08x17 - Bygones

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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08x17 - Bygones

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:
The tumor has invaded

the eloquent areas
of the brain.

How soon can you operate?

I can't.

He won't send Rachel away.

It's like he has to
prove he loves her.

Don't waste your time with
somebody you don't have
any chemistry with.

Was it there for you?

I did you a huge favor!

You just don't
know it yet.

How's Elizabeth taking it?

I haven't
told her yet.

So, you're going
to keep this a secret?

Act like
nothing's wrong
until you pass out

in public?

Staying in a hotel
isn't going to solve anything.

Mark, I'm not trying
to punish you.

I'm just trying to do
what's best for Ella.

So, when are you coming home?

I don't know.

( phone rings )

6:30 wake-up call.

Thank you.

( sighs softly )


Ah, sh...

( moaning softly )

See, the sun goes... here.

The star goes...

Where does the star go?

Here. The star goes there.

That's right.

And where does the moon go?

Hmm? Where does the moon go?

( knocking )

Oh. Yeah. Moon.

That's it.


Can you say "Mama"?

Hmm? Can you say "Mama"?


Oh, hi.

You're early.

I figured you
could use a break.

Oh, well, that's right.

( chuckles )

( whispering ):


Okay, I've just fed her.

Um, I've put extra diapers

in the diaper bag...

...uh, her hat and coat
are on the nightstand

and, uh,
I wrote you a check.

Oh, Dr. Greene already
paid me for the month.

Oh, okay.

Um, you didn't happen
to grab the mail, did you?


Oh, fabulous.

Say "bye-bye."


Bye-bye, my love.
( kissing sound )



What are you doing?

Finishing my homework.

You ready in 20 minutes?


You okay, Dad?


But I'm supposed to do
a hernia

and a pancreatic
pseudocyst today

and I don't see
them anywhere.

Things change, Lizzie.

Robert, have you tampered
with my schedule?

Trauma call all week.

Any particular

Yes, because you haven't covered
the E.R. in almost a month.

I had to go down
to that cesspool
myself twice yesterday.

I'm catching up on
elective surgeries.

I'll start
back next week.

You'll back today.

With any luck, you
won't be called down.

Right. That happens.

Did you pass out?

No, but we were tracking
a black-crowned heron

and I suddenly felt
light-headed and tingly.

She had some stomach
problems last night.

That was just his cooking.

50 of Benadryl,
C.B.C. chem panel

dip a urine.

Have you noticed
any changes

in your eyes, Joanne?

No. Why?

Your sclera's
a little yellow.

Any recent

No. I do yoga
and spin every day.

I'm in great health.

She's, uh, prone
to panic att*cks.

Paul, I am not.

Deep breaths.

We bird-watch to reduce stress.

I did not have a panic attack.

( gasping ):
The eggs!

Oh, uh, we found
a wood duck's nest in the park.

A raccoon was about to eat these
for breakfast.

Can you put them
some place warm?

We think
they're about to hatch.


Add an A.S.T.,
A.L.T., bilirubin

and a lipase
for Joanne.


Vegan brownie?

My sister's starting
her own pastry business.

I'll pass, thanks.

Man in uniform. Nice!

Ah, they trot us out

for these recruitment

I was in Dearborn
at 6:00 a.m.

Yeah? Sign anyone up?

Not for service,
but a co-ed gave
me her phone number.

Ah, you go, private.

Uh, that's lieutenant.

Lieutenant, could
you do something
with these?

What are they?

What do you want me
to do with them?

Don't break them.
They're supposed
to hatch.

Into what?
Who knows?

Gallant, posterior splint,
Exam Four.

A kid in Curtain Two
needs his ear wax
cleaned out.

I'm here to serve.

Dr. Weaver,
stabbing victim rolling up.

Prep Trauma One.

Jerry, call the labs.

I need my chemistries
for Exam One.

Mark, Susan,
divvy up Kovac's pass-ons.

Morning to you,
too, Kerry.

Somebody sign
for this package.

Yo, Gallant?

I've got the eggs.

Have you tried
one of these?

Uh, I'll just
lose it later.

Yeah, good point.

I don't know, Jerry

there's something
to be said for
animal fat.

My sister's hard core--
nothing with a face.

Someone called for a consult?

Ah, Dr. Corday.
Welcome back.

I've only been
a few floors away.

Uh, head trauma is threatening
to go AMA.

