02x07 - Joey Gets Tough

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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02x07 - Joey Gets Tough

Post by bunniefuu »

1... 2...

1... 1... 2...
2... 1... 1... 2...



Here. All right. Let's see
your muscles. Muscles!




All right.

By day, a mere
toddler, but by night...



Whooo! Look out.

It's superbaby coming
to save the world.

Aah! She got me!

Superbaby got me!

Thank you, superbaby.

Well! Let's see your muscles.

Muscle... B-r-r-r-r!

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Ah-oh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪

Mmm. Great fried chicken.

Joey, this could be
your most delicious meal.

Thanks. I was nervous at first,

But once I arrived at
the takeout window,

I felt strong.

Cleanup time.

No. Sit. I'll clean up.

It's our pleasure to serve you.

And for desert, I
am proud to present

Genuine imitation pudding.

None for me. I have a big
karate tournament this weekend.

I wanna stay lean
and mean. Hyah!

Here, michelle. Kung fu this.

Ooh, attack of the ninja baby.

She has broken our dinner.

She must pay.

Michelle, you're not eating.

Don't you like your potatoes?


Doesn't that chicken look good?

Cookie, joey.

Ok. Here are some
boston baked cookies.


Beans? Oh, so they are.

My mistake.

All right, everybody,
gather around.

Guess who's playing
at slim's this weekend?

George michael? Bon jovi?

Barbie and the rockers?

No, uh-uh. Me.

Way to go. All right.

This is major league.

I have to fill this club.

Your worries are over.

I'll tell the whole first grade.

I got a great idea.

Why doesn't your band

Play on my talk show friday?

I love this man.

Don't love me yet.

You got to audition for
my producer tomorrow.

Come to our gig tonight.

Help us pick an audition song.

Hey. I'm there for you, babe.

Girls, I'll be out late.

Joey's in charge.

I'll run michelle's bath.

Hey, I'm there for you, babe.

Steph, this works out perfect.


What works out perfect?

Joey will let us stay up

To watch tiffany,
live from tokyo.

This works out perfect.

If joey gives us any trouble,

We'll hit him with
the secret w*apon.

The bunny nose. The bunny nose.

Tell me what you think

Of this new act impression.

It's bullwinkle
talking to bill murray.

Gee whiz, bill.

Why won't the
girls go out with me?

Well, uh, listen up,
winkmeister, uh...

A... You're a moose.

You got a coat
rack on your head.

And b... You hang out

With that whiny squirrel rocky.

Sure, he's got
flying going for him.

All right!

Whoo, yes!

Cut it out.

I love you people.

Get out of here.

Isn't it fun being with joey?

The funniest. Let's do
something with joey tonight.

Hey, joey, look
what's on the tube...

An educational
special about japan.

It's our lucky day.

Let me see this educational
special about japan.

Would it be tiffany,
live from tokyo?

That's it.

This is a school night,

And tiffany will be
live in japan till 10:30.

10:30? It's a good thing

I took a nice long nap today.

Why did you do that

If you didn't know about this?

Uh... D.j., Why did I do that?

Woman's intuition.

Yeah. What she said.

You waited till your
dad left to ask me

Because you know
he would have said no.


Oh, not the bunny nose!

Steph, this isn't going to work.

Oh, not the double bunny nose!

Oh, no man is this strong!

All right, all right.

Yay! Thank you!

You guys can watch.

Ok. I'll make the popcorn.


Joey! Joey!

Joey! Joey!

Joey! Joey!

Joey! Joey!

Next time, we go straight
to the bunny nose.

♪ Holding onto one
another's hand ♪

♪ Trying to get
away into the night ♪

♪ And then you put
your arms around me ♪

♪ And we tumble to the ground ♪

♪ And then you say ♪

♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ Doesn't seem to
be anyone around ♪

♪ Think we're alone now ♪

♪ The beating of our hearts ♪

♪ Is the only sound ♪


♪ There doesn't seem
to be anyone around ♪

♪ Don't think we're
alone now... ♪♪

Hi, danny.

Hi, joey. Hi, stephanie.

Hi, d.j.

Hi, tiffany.

Bye, tiffany.

The girls asked me
to stay up a little late.

We thought he'd say no.

Plus, it was an
educational program.


Tiffany, live from tokyo.

Danny, this is coming
to us via satellite

From one of japan's
oldest and most sacred...


Ohh, it's been a long day.

Yeah, I'm bushed.

I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Good night, dad.

Good night, daddy.

Night, dad.

Hold it, son.

Face it. You're a soft touch.

They take advantage of you.

Yeah. I don't want
to be a bad guy.

No, no. Freddy
krueger is a bad guy.

Sometimes a parent
has to say no.

Put your foot down.

