01x21 - Trashy Little Tramp

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x21 - Trashy Little Tramp

Post by bunniefuu »

[Blake] Previously on Dynasty:

[Willy] Matthew knew where the bodies are buried.

I didn't wanna k*ll Matthew, I just wanted to hurt him.

[Anders] If Culhane realizes the connection between his father's disease and what CA covered up, it might not be easy to handle.

This is CA's fault.

1 will make sure he does right by you.

I'm appointing my daughter COO.

My wife is stepping down.

There was a baby boy, he was kidnapped.

I have hired investigators, psychics, anything. Anything to find a trace.

-Can I help you? -I'm your brother.

I knew what Blake was keeping from you.

You're a Carrington.

♪ don't give a damn ‘Bout my reputation ;

♪ You're living in the past It's a new generation ♪

♪ A girl can do what she wants to do And that's what I'm gonna do ♪

♪ don't give a damn ‘Bout my bad reputation ♪

♪ Oh, no Not me ♪ There you are. Seems there's been a delivery for you.

I know who it's from.

Allow me to be more precise, several deliveries.

♪ And I don't really care If you think I'm strange I

♪ 1 ain't gonna change ♪

♪ And I'm never gonna care ‘Bout my bad reputation ♪

-♪ Not me! ♪ -♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no ♪

-F Me, me, me, me -♪ Not me! ♪ I hope you've taken your allergy medication.

-l assume none of these are from you. -What do I have to apologize for?

-I don't know. Stealing my job? -I told you, -I had no idea he was gonna offer it. -Didn't stop you from taking it.

You would've done the same if you were in my position. Oh, that's right, you did.

See you in the car, Casanova?

It's not much, but it's all they had left after some fool bought the rest of the shop.

I'm glad you helped someone keep their job.

I plead guilty for crimes and misdemeanors of which I stand charged, Your Honor.

Cut the crap. This is serious.

If you wanted me out of the company, why not pull me aside and say so?

Your being COO has been tough on this relationship.

It was extreme, but f*ring you was the only way I knew how to save this marriage.

If you let me, I'll explain.

Maybe at dinner? I could get a table at Daniel.

-In New York? -Why not?

A lot needs fixing before I hop on a jet with you.

But I do wanna fix it.

Here. My initial thoughts on overhauling and streamlining.

Well, this is huge.

It's alphabetical. That's A through E.

I address going paperless in the environmental concerns section.

-Now, as you read, I wanna talk-- -Whoa. Slow down.

We have a lot of PR to handle. You were right.

The conference denying involvement in the scandal

-didn't put investors at ease. -CA's statement was fake.

Which is why we have to make changes if we're gonna put this nightmare behind us, at least publicly.

Per your suggestion, I put together a team to work on a rebranding campaign.

Rebranding the company feels like covering a b*llet wound with a Band-Aid.

I set up a day of press interviews and a family photo sh**t to remind our investors what we stand for.

CA is a family company with solid family values.

"Make Carrington Great Again." Cap off our outfits with a red hat?

I'm serious, Fallon.

I am listening to you.

As my COO, I need to know you'll listen to me.

Of course I'll listen.

I have your back, Dad. You can trust me.

[Monica] How can you trust her?

That's some pretty big 23andMe gossip for Alexis to drop.

You think Granny slept with Thomas Carrington?

Don't wanna think about it. You don't make something like that up.

If Alexis is right, if Mom is Blake's half-sister, that makes us one-quarter Carrington.

-That means Fallon's our cousin. -Half cousin.

Hope you slept with the right half.

That's why Blake never wanted me with her, why he took us under his wing when we were kids, -interest he showed in Mom. -Why Dad thought they had an affair.

If they'd known the truth, maybe our family would still be together.

-Why wouldn't Alexis tell us before? -She was scared.

Considering how far they covered this up, he might've k*lled her.

-That's their problem. -If it's true?

It means our life was twisted around their lies.

If it's true.

Which is why we're going to the source.

-May I come in? -Steven.

Oh, thank God you're back. Oh, I missed you.

Oh, why on earth did I let you go when I just got you back?

-Mom. -And only you

-could go to Texas and not get any sun. -Mom, heh-- Mom... it was the best trip of my life.

