10x17 - Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x17 - Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

"And the children were sleeping all snug in their beds "While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads"

What the hell's a sugar plum?

You ever seen one?

What's wrong?

Cat got your tongue?

Fine, be like that.

One thing's for sure, my sugar plums aren't dancing.

They're about to freeze off.

People live like pigs nowadays, expecting someone will pick up after them.

Good Lord!


Help me.

Homeless guy found her in an alley.

Her trachea was nearly severed with something like a box cutter.

She didn't bleed out?

It's 11 degrees outside.

Exposure caused hypothermia, which slowed her heart and the blood loss.

So nearly freezing to death saved her life.

That's a hell of a lucky break.

Maybe her first one.

On exam, I found evidence of chronic sexual abuse.

Old scars from beatings and several healed fractures.

Any idea how old she is?

She's prepubescent, maybe 10, 11.

When will she be able to talk to us?

She'll regain her speech as the incision heals, but when I asked who hurt her, she did draw this.

The devil?

Welcome to hell.

He goes by many names. Satan, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Old Nick.

Let's not forget Ryan Seacrest.

I wish I could.

Reports of sexual abuse by devil worshippers has been around for centuries, most recently in the 1980s.

Yeah, when we finally figured out that satanic ritual abuse was a sham.

It doesn't stop some sick bastard from using the devil to scare his victims into silence.

Well, speaking of the devil and his victims, where are we on identifying Janie Doe?


Fin says Missing Persons has no reports matching her description.

When can you interview her?

Hospital says this afternoon.

Olivia, head over to the hospital, stay with her.

Any personal effects on her?

Her pockets were empty. If she had a bag or a purse, I think the perp took it.

And the homeless guy who found her is in the wind.

He left as soon as EMS got to the scene.

So we've got a patrol out looking for him.

Our first priority's got to be to ID our victim.

John, run down any recent police reports or 911 jobs on anything that references the devil.

I hear and obey, O Lord of Darkness.

I may have something from the canvass.

They find the can man?

No, another witness.

A guy from a bodega remembers a kid last night matching Janie Doe's description.

Yeah, she was in here.

Around midnight. Alone.

But you didn't think it was strange, a little girl all by herself that time of night?

I don't care who you are or what time you shop, as long as you spend your money here.

You remember what she bought?

Nothing. I can spot a booster from a mile away.

I threw her out before she could rip me off.

Checked her panda on the way out to make sure.

You did what? Her panda?

Her backpack.

You know, a stuffed animal, the arms go around like straps?

Well, two dead rats, but no panda.

Check this out, El.

Somebody's got a guilty conscience.

Hey, man!

Don't touch that!

Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?


You're the guy who found the little girl, aren't you?

Me and Jake. We built that shrine for the little one.

Good Samaritans don't usually build shrines.

Well, you didn't see her lying there, slipping away.

Then why would you run away when EMS got here?

Guilty conscience?


I called them. Jake just doesn't like crowds.

Why'd you write, "I shall not m*rder"?

That was Thomas.

Who's that?

Another cat?

No, Dylan Thomas, the poet. Drank himself to death at the White Horse.

That's not a confession, I just steal from the best.

Step away from the cart.

Hey, this is unconstitutional.

You can't search my home without a warrant.

Where'd you get this?

Dumpster, couple of blocks away. There's no ID or money.

A man's got to eat.

And our little girl's got to get around.

Morales pulled the data from Janie Doe's MetroCard.

She bought it two weeks ago.

Most of the fares were bus rides around Staten lsland, couple of subway trips to Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Any trips last night?

She swiped it at 10:34 on a Staten lsland bus.

Then an hour later in Manhattan to take the I train.

So she rode the ferry from Staten lsland, then took the subway uptown at 11:40 p. m.

She was in the bodega by midnight, so she must've gone straight there.

Well, she didn't take a two-hour trip to get soda and chips.

It's a safe bet she lives on Staten Island, probably in Stapleton.

MetroCard usage is concentrated there.

Start ringing doorbells, see if somebody can ID her.

That's a large area to canvass.

Then let me narrow your search.

In my journey through the paranoid underworld of the satanic, I pulled a bunch of reports about demonic activity in Stapleton.

It's the secret portal to hell?

That would be Toledo, but Stapleton runs a close second, according to a Mrs. Doris DiNuzio.

And she is?

