01x12 - Promises You Can't Keep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x12 - Promises You Can't Keep

Post by bunniefuu »

[Steven] Previously on Dynasty:

Now I realize, it's more than that.

I wanna invest money in our company. I wanna use it to buy you out.

If you're not okay with that, buy me out.

-I need to see this through, on my own. -It feels good walking away from this.

-l wanna make my own way. -The real world can be unforgiving.

-You don't realize how hard it'll be. -Maybe it's time for me to move out.

There's no need to make it on your own. That's what family's for.

[Sammy Jo] That's why I'm moving in with Steven.

Rise and shine, handsome.

Mm, let's sleep in.

A perk of owning the company, we can do that.

I would love to, but we have breakfast in bed.

And you know how punctual Anders is.

-Good morning, sir. -Worse than an alarm clock.

-Some might say better. -No snooze button.

You're cute with your real newspaper.

God forbid someone choose real journalism over a Twitter feed.

Bob Channing is a friend and still publishes a hell of a paper, which is why I invited him to cover the fundraiser for Senator Daniels.

The guest list is packed with brown-nosers and sycophants.

At $10,000 a plate, the senator should be delighted.

Considering we're expecting 200 people.

It's a healthy contribution, but the senator's always been good to CA.

Supporting his campaign is the least I can do.

The best part about casino night is you playing the p*ssy Galore to my 007.

[Cristal giggles]

-Oh. -What's wrong?

I'm just not a sweets for breakfast kind of guy.

Who are you then?

Someone you need to get to know better, I guess.

Culhane, the Aston's blocking my--


Good morning.

Right. The silent treatment. Well, at least you're consistent.

You didn't check on me after I was kidnapped by Bonnie and Clydito, or comment on my bangs.

Were those your idea or your fivehead's?

My version of PTSD is me realizing I need to work on my relationships. So, let me be the grown-up here.

I'm sorry, okay?

-Everything good here? -Not really.

Come on. We're OG. We've been friends for over a decade.

-And I have the scars to prove it. -Look, I broke up with Jeff.

Isn't that what you wanted? We can go back to the way we were.

Being frenemies?

No. Being the power couple of besties.

My dad is having a casino party tomorrow. It'll be fun, like old times.

-Come on. Please. I miss you. -You miss one-sided friendships where you download all of your crap and not have to show empathy.

Aren't you sweet?

-Fallon-- -Don't worry. I'll move the car myself.

Excuse me, Security's asked me to remove you for impersonating the COO.

Rick Morales? Oh!

Just in time to save me from my budget reports.


This is an upgrade from your PR associate days.


We wouldn't have had to sneak into the break room for privacy.

I actually have windows now.

Oh, thank God. Your dungeon cubicle used to reek of Ming's Chinese takeout from all those late nights.

-Looks like the hard work's paid off. -Yeah.

Now I have people bring me sushi.

Take a seat.

So, how's my favorite cub reporter?

Oh, I think you mean your favorite senior reporter.

I always knew you'd be on the fast track to editor-in-chief.

Look, um, Cristal, I didn't come here just to say hi.

I'm writing a major exposé on Senator Daniels.

Really? We're hosting a fundraiser for him tomorrow.

I know. I was assigned to cover the senatorial race and heard rumors that when Daniels was a judge years ago, he took bribes.

Now, I have dozens of sources, all on the record.

Thank you for telling me. I'll talk to Blake about canceling.

The thing is that one of the people that Daniels took bribes from... was Blake.

He could go to prison for that.

No. Blake would never bribe a judge.

My sources are really solid.

You might not know your husband as well as you think.

-What was that? -What?

-Were you just checking out my ass? -Excuse me?

Wow. Unbelievable. You're collecting material for your spank bank before finishing your morning coffee.

I was gonna ask how you enjoyed your bacon this morning.

The fantasy where you're smart, funny, and appealing to women

-only exists on your laptop. -l only wanted--

Don't touch me. I'd never have sex with you, you pasty-faced perv.

I'm not sure how to translate that into douchebag, but I know self-defense and I will shove my Louboutin's so far--

There's a piece of bacon stuck to the back of your pants.

1 will take the stairs.

Everything okay? I've been trying to get a hold of you.

I couldn't even reach your assistant.