1 would like to introduce you to...

Hank Sullivan.

Is this a friend of yours?

No, Mom.

He's your son.

-This is Adam. -Nice to meet you, ma'am.

How--? How did you find him?

I knocked on about 82 doors in El Paso, but here he is.

I grew up there with my parents.

Well, adoptive parents.

I always wondered about my biological family.

Never in a million years did I imagine... this.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I've dreamed of this moment for as long as I can remember.

Are you hungry? Tired? Did you have the staff prepare a room?

Baby steps. There's still a lot for Adam to take in.

I'm not even sure what I should call you. Adam, Hank, brother?

-Hank is fine. Baby steps, right? -Yeah.


Welcome to your first day.

Connor, your temp assistant? We spoke on the phone.

How's the office?

The new furniture's being placed, white sage has been b*rned, and most traces of Mrs. Carrington have been incinerated.

The hideous turquoise bowl?

On your desk for you to break, per your request.

I'm here for what you need.

You're here because my assistant is choosing between buttercream or fondant for his wedding cake.

So, what do I have today?

Operations meeting at 11, PR team at 11:20 and the final interviewee for the VP job in our outreach program is in your office.

Who'd do an outreach program during a PR crisis?

That would be me.


-Wait, you're--? -I do have a communications degree.

I mean, I-- Yes, I did. I do. I--

1 didn't know you were willing to communicate.

Cristal got me the interview. 1 didn't know that it'd be with you.

-This was a mistake. -No, wait. You don't need an interview.

The job is yours if you want it.

I appreciate that.

I'm not playing whatever game we used to play. I'm here to make sure CA fixes

-the Clarke County situation. -Me, too.

I'm going to make good on my promise to you.

At the risk of losing the job you wanted?

-What would Daddy say? -Blake isn't going to know.

I told him what he wanted to hear, I took this job for you.

To make sure you and your family get everything you deserve.

-And how are you gonna do that? -Like a boss.

Sorry to interrupt your National Gallery moment, but I need you to authorize a check for 100 million to build a new wing for the Northend Memorial Hospital in Clarke County.

Capture the thing that happened to his eyes, that's his essence.

Mind telling me why we would do that?

When I say Clarke County, get out your checkbook.

Name it after Culhane's father.

Absolutely not. That's admission of guilt.

-The mouth. Please get that. -I'm not putting his name on anything.

If you wanna spin it like an equal-opportunity donor, that's fine.

We can spread the money. Let's say, over five counties, 30 million each?

-You just went up in price. -Making sure you're paying attention.

Twenty each, and honor Culhane without a plaque, since you're unsentimental.

Will that do it? You're here two hours, you cost me--

One hundred million like I said. Had you agreed, we'd be done.

Think of the buzz at the photo sh**t.

You're a generous humanitarian, Blake.

-At least on paper and canvas. -Not to mention I have a smart COO.

Well done.

He threatened me, he blackmailed me... he even fired me from the company on live TV.

I can't live like this.

Did he hit you?

No. No, he would never.

But sometimes I think he wants me to be afraid of him.

Soon he'll be afraid of us.

I can work around this prenup, and get you set for life.

-We'll file as soon as-- -I don't want him to know yet.

My nephew is marrying his son next week.

I don't wanna hijack their happiness with my divorce.

So, after the wedding?

Okay, great. Well, I suggest you buy a condo.

Better to start digging your escape tunnel now.

Play it cool around Blake.

He needs to think everything is fine until we press "go."



I'm so glad you're back.

Thanks for handling the brunt of the wedding stuff.

-I'm excited to dive into everything but-- -But you met someone?

-Actually. -l knew it.

I knew it, I thought I'd have a few gray hairs and a muffin top before you'd leave me.

What? Sam, the someone I met is my brother.

-I have a brother. -What?

-Wait, what? -It's a long story.

But he was kidnapped as a child, and my parents presumed he was dead.

-Why didn't you tell me? -I didn't know until recently, and even then, I wasn't sure it was real.

But it is.

I have a brother.

He's out in the loft, meeting Mom.

Or re-meeting?

That's crazy, isn't it?

-Yeah. -Sure you wanna join this family?

Of course I am.

Can't wait to meet my future brother-in-law.

