01x05 - Company Slut

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x05 - Company Slut

Post by bunniefuu »

[Blake] Previously on Dynasty:

-Your father offered me the COO position. -That was supposed to be mine.

With Jeff's backing, 1 will be your competition.

This is my boyfriend. Did you see Robby Reid?

-He said he met your boyfriend. -No.

I told him that so he'd get off my back.

Kori, this is Michael Culhane.

[Sammy Jo] Who set up tonight's robbery?

1 did this to help you and it's your fault?

-I'm sorry. -I don't accept that.

We would like to pay for Matthew's funeral.

We just don't want you to worry about anything.

Cristal Carrington's sex tape? Is that real?

-Oh, it's real. -[Blake] You and Matthew on the Internet.

-Oh, my God. -[Blake] Claudia? Has anyone spoken to her?

['Everybody Wants to Rule the World" playing]

♪ Welcome to your life ♪

♪ There's no turning back ♪

♪ Even while we sleep ♪

♪ We will find you Acting on your best behavior ;

♪ Turn your back on Mother Nature I

♪ Everybody wants to rule the world ♪

I We make the most of freedom And of pleasure ♪

♪ Nothing ever lasts forever I

♪ Everybody wants to rule the world ♪ Mr. Carrington wanted you to have this, with his compliments.

[Cristal gasps]

Where is he?

[Anders] He said he'd meet you at the office.

His way of saying, "Don't be late."


♪ Everybody wants to rule the world ♪

Where are you off to, Cristal? Church?

Lord knows, you love to get down on your knees.

Actually, Fallon, I'm headed to the same place you are. Work.

Well, not the same place, ‘cause I'm heading in for my first day as COO of Carrington Atlantic, and you're... Do you even have an office yet?

Ballsy, showing your face while your sex tape with Matthew is still blowing up on YouTube.

We both know most of the hits are from you.

But I wanna thank you for your kind words to the paparazzi on my behalf.

Please, I barely said anything. I figured with your background in PR, you could handle your affair all on your own.

-As deftly as you handled Matthew's hard-- -Excuse me.

1 didn't know that tape still existed, but I owned up to my part in it.

Blake and I agreed it's best that I put out a statement, and now it's time to move on.

[Fallon] Adorable. You think that scandal is going away?

Not until Melania files for divorce or a Kardashian gets pregnant with triplets.

At least I have some permanence in my life.

How is your little company going?

More wind-down than start-up, I hear.

Must be hard not having the global reach of Carrington Atlantic.

Or any reach at all.

Are you still looking for that first client?

-What are you doing? -Good morning, Mrs. Carrington.

Uh, no. Culhane drives me to work.

Oh, is that true, Culhane?

Not today. I'll be driving Mrs. Carrington.

-[Sammy Jo] Someone's looking sharp. -I start at the foundation today.

Right. Boy gets exonerated of m*rder charges, boy runs his father's billion-dollar charity to help rebuild his image. Classic American story.

I've apologized a hundred times for the robbery thing, Steven.

I feel terrible. What else do you want me to do?

Nothing. That's your specialty around here, isn't it?

-[scoffs] You're being a little harsh. -You want harsh?

Ever since you rolled in here, my family has given you the world, and you took it.

But that wasn't enough for you, so, you stole from us, lied to me.

You're so myopic, you don't even see the hell your actions have set in motion.

-My friend got arrested, not yours. -I'm not talking about your fr--

You know what? Forget it.

Come on, I am sorry. Cristal and Blake already forgave me.

That's their mistake. I'm not making the same one.

Sorry I'm late. Some douche in a Caddy cut me off.

You drove yourself here? Glad I wasn't on the road.

-Don't start. I've had a morning. -I got good news for you.

Guess who made the list of Atlanta Digests upcoming Top Women in Business issue.

-What? -The PR guy sent me the list.

-Congratulations, partner. -But how? I didn't even submit myself.

-You did this for me? -For us. Could be great PR.

I figured after I lost us the Atlanta utility contract...

Losing a billion-dollar client was punishment enough.

Besides, you deserve to be recognized.

I've been trying to get on this list for three years.

And if you land Woman of the Year, you get the cover.