I'll get this package
to Dr. Kovac.

Don't worry.

He's not here.

He'll get it tomorrow.

I'll find him.


You waiting
for something else?

Can you... talk?

Martin, huh?

You need a doctor?

You need help?
Hey, Doc?

This lady's got
smoke inhalation.

Some minor burns.

All right, Malik,
can you get him
to Curtain One?

Fire at Martin Luther King

She stayed inside,
getting her students out.

I had the space heater on.

It fell
on a little girl's sweater.

All right,
no swelling
in the nares.

Put her on a
monitor, and get a

Stupid heating's been out
since January.

This the stabbing?

Smoke inhalation.

Some minor burns coming in
behind us. Plan on more.

A second building went up
as we were leaving.

We got all engines in
the area responding.
We got to get back.

Diana Hayes,
19 years old.

Multiple s*ab wounds--
right neck and chest.

The guy that got bit
by the German shepherd

finally calmed down.

How much Ativan?


He's relaxed

and he's all yours.

I'm out of here.

You still keeping
vampire hours?

Mm-hmm. Not that
I can sleep much
during the day.

Luka doesn't have
any curtains?

Not in the living room.

You know, we got
a lot of spare bedrooms.

What happened?
You lose some of
the kitchen staff?

I'm saying a girl needs
her beauty sleep, that's all.


Lipstick Mary's
looking for you.

She wants you to
tell her shadow

to lay off.

It's not like
it listens to me.

Making any headway?

With what?

Stop it.

I'll be at
the 7:00 yoga

if you want to avoid me.

Oh, sorry.

No, it's quite all right.

That's a lot of glass
you've got there, Nelson.

How'd it happen?


Was it in
a glass holder?

Was it flying
through the air at the time?

Dr. Corday?

Dr. Weaver needs a surgeon
in One.

I'll be right there.

Don't move, Nelson.

Haleh, where are
the baby warmers?

Lost, stolen--
who knows?

What do we have?

Multiple s*ab wounds,
right neck and chest.

Tension pneumo.

Pulse is
thready at 110,
B.P.'s 80 palp.

How old is she?

19 years old.

Student at
Hamden College.

att*cked in her bed.

Curved Kelly,
32 French.

How many wounds?

At least ten.

There was blood
all over the sheets.

We know about a w*apon?

Nothing we saw.

Thoraseal's ready.

Needle driver.

I thought Edson was on call.

You'll have to settle for me.

Neck veins are up.

Trachea midline.

Defensive wounds
on both arms.

What time did you find her?

At 9:00. I always
pick her up for Poly Sci.

and was she able
to speak at all?

No. I thought she was dead.

Muffled heart sounds.
Prep for a thoracotomy.

There's more like
15 wounds here.

Do we know who did this to her?

I don't know.
Everybody likes her.

Lost the pulse.

Ten blade.

Okay, rib spreader.

Get ready for suction.

There's a defect
in the left ventricle.

Get a finger
on that.

Starting internal compressions.

I have a few minutes.

Do you want me
to make a call?

2.0 silk
on an atraumatic needle.

See if they can change
the time.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

It's better if
you wait outside.

I'm okay.
Prep internal paddles.

We're losing
this one, too.

Grab a set of vitals.

Get another gurney.

She may have hit her head.

You did a nice job
on your neck.

I was in a rush.

Your mom called.


At 4:00 a.m.

She still hasn't
figured out

the time difference.

I'm so sorry.


Two more sutures,
and we'll defibrillate.

Call the O.R.

Have them standing by.

Decisions, huh?

At the end of the day

I think the Cheetos are
just as good as Doritos.

Just going to get a soda.

Ah, Martin.

You were supposed
to stay over there.

Is this your guy?

Oh, sort of.

What's the deal?

He can't speak.

Is that an emergency?

Well, there's something
not quite right about him.

Hey, I'm Dr. Carter,

How you doing?

What, is he deaf, too?


Can you turn around?

Are you hurt?

Are you in pain?

Mm-hmm. Well, I don't think
he likes you much.

( pops soda can )

Do you think
you could write down

what's wrong?

Is it your head,
chest, stomach...?

Oh. Told you.

He's probably just hungry.

Well, when was
the last time you ate?

Two days? Huh!

Two days.

Yeah, I got that.

15 knife wounds.

She must have really
pissed someone off.

It's horrible.

Bovie, pickups.

