Here, and then home.


I prefer it.

I spend all day soothing terrified expectant mothers.

Yes, very noble of you, Doc.

And when something goes wrong, they blame you.

They also blame God and themselves.

I'm just a convenient target.

Then why'd your malpractice carrier settle so often?

Sometimes it's cheaper to pay than to fight.

The only real beneficiaries are the lawyers.

Maybe they cut deals because you withheld details about unhealthy babies.

Look, when Karin Nicholson decided to have amniocentesis, it was too late for a legal abortion.

The lawsuit has no grounds.

Are we finished?

Yeah, give us a DNA sample, and we're out of your hair.

I'll have my nurse come in and collect a buccal swab.

Olivia and Chester on trial prep, so it's just you and me.

That figures.

Yeah, I'm still here.

What you got?


That was the lab.

Don't tell me, no hits.

DNA doesn't match to Dr. Morgan.

CODIS came up empty.

You know, I still like Nicholson for this.

Their health insurance doesn't cover all of Katies' medical bills, and they're drowning in debt.

Does the wife have life insurance?

Half million dollar policy, and no record of our suspect leaving or arriving on any flight.

There's motive and opportunity.

I had airport security run their facet software against a picture of Ben Nicholson.

Here is saying good bye to Katie and his wife.

And here he is leaving the terminal.

Who goes to the airport to catch a cab?

You left the airport three days ago.

Where the hell have you been?

For the last time, I just can't answer that.

Can't, won't... you went on some bogus business trip.

You laid low, you came home and beat the crap out of your wife the same day you were supposed to return.

What set you off... a crushing debt of a nagging wife?

That didn't happen.


And since I am not under arrest, I'm going back to the hospital.

Because someone assaulted your wife!

Now, if you didn't do it, why wouldn't you cooperate?

Why won't you cooperate?

I am trying to, as much as I am able.

Doesn't look like that from here.

Interview's over.

Mr. Nicholson, wait outside.

What's the FBI doing here?

I just know we're not gonna like this.

This is a Homeland Security issue.

You cannot... I repeat... you cannot speak to Mr. Nicholson again without clearing it through my office.

And holds onto something.

And now we can't touch him?

The Patriot Act trumps r*pe and attempted m*rder every time.

Nicholson's got a maters from Penn and a PhD in Biochemical Engineering from Berkeley.

What's his specialty?


The Fed's all over him. I don't think he's working on deodorants and hairspray.

Not with that razor wire all around the security fence.

More like anthrax and smallpox and aerosol cans with timers.

Here we go.

Fine, scoff, but fear feeds capitalism.

Over the years, Nicholson spent a lot of time at Fort Dietrich, Maryland.

That's where they do research and biological warfare.

Nicholson also consults for high level think tanks, funded by Uncle Sam, and run by CEOs making money off the w*r.

Panic sells gas masks, gentlemen.

It still doesn¡¯t explain why the Feds need him so badly.

Could be whistle blowing, or he went rogue, and they flipped him.

And I'll keep digging.

This is a warrant for Nicholson's DNA.

Take it publicly.

Just don't ask him any questions.

When can we sit down with him again?

I'm working on it.

In the meantime, talk to everyone else in his life.

His employer, his neighbors, his friends.

Smoke him out of his hole.

Treat him like a perp.

Maybe he'll come to you.

Mercy General Hospital 365 West 32nd Street Thursday, October 4

This isn't right.

We shouldn't even be here.

I think we're intruding.

It's called being supportive.

Well, I gotta get to work.

Is Karin up for visitors?

The nurse is checking.

Ben's with her now.

Can't you stay a few minutes and talk to Ben?


It's time to give it up, Nicholson.

You forced me to make a formal complaint.

Where you shove that is up to you.

That is a warrant for your DNA.

Let's take this outside.

What the hell are you trying to pull?

I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy.

You wouldn¡¯t vouch for someone just to save your investigation, would you?