Businessmen at every newsstand will thank me.

You're right. This exposure could help us land clients and expand into something legit.

-As you said, we're in this together. -Right.

Now you just have to b*at out your stepmother.

[Fallon] Are you kidding me?

Cristal "Check Out My Crotch” Carrington made the list?

I'm sure she was submitted before the deadline.

That sex tape just hit the Web a few days ago.

Don't worry. You got a leg up on her this time.

She's the one with her legs up. That's why I'm gonna win.

[Blake] Today begins a new era at Carrington Atlantic.

Cristal will be transitioning into her new role as COO starting today.

[weak applause]

I'm sure you'll all give her your complete support.

Of course. Congratulations, Cristal. Well deserved indeed.

Thank you, Deirdre. Appreciate your kind words.

Kylie, I think a press release is in order?

Uh, yes, Mr. Carrington. 1 will get that out right away.

Be sure to add something about Cristal making Atlanta's Top Women in Business list.

The magazine will host a luncheon tomorrow to announce Woman of the Year.

It's an honor to be nominated, but the biggest honor is my new role here, and I look forward to working closely with each of you.

-That went as well as I could've hoped. -We knew today was gonna be tough.

But you held your head high and you acted like a pro.

I wanna put this scandal behind me. If 1 can't prove I'm worthy of this job, -I can't be effective. -I'm sure that was the worst of it.

-Claudia. -Blake, Cristal.

-What are you doing here? -Picking up Matthew's death benefit.

I imagine Willy's family will come by for his.

It's a tacky term, since the only one benefitting from their deaths is you.

We were upset to hear about Willy.

But at least it brought you some closure, considering his confession.

[scoffs] Please. Willy did not k*ll Matthew.

You're the common denominator in both of these tragedies.

-Cristal, you're quiet. I wonder why. -How are you feeling?

Don't patronize me. You didn't seem to care about my feelings when you taped yourself screwing my husband.

-[Blake] We should go. -I'm so sorry, Claudia.

-I wish you the best. -You don't wanna know what I wish for you.

-You ruined our lives. Hear me? -We're done here.

Yes, get back to work, you company tramp.

Or is it company slut? Which do you prefer?

You may have married into money, but you are still nothing more than a well-paid whore.

Gustav, those fingers are magical. Don't be afraid to go deeper.

-My pleasure. -Can I help you?

"May I help you?"

And it seems you're quite busy helping yourself.


-Be a doll and go get more lube. -Sure.

-What do you want, Alfred? -Anders.

Joseph, if we were on a first-name basis, which we're not.

Joseph? Like half of my name.

We're Jo and Joe.


I take it you and Steven are no longer having relations?

Hit the seven-day itch?

Just because two gay guys live in the same house, you assume we're having sex?

The housekeeper reported that your bed linen remained unmussed for the first several days of your stay.

Steven's, on the other hand, were quite mussed.

What's your point?

You helped engineer a robbery in this home.

Now that you no longer have the protection of Steven's caring arms, I would've thought you might've changed your leisurely ways.

[knocking on door]

[Cristal] Kylie, come in.

I need your help.

I know when I headed PR, you handled print media.

Uh, yeah, yeah, still do.

My interview and photo sh**t for Atlanta Digest is this afternoon, and I've been reading over their potential questions.

I'm sure they're gonna ask about my personal life.

I just wanna sound thoughtful yet personable.

I wouldn't worry about it so much.

They only publish answers for the person who lands Woman of the Year.

Right. Well, I don't expect that. [chuckles]

-Of course, it would be nice. -Of course, but, um, you know, maybe this year...

There's been a lot of whispering behind my back.

Why don't you tell me how you really feel? Go ahead. Free pass.


Who you bang, that's your business.

But you know the conversations happening about women in the workplace.

We can't get mentors, because guys like Mike Pence are too afraid to have dinner with us, so, when you sleep with the boss, and when your wedding ring comes with a promotion, it feels like you proved them right.

This job was offered to me before any ring.

That's not what people are talking about, is it?

They're talking about your ass. That makes it harder for us all.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Fallon got the job, no one would've accused her of sleeping her way there.

-You're down with nepotism? -Not at all.

