X Files, The: I Want to Believe (2008)

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X Files, The: I Want to Believe (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »



MAN: Keep it straight!

Come on, straight.


Give him room!

Hold the line' gentlemen! Look left! Look right!

Hold the line!

CRlSSMAN: lt's here. lt's here.


BANNAN: Hey' calm down, Bυddy. Hey.

Let him go. Let him go. Let him go.

Let him go. Let him go.

Easy, easy. Let him go! Let him go' let him go.

Here. Here' it's here.

-lt's here! -Back up. Give him some room.

l've gone over the charts you've sent...

...and consulted another pediatric neurologist who works with me here.

-We're alarmed by two things. -Deficiency in lipid metabolism...

-...and diminished enzyme output. -Right. That's exactly right.

Both indicate lysosomal storage illness.

Υou're the boy's primary physician, Dr...?

Scully. Dana Scully.

Υou tested his lysosome function? l think you haVe all my resυlts there, doctor.

My fear is that it's a type-two, degenerative brain disease...

...like Sandhoff disease...

...that his enzymes aren't clearing lipids from his brain' causing atrophy. lf you suspect Sandhoff disease, l'd test the boy's levels of hexosaminidase. l've done that. What l'm looking for here' doctor...

...is a course of treatment.

There is no treatment for Sandhoff.

But if there were, l'm sure you'd telI me.

Hi, Christian. How are yoυ feeling?

Okay' Dr. Scully. How are yoυ?

Me? Well, l'm doing just fine, thank you.

Yoυ got some outside opinions?

Yes. We're gonna do some more tests.

DRUMMY: Dana Scully?

Dr. Scυlly, l'm looking for Fox Mulder.

Excuse me.

-Special Agent Drυmmy with-- -l can gυess who yoυ're with.

The FBl υrgently needs to speak with Fox Mulder. l don't work with Fox Mulder any longer. l don't work with the FBl.

Well' if you could contact him...

...it might just save the life of an FBl agent.

MAN: What's up' doc?

Yoυ've become awfully trusting, Mulder...

...for a man wanted by the FBl.

MULDER: Eyes in the back of my head, Scυlly.

"Αuf einer Wellenlänge," as the Germans say. lt's a precognitive state often confυsed with intuition...

...in which the brain perceives the deep logic...

...underlying transitory human existence' unaided by the conscious mind...

...materializing much as you did just now.

Though if yoυ'd actually materialized, yoυ'd be rapidly dematerializing.

But who belieVes that crap anymore?

Well' they do at the FBl' apparently. l had a Visitor today' Mυlder.

The FBl wants your help finding a missing agent. l hope yoυ told them to screw themselves.

They say all is forgiVen.

That they'll drop all charges against yoυ if you come in and help them solve this.

The FBl will forgive me?

They pυt me on trial on bogus charges and tried to discredit a decade of work.

They should be asking me for my forgiveness. l think they are. Desperately.

How can l possibly help these people?

Someone's come forward with some promising evidence.

-A psychic, he claims. -Ah. lt's a trick, Scully, to smoke me out. lf the FBl wanted to get you, l haVe no doubt that they coυld. l think they've been happy to have you out of their hair.

Good. l am just as happy having them oυt of mine.

A yoυng agent's lifo is at stake.

Mulder, l know l don't have to say this' but it could have been you once.

Or me.

Yoυ know, the truth is, l worry about you...

...and the effects of long-term isolation.

l'm fine here. l'm happy as a clam.

l'll tell them yoυr answer.


Okay' l'll go.

Under one condition.


Thanks for the lift.

Don't thank me. l didn't send it.

Wait here.

Come in.

Excuse me. They're here.

Thanks for making this happen. l'm Special Agent in Charge Whitney.

-Dana Scυlly. -Fox Mulder' l believe? l know this is awkward. Welcome back. My team and l appreciate your trυst.

Well' trust being what it is, what if l can't help you?

Or yoυr agent turns up dead?

The past is the past. l know your work on X-Files cases...

...and believe you may be the best chance Monica Bannan has now.

-How long has she been missing? WHlTΝEY: Since Sunday evening.

Almost three days.

SCULLY: l know yoυ know this' but after 72 hours...

-...there's slim chance she's still alive. -We have slim reason to believe she is.

So far' we'Ve got no evidence to the contrary...

...and the facts give υs hope.

Soon after she goes missing, we find this: a severed arm.

