02x13 - All Roads Lead to Rome

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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02x13 - All Roads Lead to Rome

Post by bunniefuu »



Written by


Original Air Date: 23rd January, 1965
5:40pm - 6:05pm


(ASCARIS approaches a curtained doorway. The DOCTOR can be heard inside, strumming on the Lyre.)

DOCTOR: (OOV: Laughing.) I’m sure even Nero can play better than that!

(ASCARIS pulls out a sword, looks round and starts to pull aside the curtain...)


(The DOCTOR sits alone with his back to the doorway as ASCARIS enters.)

DOCTOR: The answer is of course, is not to be caught playing it!

(He laughs again, stands and turns as ASCARIS lunges at him. The DOCTOR parries the lunge with the Lyre.)

DOCTOR: Ohhh! So you want to fight do you?

(Laughing, he throws ASCARIS and the Lyre onto the bed. He then grabs a pot plant and smashes down on the assassin’s head.)

DOCTOR: Come on, my friend. Eh, what’s the matter with you?

(The DOCTOR then throws the bedclothes over ASCARIS as he struggles to stand. Totally caught up in the blankets, the DOCTOR tosses him over the other side of the bed. ASCARIS gets to his feet, grabs his sword and again lunges at the DOCTOR who grabs an amphora of wine from a stand and throws the contents in the man’s face. As ASCARIS falls back, the DOCTOR smashes the amphora over his head. The DOCTOR laughs as ASCARIS again lunges at him but easily avoids the sword thrust.
He tries again but the DOCTOR grabs his arm and throws him over his shoulder as VICKI runs into the room.)

VICKI: Doctor, what’s happening?

(This time it’s VICKI who grabs a bowl to bring it down on ASCARIS’S head. The assassin however, has had enough and throws himself out of the window to avoid further damage to his cranium.)

DOCTOR: Young lady, why did you have to come in and interrupt? Just as I’d got him all softened up and ready for the old one two!

VICKI: You’re alright then?

DOCTOR: Alright? Of course, I’m alright, my child. You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delights and satisfaction of the arts...the gentle art of fisticuffs!

VICKI: I realise you’re a man of many talents, Doctor, but I didn’t know fighting was one of them.

DOCTOR: My dear, I am one of the best! Do you know it was I that used to teach the Mountain Mauler of Montana!

VICKI: The what?

DOCTOR: Do you remember, have you never heard?

(VICKI laughs.)

DOCTOR: No, of course, no, no, of course, you haven’t, have you? No. Well, never mind, I think after all that wonderful exercise, I shall be able to get a very pleasant nights sleep. Right, off you go. Goodnight!

VICKI: (She stops laughing.) But Doctor, surely we’re not going to stay here?

DOCTOR: Why not? (She points to the window.) What him? Oh, my dear child, I don’t think he’ll come back again. Oh, no. I think I can promise you that. (He remakes his bed.)

VICKI: Oh, Doctor, I was coming to tell you another thing. You know the Centurion who brought us here?


VICKI: He seems to have gone too.

DOCTOR: Well, I’m not surprised. It was he who obviously hired the man to k*ll me. Or rather to k*ll this fellow, Maximus, emm...what is it? Er..

VICKI: Pettulian.

DOCTOR: Er what?

VICKI: Pettulian.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, of course, yes. I must remember that name. Yes, goodnight.

VICKI: But Doctor, if he wanted you dead, why didn’t he take care of it himself?

DOCTOR: Because this way he couldn’t be charged with crime.

VICKI: Yes, but if you were going to be k*lled anyway, I can’t see that it...

DOCTOR: (Interrupts.) My dear, it was an accepter, accepted thing in this age to hire an assassin. Prefembly, preferably someone dumb, and then he couldn’t denounce you.

VICKI: Ah, so he must have been looking in the bushes for the body when we first...

DOCTOR: (Interrupts.) Just as I suspected at the time. Now, goodnight!

(VICKI walks towards the door.)

DOCTOR: And remember, we make an early start tomorrow.

(She turns back.)

VICKI: You don’t mean to say we’re going on?

DOCTOR: Oh, goodness me, goodness me child, how you do talk! Yes, we are.

VICKI: But they might try and k*ll you again.