But at least that only reflects badly on Blake.

Not an entire gender.

Thank you for your honesty.

Thanks for coming. We'll be in touch about the grant.

Your next appointment is here, -from the Sky Conservancy organization. -I'm ready.

-[Garrett] Mr. Carrington-- -Ted Dinard.

-Hi. I didn't know that-- -We're good, Garrett.

I thought that you left the company a while ago.

-I'm a, uh, recent rehire. -Lucky me.

-You have a proposal for us? -Yeah, great.

Uh... I work with Sky Conservancy in New York.

You're offering grants to organizations trying to improve air quality?

-We are. -Our goal is to work directly with companies still operating coal-fueled plants in an effort to reduce emissions.

This looks a very detailed proposal. I'll review it later.

But I'm, um, late for another meeting right now.

-I thought I was your meeting. -Ah, my assistant double-booked.

I understand.

It was nice seeing you, Steven.

A moment, Blake?

Only one, Deirdre. I've got a call with our Dagqing field office.

[Deirdre] I'm concerned about Cristal.

She's green, Blake.

Sure, she's filled with energy and spirit, but are you certain she's ready for the position?

Of course. That's why I promoted her.

Unfortunately, our clients aren't as confident as you.

The Talbertson Group.

Our oil fields provide their refineries with a steady supply.

Sales exceeded 100 million last year.

-They're concerned about your judgment. -How concerned are they?

They're threatening to pull their account. They're based in Katy, Texas.

It's a conservative region.

Cristal's... personal life may have played a role in their decision.

-What are you suggesting we do? -If it helps, I'm happy to step in as interim COO, until things settle down for Cristal.

I realize this puts you in an uncomfortable position.

But just think about it.

[photographer] Beautiful. Looking great, Fallon.

Oh, it's gorgeous. Thank you.

One of those should make a great cover, don't you agree, Cristal?

Mm... Stilettos are a little much, don't you think?

I mean, this isn't Vogue. This is about women in business.

Oh. I just figured since you were here, this must be Penthouse. My bad.

You don't have a chance at this.

-Any one of us could end up on the cover. -[scoffs] Anyone but you.

They won't showcase a woman whose sexual promiscuity sets the rest of us back a decade. They're trying to sell magazines.

If you were a real businesswoman, you'd know that.

You might have a point, Fallon.

-Diana? -Oh, Cristal, dear. Have you had a chance

-to sit for your interview? -l just finished.

I wanted to tell you how flattered I am to be included among so many powerful women.

It is an important issue.

Yes, and you know what would be even more amazing than having one powerful woman on the cover? Ten.

I hear you, but it's a tradition.

We've been doing this since we first ran in 1968.

Right. With men. You've featured women the last nine years.

So, maybe this anniversary issue could be time for a change.

Plus, I headed PR at a Fortune 500 company for years.

Doing a big cover spread featuring multiple influencers tends to sell more magazines.

-And that's the name of the game, right? -l like it, and I like you.

It takes guts to stand tall in the face of adversity.

Ladies, can I have you all gather together?

We're going to do something different this year.

We're going to try a group photo.

Mm, oh. Uh, Fallon, just...



Those shoes give you a bit of height. Best you move to the back.

We wanna see everyone's faces. Cristal, why don't you come forward?

-Let's see how that works. -Oh. Whatever you think's best.

I think you spoke too soon.

Looks like we both have a sh*t at Woman of the Year.

Oh. Let's break those colors up.



Just move to the end. To the end. Yes, there you go.

Okay. I need everyone to squeeze in.

And one, two.

Steven. Ted Dinard is here to see you. Last time I saw him, I assumed it would be the last time I saw him.

I need to talk to you. Office didn't feel like the right place.

I've said I'll review your proposal. I have nothing else to discuss.

I can't go back to New York until I say what I'm gonna say.

-Two minutes? -I don't have two minutes.

I know I screwed up in the past, but believe me, Steven, I get it.

You don't trust me, but I've changed.


That's the same song you used to sing me.

I didn't wanna contact you until I'd been clean for two years.

So, this is what 736 continuous days of sobriety looks like.

Not a day has passed that I haven't thought of you, or us, and I am just so, so sorry.

