16x11 - The Stones of Blood - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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16x11 - The Stones of Blood - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 11 November 1978
Running time: 24:27

EMILIA: She never told me she was related to the Montcalm family.

DOCTOR: She isn't. She is the Montcalm family, and the Trefusis family and the Camara family. And no doubt she's the managing director of the firm that owns the circle now. These three portraits are of the same person.

EMILIA: But look at the dates. There's a hundred and fifty years.

DOCTOR: So? What's a hundred and fifty years when you've been around for more than four thousand?

EMILIA: You mean?

DOCTOR: Yes. She's the Cailleach.

DOCTOR: Run. Come on. Quick.

EMILIA: I never thought we'd get out of there alive.

DOCTOR: Come on, we're not clear yet. On you go.

DOCTOR: Fascinating, isn't it?

EMILIA: Doctor, did I understand you correctly? That thing is made of stone?

DOCTOR: Yes, and it's closing on us fast.

EMILIA: But it's impossible!

DOCTOR: No, it isn't. We're standing still.

EMILIA: I meant a silicon based lifeform is unknown, unheard of, impossible.

DOCTOR: Maybe it doesn't realise that.

EMILIA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: What is it, what is it?

EMILIA: In the cause of science, I think it our duty to capture that creature.

DOCTOR: How? Have you any plans?

EMILIA: We could track it to its lair.

DOCTOR: Come on!

EMILIA: We're trapped!

EMILIA: I know you're under considerable strain, Doctor, but please keep a grip on yourself.


EMILIA: Is it dead, do you suppose?

DOCTOR: How do you k*ll a stone? Let's go and find it's mistress, shall we? Come on.

DOCTOR: There's no need to wear a mask for our sake, Miss Fay.

EMILIA: Vivien, what's going on? He says you're the Cailleach.

VIVIEN: I've been so many things, Emilia, for so many years.

DOCTOR: Well, it's all over now, Miss Fay.

VIVIEN: Oh, not really, Doctor. You see, I've got Romana.

DOCTOR: Where is she?

VIVIEN: Where you'll never be able to find her. Oh, she's perfectly safe. No need to worry, so long as you leave me in peace.

DOCTOR: Ah, well, you see, I can't do that, Miss Fay, because you've got something that I need, you see.

VIVIEN: I wouldn't come too close if I were you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh, absolute nonsense.

DOCTOR: Oh! Static electrical charge. That's a very primitive forcefield.

VIVIEN: It's still very effective. Don't worry about Romana, Doctor. I should worry about yourself if I were you.


VIVIEN: Count the stones, Doctor. Beware the Ogri.

EMILIA: Extraordinary. What did she mean about the stones?

DOCTOR: Three of the stones are missing.

EMILIA: Missing? What's happened to them?

DOCTOR: One went over the cliff, remember?

EMILIA: Oh, you mean that thing was one of the stones?

DOCTOR: Yes. She called them the Ogri. Ogri. Of course! The Ogri. How silly of me.


DOCTOR: Yes, from Ogros, their home planet. That's in Tau Ceti. Repulsive place covered in great swamps full of amino acids, primitive proteins which they feed on by absorption. Hence their need of globulin

EMILIA: What do you mean?

DOCTOR: Which is the nearest equivalent on Earth, hence the blood sacrificed on the stones. Anyway, you know all about the Ogri on Earth.

EMILIA: Huh? You said there were three of these things.

DOCTOR: That's right.


DOCTOR: Gog, Magog, Ogres. They can't be far away. Anyway, you and I have got work to do. Listen. Do you by any chance have any tritium crystals?

EMILIA: Crystals?

DOCTOR: Yes, tritium crystals. Tritium crystals.

EMILIA: Oh, but Doctor, what about Vivien? What about Romana?

DOCTOR: Professor, listen. You go back to the cottage and see if you can find any crystals. I'll go back to my TARDIS and see if I can pick up a few things.

EMILIA: Yes, but where have they disappeared to? How are we going to find them?

DOCTOR: Professor, I don't know. That's why I need the crystals.

EMILIA: These are the only crystals I could find apart from a packet of Epsom salts.

DOCTOR: Mmm. Well done, Professor. I knew she must have them somewhere, it's the only way she could power that wand of hers.


EMILIA: I still don't understand where Romana and Vivien are.

DOCTOR: Hyperspace.

