02x12 - Things Not Seen

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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02x12 - Things Not Seen

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on SEAL Team...
- Senior Chief Ashland Spenser.

You know, if I was so terrible,
why is my only son

spending his life following
in my footsteps?

I'm not following in your footsteps.

I'm erasing them.

You deserve someone

that will embrace your life.

I don't think that I can
be with you anymore.

Padre, give him his last rites.

I can't.

He's dead.

Adam was k*lled in action.

Gave his life to save his brothers.

Last time we were here, when we, uh...

That was a fleeting moment.




Not often you find

Jeff Walker outside the Beltway.
What's the occasion?

Wanted to make sure we're
on the same page before you push

this mission to the as*ault force.

God, I don't like the sound of that.

Farid Dahir, sex trafficker with
ties to Turkish organized crime,

pops up on the grid
every once in a while.

Has a nice little business for
himself selling women online.

- And?
- And this.

My name is Jenna Robertson.

I'm from the United States of America.

I'm 22 years old.

I left my country by my own choice.

I weigh 52 kilograms...

Jihad Jenna. All-American
Midwestern teenager,

radicalized online, disappears
from home two years ago,

shows up in Syria
an !sis mujahideen bride.

And became an instant
fixture in their propaganda.

That's her.

Fighter she married, Abu Rakim.

He's one of six b*ttlefield
commanders still operational.

So how'd she end up for sale
by a Turkish trafficker?

Unknown. What we do know
is an account linked to Dahir

posted a sizable incoming
wire transfer yesterday.

Dahir found a buyer.

- Who?
- Probably her husband.

If she escaped, ISIL can't have Jenna

ending up in Western hands.

The intel she has is bad enough,

but it's the PR angle
that'll really hurt:

"Jihad Jenna disavows the caliphate."

The handoff is set to
go down in 24 hours.

You are not seriously
considering a rescue op.

Not considering it.

Mission's already been authorized.

Jenna spent the past two years
in the highest levels

of an unrecognized enemy nation state.

She's a treasure trove of intel.

So is her husband Rakim.

Why not just go after him?

I mean, Jenna's a woman. In that world,

there's no way she would have

access to the kind of
intel you're after.

This smells like politics.

We're rescuing a young woman
who made a terrible mistake

and needs the help of her country.

- Oh, my...
- Whatever intel

or optics come along with that
will be well-received.

You don't believe that.

I don't need to.

And neither do you.

Just prep your team.

In the end, it's a kinetic op,

just like any other.


Yeah. Yeah, hang on.



So what happened to, uh, Stella?

What do you mean? Who
says anything happened?

Well, I don't know,
just, the general lack

of anything female in this place.

We split up.


That's too bad. I liked her.

I suppose it's better it happened now,

before some nasty divorce, or...

Kids to cramp my style.

That's not what I meant.

So what are you doing here?

Just wanted to see you.

Well, there's a first
for everything, I guess, right?

Clay. Hey.

You're my son.

I'm proud of you.

I keep tabs on everything
you do. All right?

Don't think I don't know
that it was you, okay.

It was Brave Team who handled
that mess over at Saudi

a couple months ago.


Maybe. BS.

Listen, I got a meeting
with my publisher in an hour.

I was hoping we could get a beer later.

- Okay? I need to run something by you.
- Get a beer later?

Yeah, let's, let's get a beer
later, Dad. That'd be good.

You know? Maybe we can toss
the old pigskin around?

- It'd be fun. It'd be really fun.
- You're my son, okay?

Now, I know that I wasn't
the world's greatest dad,

but I'd like us to be closer.

Yeah, well, you know, it doesn't
really happen that way...

Yeah, I realize that, Clay!

But I'm just looking
for a chance to work it out.

"An oasis in the midst of rolling hills,

Bennington is a refuge from
the rigors of modern life."


That a college or a day spa?

Shut up.

Maybe it's a cult?

How do you know what a cult is?

The Internet.

It is, um, "bastion for the next
generation of trailblazers."

- Trailblazer?
- Yeah, not-not sure that's me.

Eh, Adam Seaver's kid

is gonna be whatever
she wants to be, Hannah.