Let me get
something straight.

Someone chops this girl up
like a glove of garlic

and you take
your sweet time in the E.R.

placing three horizontal
mattresses in the ventricle?

It was a large defect.

Uh-huh. A Foley balloon
would have taken care of it

in two seconds.

You still would have had
to repair

the myocardium up here.

Exactly. While you
were having your
little sewing bee

I could have
been repairing
the pulmonary artery.

I didn't appreciate
that wound.

and more prolene.

So what's your excuse?

You lose a fortune
in the stock market?


Cat run away?

How many units in?

Just the six O-neg.

You and the hubby
still fighting?


So, the rumor mill
is still churning out winners.

I'm glad the gossip's
so amusing.


So, is this split temporary
or the real thing?

I don't know.

You want my advice?

No. Another clip.

Stay away from love.

It does things to the brain.

( alarm beeping )


Oh, damn it.

A hundred of lidocaine.

Come on, Diana.

So, it's her nerves, right?

Nothing a Xanax won't cure?

Actually, your
are very high.

What's that mean?

You have
pretty extensive

liver damage.

I don't drink at all.



Have you had anything

out of the ordinary to eat

the last few days?

We had seared Ahi
last night.

A pear salad.


You ate our

I threw some in my
omelet yesterday.

You weren't up yet.

Where did you get them from?

We picked them in Marin
a few months ago.

I froze them.

Oh. If they were
bad mushrooms

you could have
amanita poisoning.

And that causes
liver damage?

Extreme cases can result
in full liver failure.

What do you do
for that?

We don't want to get
ahead of ourselves

but worst case scenario,
you'd need a transplant.

But I don't even feel
that sick.

It may not come to that.

Do you have
any relatives

we can test to see
if they're a match?

Do we know her name?

Cops are
working on it.

Why didn't they tube her?

Big anterior

at the base
of the neck--

didn't want to
take the chance.

Female in her 20s
found stabbed at Hamden College.

That's the second one today.

Found a knife
at the scene.

B.P. 110/70.

s*ab wounds to the neck

and two deep ones
by the sternum.

Was she
in the dorm, too?

Science building.

Police are searching
the university.

Great. k*lling spree
on campus.

Remind me not to
hang out there.

Open a crike tray.

We might need to cut
through this hematoma.

Draw up 20 of etomidate
and 120 of sux

and I need a 7.5 tube.

Dr. Weaver, a wall collapsed
at the school fire.

What can we take?

Three criticals,
four minors.

Okay, call Respiratory
and E.N.T.

Hang on, she's trying
to say something.

Honey, can you
tell us your name?

Okay, suction ready.

Hold cricoid while we bag.

Pulse ox is
coming up, 96%.

Probable mediastinal injury.

We'll have
to triple scope her.

Oh, great.

Friend of yours?

Could someone take him
to Curtain One?

600 of Clinda,
200 of gentamicin.

Meds are in.

We should tube
her, Kerry.

Wait... what is it?

( whispering ):
I loved her.

( woman choking )

Hey, where's
my doctor?

Oh, I don't know.

Well, can you
tell her that
I'm flying again?

This beats the patch

any day.

I thought women liked pirates.

Yeah. 400 years ago maybe.

( clears throat )

I was paged about
a possible liver

Oh, right.

Um, the sister's here.

I thought both of us could
talk to her.

Thanks, Susan.


What's in
New York?


They were charges
on our Visa bill
from New York.

Terry Welsh? Do you
know where she is?

Uh, yeah. Right down there
by Curtain Three.

$52 from Saks.

Uh, yeah, that's mine.
It was a phone order.

Something you couldn't find
in Chicago?


Yeah. Hi, sorry.

I just got out
of practice.

That's okay.
I'm Dr. Greene.

This is Dr. Corday.

Thanks for
coming in.

Um, Paul said it was serious.

Yeah, serious enough
that we should line up a donor.


Hi, Ter.


Your sister's doing
okay now

but we'd like
to take the first step

and get blood drawn

and have you sign
the consent form.

Uh, consent for what?

You didn't
fill her in?

I thought
Joanne should.

I might need
a new liver.


And my best shot
for a match is

someone in the family.

She's stage three right now

which means she's still

well enough to accept
a living donor transplant.

Uh, wait a second.

We'd like
to test you to see

if you're a match.

I have the Sweet
16 this weekend.


We beat Indiana on Thursday.