I fired Tammy. The woman wore prairie skirts. I need a replacement.

Especially if you're gonna keep avoiding me.

That takes some special scheduling.

I'm giving you your space, but I'm also not going anywhere.

That's sweet. Thank you for not melting into a pool of your own emotions making this awkward, but we're still broken up.

We need to discuss the buyout, who's walking away with what.

You haven't responded to my offer.

I got eight companies and two lawyers. They'll get to it.

Now, we need to work out our lease with Tim Myers. He'll be here soon.

He owns the property where 33 percent of our turbines are situated. If Tim doesn't agree to renew the lease, he could shut us down. We'd have to pay to relocate those turbines.

-I'm talking millions-- -Stop worrying.

You know I can charm the pants off of anyone.


Tim, welcome. Great to see you.

I'd like you to meet my partner, Fallon.

[theme music playing]

[Jeff] Most of our properties, we own the land, but for our leases, we have a set percentage we pay per turbine.

Since we're looking to expand our operation on your land, we can offer $10 mil a month.

And because we're confident in our business model, we're open to signing a five-year lease.

-You think we got a deal? -Not quite.

Well, our lawyers can finesse the fine print.

Don't bother, unless you can double your offer.

Uh, where is this coming from? Our offer is more than generous.

-You're not gonna find a better rate. -And we can't set that precedent, -nor can we afford to. -Of course not.

You spent that money on your Louboutins.


Can we talk? We might've gotten off on the wrong foot.

I'm late for my next appointment. Call me if you're still interested.

-We need to talk. -Can it wait? I am late for a--

I heard from a reporter that Daniels took bribes from people.

And you were one of those people.

Who's the reporter?

That's your first question?

It's a personal friend, and I'm not betraying that trust.

Stop deflecting. Bribing a judge is a felony.

-It was a long time ago. -Doesn't make it less of a felony.

What do you want me to say? It happened. I had no choice.

Let me guess, it got Carrington Atlantic out of a couple of jams or--

It was for Fallon and Steven.

When Alexis left, she wanted full custody.

I had enough dirt on her to keep that from happening, but I also knew that if I revealed that in court, it would devastate Fallon and Steven.

If 1 didn't play my hand and I was forced to share custody, I knew that she would take my children and leave the country.

I couldn't let that happen.

So, I turned to Daniels.

He made sure that Alexis was deemed a flight risk... ruled the case in my favor.

I just let Steven and Fallon think that she had abandoned them.

-Blake, I didn't realize-- -It was only once, and I did what was best for my children.

Yes, but why still support a man who uses other people's money

-to control the justice system? -That's not who he is anymore.

He's a good man. And I owe him a lot.

I don't have to tell you, if this story sees the light of day, Steven and Fallon will never forgive me.

I understand.

I'll make sure the story doesn't run.

Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow.

Third job interview on the books.

I've sent my résumé everywhere and have yet to get one response.

Lunch is here, boys. Thought I'd stop by for a visit, but didn't wanna risk being fed ramen or hot dogs, so I BYOL'ed it.

Bless you.

I miss you so much.

How could you?

This is your tenth visit in ten days.

Well, whose fault is that?

You've had fun with your Craigslist-decorated co-op.

-Can you come home? -Sorry. Bigger picture at stake.

Ugh! You and your ethics. Can you promise me you'll come to the casino fundraiser tomorrow?

You know I'm not a gambler.

-Kevin Rathbun's doing the food. -We're going.

Why can't my life be as simple as his?

All his problems are solved with lunch.

Jeff doesn't wanna let me go, Monica doesn't wanna be my friend, and I have a huge business deal hanging--

Fallon, I love you, but I can't serve as your therapist again.

But I just brought you lunch, and that glass of Dom cost more than my shrink.

Maybe that's the job I should be applying for.

Not your shrink. You couldn't pay me enough.

I have job interviews to prepare for.

Thanks for coming. Let me fix you a drink.

Feels like I should sit down for this.


Off the record, you were right.

Blake admitted to the bribe, but it was for a good reason.

I'm sure most of them thought they were

-committing crimes for a good reason. -Blake's not one of them.

-He needed to get custody. -There's a better way to do that.

-It's called the justice system. -l wouldn't be asking if I didn't have to, -but I need you to scrap the story. -Daniels is crooked.

