04x17 - A Long Walk to Pittsburgh (Part 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Boy Meets World". Aired: September 1993 to May 2000.*
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A coming-of-age comedy follows Cory as he juggles school, friends and romance.
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04x17 - A Long Walk to Pittsburgh (Part 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

Opening Credits

Voiceover: Previously on Boy Meets World…

[sh*ts from scene in Chubbie’s, Shawn is against the wall]

Cory: Something bad happened, didn’t it?

Shawn: Yeah, it did.

Cory: Then tell me.

Shawn: I can’t. Okay, you just gotta talk to Topanga.

[Cut to later, in Topanga’s room. Her & Cory are on the bed, talking]

Topanga: My family and I are moving.

Cory: (Desperately) To a different house on the same block you live on now.

Topanga: We’re leaving Philadelphia.

[Cut to later, at Chubbie’s. Cory and Shawn are talking in a booth]

Cory: So, you’re saying that she can’t move if we’re really supposed to be together, can she?

Shawn: Not if TV is the true mirror of our lives.

Cory: Now, the doctor on ER, she really left. What about her?

Shawn: ER’s real.

[Cut to later, in the Matthews’ backyard. Cory & Topanga are having their goodbyes]

Topanga: Cory, will you just give me a hug and a kiss and say goodbye to me?

Cory: No.

[SCENE – Matthew’s living room. Shawn is sitting on the couch, making out with a girl, Becky. Another girl, Rosie, sits next to her, and Cory is in the armchair. Rosie looks uncomfortably to Cory, who is visibly nervous as hell. NOTE: Both Becky and Rosie speak with British accents]

Becky: (Stops kissing Shawn) Now, now, don’t be such a rushy boy. (Turns to Rosie and laughs)

Shawn: A rushy boy? (Looks to Cory with a grin. Cory still look unbelievably uncomfortable)

Becky: Since Rosie and I came to America, we really haven’t been on very many dates. Isn’t that so, Rosie?

Rosie: Yes, and I suppose is such, Becky and I have a little catching up to do. (Turns to Becky and giggles excitedly)

Becky: (Giggling) Ooh, you’re wicked!

Shawn: Did you hear that Cor? They have (Impersonating British accent) “a little catching up to do.” (Cory looks jittery) (Shawn & Becky resume making out)

Rosie: Well, I suppose anyone can sit on a couch. (Gets up) But you were clever enough to choose the cozy chair. (Walks around chair’s back and starts massaging Cory’s shoulders.)

Becky: (Impressed) Clever, indeed. (To Shawn, running a fingers around his collar) Are you just as clever?

Cory: (Mouths what he just heard, confused) (Rosie leans in to kiss his face, but he jumps up, grabs the phone, and quickly puts it to his ear) Hello, Topanga? (Mock happiness) Hi! How are you? I miss you, I miss you so much.

Rosie: (Returns to couch) I didn’t hear the phone ring. Did you hear the phone ring, Becky?

Becky: No, I didn’t hear the phone ring. No, not at all. (Shawn gets up)

Cory: (To phone) Would you miss me, too? Yes, I think about you everyday. (Shawn takes the phone from Cory, hangs up) You hung up the phone on Topanga!

Shawn: I hung up on nobody, Cory. The phone has to ring for somebody to be on it.

Cory: Not when you’re in love.

Shawn: Or nuts! You’re k*lling me, man.

Cory: I haven’t done anything!

Shawn: That’s exactly what the problem is, you have a beautiful girl from another country who doesn’t understand our language (the girls smile) and you haven’t done a thing!

Rosie: Well, the night is young! (Starts giggling)

Becky: (Giggling) Oh, your wicked!

Shawn: (Begging) Cory…

Cory: Listen, Shawn, I am getting to know Rosie, okay? Maybe I just move a little slower than you.

Shawn: Well move a little faster, they’re only here on a six-month visa!

Becky: (To Rosie, pointing to Shawn) See? I told about that one.

