Pet Sematary (1989)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Pet Sematary (1989)

Post by bunniefuu »

Pet Sematary (1989)

Mo Bye, old Shep.

See you in heaven.


This is where my kitty lays.

No more he screams and hollers.

He lived for He cost me $50.

Spot--a good fella.

We love you.

We're finally here.




What do you think?

It's gorgeous.

Decided to wake up and see what home looks like, huh?



Come here.



I see a path.

Ellie, be careful.


Listen to your moth-- Mommy!


It hurts!



It hurts!

Honey, are you ok?

It hurts.

Get rid of this.

I got it.

You OK?


It hurts.

Anyone screaming that loud doesn't need intensive care.

Hi, Church.


She just skinned her knee.

[horn honks]


I don't want the stingy stuff, Daddy.

Where's Gage?



No, you don't, my friend.

Not in that road.


I corralled him for you, Missus.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

I'm Louis Creed.

Jud Crandall.

I live just across the road.

You want to watch out for that road.

Them damn trucks go back and forth all day and night.

And, uh, who might you be, little miss?

I'm Ellen Creed.

Your dad's going to be the new Doctor up at the college.

I think you'll be happy as a clam here.

Are clams really happy?


Crandall, there's a path over there.

Do you know where it goes?


Ayuh, that's a good story.

A good walk.

I'll take you up there sometime.

Tell you the story, too, after you get settled in.


Uh, excuse me, I've got to get this kid changed.

Nice to meet you.

Same here.

Come on, Ellie.

House has stood empty too long.

It's damn good to see people in it again.





You scared the life out of me, Church.


Come here.

Is that you, Doc?

Yeah, it's me.

Come and have a beer.

Need a glass?

Not at all.

Good for you.



That's one mean road, all right.

You know that path your wife commented on?

That road and those Orinco trucks are the two main reasons it's there.

Well, where does it lead?

Pet cemetery.


Pet cemetery.

It's that damn road.

It uses up a lot of animals.

Dogs and cats mostly.

My little girl's got a cat.

Winston Churchill.

We call him Church for short.

I'd get him fixed if I were you.

Fixed cat don't tend to wander.

If it's always crossing that road, its luck will run out.

I'll take it under advisement.

Meantime, Doc, here's to your bones.

And your bones.



I'll be going now, Dr.


All right, Missy.


Hi, Missy.

I'll do these up, bring them back next time.


Can you come on Monday, Missy?

Always thought it would be lucky to marry a Doctor.

Wish I had a Doctor around with my stomach pains.

Guess I'll never be lucky.

Hell, I ain't married to anyone.

Bye, Missy.

Mommy, Daddy, come on, let's go!

We're coming.

All set?

Let's get on with it.


There's the place.

What's it say, Mommy?

It says "Pet Sematary," honey.

It's misspelled, but that's what it says.

Ellie, wait a minute!

I told you it was a bad road.

It's made a lot of kids unhappy.

At least something good come of it.

This place.

Couldn't plant nothing but corpses here anyway.

How can you call it a good thing?

A graveyard for pets k*lled in the road, built by brokenhearted children.

They have to learn about death somehow.


Can I have the baby?


Daddy, look, this one's a gold fishy.

That's right, Ellie.

They wasn't all k*lled by the road, especially the ones back from my childhood.

They get older as you go towards the middle.

Harder to read.

Missy Ellen, come over here just a minute.

That's where I buried my dog Spot when he died in 1924. you know what a graveyard really is?

Well, I guess not.

It's a place where the dead speak.

No, not right out loud.

Their stones speak or their markers.

This ain't a scary place, Ellie.

It's a place of rest and speaking.

Can you remember that?

Yes, sir.



Hi, babe.

Daddy, what if Church dies?

What if he dies and has to go to the pet cemetery?

Honey, Church will be fine.

No, he won't.

Not in the end.

In the end he's going to croak.

Lovey, Church might still be alive when you're in high school, and that's a very long time.

It doesn't seem long to me.

It seems short.

I'd let Church live to be 100, but I don't make the rules.

Well, who does?

God, I suppose.

He's not God's cat, he's my cat.

Let God get His own if He wants one.

Not mine.

Not mine!






I'm scared.

What if school here isn't like in Chicago?