-This kind of piece could end him. -There will be other stories.

This is why I got into journalism. To expose jerks like this, to expose the truth. You used to care about that.

I'm sorry, I'm not gonna compromise my integrity or my career for--

For this.

You're right.

I shouldn't be asking you to k*ll the story.

I should be asking your boss, Bob Channing.

He's a friend of the family.

And I could have him end your career just as fast as I started it.

It's not just your husband who's one of them.

It's you, too.

I need a favor, Moni, big one.

-I'm listening. -Make up with Fallon, convince her to give me another chance.

Seriously? Does this girl have some kind of hypnotic yoni or something?

-Monica, it's-- -No. I'm done with her.

And you should be, too. Sorry, but I'm not helping you fix a relationship that never should've existed in the first place.

Glad we had this talk.

I don't want a relationship with Fallon.

I need one.

If you reconcile, you can push her back toward me.

I need that help if I'm gonna marry her.

Now you wanna marry the bitch?

Have you lost your mind?

It's the only way I'll have influence over her CA shares.

My first step in taking the company away from Blake.

The Carringtons are the reason Dad's in prison, Monica.

Blake framed him with drug charges, had him locked up this whole time.

-Why would Blake wanna frame Dad? -Blake was having an affair with Mom and wanted Dad out of the picture.

That family's the reason we grew up without a father, why Mom nearly took her own life, and why I'm finally gonna make them pay for all of it.

This is insane.

How long have you known about this?

-Why wouldn't you tell me? -l couldn't.

I'll admit, she's as flawed as they come, but making her pay for her father's mistakes... that just means that you and Blake are cut from the same cloth.

-l am nothing like Blake. -No.

If you go through with this... you might be worse.

I like to think of my assistant as a friend that I can scream at without ever having to apologize. I like to think of my assistant as an a*t*matic like to all my Insta-posts.

I like to think of my assistant as a smartphone with a built-in medical marijuana card.

What's the hottest club in Buckhead?

It says here you're fluent in German, Korean, and Swahili.

[speaks in foreign languages]

Well, I hope you're fluent in the most important language, Fallon Carrington. What's your biggest weakness?

Not taking enough breaks.

How do you feel about prairie skirts?

-Oh, I love prairie skirts-- -Next.

What diet would be better, paleo or macrobiotic?

-With the right chef, I-- -Wrong. Your only concern should be getting my order right, body-shamer. Get out.

[Fallon sighs]

[theme music playing]

I'm guessing she's not the winner?

You can't spell "Assistant" without an "ass."

What's up?

You figure out how to make things right with Myers?

We still can't afford the extra 10 million a month

-he wants for that lease. -l just can't call the man and apologize over the phone.

These things must be handled in person.

-Good. So when you meeting him? -Tonight at Daddy's casino party.

After some cyber-stalking, 1 got his G7's flight log.

He's in Vegas every other weekend, so I invited him.

It's perfect. I'll get him tipsy and he'll be receptive to my charm.

Okay if I just drop in like this?

I know Fallon does it, but she's your landlord, so I didn't know if the same rules apply.

Always happy to see you.

Mm. I think this might be my favorite piece of clothing that you own.

Mm. I do have matching pants.

Wanna see?

What's wrong?

I'm sorry, Michael.

I thought I came here for this but--

Maybe you just need a friend?

I get it.

Must be hard for you and Fallon to not be talking.

I mean, she's been your girl for a long time.

I don't know what to do or who to trust.

I don't want you to be late for work. Let's hang out tonight.

Netflix and chill?

I can't tonight.

-Oh! I didn't mean to assume. -Oh, no, no. I want to.

Trust me. I just gotta go to that Carrington casino thing.

Blake knows I play poker.

He likes me to be there to loosen up the tighter players.

Right. That's cool.

-l get it. -I do, however, have a plus one.

The only reason I didn't tell you is ‘cause Fallon was gonna be there, and I don't wanna get in between y'all's thing any more than I already am.

Thank you.

I think I might.

What do you think? Does this say "Nouveau Poor" to you?

Says there's nothing straight in this room.

That's a little low on the right.

So, let's hear it.

-How did the interview go? -l got it.

-What? -Yeah. They offered me director of their philanthropic arm. Could be a really steady gig.

