03x14 - Ricky Minds the Baby

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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03x14 - Ricky Minds the Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

(I Love Lucy theme music

Lucy, if you're gonna
watch television,

go in the living room.

If you're gonna
eat your dinner,

sit down and eat it.

If you'd gotten home
on time,

we could have
finished dinner

before this
program started.

Well, I'm sorry,

but I have to
earn a living.

Hi, folks!
Hi. Hi.

Hi, kids.
Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought you'd
be through dinner.

Oh, Ricky had to
work late.

Want some coffee?

Just coffee?

Ethel, you can't
be hungry again!

Oh, I just want
a little sweet taste.

I have some... some

but I'm afraid
they're pretty stale.

Stale brownies
taste better.

Okay. (chuckling)


Just coffee will be fine.

All right, we'll have it in
the living room.

All right.
Come on, Federico.

Can I help you?

Yeah, get me a
couple more

demitasse cups there, will
you, dear?

How've you been, Fred?

Fine, thanks.
How are you?

Okay, boy.

Hey, who's going
to win that fight
Wednesday night?

I don't know, I
haven't decided yet.

Say, how about, uh,

me getting a couple of tickets and
we go and see it, huh?

How can you go?
Don't you have to work?

Oh, didn't I tell you?

They're painting the club.

I got a week off.

Oh, great!
A whole week off?

Well, how come you
didn't tell me before?

Well, I guess I figured that
Lucy would tell Ethel

and Ethel would tell you.

Ethel didn't say a word.

I wonder why
old blabbermouth
kept it a secret.

Here's your coffee. Oh,

Good, good.

There we are.

There you
are, Fred.

Ethel, why didn't
you tell me

Ricky had
a week off?


Lucy, why didn't
you tell me

Ricky had
a week off?

Why didn't you tell me
Ricky had a week off?

I tol' you.

No, you didn't "tol" me.

Well, I guess I
thought I did.

Well, you didn't.

They're painting the club, so
everybody gets a vacation.

They're painting the club, so
everybody gets a vacation.

They're painting the

I heard, I heard!

Oh, honey,
that's sensational.

When does it start?

It's already started.

They're beginning to
paint tomorrow.


Oh, boy, Ricky.

What are you
going to do with
all that time off?

Oh, don't worry
about that.

I should say not.

Fred and I are going

to see the fights
Wednesday night,

on Thursday night I
got a poker game,

and some of the boys are
lining up

a hunting trip for
the rest of the week.

Well, haven't you forgotten
something, dear?


Are you sure?


Well, I hate to tell you this,

but the Lucy Ricardo
Travel Bureau

has made other
reservations for you.

Such as what?

I can arrange
for you to spend

seven glorious days
at 623 East 68th Street.

The cuisine is wonderful,
the rates are reasonable,

and we have facilities
for all the popular sports

such as vacuuming,
washing dishes,

hanging diapers
out to dry.

Now, Lucy...

Besides, there's a gentleman

who lives in this neighborhood
who's just dying to meet you.

He's heard a lot about you

and I think it's high time
you two got together.

Who's that?

His name is
Ricky Ricardo, Jr.

You mean
Little Ricky?

Oh, then you have
heard of him!

Now, look, I don't want to
start any...

Uh, let's go, Fred.

We'll go through the

pick up those brownies on
the way out.


Oh, I'm not gonna eat them.

I'm afraid they're gonna
start throwing things.

If they use those brownies,
they'll k*ll each other!

Now, just a minute.

Nobody has to go anyplace.

There's not going
to be any arguments.

Lucy's absolutely right.

Oh, ye...

I am?

Yes, you are.

I'm going to
cancel everything

and stay right here
at home with my child.

It's a boy, you know.


Oh! I've heard.

Isn't that wonderful!

Sit down, you

Oh, honey,
that's just great.

I'll go get
Little Ricky.

He should be through with
his book by now.

All right.

Yeah, he likes to spend
about an hour with a good book

before he goes to sleep.

Reading it?

No, tearing it.

He sometimes eats a page or two.

Oh, you're crazy.

I'll be right back.

(Ricky and Fred laugh)

Imagine that!

A whole week off with
nothing to do

but just hang
around the house.

Yeah, I ought to take a
week off myself sometime.

From what?

You've been hanging around
the house for 23 years.

I wish you'd take a week off
and go someplace!

Has it only been 23 years?