My dad told me everything. That he offered you a quick payoff to go away, and you took it. What kind of person does that?

What kind of man offers an addict that kind of money?

If I was in my right mind, I never would've taken it.

It's my single biggest regret.

I am just so happy that I didn't bring you down with me.

So, with all your sobriety, you still lied to me.

-Your visit had nothing to do with grants. -No, we need the money for new hires.

But I did know that you were getting a promotion... and I was looking for an excuse to see you.

I'm finally in a really good place in my life.

-I'm on decent terms with my father-- -I don't wanna mess that up.

I'm happy for you. I really am.

I'm at the Saint James, if you wanna talk.

[Cristal] Diana is so inspiring.

She's a strong female leader, but she's open to collaboration.

A great afternoon, wouldn't you say, Fallon?

It's hard to believe it topped your morning.

Word on the street is Claudia Blaisdel stopped by for a rant-and-rave session.

-That's none of your concern. -I didn't say I was concerned.

Well, everything in moderation, especially family bonding.

I have work to do.

Steven, you're quiet. How was your first day at the foundation?


Oh, I'm sorry. It went well. Yeah.

-I have a lot on my mind. -Like the Saint James Hotel?

I have proposals to review, so, I should get back to it.

Does anyone know what's for dessert?

You two kids probably wanna dine alone.

How old is he again?

Fallon shouldn't have said anything about Claudia.

She didn't say anything I haven't already said to myself.

I've been thinking a lot about this morning.

Claudia has every right to be upset with me.

-I lied to her. -She's not well, Cristal.

Considering her condition and erratic behavior, I've asked for more security at the office.

It might not be a bad idea for you to take a step back out of the public eye until things settle.

It's hard to take a step back when you're COO of a major company.

You should take a step back from that, as well.

We'll get PR to rebuild your image, and then you can resume your role with less distraction.

-So, now you're losing faith in me, too? -Of course not.

It's just the kind of business we're in, optics are important.

I see. Well, I'm sorry I'm not keeping up appearances for you.


There you are. I've been texting you nonstop for like 20 minutes.

I'm off the clock.

I'm late for a meeting and I lost my keys. I need the spare set.

-It's in the bowl over there, silver tag. -That's it?

-Want me to start the car for you? -Have anything to say?

-Like an apology, maybe? -For what?

For sleeping with the enemy. Kori Rucks screwed me

-out of a billion-dollar contract. -If you want me to apologize for Kori, you'll be waiting for a long time. As a matter of fact, you owe me an apology for a lot of things.

We can start with that game you played at the club.

-Excuse me? -You told that Ivy League douche

-l was your boyfriend. -But I just said that--

To get away from that douche. I know.

-I heard you tell Monica. -Is that why you slept with Kori, -to get back at me? -No, I don't use people to hurt others.

-That's you. -Culhane, look, I had no idea--

That the chauffeur has feelings?

Don't worry. That's what you pay me for. To keep things strictly professional.

And right now I'm off the clock.

[jazz music playing]

[Fallon] Twice in one day?

What a coincidence. Not that I'm complaining.

Fallon, dear. What a pleasant surprise.

Again, I just wanna tell you how thankful I am to be included in your magazine.

You never pull punches when it comes to reporting.

-That's what I respect most about you. -Thanks. Enjoy your evening.

Although, if I'm being totally honest, I wasn't a huge fan of the whole "Kumbaya" group photo.

It's Woman of the Year, not Sisterhood of Traveling Pantsuit.


-Well, there is always next year. -Yes, yes, and it is your magazine.

-Indeed. -Well, I mean, not technically.

Technically, it's owned by Channing-Martin Publishing.

Bob Channing's daughter Pepper is a close friend.

Uncle Bob was just asking me what I thought of the magazine in light of the death-to-print-media trend.

We have an online presence, as well.

Right, but traditional brands don't mean as much to online readers.

They'd rather discover fresh voices.

Where did I hear that again? Oh, right. Uncle Bob.

Anyway, I'll be sure to tell him you're trying your best.

Even though your freshest idea today came from somebody else.

But there's always next year.

If you're still around.