EMILIA: Hyperspace?

K9: Hyperspace is an extension to the special theory of relativity propounded by Einstein. Einstein's theory states

DOCTOR: Now, now, K9. K9, don't overstrain your databanks. You're not fully recovered yet.

K9: Circuitry regeneration seventy five percent completed.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, didn't I give you some calculations to be getting on with?

K9: Calculations cannot be completed until you have finished constructing the equipment.

DOCTOR: All right, all right. Why don't you stop interrupting me and let me get on with it then? He's a terrible old gasbag.

EMILIA: I still don't understand about hyperspace.

DOCTOR: Well, who does?

K9: I do.

DOCTOR: Oh, shut up, K9. It's all to do with interspatial geometry.

EMILIA: Oh, I never studied that.

DOCTOR: Well, I'm not surprised. They gave up teaching it two thousand years ago, even on Gallifrey.

EMILIA: Oh, I beg your pardon?

DOCTOR: Here. Look, how can I explain? Listen, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity said

EMILIA: Said that you cannot travel in space faster than the speed of light, because the speed of light is a limiting factor. If you travelled more than a hundred and eighty thousand miles per second, you'd encounter the time distortion effect.

DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, well, he was nearly right.

EMILIA: In fact, you'd arrive at your destination before you'd left your starting point.

DOCTOR: Yes. Absurd, isn't it?

EMILIA: Oh, I don't know.

DOCTOR: I always thought it was fun, myself. I did try to explain the realities to poor old Albert, but he would insist that he knew best.

EMILIA: Oh, they're all the same, these physicists. Oh, sorry.

DOCTOR: No, that's all right. I mean, apart from space warping, which he couldn't possibly understand, there is a theoretical way of avoiding the time distort.

EMILIA: Is there really?

DOCTOR: Yes. Just pass me that screwdriver, will you? Yes, you operate in a different dimension, you see, in another kind of space.

EMILIA: Otherwise, hyperspace.


EMILIA: But I still don't know where Romana and Vivien are.

DOCTOR: Listen. They're still in the circle, or whatever occupies that space in the other dimension.

EMILIA: Oh, I see.

DOCTOR: Good. Perhaps you'll explain it to me sometime when you've got a few minutes to spare.

EMILIA: Doctor?


EMILIA: May I ask you a personal question?

DOCTOR: Well, I don't see how I can stop you asking.

EMILIA: Are you from outer space?



DOCTOR: I'm more from what you'd call inner time.


DOCTOR: Yes, well, never mind about that now. K9, what do you think of this? Hmm? Well?

K9: The theory appears to be ingenious.

DOCTOR: Yes, but will it work?

K9: Affirmative. It will be effective on a setting of point naught naught three seven on the hyperspace scale.

DOCTOR: What, only on that end of the scale?

K9: Affirmative, master.

DOCTOR: That means it'll burn out the circuits in about ten and a half seconds flat.

K9: Correction, master. Circuits will burn out after thirty one point two seven seconds.

DOCTOR: Thirty one point two seven. Is that long enough to get me into hyperspace?

K9: Insufficient data, master. Answer depends upon where in hyperspace and what is there when you arrive.

DOCTOR: Thank you very much, K9.

K9: Actual area of transportation beam will be small. It is imperative, therefore, that you mark your point of entry on arrival in order to facilitate finding it again for return.

DOCTOR: Good point, K9. Thank you. Come on, Emilia. I need your help. K9, let's go see if this works.

DOCTOR: Now, you understand what you've got to do?

EMILIA: I think so. Switch on, and then wait until the needle points on the dial to oh oh three seven, then throw that lever.

DOCTOR: Right. Now remember, you've only got thirty seconds and then pow!


DOCTOR: Yes. Pow. Pow. Pow is a technical expression, Professor. It means that all the microcircuitry will fuse into one great urgh of molten metal.

EMILIA: Yes, but what happens if the Ogri come back while you're wherever you'll be?

DOCTOR: Ah, well that's where K9 comes in. You see, he'll generate a forcefield a touch more sophisticated than Miss Fay's, and that should keep them out for a while.

EMILIA: For how long?

K9: My power packs will be drained in approximately seventeen minutes, thirty one point eight six seconds.

DOCTOR: There you are. Now, if they should break through, run as if something very nasty were after you, because something very nasty will be after you.

