06x27 - The Recardos Dedicate A Statue

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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06x27 - The Recardos Dedicate A Statue

Post by bunniefuu »

(light-hearted music playing)

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)

(theme song ending)

(clicks knob)



(snoring over intercom)




Fred, wake up!

(screaming): Fred!

(snoring stops suddenly)

FRED: What is it, Ethel?

Fred, this is Lucy on the intercom.

Oh, oh.

Is Ethel there?


Well, where is she?

How should I know?

Well, she's your wife.

Well, did you wake me up just to rub
it in?


Listen, Ethel was supposed to be here
an hour ago.

I don't know how I'm gonna do all the
things I have to do

for the Yankee Doodle Day celebration

if Ethel isn't gonna cooperate with


Listen, Fred, did you try on your
costume yet?

Fred, did you try on your costume




Committee member Mertz reporting.

(sighs heavily)

Ethel, where have you been?

I've got a million things to check
with you.

Let me see that poster.

"Yankee Doodle Day Celebration."

I thought it was supposed to say

"Lucy Ricardo, chairman

of the Yankee Doodle Day

Well, thanks for the billing.

Did you put these posters up all over


Did you nail them

to the telephone poles like I asked
you to?

All right, now. Let's see.

Did you call all the members of my

and ask them to be here for luncheon

Yep, I did.

All of them?

Yep, all of them.

Did you check the man who's writing

a special song about the Battle of

Yep. I did that.

Did you talk to Mr. Silvestri the

make sure the statue will be ready

the day after tomorrow?

Yeah. Uh-huh.

Day after tomorrow.

Yep, yep, yep.

Did you rent the trailer to carry it

Yep, yep.

Good. Oh, boy!

I'm never gonna be chairman of
another committee.

It's too much work.

For who?

For me.

For you?!

Who do you think's been doing all the

How about... Ouch!

Listen, Ethel, I just mean

that I have all the responsibility.

I'm the one that has to sit home and

about whether you're getting all the
work done or not.

Well, now, I'll just make you a deal.

Next year, I'll sit home and worry,

and you go out and nail your thumb to
a telephone pole.

Oh, Ethel. Listen.

We are commemorating a battle of the
Revolutionary w*r.

Now, let's not start one of our own.

Well, all right.

Did you and Fred try on your costumes

How were they?

Oh, mine's just fine.

Fred's grumbling about his as usual.

He's gonna wear it, isn't he?

Yeah, I think he is.

When I left this morning,

he was standing in front of a mirror,

trying on his powdered wig.

It was a proud sight.

It's the first time in 20 years

Fred's been able to brush his hair.


Well, I got Ricky to read the speech
at the unveiling.

You did?

Did you have much of a struggle?

No. He agreed to it right away.

You mean you didn't have to trick him
or anything?


My, he's getting agreeable these

I know. Things are working out

Ricky's getting mellow just as I'm
running out of tricks.

RICKY: Lucy!


Look at this!

What is it?

Fred! He chewed up my slippers!

Fred wouldn't do a thing like that.

Oh, he means the dog Fred.


I knew we made a mistake

letting Little Ricky name that dog

We made a mistake letting Little

get the dog in the first place.

Where is that four-legged beast?

Oh, I don't know. He's up with Little
Ricky, I guess.

Well, where is Ricky?
He's not in his room.

Well, he must be up there someplace.


Is Fred up there with you?

No, Mommy.

LUCY: What is that you have on your

I'm a clown.


He's a clown.

March yourself right down here, young

RICKY: He must have gotten into my
makeup kit.

Yeah. Ricky, you shouldn't put stuff
like that

all over your face, honey.

Daddy was a clown this morning.

Yeah, I know I was a clown this

but that's because I'm doing a circus
number at the club.

I wanted to show Mommy how I was
gonna look.

Well, from now on,

you'd better not bring home your

I know what that is.

You do?

Uh-huh. It's spelling.

It's spelling. Yeah.

Well, now, you go on upstairs

and take all that stuff off your

and don't you ever get in Daddy's
makeup kit again.

