06x17 - Resurrection

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Boy Meets World". Aired: September 1993 to May 2000.*
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A coming-of-age comedy follows Cory as he juggles school, friends and romance.
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06x17 - Resurrection

Post by bunniefuu »

Opening Credits

[SCENE – Hospital, NICU (that means neonatal infant care unit). Amy and Alan are among many parents hovering around their sick newborn’s bed. Amy is sitting, Alan is standing when Dr. Taylor and Dr. Markman.]

Alan: Dr. Taylor, um…

Dr. Taylor: Alan, Amy, I want you to meet Charlie Markman. He’ll be taking over your child’s case.

Amy: (Unsure) Okay.

Alan: Why aren’t you…

Dr. Taylor: Dr. Markman is a neonatal pulmonary specialist, he has far more experience than I do and…

Amy: So, you’re not going to be our doctor anymore.

Dr. Taylor: Amy, there’s really nothing more I can do. (Puts hand on her shoulder) I promise you, you’re in good hands. (Exits)

Alan: Is our baby going to die?

Amy: (Indignantly) No. (Stands)

Dr. Markman: I don’t know. (Paces around bed)

Alan: You don’t know?

Dr. Markman: He has a respiratory infection because the early loss of amniotic fluid compromised his sterile environment.

Amy: So when can we take him home?

Dr. Markman: We’re going to administer a course of antibiotics over the next ten days.

Amy: And then we can take him home.

Dr. Markman: And then we’ll see where we are.

[SCENE – Waiting room. Cory is sitting as Topanga gets coffee, then sits next to him]

Cory: Y’know, I think everything’s gonna be okay.

Topanga: I hope so.

Cory: What do you mean you hope so? You think something bad’s gonna happen?

Topanga: Something bad has already happened.

Cory: I know. I just, I want you to make everything better.

Topanga: How do I do that?

Cory: Just be here with me.

Topanga: I’m sitting right next to you.

Cory: I know, but I don’t feel like you are. Now I want us to be Cory and Topanga again because then everything is okay. (Holds out his hand) Here.

Topanga: How does holding your hand make everything okay?

Cory: I just want us to be the way we used to be. Y’know, Valentine’s Day used to be such a big deal to you.

Topanga: What does Valentine’s Day have to do with this?

Cory: And I was the one who’d want to hold hands, but you were the one who said holding hands is like touching souls.

Topanga: How do you remember that? I said that years ago when I was a child.

Cory: I remember everything you said because it was important to me. Why don’t you say stuff like that anymore?

Topanga: Cory, look around you. Do you recognize where you are?

Cory: Take my hand.

Topanga: We’re in the hospital. This is real. The reality is that your little brother is back there fighting for his life.

Cory: No, reality is this hand.

Topanga: I don’t like it when you use us to hide from the rest of life, Cory.

Cory: I don’t like it that you’re not Topanga anymore.

Topanga: What?

[SCENE – Eric, Rachel, & Jack’s apartment. Eric is playing basketball with Tommy using a pair of socks and a suitcase]

Eric: (Holding Tommy’s shoulders, mimicking basketball moves) Tommy dribbles down the back court. He fakes left (jerks him left), left (jerks him left), Tommy, left! (Jerks him left)

Tommy: It is left.

Eric: Oh, right, sorry. Okay, he fakes left, he sh**t! (Tommy throws the socks into the suitcase) He scores! (Picks up Tommy and starts hopping him up and down) They win the championship! They win the championship! (Stops hopping) And as a reward, Tommy gets to carry Eric’s suitcase down to the car!

Tommy: Not gonna happen. (Eric puts him down) (Referring to Rachel) Why don’t you get Big Girl to carry it? (Puts last of Eric’s sweaters in suitcase and closes it)

Eric: (Sits on floor) ‘Cause Big Girl’s with the Rat, Tommy.

Tommy: Is that why you’re so sad?

Eric: No, I’m not sad. That’s actually the farthest thing from my mind.

Tommy: (Sits next to Eric) Well something’s bothering you. You’re acting different.

Eric: Yeah? How do I normally act? (Tommy makes incoherent sounds while waving his arms and head in the air, Eric laughs)

[Enter Jack & Rachel]

Tommy: Hi Big Girl, hi Rat.