DOCTOR: Well, of course he might. But who am I to worry about such little things like that? Mmm? Now then, there’s one thing you’ve got to learn about me. When I say we go to Rome, then we go to Rome! Goodnight!

(He shows her out of the door with a smile.)


(ROMA: The warren of streets that make up the capital of the known world burn under the hot Italian sun.)


(SEVCHERIA puts his prisoners into rows of cages. BARBARA supports a coughing, sick WOMAN sl*ve.)

SEVCHERIA: (To some slaves as he locks them in a cage.) Wait here.

(SEVCHERIA leads BARBARA and the WOMAN sl*ve to another cage.)

BARBARA: (To the WOMAN sl*ve.) Look, there’s no more walking. You can rest now.

WOMAN sl*ve: Thank you, you’re kind. You’re very ki.. (Coughs.) kind.

(SEVCHERIA thrusts the two of them into the cage. He grabs BARBARA’S wrist.)

SEVCHERIA: I’ll have to see about getting you some new clothes.

BARBARA: (Struggling.) You needn’t bother!

SEVCHERIA: Ah, it’s not for your sake. I want you looking special at the sl*ve auction.

(He releases her and closes the cage. BARBARA bends down to help the coughing and retching WOMAN sl*ve.)

WOMAN sl*ve: Have we arrived? Is this Rome? (Coughs.)

BARBARA: Yes, this is Rome. How are you feeling? Are you more comfortable now?

WOMAN sl*ve: Much better. It’s just this cough. It was a long march. Thirty-four days it took us. Thirty-four days... (Coughs.)

(BARBARA stands and looks out of a barred window.)

WOMAN sl*ve: You said your friend would meet you here.


WOMAN sl*ve: On the road. You told me all about him.

BARBARA: Yes, er, Ian.

WOMAN sl*ve: Strange name. I’ve never heard of it before. I hopes he finds you. (Coughs.)

(BARBARA smiles and nods, then she looks out of the window.)

BARBARA: ...If I ever see him again.


(A Roman galley travels through the water.)


(Rows of Galley slaves pull on the oars to the accompaniment of the beat of a drum and the cries of a GALLEY MASTER. IAN is amongst the slaves.)

GALLEY MASTER: In out, in out, in out, in out, in out, in out, in out, in out, in rest.

(The slaves rest, exhausted. The GALLEY MASTER walks amongst them, a rope-end in his hand.)

GALLEY MASTER: That’s right. Make the best of it. There’s supposed to be bad weather coming up.

(He walks away. IAN speaks to the man he is chained next to - DELOS.)

IAN: Five days, Delos. Five whole days.

DELOS: Days, they soon melt into weeks, then months, then years.

IAN: (Horrified at this thought.) Gotta get away from here.

DELOS: Land, Ian.

IAN: What?

DELOS: Ian, it’s land.

(They look out of the oar hole.)

DELOS: It’s a long way.

IAN: I’m not a great swimmer Delos, but, I’ll take any risks, believe me.

DELOS: If the plan works.

IAN: Ah, there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?

(He looks behind him at the GALLEY MASTER then nods at DELOS who cries out and slumps forward.)

IAN: Galley master! Galley master! He’s dead. Dead!

GALLEY MASTER: (Coming forward.) Move away, let me see.

(As he bends over DELOS, IAN makes a grab for his arm. The GALLEY MASTER pushes him back.)

GALLEY MASTER: You’ll have to do better than that.

DELOS: You alright, Ian?

GALLEY MASTER: Right! Prepare your oars. Ready? Row!

(The slaves start pulling on their oars.)

GALLEY MASTER: In out, in out, in out, in out, in out, in out,


(BARBARA is attempting to force a bowl of food on the still coughing WOMAN sl*ve.)

BARBARA: But you must try and eat something.

WOMAN sl*ve: There’s not enough for two. Besides, I bain’t hungry.

BARBARA: Come on, look, don’t be silly.

WOMAN sl*ve: Thank ‘e.

(BARBARA looks round. A well dressed, bald headed MAN is outside the cage watching her intently. She deliberately looks away.)

MAN: What’s your name young woman?

(She ignores him.)

MAN: Where do you come from? (Still no answer.) Young woman, I want to help you.