You didn't have to cook, Grandma.

Well, somebody's gotta make sure you're eating.

-You're looking too skinny. -I'm fine.

I was talking to your sister.

You getting your calories from liquor.

I saw those pictures in the paper of that fancy fashion show you spoiled.

Things have been a little rough. I lost my start-up... the one with Fallon Carrington.

-You remember Fallon, don't you? -Monica's friend, sure.

Speaking of the Carringtons...

What happened with you and Thomas?

What do you mean?

-Well, you were his assistant, right? -Secretary.

Heh. Women's lib came late to Atlanta.

That's all you were? We heard--

-Watch your tone, young man. -Yes, ma'am.

There were rumors about me and Thomas as long as I worked for him.

Almost cost me my job, not to mention my reputation.

I thought I'd outlived all of that.

And I thought I taught the two of you better than to listen to rumors.

Sorry, Granny.

You're right.

[Culhane] What happened?

If my math is correct, Clarke County's only getting 20 percent of the funding.

Trying to spread the wealth. Still a lot of money.

-But not what we discussed. -I know, but it's progress.

It's a multi-step plan.

Please, Culhane.

I need you on my side to see this through.

I'm here.

For now.

But I can't wait forever.

[Alexis] Welcome to Carrington Manor.

Oh, well, your real family is around here somewhere, but for now, this is your father's wife, Celia.

I mean Cristal.

It's confusing. And this is Sam.

And this is my son.

My firstborn, Adam. But you can call him Hank.

-Welcome to the family-- Welcome back. -How's it going?

Oh. Heh.

This is Adam? But how is that possible?

-Blake said he was-- -Dead?

That's what he thought, but Blake gives up too easily.

Case in point, me. And accepts too little. Case in point, you.

Nevertheless, I never stopped looking. Thank you.

Sam is actually my fiancé.

-Oh, really? -Yeah. The wedding's next week.

Next week? Wow, man, that's huge. Well, as the brother of the groom, -I feel like I should do something. -No, that's not necessary.

-I already planned everything. -Of course it's necessary.

-We've missed enough life events. -You're not wrong about that.

-How can I chip in? -Wedding's already paid for.

-I think we're good. -Okay.

Then how about I throw you guys a bachelor party?

We're not the kind of grooms who do the last-hurrah thing, but thank you.

Well, maybe we should.

Have a guys' night. With my brother.

-We'd love that. Thank you. -Cool, dude. I'll get her done.


Oh, Anders, would you set another place at the dinner table tonight for Adam? Right beside me.

Yes, of course.

And what do we have here, Mother? New trainer?

-Boy toy? Hybrid? -[Alexis] Fallon.

I tried calling. You didn't answer.

And I didn't think it appropriate to text you news that you have a long-lost brother.

Long-lost what?

I know it's a little shocking, but you have an older brother. His name's Adam.

My name's Hank. But you know what?

-You guys can call me whatever. -Do you mean that?

-I don't think I can help it. -Sorry about that.

What'd I miss? -It's been a lifetime, but he's here, Blake. He's alive.

Steven found Adam in Texas.

Can you believe it?

Our son's finally home.

You are not my son.

[Alexis] Couldn't you shake your son's hand before you had your tantrum?

He's not my son.

He is, and you embarrassed him and this entire family.

If he got upset from one cold shoulder, he wouldn't last that long in this family.

You looked at him for five seconds before you made up your mind.

It's not about making up my mind, it's about the truth.

The truth is, he is our Adam. I can feel it in my bones.

She's searched for him for years, spent every dime looking.

I'm sure none went to her wig collection.

I'm begging you, don't push him away.

Not after all this time, I need him back in my life.

Alexis, please. You have to trust me. He's here for money.

-Write a check before dinner gets cold. -Classy.

Speaking of class, I can't believe my real brother hid my fake brother.

This family has more secrets than a Tr*mp mistress.

Can't the two of you believe it for a minute?

We're more of a fact-based operation in the main house.

Which is why I ordered a DNA test, so everyone's protected and convinced.

-Can't argue with science, Blake. -That's his specialty.

For the last time, that man is not our son.

And let that be the end of it.

I thought we were working on the seating chart for the wedding this morning?

