12x04 - Blame it on the Rain

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x04 - Blame it on the Rain

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

Oh, uh, Dr. Kovack,
I'm Eve Payton.

Our new nurse manager.

It's "Kovach."

Then maybe you
can educate the nurses

about inferior
alveolar dental blocks.


Is there some sort of history
between you

and Dr. Kovac?

I don't think it's appropriate

for the two of you
to work together.

That's two less
than I'm already doing,

which I can't afford,
and I'll never see my kid.

1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000.

What are you doing?


Yes, that part I get.

The time between the lightning
flash and the thunderclap

tells you how far away
the storm is.

( thunder cracks )

Getting closer.

Oh, that's great.

You going outside?

Yep, drew the short straw
for the coffee run.

Whoa, where do you think
you're going?

We're getting slammed here.

I'm not on for
six minutes.

I'm going out for coffee for
everyone before my shift.

Then be a Flower Drum Song--
and grab me a bear claw.

I'll settle up with you later.

Hi, I'm Dr. Morris,

Chief Resident.

What brings you here today?

Some guy rear-ended me.

Ooh, ouch.

I hope you were driving.

We're getting a little
backed up here, Dr. Morris.

Perhaps we could clear some
of these necks clinically.

We? I think it's best if we left
that decision to the doctors.

Well, if patients meet all five
of the nexus criteria...

And what do you know
about nexus?

As research coordinator
at Emery,

I enrolled 2,000 patients
in the initial study.

That's really interesting, Eve.

Maybe you can bring it up at
your next n*zi nurse rally.

You know, Dr. Morris, my
knowledge of the human anatomy

is so extensive, I could
k*ll you with this finger.

Somehow I find that
hard to...



I saved your life, boss.

I've been telling them
all morning

to keep these floors mopped.

Maybe it's time I fired
some janitorial staff.

Maybe it's time you
cleared some patients.

I'm glad you're back in the
trenches with us, boss.

Yeah, that makes one of us.
What is the problem here?

Oh, we've had like
20 paramedic runs...

Every E.D. in the city
is closed to saturation,

which means we're all open.

Fender-benders are
clogging up the hallways.

I'm not sure they all
need a C-spine film.

Of course not.

Get with it, Morris.

Half these patients
don't even need X rays.

Start clearing necks.

Alright, so they've
called radiology.

They're going
to send us a tech.

What the hell's your problem?

You can't wait for
a little break...

Crazy bitch!
It's a crosswalk, you assh*le!

Diverticulitis grandma is
being admitted to Medicine.

My mandible fracture is going
to the OR with OMF

and Mr. McKay goes home
with rest and ibuprofen.

And on that note,
I'm out of here

with no pass-ons,
thank you very much.

I thought you were going
to help Neela clear some X-rays.

I did.
Now I'm going home.

Doc Rock is going
to help you out.

Sorry, dude, I'm not working
down here today.

I start my Toxicology elective.

Yeah, I picked neurology, I
didn't even get an elective.

That's because you still
need to complete

your pre-hospital care
training requirements.
My what?

Your ride-alongs.

You never did them
as an intern.

And you have 24 hours in
the field with the paramedics.

Well, yeah, I've been
meaning to do that.

Well, come see me
when you do,

and then we'll discuss
your elective options.

Where'd you go
for coffee, Milwaukee?

The doughnuts are soggy.

God forbid you don't
get your morning ration

of deep-fried fat, Frank.

Maybe I can dry them
in the microwave.

You okay?


Nothing a week in
the Bahamas wouldn't cure.

What about you?

Eve stuck me on nights.

Now I get less sleep, less
money and I barely see Alex.

I have to have a baby-sitter
spend the night with him.

What is it about rain

that turns the residents
of this city into idiots?

Tell me about it.

Haleh, what are you
doing here?

Connie's sick, asked
me to cover for her.

I thought I warned you
about your overtime.

I wasn't planning
to be here.

I'm just trying
to help her out.

Well, you should have told her
to call someone else.

So what, you want me

to turn around
and go back home?

Unless you want another
letter in your file.

Have a great day.

Sam, can you cover for me
until I find someone else?


Why not? I'm not going
to be home on time

to see my kid
off to school anyway.

Who's this?

Blaire Collins, 29.

Sent in from Lake Shore Gardens
for infection around her G-tube.

Does this hurt, Blaire?


She's in a coma.

Since when?

Six years.

No, come on.
No way. No way, guys.

We don't have the room.

She doesn't need to be here.

They can give her IV antibiotics

and the doctor at the nursing
facility can change her G-tube.

So what are we
supposed to do?

I just told you.
Take her back.