You're spinning your wheels, detective.

Okay, open wide.

Why are you treating Ben this way?

His wife was att*cked.

He might be the one that put her in here.

He wasn't out of town like he said he was.

I don't believe it.

Can they just do this?

Mr. Nicholson?

Your wife's condition is serious.

How bad?

Fragments from a skull fracture were embedded deep in her left temporal lobe, causing it to swell.

Her Glasgow score is an eight, which means she's in a coma.

Will she come out of it?

We'll have to wait and see.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to save the baby.

And because the fetus has not evacuated...

We need your consent for a DNC.


What baby?

I'm sorry.

I thought you knew.

Your wife was about 3 months along.

It's a very simple procedure.

You have something you wanna tell us.

Mrs. Parven?

No, nothing.

If you suspect something, you need to speak up.

I'm sorry.

Looks like she's got a lot on her mind.

So do I.

Back off Nicholson.

The next time, the request will not be coming from me.

How we supposed to do our job if we can't talk to the suspect?

I filed an obstruction complaint, and the hearing is set for tomorrow.

Have you boxed the guy in?

We talked to his neighbors, his wife's family, and his employer.

They all know he's our prime suspect.

I thought he would have broken by now.

Not with the FBI propping him up.

Then go to his Achilles heel.

Talk to his kid again.

Well, didn't go so well last time.

That's because you didn't ask the right questions.

I did some research and spoke to some experts.

I'm not comfortable using an impaired minor to turn the screws on her father.

But what other choice have we got?

What'd you find out?

Children of the Williams Syndrome are extremely empathetic.

They study faces for emotional expression.

That must be why Katie asked me if I was angry with her.

They're sensitive, eager to please, and affectionate.

And some have savant-like abilities, super hearing and perfect pitch.

Katie heard them yelling.

She said she had to cover her ears.

Which probably means she still heard every word.

They confuse time, but they can tell you what was said and identify who said it.

What would I be up against using Katie as a witness?

Anxiety, ADD, and they have trouble taking criticism.

That sounds like you, Munch.

But we're trying to jam up the kid's father.

You really think she's gonna tell us the truth?

She won't lie for him.

Why not?

Because people with Williams Syndrome have no guile.

They don't even know what deception is.

Tell Nicholson we're questioning his daughter.

Let's go.

You coming with us?

You think he's gonna let you talk to Katie without a fight?

Get the hell away from my door.

You've got people thinking I tried to k*ll my wife.

We need to speak to your daughter.

No, you will not speak to her...

Not now, not ever.

You've got her anxious and upset.

Now leave her alone.

I'm assistant district attorney Casey Novak.

Here's how this is gonna play out.

Now, we will end up at a hearing, and the judge will side with me because you cannot stop us from questioning the only witness to the attack.

I'm her father.

And you're also a suspect, Mr. Nicholson.

It's about time you faced facts.

Hi, Elliot!

Hi, Fin.

I'm so glad to see you.

Hello, Katie, I'm Casey Novak.


Let's sit down.

We have some more questions we need to ask you, Katie.

I don't want to upset you, so at any time if you feel uncomfortable, you just tell me and we'll stop, okay?


Daddy, sit with me.

It's all right, sweetie.

Just answer his questions.

I'm right here.

The night that your mommy got hurt, when the voices were yelling, what'd you hear?

You're ripping our family apart!

Did you recognize the voice?

It was dad.

They were fighting.

They always fight.

What happened next?

Mom said, "I hate you!"

Then I heard...

You slapped her?

Was that all?

"Come here, baby.

You smell good."

Was that your father's voice?

My dad wasn't home...

Or the man wouldn't be in their bedroom.

Has the man been in the house before?

Did you see him?

I heard him.

I always do.

"Come here, baby.

You smell good."

Would you recognize that voice if you heard it again?

I have perfect pitch.

I'm supposed to be asleep, but...

I told dad about him, and... he told me not to worry.

