02x10 - Discretion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x10 - Discretion

Post by bunniefuu »

New Haven, CT
November ,

Let him go!

He didn't do anything!

Look they're coming down the stairs!

Let him go!

We want REAL justice!

Did you know that there'd
be all this cameras?

It's a big case.

Oh God, Greg.
You could be governor.

You should have a better wife.


Be strong.


They want a statement.

Good afternoon,
I'm ADA Harold Mott.

Allow me to introduce Greg Vizcaino,

he's the lead prosecutor
on the Stacy Hall case.

Two days ago, Stacy Hall,

a young Yale graduate
was on a morning jog

when her life was finally cut short.

I'm grieved with parents.

The man you just saw let away
is Antonio Mendez,

who we will prove as responsible
for this shocking crime.

Now, mr. Mott and I
will take any questions.

That was six hours well spent.
I'll tell you that.

Ah, the training seminar.

Yeah. This guy, was never
been on the line,

never worked a h*m*.

But he's an expert.

His answer for everything?

Autoerotic asphyxiation.

You guys get dinner?

There's pizza in the fridge.

Every job that ever happened in Philly
was autoerotic asphyxiation.

Thaks for coming Mrs. Vizcaino.

Greg wasn't perfect.

- But he was no thief.
- I hear you.


Hey, Gil. / Rush.


Who's uh.., who's the visitor?

In from Connecticut.

Husband was k*lled in .

Job never came in.

Good looking widow.

Guy's from Connecticut
but d*ed in Philly?

Ah, the case was a bag
of bones from the start.

Actually, Valens.
You might want to take a look at it.

Why me?

Guy was Puerto Rican.

Greg Vizcaino.

What was his story?

Up and coming DA in New Haven.

Turns up a miles away
in North Philly, stabbed to death.

He prosecuting somebody
put a hit out on him?

Ah, I looked into that.

All the other thugs he put away.

The widow had bring you
something new?

Harold Mott.

He partnered with Vizcaino on
a m*rder case the time he d*ed.

And? / And Mott's in a runoff
for state treasurer.

He's knocking the dead guy.

How? / Last week a reporter
looking for dirt?

He found that K went missing
from the DA's office back in .

So the smug get accused of taking it?

Now, he points to Vizcaino.

It's handy, he can't defend himself.

But the widow says
no way he'd taken it.

But if he did, it could be
connected to his m*rder.

So, New Havens the beginning,
North Philly's the end.

What's the middle?

Autoerotic asphyxiation.

Greg Vizcaino, .

Grew up in the New Haven barrio,

went to Cornell, then Yale law school.

Success story.

So what was he doing in North Philly?

No family or work connect.

He's supposed to be in court
the next day on his m*rder trial,

but for some reason he drives
a miles to Philly the night before.

Maybe the answer is tied
to the missing money.

So why do we believe he took it?

Just because some politician said so?

We don't believe it yet, Scotty.

But we're gonna check it out.

Or maybe I'll look at this job.
Sinclair Thomas.

- You got any direction?
- Nah, I just like his name.

If Vizcaino did need money, why?

Gambling debt? Black mail?

There's gotta be something personal, Lil.

You don't s*ab someone times

just to rob'em, then leave the car
and money behind.

Hey! This Harold Mott, the guy
who said Vizcaino swiped the cash?

Took over as lead prosecutor
after Greg d*ed,

won the case, made him
a household name in New Haven.

Huh, now he's on the political track.

it could've been Vizcaino's future
if someone hadn't shanked him.

Oh, maybe there's your motive.
Let's start with Mott.

See why he's saying that
Vizcaino stold the money.

A roadtrip to New Haven?

Job gonna spring for Howard Johnson's?

Sure, but the boys got to bunk together.

- Junior guy gets the cot.
- No way!

That's the known fact.

We called him 'Golden Greg'.

Good looking, smart as a whip!
A+ guy.

Yet you told the New Haven register
that this "Great guy" stold that money.

Look, I hate to tarnish his name,

but when it was suggested I took it,
I was pushed to the wall.

But why would Greg do that?

Take the grand.

I wouldn't speculate about that.

Best guess.

Greg, wasn't himself at the end.

How's that?

The Hall case was the big leagues.

A white jogger r*ped and
k*lled by a latino kid?

It was a slam dunk until the kid
recanted his confession.

Then, it got tough.

And Greg couldn't take it?