Jack: Hey, Tommy. Eric, look man, we told you, you don’t have to do this, okay?

Rachel: No, Eric, don’t move out. This isn’t what we wanted to happen.

Eric: Yeah, this is the right thing to do, guys.

Jack: No, no, you know what the right thing to do is? Not even think about this right now.

Rachel: Eric, you shouldn’t even be here you should be at the hospital…

Eric: (Speaking over Rachel saying “hospital”) Pancakes!

Rachel: What?

Eric: (Looks to Tommy, then back to Jack & Rachel) The International hospitaPancakes! Isn’t that what you were going to say, there, Rache, hmm? (Glances over to Tommy)

Jack: What’s the matter with you?

Eric: Oh, nothin’… (Covers Tommy’s eyes) I don’t want Tommy to know about the hospital!

Tommy: Who’s in the hospital?

Eric: (To Jack & Rachel) See what you just did, huh? Look, I mean, I don’t want the kid to know about the baby, alright? Kid’s got no family, he comes over here once a week to hang out with his big brother Eric, the kid doesn’t need to know about this.

Tommy: (Jumps off stool) The kid wants to know who’s in the hospital, Eric.

Eric: Alright, little man, come here. (Picks him up and plops him on the counter) Okay, Tommy, um, see, I’ve got this new little brother, but, y’know, don’t worry, ‘cause you’re still my little brother too, but, um, see, this new little guy he’s, uh, he’s pretty sick.

Tommy: Can we go see him?

Eric: You want to go see him?

Tommy: If he’s your little brother, than isn’t he my little brother, too? (Eric looks to Jack & Rachel with an “isn’t that so sweet” expression)

[SCENE – Angela & Topanga’s dorm room. Angela is on her bed, studying, when Topanga enters]

Angela: Hi. How’s the baby?

Topanga: (Lies on her bed) No change. I’m really scared, Angela.

Angela: I feel so bad for everybody. How’s Cory handling it?

Topanga: (Sits up) He’s not. He’s not even dealing with it, all he can talk about is holding hands and making everything go away. Like just because we’re together we’re automatically protected from life. What is that? We’re not kids anymore, Angela.

Angela: (Stands up) No, you’re not, you’re handling it very maturely. (Sits at desk)

Topanga: Thank you.

Angela: That’s not a complement.

Topanga: (Moves from her bed to Angela’s) Angela, I’m not twelve, anymore. And when I was, I was like the strangest kid in the universe.

Angela: Well, you still got some strange in you.

Topanga: I remember this one time I was trying to help Cory with this poem we had for school. Not just the words of it, but the essence behind it. I went over to his house, he read the poem (stands) and I danced (slowly raises her arms) all around his kitchen. And I put lipstick all over my face. (Rests arms on head)

Angela: And why do we remember that story so well?

Topanga: (Sits) ‘Cause I always thought that was the moment he fell in love with me. Boy, y’know, he always used to be the one bringing me back to reality, I don’t know what happened to him.

Angela: Aww, honey, you did! You’re the greatest influence in his life, Topanga. He needs you to take his hand, dance around him, help him through what’s going on right now. Maybe without you all he has is reality.

Topanga: Oh, boy.

[SCENE – Student café. Feeny is reading a book and having coffee, Cory closes his book]

Cory: Do I not cherish Topanga?

Feeny: Oh, here we go into Cory-land.

Cory: (Sits) Did I not raise her and bring her into my home?

Feeny: Who talks like you?

Cory: Y’know, I go to you, I know exactly what I’m getting. “Hello, Mr. Matthews, here’s you sensible advice,” (claps) I’m on my way. You are my sensible go-to guy. Okay, but, she is… (at a loss for words) …not what she used to be.

Feeny: What did she used to be, Mr. Matthews?

Cory: Not sensible. She was Topanga. Now she’s Phyllis Munson from Piscataway, New Jersey.

Feeny: Topanga Lawrence is one of the best people I know.

Cory: I know, so what’s happening to her? You’ve known her as long as I have.

Feeny: She’s growing up, Cory! So are you.

Cory: But why does she have to grow now? At a time like this?