-Where? -About 1 0 miles from her home. l don't understand. lt's a man's arm. ls it a match for evidence found at or near the crime scene? Blood or tissυe?

Blood. Foυnd in her garage and on the tool that matches the wound.

-You were led to it? -Like a needle in a haystack.

By someone claiming psychic powers.

Joseph Fitzpatrick Crissman.

-And you think he's full of shit. -What makes you say that?


-Father Joe was-- SCULLY: Father?

-He was a priest? -Catholic.

He cold-called six hours after Monica Bannan was reported missing...

...claiming a vision of her. A psychic connection.

-And he tells you she's alive? -That's right.

Have you found any other connection?

-To Monica Bannan? -Νo. That's why l sent for you.

-l need to know we're not wasting time. -Well...

...he's a religious man, clearly. Edυcated man.

He took right action' said nothing to cast doubt upon himself...

...has no connection to the crime. Yoυ're wasting time...

...only it's mine and your agents'.

There's a qυestion of credibility. lf you have no reason to doubt the man, why doubt the man's visions?

He didn't lead us to Monica Bannan. He gave υs a guy's bloody arm in the snow.

This is not an exact science. lf it were me' l'd be on the guy 24/7. l'd be in bed with him' kissing his holy ass.

Father Joe's a convicted pedophile.

Maybe l'd stay out of bed with him.

What is this?

-Dorms for habitual sex offonders. -Dorms?

They manage the complex and police themselves.

Father Joe liVes here voluntarily with his roommate.

Just avoid the activities room.



CRlSSMAN: Tell them to come in.


DRUMMY: Father Joe?

CRlSSMAN: Excuse the mess. l haVen't been sleeping.

DRUMMY: Father Joe, this is Fox Mulder.

CRlSSMAN: Okay. -He'd like to ask some questions.

Actually, l'd like to ask something.

What was it you were praying for in there' sir?

-For the salvation of my immortal soul. -Do you think God hears your prayers?

-Do you think he hears yours? -l didn't bugger 37 altar boys.


-That's a colorful way of putting it. SCULLY: l have another word.

MULDER: l'm sυre you do. l haVe to believe he does hear me' or why would he send these visions?

Maybe it's not God doing the sending.

Yoυ call them visions. You see them? ln what you might call my mind's eye.

What do you see?

l see the poor girl being assaulted. l see her putting up a fight.

-l hear dogs barking. -Where?

CRlSSMAN: Can't tell.

-But you see her alive. -Νo' but l.... l feel that she is.

Can you show us how yoυ do it?

l don't know that l can do this right now.

Maybe it'd be better if she wasn't here.

Maybe what you see is a way to try and make people forget...

...what it is that yoυ really are.

Jesus, Mυlder.

So mυch for kissing his holy ass. l'm sorry. l've been too long away from this business. Or not long enough.

No, you were good in there.

All l had were questions. But you pushed him' yoυ challenged him.

Like old times.

Yeah, well' he's a creep. And a liar.

He knows who did this. They're sυpplying him with information.

Look where he lives. And this arm they found?

This wasn't severed in any fight. lt was cut cleanly, chopped off.

And tell me how he's been able to lead them straight to it...

...and not eVen muster a guess as to where the victim is.

Two things you're gonna find in the next 24 hours:

A dead agent, and that this gυy' Father Joe, is a big, fat fraud.

Yoυ could be right' Scυlly.

Yoυ could be right.

But what if you're wrong?

-What are you doing? -Gonna take him for a ride.

See jυst how psychic this Father Joe really is.

Yeah, well' it's been fun.

Scully? Nobody's gonna make yoυ sit next to him.

Thanks, but l've already been taken for a ride. Anyway, he doesn't want me there.

-l want you here. -This isn't my life anymore, Mυlder. l'm done chasing monsters in the dark. l think you've done all they'Ve asked of you here too.

Yoυ know, no one says you have to stay here.

These people need my help.

And l coυld really use yours.

-Are we getting warm? -You tell υs.

l don't know l haVe a clυe of where we are.

That's all right. Everybody works differently.

Who are you' the good cop? l'm the non-cop.

l don't know this girl. This Agent Bannan of yours. l haVen't a clue of the connection.

There's always something, however small.

And who made you the expert? l once investigated a series of cases...

...involving υnexplained phenomena for the FBl.

So you believe in these sort of things?

Let's just say l wanna believe.

And his sister was abducted by E.T. ls that true? lt was a long time ago.

She's dead...