I'm scared.

I want to go home.

You'll be all right, Ellie.

I don't want Church to get his nuts cut, Daddy.

Good God, where did you hear that?

Missy Dandridge.

She says it's an operation.

Well, the road is a lot more dangerous than any operation.

Church will be just the same.

Well, almost the same, and we won't have to worry about him getting run over by trucks.

He'll be all right.

You promise, Daddy?

Don't shilly-shally, Louis.

Give the little girl a promise.

Church will be fine.

I promise.


Thank you.

Oh, you're very welcome.

But if anything does happen while he's under the gas-- now, it's a 1 in a 1,000 shot, but it does happen-- you explain it to her.



Got to go.

Going to get his-- Nuts cut.


Thank you, Missy, for introducing that colorful phrase into my daughter's vocabulary.

Don't mention it.

How's that bellyache of yours?

No better.

No worse.

I can take a look at that.

It'll pass.

They always do.



Still friends, Doc?

I kissed you.

Have a great first day at school, Doc.





What happened?

He got hit by a truck.

Oh, God, his head.

Hold him gently.

Didn't even stop.

There's so much blood!

What's going on?

Get Dr.


What's happened?

He got hit by a truck.



Get them all out of here.



All right.

Everyone out, please.

Let the Doctors do their work.

Let's clear the room here.

Just clear out!

Ambu bag.

Start a cardiac monitor.

Yes, sir.

Need large bores.

Get an ambulance here.

He's going to EMC.

It won't do any good.

I know, but let's follow the rules.


Mark, who is it?

It's Pascow.

I told Rachel not so much as a sprain today, my friend.


The soil... of a man's heart... is stonier...


How did you know my name?

I'll come to you.

How did you know my name?


Come on, Doc.

We've got places to go.

Come on, Doc.

Don't make me tell you twice.

Hey, why are you here?

I want to help you because-- Louis?

Because you tried to help me.


Let's go, Doc.

I don't like this dream.

Who said you were dreaming?

This is the place where the dead speak.

I want to wake up.

I want to wake up.

Don't go on, Doc.

No matter how much you may feel you have to, do not go on to the place where the dead... walk.


I just want to wake up, that's all.

I just want to wake up, that's all.

The barrier was not meant to be crossed.

It's not my fault you died.

You were as good as dead when they brought you in.

The ground beyond... is sour.

[birds chirping]

[children laughing]

You up, Doc?

Getting there.

Thanks, nurse.

Louis, it's not right.

I don't like to think of you rattling around the house on Thanksgiving.

That's supposed to be a family holiday.

That's why you're going with the kids and without me.

As far as your dad's concerned, - I'll never be a member of the family.

- But I want you around.

I'll be around plenty when you get back.

[telephone rings]


Afraid you may have a spot Of trouble here.


What trouble?

There's a dead cat on the edge of my lawn.

It might be your daughter's.


That's Church all right.

I'm sorry.

At least it don't look like he suffered.

Well, Ellie will suffer.

She'll suffer plenty.


Give me that.

[crackle[ What are you going to do with it?

Put him in the garage.

I'll bury him in the morning.

You going to tell Ellie?

I have to mull that over for a while.

Maybe I'll just tell her I haven't seen the damn cat around.

I don't want to spoil her holiday, and Rachel's.

Maybe...there's a better way.

Do we plant him on the outside of the circle or start a new one?

The place we're going is on the other side of that.

We can't climb over that.

We'll break our necks.

No, we won't.

I've climbed it a time or two before.

I know where to step.

Just follow me.

Move easy.

Don't look down... and don't stop.

If you stop, you'll crash through for sure.

Just don't stop, and...


And don't look down.


Louis, you all right?


I just lost my happy thoughts there for a second.


Not much farther now.

[loon cries]


Jud, what's that?



[loon cries[ Just a loon, that's all.

Here we go.

Won't be much longer now.

Just down here a little ways.

Almost there, Louis.

You keep saying that.

This time I mean it.

What is this place?

This was their burial ground.

Whose burial ground?

Micmac Indians.

I brought you here to bury Ellen's cat.

Why, for God's sake?

I said why, Jud?

I had my reasons.

The soil's thin, but you'll manage.

I'm going to sit over yonder and have a smoke.

