08x13 - Damage is Done

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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08x13 - Damage is Done

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

Mark, she's
out of control.

You need to stop
lying to me.

Why? You don't
believe me anyway!

You search my room
and go through

my private
I was looking
for dr*gs.

I'm getting my job back

with the following

I didn't agree
to any conditions.

I failed your brother.

He was tired

before we even left for France.

It delayed the diagnosis
by less than a month.

I just sat by

while it was
eating him alive.

Stop it!

Shut your lying...
filthy... mouth...

It's not
the way it seems.

Our walls are
pretty thin, Joyce.

Rachel, I want you
to stay here.

Chamomile tea?


Feeling better?

Well, I haven't been
to the bathroom

in ten minutes.

I guess that's

Hey, at least someone's happy.

She should be.

She TP'd the bathroom,
the hallway

and half the kitchen

while I was
making your tea.

God, she's not even
walking yet.

Did you take
your temperature?

Yeah, but...


Should I call
or do you want to?

I'm presenting
at grand rounds.

Not with the stomach
flu you're not.


Hi, I'm calling for Dr. Corday.

Yes, she's projectile vomiting.

Do you still want
her to come in?

Ha ha, very funny.

Thank you.

You know I'm calling
right back.

I just need some loperamide
and I'll be fine.

What you need to do
is stay in bed, okay?

( baby fussing )

What about Ella?

Katherine's coming over.

Well, who's going to look after
her till then?

I'm not doing
anything today.

Hey, Rach.

I can watch her
if you want.

I wouldn't want you
to give up your Saturday.

It's freezing
out anyway.


I'm late.

stay in bed.

Haleh, the gallstone
in Four needs toradol

and can you check
the labs on Cathy Jensen?

Upper GI bleed?

Is Dr. Chen in yet?


You get the message
he was looking for you?

...men for their
virility and women
for their sex drive.

Oh, really?

In just
a swim cap?

Yeah, and a Speedo.

You've got
to try it.

In January
in Lake Michigan?

It has an almost
spiritual quality to it.

You wanted
to see me, Robert?

Yeah, I was just
discussing with Dr. Lewis

what a tough year
it's been

what with personnel changes
and lawsuits and whatnot.

Can you believe
Dr. Romano's a member

of the Polar Bear Club?

Can you excuse
us for a moment?

No, no, no, stay.

I've come up
with a solution

for the administrative

you've been
experiencing down here.
What bottleneck?

Well, to start with,
your QAs are a month behind.

Which you'll have
by day's end.

Uh, I'm sorry.

Does she really need
to be here for this?

Actually, I have
a patient.

Well, that
was elegant.

Look, you can't
expect me

to do low priority
administrative work

while I'm clocking
more clinical shifts

than anybody in
my department.

You're overburdened,
there's no question about it.

Which is why I've
asked Dr. Lewis
to pitch in.


Covering meetings,
uh, overseeing teaching

in your absence.

Which is what
the chief resident does.

Well, Carter's not
an attending

and Dr. Lewis is.

Why are you doing this?

I'm feeling unappreciated
here, Kerry

particularly since I'm
trying to lighten your load.

No, you're not.

You're jerking
my chain.

Why would I do that?

Because you
can, Robert.

Yeah, well,
for the time being

consider Dr. Lewis
your unofficial assistant.

No, I don't
need any help.

And, um, try to keep

the public displays
of affection to a minimum.

This is a workplace,
not a parade.

I have some messages
for you, Dr. Weaver.

Thank you.

So, you're gay, huh?

Yeah, Frank.

I'm gay,
all right?

You know you're
going to hell, right?

An entire bottle
of wine?

Topped off with
a couple of Xanax.

Oh, was she

Kind of hard
not to be

when you're puking
your guts out.

You know what the worst
part about it was?

You had to put
her to bed?

It was a 40-year-old bottle
of Bordeaux.

Is this a new thing?

Apparently, she's
been taking them

on and off for years.


Mortality reviews.

Seems you get to
finish them for me.