EMILIA: Yeah, but what about you?

DOCTOR: Don't worry about me. I'll be doing plenty of that in any case.

EMILIA: Yes, but how will you get back?

DOCTOR: You just switch on for thirty seconds, say, every half hour.

EMILIA: If you think that'll work.

DOCTOR: Well, of course it'll work and even if it doesn't work, what does it matter? You know what they say about hyperspace.


DOCTOR: They say it's a theoretical absurdity, and that's something I've always wanted to be lost in. Ready? Now switch on.

EMILIA: Er, oh oh two two, oh oh three three, oh oh three seven


DOCTOR: Switch off! Switch off!

EMILIA: Oh, did I do something wrong?

K9: There is an error in the circuitry. You are not to blame.

DOCTOR: All right, all right, all right. We're not all programmed for perfection, you know. Ah, there's the fault.

K9: Danger. Ogri approaching from south-southwest.

EMILIA: I can't see.

K9: Two Ogri approaching from south-southwest.

DOCTOR: Nearly finished. There, that should do it. Let's hope it works this time.

K9: Ogri fifty metres and closing.

DOCTOR: Now remember, do exactly as you did last time.

EMILIA: Ready?


K9: Ogri forty metres and closing.

EMILIA: Oh oh three seven. Holding.

K9: Ogri twenty eight metres and closing.



DOCTOR: Romana? Romana?

DOCTOR: All change at Venus for the Brighton line.

ROMANA: Very funny. Where have you been? What's happening? Where am I?

DOCTOR: Well, in strict order of asking, busy, nothing, hyperspace. Your friend doesn't look too well. What happened to you?

ROMANA: Well, I don't know, exactly. All I remember is Vivien Fay coming up behind me then waking up here.

ROMANA: What do you mean, hyperspace? It can't be.

DOCTOR: Why not?

ROMANA: Well, hyperspace is a theoretical absurdity. Everybody knows that.

DOCTOR: Yes, except, apparently, the people who built this ship four thousand years ago. It's a hyperspace vessel.

ROMANA: That's ridiculous.

DOCTOR: Come on.

ROMANA: Even granting the hyperspace hypothesis, Doctor, what about deceleration? How do you decelerate an infinite mass? Anyway, where is this ship? Why can't it be seen from Earth?

DOCTOR: There's your answer.

ROMANA: That's only few feet from the circle. Why can't it be seen?

DOCTOR: Because it exists in a different kind of space from the circle.

ROMANA: In hyperspace, not in ordinary four dimensional space.


ROMANA: Well, why has it stopped here?

DOCTOR: Maybe it ran out of fuel.

ROMANA: Are you sure this thing's been here for four thousand years?


ROMANA: Well, look at the cabin and the controls. They're like new.

DOCTOR: Perhaps someone's been spring cleaning.

ROMANA: Vivien Fay?

DOCTOR: Yeah. Romana. Romana, there's plenty of fuel. The drive unit's still working.

ROMANA: Well, maybe it ran aground.

DOCTOR: On what?

ROMANA: Who knows what's in hyperspace.

DOCTOR: Yes. We'd better search the ship. The third segment must be here somewhere, to say nothing of our friend Miss Fay.

ROMANA: Well, where do we start? It looks rather big, don't you think?

K9: Power depleted. Cannot hold much longer.

EMILIA: Where's that Dunkirk spirit? Never say die.

K9: I never do say die, but I cannot hold.

EMILIA: Nothing. There's no one there.

EMILIA: K9? Are you all right, K9? Oh, what's happening? Look at the Ogri. They're going. They're giving up.

K9: Assumption incorrect. They are going. That is not to say they are giving up.

EMILIA: Oh, I thought you were. Are you all right, K9?

K9: Power exhausted.

EMILIA: Can you recharge yourself?

K9: Affirmative, given time.

EMILIA: Do you think they'll come back?

K9: Affirmative. Suspect they have gone away to recharge.

EMILIA: Recharge? But how?

K9: With globulin.

EMILIA: Oh, that means finding more blood.

K9: Affirmative.

EMILIA: It means they're going to k*ll somebody.

MAN: Hey, Pat. Pat!

PAT: What's up?

MAN: Come and have a look at this. You won't believe it.

PAT: What is it? Where did they come from?

MAN: Don't know. They weren't here last night.