A concerned citizen.

She lives across the street from St. Adrian's Church.

She made 39 reports to her local precinct that her priest is a devil worshipper on the down low.

America's got a million secret satanists.

You don't believe me, ask Maury Povich.

What's the priest's name?

Father Theo Burdett, the faker.

He's shacking up with a woman.

It may be a sin, but it's not devil worship.

I'm just getting started.

There's the drumming, sometimes all night long.

And there's chanting in some weird language.

Could they be speaking in tongues?

No. I got a sister in Florida, married to a Pentecostal snake handler.

I know tongue-talk.

In one of your complaints, you mentioned something about animal sacrifices.

One day he's got chickens and goats running around the parish house and then the next day...

I saw him with the machete.

It was all covered with blood.

You ever see this little girl with Father Theo?

Of course I have.

She lives with him.

Showed up one day a few months ago.

I haven't seen her around lately.

You think he sacrificed her?

You know, I got married over at St. Adrian's and now I'm too scared to set foot in that haunted house.

I don't see any ghosts.

You never went to Catholic school.

I still got nightmares about Sister Mary Margaret and her mustache.

Excuse me. We're looking for Father Theo Burdett?

He done something wrong?

We've had some complaints about strange activities here at the church.

"Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye. "

Father Burdett.

Yes. Now what's she said this time?

Am I skimming from the bingo or dipping in the communion wine?

You're slaughtering animals and virgins.

This parish has changed, Detectives.

It's no longer Irish and ltalian.

It's African immigrants and they bring their own worship practices to the church.

So the drumming and the chanting?

It's all part of their Catholic faith.

And as for the animals, I raise chickens and goats, my other flock.

And we have traditional gatherings, where, yes, the animals are humanely slaughtered and cooked for a community meal.

I am simply honoring their cultural heritages.

Having a wife part of that?

I was an Episcopal priest before I was ordained in the Catholic Church.

Vatican law allows me to remain married.

There's even a priest down in Alabama getting a divorce. Who knew?

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I've wasted enough time on Ms. DiNuzio's bigotry.

Yo, just one more thing, Father.

This girl, does she live here?

That's Miriam.

What happened to her?

She was assaulted. She's in the hospital right now.

Oh, dear God.

Take me to her.

What's your relationship to her?

She's our daughter.

Ondine and I met Miriam when we were doing relief work at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.

Where is she from?

Sudan, Uganda, maybe Congo.

She speaks Dinka, Acholi, Swahili, but she has no idea which is her native language.

She remembers nothing about her past life before the camp.

Traumatic amnesia?

That's what the doctors at Kakuma thought.

She was eight or nine when strangers brought her in.

They found her on the side of the road half-dead.

Probably some sex sl*ve to a rebel group.

She endured repeated beatings and r*pes.

We've seen the medical evidence.

So you know she survived hell.

We adopted her, because we thought that in America she would have the kind of life she deserved.

And yet when she disappeared last night, you didn't file a Missing Persons report.

We didn't know she was missing.

She was supposed to be at a youth camp retreat in Spring Lake.

We found her in Harlem.

Any reason she'd be there?

I have no idea.

She asked for permission to see him yesterday.

Wait, why didn't you tell me?

Because you'd over-react.

I told you not to let them be alone!

They're good for each other.

She's a little girl, and he's almost 30.

Folks, tell us who he is.

They both walked through jungles and across land mines to freedom.

Now, do you think that I could really stop them from being together?

He's the one that att*cked Miriam.

He couldn't have!

He's a gentle soul.

Oh, gentle, my ass.

Who, Reverend?

Elijah Okello.

And why do you suspect him?

He's k*lled before.

Do you want to explain how you let a m*rder*r hang around with your little girl?

Elijah isn't really a m*rder*r.

Well, you said that he's k*lled before.

Elijah's from Northern Uganda.

When he was seven, the Lord's Resistance Army burned his village, kidnapped the kids and forced the boys to become soldiers.

So he spent his childhood as a k*ller.

Until he was 19, and then he escaped and eventually he resettled in the States.

Well, how did you meet him?

He showed up at St.

Adrian's one day last fall.

A lot of refugees find their way to us.

He sings in our choir with Miriam.

And he has a beautiful voice. It's clear and pure.

His soul isn't so spotless.

He was forced to sin.

Elijah was a k*ller, but he was also a victim.