(BARBARA turns and looks at him when she hears this.)

MAN: Of course, you have to trust me.

(She gets up and walks over to the bars.)

BARBARA: Would I...would I get out of here?

MAN: Oh yes.

BARBARA: And be free to go where I choose.

MAN: No, I’m afraid not, you see, I should have to buy you. (BARBARA walks away in disgust.) Now please, let me explain.

BARBARA: I’m not interested.

MAN: But you will be when you hear my proposal.

BARBARA: Oh, go away! I don’t have to listen to you.

(SEVCHERIA enters and walks up to the MAN.)

SEVCHERIA: Greetings, Tavius.

TAVIUS: That young woman, how much?

SEVCHERIA: I’m sorry Tavius, no private sales. She’s to be sold by auction.

TAVIUS: I’ll give you a fair price.

SEVCHERIA: Oh, I believe you would. But the answer’s still no.

TAVIUS: You think you’ll get a higher figure than I can pay you?

SEVCHERIA: We shall see at the auction then, won’t we Tavius?

(He pats his back. TAVIUS walks away. SEVCHERIA unlocks the door and passes BARBARA a new dress.)


BARBARA: There’s only one. (She looks at the WOMAN sl*ve on the floor.) What about her?

SEVCHERIA: She won’t be wanting any new clothes.

BARBARA: Why not? Where’s she going?

SEVCHERIA: She wouldn’t fetch any price at all at the auctions. She’s to be taken to the circus...

(He steps outside the cage and relocks the door.)

SEVCHERIA: ...and thrown in the arena.

(BARBARA, with a look of horror on her face, turns and looks down at the pensive features of the doomed WOMAN sl*ve.)


(The Galley is caught up in a furious storm.)


(The Galley slaves struggles to row against the storm. The GALLEY MASTER beats the drum.)

GALLEY MASTER: In, out. If anyone breaks time, they’ll be thrown overboard.

DELOS: (His initial shouts are lost over the noise of the storm.) ...much more of this, Ian!

GALLEY MASTER: In, out, row harder, row harder, do you hear! In, out!

(DELOS takes his hands off the oar.)

IAN: Keep rowing, Delos!

DELOS: I can’t!

IAN: Put your hands over the oars, he’ll k*ll you!

GALLEY MASTER: In, out, in, out, in, out!

10: EXT. SEA

(Lightning flashes and waves crash onto the nearby shore.)


(The GALLEY MASTER, looking upwards out of the hold, is covered with a deluge of water.)

GALLEY MASTER: Keep rowing, keep rowing, do you hear! In, out, in, out, in, out!

(IAN and DELOS shout at each other over the noise of the storm. Another deluge of water douses the slaves. The Galley suddenly lurches to one side, throwing the GALLEY MASTER off his feet and in amongst the slaves. They immediately attack him. Suddenly a beam crashes down as the ship starts to fall to pieces.)

12: EXT. SEA

(Outside, the flashing lightening and crashing waves are as severe as ever.)


(The DOCTOR and VICKI have arrived at Rome and explore the market. VICKI carries the Lyre.)

VICKI: Isn’t it wonderful, Doctor! Can we explore?

DOCTOR: Oh, I don’t see why not, my child. For a while, anyway. Then we must present our credentials so to speak, before night falls.

VICKI: You’re not planning to visit Nero?

DOCTOR: Now now now now, don’t tell me what I’m not going to do. I’ve been invited. I can’t disappoint Nero.

(There is suddenly a roar from a group of men stood nearby.)

VICKI: What’s going on over there, Doctor?

(On a raised platform, several frightened looking women are being thrown in front of the crowd. The sl*ve auction is about to begin.)

VICKI: What is it?

DOCTOR: Oh, er, nothing to interest you, my dear. We’re going to Rome, come along, don’t let us delay.

(He leads her away. The second they have gone, BARBARA is the last to be thrust onto the platform, again to a roar of approval from the assembled crowd of men. SEVCHERIA follows her onto the stage and addresses his “customers”.)

SEVCHERIA: I am delighted, Gentlemen, to see how much you have appreciated today’s merchandise.

(The crowd roar again.)

SEVCHERIA: Let us prove how much so when you begin the bids.

(Another roar.)