We don't get paid
for round trips,

and we got
another run.

Hey, guys... Hey!

What's wrong?

Nursing home dump.

What else is new?

Come on, I think
Trauma Two's open.

Uh, Sam, check the lobby.

We could use another nurse
in triage.

You've got to be kidding me.

Don't worry about it.

No, this is ridiculous.

Hey... Kerry,

are you going to do
something about this?
About what?

I mean the way she's
managing the staff.

If it's a nursing issue,
it's Eve's rice bowl.

You two work it out.

Morning rounds are
at 10:00 a.m.

10:00, 10:00 is good.

We discuss our
toxicology consultations

from the entire county.

You will carry the pager
every third day

and research conference
is Thursday afternoons.

( rattling )

Wow, check it out.

Is it poisonous?

Venomous? Yes.

I'm studying neurotoxic
factors in crotalid venom.

Oh, cool.


Please, don't do that.

Your main focus will be
our Poison Control Center.

Calls come in from
both the public

and other health care

You'll have online access

to an international
PoisIndex database

and we are here
to back you up.

You're number two.

Judy Anderson, 31!

Head-on collision;
auto versus cinder block wall.

My baby, Grace, where is she?
She's coming soon, ma'am.

Any belly pain, Judy?

It hurts when I breathe.

Driver with chest pain,
good vitals.

Any victims in
the second vehicle?

Only one car.

They forced me off the road!


They were driving
like maniacs.

They hurt my daughter.
Where is she?

The baby is
with Rescue 73.

I'll take this one so
you can take the baby.
Uh, sure.

Don't worry. We're going
to take care of both of you.

Nice work.
Is that custom?

Yeah, Spanish Revival.

Ancef's on board.

Watch it, man. This frigging
thing is attached.

I think he missed
the femur.

Looks like he bagged
the femoral artery.

Got a cold foot.

Give him another 50
of fentanyl,

we'll take him upstairs.

I'll be right back.

Dr. Dubenko.

Is everything else okay?

Oh, I think he should be back
to work in a few weeks.

Well, I meant
with you, actually.


Um, I know this is
none of my business,

but I was up in oncology last
week with a patient and...

Oh, oh, oh.

I had my annual
PSA screening.

Oh. Duh.

It came back 6.5.

That's a little high.

Needle biopsy showed a
moderately differentiated

prostate cancer.

I'm so sorry.

No, it's okay.
We caught it early, stage T-1.

Good prognosis
with surgery.

I got to get your ischemic
foot boy upstairs.

Um, Lucian?

If you want to talk
with someone,

or have a coffee or something...

Yeah, alright.

That'd be nice.


Hey, Frank.

Anything besides

Well, guy in number four

got scalded while driving by
the hospital by some crazy

who was throwing coffee.

He thought she
was a nurse.

Probably someone from ICU.

They're really wacky up there.

Abby! Chest pain!

When did it start?

Ten, 15 minutes ago.
We came right in.

What does it feel like?

Heavy, heavy here.

Are you on
any medications?

Lipitor and aspirin.

Alright, first day labs,
12 lead, lopressor and nitro.

Got it.

Is he having
a heart attack?

We'll have to look at the EKG
before we can tell you that.

rear-seat passenger,

multiple lacs to the head,
face and chest.

She was found
outside the vehicle.

Looked like
she was ejected.

Car seat wasn't anchored down?

Looks that way.
Heart rate is in the 160s.


Tried twice, IV blew.

Hey, you any good
with a tiny vein?

I'll take that as a yes.

C-spine's clear.
Get her off the board.

Pulse ox 97
on two liters.

Now when you say a truck, do
you mean they were driving

an SUV or a pickup, ma'am?

SUV, it was blue or black.
It was definitely black.

Okay, Judy, we're going
to sit you up.

Ow, my chest!

Did you see the driver or any
of the passengers, ma'am?

There were at least two of them.

The driver was young,
a teenager.

White, black, Hispanic, Asian,

White. I'm not sure
about the passenger.

Lungs are clear.

BP 112/78.

It hurts when I breathe.


Okay, Judy, I think you've
broken your breastbone.

Add a sternal view, troponin,
CT of head, abdomen and pelvis.

What else can you tell us
about the vehicle?

There was a bike rack
on the roof.

They tried to force me
off the road.

They wanted to steal my car.

Am I bleeding?

You hit the window.
It's not bad.

Will I need stitches?

Did either of them
have a w*apon, ma'am?

I don't know.

It happened so fast.

I just wanted
to get out of there.
Enough for now.

She's had a concussion.

We need to let her rest

before she goes up to the CT.

We're working here.

