08x03 - If at First You Don't Succeed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x03 - If at First You Don't Succeed

Post by bunniefuu »

What were you doing there"?

I went there to see the expression
on that worm's face...

...when the police arrested him
for sh**ting my brother.

And I'm not gonna rest
until all our family scores are settled.

Please don't push for this operation.
It's so dangerous.

I'm gonna have the operation
and I don't care what the risks.

Maybe the best thing for everybody is for
you to let go and Bobby can marry Jenna.

That maniac tried to k*ll me.

One of these days,
somebody is going to do it.

FOGARTY: You're absolutely sure?

JIMMY: Yeah, that's him.

Howdy, Bob.
Getting yourself some fresh air, buddy?

- Hello, J.R.
- How's the head feel?

He hasn't asked
for any medication all morning.

Yeah? Well, that just proves
how stubborn he is.

Ha, you don't mind if I talk to my brother
in private, do you, for a bit?

All right, uh, I'll be back
in about 15 minutes to take him inside.

Thanks, thanks. Appreciate it.

Well, you get yourself
a really good-looking nurse there.

What do you want, J.R.?

Well, I've got some good news.

The police made an arrest this afternoon.

- Who?
- Cliff Barnes.

- Cliff?
- Yeah.

They found the g*n in his apartment,
the ballistics people matched up...

...the b*ll*ts
to the ones they dug out of you.

How about that?
Isn't that something, huh?

I know he had it in for us, but I can't
believe he'd do something like this.

Well, now, don't forget, he thought
he was sh**ting at me, not you.

Well, but what cause would he have
to try and k*ll you?

Well, Bobby...

I got a few things to say
and it's not gonna be real easy for me.

So it you just don't mind sitting there
and listening to me, I'd appreciate it.

I don't have much choice, do I?

Bob, the night before you were shot,
before Barnes' tract came in...

...and he thought he'd lost every cent
in the world, I went to his office.

And I told him just how big a fool
I'd been playing him for.

- What are you saying?
- I tricked him, Bob.

I tricked him into making the highest bid
on those offshore tracts.

And then I tried to bleed him
into bankruptcy before he could hit.

- You were behind the offshore deal?
- Yeah.

And you blackmailed Edgar Randolph?

Is there anything else that I'm not supposed
to know that you'd like to tell me now?

Well, isn't that enough?

I was responsible for the whole thing.
But I had a reason, Bob.

A couple of months
before all this happened...

...I found out that he had been stealing
deals right out from underneath us.

And you were gonna teach him a lesson?

I couldn't sit still for it.
You can see that, can't you?

This is it not a good time
to ask a question like that.


- Bobby, I can't tell you how sorry I am.
- It's a little late for that now, isn't it?

Listen, I don't blame you
for going after Cliff.

But I sure as hell don't agree
with your methods.

Guilt has never been one
of my strong emotions.

You probably know that
better than anybody.

But since Barnes shot you,
I've been feeling a lot of it...

...and if I could, Bobby.
I'd change places with you in a minute.

PAM: Thank you, Mr. Duncan.
I know it was short notice.

Oh, that's all right.

I wish I could've gotten the judge
to set a little lower bail, though.

- A million dollars is a little strong.
- Well, at least he's out of that jail.

Absolutely. You know, I'm just happy
that I could get a hearing this last.

Well, the judge and I go back along way.

Look, call me in the morning
and we'll start going over your case.

You're lucky to get a hold of that guy.
He's one of the best criminal lawyers.

Cliff, your innocence
shouldn't be too hard to prove.

Didn't the police ask you
where you were that night?

Yeah, they asked me.

- What did you say?
- Heh.

I don't really remember where I was.

How could you not remember?

I don't remember because
I had been drinking all day and all night.

I know I was home at one time
because I had a tight with Afton...

...but I don't really remember much else
until Jackie woke me up in my car.

Cliff, what was wrong?
Why were you drinking so much?

Because I had a visitor
in my office the night before.

J.R. came in there
and proceeded to tell me...

...that the whole offshore deal
had been a setup.

- What?
- That's right.

He had arranged the whole thing
and I hadn't touched a drop of oil by then.