[dramatic film score playing on TV]

[TV turns off]

-What are you doing? -Watching Aladdin.

-Have you seen it? -I'm watching it now.

Spoiled thief enters a kingdom, pretending to be something he's not.

Only, in this version, I'm afraid you're running out of wishes.

-Yet I'm still here. -For now.

Well, gotta enjoy it while I can, right?

Or perhaps there's a way to enjoy it for longer.

If you mean like vacuuming, I think I'll pass.


You might be surprised to hear this, but I see something of my younger self in you.

-The rock-hard abs, the tight ass-- -Your aimlessness, your irreverence.

Your life was hard, so, you think you deserve an advantage.

Nothing wrong with taking something if someone's offering.

There's something wrong with never earning anything yourself.

When I was your age, I didn't have a plan for the future, because I didn't think I'd have the luxury of having one. And then I met Mr. Carrington.


And so began your love story with Blake.

Thomas, Blake's father, he caught me stealing his wallet.

-Wait, what? -Instead of calling the authorities, he handed me the money and said I had two choices.

Either I could enjoy it as long as it lasted, or I could choose to turn my life around and accept his job offer.

That job was here at the manor.

I learned to be useful, and earned more money than I could have taken from Mr. Carrington.

So, you do want me to vacuum?

Seriously, why are you telling me all this?

So that you can find your purpose, from one Joe to another.

[classical music playing]

[crowd chattering]

We're late.

They're about to announce the winners. I'll check in with PR.

-You're already a winner in my book. -[Cristal] Are you sure about that?

[Jeff] Lady trouble?

Must be tough. Wife and daughter, vying for the same title.

-How do you split your allegiance? -Either way, a Carrington's on the cover.

Look, I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the Foundation Gala.

-It's beneath both of us. -You wanna make amends?

Stop taking things that belong to me.

-I don't think you'll be needing those. -I like to be prepared.

Oh, let me guess. You were a Girl Scout?

You won't be getting the merit badge today.

-Best of luck to you, Fallon. -I don't believe in luck.

I believe in opportunity.

This is one I had no intention of letting slip by.

Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Diana Davis, editor-in-chief of Atlanta Digest.

Thank you all for being here today.

It's an honor to bring you our annual Women in Business issue honoring so many remarkable women.

Please join me in congratulating all of them on their outstanding achievements in business.

However, at the end of the day, only one woman can be Woman of the Year.

And this year that honor goes to someone who has redefined herself in business, a true up-and-comer.

Fallon Carrington.

[Jeff cheers]


[Fallon] Oh, wow.

It came true. [chuckles]

Well, first, I'd like to congratulate all of the women being honored here today.

I wish we could all be on the cover together.

I mean that.

Thank you for this amazing award.

I had to sacrifice a lot to get where I am.

Nothing was ever handed to me. I worked my way from the ground up.

I made things happen. I didn't just stumble into a COO job.

I created opportunities for myself.

You have to be a visionary to succeed in business.

That's why I've recently started my own company, Morell Green Energy Corp, which I am building from the ground up on my own.

So, a heartfelt thank you to Diana Davis, to Atlanta Digest, and thank you all.

[audience applauding]

[classical music resumes playing]

Your accolades are coming, my dear. Just be patient.

Thank you, Diana.

I suppose Fallon is a worthy winner.


She's quite the little bitch, isn't she?

Beautiful, Fallon.

Smile with your eyes.


[Pepper] Carrington, I am so proud of you.

-Pepper, I can't believe you made it. -Anything for you.

I had a good feeling about your chances.

I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about.

[both laugh]

I'm just glad the award didn't go to that cyber-slut stepmother of yours.

I'd hate to see my name associated with hers.

Now you know how I feel on a daily basis.

PS, you and the rest of the world only saw half of that tape.

If you saw it all, you'd know "cyber-slut" undersells it.

Sounds like we landed our next movie night.

-[laughs] You're on. -[Pepper] Bye.

It was you. You leaked the tape to the press.

What are you talking about? As usual, you make zero sense.

Only way you could've seen the entire video was if you had it.

The tape wasn't leaked to the press. It was poured right into their hands

-by my darling stepdaughter. -I did you a favor.