Sorry, Luka.

We've got a trauma.
We need the room.

Alright, here
we go, gently.

( baby crying )

Lift up the neck.

On my count,
one, two, three.

Here we go.

We're out
of infant C-collars.

Luka do you know if we have
any infant C-collars?

You can use towel rolls.

Airway is patent.

I can't hear breath sounds
with all the crying.

Do we have a sat?

Won't pick up.

Kid's pink, sat's fine.

24 gauge going on
in the right.

You want me
to take this, Kerry?

I don't mind.

What, you think I'm rusty?

Superficial head
lacs, no step-offs,

left frontal-
parietal hematoma.

Call CT and let them
know we need a head.

Finally calming down.

Or going apnic.

Come on, baby.
Wake up. Wake up.

( baby screaming )

Alright, uh, Inez,

miller one and a 4-O.

She needs a tube.

Kerry, the kid's screaming.
The airway is obviously fine.

She's got a good mechanism for a
head injury and she needs a CT.

So what you're going to subject
her to the risks of intubation,

just to make it easier
for the radiologist?

She'll settle down.
Just give her some time.

She doesn't have time.

Agitation could be an
early sign of head injury.

Or an appropriate response
to a stressful situation.

Babies cry when they're scared.

Thank you, Dr. Kovac,
but this is my patient.

Her mental status
is waxing and waning.

She could go apnic
in the scanner.

You bag her through it.

.5 of versed and vec.

Hold on. You're going to lose
your neuro exam if you sedate.

And watch her bleed
into her brain? No, thanks.

Push the meds, Inez.

She's alert.

Pupils equal, good tone.

Do it now.

.5 versed going in.

Come on, Kerry, we've both
seen enough head trauma

to develop gut feelings
about this.

Yeah, and my gut says intubate.
She needs a tube.

Giving the vec.


The scope.

Where are they
taking my daughter?

She's going up to the CT.

But what are
all those tubes?

Why isn't she moving?

The tube helps her breathe.

It's just a precaution.

Sometimes babies have
to be sedated for CAT scans.

It doesn't mean
anything's wrong.

Have the... police
found anything?

It's still early.
They will.

I should have waited...
till it stopped raining.

No one can control
the weather.

The good news is

that your brain and
belly CT are normal.

Unfortunately, you've
broken your breastbone

and we'll need
to monitor your heart

to make sure
it wasn't bruised.

But I didn't have
to go out.

I... I could have waited.

Grace was fussy all night

and sometimes a car ride
settles her down.

I'm gonna numb up the cuts
on your face before I suture.

What am I gonna
tell my husband?

"Need a new car"?

You're going to feel
a little pinprick

and then some burning
before it kicks in.

You have a bunch
of phone messages.

Uh... no, no, no.

Tell Kayson to stop
bothering me.

I'll call Anspaugh back
when I get a chance.

Oh, crap.

Henry's got a birthday
party tomorrow.

Hey, Jerry.

Could you go down
to that toy store

on Michigan Avenue
for me?

You want me to go outside?

Yeah. It's just
a few blocks.

I need a King Funshine.

I'll write it down for you.

In the storm?

What, you afraid you'll melt?

What about
the lightning?

I'm a pretty big target.

Well, then I suggest you try
running in a zigzag pattern.

Dr. Weaver?

The results are back
for that little girl

who ejected from the car.

Is she awake yet?

Not yet, but I'm
gonna double-check.


Baby's head CT
is negative.

Just some soft
tissue swelling.

Is she awake?

No, she's still sedated.

Then you can't follow
her neuro exam.

She'll wake up
and we'll extubate.

Dr. Weaver?

This is Bradley Anderson.

His wife and daughter
were brought in.

The police said there
was an accident.

Somebody tried
to carjack them?

Yeah, they're doing well.

Come on, I'll
take you to them.

Aren't you two supposed to keep
50 feet apart or something.

Bite me, Frank.

Ask me, you're
better off.

I didn't.

Second EKG is unchanged
and troponin is negative.

He's pain-free after
nitro and metoprolol.

So, he's okay?

Well, it doesn't look
like a heart attack,

but I think he
has unstable angina.

One of the arteries around your
heart may be closing down,

so you're gonna have
to stay in the hospital

for observation
and some more tests.

For how long?

Could be just a day or two.

You okay
with that?
Like I got a choice?

You hang in there.

I'll stop by later if I can.

Um, excuse me.

Excuse me. Hi.

Um, it might be better
if you stayed,

because the cardiologist
is probably gonna have

questions and instructions
for you and your husband.

Oh, I'm not Lee's wife.
I'm his therapist.

Are you a doctor?