My whole world was coming apart.
Believe me, I wanted to k*ll him.

All I could think about is, "J.R.
has done it to me one more time.“

TERESA: Mrs. Ewing?
- Yes.

- Dinner's ready.
- Thank you, Teresa.

Shall we?

RAY: Sounds like a good idea to me.
CLAYTON: Then let's go.

I'm with you.

Sue Ellen, I don't understand you.

It's bad enough having
that woman to the office.

Why did you have to ask her for dinner?

I just thought it would be nice
to be around family for a change.

Family? That's a joke.

The only one who qualifies for family is Ray,
and he misses by half.

- How long will you be here?
- A couple of days.

I'm running out of excuses
to give Miss Ellie.

Well, you shouldn't have
to be making excuses.

You should be with her, instead of leaving
her all alone in some foreign country.

If I didn't think she was safe,
I wouldn't have left her, J.R.

- As I said before, she's with friends.
- Yeah.

At least some of the pressure's off, now that
we know Barnes is the one that shot Bob.

Well, the pressure might be off of us,
what about Pam?

I don't give a damn about Pam.

All that concerns me
is Bobby getting his sight back.

Doctors expect
that might happen any day.

What doctors expect and what might
happen are two different things, Clayton.

J.R., there is no reason to be pessimistic.

I'll tell you what I'm pessimistic about,
you being in my office.

You can save yourself a lot of time
and trouble by not coming in...

...because nothing important
is gonna happen until Bobby gets back.

Well, I know that. But I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna be there just to make sure
that nothing does.

Oh, wonderful.

Donna, the Ewings have had
their problems, but you know...

...that J.R. will not take advantage
of Bobby while he's in the hospital.

J.R. would take advantage
of anybody at any time.

You do not belong in Ewing Oil.

I am there at Bobby's request...

...and I'm gonna stay there
until he asks me to leave.

All right, that's enough.
Let's just cut it out.

Can we please have this dinner in peace?

There's not gonna be any peace
until she gets out of my office.

Come on, JR.

The only thing we ought
to be concerned about is Bobby.

Now, think how he's got
to be feeling right now.

What kind of man would bug
his own brother's phone?

I don't know, Bobby.

Every time you start trusting J.R.,
something happens.

At least he was honest with me
about the way he tried to hurt Cliff.

Oh, sure, after he did it.
And after you got shot.

How are you gonna deal with him
in business in this condition?

Even if Donna's at the office--

Oh, if J.R. really wants to hide things
from you...

...she's not gonna be able to stop him.

Things are gonna change.
I'll get my eyesight back.

Damn it!
Why did this have to happen to you?


I have asked myself
that very question a number of times.

I mean, Cliff was after J.R.
Why didn't the b*ll*ts hit him?

Come on, now.
It doesn't help to talk like that.

I can't help it.

Come here. Come on.

Come here.


It's so unfair.

Oh, it wasn't your fault.

- You didn't set anybody up.
- Shh.

Everything is gonna be fine.

- I promise.
- I hope so.

I know so.


Oh, good morning, Clayton.

Did you sleep well?

Not bad. You?

- I slept okay.
- Good.

Clayton, is there anything wrong?

You seem so distant.

So formal.

I don't mean to be.

It wouldn't have anything to do with
the fact that I'm back with J.R., would it?

- You haven't said anything about that.
- I didn't think it was any of my business.

Well, I'm sure it surprised you.

Surprised me? Yes, that it did.

When Miss Ellie and I left, things
were so bad between you and J.R, that...

Well, frankly, when I heard the sh**ting
took place in his office...

...I thought you might have been the one
that pulled the trigger.

I guess it must be hard for a lot of people
to understand why I keep going back to J.R.

It certainly is for me.

I don't always understand myself.

It's just that...

Well, there's a side to J.R.
that most people don't get a chance to see.

Look, Sue Ellen, you don't have to explain
your private life to me.

Clayton, I know I don't,
but I'd like to, as best I can.

You've seen me through a lot
of my problems.

Clayton, it's complicated.

Oh, I know J.R. does some
of the most appalling things sometimes.

