04x07 - Jess-Belle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Twilight Zone". Aired: October 1959 to June 1964.*
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Collection of fantasy and suspenseful stories.
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04x07 - Jess-Belle

Post by bunniefuu »

You unlock this door with the key of imagination.

Beyond it is another dimension.

A dimension of sound.

A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind.

You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the twilight zone.


You're late.

Sure I'm late, pretty thing.

I've been in town today.

How come you didn't take me with you?

Well, I did the next best thing.

I thought about you every step of the way.

You got a sweet and lying tongue.

You are a fair thing.

What'd you do in town?

Will you stop that? What are folks gonna say?

Well, ain't nobody out here except you and me and the man in the moon.

You're a right high-spirited man to have walked to town and back.

Well, I went for a right high-spirited reason.

Now, close your eyes. I got something for you.

You can open them now.

It's the prettiest thing I ever did see!

Oh, billy!

I'm proud enough to cry.

I love you with all my enduring life.

And I the same for you.

Can I show it to everybody?

If that'd bring you pleasure.

How the girls are going to envy me.


Now that everybody's here, I'm proud to bid you welcome.

Now, I want everybody to dance until you wear out the fiddler.

And I want everybody to eat until you had to let out your belts to the last notch.

The land was good to me this year.

The good lord blessed it with rain when rain was needed and a kindly sun to follow.

And this barn is heavy with the yield of it.


But that's just one of the reasons we're celebrating here tonight.

A decent, good and true man has come to me and asked for the hand of my daughter, ellwyn, and she has my endearing love and my blessing to marry billy-ben turner.

And now, good people, the food and drink are at your pleasure.

Wonder what's wrong with Jess-belle.

She's going home early, I reckon.

Why don't you go see if you can talk her into coming back?

She'll come back if she's of a mind to.

Well, evening's young yet.

It'd spoil my party if folks start leaving early.

Go on ahead, honey.

Go on.


Don't you come near me.

I thought you might wanna wish us well, Jess.

You'll have nothing from me.

No need for you to take on so.

What'd you want me to do?

Run in there, throw my arms around her, tell her how glad I am?

Jess, I'm sorry.

Remember the night we clung together in the sweet night grass down by eagle rock mountain?

The moonlight made us see a silver mist on the fog below.

I remember.

The day we ran through the scotch broom field, and the sun was blazing hot, and we fell together and you touched me?

The fire in me burned as hot as the white sun.

The fire's turned to ashes now, Jess.

It still burns. Here.

But it's different with ellwyn and me.

Pretty clothes and her daddy's land?

Is that the difference, billy-ben?

No. No, that's not the difference.

I love her in a quiet way. You know, it...

I don't want to hear.


Tell your love a thing from me, will you?

What's that?

Tell her not to start making her wedding dress right, yet.

Why should I tell her a thing like that?

She ain't married you yet, billy-ben.

Maybe she never will.

Fair was Elly Glover dark was Jess-belle both they loved the same man and both they loved him well the twilight zone has existed in many lands, in many times.

It has its roots in history, in something that happened long, long ago, and got told about and handed down from one generation of folk to the other.

In the telling, the story gets added to and embroidered on so that would might have happened in the time of the druids as told as if it took place yesterday in the blue ridge mountains.

Such stories are best told by an elderly grandfather on a cold winter's night by the fireside in the southern hills of the twilight zone.

Graveyard dust

and breast of dove bubble bubble wine of love ja

granny hart?

Well, what you bothering an old woman for this time of night?

I got to talk to you.

Well, sit down.

Folks say you got a power.

Oh, folks say a lot of things.

They say mose crowley's cow sickened and died when he shot that hawk you used to keep.

Well, that hawk was my pet.

He used to roost in that big black pine right outside the door.

When molly unger's baby was a-dyin' of a fever, she went somewhere and got a potion for him. Folks say she came here.

She did. And that little baby lived, didn't he?

Lived? But he's accursed with fits.


His mama won't let him out of the house.

What else do they say about me?

They say you're a witch.

Oh, sugar, if I was a witch, I'd be out riding around on my broom instead of sitting 'round here alone, minding my own business.

Whatever you are, will you help me?

Well, it depends, sugar.

I want to win a man's love.


Womankind, Jess, got her own kind of witchcraft for that.

He was mine for a while.

Came sneaking off at night, kept a-quiet what went on between him and me.

Never took me anyplace for the world to know.

He made me promises.

He made them when his face was hot as blood.

Forgot them as soon as he was ten feet from my door.