Okay, Mommy.
Go on now.

Where's Fred?

In the den, Daddy, sleeping in your

In the den, sleeping in my chair.

You know, that dog uses my favorite
chair more than I do.

Well, he likes to be comfortable like
anyone else.

Well, then why doesn't he go out and
buy his own izzy share?

He's not gonna hurt your old "izzy

Besides, there's a brand-new doghouse
in the backyard,

and you were supposed to keep him

He doesn't like it out there.

Why not?
I don't know.

Why don't you ask him?

Mira, que tiene cosa...

el perro este no le gusta la casa de

And stop jabbering at me in a foreign

I got enough trouble without you
being cranky.

I am not cranky!

The dog sits in my favorite chair all
the time.

He doesn't like the doghouse that I
bought him.

He chews up all my slippers.

Ever since we got that animal,

he's leading my life

and I'm leading the dog's life.

I'm sorry you have to hear all this
arguing, Ethel.

Oh, that's all right.

Makes me feel right at home.

I thought you were taking him to
obedience school.

I have been.

Well, then, how come

that he hasn't learned how to

Well, I don't know.
Maybe it's because

I haven't been helping him with his

Well, you'd better help him with his

or I'm going to take him right back
to the pound

that's where we got him.

Oh, honey, now you don't mean that.

Anyway, he's graduating from
obedience school tomorrow,

and I'm sure he's gonna come through
with flying colors.

Now, listen.

Did you try your costume on yet?

Oh, that's another thing.

I'll make the speech,

but I'm not gonna wear that

Yankee Doodle dandy outfit that you
got me. No.

Oh, honey, you look so wonderful

in a Revolutionary w*r uniform.

Oh, sure, yeah.

Yeah, those knee breeches will give
you a chance

to show off your good-looking legs.

I am not going to be seen

in those silly early-American

It's knickers.

That's what I said-- snickers.

Well, now, look.
you're making a mistake.

I'll leave it to you, Ethel.

Doesn't he have good-looking legs?


Come on, now, will you?
Cut it out.

Well, everybody else is wearing a

Yeah, Rick.
Even Fred.

Yeah? What's he wearing?

Oh, he's got a wonderful one.

He's gonna be the town crier.

He's gonna go through the town
ringing a bell,

announcing all the ceremonies.

This I got to see.

Well, will you wear it or not?

All right, all right.

I'll go learn my speech.

Okay, he will.
Oh, honestly.

They give you a fight, don't they?

What you have to go through...

Boy, oh, boy.

...to get him into costume for a
thing like this.

(bell ringing)
Hear ye!

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Oh, Fred, you look wonderful!

(bell ringing)
Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!

Get yourself another town crier!

What are you talking about?

I refuse to do this fool thing.

Well, why, Fred?

Well, first of all, this ding-dang
wig is too hot!

How do people stand it when they have

Listen, Fred.
Maybe you can do it

without the wig, huh?

That's not all.

These things are k*lling my feet.

If their shoes pinched like these,

no wonder the town criers cried.

Fred, we can get you some bigger

Oh, sure, Fred. You gotta do

to celebrate Yankee Doodle Day.

Well, I can always stick a feather in
my hat

and call it macaroni.

Oh, now, Fred.


Come on, now.

Say you'll be the town crier.

No, sir. I wouldn't go yelling
through town in this outfit

if the British were to come back

Oh, Fred!

I'll get him to do it.

Don't worry about it.

I'll get him to do it.

ETHEL: Now, listen, Fred...

RICKY: Fred! Fred! Fred!

Fred! Fred!

Where did he go?

What did he do?

He chewed up my whole speech.

Oh. Well, now, honey, don't, don't,
don't be mad at him.

He won't do these things

once he's graduated from obedience

If you ask me, we should have sent
him to reform school.


"Fellow citizens of Westport,

"we're gathered here on Yankee Doodle

to commemorate, to unveil and
dedicate a statue."

"The statue will commemorate the
great bravery and daring courage

"of the patriots of this community

"during the Battle of Campo in 17...