Feeny: Do you want to go see how your little brother is doing?

Cory: Yeah.

Feeny: You want me to go with you?

Cory: Yeah. (They get up and start towards the door) My homework’s gonna be unbelievably late this week.

Feeny: Yeah, what else is new?

[SCENE – Hospital, NICU. Alan enters, there are many worried parents already there]

Alan: (Walks to one bed) Hey Karen, Paul. How’s she doing today?

Karen: She’s a little better today. She’s much better color, don’t you think?

Alan: Oh yeah, yeah, she looks great.

Paul: She looks great

Alan: (Pats Paul’s shoulder, then moves to another bed, where a father in ___ is reading a Torah book) Michael, how’s your son?

Michael: I think he smiled at me.

Alan: (Puts his hands on Michael’s shoulders) Hey, say one for my boy, will ya?

Michael: Oh, these are for all of us.

Alan: (Walks over to his son’s bed. Amy is in a nearby chair, sleeping. He puts the blanket over her shoulders, then circles the bed and looks at it) Come on, kid. Let’s get better and get out of here, I have a much better place for you at home. Come on, kid.

Amy: (Awakens) Joshua…

Alan: What?

Amy: (Sits forward) I decided on Joshua.

Alan: Than Joshua is his name.

Amy: (Stands) Joshua Gabriel Matthews. Gabriel means “he who God protects.”

Alan: Well how’s Joshua doing today?

Amy: The doctor says we should talk to him. Said we should tell him who we are.

Alan: Hey, Joshua. I’m your father, and I love you, and I want you to get better and get out of here. Come on, Joshua (pause) Gabriel. (Looks up) Come on, God.

Eric: (Looking in through a window with Tommy) See, buddy? He’s still here. (Pause, stands) Okay, time to take you back now, Tommy.

Tommy: Are you gonna come back after you drop me off?

Eric: Yup, I’m gonna come right back here and I’m gonna tell him all about you. I’m gonna tell him how you spent the whole day with him.

Tommy: He knows I did. (Eric kisses the top of his head) Hey!

Eric: Hey! Alright, come on, saddle up. (Squats)

Tommy: (Gets on Eric’s back) Giddy up, horsy!

Eric: Okay! (Gobbles, runs down hallway with Tommy on his back)

[Cut to waiting room where Topanga, Angela, Rachel, Jack, Morgan, Mr. Feeny, and Cory are. Eric enters with Tommy on his back. Topanga & Cory are on opposite sides of the room.]

Tommy: (As Eric carries him away) Bye Topanga, bye Angela, bye Morgan, bye Mr. Feeny, bye Cory, bye Big Girl, bye Rat! (He and Eric exit)

Topanga: Cory, I feel like we’re really distant.

Cory: (From across the room) Why would you say that?

Topanga: Because, for the first time in my life, I feel like I don’t know how to give you what you need.

Cory: Why not?

Topanga: Because we can’t go through life together if you expect me to be able to change what’s real for you.

Cory: Well, you used to be able to.

Topanga: (All heads except Feeny dart towards Topanga) We were kids. Nothing bad ever happened. The worst thing that happened was that your Pop Tart fell on the ground.

Cory: (All heads expect Feeny’s turn towards Cory) And you held it up to the sky and you said “God made dirt, dirt won’t hurt,” right?

Topanga: But it was still dirty.

Cory: Yeah, (Stands, walks over to Topanga) but I ate it anyway. I didn’t have to, but I did because you said to. Now I want you to make everything better, Topanga.

Topanga: We can’t have that relationship anymore.

Cory: Why?

Topanga: I’m not like that anymore?

Cory: Why not? (kneels in front of her)

Topanga: I don’t know how to be like that anymore. Cory, this is bad. There isn’t anyone who can make it better.

[Elevator opens, revealing Shawn, who enters the room]

Shawn: Cory!

Cory: Shawnie!

Both: Hey! (They hug) Aw!

Shawn: Look, everything’s gonna be alright.

Cory: Ya think?

Shawn: I know. (They hug, Topanga looks on, confused)

[SCENE – Waiting room, continued from before. Angela, Jack, & Rachel have mysteriously exited]

Shawn: (Hugs Topanga) I tried to reach you guys at the dorm room, Angela told me what happened. I drove back as fast as I could. (Turns to Feeny) Hi, Mr. Feeny.