It was his first time as lead prosecutor

he started out great but he lost focus.

Yeah? How?

At work he was all over the map.

Pulling vice reports,
making weird phone call.

He..., he just seemed distracted
by something other than the case.

You asked him about it?

Nah, he was first chair.

I wasn't suppose to question him.

He ever mentioned Philadelphia?

Hmm, No.

But, he would disappear for hours at a time.

Maybe...he went there?

But so, middle of his case
he'd go AWOL

and you had no idea where to.

I know where he went, one time.

If this gets out,
it's a pandora's box, though.

It won't get out.

The day before he disappeared,

Greg did something
that any law student

would tell you is incredibly unethical.

I just heard from
the prison ward at county. / Yeah.

They said that you visited
Antonio last night.

I said that had to be wrong.

Harold, I know what I'm doing.

You visited the defendant
without his lawyer present?

You know what this could
do to our case, right?

You know you could be disbarred?

- It's under control. It's fine!
- Fine?

Greg, what is going on?


Where are you going?

- I gotta be some place.
- We're in the middle of a trial!

And I'm first chair, telling you
I gotta be some place.

I know what I'm doing.

I don't care what Greg said.

He was drowning.

And the next day, he was dead.

Antonio was the guy
you were prosecuting?

Serving a life sentence now.

Real tough luck kid.

Tried su1c1de in jail before trial.

So you never told anyone
about Greg's visit?

Would've led to a mistrial.

And you wouldn't make the front page.

Antonio confessed to r*pe and m*rder.

But recanted.

Public defender gets involved,
it's always this strategy.

Bottom line, I wasn't gonna
let that kid walk,

because Greg was crackin' up.

What do you think happend to Greg?

He was a striver, and on his way.

he wasn't ready for the job.

And being proud,
he wouldn't ask for help.

So he self-destructed.

Whole thing was
an American tragedy.

Detective Jefferys and Vera, Antonio.

Philly cops, huh?

I don't like talking to police.

We gotta ask you about Greg Vizcaino?

The lawyer that d*ed
in the middle of your trial?

Wasn't me.

I was locked up.

Well, we know he'd came
to see you before he d*ed.

D'you tell anybody 'bout that?

What for?

He'd give you money to stay quiet?

- Try and pay you to plea guilty?
- I am guilty.

Haven't you heard?

What did Greg want with you that night?

Make sure the case was
gonna go his way.

I tried to hang myself.

He thought I wouldn't make it to trial

blow his chest to be a hero.

That what he'd told you?

'You gotta stay alive, Antonio.
My ass is on the line here.'

Except, he's the one who didn't make it.

Didn't make a difference.

Cops had me on video

saying I did it.

Got sent here for life.

Antonio went in ten minutes.

I'm almost embarrassed to
show you how easy it was.

Almost feel sorry for him don't you?

We got a saying here.

'If they weren't dumb,
we wouldn't catch'em.'

Applys in Philadelphia, too.

Here goes.

I've seen her running in the park.

Did you chase her?

Nah, just waited for her to pass.

Then what d'you do?

I jumped her.

He took it all back once
he got a lawyer.

- You testified the trial?
- Sure.

I was the lead detective.

Hey, guys.

This is Sergeant Sal Martin.

He worked the Stacy Hall job.

Hi. / Welcome to New Haven.

Lily Rush, Scotty Valens.


According to Harold Mott,

Greg was unravelling
the last few weeks of his life.

How'd he seem to you?


You don't say that like you mean it.

Well, Stressed, maybe.

The young star at the DA's office,

people talking about your political future,

it's a lot of pressure.


Any reason he'd need K?

Hmm, we could all use K.

But Greg, in particular.

He was a good kid.

But even good kids growing up in bad
neighborhood pick up bad habits.

What kind of bad habits?

Oh, crap!

Greg was a good guy.

That's what Harold Mott said.

Everyone has a dark side.

Greg's was...pretty dark.


That's the last I want to see you.
Get outta here!

- Way behind on payments, Greg.
- I know, I know.

This is all I have right now.

When's the next installment coming?

This guy bothering you counselor?

No, detective.

It's alright.

I was just,

Walking the m*rder scene again?

Stacy Hall was k*lled
at the park down the street.

You were just checking out
the area for yourself.



Just...walking the scene.

Don't make it so obvious, Greg.

I've seen him a lot with this dealer.

Guy named Kiki.

He was known on the street that...

he had habit.