- Thanks, Mr. Hayes.
- You got it.

Oh. Hi, Mom.

Hey, let me grab my bag, okay?

- Hey, Victoria.
- Hey.

Did they study at all?

Um... I have no idea.

But, you know what?
They were laughing, so...

- Hmm.
- that's all that matters, right?

They're lucky to have each other.

- Yeah.
- Can you believe

they're both gonna leave home soon?

Yeah, out in the real world, uh...

You don't think Emma's ready for it?

You know, I was meaning to call you.

Um, I've been going to a support group.

Maybe you should come to one.

A support group.

- Yeah.
- No, that's, uh...

really not my thing.

I figured.

But it might surprise you.

- Why is that?
- Well, if anything else,

it's right next to a diner,

so, um, I get to grief eat.

- They got beer there?
- They do.

Beer, I like. You know?

The whole grief counseling
thing, I'm not, uh,

- it's not really me.
- Yeah.

I'm more of a, uh,

a grin and I'll have another
beer kind of a guy.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.


- You take care, Jason.
- Yeah.

Yeah, see you.

Did you get any work done, ladies?

Yeah, a little bit. A little bit.

Pastor, I know.
We've just been real busy.

No, Naima didn't tell me.
It must've slipped her mind.

Yeah, y-you know what?
Um, can I get back to you?


All right. You, too.

Hello from under the bus.

It's Pastor Mel, like...

asking about dates for the baptism.

I didn't have an answer.

How about an answer for me?

I mean, you've been
ducking it for a while.

What's on your mind?

I haven't been ducking
a damn thing, Naima.

W-What am I supposed to do,
just walk around

telling you
what's on my mind every minute?

- Huh?
- Not asking you to do that.

Just asking about the baptism.

Baby, I-I, look, I'm-I'm sorry.


I just don't know what...

I don't know what to tell
the church right now.

I'm not ready to tell them anything.

Hey, there's no rush for the baptism.

I'll even take the blame.

You all right?

Yeah. Fine.

There you are.


- Oh, you're awake!
- Oh! Damn, Davis.

Man, you scared the hell out of me.

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Ugh, made a mess here.

Breakfast time.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

All right. What we having?

Oh, I don't know. What are you making?

Okay, you got to
let my processors wake up

before I can construct a
meal for such fine company.

Well, okay, well, start on
processing 'cause I'm hungry.

You gonna remember to take
your hat home this time?

Do you know that it's bad luck

to separate a Texan from
his hat before noon?

- It's bad luck? Okay, how?
- Uh-huh.

Well, the last guy it happened to,

his horse got shingles. Yep.

And that's actually a real
thing. I didn't know that.

Okay, and what happened
to the last girl?


a woman's never worn it before.

What are you staring at?

I'm just enjoying this moment.

Yeah, well...

Mm. Yeah.


I'm gonna take a shower.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Hey, Davis.

My hat does not go in the shower.


Whew. All right, who wants, uh...

sunny-side up for breakfast?

Hey, Davis, where you keep the,
uh, cooking utensils

and hot sauce and stuff?

We will bathe in the blood
of your soldiers.

Praise be...

So, let me get this straight. Okay?

We're being asked to rescue
some addled teenager

whose ideal spa treatment is
to soak in American blood.

That's the mission, Sonny.
You don't have to like it.

Well, just for the record, I don't.

As far as I'm concerned,
she can rot in hell.

Politically, Jenna's choice to join !sis

is being viewed as a childhood mistake.

And her role in
their propaganda as coerced.

A childhood mistake?

She was 19 when she married Rakim.

Perfect age for online radicalization.

Her story fits the profile
of dozens of women.

You're patronizing her
because she's a woman.

You'd never offer that excuse
if she were a man.

I might be rationalizing it
for myself, sure.

I was 19 when I enlisted.
I knew what I was doing.

She did, too.

Maybe who she was isn't who she is.

Oh, surprise, surprise.

Gandhi over here thinks that

Miss Death-To-America
has seen the light.

There's dozens of Americans
held c*ptive around the world.

We're not going after them.

But salvation comes in the form

of Bravo Team kicking down the door

of a woman who betrayed us all? Why?