Sorry. I, um-- I ran into Hank and wanted to give him the grand tour.

-Be sure to put me at a good table. -You're coming to the wedding?

I don't have to eat.

-Or even be at the family table. -I'm sure there's room.

I should finish unpacking. I'll catch up with you later.

What was that all about?

Nothing, we'll squeeze him in. But does he have to throw us a bachelor party?

I'm not interested in a straight guy's idea of what gay men think is fun.

We'll end up covered in glitter and drag queens.

Oh. Because you'd really hate that.

Point is, he doesn't know us.

Which is why this is the opportunity to change that.

He wants to do something nice. Let him. Please?

All right.


If you'll excuse me, I have to pretend my family's normal.

Okay, everyone, act natural.

We wanna capture a day in the life of Blake and his family.

1 got this. No low angles.

Camera needs to be eye level or above at all times. There.

Good morning. Hope I'm not late.

-There you are. -Well, where else would I be?

Perfect, Cristal, we'll start with you.

Uh, what made you decide now was time to focus on family?

-That's not a pre-approved question. -No, it's fine.

With us giving 100 percent to work, there wasn't enough time to refuel or give back to the community.

I wanted to make those things a priority.

Plus, Fallon was born for this job.

I look forward to see where her leadership takes the company.

Exactly. And this way, it stays in the family.

[Anders] Looks like they're selling it.

Cristal was fired two days ago, and now she's the doting housewife?

I smell a rat.

Or at least, a very dirty Chihuahua.

[man] It's 2800 square feet, just on the market. It has incredible flow, a state-of-the-art security system, plus, this unit has its own plunge pool.

What do you think?

I'll take it.

But is there any way to delay cashing the escrow check?

I know how the exit-strategy condo works.

No one needs to know yet but you and your divorce lawyer.

[camera shutter clicking]

[camera shutter clicking]

Every employee is a member of the Carrington family.

-Joe. -[man] Mr. Carrington.

And that extends to our community as well, whom I hold dear to my heart.

We gotta reload, but this is great stuff. Let me show what we're about to do.

Doing a great job.

This should buy us goodwill with the investors.

Are you kidding? Heard about your circus and had to stop by.

CA has got to do more than put a Band-Aid on their image to make good on the commitment to better lives.

Isn't enough lipstick for that pig.

-What are you doing? -You promised real change.

We are changing.

What's going on? What are you doing here?

-I work here now. -Since when?

Since Cristal helped him get the job.

I'm trying to prevent CA from k*lling more people.

I hope you enjoyed your first day. You're fired.

-What? -It's Culhane.

-He lost his father. -Which he blames us for.

He's a whistle-blower. He's gotta go.

Choose your allegiance. It's either him or the company.

♪ Save a horse, ride a cowboy ♪

♪ Everybody says Save a horse, ride a cowboy ♪

[Sammy Jo in Spanish] Oh, my God.

Where's the bottle service? Where's the VIP?

At this point, I'd take the glittery drag queens.

Least he didn't go too gay.

This is not how I wanna spend one of my last nights as a single man.

I wanted bad and bougie, not sad and douchey.

Gentlemen, tonight's gonna be awesome.

-I signed you up to ride the bull. -Don't want anything out of control

-between my legs. -That's the fun.

-Is it? -Darts, pool.

A bunch of your boys are at the bar.

I'm the ringmaster here. You two need to sit back, and enjoy the circus.

See? Fun.

Why don't you talk to your friends?

[all] Hank, Hank, Hank.

Because they've met your brother.

-Good heavens. -Not what you were expecting.

No, no.

But I am grateful I wasn't greeted by a drag queen named Helluva Bottom Carter.

Sorry, but Sammy Jo didn't plan this shindig.

Don't tell me you decided to go h*nky-tonk?

-I couldn't if I tried. -Planning went to Hank.

-What, he's here? -[Steven] Yeah.

He wanted to celebrate with his brother.

I'm tired of listening to you and Sam whine about him.

You both need to get onboard or go home.

Well, I won't be staying long.

Otherwise, I'm in danger of choking our host to death.

He's not on my favorites list, but why are you so sure that he's not Adam?

I just am.

I mean, Steven did trek halfway across the country to find him.