Feeny: Hello, Shawn.

Shawn: (Turns back to Cory & Topanga) So, how’s the baby?

Topanga: It’s really serious, Shawn.

Cory: No, he’s gonna be fine.

Topanga: He’s so small. He’s having a hard time breathing and he can’t fight the infection.

Cory: (Laughs uncomfortably) He’s gonna be fine.

Topanga: (To Shawn) Will you please talk to him? I can’t get through to him right now, you’re his best friend, he’ll listen to you.

Shawn: Okay, let me handle this. (To Cory, puts his arm around him) Man, are we gonna have fun with this kid!

Cory: Kid’s gonna be our sl*ve.

Shawn: Oh, I’m gonna teach him everything I know.

Cory: Then I’ll bail him out of jail! (They walk to the side)

Topanga: (To Feeny) Mr. Feeny, will you say something to them?

Cory: (Turns to Feeny) Hey, Mr. Feeny, I think you’re gonna have another Matthews to teach.

Shawn: Yeah, maybe he’ll have a kid like me to sit next to (He and Cory sit)

Cory: Well he won’t have to.

Shawn: Why not?

Cory: You’ll still be there!

Shawn: (Erupts with laughing) Ouch!

Topanga: (To Feeny) Aren’t you going to say anything to them?

Feeny: Yes, yes I am. (To Cory & Shawn) Boys, I hope you’re right. With all my heart, I hope you’re right.

[Alan and Amy enter with Dr. Markman and a nurse]

Alan: Hey, Shawn!

Shawn: Hey, Mr. Matthews. (Partial hug) Hey, Mrs. Matthews.

Amy: Hi, sweetie. (Kiss hello on the cheek)

Shawn: Is everything okay?

Amy: No, Joshua hasn’t responded to the antibiotics, yet. (Sits)

Alan: Dr. Markman was kind enough to sit with us for the last three hours. (To Dr. Markman) Thank you.

Dr. Markman: Of course.

Cory: Wait a minute, you’ve given him more medication?

Dr. Markman: Now, we’ve given him all the medicine we can give him. We’ve been in there sitting with him and talking to him, and what happens next… it’s up to Josh.

Amy: (To Cory) The doctor thought it’d be a good idea if you went in to say hi to your brother, too.

Cory: Yeah, sure. But uh… (To Shawn & Topanga) I’d like you guys to come. (Shawn nods, the three starts towards the NICU. A nurse stops Shawn)

Nurse: Oh, I’m sorry, family only.

Alan: (Pats Shawn’s shoulder) Uh, he is family. (Shawn & the nurse exit)

[SCENE – NICU. Shawn, Cory, and Topanga are all scrubbed up and standing around Josh’s bed. A hear rate monitor beeps steadily in the background]

Cory: Hi, Josh. I’m Cory. You have to get better, okay? (Puts hand on bed) I always wanted a little brother. (Nods to Topanga) This is Topanga, she’s gonna be your sister.

Topanga: Hey, Josh. You gotta let the medicine get you better, okay? You got a lot of people who really love you. Please get better, Josh. (On verge of tears, to Cory & Shawn) my gosh he’s… he’s so helpless… (Steps away, as does Cory)

Shawn: (Steps forward) Hi Josh, I’m Shawn. Look, this is the second time I’ve been in a hospital this year (Starts circling bed) and I don’t really like the way the first one turned out, so I want you to listen to me. (Stops, looks down at Joshua) I’ve been out of town. See, I was in a real bad way and I went looking to see what was important in my life. I met a lot of people out of town that were looking for the same thing. Now you’re in a real bad way. And I came back here because I want to tell you something. Don’t go out of town. Don’t go anywhere. Life is right here with these people, (Circles back around with hand on bed) with your family. And my family. We got the greatest family there is, Josh. We want you to be with us so we can watch you grow and see you change and make great memories together.

Topanga: (Cory looks over to her, then approaches) Thank you for remembering who I was.

Cory: You’re in my heart.

Topanga: You’re in my heart, too.