"I hereby dedicate this statue to the

"of these brave men,

"many of whom are still living...

Hi, dear.

in this..." Oh, hi.

Congratulations are in order.
Fred graduated!

Well! Congratulations, old man!

What's that?

That's his diploma.

Well, we'll frame it up

and put it in his doghouse.

Did he really learn something?

Well, I told you he graduated.

Well, good for you, because I'm
running out of slippers.

Hey, who set the table for my

Oh, Ethel did.

And there's a beautiful plate

of cold cuts back in the kitchen.

Oh, good.
They're delicious.

What are you doing?

These cold cuts are for my committee

Well, what is the principal speaker

supposed to eat for lunch?

I'll fix you

a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Thanks a lot.

Well, Fred, now let's see if you
really graduated.

I want you to take this diploma,

take it over to Little Ricky upstairs
and show it to him.

Then after you do that,

I want you to the diploma over to the
guest house

and show it to Aunt Ethel and Uncle

Oh, for heaven's sake, Ricky.

He can't do all that.

Well, you just told me

he graduated from obedience school.

Well, he learned obedience,

but he's not ready for The Ed
Sullivan Show.

What can he do?

He can do lots of things.

He can sit up, he can speak, he can
roll over.

I'll show you later.

Well, show me now.

No. I haven't got time now, honey.

I gotta get this luncheon going.

Listen. I paid 30 bucks

for this character to go to that

I want to see what he learned.

I don't want to show you right now.

I will show you later.

Apparently, the wrong one went to
obedience school.

Oh, all right.

Show what you learned to Senor Simon

Leash. Come on, now, Fred.

All righty, boy.

Show Daddy what we learned here, huh?

Oh, boy, he graduated top honors,

too, boy.
All right, now.

Sit up, honey.

Sit up, Fred.

Fred, sit up.

Come on, Fred, sit up.

Aw, come on, Fred.
You know how to sit up.

Now, you're not paying attention.
Come on, now.

Sit up.
Here we go.

Up we go.

Up, up, up, up, Fred. Up!

Show Daddy how you can sit up.

Come on here. Fred, up.

You know how to sit up.

You know how to sit up.
Come on, honey.

Never mind the lovemaking.

Just come on, now. Sit up.

I want you to sit up.

Now, pay attention. Up, boy.


Aw, come on, now.
You know how to it.

Look. Like this. See? Like this.

I guess he just doesn't feel like
sitting up right now.

No, I guess not.

Well, actually, sitting up wasn't his
best subject.


No. Let's try speaking.

Here we go now.

All right, Fred, pay attention now.

All right, speak!

Speak, boy!

Speak! Fred?

Speak, speak, speak!

Come on, say something.

Talk up a storm, boy!

Come on. Say something.

Speak, Fred!

Come on, say something for me.

Just a couple of words, huh?

Oh, now, Fred, stop.

Come on. Speak.


I guess he didn't head his class in
speaking either.

Well, actually, he isn't supposed to

unless he wants something, you know,
like his dinner.

Oh. Oh, I see.

He's a before-dinner speaker.

Yeah, well.

Here's something he does very well.

Now, watch.

Okay, Fred.

Now, roll over and play dead!

Come on, Fred.

Come on now, roll over and play dead.

Come on. Roll over and play dead,

Come on. Down you go.
Play dead.


Come on now, roll over and play dead,

Fred, pay attention to me.

Look. Look, Fred. Fred...

Like this.

Are you sure they didn't give him the

just to get rid of him?

Well, I don't understand it.

He did everything beautifully for the
instructor at school.

Look, I'm gonna give you one more
chance here.

Now, you stand up there.

Now, Fred, pay attention!

Go get it, boy!

Fred, go get it.

Fred! Go get it!

Fetch the paper, Frederick.

Can't you do just one trick, for me,
Fred? Come on.

Fred, look.

Nice Lucy.

Nice Lucy.

Here. You deserve this more than he

Well, he just must be exhausted

for cramming for all of his exams,
that's all.