They'll respect you more.

Are you sure?

I know my dad stuff.

Ok. From now on, no
more mr. Pushover.


I can be as tough as
any authority figure.

You can do it.

Maybe I should tape

The rest of that
special for the girls...

But they'll watch it
when I say they can.

♪ Blue dress, blue dress ♪

♪ Devil with the blue dress on ♪


Have mercy!


♪ The devil with
the blue dress ♪

♪ Blue dress, blue dress ♪

♪ Devil with the
blue dress on ♪♪


Well, what do you think?

Well, I know what I like.

Did you like it?

I don't know.

Here's a fun idea.

After they sing, have
danny sing with them.

That's your fun idea?

This is your show, too.

Why don't you sing?

No, the audience loves to
see you embarrass yourself.

I love to see it, too.

I'll be in fresno tonight

Judging the miss
kadota fig pageant.

That's right.
Fresno. Fig judging.

I won't have time to rehearse.

He can't rehearse.

He needs a lot of rehearsal.

He's not exactly a
rock 'n' roll animal.

I can get another band.

But he does have that
mick jaggar quality.

Mrs. Gibbler? Joey
gladstone again.

Have you heard from d.j. Yet?

I'm worried sick.

I don't know who else to call.

If you hear from d.j.,
Tell her to come home.

Uh-huh. Thanks.


Michelle, no more cookies.

Look at this.

You can eat a magic
little green tree.

Stephie eat.

Stephie... Eat broccoli?

Get real.

Steph, has d.j. Ever been
late like this before?

I don't think so,

But everything before I was 5

Is a little bit fuzzy.


D.j., You're home!

Nice to see you, too.

You're an hour late.

Sorry. After karate
class, we planned strategy

For the tournament on saturday.

It's going to be so rad.

What did you make for dinner?

Could we order pizza?

I was scared. I didn't know
what happened to you.

I was with friends.
It's no big deal.

It's a very big deal.

D.j., You know the rules.

Why didn't you call me?

I forgot.

If your father was
here, you'd have called.

What's the big deal?

You had me worried,
and you don't care.

Don't have a cow.

Don't have a cow?

That's it! This weekend
you're grounded.

This weekend is my
karate tournament.

I've been practicing for months.

You'll just have to miss it.

You're kidding.

I can't miss it.

Yes, you can!

When dad gets home,
he'll say I'm ungrounded.

I wouldn't count on that.

I'm in charge. You're grounded.

I'm going to that
karate tournament.


You can't tell me what to do.

Want some egg?

I made it look like the sun.

There's rays made of cheese.


Now, michelle...

I know I'm not your father,

But I would be happy

If you ate some breakfast.

Ok, joey.

Ok. Here, michelle.

Aw, thank you.

Good morning.

Joseph, watch me
on danny's talk show.

You, too, spanky.

Give me a kiss.

Oh, egg sun with cheese rays,

Very creative.

Hey, jess, have you seen d.j.?

Yes. You're not her
favorite guy this morning.

Joseph, the kid was
late, she didn't call.

You had to do something.

I'm glad it wasn't me, though.

I hate having d.j. Mad at me.

I hate this tension.

I'm letting her off the hook.

Whoa! Take it from someone
who was grounded a lot...

Most of the seventies.

We yelled and we screamed,

It all blew over.

Just stick to your g*ns.


Done with that, michelle?

Ooh, I guess not.

Glad your appetite is back.

Wish me luck.



Hi, michelle.


Good morning, d.j.

Good day, mr. Gladstone.

I, uh, made your lunch.

No, thank you. I'll
purchase my meal.

Have a nice day.

I intend to.

Don't worry, joey.
I still love you,

No matter how
much you punish d.j.

Can I eat her lunch?

Many people think figs

Are only the
filling for a newton.

That's fascinating.

I can see why you're
miss kadota fig.

You should. You were
one of the judges.

Yes. Well, what else
do we have for today?

Your brother-in-law's band?

Oh, right.

Honest, folks, the
fact that we're related

Has nothing to do
with his being here.

Unfortunately, due to
your interest in kadota figs,

We only have time for one song.

Here's jesse and the rippers

Singing devil with
the blue dress on.

Tanner, you sing.

Danny, I've had a
request for you to sing.

As a special treat,
here's our danny tanner

Singing with the band.

They're so good without me.

Hi, jess.

Ladies and gentlemen,
jesse and the rippers...

And me, danny tanner.

We'll talk about this at home.

Isn't he great?

You know, every now and then

You watch wake up, san francisco

Because it's nice and easy.

Well, this morning,

I had a little too much coffee,

So we're doing
it nice and rough.

Hit it, boys.