Kind of an open secret?

Look, I don't want to
speak ill of the dead.

But a coke habit?

Takes a lot of cash.

So despite what the widow says,
maybe Greg was a theif?

And an addict.

Yeah, Maybe.

So, 'Golden Greg' is losing at work,

blowing his m*rder case,
and feeding a coke habit?

Which still doesn't tell us
how he winds up at Philly.

Just hope I don't come down with
the cold sleeping in Siberia all night.

Man, you need the windows
open for fresh air.

So you told me.

You guys worked out the cot problem?

Nah, we drew straws, Vera lost.

he leaves all miffed,
doesn't come back.

You worried?

He went out to check out the hot spots
of New Haven with Martin.

All I wanna know is uh, who's Lena?

Hey! / Listen now, Lena.

Just sing it one more time.

- Stop that!
- You talk in your sleep, man.

Ah, look who's here!

Rough night, Vera?

This city blows, Nothing to do.

Can I get some coffee over here?

Hey, did Martin tell
where to find that dealer?

Ah, Eden Park.

Look for some crazy guy
with dreadlocks.


Drop me off at New Haven PD?

I'll catch up.

He's paying.

Smell it, smell it.

Kiki Solano?

Uh-oh! Man of the street.
New haven's finest on the b*at.

Some five-o? Five-bro?

Yeah, detective Jefferys
and Valens from Philly.

We're here about Greg Vizcaino.

DA who got k*lled four years ago.

You ain't gonna tell me
who Greg V is.

Went to grade school together.

On the day he d*ed?

Whoo, hysteria in the area.

Whole barrio dressed in black.

We know you were selling him
blow before he d*ed.

Just all I sell.

Strictly botanical, always organical.

We ain't Narcs.
(Narc: Narcotics OfficerÀÇ Áظ». ¸♪¾à¼ö»ç´ë)

We know Greg owes you money.
You k*ll him over that?

Greg was my brother.

I wasn't worried about his debts.

I was worried about his soul.

Yeah? Why?

They loved him at the DA's.

Because he was light bright
and damn near white.

I tried to get him to see that
they was just using him.

Why you gotta parade that kid
in front of the cameras, G?

- To show he's Puerto rican?
- I'll parade any m*rder*r in the street.

And put that lady's rich,
white parents on display?

It's fact, Kiki. She's white, he's not.

That kid didn't do it!

Then why'd he confess?

And why'd he recant?

He's from the barrio like us!

You got to listen to the word.

What word is that?

The streets have eyes.

And they tell no lies.

The streets know something
about this m*rder.

Am I suppose to call the streets
as witnesses?

I got a deal for you, G.

Check out what the streets got to say,

Then I won't sell to her no more.

Who would you stop selling to?

Anna. Greg's wife.

She hooked on the incense.

You said you wasn't narcotics player?

So his wife was the one
with the coke problem?

Gone on the wagon,
Rode it hard, but...

the wheels come off every now and then
when things got bumpy.

Greg take you up on the deal?

I held up my end.
Don't know about G.

What was the word from the streets.

That kid didn't k*ll the lady.

It was the Kennedy brothers!

Like John and Bobby, you mean?

That's one good tip, Kiki. Thanks.

It was a left over thing from college.

Used to get me through stressful times.

The way your dealer tells us, sounds
more like a meal than a left over.

Yeah, it was out of control.

I admit that.

So you're in debt to Kiki,
Greg needed money to pay it.

My husband would never steal.

That missing money had
nothing to do with him.

Gotta look at the facts, Anna.

I told Gil Sherman.

He was no thief.

Sometimes when you love someone,

you only see them like you want to.

I changed my views over last four years

I was so ashamed then.

Of what?

...Completed its recount and vice president Gore

has only picked up votes on governor Bush.

You get my message?

I was working.

No-no, I don't believe you!

You're doing that crap on in the house?

What, the girls here?

- Where do you go?
- I'm working!

Who calls here and hangs up
everytime I say hello?

Do you hear how paranoid you sound?

I brought the car in for service,

and they asked why there was
so much mileage built up on it.

Where do you go?

I cannot talk to you when you are wired.

Tell me!

Kiss me.

You won't do it, will you?

Not when you're like this.

How are you going to be governor
with your secrets?

What do you think he was hiding?

I know what he was hiding.

I'm not proud of it, but I looked
through his briefcase once

and found some newspaper ads.

For escorts.