But then, there are other times.

Times when he is no more than
just a little boy...

...vulnerable, alone, lost even.

It's a side I don't get to see very often.

When I do,
it just draws me right back to him.

- Despite everything you know about him?
- Despite it all.

As I said, I can't explain it.

At the same time
I despise some of the things he does...

...I still need him.

He loves me very much, you know.
And he loves his family.

He's very upset
about what happened to Bobby.

- I wish I could believe that.
- Oh, he is.

That's why I know it's wrong
that Bobby brought Donna into Ewing Oil.

He brought her in because he knows
what J.R.'s capable of.

Well, I know he wouldn't think
of hurting Bobby at a time like this.

Look, Sue Ellen, it's real hard for me
to accept your being back with him.

I just hope you know what you're doing.

You still hate J.R., don't you?

No, I don't hate J.R.
Though Lord knows I have reason to.

I just hate the misery
he's always causing other people.

Be careful of him, Sue Ellen.

Well, you got a lot of nerve coming around
here after what your brother did to mine.

What were you doing there yesterday
when my brother was arrested?

You consider that your business?

Yes, I do. Because I think
you had something to do with it.

What on Earth could I have to do with it?

How did you knew he'd be arrested
at that precise moment?

Well, I have friends at the department.

I went there to see the expression
on that worm's face...

...when the police arrested him
for sh**ting my brother.

Let me la“ you something. JR.

If he shot Bobby, it was
because he thought it was you...

...and he had every reason to sh**t you.

You know.
I'm getting kind of tired of that old song.

Mean, nasty JR. beating up
on pool. innocent Ch“ Bames.

You're sounding more and more like him,
you know that?

That's fine because I'm beginning to sound
more and more like a Barnes, thanks to you.

I've never believed in the Barnes-Ewing
feud, J.R., but now I'm going to join it.

I'm gonna do everything I can
to help Cliff.

And I'm not gonna rest
until all our family scores are settled.

Get your left foot in.
Oh, there, swing the other one.

Easy, John Ross,
you're slipping right on--

- Stop it.
- What's the matter, John Ross?

- Having a little trouble staying on?
- No. It's Ray's fault.

Well, I can't help it
if you can't sit in a saddle.

- Well, try it again.
- I can so.

Yes, you can. You told him. There.

There's the reins. Hang on tight.

- Well, you about ready to go now?
- I'm ready.

John Ross?

- Yes.
- You all set?


Well, then let's go, you just follow me.
No horse races now, okay?

Okay, let's go.

- Bye, Mama.
RAY: Giddyup.

JENNA: You be careful.

And listen to Uncle Ray, okay? Have fun.

Charlie sure does ride well.

Jenna, you look a little tired.


I guess I'm a little worried too.

At first, the doctors said Bobby's sight
ought to come back in 24...

...maybe 48 hours.

It's been a lot longer than that.

Oh, but you can't give up hope.

I'm trying not to.

All right.

Since you brought up the subject...

...what would happen
if his sight didn't come back?

Could you live with him being blind?

I love him, Sue Ellen.

I think I could live with him
any way he is.

Yeah, I have a feeling you could too.

[SIGHS] But I wonder
if Bobby could live with you.

Obviously not.

He's already told me if he doesn't regain
his sight, we wouldn't be married.

I just wonder why he feels that way.

I'm sure his blindness
makes him feel less of a man.

But he wouldn't be less 01a man.

Jenna, you and I know that...

...but he might feel differently
about himself.


How much do you know
about Clayton's son Dusty?

I heard that you were seeing him
when you and J.R. were divorced.

I thought we were going to get married.

- Do you have any idea why we didn't?
- No.

Because Dusty had had an accident.

And it left him impotent.


I'm sorry.

It really didn't matter that much to me.

You see, it was something
that I could live with.

But he couldn't.

How does that relate
to Bobby's blindness?

It relates
to that whole stupid macho thing.

The image that men have of themselves.

Are you saying that Bobby
would react the same way?

I hope not, Jenna.

Look, I shouldn't have brought
this whole thing up at all.

I'm really sorry.


J.R.: Around here, we knock
before we open doors.