I'm qualified, and I earned it myself.

Okay. So, I only heard "qualified" and "steady" in there.

You were born into royalty with a trust fund to match, and you blow the whole thing off to reinvent yourself for "steady"?

-This is your reinvention? -What else am I supposed to do?

If I dream too big, you dream too small.

All I'm saying is, if you're gonna go through all of this trouble to be poor, the least you can do is be passionate about what the hell it is you wanna be when you grow up.

-We can't all be dreamers. -Why not?

Because it's not realistic.

What I need right now is stability. And this job is very stable.


Do me a favor, lie to yourself... not to me.

♪ Whenever I'm with you I Cristal Carrington for Mr. Channing.

No, no message. He's attending an event at my house. I'll speak to him then. Thank you.

Cristal, darling, I want you to meet Senator Daniels...

-and his lovely wife, Melissa. -How do they say it in Mexico?

[speaks in Spanish]

Very good. They also say that in Venezuela, -where I'm actually from. -Well done, Carrington.

Paul wants to go over his speech. You two okay?

Perfect. Always perfect.

-Please, come in. -[Melissa] Thank you.

Can I make you one?


My husband is also my boss and he might not approve of his COO day drinking.

Well, you two are just so adorable.

I remember when I used to care what Paul thought of me.

That's what's nice about the honeymoon period you and Blake are in.

Well, we've had our ups and downs, but I'm making sure the honeymoon keeps on going.

You seem smart. I'm gonna give you some advice.

Being married to someone as powerful as Blake can wipe out your identity.

It is up to you to be true to yourself.

With all due respect, you and I are very different that way.

-Blake married me for who I am. -Well, of course.

It's just I didn't notice it at first either.

I just started making small compromises and looking the other way to support my husband.

The next thing you know, I was in too deep.

But what's integrity when you can have this bracelet?


It costs more than the home I grew up in.

I'm never gonna be anything like that.

You probably won't feel that way after my husband's speech tonight.

-Why is that? -Nobody knows this, but Paul is taking a new anti-immigration stance... build the wall, SB 1070 kind of stuff.

Surely for someone like you, that's a hard pill to swallow, just to support your husband.


♪ Who's your daddy? What's his name? ♪

♪ How much money Does the old man make?

♪ 1 like your lipstick ♪ Gorgeous and on time as usual.

Before I forget, you k*lled your friend's story, right?

Don't worry. I'm handling it.

What I'm not handling is the fact that we're supporting someone who would have had me deported at the border.

You heard about the speech. It's meant to fire up the base, not be turned into policy. Sometimes you have to compromise your values for the greater good.

-What's greater than your values? -Well... try to put your personal views aside.

The senator and his wife are here.


We need to greet them.

I'll let you handle that honor.

You're good enough at compromising for the both of us.

[Blake] Senator.

You certainly know how to make an entrance.

-Blake, thanks for doing this. -Of course. You look radiant.

Why, thank you. So, where is Cristal?

Did you lock her in the wine cellar with the other wife?

♪ Same old rockin' Same old rollin'

♪ Seeing the devil With a mouth full of gold ♪

♪ A mouth full of gold A mouth full of gold ♪

♪ Seeing the devil With a mouth full of gold ♪ Jeff, this is Bob. Uncle Bob publishes Atlanta Digest

-and other publications. -Jeff, pleasure to meet you.

You as well.

-Congrats. -[Bob] Thank you.

Steven, I understand congratulations are in order.

Your new job? The Global Housing Works?

-When do you start? -Wait. How did you--?

I asked you not to get involved.

And I didn't. Greg Anderson and I go way back.

He called me the second you walked out of his office.

-Of course he did. -It's not my fault if Greg loves the idea of a Carrington on the masthead, and it's not yours either.

Take it as a win.

Looks like your dad's more excited about this job than you are.

What does that tell you?

♪ ...marching band I

♪ Sold my soul... ♪ Thank you, sir.

It's nice to have a high-roller show up for amateur hour.

I never turn down a chance to roll the dice.

That's good, ‘cause I'm hoping you'll roll them one more time with us.

I wanted to apologize for my outburst at the elevator.

I treated you like a Grade A perv and, needless to say, it was uncalled for.

I'm truly sorry.