-Give him benefit of the doubt. -You don't get it.

No one knows, but when Adam was taken from us, the kidnappers cut off one of his fingers.

I told the police, but wanted to save Alexis the horror, that's why I'm not outing him.

Instead of causing more pain, I'll just wait for the DNA results to crush her hopes more gently.

Either way, it won't be fun.


Wanna take these to your room? Lilies are your favorite.

Is that saying you forgive me for not doing anything wrong to you?


I heard Blake fired Culhane.

I was hoping he could right wrongs that I wasn't able to.

Sorry if it damaged your relationship with him even more.

CA admitting guilt was the only thing to get us back on good terms.

Thanks to my shredder-happy father, there's no proof Daddy did anything wrong.

I think Thomas and Matthew were the only people who could force him to do anything.

-They knew where the bodies were buried. -Matthew?

He was your dad's lead field engineer.

-He knew everything. -[Alexis] Who knew everything?

Can't talk.

For the love of God, wear an age-appropriate outfit.

Scared my daughter away.

Yes. I wonder why it doesn't work on you.


I meant to ask, how did the photo sh**t go?

I caught a glimpse. The way you fawned over Blake was a bit much.

I know genuine emotion is foreign to you, Alexis, but that's what it looks like in case you need to fake it.

Heh. My guess is you've been faking it with Blake for some time now.

Certainly would explain these photos.

I'm buying a condo for Steven and Sam as a wedding gift.

Not everyone wants to live under this roof their entire life.

What a convenient lie, you trashy, little tramp.

I know what it's like to feel your marriage to Blake dying on the vine.

Nowhere to turn, feeling vulnerable, powerless.

I'll never give up my power.

Oh. Silly Cristal, you already have.

You just don't know it yet.

-You're disappointed it's not true. -Right.

-l was kidding. -I'm not.

I guess I thought that if the Carringtons really did do this to us, then maybe everything I tried doing to them was somehow justified.

And maybe I hadn't gone too far with this whole mess.

But I did go too far, my blind rage tore our family apart as much as Blake did.

-Jeff. -l am so sorry, Monica.

For everything.

And I should've known better than to trust Alexis.

Well, you always did have a mommy complex for her.

-I guess we can only trust each other. -"Vice today may be virtue tomorrow.”

-In bed. -In bed.

Granny? What are you doing here? It's so late.

By about 45 years.

I'm sorry.

I realized that I have never flat-out lied to you before.

And there's no reason to start now.

♪ Old h*nky-tonks and bars I

♪ Were like my second home ♪ He'll stay on for a while. Trust me, I've taught him well.

Sure you're in the right place, princess?

Excuse me?

It ain't Pride week, and your rainbow is showing.

You and the gays might wanna take off.

Oh, yeah?

How would you like a gay fist in your face?

-Give it your best sh*t. -You got a problem with my brother?

♪ But she don't love me any less ♪

♪ She don't love me anymore But she don't love me I Is that a prosthetic finger?

[Hank] Yeah.

Makes a good party trick once in a while. Good as new.

He's got nine fingers.

Hey, crazy.

Remember me?

Daddy could've imprisoned you in worse places, like real prison.

For trying to k*ll all of us on Thanksgiving.

Next year, I'll pull the trigger before dinner.

Sounds like you're making great strides.

What do you want?

Looking for some sort of belated apology?

Actually, I'm here for intel... on my father.

A little Hispanic bird told me that Matthew held some of his darkest secrets.

Any chance Matthew shared some stories with you

-during one of your more lucid states? -Like the Clarke County mess?

Yeah, I saw Blake's little press conference.

The one where he was pretending he's not poisoning half of Atlanta.

There's no proof of that.

Or is there?

Matthew knew every bad deed that Blake ever did.

He was smart to document all of it.

I see.

You seem like a part-time hoarder. Where might I find these documents?

Gee, I don't remember exactly.

Of course, I bet if I wasn't locked up, it would help jog my memory.

A negotiation. Now, that's the kind of crazy I can appreciate.

You provide me the location of those files and I will spring you from this joint in 24 hours. Do we have a deal?

I've never talked to anyone about it before.

So, when you asked me about Thomas, I panicked.