Time to go, beddy-bye.

That's a fella.

Say good night
to Aunt Ethel.

Good night,

Say good night to
Uncle Fred.

Night, son.

Say good night to...

Well, look who's here!

Mr. Ricardo.

How do you do, my boy!

You know I heard
a lot about you.

We're going to
be spending a lot

of time together
from now on.


Well, I'll tuck him in and
tell him his bedtime story.

Hey, let me do that.
Do what?

Tuck him in and tell him
his bedtime story.

Come on, my man.
Up you go.

Well, okay.

Give me his
Okay. bottle here.

What's your favorite
bedtime story, huh?

"Little Red
Riding Hood."

"Little Red Riding Hood."

"Little Red Ri..."

Oh, yeah!

You sure you know it?

Of course I know it.

My mother used to
tell it to me

when I was little child.

We have bedtime stories
in Cuba, too, you know.

You just rest
your mind at ease.

Yes, sir.

Come on, boy, come on.

I'll tell you
your favorite bedtime story,

"Caperucita Roja."

Oh, isn't it wonderful
seeing them together?

Gee, you know, I...

"Capuracita Roja," what's that?

I don't know.

Maybe it's "Little Red
Riding Hood" in Spanish.

Oh, this I got to see!

Can we come along?

Sure. Come on, hurry up!

Oh, he's pushing the door for
Papa and everything.

Boy, you're a big, strong boy.

Come on, now, come on.


Now, you be a good boy.


Shh... I'm gonna bring
your favorite toy.

Here we go.

Okay, look at this!



Come on!

Okay, I'm going to tell you
your favorite bedtime story,

"Caperucita Roja."

Now, once upon a time,

habia una muchachita muy bonita que
le decian Caperucita Roja,

porque siempre tenia
un red bonnet.

Now, una manana, su
mama le dio un basket,

y en el basket puso
frijoles, tortillas,

y tambien le puso alli vino.

Y le dijo, "Caperucita Roja,
lleva este basket

"a tu granmama
que esta en su casa y tu...

y tu... granmama
esta feeling lousy."

Caperucita Roja cogio
el basket y dice,

"All right, Mama, adios,
Mama," y se fue.


Y entonces miro,
y alli estaba el lobo.


Y el lobo dijo,
"Buenos dias, Caperucita Roja."

Y caperucita dijo,
"Buenos dias, Señor Lobo."

Y el lobo dijo,
"¿Que tiene alli en el basket?"

Y Caperucita dijo,
"Aqui en el basket

"Tengo frijoles,
tortillas y vino

"que se lo voy a llevar
a granmama

que esta feeling lousy."

Y el lobo dijo, "muy bien.

Eh, ¿porque no vas por el
jardin and pick some flowers?"

Y Caperucita dijo,
"All right, muy bien."

Y se fue por el jardin
to pick the flowers.

(humming a happy tune)



Y entonces el lobo dijo,
"Aha! Granmama en la casa!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Y granmama dice,
"Halo, quien esta alli?"

Y el lobo dijo,
"Caperucita Roja."

Y granmama dice, "Venga!
Entra, entra!"

Y el lobo abrio la puerta
y entro

y estaba la granmama
en la cama.

(growling and eating noisily)

(growling and
eating noisily)

Mmm... mmm-mm, mmm!

(smacking lips):

Not bad!


Y entonces se metio en la cama y
cogio el blanket y se cubrio.

Y Caperucita estaba por alla
por el bosque

pickando the flowers.

(humming a happy tune)

Y llego a la casa de granmama
y abrio la puerta,

"Buenos dias, Granmama."

Y el lobo dijo,
"Buenos dias, Caperucita."

Y Caperucita dijo, "Granmama!
What big orejas tu tienes!"

Y el lobo dijo, "Si!
Para oirte mejor, my dear."

Y Caperucita dijo, "Granmama! What
big ojos tu tienes!"

Y el lobo dijo, "Si!
Para verte mejor, my dear."

Y Caperucita dijo, "Granmama!"

Que boca tan grande
tu tienes!"

Y el lobo dijo,
"To eat you with!"



(growls and screams)





Y entonces vino ya el hunter

y el hunter hizo
boom, boom, boom!

Y el lobo se cayo muerto.


Y Caperucita,
"Gracias, Señor Lobo.

"Gracias Señor....
Señor El Hunter.

Gracias por matar el lobo."