Didn't give it a second thought, neither should you.

Should we send over our original contract?

Yeah, you can send it. But I'm still not gonna sign it.

Look. I didn't hike the price because of Fallon.

I hiked it because I got another offer for twice that much.

That's money I can't turn down.

[clicks tongue] These dice are cold.

[people cheering and clapping]

If 1 didn't know better, I'd say you were thinking again, Crissy.

-I've got a few decisions to make. -Try not to hurt yourself.

I thought we were past that, Fallon.

Some children never truly mature.

Just because you technically saved my life doesn't mean we've had a breakthrough and I'm gonna start calling you Mommy.


Looking for someone? You seem a little anxious yourself.

Well, let's just say I have a dilemma of my own.

Sometimes it helps to run your problems by someone else.

Well, that is true.

If only there were someone I respected enough to do that with.

Well, what a surprise to see you here.

I could say the same.

That's just funny, considering your past with Blake and your present with Fallon.

She mentioned that she broke things off with you.

Yeah, but we're still in business together.

-She still has some respect for me. -Boys, that's enough.

-Let's go play at another table. -No. That's okay.

I was just leaving.

Don't forget to return that suit by noon.

Those late fees'll put a hurt in your pockets.

[Melissa] A lovely party, Cristal.

To second wives everywhere.

I hope you and the senator are enjoying yourselves.

Yes, especially Paul. He's there getting frisky with one of his regulars.

You know, he bought that tramp a condo in Brookhaven last year, but I guess the hotel bills were just too much.

I'm really sorry, Melissa. You deserve so much better.

Oh, well, the marriage d*ed years ago.

But the one thing I really miss are the trips to Bora Bora courtesy of Blake Carrington.

That family villa there is just exquisite.

He takes the tramp now. That bitch always has a tan.

-Courtesy of Blake? -Yes.

I mean, paying for trips is a lot less conspicuous than writing out checks with "Bribe" in the memo.

Blake said it only happened once.

You really are adorable.


Their little quid pro bro has been going on for years.

Why do you think you're hosting this fundraiser?

Because sometimes the villa just isn't enough.

Yeah. You were right.

Cash separates the kids from the grown-ups.

It gets the blood pumping a lot more than playing for raffle tickets.

Sure, when you're winning. But since I'm down ten stacks, it feels more like getting fed to the sharks.

Do you feel sorry for me?

I'll tell you what, how about we make things more interesting?

It depends on what we're wagering.

Well, you still want that lease for $10 million a month, right?

You've piqued my interest. And if I lose, what do you get?

I get you.

-You like to gamble. -With money.

I knew you were a perv. I should've put money on that.

Well, what can I say? You got a great ass.

-That bacon was just a lucky cover. -Your luck's running out.

-That mean we have a bet? -That's a hard no.

What are you doing here? You said you weren't gonna come.

You're not seriously considering pimping yourself out

-to this lech, are you? -Excuse me?

Look, Ben Turner and his brother will be here any minute.

Ditch this loser and come hang out with us.

What? All of a sudden you care about my well-being?

You didn't give a crap about me yesterday.

-I'm not gonna let you play yourself. -I don't need your permission.

You're on.

Come on. It's Casino Night. We didn't come here to sit shiva.

-Let's play. -I don't really know how.

-I never gambled before. -You're joking.

-No cards, no craps, no nothing? -No.

Okay. That changes right now.

I don't exactly have cash to burn at the moment.

Well, good thing I swiped these from the drunk guy with the bad toupee.

That narrows it down.

All right. Come on. One game won't k*ll you.

Pick a color.

-Put it all on red. -Okay.


-All good? -Yeah.

[speaking in Spanish]

See. What did I tell you?

So what? That doesn't mean it wasn't worth playing.

And that excitement you felt, while the wheel was spinning, that's life screaming, "Everything's possible.” And just because it stops, doesn't mean it's over.

It just means you... stand up and spin again.

I'm pretty sure that's the same voice gambling addicts hear.

All I know is if you bet on yourself, you can never lose.

Come on, guys.

Hard to entertain guests sequestered in here.

-l was just-- -Reading my e-mails?

Trying to prove you weren't involving Carrington Atlantic in anything illegal.

But you're too smart to leave a digital trail.

Luckily, I can read between the lines.