The game you
didn't watch.

You play in a lot of games.

These are the play-offs,

There's not a
lot of time.


Sooner is definitely better.

It's just part of your liver.

It grows back.

You donate the right lobe,
about 60%.



Let me think.

What's to think about?

No. You're right.

Uh, we don't even know
if she's a match yet.


You should be
lying down.

What's Renee
doing here?

You know this girl?

Renee Carlson.

She's Diana's roommate.

Uh, she was badly injured.

Was she stabbed
like Diana?

Are Renee and Diana close?


She's quiet.

Kind of weird.

Diana's moving out

in a few weeks
to come live with us.

Where is Diana?

Is she okay?

Oh, my God.

She's not dead?

I'm sorry.

I called your house today,

I know you can speak

because I heard your voice
on the answering machine.

Why aren't you talking to me?


I don't know
what you're trying to tell me.

Why don't you just say it?


Okay, stop playing games.

Tell me what's wrong.

Look, we'll try

supportive therapy,
but with fulminant liver failure

there are no guarantees

and she has already
started bleeding in her stomach.

I'm a match,
aren't I?

Or you wouldn't be
out here explaining
this if I weren't.

A transplant would be totally
curative for her.

But there'd still be
a risk for me, right?

It would be minimal,
and someone as young and healthy

as you should recover

In three days?

More like six weeks.

I'm a senior.

This is my first
and last time in
the play-offs.

Can't she wait
a month?

She's already having

Pretend she didn't
have a sister.

What would you do?

Well, we'd be forced

to put her on a waiting list
for a cadaveric donor.

So there are other ways
she could get a liver.

Terry, this is her best chance.

And obviously,
it's your choice, but, uh

I'm sure she'd do
the same thing for you.


She wouldn't.

( tires screeching )

Oh, my God.

Run inside. Tell them we need
a collar and backboard now.

I got hot water
all over me.

Charlie, does
your neck hurt?
Everything hurts.

I need help here.

Somebody, please!

You need help driving!

What happened?
Mark, the boy.

Okay, Charlie

stay still like a statue.

We're going
to move you.

Hey, give me that one.

Go get another
backboard for Charlie.

He's not breathing.

Lie him
down here.

He's been unconscious
about 20 minutes.

And why is he wet?

He was taking a bath.
We stepped away for a minute.

He was under water.

For how long?

Two minutes at the most.

He needs a pulse ox.

How old is he?

He's eight.

His name's Viktor.

He's not moving much air.

How could we let this happen?

He'll be
okay, Linda.

Who's Mom?

I am.
I'm his doctor.

They called you first?

Pulse ox 85

on 15 liters.

Did you try to
resuscitate him
on the way over?


Take vitals?

We thought it best
to just come over.

First day labs

EKG, and a
portable chest.

Follow the light,

We need to see
your pupils.

My pupils aren't my problem.

Titrate ten of morphine.

Get him feeling better.

Now you're talking.

Circumferential burns
to both hands

just to the elbows.

Trying to clear the neck.

Trauma panel,
dip a urine.

Get the sonosite.

Dr. Corday?


Go ahead.

Let's get a full scan

just to be safe.

Head, c-spine.

Bag him.

Draw up atropine,
etomidate and sux.

Linda, Kyle, I'm going to
recommend you step outside.

Orange zone
on the Broselow.

We want to stay
with him.

Not now.

I'm not leaving my son.

He's not getting
enough air.

Six-oh cuffed E.T. tube.

He's going to
be okay, right?

Are you a medical doctor?


Satting at 91.

Try a nasal trumpet.

( phone rings )

Felicia Kind.

Number three
straight blade.

Okay, sit down.

Deep breath.

You need to take that outside.

I should have called first.

Oh, no, no.
I'm glad you came over.

We were on
our way home

from baby gym class,
and she just... said it.

Who's that?
Who's that?

That's Dada.


That's right.

That's Dada.

Why were three adults giving
an eight-year-old a bath?

It was a
bonding game.

Recreating the womb.

I'm in.

It was only
for short periods.

Apparently, not
short enough.

Mark, you should get out there.

Is something wrong?

Uh, no. Ella has something
to tell you.

Okay, tidal volume 300,
AC 14 on 100%.

Get a blood gas in 20 minutes.

I'll be right outside.

Hey, you deserted me.

I did nothing of
the sort, Charlie.

You're in
good hands.