Rosie: Ooh, you were right. (They explode in giggles)

Cory: I’m just worried about Topang– (Shawn covers his mouth)

Shawn: Please. For one night, I beg of you, there is no “Topang–”. If you care about me at all, and even if you don’t care about me but could someday care about me, (Points to Rosie) then go. (Becky & Rosie wave seductively, Shawn & Cory wave back, then the girls giggle again) (Cory goes over and sits next to Rosie) (Wandering back to his seat) Now, if memory serves, the point I was trying to make was… (Becky jumps on his lap and starts kissing him)

Cory: (To Rosie) Well, I guess we should kiss now.

Rosie: I suppose we could. We don’t have to. (Cory’s jaw drops) We can. Do I make you sad?

Cory: No, no, I think you’re very delightful and I think you speak English quite well.

Rosie: Thank you.

Cory: It’s just that I’ve been going out with this girl for, like 16 years…

Shawn: (Fake coughing) k*ll you!

Cory: (Whispering) A girl named Topanga. Come here. (They move to the armchair) See, we first met when we were eight months old in the sandbox.

Rosie: She was your first girlfriend, then.

Cory: I’m pretty sure. You know, and I always thought we were meant to be together for the rest of our lives, but two weeks ago she moved to Pittsburgh. And I never got a chance to say goodbye. And that I love her. And, y’know, what if I never get to tell her. Will she know?

Rosie: That is the most beautiful and heartfelt thing I have ever heard.

Cory: (Big frown) Thank you.

Rosie: Would you mind very much if I cried my eyes out just right now?

Cory: Would it be okay if I cried with you?

Rosie: It’d be wonderful. (They start sobbing and hugging closely)

Becky: (Seeing Cory & Rosie) Well, he seems to be quite the rushy boy, too.

Shawn: Ah, well, I taught him everything he knows. (He & Becky resume kissing)

[SCENE – Topanga’s empty room. It is raining outside. Cory is sullenly sitting against the wall. Eric knocks on the window, then opens it.]

Eric: Cory, dinner.

[SCENE – Matthews’ kitchen, still raining. Alan is at the table and Amy is cooking when Eric enters with Cory]

Eric: (Escorting Cory in) Come on. Good boy. Good boy! Get you out of the rain…

Cory: (To all) Is it raining?

Eric: (Referring to Cory) Hey, mommy, daddy, I found this wounded puppy outside, can we keep him? Can we?

Alan: Cory, I know this is tough on you, son, but you can’t go on avoiding life.

Eric: Y’know something, Cor? He’s absolutely right. I mean, I had this same problem when I broke up with Francesca. There’s a lot of pain, there’s a lot of heartache. But eventually time stepped in. And I got over my devastating loss.

Alan: Who’s Francesca?

Eric: (Whispering loudly) There is no Francesca, I’m just trying to help.

Alan: (Whispering loudly) Nobody wants that.

Eric: (Whispering loudly) Okay. (Walks away)

Alan: Listen, Cor, I was thinking. Why don’t we just drive down to Pittsburgh this weekend, huh? I need to see some suppliers and you can spend time with Topanga.

Amy: I don’t think that’s the best idea, Alan.

Cory: Mom, I know how you feel, okay? You’ve made it real clear how you feel.

Amy: My feelings are for you. I don’t want you to be in pain.

Cory: No, you just don’t want me and Topanga to be together.

Amy: I don’t want you to be sick over Topanga. Cor, she isn’t here anymore. And, to tell you the truth, I think this presents you with a good opportunity to get to know other girls.

Cory: Mom, I don’t want to know other girls, okay?

Amy: Yeah, I don’t think that’s healthy.

Cory: Topanga and I would’ve been together of the rest of our lives.

Amy: No, you wouldn’t’ have been. You both have to get to know other people to make a choice like that. I had relationships with four other men before I met your father.

Eric: Maaa…

Alan: I know three…

Cory: Well, you know what mom? I’m sure you’ll be real happy to know that I’m not going to go to Pittsburgh, kay?

Alan: Why not? You and Topanga have a fight?