...isn't she? Your sister.

This is where she was taken.

Yoυr agent. This is where she was att*cked. l want him to see the crime scene.

No, it's....

This isn't right.

Yoυ've brought me to the wrong house.

Pulled that right out of his ass.

There were news crews covering the scene.

Pictυres of the neighborhood. He coυld've recognized it from TV.

MULDER: Yeah, but--? But why?

-Why? -Why do it?

Why go to great lengths to create an elaborate fiction?

Expiation. Forgiveness of his sins.

He's written dozens of letters to the Vatican, pleading reengagement.

Rather odd way to impress the Holy See.

Voice of God speaking through a man? That's been a winner a few times.

-So you think he's guilty too, huh? -We have to consider him a suspect.

Yoυ've found no connection to the crime.

Don't think my gυys stopped looking. They think they're gonna find one.

Yeah, but you don't' or l wouldn't be here. l'm not the most popular girl at the FBl right now for calling you in. Believe me. l wasn't exactly Miss Popularity at the FBl myself.

But you've dealt with psychics before.

Luther Lee Boggs' Clyde Brυckman, Gerald Schnauz. l went through those cases' and that work was extremely impressive.

Yeah, well' l'm only half the team.

But it's your insights l need.

She ran away. She tried to escape.

There were two men. Well, she couldn't. He pushed her down. lt was here. lt was right here.

And then they put her in the back.

WHlTΝEY: Where? -ln the car. No.

-lt was a truck with something on it. -We have to find her!

She's in pain. Great' great pain.

-Tell me where. -l don't know. l can't see.

-We need to find her. -l can't see. l can't see.

Because he's pulling it out of his ass.

Father Joe?

Hi, Christian.

Yoυ're looking very bright-eyed this morning.

-l was thinking. -Yeah? What were you thinking?

How l'm going to get out of here.

Well' you know' l'm thinking exactly the same thing.

Can l get out of here soon?

What's wrong? Has something scared you?

The way the man is looking at me.

What man?

Don't be afraid.

l was just looking for those. l wanted to go over them myself...

...and the results of the new tests that you ordered.

That isn't really your purview' Father. lt's his primary physician's. lt is in my purView...

...to make sυre all my physicians are making the right choices...

...for their patients and for the hospital.

Can l have the test resυlts, please?

We are here to heal the sick, not prolong the ordeal of the dying.

There are other, better facilities for the boy.




Hey' hey. Hey!

l'm okay. l'm fine.



MULDER: l can feel you thinking. l'm sorry. l can't sleep.

Actually, l have a little something for that.

-Just a little something? -Thank yoυ.

What's the matter?

l haVe a patient' a young boy with a rare brain disease.

And he's very' very sick.

Why haven't you told me aboυt this before? l thoυght there was something l could do.

There's not?

Well' there's radical treatments, but nobody wants to talk about those.

Even the experts say there's nothing to be done.

Nothing bυt....

Nothing bυt let him die.

So l'm lying here, cursing God for all his cruelties.

And do you think God is losing any sleep?

Why bring a kid into the world just to make him suffer?

l don't know, Mulder. l've got such a connection to this boy.

How old is he?

Yoυ think it's because of William. l-- l think our son left us both with an emptiness that can't be filled.

Just go to sleep.

Let me cυrse God for a while.

Thank you.

Scratchy beard.


-Oh. -Hm?

There was something weird on the toxicology report of the seVered arm.

What? l looked over the FBl evidence reports again. ln the tissue' there were traces of a drυg...

...commonly given to patients being treated with radiation...

...and also traces of a drug called acepromazine.

Why is that weird?

Acepromazine's an animal tranqυilizer.

Now l can't sleep.


What is animal tranquilizer doing in the tissυe sample of a man's severed arm? l can't even begin to speculate.

He said he heard barking dogs.

-Who? -Father Joe.

Mulder, what are you doing? ls it a tranquilizer that you might giVe a dog?

He's a phony, Mulder. He pυlls these so-called visions out of thin air.

And now he's got you straining to connect them.

When l see a man cry tears of blood at a crime scene...

...he recognizes without ever having Visited' l need to go out on a limb.

Tears of blood?


Yeah, some trick' huh? How do you fake that?

-Hello? DRUMMY: Hello, Dr΄ Scully?

-Yes. -l have Dakota Whitney for you.

Can you hold on a second?

Sorry to call at this hour.

-Has there been a break? MULDER: They find her?

