15x22 - The Invasion of Time - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x22 - The Invasion of Time - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 11 February 1978
Running time: 25:00

LEELA: Doctor! Doctor!

BORUSA: The Matrix rejects the candidate. Guards, seize him!

GOLD USHER: No! No one may lay hands on the President.

BORUSA: The Matrix has rejected him.

GOLD USHER: He is the Matrix now. It cannot reject him. Surgeon General.

LEELA: Will he be all right?

BORUSA: This is unheard of. For a candidate to be att*cked by the Matrix.

GOLD USHER: There's no longer a candidate. There's only the President. After his official induction, the Matrix can only be worn by the President. Therefore this is the President.

GOMER: If you continue to argue legal niceties, we may well have to go through this whole boring business in the very near future.

LEELA: Is he going to die?

GOMER: He has retreated.

LEELA: Never! The Doctor is no coward.

GOMER: A self-induced cataleptic. A simple defense reaction brought about by a sudden unexpected att*ck upon his consciousness.

BORUSA: There! Do you hear? An att*ck.

GOMER: Have the kindness to be quiet, Borusa. The President needs peace, rest and medical attention which I shall supervise myself.

BORUSA: Take him to the Chancellory.

GOMER: Indeed, that would be perfect.

GOMER: And Borusa, I suggest you cut off your communications, prohibit visitors and keep all your tedious bureaucratic problems to yourself.

BORUSA: Impertinent!

KELNER: He is young yet, Chancellor. Impetuous, I know, but I still believe his hearts are in the right places.

LEADER: Very close. He has little strength.

VARDAN: It will take a long time to replace him.

LEADER: Too long. Signal all commanders to increase speed and evaluate implementation Plan Three.

BORUSA: High Lords, we have taken the President to the Chancellory. Please remain calm. Bring the girl.


LEELA: I didn't hurt him. I saved him.

BORUSA: The enquiry can determine that. Bring her.


BORUSA: Well, Lord Gomer?

GOMER: He has suffered a severe sub-mental shock. I've given him a massive deranger dose, but even that will take hours to

GOMER: Incredible.

LEELA: Are you all right?

BORUSA: Quietly, now.

DOCTOR: Lord Chancellor, what happened?

BORUSA: Your alien friend almost k*lled you. She openly att*cked you.

LEELA: No, it was the crown! The crown almost k*lled him!

DOCTOR: What's she doing here?

LEELA: Well, you brought me.

DOCTOR: Impossible. No aliens are allowed in here. Get rid of her.

LEELA: Doctor, what's happened to you?

BORUSA: Put her out, Commander.

ANDRED: Where, sir?

DOCTOR: Outside the Citadel, of course.

ANDRED: In the outer world?

DOCTOR: Yes, expel her.

LEELA: No! I will not go!

BORUSA: Take her!

BORUSA: Stop her, before she does any more damage!

GUARD: Stop! Stop or I'll fire! Stop!

ANDRED: Where'd she go?

GUARD: She turned down there, sir.

ANDRED: Well get after her! (into comm.) Commander Andred. Sound the alarm and turn out the guard. Escaped alien prisoner, female, at large in the Citadel.

GUARD: Stop! Stop, alien!

DOCTOR: That's funny, I've got a ringing in my head.

BORUSA: That's the alarm system.

DOCTOR: Shush. I've got a ringing in my head. Listen. Can you hear?

ANDRED: I ordered them to sound the alarm. The girl got away.

KELNER: What is happening? Who ordered the? Oh, your Excellency, you are feeling better.


KELNER: I'm very pleased to see this.

DOCTOR: So am I.

KELNER: Where is the girl?

ANDRED: She escaped.

KELNER: Escaped?

BORUSA: The President ordered that she be expelled from the Citadel. She got away.

DOCTOR: She can be dangerous, Castellan.

KELNER: Very well, I will take charge of the operations myself.

ANDRED: I'm quite capable of catching her.

KELNER: I will see that she is driven out of the Citadel. Come.

DOCTOR: And switch that awful ringing off in my head!

DOCTOR: That's better.

BORUSA: What exactly are you playing at, Excellency?

DOCTOR: Playing at, Lord Chancellor?

BORUSA: You know very well what I mean.

DOCTOR: I'd like a little more respect from you, if you don't mind.

BORUSA: I thought that was a quality you didn't admire.

DOCTOR: Ah, that was before. I would have thought you, of all people, knew me better than that.

BORUSA: Well, you could never deceive me when you were my student at the Academy. You haven't changed, and neither have I. But this is rather more than a student prank, isn't it.

DOCTOR: Believe me, Lord Borusa, I've never been more serious in any of my lives. While Leela remains free in the Citadel, we are in danger.