"Everything's going to be all right. We're a family, and we're going to stay together no matter what."

The end.
Nicholson knew his wife was cheating.

He's definitely using that shady terrorism threat to cover his ass.

Almost got away with it.

He still may.

Federal Courthouse 500 Pearl Street Thursday, October 4

Assistant US Attorney Marion Springer?

That's me.

ADA Casey Novak.

I was told you're the Assistant US Attorney to see regarding Ben Nicholson.

There's nothing to talk about.

Well, Nicholson tried to k*ll his wife.

What I can't figure is why you're shielding him.

If you had enough evidence, you would have arrested him, and I'd be at the Tombs arranging his release.

His daughter heard them arguing.

She heard Nicholson hit her mother.

Well, the poor thing is mistaken.

He was with us.

Really? The whole time?

Need to know.

Well, there's a woman in a coma, so, yeah, I do need to know... where Ben was, who he was with, and how long he was with them.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this.

The Patriot Act.

This convoluted piece of legislation isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Save it for the Judge.

We got here as soon as we could.

What's going on?

The district attorney's office wasn't happy.

We're not done with trial prep.

Well, it'll have to wait.

The Feds won't budge, and this case is circling the drain.

So what can we do?

Tina Parven from the Nicholsons' group therapy came in to make a statement.

I got her parked in the interview room.

See if you can't get something we can actually use.

Where you going?

COM stat.

I didn't know what to do.

I can't believe Ben would hurt Karin.

But now you're not so sure.

What changed your mind?

She was cheating.

How do you know?

She was pregnant.

They had to do a DNC.

Ben didn't want to have any more children.

Well, under the circumstances, surely you can understand.

William Syndrome is a mutation.

It's not inherited unless you have it.

They why wouldn't he want another child?

Because Ben didn't want to take any attention away from Katie.

He and Karin argued about it, and she freaked when he got a vasectomy without telling her.

Do you have any idea who she was seeing?

Not a clue.

She's my closest friend, but I guess she thought I wouldn't approve.

Karin Nicholson is conscious.

Hold her down, please.

You have to let me go.

Katie's having surgery.

Karin... Karin... you're in the hospital.

You were att*cked.

Do you remember anything?

She has arotic stenosis.

I have to get her ready.

She gets so scared.

Your family's fine, Mrs. Nicholson.

She's sedated.

Will she be more lucid tomorrow?

Uh, head injuries are unpredictable, detective.

Is her daughter scheduled for surgery?

Six months ago.

Well, I'll have to do more tests, but it looks like retrograde amnesia.

You're saying that she doesn't remember anything?

Depending on how much damage there is to the temporal lobe, that memory may never be recovered.

I got a base line on Karin Nicholson using person, place, and time.

She knows who she is.

She knows where she is.

But not what day it is.

She thinks it's April 2007.

So how long will this last?

There's no cure for retrograde amnesia.

And there's no way to know what she'll eventually recall and what she won't.

Her husband hasn't returned my calls.

She needs family and patience in order to recover from this.

Which leaves us at square one.

I'm sorry I don't have better news.

So where do we got from here, Casey?

To court.

Chambers of Judge Gregory Trenton Friday, October 5

Judge Trenton, the FBI has been stalling our investigation from the very beginning.

Now, I'm not looking for state secrets, just the suspect's whereabouts prior to the attack.

Mr. Nicholson is working for us.

The FBI have repeatedly vouched for him.

He lied to the police when he said he was out of town.

My agents were with him.

Nobody can be in two places at once.

If you can't account for every second, your assurances are worthless.

She's got you there, Mr. Springer.

In order for the police to corroborate his movements, they have to question people of interest.

That can't happen.

So your work trumps putting murderers and rapists behind bars because there's a t*rror1st around every corner?

You have no physical evidence linking Mr. Nicholson with his wife's attack.

Or should we just wait while you fabricate some?

That's enough.