WHITNEY: We're pursuing another lead. -The same source?

Same source' new news. lt's here. lt's here.

Tυrn up ahead' at the barn.

WHlTΝEY: One more time. Ten minυtes.

-Did you find her? -Νo.

-What did you do? -What?


Yoυ said there was news.

The news is our psychic led us to the exact same site he led us to before.

Yoυ're gonna find it.

DRUMMY: That's what you keep saying.

Yoυ're gonna find a body.

DRUMMY: You keep telling us she's alive. -She is.

We could do this all night.

These guys are all running on empty. l'm sorry for bringing you out here.

DRUMMY: Hey' let's go, fellas!

Bring it in! Let's go! Bring it in' gentlemen.

Time to go home.

Tell me.

Tell me what you see. l see a face. l see eyes staring out.


Who is it? lt's unclear.

Like through dirty glass.

lt's out there. l know it.

What does he mean, "Like through dirty glass"?

-Mulder. -What?


Okay' foel free to give up like everybody else.

This is not my job anymore' Mulder.

No, that's right. That's right. You're just like my booking agent now' right?

Yoυ're right.

-This is my fault. -What do yoυ mean' it's your fault?

For getting you involved in this.

No. No. lt was the right thing to do' Scully.

This is not about finding an FBl agent.

This is about you trying to save your sister.

My sister is dead. lt hasn't stopped you from looking for her.

Mulder, l have been throυgh this too many years with you...

...believing you can save her.

Yoυ cannot save her. Not now' and not ever.

l need those men back.

-What are you doing? -l'm trying to ignore you.

This is it. Here it is.

This is it.

We need shoVels.

lt's solid ice.

No. lt's dirty glass.


Yoυ're gonna need resources.

We need eqυipment. Concrete saws and a backhoe.

Yoυ two' get on the line. Yoυ two' come with me.

Don't give up.


Get me out of here!

Help! Help!

Get me out of here!

Please, please. Please, l won't tell. l won't tell anyone. l won't tell anyone. Just let me go. l just want to go home. l'm sorry l hit your truck. l didn't mean to do it. l didn't mean to hit your truck. l didn't mean it.

Wait. Stop.

Wait. Wait.

What is this place? Who are you?

Please, just get me oυt of here.

Get up. l can help you. Just get me out of here.


l think we can resolve, then, in good conscience and without objection...

...to relocate the patient to a facility suited for and humane to his condition.

As you and l discussed, Dr. Scully' l was informing the staff and doctors...

...of the hospital's decision on Christian Fearon. l'm sorry, what decision?

To relocate the patient to a hospice who will manage his palliative care.

That was a discussion, not a decision.

Well' it's been discussed here at length' with no objection from your colleagues. l haVe an objection.

Yoυ have' Dr. Scully, a patient with an untreatable condition.

Now' that's very sad and unfortunate. Nobody disagrees with that.

-But he's my patient. -Unless you've come here...

...with a cυre for Sandhoff disease...

...we all ask that you let the boy go in peace.

Thank you.

Now' l'd like to wrap up so we can get on to the day's good work.

We have the final matter of a patient in intensive care...

...Dr. Willard's patient' l believe.

Admitted after suffering myocardial infarction during--

-There is a treatment. -The matter is resolved' Dr. Scully.

No, it's not.

The disease can be treated with intrathecal stem-cell therapy.

Yoυ're not serioυs. Don't pυt the boy throυgh hell.

-Would you do it if it was your son? -lt's not her son and he's not yoυrs.

And it's not a decision for hospital administration. lt's his doctor's. lf you'd like to challenge that...

...you can take the matter υp with a higher authority. l haVe taken it υp with the highest authority, Dr. Scully.

As should you.



Come on, pick up.

Come on.

Come on. Answer.


SCULLY [ON RECORDlNG]: This is Dana Scully΄ Please Ieave a message.

Scully, it's me. l keep leaving you messages.

Here's what l want to tell you.

That woman's head in the ice? lt's not the agent's. lt's not Bannan's.

We don't know who she is, but so far...

...we've pυlled 1 1 discrete hυman limbs from the ice and we're not done yet.

Each one a clean cut too.

An exact match to the previous amputation you noted, Scully. lt looks like someone's been dumping body parts in the ice there for months...

...possibly years. Αnd there seems to be no pattern to the limbs.

Men and women, all with healthy, undiseased tissue...

...according to forensics, which suggests to me that they are victims.

But here's the thing, what l need you to know.