You lied about bribing Daniels only once.

-Why? -Carrington Atlantic is constantly being hit with lawsuits that have to be handled quickly and quietly.

I have to take gambles in order for this business to thrive.

That does not absolve you, Blake.

How could you do that?

How could you lie to my face? And now your secrets could bring down this company and our family.

My secrets? And what about your secrets?

Where do I start? Your sex tape with Matthew, or your crazy sister, or your real name?

I stood by you no matter what your past brought on this house.

I'd hoped that you would do the same.

-Oh, Cristal. -Hi, Bob.

I hear you've been looking for me. What was it you wanted to ask me?

How do I know you won't renege on the deal if I win?

You don't. Yet another reason not to do it.

-Who is she? -Former friend, current foe.

She has a point. I'm gonna need your offer in writing. Pen.

-You expect me to call my lawyer? -No. No need. I was pre-law at Wharton.

I don't know why you're so worried. Even if you lose, you still win.

-Best night of your life, I promise. -My mother used to tell me never make promises you can't keep. It's rude and impolite.

You expect me to throw in my box seats for the Falcons, too?

Oh, come on, Tim. Don't tell me you're all hat and no cattle.

I think it's still a fair bet.

Let's play some poker.

Steven. How are you, son? I've been looking for you all night.

-Senator. -I'll take another Scotch. Neat.

Oh, no. He's not a waiter. He's family.

-This is Cristal's nephew, Sam. -Oh.

And even if I could vote, it wouldn't be for you.

That's why I need your support now more than ever.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure our politics don't line up.

Listen, Steve, siding with those bleeding hearts is sentencing yourself to a lifetime on the losing team.

They haven't figured out that people want results.

You can't take power by playing nice.

You gotta be ruthless and grab it. Your way doesn't work.

Is that what you really believe? This is just a game?

[laughs] Well...

If you really think that life isn't us versus them, well, you and your generation don't stand a chance.

Save your scare tactics.

I'm done making bets in a burning house.

Is this your idea of negotiating?

Just trust me. I'm about to win us our land lease at a fair price.

-You're gambling with our company? -Not exactly.

-What? -Shh.

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.

How about... we up the stakes even further?

-You wanna raise me? -How about... instead of $10 million... you give us the land lease for one dollar a month?

You want me to put $240 million on one hand of poker?

-How will you match it? -You wanted a night with me.

How about a weekend in Vegas?

All the bacon you can eat.


I guess we both lose tonight, honey.

You can have the lease for $10 mil.

[people clapping]

Out of curiosity... what did you have?

More balls than you, Tim.

That's why I'll always win.


-Thanks for bailing me out. -Glad my signal worked.

It's funny. I haven't thought about Ben Turner since graduation.

-Who is Ben Turner? -Homecoming king, our freshman year.

He and his twin brother shared the title.

First and only time that happened.

So, when Monica dropped his name, I knew Tim had two kings.

That's the only reason I took the bet. I thought I could b*at him.

Guess it pays to have so much history with one person.

I'm gonna go get another drink.

You're lucky, you know?

That creep could have drawn something to b*at you, and I thought you were gonna fold once I tipped you off.

-You must've had one hell of a hand. -I had nothing.

I knew I could bluff my way through it.

Like any successful negotiation, all I had to do was make him believe that I could b*at him, even if I didn't stand a chance. Plus, with the legalese I put in our contract, he'd win a night in my bed.

Doesn't mean I have to be in it.

I'm glad you had a change of heart.

I thought a lot about your apology.

I know those don't come easy for you, so it meant a lot.

You deserve better.

I've made some bad decisions of my own.

But I've known you for so long, it's like you're my sister.

That would mean me sleeping with Jeff was incest.

Why do you have to ruin every genuine moment?

Because I'm emotionally scarred, obviously.

Yet you can't help but love me.

-Thanks for that, Moni. -That wasn't for you.

That was.

Good morning, Mrs. Carrington.

-Can I pour you a cup of tea? -Yes. Thank you, Anders.

Rather chilly in here this morning. Perhaps I should light the fire.

What's this?

Some breaking news I thought you'd wanna see. Thank you.

"Senator Daniels involved in a string of extra-marital affairs.

Ends his re-election campaign to spend more time with his family."