I'm his...
satisfaction facilitator.

What is that exactly?

I have a select group
of clients like Lee

who require... something
they're not getting at home.

Something... sexual.


See, I provide
the one thing that's missing,

which allows them to live

happily ever after
with their wives.


Oh, I help women, too.

You call me
if he needs anything.


60cc's of gastrografin

and check the K.U.B.

What's this?

Nursing home dump.

I'm changing G-tubes
on comatose patients now.

How's your M.I.?

Unstable angina.

Just out of curiosity,

what type of guy hires
a satisfaction facilitator?

I believe it's the...

politically correct term
for "call girl" these days.

A smart one?

We have a saying
in Croatia.

( speaking Croatian )

You know, "If it
floats, flies or..."


Rent it.

Hey, Dr. Kovac.

Um, I thought
I might take you up

on that offer for some coffee.

If you got a minute?

Um, page me
if you need me.

How many stitches?

Oh, let's see.

There's seven
on the forehead,

five on the cheek,
that's 12 all together.

That's not so bad.

Neela, uh, this is Brad,
Judy's husband.

Hey, baby.

Honey, I'm so sorry.

Oh, come on.

It wasn't
your fault.

The police told me
what happened.

The bastards who did this
should be shot.

No, I tried to get away
and I lost control.

You did everything
you could.

Don't worry, the cops
will get these guys.

Have you seen Grace?

She looks good.

They think she's gonna be okay.


Uh, we still have
to run a few tests.

Everything looks good,
but as soon as I can,

I'll bring her down

so you can
be with her.

Okay, thanks.

I'm gonna go back
and stay with Grace

until they're ready
to bring her in here.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Your husband seems
like a great guy.

( sobbing )

It's okay, Judy.

gonna be okay.

I'm sorry. I'm not
usually like this.

( sobbing )

Okay, well,
the Venus flytrap is nontoxic,

so it's not lethal if ingested.

However, the larger ones
are extremely dangerous,

and have been known to devour
pets and small children.

( chuckles )

No, no, no,
I made that last part up.

( chuckles )

Uh... I'm sorry.

Ma'am, I...

You're absolutely right.

This is not a venue for humor.

I... I understand.

I-I apologize.

You, too.

( sighs )

Do you need any help
with the snakes?

Could have gone
to the cafeteria.

This one.
Their coffee sucks.

Here we go.

Um, you didn't mention
seeing me upstairs

to anyone else
by any chance, did you?

No, no, no.

I mean, I....

I wouldn't have said
anything to you,

but I just thought
maybe you might want

to talk to someone
or something.

Yeah. No, I appreciate
the gesture.


So what are your
treatment options?

Well, um, I've opted for
a radical prostatectomy.

My urologist, Dr. Peter Singh,
do you know him?

Uh, no.

He does a, a bilateral
nerve-sparing procedure

for patients with
low volume disease.

Well, that's great.

Unfortunately, even
in the best of circumstances,

there's a 25% chance
of loss of erectile function.

Yeah, then
you're looking

at penile injection therapy,
intraurethral pharmacotherapy,

vacuum erection devices,
or a penile prosthesis

to achieve
an adequate erection.

Why, uh, then the good news is

that-that there's
a 75% chance of success.

Well, the procedure
also eliminates

the ability to ej*cul*te.


But the chance
of urinary incontinence

is relatively low,
so at least I won't be wearing

a diaper or need
an artificial sphincter.

Oh, well, there you go.



It is, um, it's...
it's just, it's....

it's-it's rather daunting,

knowing that you may
never have sex again.

Well, it sounds like
you're in good hands.


Look, um, I know this is, uh,
rather unconventional,

and under different

I certainly would have employed
a more traditional approach

with regards to courtship

and romantic

and assuredly enjoyed
all the ritual of that,

but given the time

and obviously what I'm
potentially faced with...

You know, you might
want to just kind of...

Look, look.

If I'm going down,
I want to go down swinging.

And I'd like it to be with you.

So you want me
to sleep with you?


Wow, that's something.


I'm flattered, I think.

Uh, but I, uh...

I can't do that.

No, no. I understand.

Nothing personal.

No, I understand.

Just asking purely from
a scientific approach.

What about after?

After what?

The surgery, to see
if anything still works.

I'm gonna have to take
a pass on that, too.


Abby, you want this?

GSW to the upper

I gotta....
I better get back.

You want to hop on?

I mean, are you coming
to the, uh, for the...

Place a chest tube,

call me if the initial
output's over 500cc's.

H-How's Grace?

We moved her to one
of our exam rooms

so we're going
to take you to her.