Why? 'Cause Jenna Robertson's
name is on the list. Right?

If the intel supports it,
then it supports it.

Right? Debate club's over.

This operation walks
the line between politics

and our military strategy in the region.

Whether or not she has actionable intel,

whether or not she's guilty of treason,

the important thing is that
the papers read...

"Jihad Jenna Disavows !sis."

And that can't happen
unless we bring her home.

All right, you heard her.

Grab your kits.

Wheels up in four hours.

Dahir's holding Jenna in Al-Hasakah,

200 kilometers inside Syria.

Al-Hasakah? This place is a dump, man.

It's been bombed to hell and back.

Oh, yeah, everyone from !sis
to the Kurds

have occupied it at one time or another.

Nothing left but scorched earth.

It's Russian-controlled airspace, right?


Exactly why we're gonna
HAHO in to the DZ,

five klicks east of the target.

Not much of an offset.

I mean, they could easily have patrols

inside of five klicks.

What's the closest QRF, Davis?

A Marine Corps infantry unit,

70 kilometers north, in Qamishli.

They have rotary wing assets

that will double
as your extraction platform.

Russian airspace, so no ISR.

Not exactly.

This is the future.

This is a next-generation
prototype of the Raven UAV.

Brock, don't touch that.

It's got an extended battery bank

and streaming capabilities.

I think I found one of those

at the bottom of
a cr*cker Jack box once.

It may not look like much,
but it is gonna give us eyes.

So, once you're on the ground,
launch it when you land.

Then I will take control via satellite

and provide ISR for your infil
and action on target.

All you boys got to do is get it up.

You think you can do that?

- Oh...
- Oh, zing.

That's why they call me Full Metal.


All right, all right, all right.

Let's lock it up.

What's the target structure?

It's a local mausoleum.

It's a large building
for such a small force,

but we can't afford to leave
a bigger footprint on this one.

What do you have on the actual target?

Last satellite pass
indicates four to six

fighting-age males moving
off and on the target

throughout the day with
different bags and vehicles.

No sign of Miss Robertson.


Appear to be.

Remember, this is a contested area

inside a full-blown w*r zone
with zero governing authority.

Don't assume anything out there.

Middle of no-man's-land?

Limited assets, intel and overwatch?

I-I got to say it feels off.

I mean, for all we know, Jenna
could still be radicalized.

Maybe she's looking for a repeat
of the Echo Team ambush.

And this place,
this is the perfect spot for it.

All right, look, it's a long flight,

so what should we do, Blackburn?

Let's get some rest.

If it was my choice, we wouldn't be

prosecuting this operation at all.

Well, if it was my choice,
I'd rather be...

be ice-skating with the boys,

and afterwards,
throwing down some 'Ronas.

- I don't like it.
- What don't you like?

Politically motivated
missions never end well

because they generally begin
with incomplete intel packages.

Ray's right.

There's nothing to indicate
that Jenna isn't a hostage,

but nothing indicates that
she's not still loyal to !sis.

Mandy, we're about to jump
out of this plane very soon,

so unless you have something
concrete to scrub this mission,

it's business as usual.

Infil. Hit the target, mission complete.

Exfil. Easy day.

Okay, I'm just saying
the intel is incomplete.

Be careful.

- All right.
- One hour out.

It's about time to get jocked up.

Time to get jocked up.

Havoc, this is 1. Pass Travis.

That's a good copy, Bravo 1.

I copy Travis. Havoc out.

Havoc, this is 1. We got a clean
visual on the target building.

Good copy, Bravo 1.

You are clear to launch the UAV.

Havoc, this is Bravo 4.

UAV is up in the air.

You're cleared hot to take over control.

Copy, Bravo 4. Stand by.

I have control of the drone.

Havoc, this is 1.
I need an updated sitrep

on the target building.

Target is clean right now, Bravo 1.

Copy that. Let's move.

Bravo 1, we are picking up

a single heat signature
in the second floor

of the target building.

Could be our HVT.

Copy that.

This is it.

Do it.

Go. Move.

- Move.
- Moving.

No sign of vest or belt.

We're Americans. Identify yourself.


