03x04 - Under Siege

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x04 - Under Siege

Post by bunniefuu »

Iron Man: The Masters of Evil are running loose again, Hawkeye.

Where are you?

Hawkeye: Friday!

Friday: It's not my fault, Hawkeye.

You said to hold all calls and, I quote, "Unless the world is coming to an end, leave me alone."

"Why are you so late, Hawkeye?"

"Oh, because I was locked in the lab building arrows, and our AI takes everything literally."

Should I not be taking you literally?


Friday, send a message to Iron Man.

Tell him I'm on my way.

Iron Man: Now, what did my wall ever do to you?

The Avengers? Here?


You Masters of Evil interrupted Cap's movie night.

For the record, Iron Man, that movie was just a documentary about you.

I know. Wasn't I great?


[grunts] [groans]


Moonstone: This way!

What are we doing? Stick with the plan.

[supersonic scream]

What is this place?

One of my low-level hardware R&D labs.

I don't want Moonstone, Fixer, and Goliath stomping around inside it.

Hulk, Falcon, with me.

Hulk: Forgot to say "please."

Beetle, Screaming Mimi, you two are going to surrender, if you have any sense.

Surrender? As if!

[supersonic scream]

I do not care for her tone.

Sorry I'm so fashionably late. What'd I miss? Uh-oh.

[supersonic scream]

I got this!


[mechanical humming]

[normal screaming]


[humming continues] [grunts]

Yeah, experimental phased-frequency arrow, with noise canceling.

[all grunt]


I said "experimental," right?

I didn't say anything.

Yeah, but you were thinking it.

You have no idea what you're up against, Falcon.

Sure, I do, Fixer.

That was a stud welder arm.


Now it's a gotcha machine.

[crying out]


You need to watch where you're going.

Oh, do I?


Yes, you do.




Think you're so big?

[grunts] [grunts]


Widow taught me that.

Come on, Iron Man. You really need to call all of us in just to handle the twerps of evil?

I like to share the fun. So sue me.

Aah! You're not gonna b*at us again.

[Hulk groans]


I'm gonna crush me some Avengers!


The whole building's coming down!

[Hulk grunts]

I got this!

b*at it, Beetle!




[cries out]



Screaming Mimi, Moonstone... Ladies, this has already been a bad day.

Let's not make it any worse for you.

[muffled] Mm... Ugh...

Gotta say, with all your power, you Masters of Evil oughta be harder to take down.

That's what I keep trying to tell them, but no one ever listens!

You do not! You never say that!

Will you stop talking for once? Please, just stop.

Hey, you don't talk to Screaming Mi...

W-What the heck was that? An expl*si*n?

No. The tau-neutrino energy residue shows they teleported.

Screaming Mimi like that...

What just happened?

You have been rescued... by a friend.

My name is Baron Zemo.

Zemo? My grandfather told w*r stories about a Baron Zemo who fought Captain America.

That was my father.

I share with him a name and a pure hatred for Captain America.

I share with you a hate for the Avengers.

And I offer you Masters of Evil a way to eliminate them.


Sure. Then unicorns will fall from the sky.

I don't got time for this.

We're listening.

Good. Let's begin with making you much more powerful.

Falcon: Using the tau-neutrinos, we backtraced the source of the teleportation signal to Brazil.

Now we know exactly where the Masters of Evil are.

We should probably pay them a little visit.

Hawkeye: Eh, you go on without me.

I'm in the middle of something, and I need lab time.


It's just the hysterically named Masters of Evil.

You don't need me on this.

Go. You guys got this. I'm just gonna stay and finish up.

Hey, Friday, I'll be in the lab for the rest of the day. Do not disturb.

And if the world is coming to an end?

If the world is coming to an end, then you let me know.


All right, noise-canceller. You're a mess.

I'm not giving up on you yet.

[mechanical humming]


I might actually get this thing to work.

Go, me!

I got the keys to the kingdom.


[ascending whirring]

Friday: That's strange.

The security checksum doesn't add up.

♪ [humming]

I had better check the Parsippany mugwump... [gibberish]...emergenc...

[Fixer, Screaming Mimi laugh]

Knock, knock.

Nobody's home!


[birds squawking]

Look alive. It could be a trap.

Captain America: How are things in the sky?

Iron Man: I see a whole lot of nothing, Cap.

Teleport had to come from here.

I mean, unless they bounced the signal off a fake location.

The Masters of Evil usually aren't that clever.

Captain America: Looks like they were clever this time.

We've been had.

♪ [humming]

♪ [humming continues]

Friday, how'd they get in here?



[gasps, grunts]

[mechanical humming]

[crying out]

[gasps, groans]

Lookit. The hero ain't got no weapons.

Avengers, emergency code!

Baron Zemo: You waste your time.

The Tower's alarms and comm links have been cut.

Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil?

The name does have quite a ring to it, does it not?

They were merely a petty group of misfits.

But under my guidance, they will at last be true Masters of Evil.

Give up, archer. This just isn't your day.

Come on. No talking this out?

Just corner the unarmed hero and light him up?

Okay. Have it your way.





Come on!


Get him.

Note to self: From now on, I keep a bow and arrow on every floor.

[grunts] [exclaims]



[laughing] [grunts]





Give up!

Not like you're Thor or some big deal.

One... Thor doesn't deal with low-rent crooks like you.

