02x02 - Remember Nothing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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02x02 - Remember Nothing

Post by bunniefuu »

How much further till we get to the temple?

Not too far. Sure
you don't want a ride?

No, I'm enjoying the walk.

You don't have to come with me, you know?

After all, it's a family thing.

I think it's wonderful,
honoring your brother like this.

It's something I do every year at this time.

You two must have been very close.

We were.

Maybe I will take that ride.

I always wanted to have a brother.

That must have made your sister happy.

I mean, in addition to Lila.

By this flame, I call on
the three fates.

The Maiden.

The Mother.

And the Crone.

Comfort my brother, Lyceus...

Whose life you cut short
this day, eleven years ago.

In his memory, I ask it.

I wish I could have known
your younger brother.

If I hadn't insisted
that we rally against Cortese...

...you might have.


It's not your fault.

He chose to stand
for something he believed in.

Yeah, me.

Gabrielle, you don't know
what it's like to take a life.

Let alone cause the
death of someone you love.

The gods grant
you never do.

I know you.

You're Xena.

Xena, behind you.

He's just a boy.


You know us?

Everyone knows the three faces of fate.

But few glimpse them.

And fewer still incur our debt.

You saved our temple.

Name your reward.

If it's our to bestow, it's yours.


For what?

For k*lling a boy
barely out of his childhood?

I don't want a reward. I want
that boy's life back.

By the gods, I wish I'd never
followed the sword in the first place.

So be it.

All is restored.

You mean you can
bring him back?

All is restored...

...until the first time
you draw blood in anger.

What are you saying?

Spill so much as a drop of blood
in rage...

...and everything changes back.

But I'm a warrior.

How can I obey that?

As a warrior, you can't.



Hey, where are you?





In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


What are you grinning at?

Ok, what is it, what's wrong?


Well, you keep staring at me.
Is my face dirty or something?

No, it's perfect.

You sure you're all right?

I'm not sure about anything anymore.

You seem sort of...

I don't know, funny.

Look who's talking...

The guy who still wears
his virillus token.

Hey, come on.
Lots of guys still wear their tokens.

Besides, it's good luck.
It saved my life, remember?

-How could I forget?
-Yeah, well, I never will.

If that arrow had a' hit me
instead of my token...

...I'd be a memory.

Instead, you're a grown man.

Look, I can handle
things at the inn.

Why don't you go home?
Maybe lie down... Relax.

Go home.

I have.












Anymore and the sl*ve'd pass out.

And they make much
better examples to the rest...

...when they're writhing
in pain. Don't you agree?


Though I admit
my amazons...

...rarely give me the
pleasure of hearing them scream.

Still, given time,
I'll break them.

Soon, the whole world will feel
our boots on their necks.

Or our whips on their backs...

If they resist us.


By the gods, I'd like
to see any fool who tries.

-Hello, Xena.
-Good morning.

-Good morning.

One move and I break it.

Ok, I'm a statue.

-Bad day at the inn?

Of course, who else?

Unless you've got
another suitor on the side.

Suitor? No...

No. I mean, of course I don't...

I hope.

Well, good.

Then let me show you
a few moves of my own.

Something wrong?

What could be wrong?

You're not gonna try and postpone the
wedding again, are you?

-Why would I want to do that?
-You tell me.

First it was Cortese's attack.
Then the town's reconstruction.

I'm warning you, Xena.

You keep putting me off
like this, and I'm liable to give up...

...in ten or fifteen years.

-I'll keep that in mind.

After all, it was the last
thing we promised her.

We ought to make good on it.

Promised who?



Maphias said you were here.

I just, just had to see...

I guess I'm having trouble
accepting it, you know?

I know.

It's been nearly ten years now
and I still feel responsible.


It broke her heart
losing everything to Cortese.

But what else could I do?

You were there. We had to run.

Lyceus, it is not your fault, believe me.

If it's anybody's fault,
it's mine.

Sure, and what could you have done?

Fought Cortese yourself?

On second thought, that might have been
something to see.

Listen, I'm just gonna wait outside.

Be there in a bit.

All right.


I never meant for this to happen.

I just wanted
that boy's life back.

And now I've got another
chance at life too.

So, I'm gonna take it.

The hardest thing is
losing you and Gabrielle.

But it makes it easier just knowing
that in this life I never shamed you.

And Gabrielle never
left her family...

...and I never led
Lyceus to die in battle.

And I know that's
what you would have wanted.