They're due by
day's end.


Should I have
some soup sent over?

Is Elizabeth
still sick?

Listen, if you change your mind,
call me, okay?

Hang in there.

Love you.

She's been on
the toilet all night.

Mm, I'm not sure,
but that may be more

than I need to know.

So Romano conned
you into picking

up the slack, huh?

Oh, God,
I agreed to help.

Was that stupid?

A little bit
around the edges.

Kerry's lucky
to have you.

I don't think
she sees it that way.

She's never
liked me very much.

She doesn't like

Don't people
work around here?

Ah, glutton
for punishment, huh?

Yeah, something
like that.

Oh, hi, welcome back.

Yeah, to you, too.

Thank you.

You're here.

I was hoping you would
have come in earlier.

I wanted to acquaint
you with the new forms

for the CPT.

I'll be fine.

Suit yourself.

Good for you, girl.

You still owe me $20
for Cleo's going-away present.

Suddenly I feel like
I never left.

You lost your locker
so you can keep

your stuff in here
for the time being.

Wait, there-
there's dirt in here.

It's doughnut sprinkles.

( groans )

Donald Brower, 35.

Face, neck and chest injuries
from some sort of expl*si*n.

Unknown LOC, GCS 14

80 palp, pulse 130.

Mr. Brower, can you hear me?

Can you tell me what happened?




What happened?

He opened some kind
of letter b*mb.

Daughter's in
that rig.

Give it to me.

Jessica Brower, six.

Near amputation
of the right hand.

B.P. is 100/70, pulse 120.

blood loss?

Couple of big bleeders
at the right wrist

with the cuff up.

Okay, I'm Dr. Lewis.

We're going to take
care of you, all right?

It hurts!

Yeah, I know
it does, sweetheart.

How's the airway?

He's talking now.

GCS 14 here.

BP 80/40.

Sir, can you see
out of this eye?

I'll get it.

Peaked iris

globe rupture.

Follow the light.

He needs a chest tube.

Betadine and
chest tube tray.

It's her birthday.

Whose birthday,
Mr. Brower?

I let Jessica
pull on the bow.

Do you know
why someone

would send you
a package b*mb?

My wife...

Your wife?

Mr. Brower?

Sinus tach
at 120.

Did you get that
chest tube in yet?

That's the pleura.

Open your eyes, Mr. Brower.

Pressure's dropping,
70 systolic.

He's out.

Vascular clamp.

Another thoracostomy tray.

I've got it, Kerry.

I wonder how
Susan's doing

over there
with the kid.

Okay, I'll put in
the second chest tube

and you can get the airway.

Airway's fine.

A gram of Ancef,
IV piggyback.

Where are we?

Superficial flash burns,
face is fine.

Lungs are clear,
pelvis is stable.

All the money's
on the hand.

Pressure's steady
at 100/70.

No visible deformity

of the shoulder
or elbow.

Hold on, Jessica.

at your hand,
all right?

Thumb's intact.

First hemocue's 8.

Ring and little finger
are missing.

We're going to need

hand surgery, ortho
and probably plastics.

Okay, let
the cuff down.

Surgery will be
here in a minute.

I said take
the cuff down.


( screams )

Okay, Jessica.

Okay, sweetheart.

You just relax.

We just need
to know

the exact injury.

Well, now you know.

You want


Just direct pressure.

Blood supply intact.

Probably salvageable.

We're okay here,

Sinus at 100.

CBC, Lytes,

BUN, Creatinine
coags and...

We already ordered
pre-op labs.


Two more morphines.

Get an x-ray tech
down here.

Carter, your
mom's here.

She brought in a kid
from her leukemia center.

Go ahead,
I got it.

They come in
on a rig?

Nope, she brought
him in herself.

He has... weakness
and a slight fever.


And she's nicer
than I remembered.

Oh, John.

Thank goodness
you're here today.

Who's your friend?

Mickey is the center's
Child of the Year.

We were photographing
him for the spring mailer

and he suddenly became
lightheaded and warm.