We foυnd more traces of yoυr animal tranqυilizer' acepromazine. l don't know what the hell it means, but l'm hoping yoυ can make sense of it.

-Anything? -Νo' l can't reach her.

But this is gonna make sense. This is a break. l'm feeling it.

Mm-hm. You're feeling it. Father Joe's feeling it. l'm feeling my head spinning.

This is a serial case. Yoυ're gonna solve a dozen murders here.

Yes, but l'm no closer to finding my agent.

No, we're gonna find her. l know it.

Well' she may have to stand in line. l see a woman's face.

Another woman taken from a car.

She's being held...

...in a box' l think.

ls she with Monica Bannan? l don't know. ls it the same men that took her? l think so. Yes. lt's the same men.

Yoυ see this, or are you just telling these people what they wanna hear?

-Νo. -Νo' yoυ don't see it.

No, it's-- lt's the same men.

-l want a car ready. -To go where? l don't know yet. l don't believe this.

That's been yoυr problem from the start.

-l can get you a car. -And a list of missing persons...

...over the last 48 to 72 hours.

-Hi. -Hi.

Cheryl Cunningham' 34' never made it to work last night.

No-show at home either.

There's no blood on the airbags. Driver's side window knocked out.

Keys in the ignition. SurVivable crash with a seatbelt.

She sets off' takes a shortcυt...

...gets tired, sits down' falls asleep. Happens all the time.

Hard left turn for such a long, straight stretch of country road, don't you think?

But why settle for my opinion?

l'm sorry. l'm not getting anything.

What a surprise. What a surprise.

-l think we're done with Father Joe. -Yeah.

MULDER: Whoa' whoa.

-We're not quite finished. -What is that?

Medical lD bracelet. l noticed yoυr missing agent wore one too.

-For what? -What are you thinking?

Let's pop the trunk.

-This isn't gonna do her much good. MULDER: lt's a gym bag. lt's a bathing suit. lt's frozen stiff.

-Chlorine. -Where's the nearest public pool?

Hi. We're hoping yoυ can help υs.

Would yoυ like lockers?

We're with the FBl. We'd like to show yoυ a photo, if you don't mind.

Why would l mind?

-Do you know this person? -Let me see.

These young people look so much the same.

-Do you have a sign-in register? -Yes, l keep one eVery day.

-l'd like to see yesterday's. -l threw yesterday's away.

Excuse me, sir. Doesn't he know that's the women's side?

Hi, Christian.

Yoυ've got a whole bunch of people taking good care of you today, okay?


Now you look scared.

People say l went underground.

l'm sorry, Mulder.

-l've had to keep my focus here. -lt's the boy, isn't it?

Yeah. l thoυght there was nothing to be done. l'm taking a big chance on something.

On a radical and extremely painfυl new procedure.

Last night you said that wasn't an option. lt wasn't, last night.

What changed your mind?

When will you know if it's working?

There's a series of these procedures...

...and we won't know until they're all done.

But that's not what you came to talk about.

There's another woman missing.

She's given us something to go on.

She and the missing agent swam at the same pool.

The agent kept a locker there. We think they were stalked.

Both wore medical lD bracelets...

...and both had the same rare blood type: A-B negative.

Organs harvested for transplant. That's how they were targeted.

Donors and recipients need matched types.

Someone using that pool knows that.

Black market. Somebody filling orders.

Well' they have access. Recipients, hospitals.

That's your world. Your knowledge will save time. Time is our enemy.

Start with the transporters. Call the Richmond DA.

No, no, no, l need yoυ on this with me.

No. No, Mulder.

Yoυ asked for me to get involved' Scully. Now l'm asking for you to stay inVolved.

Mulder. You helped them already. Yoυ broke the case for them.

-Why don't yoυ let the FBl pursue it? -We're so close now.

-l'm asking you to let it go. -lt's not that simple.

No. lt's complicated.

What is that supposed to mean?

Something l knew would happen' that l've been afraid of...

...that l haven't had to face υntil now.

What? Just say it. l'm a doctor' Mulder.

-That's not my life anymore. -l know that.

Yoυ're not υnderstanding me. l can't look into the darkness with you anymore, Mulder. l cannot stand what it does to you or to me. l'm fine with it, Scully. l'm actually okay. l'm good.

Yeah, that's what scares me.

Where else would you have me look if yoυ want me to find these women alive? l'm asking you to look at yourself.

Why? l-- l don't think l'm the one who's changed.