Now people will think you failed as COO because of the tape.

-Not because you're useless at your job. -You're a miserable, pathetic girl.

Oh. Sour grapes from the woman who didn't get the cover.

Not at all. In fact, let me be the first to toast Fallon Carrington on her big achievement.



This isn't some cheap off-the-rack thing, like Cristal wears.

-She basically assaulted me. -You should press charges.

-The woman has hidden rage issues. -Yeah.

Attempt to do bodily harm by drowning in Dom.

Might be tough to find a jury of sympathetic peers.

What's going on?

-You were quiet the whole ride back. -Oh, so, you noticed I was there?

What's that mean?

It means I thought we were building this together.

It's not gonna be just one person, Fallon. It's a company.

A company. Got it.

No, see, the way I work, I build ideas with the people around me.

That's what I thought we were gonna do at Morell Corp, work as a team.

We are. That's why I went out and got us that magazine cover, to help with our expansion plan.

Are you forgetting I submitted your name for consideration?

No one does anything alone.

We have a company together. "Company" actually means "more than one."

Maybe I need to rethink if Morell Corp is a type of company I wanna be a part of.

I wanna thank you all for coming on such short notice.

I've gone ov--

[employees chattering]

[Cristal clears throat]

I've gone over the financials of every department.

And as Carrington Atlantic's new COO, I feel like it's time we made some changes.

Someone here has been cost-efficient, accomplished growth and promoted brand awareness.

And it's time that person was recognized and rewarded.

Congratulations, Kylie.

I'm promoting you to head of PR, effective immediately.

I may be new to the COO position, full of energy and spirit, but I know a qualified candidate when I meet one.

Thank you.

It's a big company. People talk. Women will never break the glass ceiling if they're looking for a shard to s*ab each other in the back.

Now if you'll all please turn to page 18, we need to go over the Q-3 forecast.

Why promote Kylie? I thought you hated her.

Because I refuse to work with backstabbers like Deirdre.

-At least Kylie front-stabbed me. -I don't think that's a thing.

Whatever Kylie did, she did it honestly to my face.

Deirdre went to you and talked smack about me behind my back.

-You heard about our conversation? -The worst part is, you believed her.

-I didn't think-- -You started doubting me.

And I need you to double down on me.

-Yes, ma'am. -Now get your ass out of my chair.

Yes, ma'am.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa. -[chuckles]

People already think I got this job because I slept with the boss.

-That is not happening here anymore. -Fine.

But you're still gonna sleep with the boss, right?

You didn't get this position because you're my wife.

-You got it because you earned it. -I know.

And for the record, I never doubted you. I doubted myself.

I would never admit this to Fallon, but my father handed me the CEO position.

Part of me never thought I deserved it, that it was just sort of time.

How can you still feel that way after all these years of running a successful company?

Well, you haven't met my father.

I live in a very large, cold shadow.


I would've done the same exact thing in that boardroom.

No, I would've fired Deirdre.

Smiling to your face and lying behind your back, you can't trust a person like that.

What's wrong?

I did that to Claudia. I lied to her face about Matthew.

I went with you to her house on that condolence call.

I looked her in the eye, and I told her her husband loved her after he'd been intimate with me. What kind of a person does that?

Cristal, it's done.

You need to forgive yourself.

I'm not sure it's my forgiveness I need.

-Ted, hi. I don't wanna bother you-- -Steven, now isn't a good time.

Look, I just came here because I always talk about forgiveness, -but when you came to me, apologizing-- -Is that room service?

Did they remember the chocolate cake?

Oh, crap.

[Blake chuckles]

Now you're staining dresses, as well as the family reputation?

Your ability to multitask is unparalleled.

I don't know what your wife told you, but we know it's Cristal, not me, -who's responsible for the dirty deeds. -Excuse me?

I may have leaked the sex tape, but I didn't star in one.

It was you? You leaked the tape?

-Cristal didn't--? -Mention that her stepdaughter was behind something so cruel? No, she didn't.

Guess she tried to protect you from the inevitable fallout with me.

Dad, I--

I don't wanna hear it. I have been patient through your att*cks on Carrington Atlantic, but that was business. You made this personal.

