13x21 - I Don't

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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13x21 - I Don't

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

We're closing down.

It's only temporary.
How do you know?

Old boys running
around here

checking for cracks
in the ceiling,

and now we're having
some dinner.

Kovac probably just
wants to boost morale.

How are we affording
such a fancy place?

It's not Ladokern, is it?

Finally get things
sorted out with Neela?

There's nothing
to sort out, man.

Neela, I want
you to say hi

to Mae Lee Park.

She's our new surgical
med student.

Hi! Nice to meet you.

Heard a lot about you.

I can smell a wedding

a mile away, Archie.

It's like
a sixth sense.

It's in your eyes.
You have the glow.
For now...

I can't wait
for the glow.
It's the only
on thing that he asked me.

I can't wait to try
on wedding dresses...

If you tell anyone,
I'll k*ll you.

Man, what you
swinging at?

We're closed.

Yeah, uh, I work here.

Then you oughta know
the ER's shut down

until further notice.

I'm an R3.

I left something in my
locker, do you mind?

Go on.

You might need this.

(knocking on door)

Just a second.

Come on, Mayday, we're
gonna miss the canapes.

What are you doing here?

I thought we'd go
to this, uh...

ER shindig together.


Or not.


You look, uh... wow.

Listen, I know
things have been...

a bit crazy with me

and our relationship
is undefined

Yeah, uh...

we should talk.

Yeah, maybe, um...

I don't know

maybe we can talk
at dinner.

Yeah, um...

let me just
get my stuff.

Why are we here so early?

Well, I'm the chief,

I thought I should
be here first.

You were the chief.

Well, consider this
my last official act.

The department dinner
is here?


Haven't been
in a neighborhood like this

since the last time
I tried to score some crack.

Budget cuts are
getting serious, huh?

Come on.
It's different.

That's for sure.

See this?

Pretty cool, huh?

Is this a restaurant?

No, no, it's a...

it's a rental space.

A patient told
me about it.


And was she by any
chance a porn star?

He is a music

Oh. So it is a drug den.

And since when did these
things get so formal?

It's fun -- people
like to dress up.

And you know...
Good evening.

Doctor Kovac, Doctor
Bobek's in back,

and she needs you

to make a decision
about the centerpieces.


Big night, huh?

What's he talking about?

Uh, Hope is here.

She helped set
everything up.

What do you mean
helped set

everything up?

(Hope gasps)
What do you think?

Yay! Yay! Yay!

A wedding.

Are you the bride?

This is Sophie, her
dad's the caterer,
No, no.

Abby, she's gonna
be your flower girl.

Like hell she is.


You're kidding me,

I mean you've got
to be kidding me.

Can we just please
talk about this?

How do I get out of here?

You're just nervous, that's
why I did it this way.

It saves you
the stress.

Do you think I look particularly
un-stressed right now?

The cake's coming up,
where do you want it, doc?

Uh, check, check
with Hope.

How could you have
ever imagined

I'd want to do it
like this?

Planning it was
freaking you out,

this way, it's like
ripping off a Band-Aid.

Oh, man, you really know
how to melt a girl's heart.

This is something
we both want.

(Abby sighs)

Luka, it's crazy.

We can do something
for our families later,

tonight is for us.

Yeah, what and a bunch
of people from work?

Our friends.
And look, what
about the food,

and what about
the music

and look at
this place

it's like getting married
in a Meat Loaf video.

I took care
of everything.

Hope helped me.
It's a labyrinth
in here.

Hey, hey, hey.

I love you.

You love me.

Let's make it forever.

Let's get married.

Oh, my God.
Woo hoo!

ER rocks!

We're gonna party
like it's New Year's

in Mozambique.

Looks like somebody
already started.

Which way's the bar?

Uh, back there.

I hope they got

Uh... this is nice.

Luka, look, I...

Just give me
ten minutes.

Hey, hey, ten,
ten minutes.

Let me show you
what I've done.

If... if you
don't like it,

I'll take you home.
I promise.

Come on.

One foot after the other.

Kinda looks like
a Victoria's Secret ad.

Oh, it's so pretty.

I love the way
ER people do things.

Is there something going on
here we don't know about?

Uh, no, you
guy... hi.

Not, not over there.

I'm gonna set
you up back here.
Wait, Morris, Morris,

what's the deal, man?
What's going on?


tonight is the night.

What are you talking about?

Abby and Luka, they're
getting married.

You were right!

I told you: Abby and Luka
are getting married.