It was a different time back then. This whole "me too" thing... would've never flown in the '70s at Carrington Atlantic.

And for a few reasons, Thomas didn't want me having the baby.

And I didn't want anybody thinking I was trying for some payday.

So, I had my baby girl.

And I never told anybody... who the daddy was.

-So, our mom is... -Blake's sister.


-Does she know? -She does now.

I called Millie last night.

With Thomas gone nowy, it was time.

It's your birthright.

It's up to you what you wanna do with it.

1 didn't tell you the truth when he was kidnapped because I knew it would only

-upset you further. -Right, it would've.

That was very compassionate of you.

I don't remember a thing if it makes you feel any better.

If this is an intervention, I'm not quitting whatever I'm doing.

-It's better than that. -Been sleuthing for more siblings

-and found me a sister? -Fallon, we're having a celebration.

-It's really Adam. -You mean the DNA test?

Better. Involves a mechanical bull and removable finger.

The details aren't important. What is important is that our family is whole.

Well, you have Dad's hair, I'll give you that.

I think this is the appropriate time for '59 Dom.

Leftovers and champagne. It's perfect.

Allow me to be the first to make a toast.

To my son... Adam Carrington.

It's been a long time since you were in our lives. When you were missing... there was a hole created in our hearts that was never filled.

I'm sorry.

I never wanted to give up hope in finding you, but I did.

-I had assumed that you-- -Blake, it's okay.

Nobody needs to apologize for anything.

I had a great life, great family.

Now I have all of you, my birth parents.

As well as a feisty sister and not one, but two great brothers.

To the Carringtons.

[cell phone ringing]


Hey. Sorry, I would've called sooner, but turns out Blexis popped out another kid back in the day, forgot to tell us.

-What? -A long story.

It's quite the family reunion. My dad has tear ducts after all.

For his own family.

This isn't going to affect what we're doing?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe this explains a lot.

My dad went through a traumatic experience, losing a child.

What if that made him such a d-bag, why he shuts everyone out, can't trust anyone?

What if he was different person?

What if he was the same person he is today?

If 1 go through with this, my relationship with him will never be the same.

And my family's in a great place now, and if I move on our plan, that all ends.

-I don't know what to do. -Then let me help.

You've asked me over and over to choose you through all of this.

1 did.

I'm asking you to choose me.


Hey there.

Oh, I have the same photo.

Neither one of us gave up hope of finding our son.

-You remember the day Adam was born? -Heh. Every minute.

Out he came, with that booming yell and trademark chin.

I had a boy.

A son.

We were happy then. You were happy then.

We had everything.

A beautiful son.

A new family. I was in love.

With both my boys.

When we lost Adam, it ruined our marriage, didn't it?

Do you ever think that...?

If he hadn't been stolen from us, that we would still...

-It doesn't matter now. -I know we can't go back in time.

But maybe. Maybe we could go forward.

Please stop.

Things are well with Cristal. I love her and want my marriage to work.

Oh, sweet, ignorant Blake.

You're always the last to know.

Your precious wife, Cristal, is cheating on you.

I saw it with my own eyes. She was with a man at a condo in Brookhaven.

And it's time to face the facts that you married a whore with decent cheekbones.

Hope I'm not interrupting.

Wanted to say good night.

What lovely manners.

It's as if I raised you myself.

Wow, you're really good.

-Makes me miss that stupid dog. -[chuckles]

He always hated you.

Sorry to, uh, spoil your little Oedipus complex, but pretending to be your mother is, um, no aphrodisiac.

You can punish me like the night we first hooked up in Jamaica.

What if someone caught us?

Not about to blow our billion-dollar plan over carnal impulses.

Now, come on. Be a good boy, and run along to bed.

Don't forget Mommy in your prayers.


Your message sounded urgent. Everything all right?

-You were right. -Spoke to our grandmother.

We didn't tell her where we heard it from.

Thank you.

This means all these years, Blake knew we should've had a seat at his table.

-While we struggled, he threw us scraps. -Just to ease his conscience.

That's Blake. But I'm not innocent either.

You were afraid. We can protect you now.

It's him who needs protecting.

We'll do whatever to make this right.

Before you start another w*r, the battle might not be as tough as you think.

I saw Thomas Carrington's will.