Havoc, it's 1. Pass Crockett.

Cut her loose.

Ray, take the gag out.

Hey, shut her up!

- Hold her down!
- Shut up!

- Don't let her move.
- What do you got?

She's wired.

Don't move her.

Talk to me, Kairos.

Kairos, talk to me.

She moves, we die.

Kairos, why didn't it detonate?

No idea.

I got three 152-mil
shells wired together.

k*ll radius is this room
and half the building.

Well, if that line's the trigger,

let's cut it and get
the hell out of Dodge.

Not that simple.

Current could be running
through this wire.

You cut the circuit, it detonates.

- How long to disarm it?
- I can't say.

This arduino and power source are linked

to a blasting cap in the nose
of each a*tillery round.

If she moves, breaks the circuit, boom.

All stations, this is 1.

We got an EOD situation.

Hostage is hooked up to multiple UXOs.

We cannot move her without detonation.

Target's not secure.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

I copy your EOD situation.

Be advised, you don't have
much time till daylight.

Copy that.

Fill us in as it progresses. Havoc out.

Thanks a pantload there, Lassie,

but we already fell in the damn well.

What can we do?

EOD's on it. Don't worry about it.

You two, pull security
on the north side.

Check. We're on it.

How the hell didn't
the Agency catch this?

You know we can't predict what
happens once they're on target.

Yeah, well, you can vet it well enough

to keep my men from walking

- straight into an ambush.
- Sun's coming up.

Time on target's

gonna be way too long.
Davis, spin up the QRF.

- Monero.
- On it.

Had to be spotters watching us
come in, gonna be wondering

- why that b*mb did not detonate.
- I know.

Only a matter of time
before they show up.

We're fish in a barrel down here.

I know. Bravo 6, this is 1.

I need you to run external security.

Check. External security. We're on it.

Take the gag out of her mouth.

Don't move.

Listen to me,

Abu Rakim, where is he?

I-I-I don't know. I don't know.

- Yes, you do. You're a part of this.
- No, no, no.

No, I'm not. I'm... No.
Rakim's a monster.

I ran from him.

Yeah, after running right to him.

No, I'm-I'm not a part of this.

Yes, you are. You're
the reason why we're here.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I-I didn't know there was a b*mb.

I didn't know there was a b*mb.

I'm not part of this.
You have to believe me.

Stop. We're not here to believe you.
We're here to take you home.

Bravo 4, I got one fighter
moving from the south

to our southeast coming toward us.

Check. I see him. He's armed.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 4.

One fighter down on the
east side of the target.

Bravo 6 to Havoc Base.

Requesting an updated
ISR sitrep on the area

due east of the target building.

Copy, Bravo 6. Coming around

for a wider pass.

You don't have to hold me down.
I won't move.

Like you didn't move when we came in?

Yeah, you seemed pretty
eager to move then.

- I was scared.
- Uh-huh.

- I didn't know who you were.
- Yeah.

I didn't know that they rigged this.

When your pals come in here and
put a b*llet right through you,

you ain't gonna get the whole
martyr afterlife package.

What do lady bombers get anyway?

Always wondered that.

Sonny. Disengage.

I was just about to do that anyway.

She's not going anywhere.
Pull security at the doorway.

Roger that.

Kairos, talk to me.

- What's going on?
- Working the problem.

Bravo 6,

we are registering two heat signatures

northeast of your position,
200 meters out.

Havoc Base, I got nothing.

They're one block out, 6.

Closing in from the northeast.

See them as soon as they cross the MSR.

Havoc, this is Bravo 4.

Nothing from my angle.

4, I'm gonna move
to the northeast corner

to get a better look.

Check. I'll hold here.

What is that?

That's a radio.

- He's a spotter.
- They're calling the cavalry in.

Havoc Base to Bravo 1,
we're seeing an enemy technical

with a heavy machine g*n and at least

six armed fighters two mikes out,

approaching your location from the east.

Good copy, Havoc. IED initiated
ambush with follow-up as*ault.

These guys know what they're doing.

Bravo 6, you're gonna see 'em first.

Good copy, Bravo 1. I'm on it.