Doctor Kovac
and Doctor Lockhart?

That is so dope.

A surprise wedding.

How novel.

that doesn't sound
like Lockhart's style.

Does Abby even know?

It's gonna be awesome!
Isn't it?

We're just running
a tad bit behind.

We've hit an
itty bitty snag.

Do you need help
with anything?

Small case of
cold feet.
No, thank you.

It's a logistical issue.

We will be sealing the deal
within the hour.

Excuse me.

I know what
you think.
Oh, really?

That this is a paternalistic,
controlling manipulation

that makes me question
our entire relationship?

Maybe it's a symbol
of how much I love you,

how well I know you,

how deeply we're meant
to be together.

Oh, jeez.

What kind of ring
do you think I got?

I... I-I have no idea
what kind of...

It's not bad.
Okay, the music.

I don't want to
ruin the surprise,

but there will be no
Celine Dion, no Air Supply,

and no boy bands.
Really, not even
a little bit of Menudo?

The food is

You name the
country, we got it.

Okay, so, what am I
gonna wear-- this?

I'm supposed
to wear this?

You mentioned it
one morning.

I was half-asleep

and you were flipping
through the magazine.

You thought I wasn't
paying any attention.

That's not going to fit.

Hope sized it off some
of your other things.

Hope, Hope, Hope,
Hope, Hope...

Her cousin's a tailor.

She's got him on standby
if it needs any adjustments.

Croatian sensation pulls
a rabbit out of the hat.

I just...

wanted to make the wedding

that I thought is going
to make you happy.


Oh, no, don't say
no, not now--

not after everything.

It's too weird.

It's too sudden.

You just want
to just do it

on the spur of the moment
like this?

If there was ever anything
that was not rushed into,

it's you and me promising
to be together forever.


Mm, mm, mm.

You know, Ray,
thank you,

weddings are great opportunities
for guys like us.

Weakens a woman's
defenses, you know?


You ever think
about settling down?

Sometimes, I guess.



No. Never.

If I did, I would
never admit it.

All right.


Well, the bar's
right there.

give my friend another.

The energy is
sagging, Archie,

you have to do

Here, have a drink.


momentum, flow--

they're, they're crucial
to an event like this...

Hope, calm down.

Everybody's having
a good time.

It is sagging,
damn it,

don't tell me
to calm down!
Lapel, lapel.

Thank you, okay,

okay, this is easy,
this is easy.
I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

Do you have a playlist
that I can see?

* Don't go breaking
my heart *

* I couldn't
if I tried *

* Honey, if I
get restless *

* Baby, you're
not that kind *

* Bum, bum, bum,
bum, bum *

* Ooh, ooh,
and nobody knows it *

* Nobody knows... *

Look, it's sweet, it really is.

And I, I love
that you did it.

But this should be something
that we plan together,

something we both want.

What else do you want?
I'll get it.


We could put this
off forever.

There's always gonna be
some reason not to do it,

but we want it,
we deserve it--

so let's stop stalling
and dive in the ocean.

'Jump into the pool.'

It's been seven
years, Abby.

I know how long
it's been.

* Nobody knows it *

* Nobody knows *

* Right from the start *

* I gave you
my heart *

* Whoa *

* I gave you my heart *

* Bum, bum, bum,
bum, ba nana... *

Let's just do this.
I never...

It's fast and
easy and right.

Let's get married,
right here, right now.


* Right from the start *

* I gave you my heart *

* Whoa-oh-oh *

* I gave you my heart *

* Da, da, da, da, da... *

What about Joe?

We can't get married
without Joe.

My secret w*apon.

* Don't go breaking my... *

* Don't go
breaking my... *

* I won't go
breaking your heart *

* Don't go breaking my... *

Saved the best
for last, huh?

* I won't go
breaking your heart. *

Pretty kooky, huh?

Them getting
married, like this.

Yeah, it's pretty kooky.


How's it going
down there?

Oh, they're
getting ready.

What's this?

It's for you.


I started doing a little bit
of recording again, on my own.

And it's got some songs
I've been working on.


That's great.

There's one about you-- but
you'll have to figure it out--

plus a few others
I burned.

You know, some songs
we used to listen to

when we were roommates.

I'm sorry, Ray.

About what?

I thought I was
coming alone,

and he just
turned up.

I didn't know
what to do.

No offense, but, um...

not knowing what to do
has become your baseline.

This isn't easy
for me, Ray.

I've had a pretty hard
time, ever since...

losing Michael, I
still haven't quite...