Mrs. Anderson,
I brought some

mug books for you
to look through.

Um, it all happened so fast,

I'm not really sure
what I remember seeing.

Well, take a look.

Maybe a face will
jog your memory.

I can't.

Why don't you give us
a few minutes?


I don't want
to look at those books.

You might be able
to identify

the two men who
drove you off the road.

I can't.

Why not?

It was, it was pouring rain.

I could barely see
out the window.

I... I...
The car started to skid.

I don't know,
I saw the wall coming

and I didn't stop,
I just kept driving.

What are you saying, Judy?
What happened?


I didn't know that Grace's
car seat wasn't clicked in.

I would...
I would never do anything

to hurt my child.

Did you do this on purpose?

Sometimes I...

I can't help it.

Sometimes, it's like I don't
know how to snap out of it.

It's like... everything
is coming at me at once

and I just want it
all to go away.

Judy, did you try
to hurt yourself?

I just wanted it to stop.

Do either of you
have a moment?

I think my MVC mom's suffering

from severe
postpartum depression.

Dr. Weaver?

Just one second.

It's the baby.
Grace Anderson.

What about her?
She's waking up.

I thought you might
want to extubate.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

What are her symptoms?

She drove head-on to a wall
with her baby in the car.

I think it was

I'd like to put her
on psych hold.

Dr. Rasgotra?

That's the husband.

Uh, get Psych
down here.

Can my wife go home now?

Not yet.

What, you moved Judy
out of the trauma room.

I thought that meant
she was good to go.

We needed to clear the room.

We have to rule out
a cardiac contusion,

so we need to monitor
her heart some more

to make sure
it's not bruised.

For how long?

I'm not sure.

It could be a while.

Mr. Anderson...

does Judy drink alcohol?


I mean, she has a glass
of wine now and then.


What about dr*gs?


What's this all about?

Just routine questions
for her chart

to, um, avoid any
drug interaction,

that sort of thing.

Have you, uh,

noticed any change
in her mood lately?

Like what?

She seem depressed?


Any loss of appetite
or trouble sleeping?

You're kidding, right?

We have a three-
month-old baby.

When Gracie doesn't sleep,
none of us do.

Look, the sooner
I can get them both home,

the sooner they can start
getting better.

I don't want to send her home

until I'm sure
there's no danger.

No, of course, you're right.

Thank you.

Dr. Kovac, could you
help me clear some beds?

I thought I was.

Well, maybe
if we work together.

Look, what's going on
in Exam Two?

D.U.B. needs an ultrasound
to rule out fibroids.

Good crits.
Vitals stable.

How about an outpatient scan
and a GYN referral?

Well, if you can
get her in this week.

Done. Okay, next:
Buster Freeman.

Dirty puncture wound
to the foot,

waiting on IV...

Could he sit in
a chair for that?

I mean,
it frees up a bed.

Crystal Maranacchio.

Waiting on an ortho consult.

She's been cleared.
I called the attending.

You what?
That's a new policy.

When we call
for a consult,

the resident has 60 minutes
to respond to the page,

or we call the attending.

All the department heads
signed off on it,

except Psych-- crazy bastards.

Blaire Collins
has been here forever.

I called
the nursing home twice.

They were supposed to be
sending a ride for her.

Well, if they're
not here in ten,

I'm putting her in a cab.

She's comatose.

I was kidding,
Dr. Kovac.


Call Blaire Collins'
nursing home again

and tell those idiots
she's been ready to go home

for the last four hours.

Tell them yourself.
I'm busy.

Dr. Kovac?

I think I'm one
of those idiots.

Trish Gorham,
the assistant director

from the nursing home that's
been caring for Blaire Collins.

I didn't mean that...

It's our policy to check on
patients prior to transfer.

I gather she's
well enough to return?

Yeah, she's right
over here.

To be honest with you,
all she needs

is a course
of IV antibiotics

and the G-tube could
have been changed

at her facility.

We're not staffed
as well as the hospital,

and the gastro-neurologist

doesn't come out
to the nursing home.

The earliest I could have
gotten anyone to see her

was in two weeks.

She have any family?


Apparently her mother died
from the crash that did this.

There was a boyfriend,

but he's stopped
coming around years ago.

He didn't even try to stop!

Somebody call my son.
I need you to reach my son.

47-year-old victim of

I just ran out to get
the kids some pizza.

He didn't even slow down.

Systolic only 80
after a liter.

Pulse 140,
pale and diaphoretic.

Ecchymosis across
the abdomen and pelvis.

Four units of O-neg and
prime the rapid infuser.

Am I dying?

No, but you may have
some internal bleeding.