Still, he was brought up in bloodshed and v*olence.

Old habits die hard.

Where does he live?

He shares an apartment with other Ugandan refugees.

How can I help you?

We're looking for Elijah Okello.

Please, come in.

He's in the kitchen.

Shall I get him for...



No, I'm Nathaniel.

Didn't Elijah let you in?

Requesting backup at 445 West 121.

In foot pursuit of suspect Elijah Okello...

He's gone.

You door-knocked a suspect without having his photo?

Elijah's not in the system.

Father Theo didn't have a picture of him at the hospital.

No driver's license, no mug shot.

Well, maybe you should've tried Facebook.

We screwed up.

We'll find him.

Preferably before he slits somebody else's throat.

Any leads?

We tossed his room, didn't come up with anything.

His housemate says he's got no credit card, no cell phone.

So you're nowhere.

Miriam should be able to talk by now, so Liv and I are going to go down to the hospital.

Try St. Adrian's.

Dr. Beresford called, said she's awake and alert.

The Burdetts took her home.

My name's Olivia and I'm a police officer.

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

I know you can't talk, so I thought maybe you could write.

She never learned to.

We just started lessons.

But she can sign.


No, no, no.

It's a pantomime we used at Kakuma before she learned English.

So can you tell me what happened last night?

When you left your house, where did you go?

To the boat.

The Staten lsland Ferry.

And then where did you go?

To see Elijah.

At his house.

And did he go with you to the store?

So, Miriam, what's the last thing you do remember?

Being with Elijah.

She says he would never hurt her. He loves her.

Miriam, are there any special places that Elijah likes to go?

I need to talk to him.

And maybe he can help me figure out who hurt you.

It's all right.

You can tell her.

A church?

Not a church.

But like a church?

A mosque?


The temple of books.

The library?


Elijah was taking some courses at Hudson University.

Library stays open all night.

So it's a great place to hide when you're on the run with no money.

Well, I pray that I'm wrong, and Elijah didn't do this.

We'll know when we talk with him.

Call me when you have news.

We will.

Son of a bitch.

I'd expect a fire bombing in Africa. But on Staten lsland?

I never expected this to happen in America today.

You can't expect child soldiers to forget what they've been taught.

Well, you think Elijah did this?

Or one of his old friends trying to scare Miriam into silence.

Well, it worked. She's cuddled up like a mouse under the covers.

Your partner's trying to talk to her, she won't come out.

This is all my fault.

Ondine, don't blame yourself.

I thought Elijah's friendship would help her heal.

Now look what I've done.

Find Elijah.

Make my daughter safe.

Hobbes' Leviathan. I've been meaning to read that.

Not this time.

I've done nothing wrong.

Put your hands behind your back.


His clothes reek of it.

This shirt belongs to my roommate.

He works at a petrol station.

Did he give you an employee discount for Molotov cocktails?

Let's go.

Yes, I was a soldier.

Many years ago.

It was another life.

Well, I was a Marine.

I'll never forget what I learned in boot camp.

Still use my skills on occasion.

You don't scare me, Detective.

To get me to join the LRA, they shot my mother in the heart in front of me.

How many mothers you sh**t?

I don't know.

Mostly I just fired my w*apon into the bush.

But you have k*lled.

Yes. Yes.

In the past.

Let's talk about the present.

Now, your friend Miriam, were you with her last night?

Yes. We took a walk.

Then what?

I had to go see someone.

I told her to wait in the store, but when I returned, she was gone.

Well, that's convenient.

What are you saying?

What has happened to Miriam?

That's good.

You almost sound sincere.

I am sincere!

She is my special friend.

Did you want a special friendship last night, but she didn't want to give it?

She's a child.

You were murdering people at her age. So what?

It wasn't my choice.

They made me do it.


They make you r*pe, too?

Because I know the LRA uses r*pe as a w*apon.

Yes, some did it.

I would never force a woman.

Miriam has suffered enough already.

I have sworn that she will not cry again.

Then how did she go from taking a walk with you to dying in a dirty alley with her throat cut?

Miriam is dead?

No. But it's a miracle she's alive.

This is my fault.

Everything I touch, everyone I love, I corrupt.

Lord, have mercy on me.

"My God, I am most heartily sorry for having offended thee, and I detest my sins for I fear the loss of heaven and the pains of hell."