Well, that's terrific, but do you know that
I have asked to see you three times today...

...and each time,
that little lady just keeps putting me off.

Uh-huh, so you just barge in, is that it?

Look, I have two acquisitions
that I need to talk to you about.

One is the Kesey Fields.
The other is the Murphy Land.

Well, those were private sales
between me and Ewing Oil...

...and a very fair price, I might add.

Well, I wouldn't know about that.

I also wouldn't know about any agreement
that Bobby made to purchase them.

I thought I made myself clear last night.

If you think I'm gonna discuss business
with you, you're out of your mind, honey.

- Excuse me, Martha Randolph is out here.
- Oh, Lord, who else?

- Should I show her in?
J.R.: No, don't show her in.

- Of course, show her in.
- She's very upset.

- I don't wanna see that woman.
- I bet you don't.

Why would you want to see me?

You destroyed my marriage.
You destroyed my husband.

Your husband was finished
before I ever laid eyes on him.

Oh, no. Edgar had problems,
but they were under control.

He spent years building another life...

...and then you dredged up his past
and blackmailed him with it.

Sly, would you get hold of building security
and get them up here right away?

You are evil, Mr. Ewing.

You are evil through and through.

What I don't understand
is how you always escape punishment.

- Martha.
- Don't touch me.

I've heard about your brother.

Now he's paying for your crimes.

Who's next, Mr. Ewing?
Who's going to be next?

Will somebody get this woman
out of here?

Martha, this is not going
to solve anything.

My husband is in a mental hospital
because of you.

- Sure he is. That maniac tried to k*ll me.
- Yes, he did.

And my only regret is that he missed.

Because it wouldn't have cost him
any more if he had k*lled you.

One of these days,
somebody is going to do it...

...and I just hope I'm there to watch.



- You will not lose weight by watching me.
- I'm not in the mood for exercise.

Then what are you doing here?

My house is so empty.

Even Teresa and Raoul
have taken the night off.

J.R., what's the matter?

Did you have a bad day?


I haven't had a good day
since Bobby got shot.

Today was a prime example.

I even had a run-in with Pam.
It's amazing.

Her brother sh**t Bobby
and she thinks I caused the whole thing.

If that wasn't bad enough,
Edgar Randolph's wife came screaming...

...into the office saying
that I was responsible for her husband...

...being put in a sanitarium.

Were you?


In a way, I suppose I was.

She said her only regrets were...

...that he missed me
when he tried to sh**t me.

I don't know what it is, Sue Ellen,
I just don't know.

I seem to have this real talent
for hurting other people.

J.R., what are you doing?

Just touching.


I miss the touching and the warmth.

Remember how it was with us?

We used to spend hours together,
just the two of us.

Our bargain, J.R., was to have sex...

...not to have a casual lump
in the exercise room.

Sue Ellen, I'm so alone.

I've managed to tum everybody
against me.

I only have you and John Ross,
but that's it.

Sue Ellen, I need you.

You don't know
what it's like to be so alone.

Surrounded by so much hate.

Now, just relax.

Relax. It feels good, doesn't it?

Remember how it used to be?

Now, isn't this nice?


It's nice...


PAM: I'm so glad you came. I was afraid
you might have changed your mind.

Why should I?

PAM: Well, I saw J.R. yesterday,
and we had quite a blowout about Cliff.

Hey, he mentioned that, but...

Frankly, with all the fighting
that's been going on with our families...

...I think it's so important that you
and I remain friends.

I feel the same way.

SUE ELLEN: I just can't help but think
that things would be so much better...

...if everybody would stop blaming J.R.
for everything that went wrong.

PAM: Well, there's quite a lot
to blame him for this time.

SUE ELLEN: Well, I know
how much you care about Cliff...

...but, well, Pam, he did pull the trigger.

PAM: Well, that hasn't been proven.
And if he did, he did it for a good reason.

SUE ELLEN: Well, reason or not,
that's a very irrational act.

I mean, no sane person tries
to k*ll somebody.

Well, it he is irrational, Sue Ellen,
who do you think made him that way?

He's always been that way.

He may be your brother
but even you have to admit that.