SEVCHERIA: Very well, Gentlemen. (He pulls BARBARA forward.) How many Sesterchia am I bid for this fine female example of the beautiful, hard working, Britannic race?

1st MAN IN MARKET: Five Hundred!

SEVCHERIA: Come, come sir! We all enjoy a good joke, but today we are interested in serious offers only.

(A MAN grabs at BARBARA’S leg. She kicks him back. The crowd roar and laugh. BARBARA struggles in SEVCHERIA’S arms.)

SEVCHERIA: Take note gentlemen, of the fiery spirit. Think about your bids and double it.

2nd MAN IN MARKET: Two thousand Sesterchia!


1st MAN IN MARKET: Two thousand, five hundred!

SEVCHERIA: Nearly a good offer gentleman, but come, you can do better than that!

TAVIUS: Ten thousand.

(To comments of “What?” and “Who said that?”, the crowd turns round and looks at TAVIUS who walks forward. SEVCHERIA bends down to speak to him.)

SEVCHERIA: Ten thousand?

(TAVIUS smiles. SEVCHERIA stands and turns to BARBARA.)

SEVCHERIA: You go to Tavius after all, my dear.

(BARBARA looks down grimly at the smiling TAVIUS.)


(The storm has now finished and the sea is now calmer. IAN lies face down on a beach. He comes round and sees that he is still chained. He hears a noise, turns over and sees DELOS stood over him, a rock in his hand.)

IAN: Oh, Delos

DELOS: Now you’ve come to, we’d better get these off. I’ve found a couple of rocks. You’ve er, you’ve been unconscious a long time, Ian. I was beginning to worry.

IAN: What happened? I...I remember the storm.

DELOS: Oh, the ship was smashed to pieces and you were struck by some falling timber.

IAN: Oh, that’s what it was, eh?

DELOS: Do you remember when you grabbed the Galley Master?

IAN: Yes...yes, I remember that.

DELOS: Well, well, I got the key from him and I managed to free us. Except for our wrists. Afterwards I managed to get to here. The ship went down.

IAN: You saved my life, Delos.

DELOS: Yes, well, lets...lets get on with these, shall we?

(IAN places his chain on the ground for DELOS to hit.)

DELOS: Ready?

IAN: Ready?

(DELOS smashes the manacle on IAN’S right hand as he grimaces. After a couple of knocks, DELOS manages to wrench the manacle off.)

DELOS: There we are.

IAN: Ah, thanks.

DELOS: Just one more. I’ve, er, I’ve managed to look around. We must be somewhere near Rome.

IAN: Yes, we can’t be far away. The boat was heading south. Perhaps we were going there.

DELOS: Perhaps, You ready?

IAN: Yes.

(After three strikes, the second manacle is off. They stand.)

IAN: Oh!

DELOS: There we are. You, er...you feel alright? To travel I mean. We must get away from here.

IAN: Yes, yes I feel alright.

DELOS: Oh good. I...I think it’s better if we stick together. Now if we head north we can...

IAN: (Interrupting.) Sorry, Delos. I’m going to Rome.

DELOS: Rome, but Ian, you’re mad!

IAN: You don’t have to come. I have a friend who was taken there. I have to find her.

DELOS: Rome?


(TAVIUS has brought BARBARA to NERO’S palace and is telling her why he was so interested in buying her.)

TAVIUS: So you see, young woman, that’s the whole story. I saw you with that poor woman sl*ve, and it was then that I realised by the way that you were looking after her, that...I should have to help you.

BARBARA: Why I only did what...most people would have done. (She sits.)

TAVIUS: Now, now. No, I think not. Most people under such circumstances would have looked after themselves. No, you’re kind and considerate. (He puts a hand on her.)

BARBARA: (Slightly repulsed.) Thank you.

TAVIUS: Unfortunately, I’m not able to give you your freedom. You’ll still be a sl*ve, but at least, here in Nero’s house, as a...a servant of Poppea, life will be more pleasant than it could have been.

BARBARA: (BARBARA smiles slightly.) I’m grateful for what you’ve done. But I must tell you that I have no intention of staying here.

TAVIUS: Escape, you mean? Well, of course, I can’t stop you but, er, I think you should consider it very carefully. If you should escape and you’re recaptured, it would mean your death.