Call girls?


He had some names circled.

His favorite seemed to be one name Ramon.

You confront him?

Nah, I was too shocked.


But if people find out now? So be it.

My husband's a gay.

What isn't a crime.

Yeah, but stealing is.

I want his name cleared.

Do you remember what
newspapers they were, Anna?

They were those free rags you
find on the streets.


Gay Times,

City Paper.

You sure about that? City Paper?

Hmm. / That's from Philadelphia.

Hmm. Maybe we finally
got our Philly connect.

- So he wasn't the coke head?
- That was his wife.

He was busy prowling for boys.

Huh! But why in Philly?

Too much to lose if he was
found out in New Haven?

Hartford's closer, Scotty,
New York.

Well, maybe he started there,

and something
or someone brought him here.

Maybe Ramon.

I remember Harold Mott said Greg
was looking at vice reports.

- Instead of working?
- Yeah?

Maybe with all this stress
he went looking for comfort.

Arrest reports could tell him
where to find them by name.

Easy targets, too.

More willing to play if they'd
been arrested before.

Go see Harold Mott again.
Get some details on the reports.

Don't count on him
being too helpful.

No? Why?

I've been following that missing money?

- Only Greg and Harold had access.
- Yeah?

Guess who lost a bundle
on tech stocks in early ?

Harold. / And he was in hot water
until suddenly nine grand

appears in his wife's stock account,

the week after the K goes missing?

You send it to New Haven PD?

So don't be surprised if Harold
pulls the welcome mat.

I knew I timed it this right!

You can't stay away from the place?

I'm droping gloves off for Lil.

Temperature went down
degrees over the day.

Oh well, She's still up there.

I was going to leave'em at the desk.

She doesn't like to see me here.

Too friendly.

There are worse things.

You know, you dress way
better than the average cop.

That ain't saying a lot.

No, guess not.

Your girlfriend pick out your clothes?

No, I don't have a girlfriend.

I mean, I used to.
She's in the hospital right now.

Sorry. / She's okay.
She's getting out.

That's good.

Well, even though,
we're not really together anymore.

I work at the Mcginty's tavern,
if you ever want a free beer.

Yeah, okay.

See ya.

- Oh great! What do you want?
- Bad day?

The cops and press are all over me

because of you sticking
your nose in this.

That's the price of being
a public figure, Harold.

We need to know more
about Greg Vizcaino.

I told you what I know.
He cracked.

The price of being put into game
before you're ready.

Hm, but you were ready?

I tried to help him.

But you can't expect the water boy
to play the quarterback.

The vice reports he was pulling,

any reason to think he was
using them for personal reasons?

What the hell! Yeah.

Golden Greg?

Liked his boys young and cheap!

Go on.

Ramon, from juniper street.

- Another Puerto Rican packer?
- Screw you!

No! Screw you!

We've got the trail of the year to prep for

and you're chasing male hookers!

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm
doing because I'm a promiscuous latin!

And a light weight token.

You barely made it through
Acme Law School,

and you're calling me a light weight?

Spare me the barrio superiority!

So you grew up poor and hungry,

It doesn't entitle you to my job!

No, me being smarter than
you entitles me to my job!

- You're delusional.
- You're a cr*cker, flunky!

He was a disgrace to his heritage.

Well, you know all about that, huh?

You wanted the truth.

While I was busting
my ass to the Hall trial,

he was in here using vice reports
to chase boy friends.

And who's Ramon?

A name he got off a report.

Probably some barrio trick.

Is there a Juniper Street in New Haven?

Not that I know of.

We done here?

Yeah. We're done.

You know a hustle named Ramon?

Puerto Rican, probably in his twenties?

What do I look like ?

Came from Connecticut.
Showed up about four years ago?

Four years ago, I'm in highschool.

So that's a no?

Try the boy trade theater on th street.

Will do.

Any luck?


We covered all of Juniper Street.

Wish we had a skecth on this guy.
We're chasing ghost.

Let's try the theater.

Ever notice how we're the one
always chasing the Marys?

You know a trick named Ramon?

Pretty boy in the cap.



You're not a Ramon formerly
from New Haven?

Look I didn't do nothing
I was just talking that guy!

We wanna know about Greg Vizcaino.

I don't know Greg.

He was a DA in New Haven.

You two hung out.

He was your boyfriend.

Maybe out of lover's quarrel
and you k*lled him.

I didn't k*ll nobody!