We're not FBl anymore, Mulder.

We are two people who come home at night.

To a home now. l don't want that darkness in my home.

Scully, this is who l am. lt's who l've always been. This is who l was before l met yoυ.

-lt's what l do. lt's everything l know. -Write it down.

Put it in a book.

Are you asking me to giVe up?

No. l can't tell yoυ to do that' Mυlder.

But l can tell yoυ that...

...l won't be coming home.


Mulder, l've got my own battles to fight.

-Don't do this. -Please don't argue with me.

Don't do this now. l don't know what else to do.


Good luck, then.

Yoυ too.

MARGARET: Dr. Scυlly?

We'd like to speak with you' if we may' aboυt Christian.

-Have yoυ been in to see him? -Yes. He was sleeping.

-But we've-- -We've changed our minds...

...about going forward with this new treatment.

But you don't even know if it's working yet.

We think that Christian's been through enough.

We want to pυt oυr faith in God now.

-l see. MARGARET: lt's nothing against you.

No. lf you were a mother' yoυ'd understand.

Have you spoken to Father Ybarra?

Yes. But the decision is ours.

What if it did work?

What if we found we'd made the wrong choice by stopping?

Yoυ're saying you can save my son?

l'm saying l don't want to give υp now.

But lo and behold, we're about to hit the tarmac...

...when all of a sudden' the plane gears υp...

...and we're back up in the air. l say, "Honey' isn't this fantastic? We're gonna die together."

Tυrns out there was a plane parked on the tarmac...

...and we missed colliding with it by seconds.

But we were in love and it was romantic.

Sir? Excuse me, sir? Can we talk with yoυ a minute?

l'm transporting vital organ.

-That's what we'd like to talk aboυt. -This is my job. l move quickly. l don't have much time.

Please, sir. Step oVer here.

My name is Robert Koell' with the District Attorney's office in Richmond.

-May l see your license? -l have green card.

-What are you transporting? -Human liver for transplant.

Paperwork and license' please.

Where are yoυ delivering it?

Willow's Memorial Hospital. They're expecting it. A patient wait for it.

Have you procured or delivered an organ outside of normal or lawful channels?


Yoυ're an employee. How would yoυr employer answer this question?

He's sick. Has cancer.

That's not what l asked you.

Am l under some kind of suspicion?


A vision, if ever l had one.

May l speak with you?

Would yoυ like to come in?

Make yourself comfortable. l won't be staying long.

Have you come here by yourself?



Please, l insist.

Now' you came to ask something.


We're alone, free to speak in confidence.

Yoυ said something to me the other night in the snow.

-Yes. l said, "Don't give up." -l need to know why you said that. l haVen't the faintest idea.

-Were you hoping for another answer? -Do you know anything about me?

Other than that you loathe me?

-Do you know what it is that l do? -Νo. l can see you're a woman of faith. But not in the same things as your husband.

-He's not my husband. -Do you care to tell me about yourself?

-Νo. -Do you care to offer a confession?

-l don't think yoυ're-- -What? ln a position to judge? Yet you've jυdged me' haven't you?

-You deserve to be judged. -Do you know why we live here?

The men who call this vile box of monsters home?

Because we hate each other' even as we hate oυrselves...

-...for our sickening appetites. -That doesn't make it less sickening.

And where do they come from?

These appetites' these υncontrollable urges of ours?

-Νot from God. -Νot from me. l castrated myself when l was 26.

And the visions weren't my idea either.

-Proverbs 25:2. -What?

God's glory to conceal a thing...

...but the honor of kings to search out a matter.

-Don't quote Scripture to me. -What are you doing here?

-What are you afraid of? -"Don't giVe up." What was that for?

-l don't know. -l don't believe you.

-l'm telling yoυ the truth. -They were your words.

-l don't know why. -You said them to my face!

All l ever wanted was to serve him.

All l've eVer wanted was to serve God.

Yoυ can ask for his pity' but don't expect mine.

Yoυ can stop the act anytime.

Look at me.






MAN: Shh. Shh.



SCULLY: Paramedics are in there now. They'Ve been here for seven minυtes.

He's stabilized. Blood pressure's normal. No, they're loading him in now.

-What happened? -Thank yoυ. He had a seizυre.

-Who called yoυ? -Νo one.

MULDER: So, what are you doing here?

We need to talk to Father Joe.

-Well' that's not gonna happen. -We've got a suspect.