It's like Xena, Warrior Princess,
never existed.

But the world's a better place without her.

I don't know...

Maybe it's just a brother thing,
but she's not herself today.

Yeah, I sensed that myself.

You two have a fight or something?

Trust me, if we'd had
a fight, I'd have noticed.

-No, it's something else.
-Like what?

Well, I'm not sure.
At first I thought it was cold feet.

You know... About the wedding.

Well, given the groom,
can you blame her?

Hey, whose side are you on?

It's odd, though, when I mentioned
our promise to your mother...

...it was almost like she was
hearing it for the first time.

She's been that way all day.
Sort of foggy and dazed.

Maybe she's coming down with something.

Hey, look, if you're really
worried, I could talk to her...

-See what's going on.
-Would you?

I mean, it's probably nothing, but...

-She's all the family I've got.
-Not all.



Hold on.
What do you think you're doing?

We're here to place an order.

Two wagonloads of food and hay...

...to be delivered
by midday tomorrow.

-That a problem?

But I'll need some
dinars, as good faith.

You wanna see some good faith?

Start praying...

And if I spare you,
that's as good as it gets.

Oh, I'm sorry. I...

I was just checking the price of this rug.

Are you all right? I guess I don't
know my own strength.

Can you ever forgive me?

Next time, watch
what you're doing.

You might hurt someone.

Well, don't just stand there...

Bring in the slaves
to fetch dinner.

Quick thinking.


Guess you'll be doing quite a lot of that...

Unless you're
tired of the quiet life.

If so, you know
the remedy.

I do.

But I'm through with fighting,
and nothing's going to change that.

Watch it, sl*ve girl.


You clumsy fool! I'll teach you.

Don't touch her.

Out of my way, unless
you wanna join her.

-I won't let you beat her.
-Won't let me?

Wait! Stop!

I can explain. It's all a
misunderstanding, right, darling?

You see, we're getting married soon...

Which means we're in the market
for a house sl*ve.

Isn't that so, sweetheart? And she's
right, this girl should be perfect.

But if I've told her once,
I've told her a thousand times...

Ask before you examine the goods.

Isn't that true, my love?

Yes, that's true.

-So, how much?
-Forget it.

Mezentius likes her too much
to sell her at any price.


-Ready to go.

Load everyone into the wagons.

Come on, you worthless sl*ve.

Come on.



Let go, they're taking her away!
What do you think you're doing?

Saving your neck!
What's gotten into you today?

Lyceus is worried, and so am I.
That's why I'm here.

-Lyceus sent you?
-Good thing he did too.

-What were you doing interfering like that?
-I wasn't interfering!

I was trying to save a fr...

To save a girl from being beaten.

She was a sl*ve.

The way you were acting, you'd think
sl*very was a crime.

It is.

Don't give me that argument again.
It's very generous and noble...

...but when are gonna learn that
you've gotta go along to get along?

That's how the world works.

And you can't change the world, Xena...

No matter what you think.

He's wrong, you know?

One drop of blood
and the world changes back to what it was.


No. This world might not be perfect...

...but my world wasn't perfect either.

And I won't take my brother's
life, not again.

And your friend. What about her life?

I can change that.

All I have to do is
free her, and Gabrielle will be fine.

You sound very sure.

But as you said, things
are different here.

People too.

This is Gabrielle we're talking about.
How different can she be?

It won't work.

They've gotta know we're coming,
or they won't be scared.

Give me that bread.

If the village knows we're coming,
they'll mount a defense.

-That's why we want to surprise them.

Where's the fun in that?

Let them put up a defense.
My men need the exercise.

I wanna minimize casualties.

Since when do you care about villagers?

Since they became potential slaves.

Fewer casualties, higher profits.

Yeah, well, higher profits would be good.

Especially when you're dividing them by three.

Right, sweet thing?

Yeah, I know. Three's a lot.

But by combining your muscle...,

...my strategies
and Caputius' deadly arts...,

...we'll more than
triple our take.

The three of us will be a regular force of nature.

Not so fast, sweet thing.

-More wine.
-Yes, sir.

Our first move
is the most important.

-What's the word from Amphipolis?
-Ripe for the picking...

Like some other things around here.

Hey, sweet thing.

A guy by the name of Lyceus
could give us trouble, though.

According to my spies...

...he and his sister stood up
to Cortese a few years back.

Before they were forced
into the hills.

If they thought Cortese was bad...,

...what'll they think of us?

Crazy! Your sister has totally lost
her mind!