Without evidence, Ms. Novak, your appeal is premature.

Find some... then we'll revisit.

I hope this bastard's worth it.

Ben Nicholson is a biochemical engineering specialist.

Specializing in what... or is that need to know too?

He works for an international corporation.

He's bait.

I get it. Nicholson's attractive to the criminal element because of his disabled daughter and insurmountable debt?

Problem is, he nearly k*lled his wife, and you're protecting him for a sting operation.

If buyers from rogue nations try to buy trade secrets, I've done my job.

There is a t*rror1st round every corner, Ms. Novak, you just don't know about it.

Unless we find physical evidence, Nicholson's off limits, period.

No prints on the iron, even if the DNA matches, he could say she's his wife... she consented.

We can't prove r*pe anyway.

The victim lost six months of her life.

She doesn't remember the attack.

She doesn't even remember her pregnancy.

Then it's a good thing we didn't tell her why we let her husband walk.

Unless he tries again.

DNA results...

Nicholson did not r*pe Karin.

That doesn't matter. He still could have att*cked her for cheating.

I'd buy that if we didn't get hit off the military database.

What would former marine reserve Joel Parven do if confronted by a pregnant mistress?

Nothing happened.

Karin Nicholson might disagree with you.

I was with her that night.

She told me about the baby, I... I couldn't believe it.

I mean, she did it on purpose.

So you argued.

Your marriage is hanging by a thread.

She's not gonna get rid of it, so you bash her head in.

No, you got it all wrong.

Yes, I was angry.

My wife and I started to work things out... again.

You don't know what it's like.

Don't use your son's condition as an excuse, Mr. Parven.

You slept with your wife's friend.

You got her pregnant.

When we started this, we were both separated, all right?

Then we couldn't stop.

I went there to make a clean break of it, and I ended up in her bed.

All right, I was stupid and reckless, but I didn't hit her.

And she was fine when I left her.

And what time was that?

It was around 11:00.

And where'd you go?


Are we done here?

We're not even close.

Let's go over it again.

Well, you're gonna have to arrest me, because you sure as hell can't keep me.

Well, there's no way we're getting a confession now.

Okay, maybe we should do a voice lineup.

Give Katie a chance to identify her mother's attacker that way.

Well, she's disabled.

I don't know that it'll hold up.

She's not stupid.

You said it yourself, Elliot.

She's developmentally challenged and an emotional roller coaster.

Can she even be sworn?

Will she break on her defense cross?

I don't want to put her through an ordeal for nothing.

Either Katie makes the ID or Parven walks.

Come here, baby.

You smell good.

It's okay, sweetie.

Come here, baby.

You smell good.

Come here, baby.

You smell good.

Come here, baby.

You smell good.

Sounds like seduction, not r*pe.

Come here, baby.

You smell good.

That's him.

You sure?

Number five's your client, Chauncy.

ID'd by a less-than-credible witness.

She can't possibly tell you what happened.

You really wanna wasted our time like this?

Come on, there's plenty of...

Leave me alone!

I want a baby that can grow up.

Be normal.

That's what I want.

Don't say anything... we need to hear this.

Too damn bad.

You're breaking up my home, you selfish bitch!

Let go!

You're hurting me!

Then bam!

Mom was crying.

Then bam, bam, bam.

Then breathing.


Then he went away.

But he used the wrong word.

That's not what it means.

Is it, dad?

The end.


Is the man who fought with your mother the voice in the other room?

No, that's not him.

You sure the voices are different?

His pitch is too low.


Where did the cops take you?

Are you all right?

I'm fine. They let me go.

Where's your mother?

Gone. She took Andrew, but I wouldn't go.

This is crazy.

I know you wouldn't do this.


Katie, stop.

What's wrong with you?

You used the wrong word.

A bitch is a female dog.

Are you sure?

My mother is not a bitch.

What the hell did you do?

Let's go.


Don't say anything.