BORUSA: Isn't that a little melodramatic, even for your vivid imagination?

DOCTOR: No! My ordeal at the induction has made me tired.

BORUSA: You can rest here. We can continue after you've had your rest, and the alien has been caught and expelled.

DOCTOR: Can't fool me, Borusa.

DOCTOR: Well done, Doctor.

ANDRED: Good men.

DOCTOR: Even the sonic screwdriver won't get me out of this one.

DOCTOR: I have a problem. There is absolutely no point in having another door in the room if you don't have another key, hmm? QED. What? Latin. QED, Latin. Now, a key can either be lost or stolen, hmm? Therefore, ergo, you are the key, Borusa. Hmm? Palm print? No, that's too simple. Retina pattern? No. You must admit, you do like the sound of your own voice.

DOCTOR: Open sesame. I command you to open. Please. Palm print, no. Retina pattern, no. Voice print? As Borusa always said, there's nothing more useless than a lock with a voiceprint.

DOCTOR: There's nothing more useless than a lock with a voiceprint.

ANDRED: Sir. We found the girl.

KELNER: Well, where is she?

ANDRED: She's with the President.

KELNER: With the P?

ANDRED: Line two, on your own mixer.

KELNER: Chancellor? Castellan Kelner here. Is the President, by any chance, still with you? Oh, no, no, no. Not to be disturbed, of course. Would you be kind enough to inform me when he wakes? Thank you so much. Don't just stand there, Commander, get out there.

ANDRED: Yes, sir.

DOCTOR: Bow to the Sash of Rassilon.

LEELA: I'm with him.

ANDRED: Didn't you see her?

GUARD: Well, she did come this way, sir.

ANDRED: Well? She's probably heading for the President's capsule. Come on.

LEELA: Doctor!

GUARD: It's locked, sir.

ANDRED: She must be in there. These old Type Forties had a complex trimonic locking device.

ANDRED (on screen): We need a set of cypher indent keys.

GUARD (on screen): Yes, sir.

DOCTOR: What do you think?

K9: Too many variables for accurate forecast, master.

DOCTOR: Really? What variables?

K9: Humanoid illogical procedure, master.

DOCTOR: Like me?

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: How am I?

K9: Cerebral circuits in order. Physiognomy dubious.

DOCTOR: Oh, I see.

K9: The risk you took would appear to have been justified.

DOCTOR: Good. Can we proceed then?

K9: Actions so far indicate a success probability along this path analysis, thirty nine point seven five.

DOCTOR: That bad, is it?

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: Listen, I've discovered the location of the security control room. It's directly beneath the Panopticon area, level three zero.

K9: Then success probability increases to forty eight point three five.

DOCTOR: Well, that's not bad.

K9: Advise against any plan incorporating success factor below six five.

DOCTOR: Suppose I throw a mirror cast?

K9: Master?

DOCTOR: Shadow shift. Create a false image to Space Traffic Control.

K9: Suggest you reflect the transmission

DOCTOR: Shush. Suppose I reflect a transmission beam off the security shield, feed it back through a link crystal bank and boost it through the transducer?

K9: Couldn't have put it better myself, master.

DOCTOR: I don't think you could. Ha!

K9: Agree. Possibility of your explanation being better than mine, less than one percent.

DOCTOR: What? You are the most insufferably arrogant, overbearing, patronising bean tin.

K9: Master?

DOCTOR: Nothing. Someone once said that to me, once.

K9: Correction, master. Several people have said that about you.

DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you very much.

K9: Thanks are not necessary.

DOCTOR: Well at least no one's ever called me smug!

K9: Correction.

DOCTOR: Listen. If you destroy the control centre after I feed in the Doppler effect and eliminate the red shift, the invasion must succeed, hmm?

K9: Probability of success would rise to ninety eight point two.

DOCTOR: Well, what's a couple of points between friends? Break the transduction field.

RODAN: Come in, whoever you are.

LEELA: Where are your guards?

RODAN: I don't need any.

LEELA: You don't need?

RODAN: There's a forcefield between you and me. Between me and everyone. Don't you know this is one of the highest security rated rooms in the Citadel?

LEELA: I did not know.

RODAN: You must be that alien everyone's looking for.

LEELA: I am Leela.

RODAN: I'm called Rodan. And please put that thing away, you could hurt yourself.

LEELA: The Doctor's always saying. (puts Kn*fe away) Why do you not tell them I am here?

RODAN: Why bother? That's their affair.

LEELA: That's whose affair?

RODAN: The guards and the Time Lords. All the boring people. Do you know, I've passed the Seventh Grade and I'm nothing more than a glorified traffic guard?

LEELA: Then you are a guard!

RODAN: Do stop cavorting about like that. It's really so undignified. (comm. beep) Not again. Excuse me. Space Traffic Control.