I'd help you, but you got to do it yourself.

Each buries his own.


[telephone rings]








When you talk to them, not one word about what we done tonight.

What did we do tonight, Jud?

What we did, Louis, was a... secret thing.

Women are supposed to be the ones who are good at keeping secrets.

Any woman who knows anything will tell you she's never seen into a man's heart.

The soil of a man's heart, Louis, is stonier, like the soil up there in the old Micmac burying ground.

Goldman residence.

Hi, Dory.

It's, uh, Louis.

You want to talk to your daughter?


That would be real fine.

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, baby.

How's everything in Chicagoland?

Grandma and Grandpa gave me lots of neat things.

How's Church, Daddy?

Does he miss me?


I--I guess he's just fine.

I haven't seen him this evening.

Make sure you put him in the cellar so he won't run out in the road.

Kiss him good night for me.


Kiss your own cat.

Want to talk to Gage?


Hi, Daddy.

I love you.

Hi, Daddy.

I love you.




[tapping bowl]

Food, Church.

[tapping bowl]


[tapping bowl]


Come on, Church.

Chow down.

Come on, Church.



I don't believe this.


You stink, Church.

Hold on a second.

God, he chewed his way out.

Jesus, boy.


Damn it.

I tried to tell myself that I buried him alive.

I'm not a vet.

It was dark.

Sure, it was dark.

But his head swiveled on his neck like it was full of ball bearings.

When you moved him, he pulled out of the frost.

Sounded like a piece of tape coming off a letter.

Live things don't do that.

You stop melting the frost under where you're laying when you're dead.

Well, I feel like I'm going crazy.

It was the ragman that told me about the place.

He was half Micmac.

He knew how I felt about my dog Spot.

Spot had got caught in barbed wire that infected.

When he died, I thought I was going to die.

Ragman did for me what I did for you last night.

Only I wasn't alone when Spot came back.

My mother was with me.

You could still see the barbed wire marks on him.


Jud, come and get Your dog!

He stinks of the ground you buried him in!



Spot came back, all right.


He wasn't quite the same dog I knew.


When he died that second time, I buried him there in the pet cemetery where his bones still lie.

A man doesn't always know why he does things.

I think I did it 'cause your daughter ain't ready for her favorite pet to die.

Maybe with more time, she'll learn what death really is, which is where the pain stops and the good memories begin.

Has anyone ever buried a person up there?

Christ on His throne, no.

And who ever would?




How the hell did you get in here?





Bye-bye, Ellie.

Watch your step now.


Hi, sugar!

Come here.


Hi, Daddy.

Daddy, is Church all right?


I guess so.

He was asleep on the porch when I left.

There you go.

I dreamed he got hit by a car, and you and Mr.

Crandall buried him in the pet cemetery.

That was a silly dream, wasn't it?

Is he really all right?


Hi, honey.

You want to take your son, Doc?





You smell bad.

Can cats have shampoos?

You have to take them to someone who grooms animals, and it's pretty expensive.

I'll save my allowance and pay for it.

Church smells bad.

I'll cough up the money, Ellen.

I hate that smell.


I hate it, too.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and comfort you and lift you up and give you peace.


- Amen.

- Amen.

Rachel not feeling well?

Just a touch of the flu.

She's been throwing up ever since Mrs.

Rogers called and said Mrs.

Dandridge-- That's enough, Ellen.

Poor Missy.

I don't know why God takes someone like her, who should still have a bunch of years, and lets an old fart like me go on and on.

My father used to have a saying, Jud.

God sees the truth... but waits.


How's your cat, Louis?

It's Ellie's cat.


It's your cat now.

Possibly more dolphins have beached or stranded themselves along the eastern Maine coast, and scientists don't know why.


What's up, sugar?

Daddy, did Missy Dandridge go to heaven?

Do you want to talk about it?

Is Missy in heaven, do you think?

I don't know, honey.

Different people believe all sorts of different things.

Some believe in heaven or hell.

Some think we come back as little children, and some think we just wink out, like a candle flame when the wind blows hard.

Do you believe that?


I think we go on.


I have faith in that.

You believe in it.

Give me a kiss.

What do you want to watch?

I heard you and Ellie tonight.

I thought you might have.

I know you don't approve of the subject.