So you brought
him here?

We tried phoning his
doctors but it's Saturday.

Is there someplace else
I should have taken him?

Did they give him
anything yet?

Your friend gave
him some Tylenol.

How long has he
had leukemia?

I'm not sure

but I do know he's been
in remission for a year.

Did you call
his parents?

He's an orphan.

So he lives
in a foster home?

With three other
special needs children

and foster parents
he barely knows.

Hey, Mickey.
How you doing?

Not so good.

Yeah, well, we're
going to see if

we can't figure out
a way to make you feel
a little better, okay?


A private room would help.

Swing your legs up there for me.

Unit six
going up

pressure 90/50.

AC 12 on 100%

tidal volume 500, peep of five.

You holding up okay?


Fluid in
Morrison's pouch...

You can't let
Kerry get to you.

...and in the left
pericolic gutter.

Where the hell
is surgery?

It's like riding
a bicycle.

Yeah, one with
square wheels.



Okay, charge
the paddles.

Open a thoracotomy tray.

Get ready.

There's no

You'll be fine.

Charge to 200.


Charge to 300.

Ten blade.



Go ahead.
Open the chest.

A positive is up.
B.P.'s 100/60.

TKO the other fluids,
but bring another dose of Fent

just to be sure.

Are you
her mother?
Yeah. Baby?

Okay, she's stable
right now

but she's had
extensive damage
to her right hand.

We need to get
her up to the OR.

Jessica, can you
hear me?

We've given her
some pain medication

so she may not
be able to respond.

It's Mommy.
Why don't you come
with us to pre-op?

The surgeon
and anesthesiologist

will need to talk with you.

Wait, where's
my husband?

He's in there,
they're working on him.

Mrs. Brower!

Mrs. Brower!



Oh, God.

Shock him.

You the wife?

Your husband's
injuries caused

his heart
to stop beating.

We're trying
to bring him back.

A thoracotomy.

You a doctor?



Still V-fib.

Witnessed arrest.

Charge again.

Ten percent chance.


I told him
not to worry...

Still V-fib.

Charge again.

I told him
it was safe.


Agonal rhythm.

( sobs )

He's been
down for 30 minutes.

You can stop.

He's gone.

Are you currently being treated
for your diabetes?

Look, I'm, uh...
I'm blind, I'm not stupid.

I do okay.

I mean, it's not easy
to get someone

to measure out my insulin,
but, uh, that's life.

Look, you know, I'm just here
for the-the toenails, right?

Yes, sir, yes, sir.

You know, uh, it's been
getting worse all week.

I think it was
the new shoes.

Yeah, when did you have them
clipped last?

Oh, uh... April, maybe.

They seem to be, uh

pretty overgrown.

Oh, listen, you think it's hard
to get someone

to give you a sugar shot?

Just try asking them
to clip these puppies.

( chuckles )

Well, you know,
I can do that for you.

Of course, you can.

You're a gifted doctor.

Or at least,
you will be.

Hold on.

Someone smells

( sneezes )

Bless you.
Hi, I'm Dr. Chen.

I've heard a lot about you.

I mean, good things.


And the bad things aren't really
your fault.

Excuse me?

Manny here has a sixth sense
about people, or so he says.

Well, with my eyes

I had to get something out
of the deal, right?

What is this?

It's Mr. Kindlevich's
Seeing Eye dog.

But where's his harness?

He isn't official.

But trust me, he's my eyes.

I need him.

All right. Just keep him
on a leash-- a short one.

Yes, ma'am.

Dr. Chen, can I speak with you

What do you want?

You know, eventually
this has to stop.

This attitude, this resentment
you have towards me.

Does it?

We have to work together.

I can't allow patient care

to be compromised
because you don't like me.

I wouldn't let that happen.

Good, because the last thing

I need is a divisive
medical staff.

Then maybe you should quit.

The police want
to talk to you.

I told them to wait

until after
your daughter's surgery.

Has it started?


I should have told him
about the threats.

We're trying to
create stem cells.

Using embryos?