Taking on a sl*ve boss...

And not just any sl*ve boss, but
one who works for Mezentius.

To tell you the truth, I'm relieved.

Relieved? She could
have been hurt, or worse.


Oh, that's right. You two
practice fighting and swordplay...

...while these guys
are professionals.

-They hurt people for a living.
-We may not get paid to fight...

...but I'd put us up
against the best they've got.

Well then you'd lose.
And... And for what?

To stop someone you don't even know
from being legally punished?

To stop someone, anyone,
from being abused, legal or not.

Gods deliver me.
You're as bad as she is.

What's so bad about wanting to help someone?

Well, nothing, as long as you don't
get hurt in the process.

So, Xena didn't get hurt.

Not yet.

Sorry, we're closed.
You'll have to come back tomorrow.

Oh, it's you, Xena. Forget something?

No, no, I...

I just wanted to get some...

-One of those.
-I'll get you a fresh one.

So I guess you'll be taking those supplies out
to Mezentius tomorrow, huh?

It's like dealing with Ares himself.

But a man's gotta make a living, right?


So, your men will be leaving early?

Gone by first light,
back by dark.

Why? Are you looking for a job?

No. No, just dinner.

There you go. Is that all you need?

It'll be fine.

Thanks. Put it on the tab.

You should've seen him, Lyceus. Petty
son-of-a-blood-sucking bacchae.

That's what all slavers are.

You act like it's news. Why
do I think I wanted to stop Cortese?

Not just to get the town back.

Men like that can't go unchallenged.

Look what happened to the amazons.

The amazons?

Yeah, I guess they're a good example...

-Aren't they?

No one challenged the w*rlord who started
things with them and the centaurs.

And now where are they?
Dead, mostly...

...or enslaved by the same
scum who tricked them.

What was his name? Cretan.

-No, Crouton.

Yeah, right, another charmer.

Seems like everywhere you look these days,
things are going from bad to worse.

And no one's doing a thing to stop it...

-Except you.

Why, going up against a sl*ve boss
like you did...

Guess all that sparring
finally paid off, huh?

Next thing you know, you'll be
taking on Mezentius himself.

Don't think I wouldn't love it.

No, there's gotta be another way to go.

It's not your fault the world's the way it is.

And with Mezentirus lording it
safely in his castle...

...what can you do?

-You're drunk!

You shouldn't be allowed
on the road! Move on!

That's it, move.

Don't worry, it's me.

I was at the market yesterday,

Yeah, I remember.

You tried to buy me.

-What do you want?
-To get you out of here.

As soon as it's clear,
we make our move.

But stick close. Timing is everything.

You're crazy.

The only move I'm making
is back to work.

-No, wait.

Do you even know what they do
to runaway slaves?

You ever seen it?

Oh, Gabrielle, I'm so sorry...

How do you know my name?

-Who are you?
-My name is Xena.

I just want to help you.



My brother, Lyceus, and I, we can
hide you until it's safe.


The same Lyceus who stood against Cortese?

Before he ran for the hills,
I mean.

How do you know about that?

I heard 'em talking.
Mezentius and Krykus.

They think I'm like an animal.
But I hear and I remember.

-Mezentius and Krykus?

-They're sworn enemies.
-So is Caputius.

He's gonna join 'em too, come tomorrow.

All three of them together...

Gabrielle, we must tell
my brother what you know.

If those three warlords combine,
no one is safe.

I'm not going anywhere.

So you're just gonna let these
three k*ll and destroy...

...and do nothing about it.

I don't buy that. Not from you.

You don't even know me.

Maybe you don't know yourself.

What do you mean, she's gone?

-Gone, as in not here.
-Since when?

I don't know, since before I got up, though.

I thought maybe the two of you... You know?

No. I haven't seen her since yesterday.

Oh, well, maybe she went
for a walk or a ride.

Oh, yeah, maybe.

-You don't think she's in some sort of trouble?
-Let's hope not.


What are you doing with this mead?

I'm taking it to the fire to mull.

I take my mead full strength.

-Bring me a cup!
-Yes, sir.

Bar's closed.

Put out the fire!

Here you go.

Give me the broom!

Get on the plank.

-Get ready to fly, Gabrielle.

What are you doing?

Bye, boys.

I hate long flights.

Welcome to freedom, Gabrielle.

My mother was about your size,
so this ought to fit.

It's beautiful.

So was she.

Guess I'll leave you to change.

Why are you doing this?

I know what you said about
wanting to help me...