I'll take "Jihadi Honey Traps"
for 800, Alex.

Kairos, talk to me.

Five, ten minutes maybe.

Bravo 6 to Bravo 4, I got a vehicle

moving toward us right here.

It's an up-armored VBIED. Smoke it!

Trent, I can't get a b*llet in there.

After all these years, finally.

Yeah, buddy.

Uh, rocket out.

What the hell just happened, Bravo 6?

Enemy just detonated a VBIED

about 30 meters from our egress point.

1, this is 4.

Correction. I just
detonated an enemy VBIED

30 meters from our egress point.

Okay. Check. Hold security,
and, uh, we're almost done here.

Negative. I can't see anything

- up here with all this smoke.
- All right. Check.

Get back to the first deck.

I'll meet you at the main entrance.

Okay, swami boy, let's go.
Storm's coming.

Working the problem.

Work faster, hippie.
Work it like a vegan burrito.

- Kairos?
- Five minutes, at most.

We're good here, J. Go.

The minute it's safe to go,
get her out fast,

meet us at the main entrance.
You got it?


Sonny, hold the room.

Brock, Full Metal, collapse your
position, meet me at the front entrance.

Bravo 1, be advised,

you have approximately
ten enemy combatants

converging on your position.


Bravo 1, you need to move
and move fast. QRF is inbound.

You need to get your guys out of there.

Hey, hey.

Hey, you're gonna get out of here, okay?

You're gonna get out of here.

I don't deserve to.

I don't deserve to get out of here.

Well, I do. Hmm?

You have to stay calm, okay?


I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry
for everything that I did.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know about this,
I swear, I swear.

- Jenna, Jenna, Jenna.
- I didn't know.

I believe you.


- You do?
- I do.


A feeling.

That's all?

That's it.

Shh... Look at me.

Just meet your eyes
with mine and breathe.

You're gonna be okay.

1, this is 4. It's
getting too hot up here.

I'm collapsing security
to your position.

Good copy, Bravo 4.
Meet you at main entrance.

Move it.

Move! Spenser, you good?

Yeah, yeah, I'm solid. Got
contacted on my way down here.

They're coming through
the south entrance,

must've been when we were
sh**ting that VBIED.

Yeah, they're coming through like rats.

All right, look, we'll
stronghold our position here

until Kairos finishes
nerfing those bombs,

and then we'll go home.

Bravo 1, how far out from exfil are you?

We're close. QRF?

They're moving as fast as they can.

Right now we're looking
at five mikes out.

Jenna, I get up, you're
gonna stay still, right?

You're praying, aren't you?


No, I haven't prayed in a while.

Will you pray for me?

The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want. He maketh me
lie down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside still waters.

If we're planning to sh**t
our way out of here,

we're gonna need some more g*ns
online, you know that.

Kairos, how long? I need
all my sh**t down here.

Kairos, how long?

Patience is a virtue.

Not a Texan one.

Moment of truth.

That's it?

- That's it.
- Damn it, Hurt Locker,

I could've flipped that switch myself.

You kidding me?

Yup, cut her loose.

All right, boys. Let's move.

Come on.

You good to go?

Never more than right now.

Get down!

An RPG-7

won't arm under 100 meters.

You can all breathe again. Let's go!


Trent, tourniquet.

Okay. Hey, hey.

Calm down. Listen, Jenna.

Looks like it didn't hit
an artery, okay?

You're gonna be fine.

It did hit your leg,
but it didn't go through.

Now you're gonna feel some pressure.

Hold on.

Bravo 1, be advised.

You have two enemy technical vehicles

outside the target building.

We got to take out that Dishka!

We got to wait for them to reload!

Ray, stay with the hostage.


Sonny, give us a good burst
on our way out.


Hey. Prep a frag.

On your mark.

Move, move!

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

- Let's clean this out.
- Let's do it.

Cease fire! Cease fire!

Let's get out of here.

Bravo 1.

QRF and exfil platform are inbound.

What is the status on the hostage?

Havoc, stand by one.

Bravo 2, what's your sitrep?

Bravo 2, what's your sitrep?

She's gonna be fine.

Target's secure. Get us home.