I don't admit that.

Practically everything Cliff has ever done
has been directed against the Ewings.

- That certainly is not rational.
- I don't believe I'm hearing this.

Are you saying the Barnes-Ewing feud
is one-sided?

No, of course not,
but feuding is one thing.

m*rder is something else.
The Ewings have never tried to k*ll a Barnes.

Maybe not with a g*n,
but they certainly have in business.

- There is a difference.
- J.R. tried to destroy Cliff.

That gives him no right to try to k*ll him.

- Well, maybe he didn't.
- The police are pretty sure that he did.

The police could be wrong.
It could be a hundred different people.

J.R. has more enemies
than any other man in Dallas.

You know something, Pam?

I have always hoped that you
and Bobby would get back together.

But the gap between our families
is far too wide.

You are clearly a Barnes.

I can't even imagine you defending Cliff,
after what he did to Bobby.

Maybe the best thing for everybody
is for you to let go...

...and Bobby can marry Jenna.

Then the Barnes and the Ewings can go
their separate ways, once and for all.

Then why don't you start, Sue Ellen,
by leaving here right now?

I think you're right.

I just wish these new tests we did
gave us more information.

If we knew why the edema
wasn't going down...

...we possibly could do something.

We're just gonna have to be patient.

Yeah, well, that's getting harder to do
as the days go by.

I know how difficult it is for you.

All right, fine, what about
that operation you told me about?


Mr. Ewing, an operation
is not something we want to rush into.

Let's give it a few days.

If nothing happens,
we'll talk about surgery then.

I'll look in on you later.

- Fine.
- Thank you, doctor.

Good night.

Jenna, I can't go on like this
much longer.

Please don't push for this operation.
It's so dangerous.

If an operation is the only way
I'm gonna get my eyesight back...

...then I'm gonna have the operation
and I don't care what the risks.

MAN: Can you give me some idea
when Mr. Barnes can see me today?

He'll see you when he can.
That's all I can tell you.


- What's all this?
- Salesmen.


Susan, will you take the phones
for a minute?

- Salesmen? What are they selling?
- Everything.

They heard about the oil strike.

They're trying to sell Cliff
whatever they can.

- Oh? Is he in?
- Yes, Leo Wakefield's with him.



PAM: That's quite a collection of people
you've got out there.

It's a madhouse.
I was just showing Leo my new portrait.

- Hi, Leo.
LEO: Mrs. Ewing.

- Look, what do you think?
- It looks like you're on top of the world.

- I am.
- He deserves to be.

He really pulled that proverbial rabbit
out of the hat.

Yep, I pulled the rabbit out of the hat
and all the oil flowed afterwards.


Well, I've gotta get back to the office.

I'll have that repayment schedule
ready first thing tomorrow.

- Good.
PAM: Bye.

I'm surprised
you're in such a good mood.

Oh, yeah.


Yeah, I talked to my lawyers.
They went over the case.

It's gonna be along, drawn-out thing
but he's gonna keep me out of jail.

- Well, that's good to hear.
- Yeah, cost me a lot of money.

But I've got it.

You've got something else too, Cliff.

- What is that?
- Me.

I had my doubts at first.

But I'm convinced now
that you didn't sh**t Bobby.

I thank you.

It's taken a lot to bring us together.

It sure has.

We're finally going to be a family.

And we're going to be as strong a family
as the Ewings ever were.


- Yeah.
JACKIE: Cliff, Captain Fagarty on Line 2.


Sure, I'll be right there.

He wants me to go down
to the station house.

- Thanks, Ralph.
- See you tomorrow, AI.

You spend any more time on that stool
without ordering anything but coffee...

...and I'll have to start charging you rent.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's all right.

From the look on your face,
you were either far away or long ago.

I was thinking about my mama.

She used to work here.

- Your mama?
- Mm-hm.

About five or six years ago.
She worked as a waitress.

- What was her name?
- Valene.


Wait a minute. Long blond hair?


Sure, I remember Valene.
How's she doing anyway?

She's fine, I guess.

I don't really get to see her much.
She's living out in California now.