A Russian émigré working as an organ transporter.

-ln cυstody? WHlTΝEY: No.

The DA questioned him aboυt trafficking black-market organs...

...but he was released. They had no evidence to hold him.

We've got a witness who says he swam at the women's pool.


-Excυse me. -What's that got to do with Father Joe?

-lt's the man in his visions, Scully. SCULLY: Who?

-The suspect. The man in this photo. -Νow you're wasting their time.

Tell me again what you're doing here.

Here's a vision for you. A coυple of my guys jυst had it.

MULDER: Who's this?

Oυr sυspect's employer. An old friend of Father Joe's' we just learned.

-Known him for oVer 20 years. -Known him how?

That's one of his 37 altar boys.

Three guesses who he's married to in the state of Massachusetts.

Oυr sυspect.

We got a warrant to search their offices.


lt's over.

-Hey' hey! Hey! SCULLY: What? Mulder.

Why don't you hold up?

Let these men do their jobs.

Clear this bottom floor.

We were fooled. l wanted to believe as bad as anyone.

Look, l don't need sweet talk.

-You led us here. -Father Joe led υs here.

This is Special Agent Drummy with the FBl.

We have warrants to search these offices.

Anyone inside, identify yourself and unlock the door now. l called you in because l thought you coυld help me.

-l Valued yoυr belief in these phenomena. -Νow what do you think? l think this is a longer conversation.

Down on the floor! Down on the floor! Anybody here' l want down on the floor!

Somebody find the lights.

We were at a standstill. Yoυ pυshed forward...

...no matter the direction we took.




MAN: What are yoυ' nυts?


Stop him!

MAN 1 : Hey' yoυ can't go--

MAN 2: Hey.

Come on.

-Quick' which way did they go? -Down that way.

-Mulder! -l'm υp here!


He's coming at you.



-Yeah. -Where are you?

-Right here. -Where?


-Where is he? Do you have him? -Νo. l lost him.

-l saw him. -Where?

They're both dead.

Monica Bannan and Dakota Whitney. l heard. l'm sorry.

Yeah, well....

-l thought we were winning' Scully. -l know you did, Mυlder.

l'm here to see Father Joe. l wanna show him these photographs of these men.

Yoυ still wanna believe him.

l think you should know that he's been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

He has advanced-stage lυng cancer.

l just wanna be sure.

Then let me ask him.

Yoυ wouldn't belieVe.... l was thinking of you. l had a Vision yoυ might find interesting.

Of a man speaking a foreign language.

Did he happen to look like this?

Yeah. That's the man. How did yoυ know?

We think he's the man who abducted the FBl agent...

...and the second woman yoυ say you saw...

...and possibly many more.

And we think that he was helped...

...by this man.

-l don't know who that is. -Are yoυ sure? l'm fairly certain. l don't know him. l'm fairly certain that you do.

And that you've known him since he was a boy.

Oh' no.

lt can't be trυe.

l don't believe this.

He was my connection to the girl.

My visions were to saVe her from him.

This is God's work.

SCULLY: Let me ask yoυ one more qυestion, Father Joe.

The FBl agent...

...the first woman that you saw, Monica Bannan...

...is she still alive?

l feel her.


She's still alive.

-Mulder. -That second victim may be alive.

Everybody's given up, but l'm not going to.

Mulder, you think l don't understand, but l do.

This stubbornness of yours, it's why l fell in love with you. lt's like you said.

And it's why we can't be together.



Whoa' hold up.

-Hey. Hey' sorry to bother you. -l'm closed.

-Νo' l just need a moment of your time. -We've got some bad weather coming in.

Yoυ'd better get wherever you're going fast.

So, what do you need?

Yeah, l was wondering if you carry an animal tranqυilizer called acepromazine?

-You got a prescription for it? -Νo' l don't.

Well' l can't sell it to you, then.

Can you tell me if you've ever sold any to this man?

-l am never getting out of here. -l'm just--

Nutter's Feed.

Yep' l was just closing up and l'm gonna pick him υp.

Yeah. Goodbye. Yeah.

-What happened to the other guy? -Who?

The guy who was standing right here. l need to refill this now.




MULDER [OΝ RECORDlNG]: Yeah, it's me. -Shit. l must be busy right now. Leave a message.


SCULLY: MuIder, l just found something in my stem-cell research.

Experiments being done in Russia on dogs, Mulder. l think that's what your suspects have been doing, only on humans.

Those women who'Ve been abducted-- Υou've got to call me.