But if there's one thing I've learned,
it's that you can't trust anyone.

Now what about you?

Guess, you need another sl*ve, huh?


You're right, though.
There is a reason I'm doing this.

You remind me of my best friend.

I do?

When I look at you, I see...

...the purest, the kindest person
I've ever known.

Someone who's full of wonder...

...and stories, and would never
give up on anything...

...or anyone.

Then you better look again.

It's not me.

Lyceus, relax.
I'm sure he's fine.

I don't like it.
Maphias should have been back by now.

Maybe he's having trouble
convincing the others.

Well, I have to admit, the thought of
three warlords banding together...

...does sound pretty unbelievable.

I'm sure that's what they're counting on...
The element of surprise.

Yeah? Well, they're the ones
who are gonna be surprised...

...when we counter their attack
with one of our own.

What I've thought, was Maphias and I
will lead the attack through here...

...while you and the others arm yourselves
and do what you can...

...here and here. What do you think?

-Lyceus, I can't.
-Sure you can.

Don't underestimate yourself. You're nearly
as strong as I am, and better with a sword.

The fact is, if I didn't need
you to organize the others...,

...I'd have you riding with me.

-No, I mean I...
-Excuse me.


-Am I interrupting?
-No. Not at all.

Please, come in.

Won't you have a seat?

Thank you.

It's too good to be true.

I know what you mean.

It's all right, you're safe here.

It's just Maphias.

Did you bring the others?

It's all right,
they just want the sl*ve.

I made a deal.

We give her back, they leave us
alone... No problems.

Leave her alone!

Take 'em all!

Hey, what are you doing?
We have a deal.

-Deal's changed.
-Why, you lying piece...

Come on!

Xena! Here, catch!

What's wrong with you?


Try cutting against the grain.

I'm surprised you care,
one way or the other...

...seeing how you sold us out.

Aren't you confusing me with Maphias?

At least Maphias thought
he was protecting us.

You just gave up.

We could've taken those guys,
but you didn't even try.

Why not?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Well, try me! Cause right now
I don't know what to believe.

I thought we felt the same way
about these monsters.

-We do.
-Then why didn't you fight?

I saw you, Xena, you wanted to.

-Why didn't you pick up the sword?
-Because I...

Because I was afraid.

We're all afraid to die, Xena.

But for me, some things
are worth fighting for.

You, our friends, Gabrielle.

These men have gotta be stopped.

-I know, and given time...
-Given time, they'll be unstoppable.

Look, maybe it's a lost cause.

But I'd rather die fighting
these bastards...

...then live with myself if I don't.


If it wasn't for me,
none of this would have happened.

You're right.

If it wasn't for you...

...I would never have known how it felt
to be free again.

I don't know whether to thank you or to hate you.

Hate me?

At least, before,
I'd forgotten what a real life was.

You showed me all of that.

You gave me hope.

You made me think that maybe
it wasn't too late for me.

But now...

I'm sorry.

I reminded you of your friend?

No, you are my friend.

All right, you three...

Look alive so as I can
tell you from the others.

Which one does Caputius want?

The boy.

Think you can help me with the...


I made a big mistake last night.

But I figure... Better
late than never, right?


Hey! You gonna keep us
hanging around here all day?

I guess this means
we're postponing the wedding again?

Let's get out of one fix
before we jump into another.

It's about time you showed up.

Well, it took me awhile to wake up, but I have.

Ok, here's how things stand.

All three warlords
are meeting in the great hall.

So if we hurry,
we can be gone and out of here...

...before they even know
we're missing.

-Any questions?

Where's Lyceus?

All right, you men, stow it.

I'm about to make a toast...

To the fiercest fighting force
the world will ever see.

Thanks for the tribute.

Now, I'll earn it.

We'll see about that.

Get him!

-Welcome to the party!
-What are you waiting for?

k*ll them!



Where are your table manners?

-Get a sword!

-Arm yourself!
-I can't.

Don't fight destiny.


Here's your sweet thing.

Goodbye, Lyceus.

Xena, behind you!

Get up!

You've got a second chance.

Swear you won't waste it by k*lling.

I swear it.

Get outta here!

He dropped something.

It'a virillus token.

What's this for?

Just for being you.

Are you ok?

You don't seem yourself.

No, you're wrong...

I'm more myself than ever.


Aren't you gonna go back inside?

Do you think the Fates have
our lives planned out?

If they do,
I wish they'd tell us.

Me too.
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