Resps are shallow.
Let's set up for intubation.

How often are you sad?

Uh, not often.

And what makes
you happy, Judy?

Being with my baby
and my husband.

Why are you
asking me all this?

We ask all patients
these questions

to assess mental status
following a head injury.

Well, my mental status is fine.


Any thoughts about
wanting to hurt yourself?

Uh, not unless you count

wanting to take a carving knife
to my hips.

Do you ever think about
wanting to hurt your baby?

Of course not.

What did you tell him?

Judy, you said you were upset

and that you couldn't
snap out of it.

What are you talking about?

You told me you felt like
everything was coming

at you and that you
wanted it all to stop.

No, no, I said

that I lost control of the car
and I couldn't stop.

You're putting words
in my mouth.

It's not uncommon
for new moms to have

bouts of depression.

The first year with your baby

can be very

I'm not stressed
and I'm not depressed,

although I will be

if I have to spend
any more time here.

So stop accusing me
of being crazy

and let me go.

Nobody's accusing you
of anything.

We have to be
extra careful

whenever there's
a child involved.

( sighs )

Look, I appreciate your concern.


There's nothing wrong with me.

I've had a rough day.

And I just want
to take my baby home

and get some rest.

Well, I hope you have a speedy
recovery, Mrs. Anderson.

So are we good to go?

Uh, not quite,

but you can
go back inside now.

I'll be right in.

She's changed her story.

There are
no vegetative symptoms,

no anhedonia.

She doesn't have
a depressed affect.

In fact, she appears to be
in pretty good spirits.

Well, something
is going on.

She as much as confessed

to deliberately
crashing her car.

But she's not
saying that now.
She's lying.

She's a prime candidate
for severe...

Dr. Rasgotra,
I want to be sure

she doesn't have
postpartum depression

just as much as you do.

But it can be one of
the most difficult

conditions to diagnose.

And if the patient
is in complete denial
or lying to me,

not only can I not tell,
but I cannot hold her.

I gave her every opportunity
to let us know.

I'm sorry.


Need a hand?

I need eight.

Oh, God, it hurts!

What's this?

Driver of our

The guy ran out in front of me.

Please, give me something.

No neck pain,
no chest pain,

good vitals,
but complains of bilateral

thumb pain.
Look at this.
I can't even make a fist.

And we're out of beds.
Okay, let's park him.
I'll see what I can do.

Dr. Weaver, Psych's

refusing to admit
Judy Anderson.

I believe her condition
was a deliberate act.

Yes, I know you suspect
postpartum depression,

but did she admit it?


She drove head-on
into a wall.

The baby's seat wasn't
properly anchored.

She's obviously
overwhelmed at home.

ER. Please hold.

Please hold.

Please hold.

Has anybody seen Jerry?

I sent him out
on an errand,

but he should
be back by now.
You sent him out in this?

You don't send Jerry
out in the rain.
I've heard that, too.

Maybe I should
get DCFS involved.

Well, have you talked
to the husband?

Maybe he could
convince her.

A voluntary admission
would be better

for everyone involved.

I'll try.

Frank, where's Jerry?

Dr. Weaver sent him
on an errand.

Oh, no, you didn't.

What is the big deal?

Big man does not do well
in the wet weather.

What the hell does that mean?

Excuse me.

Could you help us
find our dad?

Lawrence Digby.
He was hit by a car.

The doctors are
still treating him.

They said he got hit
while crossing the street.

Yeah, this guy was talking
on his cell phone,

wasn't paying attention,

went right through
the crosswalk.

Come on. I'll take you
back to him.

Sam, you can
go home now.

I've got a float from ICU
coming down.

I'm gonna stay and help
with this guy's kids.

You're welcome to do so, but if
you do, you're off the clock.

Fine with me.

Come on, you guys.

Can I take her home now?

We'd like to keep her
overnight for observation.

Oh, come on. Overnight?


I think your wife
needs some help.

Believe me, I've tried to talk
her into getting a nanny,

but she doesn't want another
woman raising her daughter.

It makes her feel like she's
less of a mother or something.

I don't mean
that kind of help.

I think Judy needs
some psychiatric help.


Mr. Anderson...

Brad, why don't
we sit down.

It's not uncommon
for new moms

to get overwhelmed
with all the challenges

of child care, especially
in the first year.

So why are you
making a big deal out of this?

Usually, it's short-lived

and goes away after the
baby falls into a routine

and the mom's
hormones stabilize.

But occasionally,
it lasts longer,

becomes more severe,

and develops into something
called postpartum depression.

Yeah, yeah, but that's not Judy.

Judy's not depressed,
not like that.

