03x07 - And They Call It Puppy Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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03x07 - And They Call It Puppy Love

Post by bunniefuu »


Michelle, you wanna help
Daddy separate the laundry?

I'm not busy.

Okay, everything red,
green, yellow, or bright color

goes in this pile.

And everything
white goes in this pile.

You got it?

Got it, dude.




Oh, no, Michelle.

No food in the laundry.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no, honey,
it's not your fault.

Daddy didn't explain it right.

I was a bad boy.

Go to your room.

Okay, but will you come with me?

I'm not busy.



♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
To predictability ♪

♪ The milkman The paperboy ♪

♪ Evenin' TV? ♪

♪ How did I get
Delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This whole world's
Confusin' me ♪

♪ Flowers as mean ♪

♪ As you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird Who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
Inside you whispers: ♪

♪ "Kid, don't sell your
dreams So soon" ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold on to ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out
there And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Dooby-doo-baa-ba-daa ♪



Hi, Michelle.


Arf, arf, arf.

Oh, isn't that nice.
Your doggy said hello.

No, that was me.


Danny, you're not
driving me to the DMV.

You drive like
a little old lady.

I'm takin' my motorcycle.

Oh, no you're not.

Your driver's license
expired two months ago.

So I forgot to renew it.

I can get away with one
more drive down to the DMV.

Jesse, the law is the law.

Don't make me
take away your keys.

I hope you never
get any real power.

Michelle, keep an
eye on Joey for me.

Look at this, Michelle.

"Psychic hit by lightning."


Boy, if he was any good, he
would have seen that coming.


Michelle, did you eat my
peanut butter sandwich?

Doggy ate it.

Now, you know that's not
true. Where did you hide it?

The doggy ate it.

Now, I know the
doggy didn't eat it

'cause I can see
inside his tummy.


Whoa, there's a dog in our yard.

I told you so.

Hey there, little guy.

What are you doing here?

Oh, like the dog is
gonna answer me.

Are you friendly?

Oh, that's sweet.

Oh, that's wet.

Oh, that's enough.

Well, your tag says
you've had all your sh*ts

and your name is Minnie.

Hi, Minnie.

Can you shake hands?




There's a dog in our yard.

We got a dog! We got a dog!

It is our dog, isn't it?

It's in our yard, so
it must be our dog.

We got a dog!

Steph, Minnie is not our dog.

Her tag says she's from... Ohio?

Where's Ohio?

Well it's up the street,
about... 2000 miles.

And she came all this
way just to live with us.

Well, it was worth the trip.

You're gonna love it here.

Come on, Minnie,
I'll show you around.

Uh, Steph... Here.

Come on in, Minnie.

But wipe your feet first.

Dad is gonna love you.

This is the kitchen.

We'll set an extra
plate for you tonight.

Come on, I'll show
you your new room.

Steph? Steph, we gotta talk.

This is my sister
Michelle's room.

This is the bathroom.

In case you need it.

No, Minnie, that's
Uncle Jesse's room.

Uh, Minnie, that is not a
good place to hang out.

I'll be right back, Michelle.

Steph, what is the dog
doing on Jesse's bed?

Joey, she's come 2000 miles.

Her feet are tired.

Hi, I'm back from school.
I'm going over to Kimmy's.

That's a dog, right?

This is our new dog,
Minnie. She's from Ohio.

D.J.: Come here, girl.

Hi, Minnie.

Oh, oh, look, she loves to hug.

Oh, she's a Tanner already.

Girls, I love the dog
as much as you do,

but we can't keep her.

How can you say this?
Don't you want a dog?

Well, of course I do.

I've wanted a dog my whole life,

but this dog already
has an owner.

But if the owner
doesn't want her,

we can keep her, right?

Well, personally,
I would love that,

but your dad may
feel differently.

Then... let's not tell him.

What are you gonna
do, stick a dress on her

and pretend she's a
new friend from school?

Works for me.

Come on, let's all
take a nap together.

[IN BABY VOICE] Hi, Minnie.



Hey, Joey.

What are you doing
with that bowl of water?

Uh... I'm very thirsty.


JOEY: You get
your driver's license?

Do not ask me about
my written test! Capiche?


So, Danny, what happened
with Jesse's written test?

Well, he got his name right
and most of his address.

Why do they ask
such idiotic questions?

Nobody knows how far
you're supposed to park

from a railroad track.

BOTH: Seven and a half feet.

Okay, two people know.

I gotta get back there
tomorrow and ace that test.

I can't believe I failed.

How'd you pass
the test the last time?

Well, I might've
accidentally caught a glimpse

of my neighbor's paper.

This time they passed
out different tests

to everyone in the room.

It's like they don't
trust us or something.

I don't get it. I
drive the freeways.