This was meant
for me, not him.

Not Jessica.

Can I observe
the surgery?

It's probably not a good idea.

I'm a doctor.

You're also her mother.

I'll see what I can do.


( sneezing )

Ow! Easy, kid, easy.

Almost there.


Sorry about that.

Damn medical

( laughter )

He's all bark.

You know, you remind
him of his son.

Uh, I'm black, sir.

Oh. Well, I can't see.

( sneezing )

Did you want two sets
of cultures?


My best friend
Eddie has the flu.

Yeah, there's
a lot of that
going around.

We were sh**ting outside.

It's freezing.

I know.

I tried to tell the
photographer that

but he wouldn't

Abby here's going
to draw some of your blood.

I have a good vein here.


Take a deep


You don't have to watch.

I'm fine.

Just a couple
more vials

and we'll be
all done.

Where are you going?

I have other patients.


Are you feeling
any better?


Is she keeping you busy?

Yeah. I tried to
get her down for
a nap earlier

but she wouldn't
do it.


Sometimes stroking her earlobes
helps lull her to sleep.

Can I get you
anything to eat?

Oh, Rachel, I don't think
I can keep anything down.

How about
some tea?

Sure, sure.

( whispering to baby )

Careful, you don't want
to get her sick.

Okay, why did I
wear these shoes?

Ah, because you forgot
that around here, it's, um...

...comfort first.

No, I didn't forget.

It's just I'm not
ready to go back to
ugly sensible shoes.

I heard that you did some really
nice work in that trauma today.

Well, doesn't count
if they don't make it.

Jing-Mei, why did
you treat pylo
with Bactrim?

Because the PMD sent a culture
two days ago.

I have the

There's been a lot of resistance
to Bactrim.

Not for her.

Well, if you don't have
a culture

start with Levaquin
or an aminoglycoside.

Hey, looks like
you made a friend.

Hey, hey, hey,
hey, knock it off.

Gallant, get this
dog out of here.

This is a
not a kennel.

Thanks a lot.
What did I do?

Tried to let her
off the hook.

Whose side are
you on, anyway?

Oh, I'm not
on anybody's side.

I'm trying to play this
very neutral.

No, no, you
have to be on
someone's side

and it better
be mine.

Well, Deb, she's my boss.

You like her,
don't you?

I don't dislike her.

Huh. That makes
a lot of sense.

What makes a
lot of sense?

Well, your taste.

Excuse me?

( chuckling )

John, it's obvious

you have a thing
for older women.


Yeah, Weaver, Lewis
and, oh

that pediatric surgeon.

What was her name?

Oh, come on.

Oh, come on.

Younger women just
too much for you?

Oh, no, see, I can
handle myself either way.

Yeah, sure you can.

Carter, your mom's out there
asking for you.

What do you want me
to tell her?

Where's my kid?

You can tell her
I'm with a patient.

What did you do
with my kid?
Hey, Doris, how's the leg?

Much better, thanks.
What you got?

Leslie Miller,
unrestrained driver

slow speed MVA, drove her car
into some bushes.

Found her and her daughter
sitting on the curb.

Only injury is a scalp lac.

Where's the daughter?

Right behind us.

Hey, Leslie,
I'm Dr. Carter.

Oh, I'll just bet you are,
sweet face.

B.P. 130/80, no LOC
and enough alcohol on her breath

to start a small fire.

Hey, I resent
the implication...

Hi, what's your name?
Stacy Miller.

13 years old, no LOC.

Says she wasn't hurt.

All right, we're going
to check you out

make sure you're okay.

You feeling pain anywhere?

Oh, hey, what's
with the straps?
Yeah, a big one.

You guys a bunch of friggin'
perverts or something?

In my ass.

Excuse me?

That looks pretty superficial.


The cut on your head.

There's a cut
on my head?

( laughing ):
I'm sorry.

I'm just kidding, you know...


Softer hands, honey.

I'm sorry, but I
ain't "honey."

Why is everybody so serious
around here?