-If you let me explain-- -She may be a joke to you.

But to me, Cristal is my wife, who I love.

I wanted to show you, you were wrong, that she's not right for the company or you.

Your concern is very touching.

But did you not think about how this would hurt me, too?

No, of course you didn't.

For a newly crowned visionary, you are terribly shortsighted.

I've always known that you were tough and determined, but now I see you are heartless, too, like your mother.

I won't stand for it, not anymore. I want you out of this house.

You come out of the woodwork like a rat, whenever you smell food. Have at it.

Don't go.

I can explain.

Let me guess. It wasn't what it looked like?

1 didn't go there for that. It was for a job.

Not that kind of job. When Ted was here, I overheard him say that he was looking to hire people for his charity thing, and I was thinking that it wouldn't hurt me to have a purpose in my life.

Something you might respect.

So, you filled out the application in bed? Very respectable.

I screwed up, okay?

That's what I do. I don't know what my purpose is, and I don't know where to find it.

And I can't say no when things are offered to me, because I don't know when it'll stop.

-But I know it will. -That explains a lot.

-Doesn't explain this. -It does.

Ted offered me a job and to spend the night.

I was afraid if I said no, I'd lose the one thing I had done right.

Look, Steven, I swear, I wasn't trying to hurt you.

Sad thing is, I wasn't even thinking of you at all.

I'm sorry I called you myopic before.

I don't even know what that means.

I was saying... you only care about yourself.

And maybe that's because no one's ever cared about you.

I know that hurt people hurt people. I don't wanna hurt you anymore.

I don't wanna see you every day around this house and be filled with hate.

So, you're kicking me out?


I'm forgiving you.

Thank you, Anders.

How'd it go?

You're right about Ted Dinard.

His resolve is no stronger than it was three years ago.

A nudge to Sam in the right direction and our problem resolved itself.


-Clever capture. -Your father taught me well.

He always has been able to see multiple moves ahead.

I thought I had inherited that skillset.

But lately...

-At least with Fallon... -You'll right the ship, sir.

You always do.

Maybe. But my next move is gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

-Has Cristal already gone to bed? -Bed?

No, no. She's paying Mrs. Blaisdel a visit.

-I thought you knew. -She went to Claudia's alone?

Damn it. Why'd she go?

-I'll have Culhane bring the car around. -No time. I'll drive myself.

Can we talk?

-I don't have anything else to say. -But I do.

I shouldn't have used you that night at the club.

It was wrong. I'm sorry.

I care about you a lot.

And I really wanna make it right. In fact, I've been thinking.

Maybe I'm ready to call you my boyfriend.


I've heard your apologies before, Fallon.

-They mean nothing. -But-- But I do mean it.

I'm ready to take the next step in whatever this is.

You're not sorry for what you did. You're sorry you got caught.

-That's not true. -The only reason you're here tonight is because you don't have any place to sleep.

Your father called and asked if I'd assist you with your luggage if you needed help.

But we both know you can help yourself.

-What are you doing here? -Can I please speak with you?

I don't wanna hear anything you say.

I don't deserve it, but can I have a minute of your time?

I'm begging you.

What I did was wrong.

Not just my relationship with Matthew, but continuing the lie after he d*ed.

You hosted his wake.

You told me you cared, that you didn't want me to worry about anything.

The whole time, making a fool out of me. Everyone knew but me.

I know that I have hurt a lot of people.

Not just you, but my husband, and Matthew, as well.

That is something I'll always have to live with.

Poor Cristal.

-I hope you suffer the way I have. -I know I'm the last person you wanna speak to now.

I couldn't live without telling you how sorry I am.

And I wanted to say it to your face, because you deserve that respect.

It's a little late for respect, don't you think?

And you want me to forgive you now?

-No, I don't expect-- -But you show up trying to make nice, to rid yourself of your own guilt.

But I won't help you out from under that rock.

I was just trying to do the right thing. I didn't mean to make you upset.

I'll go now. Thank you for hearing me out.

My husband is dead.

You don't get to feel better about yourself now, Cristal Carrington.

You're gonna pay for the pain you caused.

[tires squeal]

[Claudia screams]
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