They give every idiot in
the world a driver's license.

Not every idiot.


Look at this. I'm takin' lip

from a guy who still
chews Flintstone vitamins.

Look out. [CHUCKLES]

Joey, what did Dad say
about... you-know-who?

I... haven't talked to him yet.

Bye. Bye.

Hold it.

Okay, what's going on,

and how much is
it gonna cost me?

You know, Dad,
we've been thinking.

What we need around here is
someone from... maybe... Ohio.

Well, maybe we do need
someone from... Ohio,

but I'd like to hear
more about this

before I go ahead and order one.

Michelle, I know
you're in there.

Come on out, Michelle.

Okay, young lady,

I'm gonna come in
there and get you.

I'm gonna come in and get you.


What are you doin' here?


Where did you come from?


A likely story.

Get out.

Hey, you better fix it.

JESSE: Where are
ya, ya mangy mutt?

Uh-oh. Trouble.

Go under the bed.


All right, dog, I
know you're in here.

Come out with your paws up.

No doggy here.

Oh, well... [BARKS]

Then who just went, "Ruff"?

I went, ruff.

I don't think so.

Who's this?

Michelle, you told a lie.

Yes, I did.

Sweetheart, it's not
very nice to tell lies.

I'm sorry. I love the doggy.

Yeah, well, I don't.

Doggy, come back.

Michelle, we don't want
a dog livin' in the house.

Yes, we do.

No, we don't.

Yes, we do!

No, we don't!

Yes, we do... Aw...

My leopard underwear!

That's why we don't.

Get back... That's
my favorite pair, you...

Run, doggy. Run, doggy.

And another thing about our
friend is her name is Minnie.

Isn't that a nice name, Dad?

That's a lovely name.

Is your new friend a mouse?

No... But you're getting warmer.


Daddy, we'd like
you to meet Minnie.

We've met.

Oh, look, Dad. Minnie's
crazy about you.

She loves to hug.
This is your kind of dog.

My kind of dog is on
a bun with mustard.

Joey said if nobody wants her,

we can keep her.

Why on earth would Joey say that

without talking
to me first, Joey?

Well, she wandered
into the backyard,

we shared a sandwich,

and, well, look at that face.

She's so cute.

Yeah, sure, she's cute to you.

You don't have doggy
slobber all over your pillow.

Danny, get rid of the mutt.

Can't we keep Minnie, please?




People, don't be fooled
by that look of innocence.

Underneath is a jungle
beast just thinking,

"Here's a nice clean house
that I can totally destroy."

Trust me.

That thing is gonna
track mud into the house,

it's gonna chew everything up

and they're very
difficult to housetrain.

So was Michelle,
but we kept her.

I'm sorry, but I do not
want a dog in this house.

That's right. And what
Danny says, goes.

He's the boss, and
that's the way things work.

And that...

When did I become
your faithful sidekick?


Something's wrong with Minnie.

D.J.: Uh-oh. Her tummy's
fat, and she's panting heavy.

Kimmy's dog acted
the same way...

right before she had puppies.

She's gonna have puppies?

In my living room?

I'm gonna be an aunt!


I'll go call Kimmy.

I don't know what... [♪♪♪]


This dog is in labor.

Danny, do something.

Why me?

'Cause you're the
only one who had kids.

Not in the living room.

Hey, what's going on?

Minnie's having puppies.



Thank you, Mrs. Gibbler.

Okay, Kimmy's mom
told me what we need.

Dad, here's the number
of the Gibbler's vet.

Joey, you go find
something for Minnie

to have her puppies in.

Stephanie, you and I will go
get blankets and newspapers.

And I'm gonna go
study for my driving test.

What does that have
to do with Minnie?

Because if I don't
pass that test,

I'm gonna need her puppies
to pull my sled around town.




What are you doing?

Uh, studying for
my driver's test.

Is this how you
studied last time?

No. This time I got the book.

D.J., I feel like I'm
in high school again.

I was never any good
at studying for tests.

It's probably 'cause
of the way you study.

What's the matter
with the way I study?

Nothing, if you're taking
a test on sink drumming.

First of all, no music.

No music?

And no food.

[MUMBLES] No chicken?

And finally, sit in the chair

with this book.

There's nothing
left to do but study.

See, you're getting
smarter already.

You guys missed it.

What, Minnie had her puppies?

No, she sat up in
her box and went:

[IN DOG VOICE] Where's my water?


When something real
happens, let me know.


Come on, Uncle Jesse,
I'll help you learn this stuff.

Thanks. That's very nice of you.

Hey, you need your license,

and I need a ride
to the mall tomorrow.


Mwah. All right,
let's do it. Okay.

Puppy update.

I called the animal shelter.