I mean, sure, she's anxious
to get back to work,

and sometimes she's
a little down about that,

but that's normal.

Purposely trying to hurt
herself and your baby isn't.

What are you talking about?

She had an accident!

Some creep tried
to run her off the road.

I don't think she was
forced off the road.

Dr. Rasgotra,

nosebleed on Coumadin in Two.


Please, talk to your wife,
ask her yourself.

Ask her what really happened
in the car.

Sux on board.

Assist ventilations.
O-neg's going
on the right antecube.

We're gonna need
the rapid infuser.

Curtain Four.
They did an in-service.

I got it.
'Kay, let's take a look.

Sats down to 92.
Turn on the suction.

It's on.
No, it's not.

I have it on high.

I'm not getting
anything here.

Inez, go next door

and help Dr. Lockhart
with the chest tube.


I'm not allowed to work with any

of the nurses now?

The patient is paralyzed.
I can't see the cords.

I need suction.
Hold your horses.

Suction container
wasn't sealed properly.

You're welcome.


Found it.
Two units on
the infuser.

Set up for a subclavian.
Okay, bag him.

End tidal CO2 is yellow.

Yellow's good.
I'll be right back.

Alright, hook me up.

O-silk is next?

O-silk. Come on.

Here you go.

And I want to auto-
transfuse this guy.


You need a side collector
on the thoraseal.

You know,
just go help Dr. Kovac

with the rapid infuser,
No problem.

Vaseline gauze, 4X4's
and elastoplast.

What do you need?

Central line,
supraumbilical DPL,

rapid infuser and a t-pod

What's a t-pod?

Fine, I'll get it... again.

What do you want me
to do first?

Find the O-neg.

Everything okay in there?

For the time being.

Call for four units
of type specific.

Soon as I get this up.

Hey, Sam?

Hypotensive pelvic fracture.

He needs the works.

Those are his kids
out there.

Hey, Frank, can you bring
those guys to the Family Room?

Sure. Come on, kids.
This way.

I'll be right in.


Guide wire?

I'm getting an error signal.

There's not enough
water in the warmer.

( sighs ):

Cordis inducer.


Where's Dori with the T-pod?

T-pods are on
the bottom shelf.

Update his vitals?

Okay, infuser's on.
Looks good.


Pressure's up
to 95 palp.

No gross blood.

Where do you
need me?

We're all set.

She's good.

Thanks, Sam.
We'll take it from here.

I'll go check on his kids.

She's really not sure
what happened.

She gave herself
a pretty good whack in the head.

We can't do anything

if she doesn't identify
her assailants.

That's okay.

Like I said, she's not sure
what she remembers.

She's not even certain
it was intentional now.

Fine. Let me know if
she changes her mind.

You did the right thing.

The next step is to get
your wife some help.

No. The next step is
for me to take her home.

Mr. Anderson...
My wife is not crazy, okay?

She had an accident.
It happens.

I'd rather she chose to stay,

than have psychiatry put her
on forced hold.

She's gonna be with me.

She's gonna be fine.

Just leave us alone.

I mean it.

Pressure's up to 100
systolic. Crit's 28.

Send another 4 units to angio.


Your dad has
a broken pelvis,

which are the ring of bones
around his waist.

Some of his blood vessels
have also been damaged.

He's bleeding inside.

Can you fix it?

We're gonna try,
but he's lost a lot
of blood already.

It's very serious.

It was supposed
to be me.

I was supposed to go get
the pizza, but I-I...

Yeah, it's ridiculous
I'm still here.

I don't know, some pizza guy
ran out in front of me.

Hey, jerk-off!


I can't drive for a week.


Not that I could anyway--
my car is totaled. Hey!

What was so important

you had to be talking on
the phone while driving!

Come on!
What was so
damn important!

Hey! That's enough!
Hey, come on!

Hey, get that guy
away from me!

Shut up!

Jason, hey, I know you're mad,

but your father's condition
is very serious,

and your brother and sister
need you right now, okay?

Come on, Jason,

I'll take you
to the Family Room.

( sighs ):
Dr. Kovac, one
of your patients

is getting agitated.
Which one?

The girl from
the nursing home.

She's in a coma, Inez.

Not anymore.

( weakly ):

I'm Dr. Kovac.

Wh-Where's my mom?

Okay, keep your hands up
as if you were holding a tray.

( quietly ):

( weakly ):
What's wrong with me?

What's the last thing
you remember?


My mom and I were going
to the mall...

and it was snowing,

and, um...

Were we in an accident?

Is she okay?

I-I didn't treat her, but, um,

let-let me see
what I can find out, okay?

Yeah. Okay.