PAT: Perhaps it's a joke. Perhaps someone from the Wheatsheaf dumped them here during the night.

MAN: How? They must weigh tons.

PAT: I suppose they are real rock, not just fakes.

MAN: What's the matter?

PAT: My hand! My hand! I

ROMANA: Do you think there could be anything alive in any of these?

DOCTOR: What, after four thousand years? I shouldn't think so. Mind you, I'll tell you something. If there is anything still alive, it'll be furious at all the delay. Oh!


DOCTOR: You know, I think this must have been a convict ship.

ROMANA: Look, the seal on that door's a different colour from the rest.

DOCTOR: First class in hyperspace?

ROMANA: What does it say?

DOCTOR: I don't know. I can't read the script. Probably just says, do not open, penalty fifty pounds.

ROMANA: Anything there?

DOCTOR: Can't see.

ROMANA: Well, what shall we do?

DOCTOR: Open it.

ROMANA: Right.

ROMANA: What's that?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

MEGARA: It is not permitted to touch the Megara.

DOCTOR: I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon. What's the Megara?

ROMANA: I don't know.

MEGARA: We are the Megara. We are justice machines.

ROMANA: Justice machines?

MEGARA: We are the law.

MEGARA 2: Judge, jury and executioner.

MEGARA: Once we have arrived at our verdict

MEGARA 2: We execute it

MEGARA: Without fear or favour

MEGARA 2: Impartially.

DOCTOR: Well, it's a great relief to know that the law is in such capable hands. We have to be going now.

ROMANA: What's the matter?

DOCTOR: Never mind, just keep moving.

MEGARA: Stop. Turn around. Do not move.

MEGARA 2: Which of you removed the Great Seals?

DOCTOR: I did. I feared for your safety.

MEGARA: He meant well.

MEGARA 2: But the law clearly states that no one may remove the seals without authorisation. The penalty is death.

MEGARA: Where is your authorisation?

DOCTOR: I'm sorry, I didn't realise I needed authorisation. You see, I'm a stranger here myself. But I promise I'll never break any other seals without authorisation ever.

MEGARA: Contrition is to be accounted in the accused favour.

MEGARA 2: Ignorance of the law is not.

MEGARA: I will undertake his defence.

MEGARA 2: I think you should advise your client that there is little likelihood of clemency.

MEGARA: I will so advise him. He has gone!

MEGARA 2: Further proof of guilt.

MEGARA: No matter. None can escape the Megara.

EMILIA: I can't see those creatures anywhere. Are you recharged yet?

K9: Negative. Recharging incomplete. It is time to switch on the beam again.

EMILIA: Oh yes, you're right. Oh well, anyway, we haven't got those creatures breathing down our necks. Here goes.

EMILIA: Vivien!

K9: Do not touch that machine, Miss Fay, otherwise I will be forced to stun you.

VIVIEN: Ha, you haven't enough power left in you to strike a match. See what I mean?

EMILIA: Vivien

VIVIEN: No, Emilia, don't make me k*ll you.

EMILIA: No, they can't get back if you

VIVIEN (OOV.): Ogri, come. I command you.

ROMANA: Doctor, they're still following us.

DOCTOR: What do you expect? They're justice machines. Come on. X marks the spot.


DOCTOR: The projector Professor Rumford's using has got a very small spread. If we're not in exactly the right place when she switches on, we'll never get back. Come on, Professor.

ROMANA: Nothing. Doctor, behind us. Look!

VIVIEN: Too late now, Doctor. I've destroyed your pitiful little machine. There's no way out for you. You're trapped in hyperspace forever. Bwahahahahahahaha!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Mary Tamm

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Male Camper
James Murray

Female Camper
Shirin Taylor

De Vries
Nicholas McArdle

Elaine Ives-Cameron

Voices of Megara
Gerald Cross
David McAlister

Amelia Rumford
Beatrix Lehmann

Vivien Fay
Susan Engel

David Fisher

Darrol Blake

Assistant Floor Manager
Carol Scott
Nigel Taylor

Rupert Jarvis

John Stout

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Ann Briggs

OB Cameraman
Trevor Wimlett
Mike Windsor

Production Assistant
Carolyn Montagu

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
Liz Parker

Studio Lighting
Warwick Fielding

Studio Sound
Richard Chubb

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mat Irvine

Graham Williams

Darrol Blake
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