♪ Left a good job in the city ♪

♪ Workin' for the man
every night and day ♪

♪ And I never lost
one minute of sleepin' ♪

♪ Worryin' about the way ♪

♪ Things might have been ♪

♪ Big wheel keep on turnin'... ♪


♪ Keeps on burnin' ♪

♪ Rollin' ♪

♪ Rollin' ♪

♪ Rollin' on the river ♪

♪ Rollin' ♪

♪ Rollin' ♪

♪ Rollin' on the river ♪

♪ Doo wop ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doo ♪♪


Watch me!

Help me!

Hurt me!

Good gosh all mighty!
Great balls of fire!

Ooohh, proud mary!


Jesse and the rippers,

This weekend at slim's.

I promise I won't be there.

I had no idea you
were so musical.

I was president of
the boys' glee club.

Yeah. Well, we'll
see you next monday

For another edition of
wake up, san francisco.


Stay cool. Take us home.

Take yourself home.

D.j., What are you doing here?

Mrs. Gibbler dropped me off.

Guess what joey did.

Jesse told me.

I know you're upset, but
you got to get to school.

After school, we'll
have a family meeting.

Can you give d.j.
A ride to school?

Sure. I'm your back-up
band and chauffeur.

Would you like me
to peel a fig for you?

Ok, we're having
a family meeting.

Who will review the rules?

Me, me, me!


This is the talking stick.

Only the person
that holds it can talk.

While I have your attention,

Christmas will be coming soon.

I'm getting bigger.

My bike is getting smaller.

Thank you, stephanie.

Now, who would like to start?

Joey had no right
to try grounding me

When I have a karate tournament.

Tell joey he can't do that.

When I'm not here,

I turn over responsibility
for you three girls

To jesse and joey.

That punishment is too unfair!

Cheating! No stick!


That wasn't talking,
that was explaining.

The reason it's hard for you

Is because it's the first time

Joey's put his foot down.

I side with joseph 100%.

You do the crime,
you do the time.

You pay the piper.
You face the music.

I watch too many old movies.

This meeting is not fair.
Everyone's against me.

Dad, do something.

Joey's decision is final.

How can you do this?

You should have called.

That's exactly right.

That's not fair!
That's not fair!

Stop it!

I hate to see everyone fighting.

Just sit down and listen to me.

You told me if I
put my foot down,

I'd be respected.

Now d.j. Hates me and my foot.

D.j. Came in late
without calling.

Why blame yourself?

This started when I
tried being mr. Discipline.

That's not me.

The best part about
being in this family

Is the love and great
times we have together.

My family was always fighting.

I don't want to face that again.

There's no such thing

As a family that doesn't fight.

Even herman munster
yelled at eddie occasionally.

Look, joey.

The love, the fun,
the responsibility,

The discipline...
They all go together.

When you're in this
family, you're in all the way.

You did the right thing.

D.j. Deserved to be punished.

Am I right, d.j.?

Ok, I give up.

I won't go to my
karate tournament.

But if you're waiting for me

To be happy about
it, it won't happen.

I'll talk to her.

No. I'll talk to her.

I have the names of everyone

Who talked without the stick.

Uncle jesse, me,
daddy... Aah! No!

Can we talk a little more?

Sure. I'm not going
anywhere, remember?

I'm worried about
what's happening to us.

We've always been great buddies.

Yeah, I guess.

D.j., You know we have.

I've known you your whole life.

I was at the hospital
when you were born.

When I first saw you,
talk about crying.

You were fine. I was
sobbing hysterically.

I did you a favor then.

Do you remember?

I was a day old.

Your parents wanted
to name you farrah.


I said, "we can't name
her after a hairstyle."

That was close.

I better do my homework.

D.j., We've always
been great buddies.

I thought living together

Would bring us even closer.

Now that I'm like a parent,

It kind of changes things.

Yeah. I never pictured
you punishing me.

Yeah, me, either.


Last night when I didn't
know where you were,

I was scared to death.

If anything ever
happened to you...

I'm sorry about those
mean things I said.

I was just mad.

That's good, because
I love you so much.

I love you, too, joey.

If it weren't for you,

I'd be farrah jo tanner.

Ooh. Ooh.

You know what I'm thinking?

I'm kind of new at
this discipline thing.

I know you should be grounded,

But maybe grounding
you for this weekend

Was a little unfair.

I can go to my tournament?

What the heck.

Thank you! Thank you!

You'll make a great dad.

Because you got your way?

No, because you were fair.

Thanks. Remember, next
weekend, you're grounded.

That's fine, that's
great, that's perfect.

Wait. I just remembered.

Kimmy and I had plans
to go horseback riding.

You know I had to try.

Ok, just karate.




Hyah, hyah, hyung, hyung-ah.

Ok, I'm convinced.
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