Yes. "But most of all for having offended thee, my God, who are all good and most deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve to confess my sins. I firmly resolve to... To do penance. And to amend my life."

"And to amend my life. "

Elijah, confess to me. It's the only way to save your soul.

Just confess.

I've k*lled so many.

Go on.

I stabbed them, I shot them, I burned them.

I can still see the bodies, so much blood.

They come to me at night.

They ask me, "Why did you k*ll me, Elijah?"

I don't have an answer.

I dream of my mother, begging me to save her life.

And I do nothing.

I see her die every night.

I am a coward and a m*rder*r.

God, have mercy on me.

I can't bear this pain.

Tell me what happened. Tell me what happened last night.

I went to take a life.



Then whose?

I don't know his name.

Miriam just calls him "the Devil. "

For three years, she was his sex sl*ve.

Miriam spotted the man that she calls "the Devil" at a wedding two weeks ago.

She follows him to an apartment in Harlem and then she tells Elijah.

And asked him to k*ll her r*pist.

Yes. He lives around the corner from the bodega.

Miriam is supposed to signal Elijah when she sees her abuser coming home from work.

But when she gets kicked out of the bodega, she must've run into him.

He recognized her, tried to shut her up.

But I thought Miriam couldn't remember her life before the refugee camp.

Right, according to Elijah, her memory returned when she saw her attacker.

That's a convenient story, blames it all on the mystery w*rlord.

I believe him.

Why? Because he prayed with you?

I know what Elijah's done.

I just don't believe that he would hurt Miriam.

You believe him, too?

He lost his entire family.

Miriam's all he's got.

And all you got is your gut.

And a lead on a possible bad guy.

The building that Miriam tracked him to?

There are three apartments in it.

Two are registered to women.

The third is registered to a Samuel Mbazzi.

According to his lmmigration file, he's originally from Uganda.

Mbazzi claimed political asylum in 2004.

Got his green card two years ago, just applied for citizenship.

Is he a working man?

He lists his profession as janitor.

Well, I guess they didn't have a box for w*rlord.

I'll go pick him up.

Not without probable cause.

Miriam's not talking, and Elijah can't ID a man that he's never seen.

Not to mention that Mbazzi got a clean bill of health from lmmigration.

You mean the same guys who gave visas to a bunch of jihadists so they could go to flight school?

Captain, just let me talk to the guy.

Say hello. Nothing more.

Mr. Mbazzi, we're from lmmigration.

Is there a problem?

We have some follow-up questions on your application for citizenship.

Ask me anything.

You are originally from Uganda?

Certainly, that is in my file.

Just being thorough.

What was your profession?

A teacher.

And now you work...

At the law firm of Pehlke and Zimmer.

You're an attorney?

A cleaner.


Did you take today off?

I work nights.

You work last night?

I stayed home in bed.

I was ill with a touch of the flu.

Yeah, a lot of viruses going around now.

Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts?

I live alone.

In fact, I still feel weak.

Perhaps we can continue this conversation another day?

He's our guy and we can't touch him.

Unless we can prove he's a w*rlord and not a schoolteacher.

Well, I don't think I PP is going to authorize a fact-finding trip to Kampala.

Maybe we don't need one.

Alexandra Cabot.

Thanks for meeting me, Rajiv.

Are you kidding? First The Crimson runs your obituary, then your return from the dead is the talk of our 10-year reunion.

And you're with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Long way from late nights at Charlie's Kitchen arguing con law over burgers.

Maybe not.

I'm investigating a Ugandan man who may've been involved in w*r crimes.

This man, he's here in the States?

Yes, potentially under a false name.

I need to establish his real identity.

The UN is not a law enforcement body, Alex.

We don't investigate individual citizens.

And even if we had files, you'd have to make a request through channels.

Rajiv, he slit the throat of a little girl who could identify him.

And that is the very least of what he has already done to her.

The lnternational Criminal Court has been prosecuting w*r crimes in Uganda.

The ICC has survivor testimony?

And a photo archive.

All open to the public at their headquarters in The Hague.

Is there any chance those files could magically get to me?

The picture quality's terrible.

Yeah. My contact at the ICC e-mailed them lo-res.

I can see enough to break my heart, though.

The r*fles are bigger than they are.

Know where we got the term "infantry"?


Romans would put the youngest soldiers on the front line.