Copy that.

Let's go. Let's go!

Cheers to that.



What's that?

The reason we're alive.

Thought the circuit board
was part of the b*mb.

It was.

This a second arduino.

A fail-safe.

A trap on a trap.

But it's faulty. Look.

One tiny wire.

I've never seen anything
quite like that.

By any definition, a miracle, man.


Or maybe whoever built it got sloppy.

- Oh, come on now.
- Yeah, maybe...

maybe it got broke on instillation.

Maybe... maybe it's just dumb luck.

Not everything is more
than it seems, Kairos.

Hey, but hey.

Either way...



Walking my team into a setup

with a half-baked intel package

just so you could put
a notch on your belt?

I don't give a damn
about seniority, Jeff.

Someone is gonna answer for this.

Okay, well, I hope
whoever that was deserved it.

More than deserved.

Jason, I'm sorry.

CIA, we...

We missed something on this.

Well, the intel wasn't totally wrong.

I mean, Jenna was there, so...

Yeah, sitting on a b*mb.

Well, you can never really know

what's around every corner,
now, can you?

Well, look, I'm-I'm sorry.

This isn't like you.

I know that you were shaky...

before this whole
mission started and all,

but look... got the job done, right?

Everybody's alive.

It was a good day.

Easy day.

So I hear they serve beer here.

- Jason. Hey.
- Yeah.

You missed the meeting.

Oh, thank God.

Last thing I want to do
is sit there and...

Thank you.

Can I get a beer? Well, unless you

- want to be alone, I can...
- No.

No, stay.

- Staying.
- Good.


Did you just get back from somewhere?

Right. Dirt under the fingernails,

a little rough around the edges, huh?

Hmm. It's just a...

a certain kind of tired in your eyes.

Right, you would know.

What I hated most about, uh,
when Adam would get spun up...

it wasn't that he was gone,
it was that...

when he got back, he couldn't, uh...

he couldn't tell me about it.


Let's just say, um...

someone made a mistake a few years ago.

When she was really young.

It was pretty big.

Can I ask you a question?


You trust your daughter Hannah?

Trust her? Like...

- with my car, or...?
- No, I mean trust her.

Like, uh, with boys and dr*gs.

In college, that whole thing?

They have to grow up sometime.

And... they have to make

their own decisions and they
have to make their own mistakes.

Huh. Right.

Emma does, too.

Yeah, I-I know that.

I just don't... I don't know
how to let her, um...

I just don't know.

- You know?
- I know.


- I trust Hannah.
- Mm-hmm.

I trust her because...

because she's still Adam's daughter.

And Emma is still

your daughter.

Yeah, she is.

That's what scares me.

Hey, I didn't know you were still here.

I figured I'd grab the last
two pair of decent socks.

You should order more before you
leave us, Officer Lisa Davis.

Not sure it's got a ring to it,
one that I like anyway.

How did...?

I'm sorry.

Look, I was trying to find
a way to tell you.

Telling the truth hard to figure?

Come on, it's not like I was lying.

That's exactly what it was.

No, actually, it wasn't.

Look, Sonny, since we...

Hey, we should talk about this.

No, we shouldn't.

All right, you just got to do
what you got to do,

and that's leave.

Truth is, you were right,

it was a bad idea from the start.

Okay, so, let's just
keep it professional

till you leave Bravo Team.

You know, when I said
we should have a beer,

I meant a couple days ago.

I got busy.

Hey, can we get a couple more?

Spin up? You all right?

Yeah, still breathing.

Cheers to that.


My new book is about finished.

We think it's gonna be bigger
than the first one.

I was kind of hoping maybe
you would read the manuscript.

You've always been good with words.



I got to take this. It's my publisher.

Hey, can you, uh, can you turn this up?

How would you describe that job?


My next book focuses
a great deal on that,

and the missions. The operations
that nobody knows about.

You'd be surprised how often
we hear of SEAL missions

and we don't even know it.

For example, just a couple
of months ago, Shia extremists

threatened to poison the
water supply of Saudi Arabia,

and it was the SEALs
who solved that problem.

How do you know?

I have a firsthand account
from a SEAL who was there.
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