Cory: No, no fight, I just realized that I’m the one making all the phone calls, I’m the one writing all the letters, but I will not be the one who travels 300 miles to be rejected and look like a fool. So if life doesn’t want me and Topanga together, then you can’t fight life, can you? (Opens to door. Topanga is standing outside, in the rain with huge, relieved eyes)

Topanga: Cory.

Cory: Topanga.

[SCENE - Matthews’ kitchen, continued from earlier]

Topanga: Aren’t you going to hug me?

Cory: Well, you know, wet and everything. (They hug) (While hugging) I missed you, I missed you so much.

Alan: Hi, Topanga.

Amy: Hi, honey. Do your parents want to come in?

Eric: (Looks outside, then closes door) Actually, there are no parents.

Amy: Do your parents dropped you off?

Eric: I’m bettin’ no.

Topanga: (To Cory) I couldn’t be without you.

Cory: I wasn’t doing too good, either.

Amy: Topanga, your parents don’t know you’re here, do they?

Eric: (Topanga shakes her head) No, no they don’t.

Alan: Topanga, your parents are gonna be very worried about you.

Topanga: Why would they be worried about me now? They weren’t worried about me when they decided to move. I told them how much Cory meant to me and how I couldn’t be away from him, they said I was too young to say things like that. That I didn’t know.

Alan: So you ran away from them?

Topanga: I ran away to Cory.

Alan: Okay. (To Amy) It just got serious, now.

Amy: Topanga, I’m gonna have to call them.

Cory: No, mom, didn’t you hear what she just said? Her parents don’t understand her. Just like you two don’t understand me. We want to be together, okay? That’s what we want.

Amy: Topanga, I know you miss Cory, but to come here without your parents’ permission, that’s just wrong.

Cory: How can it be wrong, mom, if she loves me enough to do that? I mean, I’m sorry I didn’t do it myself. (Topanga faintly smiles)

Amy: Help me, Alan.

Alan: (Stands) First of all, we are not the enemy. We understand that you two want to be together, but this is not the way to go about it.

Amy: I’m calling. (Picks up phone)

Cory: (Walks over to and grabs Topanga reassuringly by the arm) Listen, I promise no one is gonna take you away from me, I promise. (They hug, then Cory looks to Alan)

Alan: We have to. (Cory turns back and hugs Topanga)

[SCENE – Matthew’s living room. Topanga and Cory are sitting on the couch. Topanga, clad in Cory’s clothes, is drying her hair.]

Cory: So the first day we didn’t connect was Monday, but I figured you were busy with school and you had a lot of other stuff to do, but then we missed Tuesday and Wednesday and I started wondering who you were with.

Topanga: Cory, I could’ve sat and talked to you on the phone everyday, but it was just the phone and every time I hung up it got harder for me. I just tried to stay busy.

Cory: Well, does “busy” include going to the school dance with your new friends?

Topanga: How’d you know?

Cory: It was a guess.

Topanga: It was just something to do. And I had a lousy time because all I thought about was you. (Pause, audience “awwww”s) You missed a phone call or two, what were you up to?

Cory: Listen, if I missed a phone call it was because I was out at the mailbox checking for a letter.

Shawn: (Enter) Hey Cory! The Sparrow sisters called they want to see us again! (Notices Topanga) Hey, Topanga. (To Cory) Naturally, I told them you were married.

Topanga: So, the Sparrow sisters. They were in your mailbox, were they?

Cory: Trust me. I love you.

Topanga: I know you do. I love you, too.

Shawn: Okay, your hair’s wet, you’re wearing Cory’s clothes. You ran away, didn’t you? (Topanga nods) (Proudly) She gets that from me. (Enter Amy & Alan from upstairs) Hey, she ran away! (To Topanga, mock scolding) Bad, bad, bad girl! (Exits)

Alan: Called your folks, Topanga, let ‘em know you’re here and that you’re alright.

Amy: And later on–

Cory: (Interrupting) “And later on” what, mom? She going back to her house? Then fine. I’m going with her, we can do this again there.

Amy: Cory, you live here. Topanga lives in Pittsburgh. I didn’t do it. Stop jumping on me.

Cory: No no, mom, I’m not jumping on you because of where we live, alright? I’m jumping on you because you seem happy about this. I mean, why don’t you want us to be together.