Yeah, I know.

I mean, Tony was new.

There was no history.

He didn't make me think
about things from before.

Maybe I rushed into it because
it made moving on easier.

So I feel like history to you?

I couldn't separate
you from Michael.

I couldn't be with you
and not feel guilty.

What about now?


I'm not sure all that
matters anymore.



There you guys are.

Neela, Abby needs to see you
before the ceremony.

Come on.


I got to go.


(door opens)

This is so nutty.

Tell me about it.

It's great,
everyone's so excited!

Listen, I have to ask you
a question.

What do you need?

Something borrowed,
something blue?

I mean, Chuny
has a scarf.

It's kind of aqua in color,
but it might do the trick.

Yeah, can you just
sit down for a second?

Sit down.

You know, first of all,
I know this has been

a really rough year for you, and
I don't think I have been around

as much as I should,
and I feel bad about that.

Oh, you don't have to.

But you've always been
a great friend to me.



I was wondering,
if you didn't mind too much,

do you think you could
lead the way

and stand up there with me
when we do this?

You mean, uh...

like, be your maid of honor?

Well, I hate to put

that kind of
conventional term on it...

but yes.

I'd be honored.

Thank you.


Okay, well, your first job
is figure out

how I put these in my hair.


It's a Croatian thing.

I don't know--
they belonged to Luka's mother.




Okay, stop it.
Don't start now.


Oh, God.

I know.


Come in.


There he is.

Dead man walking.

Ha, ha.

Very funny.

What, what, you're not
getting cold feet, are you?

'Cause you know, I could
find a back way out of here.

I'll have you at
a gentlemen's club across town

in under 20 minutes.


I'm just teasing
you, man.

So, um...

Hope said you wanted to talk
to me, said it was important.

We've had our moments, Pratt.

And I haven't always liked

the things you've done
or the way you've done them,

but I've always
respected your reasons.


I had to supervise you,
which wasn't always easy

for either of us,
but, uh...

I think we've managed
to reach a place where,

at the end of the day,
we're also friends.

Yeah, I feel the same way.

Would you stand up for me?

What, you mean like...?

Be my best man.

Anytime, anyplace.

(hands clap together)

Don't lose that.

No, I won't.

It's go time, my brother.
Are you ready?

'Cause it's go time.

Let's do it.

Oh, your tie's crooked,
let me fix that.

I'm fine, Morris.
All right,
there you go.

Morris, Morris,
leave me alone.
Okay, okay, sorry.

Stop pointing that thing at me.

I'm just emotional.
I'm emotional.

Okay, everything's good,
everything's under control,

there's just been
one minor change.

The justice of the
peace couldn't make it,

so he sent a

Someone else
is doing the ceremony?

He's very

It will be lovely.

Okay, go.

Go, go, go.

Go, go.



She'll be fine.

Here, take this.
I don't want that.

Abby, do you want to
make Sophie cry again?

Sophie, I'm sorry,
but I'm really not ready.

Why do you have to be
such a whiner?

Why do you have to be

such a crybaby?
Yeah, okay, Sophie.
Come on, honey.

Come on.

* *

Go, go, go,
go. Come on.

* *


I understand from my notes...

Luka and Abigail...

Um, it's Abby.

...have no patience for
the normal rituals--

which I find
a little meshuggeh,

but, hey, if that's
how you want it,

we'll get right to it.

"Today, you become a man."

No, sorry.

Bar Mitzvah
this morning.

Kid was such a schnook.


"Marriage is an important step,

a great responsibility,"


"coming together
of souls..."

Yada-yada, yada-yada.

Any readings?

Uh, no, no.

No readings?

Oh, come on, readings are
a nice touch, classy.

I've got one.

You do?

Yeah, it's
a Punjabi tradition.

(speaking Punjabi)

That's beautiful.

What is it?

It's about love,

faith and devotion.

It's kind of
a blessing.

All righty.

Next thing: any jilted
ex-lovers out there

want to say something
about why these two

shouldn't be married?

Okay, moving on.

Okay. Vows.

No vows.

Can you just skip ahead to
the "I now pronounce you"...?

No vows?

You have vows?

Be my wife.

I offer myself,

with all my faults
and strengths.

We'll help each other
when we need help

and work together
to raise our son.

I choose you
as the person

I will love and honor
for the rest of my days.


Well, it's not really fair,
because you got to practice.

Yeah, it's not fair because
he had time to practice.

It's Abby.

Um, well, okay.

Uh, okay, um...