This is a pretty
serious thing

that happened to you, Leslie.

No, no, no.

See, this is a bump.

What's seriously wrong
is what's in here.

You having chest pain?

I have a broken heart.

Two great weeks

and he leaves me
without a word.

What the hell kind
of fiancé is that?

Trauma panel, urine tox
and a dip

BAL and hang a banana bag.

Suture kit?

I'll get it.

Banana bag?

Is that the daughter?


Lucky me, huh?

Stacy, we need
to get you into a gown

so I can examine your chest
and belly, okay?

I said I
wasn't hurt.

You want to get out
of here, right?

Go home, clean the house,
get your homework done.

How did you know?

I'm very smart.

And besides, the quicker
you get into this thing

the quicker
you get out of here.


At least you were being

Mom says seat belts
are too confining.

Nice example to set--
driving drunk and belt-less.

She wasn't
driving. I was.

You're 13.

Almost 14.

You don't have a
driver's license.

Neither does my mom

but she
still drives.

I just take over
when she's had
too much to drink.

Have you been doing this
for a while now?

Three years,
and not one accident.

Till now.

Okay, we'll be right back.

We just need
to go get some more supplies.

That is completely nuts.

Or brilliant,
depending on your
point of view.

A 13-year-old
driving her lush mom

around is a good thing?

No, but neither
is a lush mom

driving her

Somebody's got
to be the adult.

You know, it was going along
just fine. I was...

( baby crying )

Elizabeth, you awake?

( baby screaming )

What's wrong?

I don't know.
She's all sweaty

and she just
started crying.

Let me see,
let me see.

Oh. Did you
give her milk?

Um, no, just-just
mashed bananas.

Here, just take
her one moment.

I'll just get
the thermometer.

( baby crying )

How long's she
been crying?


she just threw up.

Oh, dear.

Oh, come here,

Maybe she caught
what you have.

Oh, it's okay.

Hey, what's this?


Get me the phone.
What is it?

It's a pill fragment.

She swallowed something.

Oh my God,
her heart's pounding.

It's okay.


It's okay, it's okay.

It's all right, darling.

It's all right, darling.
It's okay.

Oh, my God.

Come on, answer, damn it!

It's okay.

It's-it's E.


It's-it's Ecstasy.

I had some
in my backpack.

( baby crying )

Um, yes, sorry.

No, hold on, hold on.

How many?

How many pills are missing?


Uh, just one or two.

Yeah, sorry.

I have a baby
with an amphetamine overdose.


1211 Dupont Drive.

Please hurry.

( baby screaming )

It's all right.

Yeah, but letting her
sober daughter
drive is worse?

I don't know
if it's worse

but it's
child endangerment

so you got to get
Social Services involved.

So that means Stacy
goes into foster care?

That may not be
such a bad thing.

So, you want to call
the cops, or should I?

Abby, we need
to find Dr. Greene.



I'll take care of it.

Oh, sorry.

Sorry, I got
a little busy there.

Has his fever broke?

No, and he's
very uncomfortable.

No one's given
him anything to eat.

I'll make sure that
he gets something.

I talked to the
Pedes Oncology fellow.

He's going to come
down and see him.

Aren't you going
to do something?

Yeah, I sent off his labs.

No, I mean in terms
of treating him.

There's no obvious

so the oncologist
can take it from here.


It may be a while
if you want to go home.

I can't leave.

His foster parents
still can't get here?


Well, I'm sure there's
somebody from the Center

that can relieve you.

I'm from the Center.

Are you sure that
you want to do this?

I mean, stay involved?

Do you think
she'll remember him?

My daughter was six.

She broke her arm in two places

riding her bike

and the only thing
she remembers

from that year
is seeing

Muppets on Ice.

They remember the good things.

She won't forget her father.

Mrs. Brower?

I'm Dr. Romano.

I've finished my part
of the surgery

which went well.

Will they need to amputate?


She's a doctor.

Oh. Well, there's stable bone
on the remaining digits

blood supply and enough skin
to cover grafts, so...