Honey. You don't know much about men, do you?

Only him.

What man?

Billy-ben turner.

Oh, he is a pretty one with nice, big, strong arms to hold a gal.

Can you make him love me the way he did a long time ago, when a night wouldn't pass but what he had to come to see me?

How much money did you bring me?

I don't have any money.

Well, how did you expect to pay me?

I'll give you my pearl hairpin.

It's a real pearl, brought back from overseas by my daddy in one of the wars, and the stick's real silver.

Take it out of my sight.

Is that all you got to offer me?

That's everything on earth I own, except the clothes on my back.

Well, honey, you better run along home and live your life without billy-ben turner.

I don't have any life without him.

You got to help me.

Well, I got something I could give you, but...

The price is high.

What is the price?

You'll know in the midnight hour of time.

Whatever it is, I'll pay.


Does he love me now?

After his eyes fall next on you, he'll never look at another woman as long as he can look at you.

A then form a ring flick that ring with a corner swing now do-si-do to your own down the line now promenade go two by two walk back home like you always do now you all join hands form a ring m ma circle right with the pretty little thing

now break that ring with a corner swing go back home do-si-do a now it's promenade go 'round the town.

I never in my life...

What come over that boy?

Whatever it was, he'll answer to me for it.

It's a shame and a disgrace.

If billy-ben expects you to marry him after this, he'll have to think again.

He won't be marrying me.

Well, I'm glad to see you got spirit, child.

I'd still have him if I could.

If he were to come back in here this very minute, I'd just go running to him.

I'd not allow you to shame yourself like that.

He won't be back.

I won't even get the chance.

Jess-belle bewitched him.

You're enough to drive a man crazy.

You're sure a master hand with the sweet words, billy-ben.

When we're married, it'll be a hateful thing to leave you in the morning.

I won't let you leave. Gonna lock the door and keep you home all day.

How'll we live if I don't work my land?

When you're in the fields, I'll hide behind a juniper tree, sing songs to tease you home again.

And where will the money come from for the pretties I'll buy you?

What will you buy me?

I don't know, maybe dresses of silk and combs for your hair.

Looks like the moon's going down. I better go.

I won't let you. I'm gonna keep you here all night.

I can't. Mama's home, and she's waiting for me.

Why, you never worried about mama before.

Let go of me, billy-ben.

I want you to stay here with me.

Billy-ben, let go of me!


It don't matter.

Nothing can change the love I hold for you.

Then take me home.

I said good night.

Just one more kiss.


Who's that brought you home?

Oh, Jess-belle, don't go right to bed.

Come sit a spell and tell me about the dance.

Jess-belle, don't...

Ma by day she knew a woman's form ma by night a witch's spell for love of billy turner accursed was Jess-belle well, I didn't mean to frighten you.

Hold out your hand. I got something for you.

Elly's ring.

Jess-belle's ring.

It belongs to the one I love, and the one I love is you.

Every minute I'm away from you, is a suffering and a torment.

Suffering and torment.

You know what suffering and torment means?


It's having a girl that your heart's craving and have her keep putting the wedding day off.

All kinds of torment in the world, I reckon.

What would you know of torment, girl?

There's a torment comes from buying something and finding out the price is dear.

What did you buy that cost so dear?

Something I love.

Do you still love it, though the price was high?

Better than life.

Better than me?

Ain't nothing I love better than you.

I went to see the preacher today, Jess.

What'd you want with him?

Well, you wouldn't set the date, so I went ahead and set it.

He's gonna marry us come next Sunday.

I can't be ready by then.

Why not? I talked to your mama. She said your wedding dress will be sewed.

And my house is clean.

Everything new and waiting for you.

You haven't changed your mind, have you, Jess?


Then why do you keep putting off the wedding date?

I can't tell you, billy-ben.

Shouldn't be any secrets between us.

I'm going away from you for a while.

I'll give you my word when I come back.

Oh, stay now, Jess. I got a craving to be with you every minute.

Let go of me, billy.

I never knew a man could have such a love as I hold for you.

There's no peace from it. It burns night and day. I got a terrible yearning.

Didn't you hear me knocking?

I never let trouble in the door if I can help it.

How you know I'm trouble?

Why, child, there ain't much I don't know.

Well, then if you know so much, maybe you can help me.

Well, I already helped you once.

You want to change your mind now that you got what you wanted?

I haven't got what I want.

Oh, don't tell me you haven't got the love of billy-ben turner.