First of all...

First of all, I love you.

I do.

And you've helped me
through a lot.

And we got here together
with a beautiful little boy.

And, uh, I-I was thinking
of a poem...

a poem for, actually, um,
before when I was getting ready,

and I think...
I think it starts...

"I carry your heart in my heart.

"I am never without it.

Anywhere I go, you go."


I'm probably messing
the whole thing up,

but I think, uh...

I think the end goes...

"And this is the wonder
that keeps the stars apart.

"I carry your heart.

I carry it in my heart."

So, I guess what I'm saying is,

let's just try
to love each other, and, uh,


(camera shutter clicking)


For two people who want
to cut to the chase,

you sure know how to go on.



(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

Humor me.

(both laugh)

By the power

vested in me
by Cook County

and the State of Illinois,

I hereby pronounce you
husband and wife.

Step on the glass

and kiss that girl.

Mazel tov!

(applause and cheering)



Attention, please.

Quiet! Shut up!

Uh, I have been asked

to kick off the party portion
of tonight's festivities.

(whooping and cheering)

Thank you,
thank you.

Uh, and, you know,
I'd just like to say

that this is, uh...

This is clearly a marriage
made at County.


'Cause if we worked
at Northwestern or Rush,

there'd be better food
and a lot more booze.


The top shelf stuff,
right, Lucien?

Relax, big guy.


Hey, you know,
I'm not...

I'm not saying
that-that Kovac is cheap,

but he did try to get Murray

the Roach Coach guy
to cater this thing.


Anyway, the kids have rested up

and are ready for
their first dance,

so I give you Abby Lockhart,
Luka Kovac,

married couple.

(applause and cheering)

(whooping, applause
and cheering continue)

(Stevie Wonder's
"Sunshine of My Life" begins)

* *

* *

It was so beautiful
what you said.

It really added an ethnic
spice to the ceremony.

I was just trying
to do my part.

What did it mean?


I wasn't really prepared.

Oh, don't be
so modest.

You were great!

Well, it meant, um...

"I went to the market
to buy some meat,

"uh, but the...

butcher wasn't there,
so I got fish instead."

It was the only Punjabi
I could come up with in a pinch.


Let's just keep that
between ourselves.

Stevie Wonder, huh?

I told you-- I hear
everything you say.

I-I know, sweetheart.
You know what?

Just try to go to sleep,
and if you need me,

or you just want to talk to me,
you call me, okay?

It doesn't matter what time--
just call me,

and I'll be here, all right?


I love you, too. Bye.

Missing the
first dance.


Sarah called.

She's having
a rough night.

She all right?

She's a tough kid.


she's just a kid.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm happy for them.

This is good.
This is...

a beautiful night.

I'm fine.


I just... I just
don't get it sometimes.

You know, I don't...

Why did she do this?

I mean, I think, you know,

I'm handling it fine
most of the time,

but then other times,
I get so damn angry at her.

I mean, how could she leave
a beautiful kid like this?

How could she... How could she
mess with our minds like this?

How could she lie to us?

It's okay.

It's not okay,
it's not okay!

It's okay to be angry.

It is? She's dead.

I'm angry at Michael.


I'm not sure
I'll ever get over it.


I haven't been
a good friend.

I know that.

I screwed up, and...

...I want to make it right,
I want to make it better.

Can I have another chance?


...I don't think this is
the time or the place for this.

It seems
perfect to me.

I, uh...

Maybe we should talk
about this another time.

Uh, maybe we can go
for coffee

or something
this weekend.


People get back together
over dinner.

They break up over coffee.

I just...

need to get
back inside.


All right, all right,
all right.

Please just give me
a few minutes.

I know you're having
a good time.

You were lovely.
Pardon me, twinkle toes.

You did a great job
out there. All right.

Just give me a few seconds,
a few seconds.

Listen, first and
foremost, I have to, uh,

thank Luka for inviting
us all here today.

It's not like
we had a choice.

And I think
I speak

for everyone, including Frank,
when I say

that it is an honor
and a privilege

to be here on your special day.

Hear! Hear!

Now, I mean,

you guys know me-- I've never
been married before, so...

But he's dated
women who were.

(laughter and groaning)

Leave your mom
out of it, Morris.


Okay, okay, what's
the difference

between an ER nurse
and a Porsche, Sam?

Okay, okay, okay,
okay, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
all right, listen, listen.

I can't believe you guys
save lives for a living.


No, but really,
I've had the great pleasure

of working with Abby and Luka,

both of whom I
consider friends.