Well, how about that? You be sure to say
howdy for me when you talk to her, hear?

Yeah, I will. If I talk to her.


Yeah, she was a pretty good waitress.
Hard worker.

I sure wish I had somebody
like her here now.

This place turns into a circus
at lunchtime.

I don't guess you'd be looking
for a job, would you?

Oh, me? I'm not a waitress.

Well, it ain't hard to learn,
and the tips are pretty good.

- Are you working somewhere else now?
- No.

Well, do you want to give it a try?

[LAUGHING] Are you serious?
- Why not?

It's good, honest work.
We get a nice crowd in.

Your mama did it.
It was good enough for her.


Maybe a steady job
would do me some good.

I'm not doing much else these days.

Could I maybe have a day or two
to think about it?

Yeah, but there's only one opening.

If another girl comes along,
you'll be out of luck.

I understand.
It's just, this is kind of sudden.

You'll let me know?

Okay, Herb, bring them in.

Look them over very carefully.
We don't wanna make a mistake.

That's him.

FOGARTY: All right, all of you, tum front,
keep your arms at the side.

FOGARTY: Do you see him?
JIMMY: Yeah, that's him.

The third one from the left.

FOGARTY: You're absolutely sure?

FOGARTY: Okay, Herb, that's it.

Bring number three back in here,
take the others out.

Tum on the lights.

I'm not doing anything
until I talk to my lawyer.

You don't need your lawyer, Mr. Barnes.

This lady swears that you
and she had drinks together...

...at the Gulf Cocktail Lounge.

- Oh, yeah?
- It was the night Bobby Ewing was shot.

I'm not surprised you don't remember me.
You'd had about five too many that night.

You sure did. The two of you left
about an hour before the sh**ting.

Where'd we go?

My place.
You were there until early morning.

No way I could've shot Bobby.
Not if what this lady says is true.


- How about that?
- Then again, it may not be true.

It's up to the district attorney to decide.


- Yeah?
SLY: Harry McSween's here to see you, .I.H.

All right, send him in and you can go home.
I don't need you anymore.

Thank you. Good night.


Hello, Harry. What brings you up here?

I just got some news over
at the station house...

...and I figured you'd want
to hear it right away.

- Hm... Want a drink?
- No, thanks. I'm on duty.

The case against Cliff Barnes
just sprung a leak.

Some lady showed up at the station
claiming she was with him...

...at the time of the sh**ting.

What lady is this?

I don't have any background on her,
but she was some lady he met at a bar.

For all we know,
he could have paid her off.

Well, that's true...

...but if the DA believes her,
he might just drop the case.


Well, I want you to find that lady
and check her out real good.

- Yeah, he could have bought her.
- Yes, sir. I'll get right on it.

You know, of course,
she could be telling the truth.

Well, whether Barnes shot at me
or somebody else...

...whoever it is,
is still out there on the streets.

Hm, that's what I'm thinking.

Maybe we ought to get
your security guards back.


Yeah, you do that right away.


Here's some fresh coffee,
Miss Wentwonh.

Oh, put it on the table, please.
Bertha. Thank you.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't you love those sounds? I do.

And we'll be back with more of the same
right after the little news, weather, sports.

Here's John Shaw.

JOHN SHAW: Good morning.
This is John Shaw with the 10:00 news.

There's been a new development
in the Ewing sh**ting case in Dallas.

A witness has come forward
and stated to police...

...that Cliff Barnes, the Rev suspect,
who is currently out on bail...

...was with he!
at the time of the sh**ting.

A police spokesman has told us that
it's up to the district attorney's office...

...to decide whether they have
enough evidence to prosecute.

Statements from the hospital indicate
that the victim, Bobby Ewing...

...Is making excellent progress
and is expected to be released shortly.

In other news, a predawn fire at"

- You expecting somebody?
- No.

Oh, Harv Smithfield.

Hey, Harv.

Morning, J.R., Sue Ellen.

Good morning. Haw. Phase sit down.

- Thank you.
- What are you doing out here?

You taking the day off?

No, I thought I'd try to catch J.R.
before he left for the office.

- Yeah, what's up?
- Well...

I got a very interesting phone call
early this morning...