And two...



I am a big deal.

[crying out]


That will be enough of that.


I don't believe it. We took down an Avenger.

You have control of the Tower?

Was easy. I worked on these systems for Tony Stark.

Before he fired me.

Then this is the perfect revenge.

Fixer, help me obtain something from Stark's personal vault.

All of you, tear this Tower apart.

Do not fail me.

Mimi, secure the prisoner.

You're in over your head, Mimi.

Zemo's a crackpot, and he's using you.


You were the guy who used to run with the Circus of Crime.

Now you got a cushy gig, so you think you're better than me!

It's not like that.

You're still one of us, Barton.

We all know it! You don't care about saving the world.

You just found a big, fat payday playing hero.

Uh, you think I do this for the money?

You don't know who I am.

And you sure don't know what I run on.

Hmm. Zemo wants something out of Tony Stark's vault.

I'll tell you what.

You help Zemo get it, and we'll cut you in.


[yells] [grunts]

[supersonic scream]


Too easy.
Screaming Mimi: Baron Zemo!



Hawkeye's gotten loose!

Please. Handle it.

Any one of you should be able to tear him to pieces.

Ah. Stark's vault.


Hey, that's my stuff!

[w*apon clicks] Whoa!



Guess I'm going up.

Goliath: Uh-oh.

You got a growing problem here.








Going somewhere?




Baron, the Avengers are back!

Ugh! So soon.

Fixer, activate the last of your protocols, and lock all exterior doors.



My card's locked out?

Iron Man: Nobody locks me out.



Guys, we're gonna need to use your keys.

[thudding, clattering]

both: Huh?

We're out of time. Take as much as you can carry.

Then we meet back at the safe house.

Stop! Stop, all of you!

You have nothing to fear.

I will not allow you to underestimate yourselves.

You will not run. They will run.

You are the Masters of Evil.

Remember, Zemo is always several moves ahead.

No Friday, no comm, no access.

No way the Masters of Evil could do all this.

Whoever it was left that note in the jungle.

Masters of Evil or maybe Hydra.

But Hawkeye stayed behind.

If anyone compromised the Tower, he would've stopped them.

Yep. And it's a trap.


[cries out]


Our own training bots.

Except I've never seen them move this fast.

They've gotten some kind of upgrade.

Stand fast, friends. I will free you.

Wanna bet, blondie?


[yells] [groans]

Goliath: Whoa!

Look what we can do when we're inspired.

[supersonic scream]



Fixer: We've always been a joke to you heroes, but you won't be laughing now, or ever again!

[grunts] [supersonic scream]

[crying out]


Off, you jackals!






Having trouble with these lightweights?

The Masters of Evil are no longer mere lightweights.

The jesters have become warriors.

[sonic scream]

[crying out]

What's the matter, Hulk? Can't handle a few million volts?

[continues crying out]







What is this?

Just a little plasma-core netting.

I whipped it up from the stuff I took from your Tower.

So thanks, chumps.






[supersonic scream]


Since when did the Masters of Evil get so organized?


Going somewhere, Hawkeye?

Yeah, but you don't wanna come with. Boring.


Take that!


You still struggle, despite your obvious lack of power.

It's not really about power, Baron.

It's more about confidence.


Not good.






[both grunting]

You can't win, Falcon.

I got a long reach.


Need a little help on the 42nd floor, please!


This is my kind of fight... A b*at down!


You can't stop me. I'm Goliath!


[groans, grunts]

I built this while working for you, Mr. Stark, and you thanked me by f*ring me.

Just 'cause I have trouble with my temper?

Yeah. Wonder where I got that idea.

Wha... Aahh!

And for the record, I fired you for babbling about my secrets.

I see you haven't changed.




Hate to do this to you, but I have to scatter your atoms.

Hope you can forgive me someday.


[both grunt]

[supersonic scream] [grunts]

Your shield ain't gonna stop this!

[supersonic scream]

[normal scream]


That's funny, 'cause it just did.




Without a w*apon, you are the Avengers' weakest link.

Only fit to run and hide.

Pop quiz, Baron. What do you think I keep in this room?


Take a guess.


Baron Zemo?

[yells, groans]

Never expected to see you alive.

Or leading a bunch of second-stringers like the Masters of Evil.

Hah. My blood screams for vengeance upon you, Captain, but not now.

Not today!

And stay out!

That atom-scrambling device you pulled on me... what was that thing anyway?

Cartridge pen.

It writes in blue, red, and black.

Should've known.

Defense systems coming online.


What hit me?

It wasn't the end of the world, was it?

I took an inventory of your vault, Tony.

The only missing item was some kind of stabilizer.

My vault has really dangerous things in it, and all Zemo took was my old Inversion Stabilizer?

Hulk: What's this stable thing do?

Just something I cooked up over lunch one day.

It's supposed to fool facial and voice recognition.

Not even sure it works.

If Zemo wants it, then nothing good can come of it.

Zemo's coming back for us.

He's always several moves ahead of everybody.

[chuckles] Yeah, including you.


[muffled] No!

He can't build us up like this and just leave!

You wanna know the real reason why I switched to being a hero, Mimi?

My side never runs out on each other.

Just think about it.

So, you think you reached her?

Hey, we have to try, right?


What a mess. We'll never be able to clean this place up.

Well, we have to try, right?

Oh, I see what you did there.

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