And I see them
working together,

sharing a life,

sharing a family.

You know,
tonight's been a great night.

And I know, we all know,
that this can't last forever,

but I think that we all do agree

that the love
between you two will.

And I know
it will.

And hopefully,
with some luck,

maybe some of that love
will rub off on all of us here,

and help us find someone
as special as you two have.

Someone to spend the
rest of your lives with,

as friends and as lovers.

(person whistling)

To Abby and Luka.

And love and friendship.

Hear! Hear!

(cheering and whooping)

D.J., you know what
to do. Come on, now.

(music starts)

Oh, here we
go. Marquez?

* *


* *

Hey, baby.

Who are you talking to?

The hottest
nurse in the ER.


And don't take
a plate away

without making sure
that the guest is
finished eating,

and make sure that
there are no empties,

don't forget

to crumb the tables.

And you, button
your vest up, please!


What are you doing here?

No, you should
be out there.

No, the bride cannot be back
here with the hoi-polloi.

I want to thank you
for all of this.

You do?


You're not going to...

hurt me?


What's wrong?

You just look so beautiful.



Hey, you seen Abby?

Congratulations, Luka,
you're a lucky guy.


No, really, Abby's great.

I know.

Don't ever hurt her.

Excuse me?

I mean it.



Anybody ever told you

you was the hottest
nurse in the ER?


No, no, no,

seriously, I'm
sorry, you're great.

You'd never hurt her.

I know that.

What was I thinking?

But if you did,

I would hunt you down

like a cheetah.



Lucien, having fun?

Yeah, it's fun,
it's a lot of fun.

I went to a surgery
wedding once.

It was such a bore.

All they did was
talk, talk, talk.

ER weddings have...
you know, spunk.

Yeah, um, you know,

they're serving coffee
right now if you...

What about you?
You having fun?

It is fun, isn't it?

It's just a lot of...



Uh, I have to go
to the bathroom.

Um, I'm looking for...

Oh, my God,
I'm so sorry.

Has everyone
gone bonkers?



You all right?

I always cry
at weddings.


I'm alone.

Oh, well, um,
that's all right.

I just want to say

I appreciate all the
mentoring you've done.

Have I... done that?

And I totally
admire you a lot.


I just really wanted
you to know that.

Really, really know it.

Yo, there's some freaky
stuff going on in here, man.

Yeah, probably something
in the water.

Timmy told me I was the
hottest nurse in the ER.

What do you want from me,
a second opinion?

Hi. I'd like a, uh,
dry dirty martini

and a tequila sunrise, please.

Hey, Ray, what's shakin'?

Dry and dirty?

(slurring words):
I should have figured
that one out.

Actually, I, uh, I prefer
the tequila sunrise

because, because of
all the pretty colors.


Gates, what are
you doing, man?

Save some liquor for
everybody else, all right?

Bartender, another one,
please, vodka and cranberry.

Hey, Ray, I don't know
if you noticed,

but there's
a party going on here.

Everybody's having a
good time, dancing,

so any time you
feel like, you know,

jumping in, you know, just get
off your little stool and, uh...

Bartender, uh,
hot coffee for him.

Keep it coming, fast and black,
won't you?

Thank you.

You're a real prick,
you know that?


Not yet, but soon.

What's, uh, what's
your damage, Ray?

My damage is
you walked

into our ER
like you owned the place.

I don't appreciate that.

Nobody else does.

Ray, I realize that you don't
like me, but sooner or later,

you're going to have to get
used to living with me...

'cause I ain't
going nowhere.

You want to leave a mess
wherever you go,

that's up to you.

But there are
two things

I will not let you
screw around with.

That is
patients' lives and...

And what, Ray?

And her.

Hey, I care about her,
you sulky little pissant.
Fellas, fellas.

I bet you almost have yourself
convinced about that.
Wrong time, wrong place, guys.

Yeah, but the problem is

you're the only one
that buys it.

Come on, Ray,
let's go for a walk.

W-Wait, let me just, l-l-let
me just say, Ray, Ray.

You know that thing you
guys had in the past?

It's over,
finished, done.

You don't know how
to take care of her.

Ray, please.

Well, Ray,
at least I'm trying, huh?

That's right,
that's right.

Like you took care
of Meg, huh?

Hey, hey,
let it...
Come on, man.

You've had enough.
Let it go,
he's drunk.

That's it,
it's fine.

Come on, come on.


Stop it!
Tony, cut it out!