They'd be the first to die.

Two thousand years later, we've sequenced the human genome, but we still can't find a way to keep our kids safe.

That could be Mbazzi.

I'll pull up the original.

Oh, that's him.

Except his real name is Joseph Serumaga, a rebel commander wanted for w*r crimes by the ICC.

He was about to be indicted when he disappeared.

And he's got some track record.

He once locked an entire village inside a church and set it on fire.

Which earned him the nickname, the Devil of Gulu.

Miriam was right. The Devil really did do it.

Glad to see you're feeling better.

More questions?

Yeah. I forgot to ask you what you taught in Uganda.


As in you plus a church full of terrified civilians equals m*ssacre?

I don't know what you mean.

Joseph Serumaga.

You have the wrong man.

My name is...

The Devil of Gulu.

Give me an excuse.

Give me an excuse!

You have the right to remain silent.

I have nothing to say.

I want an attorney.

I'm sure they'll just be dying to represent the w*r criminal who cleans their toilets.

Serumaga hasn't said a word since we brought him in.

We don't need a confession.

We're not going to trial.

The search warrant turned up Molotov cocktails and a box cutter.

Traces of blood on it will match Miriam's DNA.

What else do you need?

It's not my case.

Immigration is taking custody of Serumaga and they're going to take him to The Hague for trial.

What about justice for Miriam?

ICC is going to get justice for 10,000 Miriams.



We have good news.

We found Elijah.

And we know that he didn't hurt you.

Miriam, but he told us about "the Devil. "

Joseph Serumaga.

No, no, no. He will never ever hurt you again.

Miriam, that man will spend the rest of his life in prison.

No. No! I said absolutely not, Miriam.

What is she saying?

She wants to go see him.

Are you sure?

I still think this is a terrible idea.

It's her choice, Ondine.

Are you ready?

You're welcome.

There's someone in the squad room waiting for you.

Little sister, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you.

I love you, too.

Miriam, I think we should go.

Of course he's coming with us.

You two have choir practice this afternoon. No excuses.

You can still learn the music.

Thank you.


This is Regional Director Brett Trask of lmmigration and Customs Enforcement.

Congratulations on your fine work, Detective.

Capturing Serumaga was a huge coup.

Glad we could help you out.

Just make sure that Director Trask gets everything he needs.

No, no, we're all set.

I've got the transfer of custody, and A.D.A. Cabot turned over your DD5s, so we're good to go.

Next stop for Mr. Serumaga, The Hague.

Oh, by the way, is Elijah Okello still in custody?

He's been cleared.

We released him.

That's okay, we'll pick him up.

Pick him up? Why?

Well, his asylum claim was denied last year.

We have a warrant for his deportation.

You're sending him back to Uganda?

He's a w*r criminal.

Same as Serumaga.

By his own account, Elijah didn't flee the LRA until after his 18th birthday.

He was an adult, and that makes him accountable for his actions.

He was a child, he was forced to do what he did.

You're a New York City cop.

Stick to your beat.

Leave the w*r crimes to me.

There's nothing I can do, Elliot.

The lmmigration judge ruled that Elijah's legally barred from asylum.

He was still fighting with the LRA as an adult.

They abducted him when he was eight years old.

And he spent the next decade murdering civilians and torching villages.

Elijah never lied about what he'd done.

Look, if he had refused, they would've k*lled him.

If he'd left sooner, he'd be able to stay in the United States.

You think they threw him a birthday party in the jungle?

Do you think he even knew he was 18 years old?

Alex, this isn't about age.

This is about a little boy who saw his mother butchered in front of his eyes.

It's about a boy who was abducted, he was brainwashed, he was forced to commit atrocities.

Now, if Elijah's not a special victim, you tell me who is?

The Supreme Court says that UN guidelines should be used to determine refugee status.

So by your standards, is Elijah a perpetrator or a victim?

A victim. His actions were committed under duress.

He was still a c*ptive of the LRA when he turned 18.

So he is not responsible for his actions from the time he was abducted as a child until he reached safety at the Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Which is why the lnternational Criminal Court wouldn't prosecute Elijah on w*r crimes.

But the United States is trying to deport him.

Can't you intercede on his behalf?

The UN respects the laws of sovereign nations.

You know we can't trump a US court.

But they'll listen to you.

It's not that easy.

