06x11 - Dangerous Prey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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06x11 - Dangerous Prey

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, and you Amazons
have such a reputation.

If you're gonna k*ll me,
just do it!

Oh, where's the fun in that?

Before you die...,
you'll deliver a message for me.

- Where are they?
- They're watching us.

We come alone!
And in peace.


- What are you doing here, Xena?
- Marga invited us here.


What's goin' on here?

One of our warriors went missing
in the sacred canyon.

Every time
we went to search for her,

another one of us disappeared.

Finally, Marga went alone
to find whatever was out there.

Perhaps we can help.

We don't need your help.
This is an Amazon problem.

She's been gone for days.
We're wasting time.

Marga ordered us
not to come after her.

It's been too long;
we've gotta do something.

Rushing blindly into the hands
of whatever's out there

isn't going to help Marga.

Neither is standing around here
talking to you.

Let me go, Varia.

Marga is our queen.
This is our responsibility.

I'll get her.


- Marga! Marga...
- Xena...

- Shh. Don't talk. Don't talk.
- Varia will try to avenge me.

If she dies...,
the Amazons are lost.

Promise me you'll protect her.

I promise, Marga.

Teach her to be a true
warrior... as you are.

The fate of the Amazons...

is in your hands, Xena.

Marga. No. No.

- There's a message.
- Can you read it?

"Is this the best that
the Amazon nation has to offer?"

It's a challenge to all comers.

In the time of ancient gods,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess
forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage
will change the world.


It was all internal damage.
It's pressure points, Gabrielle.

Marga was meant to crawl back
to camp before she died.

- Why would someone do that?
- So she'd bring us the message.

Where's Varia?

Gabrielle, try to keep everyone
in the camp

till I find out
what's goin' on.

Prince Morloch will be pleased.

She looks like she'll give
a good chase.

You know..., you should feel honored.

Prince Morloch
only hunts the best. Huh? Huh?

- Take her down.
- Watch out.


We're gonna have some fun
with you.

Come on! Get her!

Prince Morloch
has to hear about this one.

Get me down!

Wait a minute.

Don't hurt him, just watch him.
I need some information out of him.


Yah! Yah!

He's gone. At least
we can find out where.

- I told you to watch him.
- One less to worry about.

These men have a leader.
And they are more afraid of facing him

than they are of death.
What does that tell you?

All I need to know
is where to find him.

There's a whole lot of things
you need to know.

This entire canyon is rigged
like a hunting ground.

- There are traps everywhere.
- A few little snares

is not gonna stop me
from finding Marga's k*ller.

I promised Marga
that I would protect you.

I don't want your protection.


Are you crazy?!

If you want to find Marga's k*ller
and remain in one piece, you'll do

- what I say, when I say it.
- Get this off me, now!

And until then..., you're on a leash.
Come on.

Don't you knock, Raczar?

You'll forgive my lack of manners,
Prince Morloch...,

when you hear my news.

- Fresh sport?
- An Amazon..., one of a kind.

Let me go!
Get this thing off me.

Believe me, this chain's
the best friend you've got right now.

I lost my queen...,
most of my tribe is gone.

And you won't let me loose so I can
stop the man who's k*lling them?

If you don't stop acting like a child
and start trusting me to help you,

this man will hunt your people
to extinction.

You'd know about that.

You wiped out a whole tribe
of my sisters all by yourself.

- I'm gonna let that one go.
- I hate you!

Yeah? Well, it won't be the last time
you say that.

Come on.

I've hunted almost every creature

that crawls or walks
on this Earth, Raczar.

Every one turned out to be
an easy k*ll.

When I set my sights
a little higher,

I looked for something that might
provide a real challenge.

But even these
so-called ultimate warriors...,

the fierce, cunning Amazons, huh...

I've been disappointed.
If feels like some camping trip.

This one... is different.

She has the speed of lightning.
She has the strength of many men.

- She thinks three steps ahead.
- Only three?

This isn't another
of your big build-ups, Raczar...

Trust me, Prince Morloch.
She's a worthy adversary for you.

Well, then...
you'd better prepare the men.

This afternoon I hunt.

I heard Marga say our fate
was in your hands.

If you think you're replacing her,
you're wrong.

It's not what she meant.

Marga wanted me to teach you
about being a warrior.

Well, I can't do that
if you won't learn.

I don't need to learn.

- Anger makes you vulnerable, Varia.
- It's making me do

what I should've done the moment
you stepped into the Amazon village.

You gotta control your anger,

Otherwise you don't stand a chance
against the one who k*lled Marga.

Is this the way you're gonna
save the Amazons, huh?

Come on, lesson's over.

- Let's get outta here.
- You haven't beaten me.

Marga is dead, Varia.
The village is next.

You can't save them on your own;
you've gotta trust me.

Trusting outsiders
has done nothing but get us k*lled.


Come on.

Take my hand!


All right, Varia.
Come on.

- You saved me.
- For the last time.

I'm not going to waste enery
protecting someone with a death wish.

I thought you made a pledge
to Marga.

Because she saw somethin' in you.

If you don't want my help
but that's your choice.

But just know that your sisters

will live or die
by what you decide to do.


I know that I can learn a lot
from you.

And I know that you've helped
my people.

I shouldn't've said
what I did about you.

Varia, you almost died in there
rather than admit defeat.

You gotta learn when enough's enough
and when the fight is over.

Yeah, but you...!

I'll work on it.


There. This way.

Whatever this is...,
one drop of it'll make a nice bonfire.