Not to anyone.

I'll get you out as soon as I can.


Everything all right?


Alex Parven...

Did he say what happened?

Did he tell you why he att*cked Karin?

He's lawyerd up.

He's not talking.

I was hoping he'd have confessed so Katie wouldn't have to testify.

I understand.

The Parvens had separated twice before.

I think Alex felt this affair was... gonna k*ll it.

So he followed his father to your place, waited for him to leave and confronted Karin.

Can you prove that?


That's why we need Katie's testimony.

She's the only witness we have to place Alex in your apartment.

I want this finished.

Katie and I can't move on until it's done.

So you tell me when, and I'll bring her to court.

And we'll hope that it works.

I promise you I will shield your daughter from as much as possible.

Thank you.

I appreciated that.


Swearability Hearing Part 46

Monday, October 8

We're here to determine whether Katherine Nicholson has capacity to testify as a sworn witness.

Your Honor, the minor is severely disabled.

This is a waste of the court's time and resources.

Disabled or not, Katie Nicholson clearly heard the attack on her mother and ID'd the defendant.

It seems reasonable to me.

Is the child ready to be examined?

Uh, Your Honor, the people ask for a continuance.

Our witness isn't here yet.

I have to object.

We were all notified about the date and time.

The minor has Williams Syndrome.

Her mother's just out of a coma.

That's all very touching, Ms. Novak.

But it's the parents' responsibility to present her.

Where is Mr. Nicholson?

We're looking for him, Your Honor.

I'll give you 24 hours, and then I'll have to dismiss.

Where's Ben Nicholson?

Do you care at all, or is this guy just a pawn to you?

You're a bastard.

Well, I get that a lot.

I don't have him.

I wish I did.

Chatter's down, and the guy's off grid.

I'm worried.


My case is headed south.

There are people he's supposed to be talking to.

And instead, he's protecting his kid form you.

You think I enjoy making Katie relive that moment?

I don't blame the guy.

I mean, what would you do in his place?

I'd hide her in the last place anybody would look.

You find him, you let me know.

You'll be my first call.

Tina Parven!

How'd you find me?

No one knows where I was headed.

Well, you use your bank card an awful lot in this area.

You been to buy groceries.

I just followed you from there.

What do you want?

I need to take Katie with me.

I don't know where she is.

Yeah, you do.

You're the perfect caretaker.

You know all about her condition.

Ben protects his daughter.

You protect your son.

You're crazy.

You know she's due in court to testify against Alex.

If you refuse to hand her over, that makes you an accessory.

That make you guilty of obstruction.

Where is she?

Ben went to meet someone.

Katie's upstairs with Andrew and my sister.

Apartment 2-B.


Swearability Hearing Part 46

Tuesday, October 9

Katie, do you understand what a lie is?

Something that's not true.

You get punishment for that.

Have you ever told a lie?

Someone made me a grilled cheese.

But there were things in it.

I didn't say it was good, but..

I ate it all, so she thought I liked it.

Is that a lie?


Your Honor, I submit this witness can be sworn.

So ordered.

Don't do that.

She has very sensitive hearing.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Can I have a hug?


Maybe later.

Katie, did you hear who was in the bedroom with your mother say anything else besides, "Come here, baby.

You smell good."?


What did he say?

That's enough, Katie.

Katie, you pointed out Alex Parven as the one who argued with and hit your mother, is that right?


He used the wrong word.

But my dad said it's really a bad word for girls.

How could you tell the difference between Alex's voice and his father's?

Mr. Parven is even tempo, large pitch, deep timbre.

Alex is fast tempo, high pitch, medium timbre.

I study music.

My teacher says singing and talking are alike.

I know what I heard.

The end.

Thanks you.

Is Katie all right?

Where you been?

Doing what I do best... looking out for my daughter's future.

Is that what the meeting was about?

Or were you trying to keep Katie from testifying?

You and I have different priorities, detective.