So she'll have use
of the hand?

Limited use.

But kids can adapt.

( knocking on window )

Dr. Greene, Dr. Corday
and the paramedics

are on the way
with your daughter.


Came over the M.I.C.N.

as an Ecstasy overdose.

Did they say how much
Rachel took?

All I know
is she's vomiting.

Is she awake?

Uh, uh, I-I...
they didn't say.

Who didn't say?

I didn't take
the call, Haleh did.

( sighs )

What were her vitals?

I'm sorry, I don't
know anything.

I knew she was
doing this.

I knew it.

I should have
trusted my

I've got to take
the stairs.

Excuse me.

Move, move!


I got the charcoal!

We need a Pedes
I.C.U. bed!

Where are they?

Trauma One.

Move, move, move!

How's her airway?

She's breathing on her own.

Tachy at 180
and febrile.

Serum aspirin

and acetaminophen levels.

Cath urine
for tox screen.

( baby crying )

Oh, God.

She's diaphoretic.

Let's get
a rectal temp.

What the hell happened?

She swallowed
Rachel's Ecstasy.


I'm not sure how.

She's sympathomimetic

and we couldn't get
a line in the rig.

Where was it?


It was in
her backpack!

She had four pills--
two have disappeared

and-and, Ella vomited
a fragment of one.

Bolus 100 of I.V. saline.

Ten milligrams of, uh,
charcoal by N.G.

Prep a milligram
of Ativan.

They blew two veins
in the field.

I'm going to try
an intraosseous.

No! No, she's got
a good antecubital.

( alarm sounds )

Oh, God!
Heart rate's 250.

Looks like a narrow
complex S.V.T.

I need a glove full of ice.

Let's have one of adenosine.

Dr. Corday,
what is her weight?

Uh, ten kilograms

at the pediatrician's
last week.

Okay, here we go.

Come on, sweetheart, come on.

24 gauge
in the right A.C.

Push the adenosine.

No, lungs are wet.

She's in failure.

We need to break

the tachycardia.

The C.H.F. is rate-related.

And can somebody get me

a stool, please?

It's still in S.V.T.

Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.

Just worry about
my daughter.

Okay, we're going to need
the crash cart.


She's hypoxic

with pulmonary edema in S.V.T.

The protocol is
to synch cardiovert

at half a joule per kilo.

No! No, we're not shocking her.

She's hemodynamically stable.

Maybe we should get Dr. Weaver
in here.


Let's try two
of adenosine.

Abby, get Dr. Weaver.

Mr. Kindlevich,
are you still being treated?

No, discharged.

Just waiting for
the van to pick us up.

Oh... Stinky!

Uh, why don't you have
a seat? Here we go.

Here, step straight back.

There you go.

He never leaves.

I'm sure
he'll be back soon.


( sneezing )

Stinky, is that you?

Stinky? Stinky?

Hey, Stinky....

Oh, Stinky!

Oh... Stinky.

I figured he needed to
take care of business.

Gallant, you're a student,
not a dog walker.

Bless you.

I think I'm allergic
to d-dogs.

( sneezes )


Next time,
use a plastic bag.

Dr. Weaver, they need you
in Trauma One.

Dr. Greene's daughter's
in trouble.

Second round's on board.

Sat's down to 90.

Put her up
to 15 liters of O2.

Still in S.V.T.?

Have you tried...?

Push three
of adenosine.

Mark, we both know
how difficult it can be

working on a family member...

Okay, get ready with Diltiazem.

...and your own child,
in particular.

I've got it, Kerry.


No, you need to step aside.

I said
I've got it, Kerry.

Calcium channel blockers

can cause cardiovascular
collapse and death

in kids under one.


Push one milligram of Inderal.

You're soaking wet.

Kerry, please.

Your pulse is thready,
you have a fever.

It's just

Sinus rhythm.

Thank God.

Number eight French N.G.
for the charcoal.

Let's get Elizabeth
to bed, and run in

two liters of saline.

I'm not leaving!