Y el Señor Hunter dijo, "No hay de
que, Caperucita Roja."

Y entonces se sentaron
para comer el dinner

y se comieron las tortillas,
los frijoles y el vino

y todo el mundo vivio
happily ever after!

Now, good night, old man.
Good night.

Wasn't that cute!

El lobo!


He was cute!

(humming a happy tune)


sit down. Sit


Well, how did it
go dear?

Oh, fine, real

Isn't it fun telling him
a bedtime story?

Oh, yeah. Did you see the

on his face when
I did el lobo?

Yeah. Wasn't
that the cute...

What do you mean,
did I see the ex...

Did you know
we were out there?


Well, I didn't know
it all the time.

At first I thought it
was mice,

but I never heard a
mice giggle before.


I didn't know you were there till
the very end.

It's wonderful
taking care of the baby.

Why don't you let me take
complete charge while I'm home?

You mean everything?

Yeah, all day,

That means
getting up at 6:00.

So? That's not so tough.

Well, I don't know
if you've noticed,

working nights and all,

but there's a 6:00
in the morning, too.

I know, I know.

Now, look, starting
tomorrow morning,

you don't have to worry
about anything.

I'll get up and take care of
the baby,

and you can stay in bed and
sleep as long as you want.

Sleep as long as I want!

Oh, honey, that
sounds so wonderful!

Isn't that great!

Ricky! Ricky!

Ricky! Ricky!

Ricky, the baby's gone!

Ricky! Ricky...

Okay, my boy, are you ready
for your breakfast?

Yes, sir,

nothing like a
big breakfast!

Spanish omelet
with green onions,

green peppers
and mushrooms.

Spanish omelet!

Come on, you got to eat
all of your oatmeal.

All your oatmeal, come on.

Come on. Then you grow
big and strong

and you can have
a Spanish omelet,

like your old man.

Come on,
there you go.

There you are.

Listen, we'd better
put a napkin on you

because if you get some...

...with that... oatmeal,
Mommy will get mad.

Don't you want any more?

Okay, you had enough.

Come on. We go get dressed for
the day, eh?

We're gonna go out and
play football

and we're gonna box

and we're gonna have a
wonderful time. Come on.

Up we go! Up we go!

That's a boy! That's a boy!

Yes, sir!


We don't want to wake Mommy up.

This is the first good rest
she's had in a long time.

(snapping fingers)


Lucy, will you stop
pacing back and forth!

I'm getting a crick
in my neck.

Sorry, I guess
I'm a little nervous.

After all, this is the first
time Ricky's had to take care

of the baby all day
all by himself.

Now, listen,

What's that?
What's what?

I heard a cry.
Oh, wait a minute.

Oh, that was
Mrs. Trumbull's cat.

Are you sure?

I am, unless
Little Ricky's sitting

on the windowsill going "meow."

Come on, sit down, relax.

(nervous chuckle)

All right.

Oh, go get your hat and coat.

We're going shopping.

Oh, yeah, I guess
it would be better

if I got away from here.

Sure. This is your big day off,

Oh, yeah. I'm just being silly.

I'll go get my things.

Look, Ricky.

(squeaking) Hey,


How about that?

How about that?


Oh, hi.
How are you doing?

Just fine.

Uh, Ethel and I thought
we'd go shopping.

Good, honey, go ahead.


(toy squeaking)

He likes this
business, you know?

Yeah, what a jockey
he'd make.

(Ricky and Fred laugh)

Who do you like in the fifth
at Santa Anita?


If you'd rather I didn't go
shopping, I don't have to go.

Oh, now, honey, stop
being a worrywart.

I'm not a worrywart!

Well, you run along,
we'll be just fine.

Say good-bye, Mommy.

Okay, bye.

Good-bye, Mommy.

Bye-bye, darling.

Good-bye, Mommy.

Bye-bye, darling.

Say "Bye-bye, Mommy."

Bye-bye, darling.

Bye-bye, Mommy.

Oh... baby.


FRED: Hey,

What's the matter with
this set?

Oh, I'll tune it, Fred.

Oh, I can fix it.
No, no, no, no, Fred.

Wait a minute.
I'll do it, I'll do it.

Let me do it, wait,
hold it. No, hold it.

Wait a minute. This is a
very funny thing here.

You got to know how
to do it.

Coming in now.


Yeah, that's the game.
There you are.

Well, get over there, sit
down, let's watch it.