He needs a vacation.

Good. Then he can go out in the

and then he can take his vacation.

He doesn't like it out there.

Well, that's too bad.

But if he's not smart enough to
learn, how...

Shh! Don't talk like that in front of

You'll hurt his feelings.

Come on, Fred.



Oh, Fred!

You big bully.

Now, what were you saying?

I was saying that if he's not smart
enough to mind,

he can stay in the doghouse.

You're mean!

Since when is mean for a dog

to stay in his doghouse?

When the dog doesn't like the

he's not happy out there.

Why shouldn't he be happy out there?

It's a beautiful doghouse.

It's very roomy.

It's brand-new.

It doesn't have a mortgage.

And he doesn't have a wife to nag

Oh, there's no talking to you.

I have things to do.

We'll discuss this later.

Fellow citizens of Westport,

we are gathered here on Yankee

LUCY: Oh, no!

Oh, you naughty dog!

What's the matter?

He licked half of the cold cuts on
that platter!

Where are you going?

I'm going to put him out

in the doghouse where he belongs!

...On Doodle Dandy Day to dedicate...

Ethel, wait till you see it.

Mr. Silvestri did a wonderful job.

Oh, I can hardly wait!

Oh, it's really...
It's just beautiful.

Are you ready?



Oh, it's pretty lifelike, isn't it?

Oh, I should say it is.

I thought I saw him squeeze the

Ha, ha!

Isn't it great?

It is just great!

When do you take it over to Jessup

Well, I'm going to get it there

just a few minutes before Ricky does
the unveiling.

That way nobody will be able to peek
at it

before the ceremony.

Where is Ricky?

He's over at the newspaper office.

They're taking some pictures

for the Yankee Doodle Day

LITTLE RICKY: Mommy! Mommy!


Fred ran away!

Fred ran away?

Which Fred?

My dog!

Oh, nuts.

Are you sure?

Are you sure he ran away?

His rope's chewed up,

and there's a hole in the fence.

Oh, dear. It's my fault for putting

out there in that doghouse.

Now, honey, he's around here

We'll find him.
Oh, dear.





What do you want?

Oh, not you.

We're calling the dog.

He ran away.

Oh, Mommy, where is he?

We'll find him, honey. I promise.

Don't worry, honey.

(Fred whistling)

(phone rings)

Lucy, your phone's ringing.


Your phone.
Your phone.

You keep looking.
We will, honey.

(ringing continues)




Oh, hello, Grace.


Yeah, we just found out a minute ago.

He did?

Which way did he go?

Oh. Okay. Yeah. Thanks, Grace.

Oh, dear!


Fred! Fred!

Can't you hear me?

Yeah, I can hear you.

Well, why didn't you answer?

I thought you were calling the dog.

Oh, for heaven's sakes.

Tell Ethel and Ricky to come in here
right away.



Come on.
Lucy wants you.

What's up?

Grace Munson just called and said

that she saw a dog that looked like

running up the road past her house.

Oh! That's almost a mile away from

Maybe it wasn't our Fred.

Well, we gotta track down every lead.

Now, listen, I'm gonna drive over to
the Munsons'.

You go out and get Bruce Ramsey,

Look all around the neighborhood.

Okay, Mommy.

You stay here in case there're

any more calls, will you, Ethel?

Oh, sure.

Lucy, you call us, now, if you find

Yeah, I will.
I'll look around here.

Maybe he's hiding inside.

I'll look in the kitchen.



I'm calling the dog.

Oh, for corn sakes.

I haven't been right once today.

Maybe it'd make things simpler

if you changed your name.

To what?



Very funny!

I'll go and look in the den.

I'll go upstairs and look, Fred.

(car driving off, engine revving)

(loud crash, glass shattering)

What was that?

Something sounded like a wreck out
there in back.

No, no. It was out here, Fred.

No, it was in back.

I know it was out there.

My ear tells me it's in the back.

It sounded just like it was out

It's out back!
Now go on!

Lucy, are you all right?