I got his love, all right, but I can't take it for fear he'd find the price I paid for it.

I tried to find pity for him and for me, but I can't.

It's like my heart's been cut out and stone put where the heart was.

Oh, that ain't your heart, honey.

What then?

Oh, there's lots of names for it.

Some folks calls it "soul."

That was in the bargain, too?

Oh, that's always in the bargain if you barter with witches.

You said you weren't a witch.

You said you just had power!

You might as well know the truth, honey, now that you're one, too.

I changed you.

Well, then change me back.

Let me be a woman again.

Oh, you can't never change.

What you are, you're gonna be till you die.

Then I hope I die soon.

Well, you're looking at it all wrong.

Be a witch.

Take a witch's pleasure.

Take the man you bargained for.

Don't you think I want to?

How long do you think I'd keep him if he finds out what happens when the clock strikes 12:00?

That's the worst of all.

Not knowing what I'm gonna do, waking and not knowing what I've done.

Change me back. Please, I'll pay. I promise I'll pay.

Well, your promises ain't much good.

You're already trying to get out of paying for the first favor I done you.

I can't live this way.


Take the man you bargained for.

Give him a witch's love.

I can't do that to billy-ben.

You paid the price.

Take what you paid for.

I can't do that to billy-ben!


Oh, Jess.

I've been out of my mind.

I searched this whole county over for you.

Cursed myself every step of the way for upsetting you the way I did today.

Jess, you hellcat, where you been?

I went away to think.

And did you think of me?

You were all I thought about.

And did you think of me with love?

Yes, billy.

Jess, I... I won't crowd you on the wedding day again.

Now, whatever's been troubling you, you don't even have to tell me.

You just settle it and, and you can set your own day for the wedding.

There will be no wedding, billy-ben.

Oh, j-Jess, don't say a thing like that.

There will be no wedding.

No wedding between you and me.

I'd as soon hear my death bell as what you're saying.

I'd as soon hear my own death bell as say it.

Then forget it was said.

Oh, I love you, Jess, and I want you to be my wife. That's all I know.

You would not want me for long.

One night, you'd turn away from me.

Oh, curse me for a fool if that day would ever come.

I set you free from any promise, billy.

Take this.

No, it...

This belongs here.

You hear that?

It's a night bird calling its mate.

His mate won't come.

I saw her on the trail tonight winging up against the sky.

The nighthawks swooped up out of the pines and tore her breast open.

She fell at my feet and ran off in the bushes to die.

It was just an omen, Jess.

It don't mean you're gonna die.

Billy-ben, if old man death came walking down eagle rock trail, I'd run to meet him and I'd beg him on my knees to take me with him.

Jess, what's cursing you?

I got a right to know.

It's late. I gotta go!

Wait, Jess.

Billy-ben, if you love me, stand aside!




Twilight zone will continue after station identification.

Jan awful night was spent by all on eagle rock who dwell strange things were seen by moonlight's pall a but none saw Jess-belle

take the man you bargained for.

Give him a witch's love.

Nothing can change you, sugar.

Witch you are, and witch you'll always be.

You've paid the price.

Take what you've paid for.

Take what you've paid for.

Take what you've paid for.




Jess, what's the matter?

Now, why has something got to be the matter?

I just wanted to see you.

I never saw such a night.

The animals kept moving around and crying out.

Cow got fractious and tried to kick out the side of the stall.

The sheep was bleatin'.

Look-look like they were looking in the jaws of wolves.

I had to go out there two or three times and quiet 'em down.

I'll fix your breakfast for you.

Well, now, that's my girl.

I'll, uh, fix the fire for you.

I'll fix it for you every morning.

And your dinner and your supper, too, if you let me.

Well, honey, haven't I been begging you to do just that?

Then next Sunday, come what may, I'll be your wife.

Hello, Jess.

You're a long way from home, Elly Glover.

Lots of wildflowers around here.

Saw a patch of old maid's fern up on the mountain.

I notice a lot of vixenwort around here myself.

I just came from billy-ben's.

Fixed his breakfast for him.

Well... Reckon that's no concern of mine.

Circuit preacher's gonna marry us when he comes around next Sunday.

Well, I wish you happiness for his sake.

You still love him, Elly?

The last time I saw billy-ben turner's face, he was under a magic spell.

And even the love I hold for him couldn't break it.

There's ways, but such ways end bad.

What ways you talking about?

I think you know.

Jealous, ain't you?


I'm heartsick to see wrong done to a good man.

I got news. There's a wildcat loose in the county.