Eric: (Enters from kitchen) I hear yelling.

Alan: Eric, upstairs.

Eric: No no, I hear yelling, I’m not involved, I’m staying. (Leans on mantel)

Amy: (To Cory) You cannot make adult life decision without adult life experiences behind those decisions to make them stand up.

Cory: Mom! I love her.

Amy: So you say, Cory. But what does love mean to you at sixteen years old? I have been with you father for 22 years, and I am just now beginning to realize what love really means.

Eric: Wait (jibberish), what I as big surpise?

Amy: Okay, Cory, you educate me. You tell me what love means to you.

Cory: Mom, listen, I haven’t with Topanga for 22 years, but we have been together for 16. Okay, that’s a lot longer than most couples have been together. I mean, when we were born, you told me that we used to take walks in our strollers together around the block. When we were two we were best friends, I mean, I knew everything about this girl. I knew her favorite color. I knew her favorite food. Then we got to be six, y’know, and Eric (gestures to Eric) made fun of me because it wasn’t cool to have a best friend that’s a girl or even know a girl.

Eric: (Laughs) You listened to me, idiot.

Cory: So for the next seven years I threw dirt at her. I like to call those “the Lost Years”.

Topanga: (To Eric) You were the one who made him throw dirt at me?

Eric: You were a girl, noogie head.

Cory: Then, when I was 13, mom, she put me up against my locker. She kissed me. I mean, she gave me my first kiss. She taught me how to dance. She always was talking about these crazy things and I never understood a word she said. All I understood was that she was the girl I sat up every night thinking about. And when I’m with her, I feel happy to be alive. Like I can do anything. Even talk to you like this. (Pause) So that’s what I think is love, mom. When I’m better ‘cause she’s here. And now she won’t be. (Shrugs) So I’m finished. (Sits, puts his arm around Topanga)

Topanga: (To Alan & Amy) I think it’s a good thing Cory’s the only boy I’ve ever loved. I was looking forward to doing all the things that people who are in love. With Cory. And not with just some guy in Pittsburgh because I’m there.

Eric: Well, should I call the caterers? (Doorbell sounds) Never mind, they’re here.

Alan: No, that would be Topanga’s aunt.

Topanga: (With dread) My aunt? Aunt Prudence?

Alan: You’re parents said they were gonna call her.

Cory: (Smiling) Hey, maybe she’ll be on our side.

Topanga: No, not my aunt.

Cory: Well, maybe she’ll realize that we’re Romeo and Juliet, we belong together.

Topanga: Look, my aunt has never been in love, never been married, and wouldn’t even know who Romeo and Juliet were.

Prudence: (Eric opens door, revealing her. She is attractive) Hello, I’m Topanga’s aunt.

Eric: (To Alan, pointing at Prudence) Okay, how is that possible ‘cause my aunt looks like an elephant.

Alan: That is my sister you’re talking about?

Eric: She does, man. (Walks away)

Alan: (To Prudence, shakes her hand) Hi, I’m Alan Matthews this is my wife, Amy.

Prudence: (Shakes Amy’s hand) Prudence Curtis. Hello, Topanga.

Topanga: Aunt Pru.

Prudence: And this must be the young man who has my neice so smitten.

Cory: Hi, I’m Cory Matthews. Listen, you’re my last chance, please don’t take her away.

Prudence: I’m sorry, Cory, but my instructions are to take Topanga home with me and put her on the train to Pittsburgh first thing tomorrow morning.

Topanga: Cory, help.

Cory: (To Topanga, quietly) Topanga, I don’t know what to do, okay? Everybody seems to want us apart. (Pause) Except dad. (Turns to Alan) Dad, listen, you really haven’t said anything during this whole time. Are you gonna let her take her away?

Alan: (Amy look at him) I don’t think I’m gonna have to.

Cory: What?

Alan: Well, you know, you may have known Topanga since you were born, but I’ve known your mother (takes Amy’s hand), like, forever. Okay?

Cory: So?