I just get scared.

And you know me.

When I get scared, I get defensive.

Scared of what?


My sister Zelda-- I know.

She died.

spinal meningitis.

She was in the back bedroom like a dirty secret.

My sister died in the back bedroom, and that's what she was... a dirty secret.

I had to...

I had to feed her sometimes.

I hated it, but I did it.

We wanted her to die.

We wished... for her to be dead.

It wasn't just so she wouldn't feel pain.

It was so we wouldn't feel any more pain.

She started to look like this monster.

Even now, I wake up and I think, is Zelda dead yet?

Is she?

My parents were gone when she died.


Ha ha ha.

She started to...

She started to convulse... and I thought...

I thought...

Oh, my God, she's choking.

Zelda's choking.

And they'll come home, and they'll say I m*rder*d her by choking.

They'll say, "You hated her, Rachel," and that was true.

They'll say, "You wanted her to be dead." That was true, too.

And then she died.

And I started to scream.

I ran from the house screaming, "Zelda's dead!

Zelda's dead!

Zelda's dead!" And the neighbors came out and they--they looked.

They thought I was crying.

But you know something?

I think maybe...

I was laughing.

If you were, I salute you for it.

If I needed another reason not to like your parents, I have one now.

You should never have been left alone with her, Rachel.


Where was a nurse?

They actually went out and left an 8-year-old kid in charge of her dying sister who was probably insane.

Where are you going?

To get you a Valium.

You know I don't take-- Tonight you do.

Well, in my heart I could be ready to go Get ready to go now Let's go, let's go, go Look!

He pulled.

Daddy's flying a kite.

Mommy, look!

Watch it!

There it goes.

That's it, Louis.

Go, Daddy.


We want it higher.

Let Gage do it.

Here, buddy.

God, she's so young Sheena is a punk rocker Sheena is a punk rocker Sheena is a punk rocker Now Sheena is-- You're flying it.

There's the kite!

You got it.

Gage is flying it.

Can I fly it now?

Let Gage finish his turn.

We gotted it.

We got it.

The kite goes.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

Run, buddy.


Gage is flying it.

I'm flying it.

That kite is getting up there.


It got away from him, that numb shit.



I dropped it.

Daddy, can I fly it now?


In just a minute.

I want to fly it.

Daddy, Daddy, it's my turn now.

All right.

Just a minute.

Don't let him go in the road, Louis!

Get him, Louis!

Get the baby!

Get the baby!

Get the baby!







Sedative finally took hold.

Rachel's asleep.

I want to go back to my own room.

I can't sleep with Mommy.

She keeps stealing the covers.

Ellie, what you got there?


What you got there?

Let me see.

Can I see?


Ain't that real nice?

You pulling him in the wagon.

Bet he liked that, didn't he?

I'm going to carry this picture until God lets Gage come back.


God doesn't do things like that.

He can if He wants to.

I have to keep his things waiting for him.

That's what I think.

I've got his picture.

I'll sit in his chair-- Ellie.


Take care Of your little girl.

She needs you.

I knew something like this would happen.

I told her when you married, you'll have all the grief you can stand.

Now, look at this.

I hope you rot in hell!

Where were you while he played?

You stinking shit!

You k*ller of children!



Stop it!

You son of a bitch!





You son of a bitch!

You had no right!

What's wrong with you?

It's your son's funeral.

Get a hold of yourself.

Good night, Ellie.

Good night, Daddy.


God could take it back if He wanted to, couldn't He?

If He really, really wanted to.

Can I have faith in that?


I suppose you can.

Good night, Ellie.



f*ck off, hairball.




Jud, I buried my son today.

I'm very tired.

I wonder If we could just-- You're thinking thoughts best not thought of.

I was thinking about going to bed.

I'm responsible for more pain in your heart than you should have tonight.

For all I know, I may even be responsible for the death of your son.


Jud, you're talking crazy.

You are thinking of putting him up there.

Don't deny the thought hadn't crossed your mind, Louis.


You asked me if anyone had ever buried a person up there in the Micmac grounds.

I lied to you when I said no.

It's been done.

What you've been thinking of has been done.

He was a local boy.

It was towards the end Of the Second World w*r.

His name was Timmy Baterman.