This is the
big game, yeah.

Oh, kickoff.

Wow, wow, wow,
what's he doing?!

Well, I'm ready.

I'm sorry I took so long.

I wasn't going to...

Lucy, you going to look
like that all afternoon?


Now, listen, honey,

you got to get used to
being separated from your son.

That's part of being a mother.


I don't see why.


it just is.

Uh, first,
he'll go to school,

and then he'll go away to

and then he'll get married and
leave home altogether.

Oh... no!

Oh, don't cry. He'll come home for
Thanksgiving and Christmas.


That is, if his mother-in-law
doesn't mind.


Come on, you'll feel better when
we get in the stores.


Well, maybe you're right.


Oh, Little Ricky!

What was he doing in
the hall?!

That's what
I'd like to know!

Honey, are you all right?


What? Your
door's open!

He must have crawled out and
they didn't even miss him!

Oh, no!

Oh, no, honey, sneak...

sneak down and
close that door.

I've got an idea.

(crowd applauding
and cheering on TV)

I closed the door.

Listen... listen, you
take care of the baby.

I'm gonna give a certain
absent-minded Cuban

a lesson he'll never forget.

Okay. Come on
here, darling.

Yes, it's all right,
sweetie pie.

Come on, sweetie.
Here we are.

(phone rings)

Turn that down a little
bit, will you, Fred?



Oh, hello, dear.

Oh, hi, honey.

Ethel and I were just
getting ready to leave

and I thought I'd check and
see how Little Ricky was.

Oh, honey, stop worrying.

He's fine.

He's just... fine.

Oh, is he?

Sure, sure.

Uh, well, uh, put him on, dear.

I'd like to say good-bye to him.

Wait a minute!

Fred, where's Little Ricky?

I don't know.

Look in the bedroom,
will you?

Little Ricky?

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky?

He's not in
there, Rick.

Uh... uh...

Honey, Little busy's
Ricky right now.

What's that?

Little Ricky's
busy right now.

Busy, doing what?

He's... watching the,
the football game

with-with his Uncle Fred.


Yeah, I'll have him

call you right
after the game.

Gee, I didn't want
to upset Lucy.

Fred, where is he?!
Where is he?!

I haven't got him!

He-he couldn't have left.
The door is closed.

He's got to be in the
apartment someplace.

Maybe he's hiding.

Yeah, he's playing
hide-and-seek, that's it!

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky?

Little Ricky!

Little Ricky?

Olly olly outsenfree!

Little Ricky?

Little Ricky?

Little Ricky!

Fred, he must
have gotten out

in the hallway

I'll go, I'll go get him.

I'll call the police.

Call the police, what for?

Well, every time a kid
wanders away,

you go down and look
in the police station,

and you find them there
eating an ice-cream cone.

Okay, call the police.



I forgot my gloves.


Where's Little Ricky?

Uh... he-he's taking a nap.

Oh, another nap? He
already had one, dear.

I-I-I know, yeah, but his
little eyes got very tired

watching television, and he
wants to take another nap.

Oh, well, maybe I'd better
take a look at him, then.


Lucy... Why not?

Uh, uh, uh,
well, uh...

You see, his team lost,
and he's pretty upset.

That's right, yeah, his team
lost, he's very upset.

Oh, well...

You-you run along, dear.

No, no, I-I
think I'll wait

and see him
when he wakes up.

I miss him, darling.


I'd better go look at
the furnace.

Yeah, look
at the furnace.

It's cold in here.
Go ahead, Fred.


He, he, he might sleep
for a long time.

He was very tired.

I'll wait.


Anything wrong?


Nothing's wrong,
everything is fine.

I want to see my baby.

Now, Lucy,
wait a minute.

I don't like the way
you're acting.

I'll bet he isn't even
in there.

Now, honey...

Now, honey, don't be silly.

He couldn't possibly be...



He's here!

I mean, he's here.

Hel-Hel-Hello, son!

Hello, sweetheart.

(under breath): How

Uh, uh, come here,
come to Mama, darling.

Hello, baby.

Hi, baby.

Hi, sweetheart.

Hello, dear.
Hello, Honey.

Lucy! Lucy!


He's gone!
Who's gone?

Uh... uh... uh, Fred.

I can't find him anywhere.

Here I am!

Fred's here.

Hello, son.

Did you have
a nice nap?

(I Love Lucy theme music
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