...from a lawyer friend of mine
up in Alaska.

He knows I handle Ewing business.

It seems the body of a man identified
as Jason Ewing was found in Fairbanks.

- Jason?
- Apparently, he died of a heart attack.


I haven't thought of him in years.

- J.R., who's he?
- He's Daddy's brother.

Really? I don't remember Jock
ever talking about him.

No, he didn't.

Jock and Jason
had a falling-out long time ago.

I think it was before you were born,
wasn't it, J.R.?

Well, I vaguely remember him, but I doubt
if Bobby 01 Gary would though.

But, you're right, Daddy
and Jason never saw each other again.

This phone call...

What does his death have to do with us?

Oh, nothing.
Nothing from any legal standpoint.

- I just thought you'd want to know.
- Well, thanks, Harv.

I'll tell Mama soon as she gets back.

Well, now that I've come
all the way out here...

...isn't anyone gonna offer me
a cup of coffee?

Of course, Harv. I'm so sorry.



RAY: Why'd you go out
and rent this old thing?

I told you I'd be glad
to take you to the airport.

CLAYTON: I know. I know.
I just didn't want to put you out.

- What time does that plane of yours leave?
- Oh, in a couple of hours.

- I just wanted to drop in to say goodbye.
- So you're going back to Greece?

- Well, don't you think it's about time?
- Yes, I do.

If you waited longer, Miss Ellie was gonna
divorce you before the honeymoon is over.

I think you might be right.

Incidentally, I know that you're anxious
to start restocking the herd...

...but if you could put it off a bit,
I'd like to be a pan of it.

Well, I figured you would.

I guess I can just sort of fill in
where I need to while you're away...

...and save the major restocking
until you get back.

Well, I appreciate that.

Well, I guess I better get a move on.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

- Have a real good flight.
- I will.

- Tell Miss Ellie hi.
- I will.

- Hey, Clayton.
- Hm?

Have you decided yet whether or not
you're gonna tell Miss Ellie about Bobby?

Yes, I'm gonna tell her.

I just got to find the right moment,
that's all.

- Good.
- I'll see you.

WOMAN REPORTER: And KZAL has learned
that, as a result of her surprise testimony...

...the district attorney's office
is dropping charges against Cliff Barnes...

...in connection
with the Bobby Ewing sh**ting.


v*olence erupted today--


Nice place.


I'm glad you like it.

- You don't remember me?
- Help me.

The police station. My place?

Oh, okay. Yeah, okay.
the police station, yeah.

I'm sorry, I don't remember
much about the night we met.

That's okay.
There's not much to remember.

But you were a lot of fun that night
till you passed out.

And then I woke up in the morning
and you were gone.

I tell you, I truly.
I have been meaning to look you up...

...because I wanted to thank you
but I didn't know your name.

Mandy Winger.

Okay, can I get you something to drink,
Mandy Winger?

Maybe a soft drink, yeah.


How did you happen to go
to the police about me?

I read in the papers
about your being in trouble.


And you also read
that I had a lot of money.

Hey, I've got nothing against money.
That's not why I did it.

Well, then why?

You obviously came here for a reason.
You're gonna have to tell me what it is.

I came because I thought you were
really nice that night, I liked you.

I thought maybe
we had something going.

It's been quite a while since we spent
the night together.

Why didn't you look me up
before you found out I was rich?

Maybe I was hoping you'd look me up.

Hey, let's just forget the whole thing.

I hope you and your money
are very happy together.

Oh, wait, excuse me.

I do appreciate your getting me
off the hook the way you did...

...and I would like to repay you.

That won't be necessary.

What'd you have in mind?

Do you like Chinese food?

I told Harv that you wouldn't remember
Daddy's brother Jason.

You don't, do you?



Huh? What?

Are you dozing off?


They gave me a shot a few minutes ago.


I thought it might be that,
or my conversation.


You get some rest, hear?

You got some change?
I'm gonna make a phone call.

NURSE: Is he asleep?
- Pretty close.

That shot you gave him
really knocked him out.

- Thank you. Good night.
NURSE: Good night, Mr. Ewing.
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