She never buys from me.

Yeah, you're overpriced.

Dr. Weaver,
Renee Carlson's mom is here.

Is there anything
on the firefighters?

Not that I know.

Let's repeat
the hematocrit

in one hour, and send the O-neg
back to the blood bank.

Mrs. Carlson?

I'm Dr. Weaver.

I'm treating Renee.


They called me at work.

They told me
she got hurt at school.

I thought she twisted an ankle
or something.

Your daughter has multiple
knife wounds

including a deep cut
across her throat.

You saved her?

We were able
to repair the wounds

and she's stable

but we had to put a tube
down her throat

to help her breathe.

When will she wake up?

It's hard to say.

We'll just have to wait.

She hasn't been in the hospital
since she was born.

We'll need to
get her up to the
Intensive Care Unit.

The police said her friend
Diana was att*cked, too?


Is she okay?

Diana's injuries were
much more extensive.

We were unable to save her.

( groans )

Has Renee been having
any problems at school?


Ha-Has she been depressed
or-or showing any signs of...?

No. Why are you asking this?

We're just trying to understand
what happened.

Someone att*cked my daughter,
and her friend.

That's what happened.

Why is everyone asking

all these questions?

Renee didn't.

So, what?

My daughter didn't hurt
her friend...

and she certainly did not
do this...

to herself.

There must be a maniac

out there.

I'm sure Renee will tell us
what happened

as soon as
she wakes up.

( sniffling )

( whispering ):
That's right.

She'll tell you.

She and Diana were
best friends.

Viktor's stable.

He's breathing
with the help of a machine.

Will he wake up?

We hope we see some progress
in the next 24 hours.

Social worker's on her way down
to talk to you.

Why do we need
a social worker?

Wait, Doc.

Let me explain.

I got the gist of it.

We-We adopted Viktor
in Prague last year.

We were thrilled,
but he hasn't
connected with us.

Well, love and time--
that usually does the trick.

Well, it was putting a strain
on our marriage.

That's why Felicia's
helping us.

You put your son
in a lot of danger.

If he needs counseling

or you do, go
to a real doctor.

Her success rate is 85%.

Excuse me.

What, no geese?

I swear a flock of ducks
just walked down the hall.

He's seeing birds.

Please, Stan.

You told me you saw 50
butterflies earlier.

Pink elephants?

They weren't pink.

They were psychedelic

and pretty
as Natalie Wood.

Jerry, have you seen Dr. Greene?

Yeah. He checked
out for an hour.

Where to?

Don't know,
but Dr. Lewis is
covering for him.

* I feel pretty,
oh so pretty *

Oh, where are you going
with that?

I have a five-day-old
with Listeria.

Where are the eggs?

What eggs?

I need a favor.

Uh, yeah, sure.

Can you
take this to
Exam Four?

Uh, this is a bit
awkward, but, um

I need to know
where my husband is.

I don't know.

You're covering
his patients.

Well, yeah, but...
Please tell me.

Uh, I'm sorry.

Look, I know
there's something going on.

I know he's told you.

I don't think I deserve
to be in the dark.

He is my husband.
You need to talk to him.



Elizabeth, think about it.

What would be going
on that he wouldn't
want to tell you?

That he'd try
to protect you from?

Um, excuse me.

I'm looking for my husband.

Mark Greene.

He just started his treatment.

Can you take me to him, please?


I just pre-medicated
with the anti-emetic--


The decadron runs in
over 15 minutes

as an IV piggy-back.

Once that's in, I'll be back
to inject the vincristine.

He's also getting procarbazine
and CCNU.

Right through there.

Were you knocked out?

No, but I was
pinned pretty good.

All right,
full trauma panel.

C-spine, chest
and pelvis.

The school fire?

It's a bad one.

Contusions and abrasions
to mid-thigh.

Can you wiggle your toes
for me?

Good breath sounds.

Follow my finger.

Did you get
everyone out?

One kid unaccounted for.

( grunting ):
We were looking for him

when the floor above us

Who's we?
About six of us.

Pedal pulses, two
plus, bilaterally.

They vented the roof

and half the main
wall fell in.

You get all your guys
out safe?

Still looking for three
when I left.

Hanson, Jeffries
and Lopez.

Sandy Lopez?

She was the first one in.

What about gamma radiation?

Didn't work.

The tumor's still growing.

should we call Dr. Burke?

Maybe he...
I saw him.