Alan: So, what I know about your mother, besides her favorite food and color, spaghetti and red, and the thing that I respect in her the most is that she has always put her faith in love, when she sees it. When she recognizes it. (Pause) Which is why she chose me, when her parents told her not to.

Cory: Yeah, but dad, she wants us to have other relationships.

Alan: Love is faith, Cory. Do you love your mother?

Cory: Yeah, of course I do.

Alan: Then have faith. (Smiles, kisses Amy)

Amy: (Thoughtfully) It would be… (searches for word) wrong for Topanga to go back to Pittsburgh.

Cory: I guess I have a lot to learn.

Prudence: Certainly you’re not suggesting that I let some puffy love between two 16-year-old children interfere with her parents’ wishes.

Amy: I am suggesting that Topanga was born in Philadelphia. And has spent her entire life here. All of here friends, everything she knows, is here. And to rip her out of high school in her junior year, and drag her to Pittsburgh where she has to make new friends for one year and then have to leave again for college, is irresponsible.

Prudence: Are you saying that my sister and brother-in-law are irresponsible?

Amy: Yes, I am.

Prudence: Than keep talking.

Amy: I have known Topanga for 16 years, too. (Hugs her, kisses her forehead) It’s hard not to love her. Everything Cory says she is, she is. And no matter how old Cory is, it will be hard for him to find better.

Cory: Mom…

Amy: You’re my son. I’d never want you to be in pain.

Prudence: Topanga, Cory, would you excuse us so I may speak to Mr. and Mrs. Matthews? (Cory looks to Alan, who nods, as he heaves with Topanga)

Eric: (Sitting in chair in back) Oh, I’m staying.

[SCENE – Matthews’ backyard. Cory & Topanga are sitting on the bench together when Feeny enters from his house]

Feeny: Mr. Matthews, (slightly excited) Ms. Lawrence! (They begin to stand) No, no this isn’t the classroom Mr. Matthews, as you were. (They go back to sitting closely) Even though this isn’t the classroom at the moment, (Walks through gate) would you mind if I taught you a lesson anyway?

Topanga: (Nods) Please.

Feeny: (Sits) Believe it or not, there was a time in my life when I cared for someone as deeply as you two care for each other now.

Cory: You believe we love each other?

Feeny: And for no reason I understood, my wife was taken from me. And I haven’t been so deeply in love since.

Cory: (To Topanga) Feeny believes we loves each other.

Feeny: I believe that when you find love you hold onto it and cherish it because there is nothing finer and it may never come again. And that, my dears, is the most important thing I could teach you.

Prudence: (Watching, with Amy & Alan, from the doorway) Who is that guy?

Topanga: That’s Mr. Feeny.

Cory: He knows everything.

Prudence: No, he doesn’t.

Feeny: Beg your pardon?

Prudence: (Steps forward) Prudence Curtis, I’m Topanga’s aunt.

Feeny: (Stands) George Feeny, I’m Topanga’s teacher.

Prudence: Well, I don’t know that I appreciate what you are teaching these children, sir. To plant wild ideas about true love in young undeveloped minds is as irresponsible as my sister and brother-in-law ripping her from the only environment she’s ever known. At this delicate time.

Feeny: Madam, if you choose to question my opinions, then you disregard 38 years in the public school system, where I have born the responsibility of those opinions for 30,000 students. None held in higher regard than Mr. Matthews and Ms. Lawrence.

Cory: (Sits up excitedly) You like me?

Feeny: Stay out of this.

Prudence: The only this I presume, sir, is that you’re as verbose as you are snappy.

Feeny: Well then… There we are.

Amy: Topanga, your aunt has something to tell you.

Prudence: (Topanga gets up and stands in front of her) I have spoken to your parents, and while I don’t condone the intensity or explicivity of this relationship, I also cannot condone the actions of my sister and brother-in-law. Therefore I’ve decided, and they have agreed, that if you’d like to live with me during the remainder of your high school education, I’d be happy to have you.

Feeny: I’m verbose…

Topanga: (Hugs Prudence, turns to Cory) Did you hear what she said?

Cory: She said you’re staying. (They hug)
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