He had it bad for you
he even left his wife and kids.

Chase you down from New Haven,
wouldn't take no for an answer?

k*lled him to get rid of him?

Look, that's all crazy.

I never knew him in New Haven.

Then why did he come down here
looking for you?

Come on, boyfriend.
What was he looking for?

I guess, what I saw.

You want a date?

No, I want to talk.

If you're paying for it,
you can have anything.

I want to hear about
that lady in the park.

Back in New Haven.

- I don't know nothing.
- Ramon, you do.

You saw.

How do you know my name?

You ain't gay, are you?


So you never had your ass
kicked by bastards?


You think you're just gonna die on
the street and no one's gonna care?

I don't need them brothers
mad at me.

What brothers?

Look, just forget it.

I didn't see nothing, no at all,

and I ain't going back to Connecticut.

There's a kid sitting in prison
for k*lling that woman.

He just tried to hang himself.

He's .

If you saw someone else hurt her
you gotta say so right now Ramon!

Two white guys.

It was dark, how could you tell?

Everybody knows them.

They come to park to buy dr*gs.

So who were these white guys?

College kids.

Like to b*at up on innos like me.

Now the queens knew to
watch out for the Kennedys.


Two brothers, I think.

They used to drive in old green volvo.

Told cops what you saw?

I told Martin.

Some puerto Rican cop on the case.

Yeah, we know Martin.

You told him, you saw
the Kennedys att*ck the woman?

But he said no.

That I didn't see nothing.

That I'd better get out of New Haven.

So Martin's the reason
you booked to Philly?

He told me you ever saw me back
there, that would be the last time.

So Martin was a dirty cop.

Why else would he ignore
the tip from Ramon?

Didn't believe him, the kid's a hustler.

Or because he already
got his confession from Antonio,

didn't want to mess with a solid case.

Lets go a step further.

You think Martin k*lled Greg?

If he knew Greg found Ramon?

Gives him motive.

Alright, go back to Antonio.

See how martin got
the confession from.

Boss, we saw the tape.

Just see where it takes us, Nick.

Try to place Martin in Philly that night?

Second time we heard
about these Kenndy brothers.

And who can help us find them?

Don't seem so crazy now, does it?

We looked in enrollment records
for every college in New Haven.

There were no Kennedy
brothers listed in .

Man, forget literal!

Think subliminal.

That ain't their real names!

Just what we call them sports
around here.

Didn't think of telling
New Haven PD about them?

Player, please.

They gonna believe the dreadlock
guy or the college boys?

Plus, talking to cops is bad for business.

Greg believes in Kiki.

And he found the witness
who saw them att*ck the jogger.

- For real?
- Yeah. Local hustler.

That's why G was in Philly?

He d*ed trying to prove
Antonio was innocent.

Guess we both kept our promise.

We gotta find that brothers.

Can you help me?

They come around sometimes
on Thursdays.

Getting ready for the weekend.

Where're the other guys at?

Back in Philly.

We need you tell us
about detective Martin.

Nothing to tell.

We know he's dirty.

Antonio, he can't hurt you now.

No matter what he threatened you with.

- Why am I gonna believe you?
- Who else you got?

- We'll protect you.
- Don't need no protection now!

But my mom's.

No one's touching your mom.

Where were you at four years ago?

We're here now.

So how'd Martin found you?

I walked by the dead lady,
when the cops got there.

Martin had seen me.
Asked me what I know.

- What d'you tell him?
- The truth.

I didn't see nothing.

My mama send me to buy eggs.

And then?

He let me go.

But later?

He comes to my house.

Tells my mom, he gotta take me
down to the station.

Did he?

Took me to an old building.

This was a meat packing plant
when I was a kid.

We goin' to the station?

Ha, my buddies and I used to
play baseball right out there.

It's cold in here!

What happened at the park, Antonio?

- I was goin' to the store.
- Yeah, yeah.

Goin' to the store to buy eggs.

At six in the morning? Come on.

My mom said... / You sneaker tracks
were all over the crime scene, Antonio.

I play ball in the park sometimes.

What happened when
you saw that lady running?

- I didn't see her...
- Sure you did.

You were behind the tree,

when you saw her running by.

I didn't see the lady running!

- Why are you hurting me?
- You're lying to me, Antonio.

I lied, sir. / Good.

Now tell me how you k*lled that lady.

I've never seen her.

How am I supposed to say
I did something I didn't!