Ain't you scared to be up here alone?

I'll be home by dark. That cat won't venture out until nightfall.

Can't tell what a wildcat will do.

Well, I reckon we don't have much to fear.

My daddy says that k*ller cat's gonna be dead by morning.

Oh? Since when your daddy been able to look in the future and tell what's gonna be?

Why, he's going hunting for that cat tonight.

Him, and obed miller, and billy-ben, and all the men.

Billy-ben never said nothing to me about going.

Obed miller just went over and asked him.

I reckon that cat better stay home tonight if it's smart.

I reckon.

What's the matter with you tonight, Jess?

You just as nervous as a fox in a forest fire.

You gonna take all night with that hem, mama?

You never would've had such a fine dress without billy-ben havin' given me the money. You know that, don't you?

Saw old Elly Glover today.

She was picking wildflowers up on the mountain.

How'd she look?

Looked sickly, like she might die soon.

I didn't even know the poor thing was ailing.

Looked terrible.

There, now you can get out of it and hand it to me.

I ought to make some of that tonic I used to make and take to her.

You and your tonics. You're worse than granny ha...

Granny hart?

Well, everyone knows she sells them old potions and things.

She ain't sold none to you, has she?

Don't talk crazy talk.

Is that what made billy-ben turner blind to every other woman on earth save Jess-belle?

Where would I get the money for potions and powders?

That old woman don't always ask for money.

That's what makes my heart turn cold as ice.

Jess, how did you pay her?

Oh, god, Jess, how did you pay her?

With my flesh and my blood and my soul and my brain and my sleep and my hands and my heart and my head.

I paid dear for billy-ben.


Kneel down with me.

It's too late, mama.

We'll pray to god to help you.

My prayers aren't answered in heaven anymore.

I'll think of a way to help you.

You can do one thing if you wanna see me alive in the morning.

Bolt my door when I go to bed tonight.

No matter what happens, don't open that door until morning.

Hold it, men. I think old blaze has found something.

Let's go. I think he's struck trail.

What's the matter, blue? You having a bad dream?

Something scare you?

You're gonna be all right now.

Just calm down and go back to sleep. It's gonna be all right.



I ain't ever seen no cat with spots like that.

A witch.

That cat was a witch.

Well, our work is done for this night.

Come on, Elly.

Come on.

What ails you, billy-ben?


I'm all right.

I'm enduring glad to see you, Elly.


Good to see you, too, billy.

It's been a long spell.

I'd appreciate it if you'd let me come and sit up with you some night soon.


That'd be right fine.

Come anytime you want.

Warm was Elly Glover cold dead was Jess-belle and husband would be billy-ben of the one he loved so well

well, Miss ossie.


Won't you come on in?

Oh, well, I won't stay but just a minute. I...

I just wanted to wish you all the happiness in the world on your wedding day.

Oh, now, I appreciate that.

But aren't you coming to the wedding?

Oh, well, I wouldn't spoil the day for Elly.

She'd see me and think of Jess-belle.

There's no shadow of Jess-belle between Elly and me.

God grant there never will be.

Uh, I was just having some coffee.

Won't you sit down?

It's been a full year now since Jess-belle's been dead.

How do you know she's dead, billy-ben?

I saw her die.

Now, don't ask me to tell you any more than that.

I brought you something I thought you ought to have, billy-ben.

It used to belong to Jess-belle.

Poor Jess.

I appreciate it, Miss ossie.

I brought it for a special reason.

It's made of silver, and silver is one thing that a witch is scared of.

What witch would want to harm Elly?

I've got a terrible thing to tell you, billy-ben.

A secret about Jess-belle.

I know a secret about Jess-belle myself.

The same night that she disappeared, we talked, and not meaning to, she... She mentioned granny hart.

And then I found out something I'd sooner be dead than know.

Jess-belle was witched.

I didn't know it myself till that night she died.

She ain't dead, billy-ben.

But I was there.

I fired one of the sh*ts myself.

I've spent many a restless night grieving about that.

Billy-ben, some months back, I went into Jess-belle's room and there on-on Jess-belle's pillow was a wart toad sitting.

Now, I-I grabbed a broom and I brought that down with all my might on that ugly thing.

And it just disappeared in-in a cloud of smoke and went floating out through the window.

Well, may-maybe it was just a cloud of dust, and-and the toad, uh, fall onto the floor.

No, it was the spirit of Jess-belle.

Miss ossie, now, I saw her die.

Billy-ben, don't you know you can't k*ll a witch?