The US hasn't even ratified the Rome Treaty on w*r crimes.

As soon as lmmigration finds him, they are going to deport him.

Unless he's somewhere they can't touch him.


It's happening all across the country.

Undocumented workers in fear of deportation seek sanctuary in a church.

The Feds aren't going to drag them out.

You've got a sympathetic priest.

So instead of sitting in an lmmigration jail, Elijah's a prisoner at St. Adrian's.

Well, it gives us time to file an appeal... and it beats being sent back to Uganda.

Frankly, if there's another way, I don't see it.


Fin, what do you got?


I'll meet you at St. Adrian's.

You going to break the news to Elijah? It's already been broken.

The Feds tracked him down to St. Adrian's and they served him the deportation notice.

And he flipped out.

He grabbed an ICE agent's g*n. He's holding hostages.

Let's hope my pal Agent Trask is running the show.

Surprised he hasn't nuked the church already.

Yeah. Roger that. Your boy really screwed the pooch.

My boy? How about your agent who let Elijah snatch his service w*apon.

Yeah. He'll be disciplined after we contain the situation.

Run it down.

All right. Inside the church, we've got the taker, the priest and 13 kids from the youth choir.

Reporters are loving this.

Any communication?

He doesn't have a cell phone, he's not responding to the loud hail.

Let's talk to him.

SWAT already has a tac plan, and it doesn't include you.

Hey, hey, listen to me.

You're gonna throw a flash-bang inside a church, hoping you don't k*ll a bunch of kids on live TV?

Where's your negotiator?

He's en route.

Let us talk him down.

Negative, Detective.

This is a Federal operation.

Give us a chance. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes.

I'll give you 10, then I'm letting my dogs off the leash.

Elijah. It's Detective Stabler and Tutuola.

Get away from the door!

We're unarmed, we just want to talk.

Elijah, this isn't the way.

When lmmigration came, I thought they would call me a hero for bringing the Devil of Gulu to justice. I was a fool.

Only if you don't end this now.

It's already ended.

Read their papers.

They call me "undesirable for residency in the US."

A w*r criminal who chose to k*ll.

Like Serumaga.

Show them that they're wrong, son.

No. No. They call me a monster, I will show them a monster!

Let the children go.

They're innocent. You know that better than anybody.

Take them outside.

Come with me.


No, no, no.

Little sister, go, go!

Listen to him. We'll be fine. Now, go. Go!

Hold your positions.

Hold your positions!

Detective Tutuola and 13 friendlies exiting.

Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Be careful. Come on.


And my husband?

Elijah's not ready yet.

Come on.

Elijah, give me the g*n.

I need it.

For what? Are you going to k*ll Father Theo? You going to k*ll me?

For myself.

su1c1de is a mortal sin. You risk your soul.

I have no soul!

You do. Yeah, you do.

What does it matter?

Hope brought you to America. You can't give up.

At Kakuma, they promised me that if I went to school, and studied hard, and learned to be a good man, there was a life for me.

I had it.

And it is gone now.

They're going to send me back to the m*rder and the death and the hunger.

The LRA will hunt me down and k*ll me.

I deserve to die for what I've done.

You were a child then. You were a child.

It doesn't matter. They have judged me for what a child did.

Man's judgment does not matter. Only God's.

God has forsaken me.


Then where is he, huh? Can he hear the screams of his children?

Is he deaf to our suffering?

I hear it at night when I sleep!

Every time I close my eyes.

No, his son was imprisoned, tortured and k*lled.

Do you not think he feels your pain?

Why don't you sit back, relax? He needs a doctor.


Take him out.

No. I'm not leaving.

Yes, you are.

Listen to me, if we don't get him out of here, he's going to die.

Now give me the g*n.

They said the g*n was our only friend. Our mother and our father.

That it would make us feel strong.

And how does it make you feel now?


Okay. Okay.

Let's go.

Come on.

Let's go. Let's go!

This is Detective Stabler.

We're coming out.

Suspect's unarmed.

We need EMS over here now!

Don't sh**t!


Don't sh**t!

Little sister.

He is holy who died to meet the Lord in his love and mercy.

Miriam, can you tell me what he said to you?

He had to die, to make people see all the child soldiers.

Hold on, now.

"Suffer the little children. "

What's the answer, Father?

Tell Elijah's story.

Pray someone will listen.
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