Is that right? Now we'll find out
exactly what we need to know.

What can we find out
when he's got a gag on?

Exactly who's hunting Amazons
out of season.

I don't know how he got up there,
but somebody's gotta get him down.

- What about that tall one?
- He's not the leader.

How 'bout that other guy?

Couldn't hunt butterflies.

- Why won't he show himself?
- Be patient.

He'll play his hand
at some stage.

You could be right, Raczar.
She's a clever one.

She's in a perfect position to strike,
but she doesn't.

She doesn't want them.

She wants me.

- What is it?
- Something's not right.

Varia, this is where you get to do
exactly what I say...

- when I say it.
- Just give me the word.

Get ready to take your clothes off.

That's the w*apon she used
to attack us.

- It flies like it's got a mind of its own.
- I'll add it to my collection.

- What are they doing?
- Shh.

Where'd the other one go?

I don't care about her,
I want this one.

Where's her w*apon?

Something's not right.


Come on in.

All right, let's go.

- Where do you think you're going?
- I'm goin' in there to help you.

No. We had an agreement,
remember? You stay here.

If I'd known how much fun
you Amazons'd be,

I'd have come to this country
years ago.

I'm not an Amazon.

But you're so tall.

It's the boots.

I don't usually do this, but I'd like
to know your name before I k*ll ya.

You first.

I'm Prince Chesnick...

Bloodicarr Morloch...,

Upper Scheherazadestan.

Oh, Xena of Amphipolis...,

warrior princess,
warrior mom...,

who conquers Prince Chesty
Forlock of Upper Whateverstan.

Ah, impressive.

Very impressive.

Come on. Come on.

Those Amazons you m*rder*d
were good friends of mine.

I'm not a m*rder*r, Xena.

The gods make some men poets.

They make some men seers.

They made me a hunter.

A hunter hunts animals,
not people.

In this world, there is only
the hunter and the hunted.


Get down!


You're not worth
adding to my collection.


Go, Varia, go!

- Varia...
- I just wanted to see

- the master in action.
- They're here somewhere.

This way, go.

k*ll the girl.
Leave Xena for me. You two.

Follow me.

There she is!



Why'd we have to use my boots?

'Cause Amazons have
tougher feet.

- Do you think the fire k*lled him?
- Nah, this guy's not easy to k*ll.

Neither are we.

You know what, Varia?
I'm tired of being the prey.

Maybe it's time we hunted him.
Come on.

Oh, well done.

This Xena is the kind of prey
I've searched for.

She's always anticipating.
She creates situations.

And just when you think
you've got her...

We're down to four men. If
you insist on continuing this hunt...


This is the kind of quarry I've been
searching for my entire life.

Her skill nearly matches my own.

He'll see us coming
a mile away.

We'll go around the hill...,
sneak in back.

Let's go.



- Varia...
- I thought it was gonna hit you.

I can take care myself,
thank you.

If this had happened
earlier today...,

I bet you would've
just left me here.

Don't get too cocky.

I still might.

I think I'm startin'
to grow on you.

Varia, Marga had
a lot of faith in you.

I'm beginning to see why.

A forest fire.
They're flushing us out.

- Can you walk?
- Yeah.

Come on.

Let's go!
We're lighting it!

They can't hear me.

Light the fire.

They're right in the middle of it.

Oh, that's a shame.

Do it!!!

This way!

Come on, come on.
The fire's moving faster.

Here, c'mon.
Lean on me.

I'm slowing you down.

They're squeezing us
between two lines of fire.

He wants us
to run right down the middle,

- right into his camp.
- I'll never be fast enough.

We won't make it.
But you will.

- My sisters need you. Just... go.
- Not a chance.

Varia, saving you
is saving the Amazon people.

You've just gotta have a little faith.

Come here.

Here we go. Okay.

I want you to get on.

- Get on?
- Come on.

There's a marsh on the other side
of the fire line.

Wait for me there
till I've dealt with Morloch.

What am I supposed to do
about landing?

Tuck and roll.




Let's go.


Take her to the arena.

She is nearly dead.
What good is she to us?

You do what I say.
I have plans for her.

Take her.


- Varia!
- Xena!

Face to face at last.

What's the matter, Xena? Don't like
seeing your friend up there?

Why don't you go and get her?

Why don't you come and get
some of this?

Know what I like about swords?

When I k*ll ya...,
I get to see the look in your eyes.

Ooh, I nicked you.

Where'd you get that?

No one ever drew
my blood before.

There's plenty more
where that came from.

I enjoyed making your friend
beg for mercy.

But even more fun...

I get to watch you die.

- You're the one that's gonna die.
- Ooh.


- You all right?
- Yeah.


- Okay, Varia, take off.
- Not until he's dead.

Varia, don't fight me on this one,
not this time.


Your skills match mine
on every level.

We could do this
all night long.

But sooner or later,
I will get the upper hand.

- You know why?
- Tell me.

Because I'm enjoying this.

This fight is the fight I've been
searching for my entire life.

You're right.

So why would I give it
to you?

You will fight me!!!

Watch it!

You will fight me!!!


You lose.


This whole time, all I could think about
was avenging Marga's death.

But I'm here. He's gone.
I guess that's revenge.

That's right. That's right.


Marga wanted you to have this.

She chose you
as her right of caste.

You're the new leader
of the Amazons.

I still have a lot to learn
to honor Queen Marga's memory.

I will always be in your debt.

You don't owe me anything.

I will make you proud, Marga.
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