They just change to something else!

But if a person's good and strong, a witch can't harm them, I've heard.

It's said.

Well, then, Elly has nothing to fear from Jess-belle.

I'm sorry, Miss ossie, but I got to hurry.

I'm gonna be late for my own wedding.

I hope and pray there won't be nobody there who-who wasn't invited.

To have and to hold from this day forward.

To have and to hold from this day forward.

For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer.

For better, for worse.

For richer, for poorer.

In sickness and in health.

In sickness and in health.

To love and to cherish till death us do part.

To love and to cherish until death us do part.

According to god's holy ordinance, I thereto plight thee my troth.

According to god's holy ordinance, I thereto plight thee my troth.

Join hands.

Those whom god hath joined together, let no man put asunder.

I now pronounce you man and wife.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Well, not to my knowing.

Oh, there you go.

You know you're acting like a husband already?

Are you gonna to let your bride walk across your threshold?

Welcome home, darling.

Thank you, billy-ben.

There's no knowing how happy I am.

This day has brought me the happiest, happiest moments of my life.


Something has hold of my arm!

I don't see nothing.

Let go!

What's come over you?

Never did that, billy.

Not of my own will.

Something took hold of me.

Well, I saw nothing.

There's something here, billy.

Something we can't hear nor see, but I can feel it.

Something evil.

Something cold.

Take me home, billy!

Elly, you are home.

But something don't want me here!

I know what it is that's trying to chase you out.

But, Elly, Elly!

You will stay, you hear?

You will stay.

Now, I've got to go away from you for a little, short time.

Do you trust in the lord?


Well, then hold his word in your hand.

And his word'll protect you.

But if the devil himself should come into this room, do not leave that chair.

The door's open.

Granny hart?

I'm just curling my hair so's I look pretty for you, billy-ben.

Granny, I-I'm short on time.

Ain't I a beauty?

How'd you like me for a sweetheart?

I already got a sweetheart, and I just made her my bride.

Elly Glover of the golden hair?

She's a beauty, too.

Well, I'll not have her beauty long unless you help me rid myself of a witch.

Jess-belle don't like you being married, do she?

It was Jess-belle, alright.

Oh, I know.

I witched that gal so she could win your love.

I never wanted no witch's love.

Humans don't know nothing about loving.

Well, I know enough if anything happens to Elly, I couldn't go on living.

Oh, Jess-belle ain't going to hurt your little bride.

She's just teasing and having a good time.

Granny, I-I left my wife alone. Now, I got to get back to her!

Nothing is holding you here, boy.

You got to tell me how to rid myself of Jess-belle.

Well, I don't hardly know no way. Unless'n you k*ll her.

You can't k*ll her. All she does is go up in a puff of smoke and then she comes right back again!

There's ways.

Well, tell me.

How you gonna pay me?

Well, what do you want?

A lock of your hair.

You'll not trick me like that!

It takes lots of money to learn how to k*ll a witch.

You go home.

Make a figure of Jess-belle.

Then put on it clothes that Jess-belle has worn.

Then, if you have the courage, s*ab it through the heart with silver.

It's got to be a dress she wore.

She wore it. Once.

And billy-ben, when the time comes, if your hand fails you, remember there was a good part to Jess-belle, and that part of her would bless you for ending what she's now become.

I told you to stay in the house. You all right, Elly?

That thing you felt in our house was the spirit of Jess-belle.

She was a witch.

But I know how to get rid of witches.

You'll never be rid of me, billy-ben.


Come on, billy-ben.

Dance with me in the moonlight.



May hell swallow me up if I've k*lled you, too.


You just rest a minute.

What are we doing here like this?

Don't you remember?

I remember a wedding.

Did I dream that?


You're my pretty little bride.

Well, then, I should be cooking you some supper.

Billy-ben, look!

My mama says when you see a falling star, that means a witch has just died.

So I've heard tell.

Fair was Elly Glover dark was Jess-belle both they loved the same man and both they loved him well

next on twilight zone, a most unusual program called miniature.

The very eminent Charles Beaumont takes us into a brand-new realm of science fiction and fantasy that is at the same time intriguing and strangely believable.

Uh, e-excuse me.

Oh, yes, sir?

I guess this may sound silly, but how did they manage that?

How do they manage what?

In there, in the glass case?

Oh. Well, I couldn't say exactly.

According to the museum officials, there was only one figure: The girl.

Have you seen her?


W-well, is-Is she all right? I-I-I've been worried sick.

Be careful.
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