BARBARA: (After a thoughtful pause.) Yes, I know.

TAVIUS: I only select and buy the slaves. Fortunately, I’m not answerable for them.

(A COURT MESSENGER enters the room.)


COURT MESSENGER: Maximus Pettulian from Corinth has arrived, sire, and with a small girl. He requests an audience with Caesar Nero.

TAVIUS: (Looks thoughtful at this news.) Pettulian? Very well, ask him to come in.


TAVIUS: Er no, wait. On second thoughts, perhaps it would be better if I came out to see him.

COURT MESSENGER: (Bows again.) As you will.

(He leaves.)

TAVIUS: (To BARBARA.) You’ll excuse me.

(He holds up a necklace to the face of a very nervous BARBARA.)

TAVIUS: I’ll, er, instruct you in your duties later.

(He leaves. BARBARA examines the necklace.)


(The DOCTOR and VICKI wait in a hall of columns.)

DOCTOR: I shouldn’t think there’s a soul in this place that knows me, my dear, so there’s no cause for you to worry.

VICKI: I’ll try not to, Doctor.

(TAVIUS enters quietly behind them.)

DOCTOR: Oh, it isn’t a matter of trying my dear...

(TAVIUS hisses to get the DOCTOR’S attention.)

DOCTOR: ...if I say, and don’t make that funny noise.

VICKI: (Looking at TAVIUS over the DOCTOR’S shoulder.) But...

DOCTOR: Hmm? What is it?

TAVIUS: Maximus Pettulian!

VICKI: (To the DOCTOR.) That’s you!

(The DOCTOR turns and walks over to TAVIUS who looks around him furtively.)

DOCTOR: Oh, ha ha, yes yes yes.

TAVIUS: I am Tavius. There was trouble, but I settled it.

(TAVIUS checks round again to see if they are being overheard.)

DOCTOR: What’s happened?

TAVIUS: He’s in the apoditarium.

DOCTOR: The apodi-what?

TAVIUS: The apoditarium.

DOCTOR: Oh really, well done, well done, yes!

(The DOCTOR looks round at VICKI in puzzlement. The COURT MESSENGER enters the room and bangs a staff on the floor.)

COURT MESSENGER: Caesar Nero, Emperor of all Rome!

VICKI: (Excited.) Nero! I’m going to see Nero!

(The DOCTOR shushes her. To a fanfare, and followed by a retinue, NERO enters the room. Ornately robed, corpulent, with a laurel wreath, he carries a joint of meat and belches out loud.)

DOCTOR: (To VICKI as he bows.) Royal felicitations!

VICKI: Oh, strentiatum!

NERO: Someone spoke. Did I give permission to speak Tavius, did I give permission?

DOCTOR: Caesar Nero, I...

NERO: Now he’s at it! How am I supposed to compose with all this noise going on?

TAVIUS: (Introducing the DOCTOR.) Maximus Pettulian.

NERO: Maximu...bu...he’s Maximus Pettulian?

TAVIUS: Yes...

NERO: The Lyre player from Corinth?

DOCTOR: (Bows.) In person.

NERO: Play.


NERO: (With menace.) Play.

(The DOCTOR laughs nervously. VICKI looks scared. The DOCTOR takes the Lyre off her.)

DOCTOR: With such a great...musician as yourself present, I would take the inspiration from your example sire.

(Flattered, NERO takes the Lyre off the DOCTOR and snaps his fingers.)

NERO: Oh...a stool.

(The COURT MESSENGER places a stool next to the Emperor. He places one foot on it and strums three notes. He looks at the DOCTOR’S Lyre in disgust.)

NERO: Oh, this is an inferior instrument, I cannot. (He thrusts the DOCTOR’S Lyre back to him.) Bring the imperial Lyre.

DOCTOR: Beautiful, beautiful! Did you not hear that, my child? That instant composition?

VICKI: Oh, yes, erm...Maximus. Could you play it?

DOCTOR: Me? Well, er, I’ll try, that is, er, with Caesar’s permission.

(NERO waves his approval. The DOCTOR strums the same three notes.)

DOCTOR: That is the best I can do, I’m afraid.

VICKI: Oh, no, it wasn’t as good.

NERO: Oh, of course it wasn’t.