He was k*lled on his way home from the Second World w*r.

His father Bill was so grief-struck he buried his son up there before he had the chance to get to the bottom of the truth.

I'll bite, Jud.

What's the bottom Of the truth?

Well, that sometimes dead is better.

The person you put up there ain't the person that comes back.

It may look like that person, but it ain't that person.

'cause... whatever lives in the ground beyond the pet cemetery ain't human at all.

Ha ha ha!

It was four or five days after Timmy's funeral that Margie Washburn seen Timmy walking up the road towards Yorkie's Livery.

As time went by...


lots of folks saw Timmy walking back and forth.

But it was Margie who finally came to us men folks and said it had to be stopped.

She knew it was an abomination.

So us men sat down and talked it out.

We got in my car and went to Baterman's to take care of it, one way or another.

There's no other way.

He's got to burn!

You're wrecking my house!

Stop it!

Timmy, stop it!


The place's going up!

Go away!

Get out While you still can, Bill!

Bring out the cans.

Igot them.


He's a monster, Bill.

Leave us alone!

He's my son!

Come, Timmy.

Let's get out.

No, Dad.

Hate living.

Come on, son!




No, Dad!

Hate living.

Louis, sometimes dead is better.

The Indians knew that.

They stopped using that burial ground when the ground went sour.

Don't think about doing it.

The place gets holier, but the place... is evil.

Sometimes, dead is better.

You see, Louis, what I'm getting at here?

You understand?

You're telling me that place knew Gage was going to die?

I'm saying... that place might have made Gage die because I introduced you to the power.

I may have m*rder*d your son, Louis.

This could be the beginning of patching things up with your folks.

If something good doesn't come from Gage's death, I think...

I don't want to go to Chicago, Grandma Dory.

Why not, darling?

I had a bad dream last night.

About what?

About Daddy... and Gage... and someone named Pax-cow.

You guys better get going.

You're going to miss the boat.


I am sorry.

What can I say?

I lost my mind.

We all lost our minds.

You take care Of your mother.

Come with us, please.

I'll be there in three days, four at the most.

Please, Daddy.

I'm scared.

Everything's going to be all right, Ellie.

Do you swear?

I swear.

Come on, Ellie.

Let's go.

It's wrong.

What happened to you is wrong.

Remember, Doc.

The barrier was not meant to be crossed.

The ground is sour.

If it doesn't work... if he comes back... and he's like Jud said Timmy Baterman was, well, I'll just put him back to sleep.

They don't have to know.

Rachel and Ellie don't-- don't ever have to know.

[Ellie crying]



Ohh, Mommy!




You had a bad dream.

That's all.

You know that, don't you?

It wasn't a dream.

It was Pax-cow.

Pax-cow says Daddy will do something really bad.

Who is Pax-cow?

Is he like the bogeyman?

He's a ghost.

He's a good ghost.

He says he's sent to warn us.

He says he was near Daddy because they were together when his soul was... dis-- dis-- I can't remember.


Listen to me.

There are no ghosts, Ellie.

There are no ghosts.

Now sleep and forget this nonsense.

Do you hear me?

Would you at least call and make sure Daddy's OK?

Of course I will.


Where do I know that name?



Was she saying Pascow?


He was trying to help me because Daddy was helping him when his soul dis-dis...


I'm going to bust you out, son.

[telephone rings]


He's not home.

Probably went out for a hamburger or a chicken dinner.

You know how men are when they're alone.




Hello, Jud.

It's Rachel.

I'm calling from Chicago.


Is Louis with you?


We're going to be here a while.

He needed a few days to close things up back there.

I just wondered if he was with you.


But if he drops by, I'll tell him to call you.

Don't bother.

I'm coming home.

Rachel, no.

You don't want to do that.

I have to do it, Jud.


[dial tone]



You've done it, you stupid old man.

Now you got to undo it.

Oh, Gage.

It's going to be all right.

I swear it's going to be all right.

I'm coming for you, Rachel.

And this time...

I'll get you.

Gage and I will get you for letting us die.

Good evening again, ladies and gentlemen.

We've had a strong tailwind, and we expect to arrive at Boston's Logan Airport almost on time.

Thank God.

Excuse me.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Don't do that, babe.

- Make it wait.

- I can't.