I'm all right, but look at him.

ETHEL: Oh, my goodness, honey.

What happened?

Oh, I jumped in the car

and forgot all about the trailer

and backed right into that elm tree.

Wouldn't you know it?

The poor guy got through the
Revolutionary w*r

without a scratch,

but five minutes with you and he's

Oh, be quiet, Fred.

Uh, Lucy, maybe we can glue it back

Glue what back together?

This is all that's left of him.

Oh, my goodness.

Well, you gotta do something.

You've got to fix it.

Oh, how can I fix it, for heaven's

Doesn't look very good.


The unveiling's in an hour.

What are you gonnna do?

Oh, dear, I don't know.

But while I'm thinking,

will you drive over to the Munsons',

find Little Ricky and go find the
dog, will you?



See you later, shorty.

Ethel, what am I gonna do?

They'll throw me out of the
Historical Society.

Oh, you'll be lucky

if they don't throw you out of town.

Oh, dear.

Hey, I'll call Mr. Silvestri

and see if he's got another one.

Another one?

They don't make statues in pairs like

Oh, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Mr. Silvestri?

This is Mrs. Ricardo.

Yeah. You know the statue you made
for us?

Well, by any chance, do you happen to
have a spare?

Oh, you don't, huh?

Well, could you make another one?

Oh, good!

How long will it take?

Two weeks!

Oh, dear.

Well, could you make it sooner?

Well, I was thinking in about an
hour, maybe?

Yeah, well, all right, all right, all
right, Mr. Silvestri.

Well, you start on it right now, huh?

Yeah. What?

Why do I want another one?

Why? Why?

Why, Ethel?

Why do we want two of them?

Uh... well...
Westport is growing

and it may become twin cities

like Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

Yeah, well, you know, Mr. Silvestri,

Westport is growing so, it just might
become twin cities

like Saint Appolis and Minnie Paul.

Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


Well, you just go ahead, Mr.

and we'll think up a reason later.

I mean, I'll tell you the reason
later. Yeah.

Oh, uh, Mr. Silvestri,

incidentally, is the, uh, the first
statue insured?

Oh! Oh, thank goodness!

Yeah, well, just start on the...

on the other one.

Thanks very much.

Oh! Thank goodness that's over.

Now all you have to do

is postpone the ceremonies for two


Postpone the...?

I can't postpone the ceremonies!

Everybody in town will be over there
in an hour.

Well, what are you gonna do?

I don't know. I forgot all about the

Oh, dear.

Oh, Ethel.

Hey, I got an idea.

No, maybe it's too wild.

If you've got an idea that you think
is too wild,

I don't want to hear it.

No, I think it will work.

Yeah, I think so.

(band playing "Yankee Doodle")

You know, we're going to have

ice cream and cake later.

Are you having a good time, honey?


Fred! Fred, you found Fred!

Oh, let him through here. Oh, Fred!

Yeah, I found him.
I found him all right.

Oh, bless his little heart.

Where was he?

Well, you will never believe it.

He was sitting on the steps

of the obedience school.

Oh, Fred.

Now, why do you suppose he went

Well, I guess he heard he had a bad

He was trying to sign up for summer

Oh, maybe.

Your mommy's here, honey.

You'll see her pretty soon.

And your daddy's getting ready to
make a speech.

Did you know that?


Fellow citizens of Westport,

we are gathered here on Yankee Doodle

to unveil and dedicate a statue--

a statue which commemorates

the great bravery and daring courage

of the patriots of this community

during the Battle of Campo in 1777.

So I hereby dedicate this statue to
these brave men and women,

and to their descendants,

many of whom are still living in this

And now, for the unveiling.


Here we go!



sh**t, if you must, this old redhead.

Un momento, un momento que ha pasado


Que ha pasado algo...

(crowd murmuring)


(band plays dramatic note to

ANNOUNCER: "I Love Lucy",

starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz,

was brought to you by new Lilt,

the only home permanent with
squeeze-bottle magic.

The fastest, easiest home permanent

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)
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