How is she?

She doesn't
remember anything.

What are you gonna tell her?

I don't know.

Your mother's dead,
and you've been in a
coma for six years?

How are those kids doing?

They're hanging in there.

I got ahold
of an aunt and uncle.

They're with them right now.

Inez, walk with me.

Do I have to?

I better get into this.

I think you have

just fantastic potential,
but in every spare moment,

you've got to be in there
honing your skills.

Got a second?
Not really.

If you're so

with the efficiency
of this department,

then you need

to allow those of us
who work well together

to continue to do so.

If you're referring to the...

And if you want us to act
like professionals,

then you need to treat us
as such.


You saw me in there
with Dr. Kovac.

You saw how well
we work together.

If that doesn't prove
that we can work

the same shift,

then I don't think
you know your job

as well as you
think you do.

Feel better?

FYI: I already
changed the schedule.

You're back on your old shifts
next week.

Thank you.

Don't worry.

When I first started,
I could barely hook up an I.V.

It's all muscle memory.

You'll get it, Inez,
I know you will.

I felt like an idiot.

I didn't even know
what a T-pod was.

Everybody needs help
with stuff.

When you do,
come find me.


Page me when he's
out of surgery.

Will do.

Hello. You're back.

Had a cancellation.
He's this way.

I tried calling Lee's cell,
but he wasn't answering.

Is everything okay?
Yeah, he's doing great.

We're just, uh,
waiting for them

to take him up
to the cath lab.

Ooh, that sounds ominous.

They're going to
do an angioplasty,

which is a procedure
where we

insert a catheter
into a blood vessel in his leg,

thread it up
to his coronary artery,

which is used
to inflate a balloon

that will open up the blockage.

Guess those cheese steaks
caught up with me.

I've been telling him
to eat better for years.


Hey, you! Hi.

This is my... wife, Viv.



I'm Dr. Lockhart.

I've been treating your husband.

Everything's okay.

I've got a little blockage,
but they're gonna fix it.


I didn't get
your name.



And you are...?


From Cardiology.


Your husband has to
undergo an angioplasty.

That's where we're going to

insert a catheter into a
blood vessel in his leg,

and we're gonna use it
to inflate a balloon

that will hopefully
open the blockage.

( Lee laughs )



Well, good luck,
Mr. Rappaport.

I have to get back
to my other patients.

It was nice to meet you.

Excuse me for just one second.

( Shawna sighs )

Whoa. That was close.


Thanks. I-I really
owe you one.

Hey, listen,

if you ever need
a sex therapist...

I... I think I'm good. Um...

Now that you mention it,

do you ever do
any pro bono work?

Yes, I spoke to your resident,

and he thought
a hold was unnecessary,

but I disagree,
and all I'm asking

is for a second assessment
from another attending.

Watch it!

No, Dr. Wakita, not you.

Hey, Jerry,
where have you been?

I was getting worried about you.

Everyone was acting as if I'd
sent you out in a hurricane.

Are you okay?

What the hell happened
to King Funshine?

Did you get hit
by lightning again?

He didn't get hit
by lightning.

Here's your change.

Okay. Uh, let's

get you on a
cardiac monitor.

CBC, chem panel, EKG.

CPK, troponin,
myoglobin and UA.

I-I realize that.

I'm sure he is,
but this isn't about me,

him, or even you.

It's about the welfare
of a mother and her child.

You will? Great!

Thank you so much.

Um, psych attending's coming
down to assess Judy Anderson.

If Dr. Wakita asks, you agree

with my postpartum depression
assessment, right?

Yeah, you got it.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson,
I have some good news.

One of our attendings
from upstairs has agreed

to come down
and speak with you.

I've seen enough doctors today.

going home.

Please, he's on his way down
right now.

We've been here
for hours already.

This will only take
a few minutes.
I'm tired.

I just want to go home,
have dinner and a bath

and put Grace
in her own crib.

You want what's best
for your baby, so do I.

Then leave us alone.
Judy you need to speak
to someone.

She just needs
to rest.

I know you don't want
to hurt yourself or Grace.

You need professional help.

Do you have

Then how do you even know
what you're talking about?

I'm a doctor.
But you're
not a mother.

Judy, listen to me...

Please don't go.

My wife has a touch
of the baby blues,

and you want
to lock her up?

No one's locking anyone up.

I just want her
to get the help that she needs.

Oh, by giving
her dr*gs.

Maybe. Ignoring it is not
gonna make it go away.

It needs to be treated the same
as any other disease.

No. This could
happen again,

only next time,
it could be worse.


Judy, please.

You could die, Judy.

Your baby could die!
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