RODAN: Yes, I have them. Clearance is authorised.

LEELA: What was that?

RODAN: Probative space fleet. Neo-crystal structure, atomic power and weaponry, on its way to blast some part of the galaxy to dust, I suppose.

LEELA: Then you must stop them!

RODAN: But that would be against every law of Gallifrey. Oh no, I could never interfere, only observe.

LEELA: Supposing they att*cked you?

RODAN: Then they would be very stupid. Nothing can get past the transduction barrier.

DOCTOR: K9, destroy the transduction barriers.

K9: Master.

DOCTOR: Not yet. Can I have a few moments to get away, please?

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: And will you get off my foot, please?

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

ANDRED: Seems to be stuck in this ridiculous shape. I wonder what it was imitating when

BOTH: What are you doing here?

ANDRED: My Lord President!

DOCTOR: That's all right. I've come back for my jelly babies. I'd left my jelly babies in the TARDIS.

ANDRED: I beg your pardon?

DOCTOR: Jelly babies. Would you like one? They're a delicacy I discovered on Earth. Go on.

ANDRED: Ah, that's Sol Three in Mutter Spiral.

DOCTOR: That's right.

DOCTOR: What do you think?

ANDRED: Mmm, yes. Delicious.

DOCTOR: Good, good. Here, have the bag.

ANDRED: Oh, sir, I

DOCTOR: No, no, no, go on. I've got plenty more. I've got plenty more. Anyone who likes jelly babies can't be all bad, huh? (quietly) Don't mention this to the Chancellor. He doesn't approve of jelly babies. I think he's frivolous.

ANDRED: No, sir.

DOCTOR: Have you caught that girl yet?

ANDRED (on screen): No, sir. We thought she was in your capsule.

DOCTOR (on screen): There's no one in my capsule.

ANDRED (on screen): Well, she came this way.

DOCTOR (on screen): It is absolutely vital that girl is caught and put outside the Citadel. Absolutely vital.

ANDRED (on screen): Vital?

DOCTOR (on screen): Vital.

ANDRED (on screen): Right away, sir. Guards, follow me.

GUARD: Hello, Commander? I've got the keys.

BORUSA: Castellan.

KELNER: Is the President still resting in your room, Chancellor?

BORUSA: He is.

KELNER: And he's been there all the time in your room?

BORUSA: He has, and I've been here.

KELNER: I think you should rouse him now. I would very much like to speak with him.

BORUSA: Your Excellence. Your Excellence?


BORUSA: Castellan Kelner wishes to speak with you.

DOCTOR: Good. Bring him in.

KELNER: I trust that you feel better for your rest, sir?

DOCTOR: Mmm, thank you.

KELNER: I'm afraid I have to tell you that the girl has evaded her captors and is hiding somewhere in the Citadel.

DOCTOR: Castellan, how did that happen?

KELNER: Regrettable oversights on the part of one of my guards.

DOCTOR: Castellan! You are responsible for security. You see to it.

KELNER: Immediately, Eminence.

DOCTOR: Borusa! Call a meeting of the Council at once!

BORUSA: But Excellency

DOCTOR: At once! No excuses! Get out! Get out! Get out!

RODAN: I do find astrophysics a bore, I must say, but then one must fight them on their own terms, don't you think?

LEELA: Oh, one must, one must, yes.

RODAN: I knew I'd like you. Come in.

RODAN: It can't be! No creature would dare! (into comm.) Space Traffic Control. Code Beta Three. An alien spacecraft within two spans. Course zero to Gallifrey, immediate. Raise the transduction barrier to factor five. Red alert. I repeat, red alert.

RODAN: Then find him. I must speak to Lord Castellan.

RODAN: (broadcast) The transduction barrier has failed. We are being invaded.

DOCTOR: Gentlemen, this is no ordinary meeting. I'm privileged to introduce to you your new masters.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Christopher Tranchell

John Arnatt

Ray Callaghan

Hilary Ryan

Derek Deadman

Stuart Fell

Stan McGowan

Tom Kelly

Presidential Bodyguard
Michael Harley

Castellan Guard
Eric Danot

Gold Usher
Charles Morgan

Christopher Christou

Michael Mundell

Castellan Kelner
Milton Johns

Lord Gomer
Dennis Edwards

Lord Savar
Reginald Jessup

Max Faulkner

Gai Smith

Assistant Floor Manager
Terry Winders
Romey Allison

Dee Kelly

Barbara Gosnold

Film Cameraman
Ken Westbury

Film Editor
Chris Wimble

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Maureen Winslade

OB Cameraman
David Goutier
Alan Hayward

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Colin Dudley

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Anthony Philpott

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson
Richard Conway
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