09x06 - Common Ground

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Aired: October 2010 to October 2019.*
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09x06 - Common Ground

Post by bunniefuu »

Highlights in
the world of sports!

Buckball fever has
swept Equestria.

What started as a backyard
hobby for fruit farmers

and the like has blossomed
into a literal phenomenon.

With something for Everypony.

Unicorns, Pegasi, and
Earth Ponies alike

can't get enough of this
breakthrough sport.

And with its popularity
still on the rise,

Buckball fans want, nay demand,

an institution catering
to their new obsession.

And the ponies of Appleoosa
answered the call,

delivering a
state-of-the-art locale

where fans Equestria-over
can celebrate their passion:

the Buckball Hall Of Fame!

Though given the
game's recent nature,

the only inductees so
far will be the members

of the current championship
team from Ponyville!

Do you think they
know we're here?

I think they have
a pretty good idea.

A pretty good idea about what?

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪

I can't believe
the ponies of Appleoosa

built this place.

Yeah. Especially after
their team lost to us.

They must really love Buckball!

Oh, my gosh! It's you! I
can't believe you're you!

I mean here! I mean
Team Ponyville! Yahh!

Yep. It's us.

How much for an autograph?

Bits for autographs, eh?

Snails, you thinking
what I'm thinking?

What's the sound of
one hoof clapping?

Yeah. I mean, uh, no!

How many of you would
pay for an autograph

from my best friend, Snails!

Wow. That's a lot of writing.

I'm so proud they
decided to honor us.

I never thought I'd
get to be in anything

like a Hall of Fame.

Me neither! Unless you
count a Royal Order

of Party Planners
Memorial Library,

which I don't, because
every party planner

gets one of those eventually.

I hope
Snails finishes signing

autographs soon.
We can't play without him

and if we lose or
forfeit one game,

we'll be out of
the tournament.

Well, he'd better get
his flank over here then.

You have to win
the first few games

without me cheering you on.

Oh? Why?

Applejack was too busy to come,

so she made me promise to go
to all the museum exhibits

and tell her about them.

I'm gonna try and get in
first and beat the crowd

so I can get back to
the tournament faster.

Oh, then you'd
better hurry.

It looks like there's
already a line.


The doors aren't
even open yet.

What kind of sports fan
camps out for a museum?

The real question is: what
kind of sports fan doesn't?

Quibble Pants?

Rainbow Dash! Fancy
meeting you here.

Fancy meeting me?
I'm a sports pony!

Of course I'd be here.

What's fancy is
you being here...

if fancy meant

There's nothing fancy
or confusing about it.

You can't keep me away
from that buckball rink.

I'm the biggest
fan there is.

Uh, it's a buckball
field. And you are?

Ah, sure! With all the
bucking and the balling...

on the buckball field.

Which is where they
play... buckball.

I, I... I wanted to be
first inside to experience

the grand history
of the sport.

I guess only a real fan
would understand that.


Oh! Perfect timing.

Rainbow Dash, I'd like
you to meet Clear Sky,

the most amazing
pony I've ever met.

Um, you've met Daring Do,

so that's probably an
exaggeration. No offense.

None taken. When it
comes to describing

your special somepony, a
little exaggeration's normal.

And I feel the
same way about you.

And who is this?

This is my daughter,
Wind Sprint.

And she is pretty amazing too!

Wind, did you thank
Quibble for camping out,

so we'd be first in line?


No problem! I-I-I probably
would have done it anyway.

I mean, I can't wait
to see the evolution

of the buck basket
from farm to field.

That sounds just...

I mean, wow! There
is a lot to see.

I'd rather
see the game.

Oh. Well, I mean,
sure. That makes sense.

We could just go to the
tournament instead.

No. Quibble planned
this whole thing for us

and you could be a
little more appreciative.

I kinda wanted to
skip the museum too.

But I promised a friend

that I'd check out
all the exhibits.

Ugh. All of them?

You know, I'd like
a chance to catch up

with Rainbow Dash.
Why don't we split up?

We'll cover more
ground that way and...

So... you and
Clear Sky, huh?

Ah! Yeah. She's great. Honestly,
I've never been happier...

which is why I need your help!

I don't know what
any of this stuff is!

What do you mean?

See this? I don't
know what it is.

A ball?

And this? No idea.

It's a basket. How do you
not know what these are?

I'm not even 100% sure
what "bucking" is.

I literally know
nothing about buckball,

or any other sport!

Well, I figured you weren't the
sportiest pony in Equestria.

But Wind Sprint is!

And her dad was some
big athlete too.

I can't compete with that.

I really want things with
Clear Sky to work out,

but if Wind doesn't like
me, I might as well give up.

Uh, why?

They're a family.
Even if it's OK with Clear Sky,

I wouldn't ask them to
make me a part of it

if Wind Sprint isn't on board.