If you don't,
you're going to pass out

and that won't help anyone,
least of all Ella.

She's okay.

She's stable now, okay?

Go lay down.

I want to be able to see her.

I'll set you up
in Exam Two.

( alarm sounds )

Damn it!

Pulse ox
is down to 88.

Lungs are full of fluid.

15 of Lasix.

We should think
about intubation.

I can get her out
of failure.

She's retracting.

And using
accessory muscles.

She's in respiratory

Give the diuretics
a chance to work.

Put her on
the Broselow tape

and bag her on 100%.

No, you'll hyperinflate
the stomach.

Mark, your baby
is hypoxic.

I know you want to avoid

unnecessary procedures

but if we don't intubate now
you're making a big mistake.

Now, step aside.

Rate... the failure
was rate-related.

I-I... we could...
we broke the S.V.T...

But now she's
in pulmonary edema.

If this wasn't
your baby

you would have
intubated her

a long time ago.

I'm trying to save her life.

Premedicate with point two
of atropine

15 of lidocaine.

Induce with
three point two

of etomidate and paralyze
with 22 of sux.

What size tube?

4-0 uncuffed

and a number one
straight blade.

Call for a pedes vent.

Tidal volume of 100cc's.

Sats are up to 92
with bagging.

Feels like we should
be doing something.

There's nothing
we can do.

They got three
doctors in there.

We'd just be in the way.

Yeah. Did you hear
how it happened?


It is amazing the dr*gs

that kids can
get a hold of.

Oh, my God, is that Rachel?


Oh. John?

Mickey's been
upstairs for an hour

and he still hasn't been seen
by a doctor.

that's not uncommon.

Well, it's

I was just going
to get some coffee.

Do you want some?

Yes, I'd love some.

I was hoping
you could tell me

what all this means.

You stole his lab slips.


I heard that
they were back

but no one gave
us the results.

What is it?

He's, uh, in blast crisis.

He's had a recurrence.

His bone marrow
is full of leukemia cells

and he's not
going to be able
to fight infection.

Is there something
we can do?

I'm sure they're
giving him antibiotics.

The oncologist will
know exactly what to do.

Yes, of course,
but he's just a number to them.

Maybe if-if you spoke
to the doctors

they'd take him
more personally.

Why are you
doing this?

I mean, you've been
here all day.

You've been
holding his hand

clipping his chart,
bugging the staff...

I'm trying to help
a sick child.

Mom, he has leukemia.

I know that.

And he may
not survive.

Look, if you've got some kind of

twisted need to relive this,
that's fine.

I'm not going
to do it again.

I made my peace a long time ago.

Let's pull the tube
back five millimeters.

Are you in the main stem?

At the carina.

You should be in bed.

Heart rate's down to 100.

Pulse ox is 99.

When can we

They'll probably keep her
sedated in the PICU

rest her overnight in the vent

and extubate her
first thing in the morning.

Mark, we need them
to get a rollaway
in the room.

I'm staying the night.

you're sick.

Well, you're not
leaving, are you?


I found her wandering
the hallway.


Rachel, where have you been?

I was just
waiting outside.

Is she okay?

Does she look okay?

I'm sorry.

You're sorry?!


Stay out of this.

You bring dr*gs
into our house

and leave them out
for a baby?

It wasn't mine.

Stop lying!
I'm not.

They were just
for a party

and I wasn't sure I was
going to take them.

Well, your sister did.

But she's going to be
okay, though, right?

It was just one pill.

Are you really that stupid?

Ella is nine months old!

I know.
She almost died.

Dad, don't...

Don't what?

Don't call you a liar?

Because that's
what you are, Rachel.

You promised me
you weren't doing dr*gs.

She could have
long-term brain damage

learning disabilities,
low I.Q., memory impairment.

She could still die!

I know, Dad.

Please, please, Dad,
I-I'm sorry.

I'm... Dad, I'm...

Daddy, I'm sorry.

( crying )


( crying continues )

She still seems
a little warm.

We'll get a repeat temp.