(NERO plays a short tune on the imperial Lyre, smiles and passes it to the DOCTOR.)

NERO: Try this one.

DOCTOR: (Taking it from him.) That your excellency would be an impossibisil, impossibility. After such exquisite playing...I cannot presume...it would be...out of the question. May I suggest that this instrument goes to your temple?

(NERO claps his hands in delight and points a sl*ve to the Lyre.)

DOCTOR: (Passing the Lyre over.) To the temple.

NERO: And the imperial footstool. Have your, er, eaten, Maximus?

(He puts the leg of meat in the DOCTOR’S hand.)

DOCTOR: (Unsure what to say at this gift.) Er..

NERO: Tigilinus.

(TIGILINUS, a nervous sl*ve, steps forward. NERO wipes his hands on TIGILINUS’S toga.)

NERO: We will talk and play together later, Maximus. When you have eaten...and practiced.

(NERO and his retinue walk out of the room as the DOCTOR bows.)

DOCTOR: (To VICKI.) Well, I must say, I got out of that one rather well, hmm?

VICKI: Well, what happens when he asks you to play next time?

DOCTOR: Yes. (Suddenly realises what she has said and looks worried.) Hmm?


(A very bedraggled IAN and DELOS have arrived in Rome. They keep to the shadows.)

DELOS: Well, here were are Ian, Rome. Now what?

IAN: To tell you the truth, Delos, I hadn’t really thought.

DELOS: Well, I suggest you start. We don’t exactly look like respectable citizens of the capital.

IAN: No. Well, first of all lets...er...find somewhere to clean up, eh, and I suppose Barbara must have been sold. We’ll make a start there.

DELOS: It’ll be hopeless. I must, there must...

IAN: You don’t have to come, Delos.

DELOS: I know, I know, but, well lucks been with us so far. Who’s to say it won’t hold?

IAN: Good man, come on!

(They run straight into two soldiers who hold swords at their throats.)


(The DOCTOR and VICKI have found the room that TAVIUS spoke of. Its walls are curtained.)

VICKI: Well, this seems to be the...apoditarium. I wonder what Tavius meant?

DOCTOR: Oh, how should I know, my child? I can’t for the life of me understand why I agreed to come here.

VICKI: ‘Cos you’re as curious as I am.

DOCTOR: Me, curious? Huh! Nonsense. Someone made a mistake. He thought he was talking...with somebody else, I shouldn’t wonder.

VICKI: Well, we might as well have a look round now we’re here.


VICKI: Or would you rather we forgot?

DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. We may as well look around as you say. Hmm!

(The DOCTOR pulls one of the curtains aside. A dead body lies within.)

DOCTOR: Strange, very strange!

(VICKI runs over and joins him.)

VICKI: Oh, Doctor, that’s the Centurion who found us and brought us to the house.

DOCTOR: I’m quite aware of that, my child, but what does it all mean? What does it all mean? Hmm?


(IAN and DELOS are thrown into a cage. SEVCHERIA looks through the bars at them.)

SEVCHERIA: I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Your lucky the soldiers brought you to me.

IAN: Lucky? That’s hardly the word I’d use.

SEVCHERIA: Well, you know as well as I do, escaped slaves are put to death automatically. This way at least you’ll have a chance of fighting for your freedom.

IAN: A chance? How?

SEVCHERIA: By putting on a good show in the arena. And hoping Nero’s in a benevolent mood.

(He and the soldiers walk away. IAN turns to DELOS.)

IAN: The arena?

DELOS: Well, it sounds as if we’re going to be trained as gladiators?

IAN: Yes, but to fight what?

(They hear a roaring sound from outside the barred window.)

IAN: Listen!

(IAN rushes to the window. The WOMAN sl*ve who BARBARA helped earlier watches them from the cage next to theirs. Outside the window, IAN sees several cages containing pacing, ravenous Lions. IAN looks at DELOS and walks away from the window with a grim look on his face.)

Dr. Who


Ian Chesterton


Barbara Wright












Woman sl*ve


Galley Master


1st Man in Market


2nd Man in Market


Court Messenger






Title music by


with the

BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Incidental Music composed

and conducted by


Fight Arranger




Associate Producer




Directed by



Transcribed By

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