I thought if I
could convince Wind

I was a big buckball fan,

we'd have something
to bond over,

but I'm pretty sure
she's on to me.


Give it a shot. It's easy!

Yeah, I don't think
she's fooled.

Could you talk to her?

I mean, you're a
famous sports pony;

you'd know what to say.

Maybe you could
talk me up a little.

No problem! I've
totally got your flank.

Trust me. The game's a lot
harder to play with apples.

You play?

Who do you think
taught them?

Of course, being a
Wonderbolt takes up

most of my time,

so I don't get to practice
as much as I'd like.

Wait. You're Rainbow
Dash, the Wonderbolt?

Whoa! My dad was
a great flyer too.

You don't say. You know,
Quibble's pretty sporty too.

If you say so.

I think I've seen
enough of this museum

for three Applejacks. Let's
go watch some buckball!

That sounds awesome!

Oh! But first I got you
a little surprise.

Oh. A book.

Oh, not just a book,
it's a buckball almanac.

This thing has
every buckball fact

and statistic
ever recorded!


I know! I never

realized there was
so much math in buckball.

I mean, this game's
got more numbers

than Ogres & Oubliettes!


I guess I could hold it for you.

You know, so you don't
have to carry it.

Can we go to the game now?

Sure, honey.

Listen, Q, this trip
was a lovely idea

and the book was sweet,

but you don't have
to try so hard.

going to be fine.

Not even my presents
are in the ball court!

Do you mean ballpark?

Do I? I don't know!
One thing's for sure,

Wind is never going to
like a pony like me.

Of course she will.

She just needs to
see your sporty side.

I don't have a sporty side.

Everypony has a sporty side
and we're gonna find yours.

By the end of the day,
I'm going to turn you into

the sportiest pony
in Equestria!

Look, I'm not saying
it's a terrible idea...

but it's a terrible idea!

You can't turn me into an
athlete. It's impossible!

It's either that or be
yourself and bond with Wind

over comic books and
role-playing games.

I have a 17 charisma.
Don't you think I tried?

She doesn't even like Daring Do.

She thinks she's
not athletic enough.

WHAT? Wow.

We need to get started on
operation sportify asap!

To figure out what
your sporty side is,

we just need to see
what your skills are.

Everypony's got
something: Speed...




'Course, some ponies
can do it all.

You're amazing.
But what about me?

Right. We should
probably start small.

I'll pass the ball to you

and you just pass
it back to me. OK?

OK. Uh huh...

and buckball!


OK. Maybe agility's
not your thing.


If I say no, do I
still have to run?


Can we get on with this?

Snails and I did so well
with the autographs,

we decided to expand,

and these souvenirs are not
going to sell themselves.

Remember. Think speed.

Got it.

On your marks... get set...

Speed... Speed.


Speed! Speed. Speed...

What a race! Right?

Oh... so much for speed.

This was fun, but I've
gotta get back to work!

Come on, Quibble. You got this!

I. Got. This...! I...

This is hopeless! I
don't have any skills.

Not agility. Not speed.

I can't even lift more than
one book, AND I LOVE BOOKS!

If we had time to train,
I know I could mold you

into the perfect sports pony.

Or at least a sportier pony.

Who knows how long
that would take?

I need to get Wind
to like me now.

Maybe you're not the best
athlete in Equestria,

or the most coordinated,
or the fastest,

or even a little bit strong.

I-I'm sorry, wait.

Is this supposed to be
making me feel better?

Because it's not.

But none of that matters

because I just figured
out how to sportify you.

And with that score, the
stars of Team Ponyville

advance to the next round!

If they keep winning like this,

they'll never get off the field!

Wow. The players from
Ponyville are so good!

They sure are!

Quibble! Where
have you been?

I was hoping we'd all watch
the tournament together.

Oh, I've just been
arranging for us to hang out

with a few of my close
friends from Team Ponyville!

That is, if
Wind's up for it.

This is wonderful, Q,
but I still feel like

you're trying too hard
to get Wind's approval.

This is so great. Pinkie
Pie and Fluttershy

are the best players out there!

Well, you can
thank Quibble.

Buckball stars...

He's friends with the
sportiest ponies around,

so he must be pretty
sporty too, right?

Ooooh. So this
is Quibble Pants.

Rainbow Dash told us
all about how you two

spent a whole
Daring Do Convention

geeking out together
about books!

And even though at
first, she thought you were

the most annoying fan
pony she ever met,

you two eventually
became friends.


I guess even sports
ponies agree:

Quibble's a pony you like
more and more over time.


Knowing sports ponies isn't
the same as being one.

What's it like playing in
front of all those fans?


I guess you'll find out!

What do you mean?

Yes. What do you mean?

I think it's time we told Wind
about your next surprise.