She can have ibuprofen
by N.G.

I'll check the orders.

Is this the

Do we have a
post-intubation film?


I-I want someone else.

Let's see how
she's satting
on 70%.

No, no, no.
You're not touching her.

What's the problem?

Can you page me
another doctor?

There's no one else
on service.

Elizabeth, if we're going
to control toxicity

we need to wean
down the oxygen.

Yes, well, I want
my own pediatrician.

Is this your

You are not touching her.

I have to. I'm
the critical
care attending.

No, no, you do not touch
my child!

Do you hear me?
You stay away from her!

Lizzie, we have to
check the blood gas.

No! You get out!
All right, you heard
what she said.

Get out!
Go on!
Get out!

Get Dr. Rosato in here.


Yeah, how's she doing?

Vitals are stable.
Satting well on 50%.

Sounds like her lungs
are drying out.

Yeah, we've got
a long ways to go.

My prayers are with you all.


Thank you.

Taking off?


Hang around here much longer,
I'm going to start to cry.

Is your mom still upstairs?

Don't know.

Don't care?


Hey, I thought you left.

I wanted
to say thanks.

The officer said

that they'd book her
for the DUI

but that I could post bail
in a couple hours.


They're charging your
mother with a DUI?

And I made an appointment
at that treatment center.


But you were driving.

No, I wasn't.

I thought you said
she was driving.

No, I didn't.


Anyway, I've got
to catch a bus.

Good luck.

You said you were going
to call the police.

No, you said I was
going to call the police.

No, I specifically
asked you

"Are you going to
take care of this...?"

She's her mother's
best chance for recovery.

I think you know that.

Night, Carter.


( Stinky whining )

Hey, Gallant?

Your guy's dead.

Rachel's here.

Did you call the police?

She wants to talk to you.

I can't.


I'm sorry, Mark.

I can't.

Let's get you something
to eat, okay?

I want to stop by

but they probably just want
to be by themselves.

Yeah. Hey, you want to go
in on dinner for them?

Have it sent over,
so they don't have to leave?

Yeah, that'd be nice.

Bye, Kerry.


Good night, Dr. Weaver.

Good night.


What are you
doing here?

( panting )


Been trying to catch him

but he keeps running
around in circles

and comes back here.

( sneezes )

Oh, for God's sake.

Go inside and take
an antihistamine.

Yes, ma'am.


( sneezes )

Come here.
I don't like dogs.

( barks )

And I don't like your name.

Oh, give me a break.

( sighing )

All right, here we go.

You better be housebroken.

Who is it?

Abby, it's me.
Let me in.


Please hurry!


What's wrong?


Turn out the lights.


Turn out all the lights.

Well, what's going on?

I'm sorry, I had to get out.

I hope it's okay
that I came here.

Well, of course it is.

But, but...

( loud knocking )

Joyce, you
in there?


No, no, don't go!
He's probably
just looking

anyplace he can think of.

( pounding door ):
Open up, damn it!

I'm calling the police.

No, it'll just make it worse.

He just needs to calm down.

Joyce, you in there?

Joyce, we can't hide
in here all night.


( sobbing ):
He'll go away.


Open up, damn it!

( pounding louder ):

( sobs )

( door slams )

I think he's gone.

Can I stay here
for a while?


( sobbing )

( television broadcast
plays low )

She's pretty tired.


How you feeling?

Kind of better.

Yeah? They treating you
okay up here?

They don't tell me much.

They tell her, mostly.

You know what's happening
to you, Mickey?

I know it's back.


I don't think it'll be
as bad this time.

I was by myself before.

( sobbing )

( clicking and beeping )

( sobbing ):
She looks asleep...

but she's not.

( sighs )

Hey, you want me to...

you want me
to take over for a while?


( sobbing )

She is going to
come out of this.

Well, she may not.

( sobbing )

She may never open
her eyes again.


I don't understand why
this has happened.

( sobbing )


It'll be okay.

( sobs )

Mark, you don't know
that, do you?

( voice breaking ):

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