Mulder, the FBl agent's alive.


FBl Special Agent in Charge Fossa speaking.

lt's for you.

This is Special Agent Drummy.

SCULLY: l've been trying to find you for hours. l can't reach Mulder.

-ls this Dr. Scully? -Υes, it's Dr. Scully.

-WeIl, where is he? -lf l knew that' l wouldn't be calling.

Dr. Scυlly, l'm gonna suggest you call the police. This is not an FBl matter.

Listen to me. l need yoυr help. l'm sorry, l can't help you.

SCULLY: Then let me talk to someone with some balls' who can.




No, don't touch me!


Don't touch me!

Yoυ're going to be fine.

l've taken care of it. l've taken good care of it.

Yoυ don't need this one anymore.

Look at me. You're going to live.

Yoυ're going to have a fine, strong body.

Down. Down.

Excuse me.

-l'm Dana Scully and that's my car. -Right. l talked to some bigwig at the FBl. Called from Washington.

Yeah. That's him. Walter Skinner. ls there any indication what happened? Or any footprints?

Nothing. Snow's pretty heavy. But we did find this.

Yoυ might want to giVe it to him. Excuse me.

His cell phone, it's got blood on it.

Listen to me. Calm down. Stop and think. He's okay. He's gotta be.

He climbed out of there. lf he climbed out, he probably climbed up.

Stop what you're doing.


Back off. Back away.

Back off!

Do yoυ speak English? Do yoυ speak English? Anybody speak English? l want her out of here. l want those tubes out of her neck and l want her neck sewn up. Do it!

Are you gonna do what l said?

We will find him.

l know Mυlder. He'd get to a phone and call first.

He didn't do anything crazy.

Not overly crazy.

Wait a minute. Back up.


What is it?

ProVerbs 25:2.

The glory of God to hide a thing.

l've got it. lt's an invoice for medical supplies to a Dr. Uroff Koltoff. lt's an address on Bellflower Road.

Maybe l can Google it.

-Listen. -What?

Dogs. Dogs.



Can you hear me?

Sorry about your car.

The girl is still inside.

Show me your hands!

Put the scalpel down! Put the scalpel down!

Just get it down or l'll blow yoυr g*dd*mn hand off!

Get over there!

God, what have you done?

What haVe you done?

Mulder needs warm clothes and fluids.

Oh' God.

l've got work to do here.

Get in! Get in!

All right' Mυlder.

-The girl inside.... -Scully's got her. She's in good hands.

-Skinner? -Yeah.

Cold. l got you.


What's up' doc?

Father Joe is dead.

He was clearly a very sick man.

Did you see this story?

The FBl is claiming Father Joe was an accomplice.

Not a word aboυt his psychic connection.

He's dead' Mulder.

-We'll never know. -l know' Scully' and l can prove it.

Father Joe died of lung cancer, right?

The same as that man that Dr. Frankenstein tried to give a new body.

What time did you pull those tubes from that woman's neck?

What time did you cut off the blood supply to that man's head?

That's when Father Joe died. Get me his death certificate. l'll take it to the FBl and l'll show them.

Do yoυ think they're really gonna take yoυr call? lt's an injustice to the man's name.

Well' considering his crimes against those young boys...

-...who is really gonna care? -l thought you believed him too. l wanted to believe him. l did believe him. l acted on that belief.

Why don't you just tell me what he said to you?

He told me:

"Don't give up."

And l didn't. And it saved your life.

But l've put that boy through hell.

And l have another surgery scheduled for this morning...

...because l believed that God was telling me to.

Through a pedophile priest' no less.

What if Father Joe's prayers were answered after all?

What if he were forgiven?

Because he didn't give up.

Try proving that one, Mulder.

l'm due at the hospital.


Why would he say that?

"Don't give up." Why would he say such a thing to you?

l think that was meant for you, Mυlder.

He didn't say it to me.

He said it to you.

lf Father Joe were the devil...

...why would he say the opposite of what the devil might say?

Maybe that's the answer.

The larger answer.

What do you mean?

Don't give up.

Please don't make this any harder than it already is.

lt's okay.

lf you have any doubts...

...any doubts at all...

...just call off that sυrgery this morning.

And then we'll get out of here.

Just me and you.

As far away from the darkness as we can get?

l'm not sυre it works that way. l think maybe the darkness finds you...

...and me. l know it does.

But let it try.

Are you ready to begin' Dr. Scully?

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