Shawn: (To Josh) And them? Well, they’ll grow on you.

[SCENE – Jack & Rachel’s apartment. Eric, wrapped in a blanket like a cape, is standing in front of Jack and Rachel. Tommy sits next to Rachel & Jack, except him back is to Eric]

Eric: (With a funny accent) Hokay! Ladies and the gentlemens… (Holds out blanketed arm) Presenting for your enterotainment pleasure, the amazink flying Tommy will performa for you his world-famous close-the-suitcase-with-his-tushy. Could I please have a drum roll from the cheating roommates?

Jack: Eric!

Eric: Drum roll!! (Rachel and Jack pat their hands on the table and make a drum roll sound) Go, baby! (Tommy spins forwards, runs to Eric’s suitcase, and jumps atop. Eric locks it shut) Huh, Tah-dah!! Woooo!! (Picks up Tommy & starts bowing with him) (Same accent) Oh, sank you very much, sank you very much, oh, yes yes yes. (Puts down Tommy) And now, for our next trick, we shall… disappear.

Rachel: (Stands) Eric, I can’t believe you’re really gonna move out.

Eric: It’s for the best, Rache. I hope you guys are so happy. (Hugs her, sticking his face in her bosom)

Jack: (Grinning) Huuuhhh, that’s enough, Eric. Eric, that’s enough. (Sees Eric’s hand sliding towards Rachel’s butt, grabs it away) Eric!! (It turns into a handshake)

Eric: (Stops hugging Rachel) (To Jack) Still best friends?

Jack: Yeah, it never changes, man (They move in to hug, Eric’s face towards Jack’s bosom)

Jack & Eric: Hey! (They hug regularly)

Eric: (Grabs keys from counter) Hey, Tommy, bring the car around, alright? You’re driving. (Tosses him the keys, Tommy exits. Eric grabs his suitcase, looks back at Rachel & Jack, then exits. He peeks his head back in, grabs a rubber ducky, squeezes it twice, smiles, then exits)

Rachel: So, what now?

[SCENE – Hospital, NICU. A sign reading “Boy Matthews/5 lbs. 0 oz.” with “Boy” crossed out and replaced with “Joshua” is zoomed in on on a bed. A hand comes from offscreen and pull the off the bed, which is empty. Alan is watching in deep contemplation through a window from the hallway]

Amy: (from off screen) Alan, what are you doing?

Alan: (Turns to Amy) I’m saying a prayer for everybody that has to be in there. (We hear a baby cry, and see that Amy is holding Joshua) Well… Joshua Gabriel… (To Amy) Well, let’s go home. (They kiss, then walk into the waiting room, where the whole g*ng, minus Jack & Rachel, is waiting)

Shawn: (As all begin to applaud) Hey! Alright! (They all crowd around Amy, Alan, and the baby)

Alan: Joshua Gabriel.

Eric: My little brother!

Shawn: What kind of place is this, huh? First I lose my dad here, then this little miracle. A new brother to watch grow up. I get my family back. (All but he, Topanga, and Cory exit)

Cory: (To Shawn) So, tired of tumbling, tumbleweed?

Shawn: Yeah, there’s too much going on here to be someplace else.

Topanga: Cory?

Cory: (Turns to Topanga) Yes, dahling?

Topanga: You still want to be my Valentine?

Cory: Yes, dahling.

Topanga: Would you rather I was like the old, strange Topanga?

Cory: Well, no, it’s not like I don’t like the new strange Topanga, (Topanga does her weird dance, slowly raising & circling her arms) I mean it’s important for us to grow, but I just don’t want to lose what’s so special about you.

Topanga: You never will… (Takes out & uncaps lipstick) because… (draws a heart around her face) I’m in your memories… and you will always be here to remind me.

Shawn: Use a mirror, babe.

Cory: (To Topanga) Remind me what?

Topanga: That, (begins drawing a heart on Cory’s face) no matter how difficult life gets, the important thing is to live it with hope.

Cory: Now that sounds like you.

Topanga: (Holds out hand) Valentines?

Cory: (Takes her hand) Valentines. (They exit. Shawn looks around, then exits too)

[Cut to NICU, where families are still with sick babies]
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