Nobody reported Minnie lost yet,

but we'll keep trying
to find her owner.

Daddy, how did Minnie
make her puppies?

Well, sweetheart... I was
hoping you'd ask me that.

Remember when we
talked about how it takes

a mommy and a
daddy to make a baby?


Well, it takes a mommy
dog and a daddy dog...

to make a puppy dog.



I'm always happy to
answer your questions.


Because I've got another one.

O-ho, goody gumdrops.

How do you think
Minnie met her husband?

I like that question.


Some time ago in a
faraway land called Ohio,

Minnie was taking a little
walk by the fire station.

And the firehouse dog, Arnie,
he took one look at Minnie,

and he went, "Bow-wow-wow!"

It was love at first sniff.

Then on one special day,

Arnie got down on three knees,

and he said, "Minnie, marry
me. You make my tail wag."

That was so romantic.

Daddy, how do you
know all this stuff?

Well, I'm your dad,
so I know everything.

And what I don't
know, I make up.

I thought so.


Come here.


Well, it looks like Minnie
found a Lamaze coach.

Hey, everybody, I think
something's gonna happen.

What's going on? What?

Hey, get in the box.

Get in the box.

Not you.

You better not be going
where I think you're going.

Stop. Heel.


Not on my bed, huh?

Danny, do something about this.

This is not my fault.

Joey let the dog in the house,

and it got the
girls all worked up.

Hey, if you weren't
such a neat freak,

we would've already had a dog

that would've
chased this dog away.

Dad, we'll clean
up after Minnie.

You'll never know she's here.

I'll know she's here. She's
havin' puppies on my bed.

You don't know
how lucky you are.

To have puppies on my bed?

But, Daddy, why
can't we keep...?

This is your fault.
How could this...?

Wait! Wait! Stop, stop.

Here comes a puppy.

Whoa, baby.

This is the most amazing thing
that's ever happened in my bed.

STEPH: Look, she's
cleaning off the puppy.

How does she know what to do?

Well, that's part
of nature, Steph.

Nature is so awesome.

I can't believe we
were just fightin'

about Minnie havin' puppies.

This is so beautiful.
It makes you think

about what's really
important in life, doesn't it?

Yeah, like being able
to share this moment

with people you really love.

D.J.: Ah, this is so incredible.

Yesterday these puppies weren't
even here, and now they are.

And seeing them being born...

It's like watching a miracle.

I'm so glad you
girls could see this.

Now maybe you can
understand how I felt

the day each of you were born.

My three little miracles.

How cute. So little.

Yeah, they're tiny.

Why'd you pick my bed? [PANTING]

Can you watch the
drooling, please?

I'm sorry.


Oh, man, I got
enough fur in this thing

to build another dog.

Minnie's owner just showed up.

He's here.

I'm sorry, girls, it's time
to bring in the troops.

JOEY: Come on, Minnie.

D.J.: Here we go, puppies.

JOEY: Okay.


We got bachelor number one...

Aw, look... Oh,
bachelor number two.

Okay, bachelor number
three is right here.

Bachelor number four, hi.

Mm. Oh.

Look what I just
found in my bed.

A four-legged ankle biter.


Uh, hi, I-I'm Frank Flood.

Minnie! Minnie!

Oh, Minnie. Come over
here. Give me a kiss.


Thank you for taking
such good care of Minnie...

and her puppies. Heh.

She was really lucky
to find such nice people.

Well, we were lucky to
find such a sweet dog.

She sheds like crazy,

but I guess that's not
really her fault, huh?

Truth is, if you hadn't
come to claim her,

we probably would've
kept them all here.

Oh, I can't wait to get
those little guys home.

I'll never, ever,
ever, ever forget you.

Bye, Minnie.

Say, Frank, uh... would you mind

if I drive the girls over once
in a while to visit the puppies?

I'll tell you what.

How would you like to keep
one of Minnie's puppies?

Would we?!

Could we?

Yeah, Dad, can we?

You guys know how
I feel about dogs.

You just said you wouldn't
mind keeping all of them.

Well, that was when I
thought the dogs were leaving.

We promise we'll
take care of it.

Come on, Danny. I've
wanted a dog my whole life.

Oh, look at that face.

Danny, be strong.

Think "dirt."

I can't help it, I'm wimpin'.

Look at that face.


All right, we can have a puppy.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Thank you. All right.

Michelle, you pick the puppy.

I love this puppy.

The one that likes my bed?


Here's a new addition.

Thanks. You're welcome.

Thank you for coming, Frank.

Thank you for your help.

Are you kidding?
It's our pleasure.

Oh, you got one?

Yeah, I got one.

Okay. Good girl.


Okay, hold on.



♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Dooby-doo-baa-ba-daa ♪
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