Cut it out!

Screw you, man!

Come on!
Screw you!

Take it easy, Ray.

Come on, come on.


All right,
let's go.


Hey, hey,
come on, come on.

What the hell is wrong
with you?

Okay, I'm good,
get off me.

What are you trying to do?

You trying to ruin it
for Abby and Luka?

Just get the hell
off of me, man!

Hey, Ray, what's going
on with you, man?

(breathing heavily)

I think you get it, Greg.

You know?


Every time
I think I'm turning a corner

and I feel like I know
what I'm doing,

I end up falling backwards

Look, it's a wedding,
you're drunk,

and you're hooked on a girl.

Just go home.

You'll feel better
about it in the morning.

I don't want
to go home.

Well, you're done
here, okay?

So just catch a cab.


Go home, Ray.

I'm not kidding.

Go home.

You know what I love
about you, Gates?


Just when I get worried

that maybe I'm being
a little tough on you,

you do something
to prove what an ass you are.

Me? I was being
perfectly civil

until that alcoholic
O.C. reject

went off on me.
You should have
kept walking.

Well, Morris, as my role model
Kenny Rogers once said,

sometimes you have
to fight when you're a man.

Oh... that's
deep, that's...


Don't worry, I'm
not going back in.

I just want to
talk to her.


Not right
now, Tony.

Can't you see
she's upset?

Chuny, I just want
to talk to her, okay?

Uh, it's all right,
I'm fine, Chuny.

Thank you so much.

I'm sorry
that happened.

You know, Abby and Luka were
in the other room, thank God.

They don't even know
about it.

There's no excuse.
No, Tony, there isn't.

I wasn't looking
for trouble.

The guy was... he just
wouldn't back down.

Oh, right,
and there was no other way

for that conversation to end
without him backing down.

What do you mean?

Well... with men,
you have to win,

and with women...
well, with women,

you have to feel like
you've done right by them,

even if all you're doing is
causing them pain

or, at best,
wasting their time.

Is that what you think
I'm doing, wasting your time?

You know, I think...
we both got into this

because we knew
it had no future.

It was just a bridge from one
part of our life into another.

I think it's a lot
more than that.

I don't love you.

And I don't think you love me

and I don't see
much chance

of that changing any time soon.

So that's it?

We're done?


Because Ray
couldn't get over you?


Because... you can stand there

as if you're listening
to what I'm saying

and still believe
that none of this is your fault.

Got any bourbon?

Can you make it a double?

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I just... wish
that hadn't happened though.

You did
a really good job tonight.

No, no, no, no.

You did an awesome job.

Aw, they look so happy.

I got them the honeymoon suite
at the Ritz for a few nights,

but they say
they can't use it

on account of Joe
and everything.

Yeah, I can see that.

It's too bad.

I... really don't want
the room to go to waste.


I don't either.

Really, y-you don't?

No, of course not.

Are you suggesting what I
think you're suggesting?

Oh, it's go time.


C-Can I get that
on record, please?

Say, say that again.


So you quit your job and get
married in the same week?

I'm a new guy now.

Is that so?

Being chief was going to
just mean spending less time

with my wife and baby.

Well, I have to admit

I don't think I could have
planned a better wedding.

You don't?

I don't.

Uh... Abby,
it was a really nice wedding.

Luka, what I said before
about hurting Abby...

I meant it.

I'm not really sure
why I'm here,

but I'm very happy
to be invited.

I don't really know
these people.

Okay, let me just
put this down.

And... okay.
Oh, there's Morris
with the thing.


Come over
here, Morris.

Shh-shh-shh, here we go,
here we go.

Hey, we just want
to say, uh, congrats

to our fearless
leader here.

Yes, yeah,
a-and we wish him

a life of, of contentment
and joy.

And love.

Yes, yes, uh,
what else?

Oh, oh, uh, sleeping
with only one woman.

Ever again.

Without end.

Everybody's real nice.

I hope they'll be
real happy together.

I do.

Even the bride.

* *


Uh, Ray.

Can you call me
when you get this?

Uh, I thought maybe
we could go out for breakfast

or coffee or something.

Uh, listen,
I'm sorry about tonight.

* *

BARNETT (laughing):
It's a pretty amazing night.

Uh, I guess it just makes you
look forward to a time

when you get to be as happy

as Abby and Luka are
right now, so...

Good, good job.

Okay, Ray,
we got to go.

Hey, dude, dude, can you,
uh, can you get this for us?

Thank you.

(all cheering)


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