You're trying to take someone's freedom away.

I'm trying to make sure Katie's happy and safe.

Well, she's not as fragile as you think she is.

Suddenly you're an expert.

No, I just know a liar when I see one.

What? What?

What are you talking about?

Look, you're not afraid for your daughter.

You're worried about yourself.

That defense attorney is gonna rip her to shreds.

Joel Parven has a child with Williams Syndrome.

He knows exactly what buttons to push.

You left Katie with Tina Parven so you could keep this meeting... not to protect your daughter.

You don't know anything about it.

I know the Feds are looking for you.

I know you fell off grid.

I know you took this meeting without them knowing about it.

Not everything I do is their business.

I went over everybody's statement, and the cabbie you went round and round with said you pulled out a wad of cash.

Now, for a guy who's bankrupt...

That made me wonder.

Well, you can wonder all you want.

Just don't question my love for my daughter.

Everybody has an excuse.

And if I were you, I'd think up a better one for the FBI.

Thanks for the heads up.

What did you do yesterday?

I played duets with Andrew.

Then we watched TV.

Then I had a grilled cheese.

Then we listened to music..

Then we...

That's fine.

What about the day before that?

I... I...

What about the day before that?

Objection, Badgering.

I'm asking simple questions.

If she can't handle this, what'll it be like at trial?


What time was your mother att*cked?


I was in my nightgown.

No, Katie, it was much later than that.

Did you see the attacker's face?

I was under the bed.

Have you met Alex Parven before?


So why didn't you tell anybody he hurt your mother?

You're upsetting me!

Go away!

Didn't the police ask you over and over again who did it?

Katie, tell the truth.

It wasn't Alex, was it?

You just wanna please Ms. Novak.

Isn't that why you said he did it?

Objection. Leading.

This is the McMartin case all over again.

Individuals with Williams Syndrome are willing and apt to say what people wanna here.

We're more likely to get a false positive from Katie than a five-year-old.

The witness hasn't changed her story. not once, despite counsel's attempt to badger and confuse her.

And you'd have us believe that she heard it under a bed, through walls and closed doors.

I can prove she heard every single word.

Your Honor, if I may?


I'm going to whisper three questions to Katie to see if she responds correctly.

Katie, did Alex hurt your mother?

Yes, Alex hurt my mother.

Why did he hurt her?

She was hurting his family, because she was having a baby.

Did anyone tell you what to say in court?

Yes, my dad said don't tell anybody about getting money from Mr. Kim so we can go away.

Who's Mr. Kim?

He brings my dad money in a briefcase.

The end.

I thought you might like to know Alex Parven made a deal to avoid trial.

Katie won't have to testify.

That's a relief.

I'm sure it is, since Katie won't have to reveal any more secrets in open court.

That doesn't matter.

The FBI owns me now.

Yeah, well, they cut a deal with you.

Like any common thief, you testify, you don't go to prison.

I'd already turned the guy in.

I just took his money and didn't tell the Feds.

Must have been an awful lot of cash for you to take a chance like that.

What'd you sell?

A prototype for a new dispersion system.

They're gonna find out soon enough it doesn't work.

You took a lot of risk for nothing.

Wouldn't have been a problem if Katie didn't repeat everything that she hears.

Right. How's your wife?

My soon-to-be-ex?

Well enough to be discharged.

Where she's gonna go from here, I don't know.

And I don't really care.

You know she doesn't remember any of it.

The affair, losing the baby.

Yeah, isn't that convenient?

All right, Katie, let's go.

Okay, mommy, it's time to go.

No, Katie. We talked about this.

She is not going anywhere with us.


No. Dad.

We talked about this let's go.

Talk to me.


Why don't you talk to me?

Let go of me.

Why can¡¯t I come home?

Let go of her!

Please don't walk away!


No, Dad! No!

Katie, please.


Why can't I come home?

Stop, daddy! No, we have to...

Let me go.
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