No need to light a fire, Anders. It looks like my wife has that handled. Would you give us a moment?

-Cristal, I asked-- -You asked me to stand by you, the way you stood by me. And that's what I did.

I protected you from the scandal, but I had to protect my integrity.

That meant ending Daniels' campaign, one way or another.

I'm sorry you felt that I wasn't being supportive.

1 will always be there for you.

I want that you to be the best version of Blake that you can be.

Yeah. I know that you think I'm set in my ways, but...

I agree with you.

Smart move... feeding your source one story for another.

-I shouldn't expect anything less. -No, you shouldn't.

[knocking on door]

[Steven groans]

Don't worry. I'm not here to therapize.

-I'm just dropping this off. -We have to start locking the doors.

Oh, yeah. Someone might wanna steal your particle board shelving.

Now that I'm on the other side of my post-kidnapping-stress, I just wanted to thank you for lending an ear.

I brought you a homemade lunch this time.

Huh. Funny, looks like leftovers from last night's party.

Well, by homemade, I mean I curated an assortment of fine foods at home and a maid provided the basket.

Just say thank you.

I don't care who made it just as long as it makes it to my mouth.

Considering I'm without an assistant, these kind acts aren't easy for me.

-Wait. You need an assistant? -No.

-As your first step cousin-- -Gross.

I may not have a fancy business degree from one of your rich-people schools, but I know about supply and demand.

Yes. We keep supplying you with room, board, and bubbly, -and you keep demanding. -You demand assistance from someone who speaks your language, and I can provide just that.

For instance, you skillfully paired the Beluga Caviar with French champagne, but you also packed metal flatware.

Now, if I was your assistant, I would've made sure to include mother-of-pearl spoons so as to not ruin the caviar with metal taste.

-He does make a good point. -Okay, Mister Mother of Pearl, answer me one question. Taylor or Katy?

Easy. Fallon. Real bosses don't insert themselves into fights that don't involve them.

-You're hired. -What just happened?

I just got a job.

Oh, speaking of jobs, Daddy said you just took one for Greg Anderson's company?

Actually, I changed my mind about everything.

-You're coming home? -We're going home?


After listening to Daniels spin his web of discrimination and arrogance, I got to thinking.

I'm done fighting a system that's just gonna protect the 1 percent anyway.

I'm ready to change it.

It's time to bet on myself.

I'm running for office.

What's all this?

Oh, well, I was told that people bring food to you now, -so, consider it a thank you. -Looks delicious.

But you shouldn't be thanking me.

I kept you from running a really great piece.

No. You gave me a far more salacious story filled with sex, betrayal.

But Channing loved it and online views are soaring, so--

Of course they are. People love a personal scandal

-way more than a political one. -End of the day, the story stopped Daniels' election campaign in its tracks.

So, that's all that really mattered to me.

Would've been nice to put him in prison though.

-l just-- I couldn't-- -Destroy your family?

I get it.

-I'm sorry I didn't get it sooner. -Thank you for understanding.

And I applaud your stellar reporting.

-[scoffs] -No, really.

I'm not the only one that's come a long way. I am so proud of you.

[both chuckle]

I'm, uh-- I'm gonna get going.

-You're not gonna stay for lunch? -No, you know, I got stories to cr*ck, bad guys to catch, you know.

The citizens of Atlanta are counting on you.

Stellar reporter, huh? Guess I'll have to keep an eye on Carrington Atlantic.

Meditating on another takeover?

Or maybe just envisioning the ousting of a dictator?

Come to take another cr*ck at me? What the hell was that? We're family.

Family doesn't keep secrets from each other.

I thought you'd understand what I was trying to accomplish.

This whole time that Dad was in jail, I was convinced that he had turned his back on me.

I hated him for it.

When Culhane invited me to the Carringtons' fundraiser, I couldn't help but think about what you said, how they are the reason that we were raised without a father, how all these years they've taken us under their wing, pretending to be our friends, giving us scholarships, inviting us to parties.

And now you wanna make them pay for what they've done?

Well, sodo I.


After that slap I thought--

Culhane was watching your every move, including how you congratulated me about Fallon.

So, I had to sell a different story.

Damn, Monica.

-Thank you. -Don't thank me yet.

We're just getting started.
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