Listen good!


We ain't leaving here until you tell me
how you m*rder*d that woman.

I didn't k*ll nobody.

Ain't nobody can help you.

'Cause you tell anybody about this?

I'm gonna bring your mom
down here and have a talk with her.


And I know she ain't strong like you.

Even if you are a punk!


Knew how to do it.

So I got the wind knocked out of me.

Over, and over.

How long were you there?

'Til I said what he wanted me to say.

Then he take me to the station.

So I can say it to the video.

We're gonna be back.

Look at me.

We're gonna be back.

The first? I just talk.

I'm... I'm a good talker,
I'll talk you into a statue.

Oh, that Doctor Phil over here.

Start with the "C" material, you know.

I put the needle in here.

And you're dead in eight minutes.

It works on the real dumb ones.

What's your "B" material, Vivo?

Oh, bounding!
Um, you got a sick kid?

Me too. I feel your pain.

I save that line for the ladies.

When all else fails, we go for a drive.

down in the old shipyards.

We got no shipyards here,
but we got a lot of old buildings.

I take a mug down there,
just the two of us.

He's squawking in the bag,
need about a lawyer?

I don't say a word.

When we get down on the shipyards,

I pull out a trashbag full of oranges.

And I hit him hard, in the stomach.

That's good!

Don't even leave bruisings.

So these buildings?

Hm, big, empty, quiet.

So that's where you took Antonio?

Come on! I saw that tape.

I know what the fear of God looks like.

Twenty minutes with that kid. / Oh!

that's all?

It's almost too easy like I said.

That kid was gonna be
in the system soon enough,

I..., I just helped him along.

That let you sleep
at night, Martin?

What's going on?

You're screwed.

Your badge don't mean nothing here.

The Lieutenant's right there.

You played a fellow cop!

You coerced that kid,
you crossed to the other side, Martin.

He was there at the scene,
right after the m*rder.

You thought he was guilty,
when you tuned him up.

Ramon told you he saw
the Kennedys do...

Ramon is a two-bit hustler!

You knew you were wrong
but it was too late!

But you had to protect your case

bcause you were heading
for a Sergeant?

We got phones and easy
pass records or that night.

Greg called you.
Left you a voice mail.

It was about the trial.

An hour later you were
on the turnpike heading for Philly.

The kid Antonio was going nowhere...

That kid was poor and slow.

Now he's destroyed.

You're gonna turn
on your own kind, hermano?

You ain't my kind.

And you ain't my brother.

Talk about Philadelphia.

Finding Greg.


He said we arrested the wrong guy.

'Come to Philly. Help me find
the witness who saw everything'


You got my message?


You already knew about Ramon.

He's not a credible witness.


Why d'you drive him out of town?

Greg, be reasonable.

An innocent kid is sitting in jail!

This is a amazing!

I gave you,

the biggest case of your career
and this is my thanks?

You gave me a mess.

This case is bogus.

You think those white kids
are gonna confess?

You'll put this case away.

- We can both win here.
- Yeah, while that kid loses!

He ain't got no future.

We can change that, set this right!

It's too late for that.

I've got my phone.

Let's call the judge right now.

And screw our careers?

What's more important?

His life? Or our careers?

- It's cold-blooded, Martin.
- Think it through, Greg.

You're the great political
hope of New Haven.

People are talking about
you being governor.

You're gonna chuck that for this dimwit?

Yeah. Guess I am.

Not with me in tow. / No?

What are you going to do?

Take me to an empty building?

You're disgrace, Martin.

Why does it always rain on me?
by Travis

I can¡¯t sleep tonight

Everybody saying everything¡¯s alright

Still I can¡¯t close my eyes

I¡¯m seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

Sunny days

Where have you gone?

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining
I can¡¯t avoid the lightning

I can¡¯t stand myself

I¡¯m being held up by invisible men

Still life on a shelf when

I got my mind on something else

Sunny days

Where have you gone?

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining
I can¡¯t avoid the lightning

Oh, where did the blue skies go?

And why is it raining so?

It¡¯s so cold

I can¡¯t sleep tonight

Everybody saying everything¡¯s alright

Still I can¡¯t close my eyes

I¡¯m seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

Sunny days

Where have you gone?

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?

Why does it always rain on me?

Even when the sun is shining
I can¡¯t avoid the lightning

Oh, where did the blue skies go?

And why is it raining so?
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