Q, Wind really doesn't
need any more surprises.

Is it another book?

A, books
are awesome,

and B, this is way more
awesomer than that.

For the tournament half-time
show, you and Quibble

are gonna play a
game of buckball

against Team


You should probably stretch.

No amount of stretching
is going to make this OK.

What were you thinking?

Look, you wanted to
impress Wind Sprint,

and this just made sense.

Really? How does me
making a fool of myself

in front of her, Sky,

and a billion buckball
fans make sense?

Don't worry, I've
got your flank.

I already talked to
Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

They're totally going
to make you look good.

Oh. OK. Maybe this isn't the
absolute worst idea ever.

Mares and
stallions, foals and colts.

Put your hooves together for
today's halftime presentation

as buckball's biggest stars
take on a team of fans

just like you!

And that's one
for the Ponyville Champs.

Looks like these fans don't
know what they signed up for.

Oh, no,
Quibble's wide open

and I'll never get
there in time to block.

Ooooh! Looks
like our fan team

needs to work on their passing.

And the fan team finally
scores for the other side!

That makes three.
Team Ponyville wins!

It says very clearly
on page six forty-seven

of the expanded buckball
tournament rules that

"a goal is scored when an
earth pony sends the ball

into a basket," but it
doesn't say which basket.

Yeah, I'm pretty
sure eveypony knows

you're not supposed to score
in the other team's goal.

But the rules don't say that.

If that goal is
ours, it's only 2-1

and we can keep playing.

I don't want to!

You're not a sports pony.

It's not fun playing
this game with you.

I was just trying to
get her to like me.

I know. But I told you,
you didn't need to.

You and I have to
rethink all of this.

What are
you doing out here?

Apparently, this book
is as close to sports

as I'll ever get.

Come on, that goal you
scored for the other team

was amazing!

Thanks for trying, Rainbow Dash,

but I think we can both agree

the whole sportify
idea was a big flop.

What? We haven't
even gotten started!

I've got, like, seven
more top notch ideas

to turn you into a
super sporty pony.

Wind's already made up
her mind and so have I.

It's time to throw up the towel.

It's throw in the towel,
and that's ridiculous!

You can't just give up.

Wind and Sky deserve
a pony they both like

in their lives. Besides, Sky
wants to "rethink" things,

so I'm just beating
her to the lunch.

It's beating her
to the punch.

And it's barely a
sports reference.

How do you not
know that?

Because I don't know
anything about sports!

And pretending I did
just made things worse.

So you should
stop pretending.

Look, you are
terrible at sports.

You're uncoordinated,
slow, weak...

OK, again, not really
making me feel better.

And you're completely
clueless about anything

having to do
with athletics,

but maybe I'M not the pony

you should have
come to for help...


I wish we didn't even come here.

Quibble thought you'd like it.

Well, I don't. And
I don't like him.

Why do you like him?

Because he's kind and smart

and his friends certainly
seem to care about him,

which is always a good sign.

I don't care how many
ponies care about him;

they're not going to
make me forget about Dad.

Oh, sweetheart,
I know Quibble's trying too hard,

but he doesn't want you
to stop loving your dad;

he just wants you to like him.

And I think maybe there's
enough room in your heart

to do both.

Hey there.
Glad I found you

because I have a
confession to make.

I know it's hard to imagine,

but I'm not really
all that sporty.


I'm sorry I was trying so hard

to convince you otherwise.

I just really wanted
us to get along,

but I guess it backfired.

Do you think we
could start over?

Maybe we could watch some
of the tournament together

and you could teach
me some sports stuff?

OK, that's their goal.

I'll try to remember
that if I ever decide

to play buckball again,
but I probably won't.

Oh, look. Pinkie
Pie's going to flip

and triple bounce the
ball into the goal.

How did you know that?

It's right here.

Pinkie flips and
triple bounce-bucks

over 83% of her sh*ts
from the northwest section

of the field when the wind
is blowing from the east.

Huh. I guess this book's
kind of cool after all.

Look, Sky, I know
you're thinking

of calling it quits between
us, and after today,

I don't blame you,

but Wind and I just
made a connection!

Calling it quits? What
are you talking about?

You said you wanted
to rethink things.

Yeah, things like
having your friend

help you pretend
to be a sports pony

so Wind would like you.

What? I-I...

I didn't.

Wha? Me?

Mom, look what
Quibble showed me!

When Fluttershy flies higher
than the other Pegasus,

Pinkie scores 92% of the
time! And it just happened.

You'd better watch out

or you're gpnna
start to like books.

I guess that wouldn't be so bad.

Huh. Looks like you
didn't need sportiness,

famous ponies, or lavish gifts

to bond with Wind after all.

Technically, he still
needed to buy her the book,

but that's it.

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Friends ♪
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