He left equal shares of Carrington Atlantic to his grandchildren.

Which means you both have a legitimate claim to half of them.

You're kidding. He worked to keep us out and didn't read the fine print?

Maybe. Or maybe his lawyer is a friend of mine.

Why would you do that?

It was the only way I knew to repay you for what I did.

Now it's Blake's turn.

What do you mean, "Insufficient funds to cover a down payment"?

There's over $2 million in that account.

Well, check again. Call me back on this number.

Insufficient funds. Well, that must be embarrassing for you.

-What'd you do? -What did I do?

Funny. I was gonna ask you the same thing.

-Alexis thinks you're having an affair. -And you believe her?

-She's turning us against each other. -I know.

But I did research and I discovered you're trying to buy a condo. Why?

-Let me explain. -Save it.

You've been playing me the whole time.

Did you ever love me? Well, you want out of this marriage?

1 got news for you. You're not going anywhere.

-Excuse me? -I stood in front of the press and I told them that you were stepping down to focus on our family.

How would I look if my wife suddenly filed for divorce?

-Your credibility is not my problem. -It is now.

If they think I was lying about my wife, they'll think I lied about Clarke County.

We can't have them thinking that, can we?

You're staying in this marriage whether you want to or not.

You may own half of Georgia, but you don't own me.

Yes, I do.

You think about what I hold over you.

Grand theft.

Attempted m*rder and the identity-fraud thing.

You think you were the only one planning for this day?

I'm sure this prison makes better chateaubriand than Georgia State Correctional, but the choice is yours.

-I've been waiting. Where've you been? -I had business with Jeff.

Why are you spending time with him?


Is my baby boy jealous?

Jeff Colby and his sister are the other shiny facets of our multi-pronged plan. Consider them insurance.

-l don't get it. -Don't think too hard, sweetie.

Blake won't hand over the reins to CA, so I have to take them before he drives the company into the ground and my children end up with nothing.

-What do the Colbys have to do with that? -They're owed shares.

So, together, you'll have close to controlling interest.

Just trust me.

Guess I just don't like sharing you with them.

And I don't mix business with mediocre pleasure.

If you're looking for a larger cut, I've given up everything that I can afford.

That finger didn't accidentally fall off last night.

Blake isn't exactly warming up to me.

I thought he was gonna call me a phony, so I paid off some yokel to take a punch.

Then I come home and tell that tearjerker of a toast.

Seems to me you should be kissing my ass.

-As tempting as that may sound... -And this damn thing itches.

Quit being such a baby. It healed so quickly.

I'm just glad I discovered that tidbit in the police report about Adam's kidnapping, or Blake would've never been fooled.

If I can't get a bigger cut, fine.

Can't I still have you...

-...Mother? -I suppose I have a few spare fingers to keep you happy.


Ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for joining me today. Shall we get started?

Where's Blake? Shouldn't we wait for him?

That's why I've gathered you here, away from CA and sadly, away from the source of this company's problems.

A $100 million donation to community outreach programs. A nice gesture, but I doubt it fools the press to think it isn't an admission of guilt.

-Blake authorized that. -He did.

And although he denied it in a hastily-run press conference, documents surfaced from one of CA's former engineers, proving my father knew about the crisis and did nothing.

I'm not sure if you heard, but he fired an employee who lived in Clarke County because he was, his words, "a potential whistle-blower."

That's against policy.

If he reports to OSHA, they could slap us with a wrongful-termination suit.

Facts can't be denied. My father is not fit to run this company.

It's your job as Carrington Atlantic's board to make a change.

It's time to vote Blake Carrington out and name me as your new CEO.


I can't stand it when you stay away so long.

I've told you I have to be careful.

-It isn't safe. -I had another visitor yesterday.

Fallon Carrington was here.

She said she's gonna help me get released.

And you believed her?

Did you--? Did you tell her about me?

No, but don't be mad.

I told her about your storage locker.

That was my end of the deal.

Did she come back for you?


Don't you know by now I'm the only one you can trust?

I'm an idiot.

-A stupid idiot. -Stop, stop, stop.


That's no way to talk about the mother of my child.

You didn't do anything wrong, they did.

And you're right.

It's time we get you out.
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