In New York.

How much time?

If this works...

ten months.

Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know. Uh...

I guess it was bad timing.

I could have helped.


Look, you shouldn't be alone
right now.

This doesn't
change anything.

Yes, it does.
It changes everything.

I don't expect you to come back
and be my wife

just because
this happened.

Let me know if Perotti
goes to the O.R.

I'm pretty sure it's an appy.

What, you're going back to work?

I-I don't know what else to do.

I've debrided the forearms.

She going to need
some Thermazene
and some burn-net

and I promised
her three stickers.

Mermaids or horses?

Three liters of Ringer's
so far

and 20 of Morphine.
You got it.

He's going
to the burn unit?

Yeah, third one today.

He's getting
the last bed.

Urine output
was 250cc's in
the last hour.

There's your new

Oh, poor guy.

He's a little
on the simple side.

You think?

Martin, did you talk to the lady
from Psych?

Oh, that doesn't mean
anything to me.

Okay, a scarf doesn't mean
much either.

I don't get it, okay?


Did someone knit you the set?

Something happened
to that person?

Oh, um...

Two days ago.

When you stopped talking.

Danny Barnett.

He was found on
the scene at the fire.

No obvious burns
or injuries.

People were very worried
about you, Danny.

Where were you?


How are his sats?

99 on room air.

Did you breath in any smoke,

No. I told the fire
lady I'm not hurt.

She still made me come.

Is-Is fire lady
here with you now?

She rode in the
ambulance with me.

Maybe they
took her home.

And was she hurt?

Don't think so.

She was telling me jokes.

Okay. I'll be right back,
Danny, okay?

Jerry, call the 38.

Verify that
all their firefighters

are accounted for.

They're probably still busy
with the fire.

Just do it.

You need to start wearing shoes,
okay, Gilmir?

Where's Dr. Greene?

He'll be back in a bit.

You know where he went?

What do you need?

I've got
a complex laceration

through the helix
of the ear.

He was going to
walk me through it.

I'll do it.
Where's the patient?

Yeah? Suture Room.

What's that?

It's a lighter.

Scoped it out
of some kid's belly.

What are you going
to do with it?

Keep it.


Behold, Dr. Carter's
box of wonders.

You've scoped all that stuff out
of patients?

I like to think of it

as gastrointestinal

is that my good pen?

It still works.
I can't believe

you pulled this
out of someone's stomach.

Other end.
Keep it.


You didn't sign it.

I know.

where are you going?

Back to practice.

What about Joanne?

Joanne's never had time
for anyone but Joanne.

Look, even if that's
true, that's still no
reason not to help her.

We're not close.

She's still your sister.

I know I should be
a bigger person

but I've trained for this
my whole life

and I'm not willing
to sacrifice that.

If that makes me a selfish,
terrible person, I'm sorry.

Maybe I'll help Joanne
afterwards, but not right now.

( crying )

( crying continues )

Ah, hiding out, are you?

Do me a favor,
just go down there

when those idiots
page you.

They're like crazed cyborgs
paging every five minutes

until they somehow manage
to find your fearless leader

and suck us all
into their universe.

( sniffling )

Oh-oh, what happened?

Prince Harry
in rehab again?

( laughing shakily )

Mark's tumor's back.

Has it invaded Broca's?

It's encroaching
the motor cortex.

I'm sorry.

It was always
a possibility.

He's known about it
for weeks.

He just didn't tell me.


( sighs )

...maybe he
was protecting you.

( sniffling )

There's so much
we haven't worked out.

Oh, I...

I don't think I can
go through this again.

I'm sick and tired
of being the strong one.

You know, we...
we've broken up.

We've grown apart.

He doesn't even expect
me to be there, anyway.

I mean, what am
I supposed to do?

Am I supposed to just go
back home to watch him die?


Well, I don't think I can.

Is he your husband?


Do you love him?


The police found his mom
on the bathroom floor.

They think it was
a heart attack.

Does he live with her?

Yeah. I think it's a
conversion disorder

brought on by the
psychological stress
of finding her dead.

Well, does he have
any other family?

Yeah, there's a sister
coming in from Louisville

and Psych said they'd
hold him until then.

Well, I'm going
to go visit him.


Uh, Viktor Evans'

Trauma One.

How much

do you charge
for therapy?

Uh, went a little
too far this time.

Too far?

You deprived that
boy's brain of oxygen.