All right.

I'll call the pilot.

I'm not going to stop, Gage.

I'm not going to look down.

I'm sorry.

It's been busy.

I don't have anything.

What about the Aries K with the scratched side?

I do have an Aries K, but it came in beat up with a long scrape.

I'll take it.


Major credit card and a license.



Just imagination.


Now what?

It's trying to stop you.

Do you hear me?

It's trying to stop you.

Is anyone there?

Come back to me, Gage.

Come back to us.


[honk honk]


Hey, stop!

Hop in, babe.

Oh, thanky ou.

Oh, my.

Hee hee hee hee!

Hee hee hee hee hee!

Who's there?

Hee hee hee!

Let's play hide-and-go-seek.


You the one playing games?

Ha ha ha ha!


Come on out.

I brought you something.

Hee hee hee hee!


Where did you come-- Thank you so much.

Think nothing of it.

Well, I didn't get a ticket, lady, so you're welcome.

Whatever your problems are, I hope they work out.

It's the end of the line for me, too.

I'm not allowed any further.

I'm sure things will be fine.

I'm not.



Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!







Are you up there?





Is that you?

I finally came back for you, Rachel.

I'm going to twist your back like mine so you'll never get out of bed again.

Never get out of bed again.

Never get out of bed again!

Never get out of bed again!

Ha ha ha ha!

[Gage[ Ha ha ha ha!

Hee ha ha ha!

Hee hee.

Oh, Gage.

I brought you something, Mommy.


I brought you something, Mommy.

Oh, Gage.


I brought you something, Mommy.






Oh, Christ.




Oh, my God.

Ha ha ha ha!


[telephone rings]


Hello, Louis.

It's Irwin.

I just wanted to be sure Rachel got back all right.


Are you there?

Yes, I'm here.

Did she get back all right?


She's fine.

Put her on at that end.

I'll put Ellie on this one.

Ellie's very worried about her mother.

She's almost in hysterics.


Rachel's asleep.

I suggest you wake her up.

Ellie had a dream her mother was dead.

Irwin, I can't talk to you right now.

[telephone rings]

Irwin, I can't talk now.


I'm at Jud's, Daddy.

Will you come over and play with me?

First I played With Jud.

Then Mommy came, and I played with Mommy.

We played, Daddy.

We had an awful good time.

Now I want to play with you.

What did you do?

Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!

What did you do?

Ha ha ha ha!

Hi, Church.

Want some grub, Church?


Don't mind me.

Eat it while you can.

That's right.

Today... is Thanksgiving Day for cats.

But only... if they came back from the dead.

Go on.

Lie down.

Play dead.

Be dead!



Gage, what have you done?


Scared you, didn't l?


Hi, Daddy.

Now I want to play with you.

Ha ha ha!

All right, Gage.

Let's play.

Hee hee ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


Ah ha ha ha!




Ha ha ha ha!




Come here.

Ha ha ha ha!

Come here.

No fair.

No fair, no fair.


I'm sorry, Louis.

I'm so sorry.

But don't make it worse.


I waited too long with Gage.

With Rachel, it will work this time, because she just died.

She just died a little while ago.





It will be all right, Rachel.

I promise.


The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Louis.

A man grows what he can, and then he tends it.

Because what you buy is what you own.

And what you own... always comes home to you.














Under the arc of a weather-stained bone Ancient goblins amble alone Come out of the ground not making a sound The smell of death is all around And at night when the cold wind blows No one cares, nobody knows I don't want to be buried In a pet sematary I don't want to live my life again I don't want to be buried In a pet sematary I don't want to live my life again Fallen victim to the sacred place Just seen a grin I can't escape Old empty things, the clicking of bones Spirits moaning among the tombstones And at night when the moon is bright Someone cries, something ain't right I don't want to be buried In a pet sematary I don't want to live my life again I don't want to be buried In a pet sematary I don't want to live my life again The moon is full, the air is still All of a sudden, I feel a chill Victorious grinning faces writhing away Skeleton dance, I curse these days And at night when the wolves cry out Listen close, then you can hear me shout I don't want to be buried In a pet sematary I don't want to live my life again I don't want to be buried In a pet sematary I don't want to live my life again Oh, no Oh, no I don't want to live my life not again
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