He'll pull through.

How would you know?

I have a feeling.

A feeling?

If you call yourself
a doctor

you should be able
to back it up.

Before I started
working with Viktor

he could
barely crack a smile

let alone acknowledge
his adoptive parents.

Now, he's calling them
"mommy" and "daddy."

Dr. Greene

he's having
purposeful movements.

Don't worry, honey,
mommy's here.

Is he okay?

Viktor, can you hear me?

Try and grab my fingers.

Good grip strength bilaterally.

Looks like we're
in the clear.

Check the weaning

Viktor, you have

a tube in your throat,
so you can't talk.

Welcome back,

We'll take it out
as soon as we can.


This may have been
a breakthrough day.

You think?


He's engaging
with you.

You're kidding, right?

We have other methods
we can try.

Not if you intend
on keeping Viktor.

What you did today was
abusive, not loving.

Radical problems
require radical therapies.

Why don't you tell that
to Child Protective Services?

They'll be making
a home visit.

You okay
Dr. Greene?

Uh... I-I got to go.

( Stan humming "I Feel Pretty" )

What's Stan still
doing here?

I told him he could
sleep it off here

if he sang quietly.

At least it's not
Oklahoma tonight.

Thank God for
small favors.

And he's off
the birds.

Can you call for Stewart's
pelvic CT results?

Check a second
troponin on Lang.

Oh, wait.

Mark, you haven't
written up your H and Ps.

I'll do that on next shift.

Yeah, well,
this shift isn't over.

I just had my first round
of chemotherapy, Kerry.

I feel like hell.

I'm going
to go home early, okay?


What's the expression--
"couch tomato"?


And I'm at
the table.

I should buy
a new comforter.

Don't do it on my account.

A girl named Michele
called for you.

Oh, I forgot.

You're taking her
to the Ice Capades?

What's wrong with that?

( chuckles ):

I tried to explain
to her that I was

just your roommate.

I'm not sure if
I like her, anyway.

Is this the last one?

No, there's
a couple more in there.

Any luck?

Um... yes, here's one.

Two bedroom, one bath,
hardwood floors

breakfast nook.

Sounds big.

Has a doorman.


And a lake view.

Ooh, how much?

Well, this one's only
twice what I can afford.

I'm going to jump in the shower.

Yeah, you don't want to keep
Tai and Randy waiting.

( laughs mockingly )

( chuckles )

This latte blows.

Weaver said that
Charlie won't be

on his feet again
till next week.

Well, then
I'm in trouble

because this cafeteria
stuff is criminal.

I heard about Mark Greene.

Tough to keep
a secret around here.

You did.

So that night,
you were, uh...

( sighs )

What can I say?

I'm passionate.

You spent the night
together and I thought...

You have a very active

If you only knew.

You are not
flirting with me.

No way.

Never make
that mistake again.

Back in uniform.

Isn't your head cold?

Ah, nah, I've
got thick hair.

What are
you hiding?


What are
you hiding?

What have you got there,

What have you
got in there?

Hey, come on,

look at that.


Can I hold one?


Oh, they're
so cute.





Out barhopping?

I was just...


Looking for you.

And you
only found my car.

It was great what you did

for that kid today.

Part of the job,
you know.

The good part, when
the fire doesn't get you.

Do you want to...
do you want to talk about it?

No, I'm back at 7:00.

Hey, you know what...

you, uh, no...

you can't drive.

Kerry, come on.

You were missing

and I was worried.

I'm touched.

You were right.

You did do me a favor.

Come to think of it,
it was a pretty cool save.

Fire went to three alarms.

I couldn't see my hand
in front of my...



Where's your dad?


He didn't feel well.

Would you like to take Ella?


There's Rach.


Thank you.

He's sick again,
isn't he?

( Greene retching and coughing )

( retching and coughing
continuing )

How long have you
been like this?

( sighs )


Don't they say
if it makes you sick

it's working?

It's cold comfort

when you're lying
on the bathroom floor.

You want some Compazine?

I took some an hour ago.


Let me put this
on your forehead.

( shudders )

You know, I tried for weeks

to get her to say
"mama" and "moon."

They always say "dada" first.

That's just because
it's easy to say.

Maybe she likes me.

She's a good
judge of character.

( coughs )


I'm going to go out
and get some Zofran.

No, no, no, no,
no, stay, stay.

It'll pass.

( coughing )
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